HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-01-07, Page 4MEIRIN11 mom
Clint -6n Newsord
!I ( Fait'
-,_-- --
Dec 34t1i, b - talo' lieu IT,rgn� e, un TI the i haEe 1 ho,to r n ,hs t ukc n now.
- 4 : tl � gLLI Iv—,. F1P.IC—Tn Po
• y J. P__te}i- You.tv:l� b, glad of if it,. aftor years.
' art, Annie PC to Robert Allen' We make a sl ecialty- sol Family have ave i:r anocks' you et-
�� of Stanley township. �' /� Groups and, Wedding photo i« >h:,. y o , Eice b
BEADED-POWL-ER—Tn Nubia"', oil Clinton Studio open eveiry Tuesday ter profit, it is necessary to - keep cul-
_ a : ty y'• Dec• 30tb, by the- Rov. P. S Banes, Remember• the hours during' the win- i
i lona Fowler, daughter of Mr. and. ter months, 11:80 aau. to 2:R0 p.in. ling otit,the oveifat hens that cis not - high rade Ral
Mrs, J—Fowler o1 Colbozue, to
We do fig Lor lntatems producing.
Balt B a lc„ eldest soil of Mr.
and Mrs: 0. Beadle of Mrs. W1
'thin ��°
Burgess, iDgYlYalt Studio We are always in the market :for
l ("
Births 1\IITGIIELL AND CLINTON The "PAGE (" Radio .Set will''
•r :, . f , �_ _ poliltzy and eg•�+•s at top'priees:
SFFil IS In Clinton, on Tan. 0th, o it. Compare it with any set on the
C" J. VICAR Mt)XRO Excellent Tone, Quality, Distance, .
N a ICSS enli htelleel 1 ' eo le Mi aria, Iles. Leslie Jorvi £ Price.
li�rhs and
township, a daughter. n.RCHY ECT
I ,Zio,;,t3 fotlallt tOSafe 't1aT.Ci their $altla IC -S. Often :..I SLOMAN---At. Ilazelntore,..: Sask., on.. Plans, Speci.'icatior, s tm�epared for � `A 6 Tube Set with Loud Speaker ....;
�r Dec. 196h, to DI incl 1Trs. Fran °l°r�ve/�lrtlla
I�stock3 talc It1CeC1. t'tetTi.Ari a. Stl"ori bo ' �i ltielt it Residences,' -` Churches, Schools, to.
D as they Ilid In some secret dace, hoping,to
Slonian, a son. Best references Phones -Office, 214j Residence,_ 214w With Built In Loud Speaker
iPorc,i�•si Room 8, Coote Chambers' s These prices are yotu total;c
loteCt thorn'b Oehl i 32-11 INSIST UPON HEARING TIII '.
arR y y Y MacDPRiv Market Lane, L°itdon
1.ecords Today the safes and security of vaults.eliminate —Iix Clinton oar Jan. 5th; Breakfast Coffee
rzD .flis li
t Uetic the danger of loss U fire or theft and eve peace:or mind Christena McGregor, widely of the, We also have a full fine ofw
>* Y e g
y for the safety of valuable belongings late J. D. MaoDeviuld, in her -l"th
Documents lying unprotected -in ;your house or office year. Music'. Lessons Try asniall quantity �
demand tiie security of a Safety Deposit BoxCOOPER—hr Toronto, on Jan. 3rd, Lp a
William J. Cooper Lormerly of ®f ou coffe'e 11 l � a
Clinton in his 73rd year, 155 Edea' Wtl �S� A`
)_ g y L
/ �o JCLLIFPEI 21, Melgund Rq ,d; � "his �a� $$)rill th
AN '
Bank Toronto
on Dec. 23 X925, Rev. Wil- . Rowland's OI
' \ry` u z t liani John Jolli fe, husband of Clara Teaeher of Piano and,
Theory d ll']ch fl"�`ij®Y°
on, formerlypastor of �, es-
r ' > da
Robins Special Rates for-Begnrners r ® ys TELEPHONE' 53
cis ley church, Clinton, ni his eightieth. Grocery
r - year, Studio at home in Ontario street; atsi
Clinton Branch ` - P E. Manning, Manager IN MEMORIAMGlintmt, Phone Y63 -j Phone I I , Clinton
RUEGER—.In loving memory of Er' 38••2-p ----- - - FLOUR, FEED
g� Sn. 4th—Annie McLeod, Cl yton.' uta Gladys Rueger, who. passed -
���� ! Weston George Sturgeon. away atAni ht thetstars are peeping, in NEEDLES AND REPAIRS FOR
Mrs. -M. Ferguson left on Thursday Jr. 4th—Lottie I-5iggans, Jessie "Softly g p p g, . JACKSON ��� SEED
last to slpend the winter in Lofidon •'Lind&y, Piled Weston, Agnes "Kerr; Ori a still and silent grave, t Have a ear load ,of Rontiny Feed `
"with her, song Jaynes. Margaret Elliott, George . Finley, Where there slee eth, without dream- Agaa�g��� TOWN AGENT C.P,R,
p This is a feed -made from the heart a
Newton Sturgeon, Isabel Lindsay, El--ing, „ WILITE, SINGER, NEW HOME etc. is now located in, of the epxn, cooked and saturated with
Mr. and ,Mals. Dixie Bailey of la MacKay: One we loved but could not save•, malt and sugar. fihe strangest feeds
Hawkesdale- Alta. are .visitin •'their Sr: 3rd—Doers Geininhardt, J iNCU,BATORS AND BROODERS H: T, RANCE'S OFFICE on the market
g ohm r , yet safe feeding. Try
mother, Mrs, Mary Bailey. Brown• Grafton; ; Weston, Berthirra GRANT -In loving mernory.,of our POULTRY SUPPLIES
Mr. ,and Mrs. Robe; Bailey re-. BATTENBURY ST• it on those gigs yeti are finishing or `0
Sturgeon Hanold McLeod• darling mother, Mrs. Lydia A. Grit, Shell, Beef Scrap for iattetiing.chickens. Special price
turned to Toronto on Monday after —M,' H. Gerrie, Principal. Grant,,who da?sited this life, two Through .tickets..: issued to all: for the next two weeks for earl;.
spending New Years with their moth- Royal Purple Calf Meal and Specifics
p g Jr: 3rd—Mary Widcombe, Craig years ago, January 8th, 1924.? ,points in tha'West the.
Mrs, M. Bailey. ; "The" dearest.. mother, the sweetest 3fi-tf Just received a carload a oyster
'ilii; Wi17r Cameron of Detroit silent Kerr, Ienneth'Merner. E. ��Q�°�°�'�il(r)�
Sr: 2nd -Thelma Parker; .Isabel frigid, shell. By buying these feeds in car
the. Christmas season with Itis f4h-' Osmond Edith Mercer, Emma Stur- One of the best whom God could lend; Next to Watson's Grocery lots we get special prices and offer
er, Mr. A, Cameron. geon, Jack Lindsay, John Wild. She was loving, gentle, thoughtful them to.youthe aame way.
Mrs Anes Currie left Frida
g °n , ' Jr, 2nd—Sandy ;•Mustard, Lawrence
to visit her daughter, Mrs., W: Mc- John% Iteith G•eniitnhardt,' James
and tine, -
Always willing a kind act to do. :-
Bride in Windsor,Sturgeon, Brown Lindsay, Louis
Two yearn have passed, our hearts
Mr. Jame$ Cameron returned, to Wild.
still sore;
Toronto Saturday after spending P Sr. ist -- Louise McLeod, Dean
As time goes on we miss her more.
New Years with his mother, Mrs. T. .Castle, Maud Parker.
Iier welcome smile, her loving face,
-Cameron. I I Jr. 1st --Carson Johns, Mervin El-
No one on earth could take her place."
Misses Anna and `Betty Elliott; Hatt, Tommy Castle, Tugh McLeod.
-Sadly missed by the family:
have returned to Toronto. �' .Primary =Charles Parker, Clara
Mr. Alfred Scotehmer of Craik, Parker, William Osinond, Doris
4Annual, Meeting
Sask:, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. Featherston.
The annual Meeting of the Clinton
A, 'Y_Woods, Assistant.
Horticultural Society will be held in
Mr. and Mrs, W. Townshegd and
tate Council Chapber on Thursday,
Miss Gwen Elliott returned to Man-
Jan. 14th, at 8 p.m. •Frank'Jenkins,
lila, after having spent the holidays
' ,
NOTICE Also Tankage, Beef Scrap and'
Charcoal. PI
Notice is hereby given that James
Thomas Young, of the To of God- SPECIAL
erich, in the County of tl-mit, Ma- gave a few bags of No. I -Ontario
chinist, will apply to the ParliamentVariegated Alfalfa and are offering
of Canada, at the noft session there-.•
of, for a bill of divorce, from his wife, I y have
,lase bushel, while it lasts.
Leona Christena Young, of. the said If you have ill pay
to spare You H
Town -of Goderleb,'on the, ground.of ywill our finditwill pay you well to buy
adultery and desertion. Your requirements for spring now.
Dated at the Town of Goderich, in --- --�•� the County of Huron, this 21st day of F]q®R �Q1Y
November A.D. 7926,J. FD &lY
with then parents. "" @S Ulu, Maya oz Hays, Barristers, etc., Ham -
Miss Izetta'Merner.left o`n Friday YORKSHIRES Ilton street; Goderich, Ont., solicitors Phone 123
to resume her'duties at New Dundee. On New Yeart's Night the Young for thea licant, 33-G
Misses Elva and Amite .Dewar and People's Guild anal Ladies' Aid of Also
tw h gh class sale at all twice. M. HAM)RA PP Flour and Peed 14xerchants and Ph
Miss Alma McKay retux ed to Tor-' Knox elturpYheld a socinl meeting in l e two logit -class boars for service. Grain Buyers
n These boors were bred b G. W. Min -
on Saturday, fl£ter:having spent the Community hall. Apout one Y Will .pay the highest market price'
hundred young n present
ars Exeter and J. K. Featherston TRAPPERS TAKE NOTICE
the, holidays at thou respective Y g eople were ' for
homes, p and the evening ' assed voxy pleasant- Streetsville, and have Ilrroven their
p ability.to sire the right sort of stock. HORSE HIDES and BEET 'HIDES Ooons, Foxes, Mink and. Weasel
Miss Jis - Metcalf returned to in games and centeses, Mr. Geo, Fee, $1,50. "Stapleton'° the home of SCRAP METAL ekins have advanced in price so don't 7iis
Detroit and Mr. William Metcalf to , C Cowan s team carried off the honours Fee,
Yorkshires. Phone 617-x-16. GEESE d DUCT{ FEATHERS sell your furs to travelling dealers
Anna Arbor on Saturday. in Carpet ili'alls, In Quoits. Mr. Jack •quality an
Mr. Fred PowIie returned to Lnn Scott's team and .Mr. Edwin Cart- 'BERT G'IDDINGS 39-8-p until you get my prices, which are
don on Saturday. weight's team played off the finals, Phone
considerably higher than they can
Mr. Robert Brown left for London tate prizes going to Mr. ScottH
's Leant, Dance pay. H. A. Hovey, Clinton.
Will be held in the Pastiuto Club Deliver to my residence 89. 34-tf ?rnwr
Miss Ethel Jowett left on Friday! CompetitionB sas ]teen in the aures y, Jan. 13tH. P body or Phone Bon's Carriage Shop
on Thursday. last. shown in the final lay off between rooms on Weciancing :from 10 to 0 posits one 237 and I will call
Of Beau Bags and mnelt interest :vas '
to issuing ]ter duties at Beecher, Ont. I p t t r lie a 9 J- 86-18 Clothes c leaned and Pressed
Mr. •Clifford Clark returned to Mac- Mr. John Note's leant and Mr, Ber tDveleortae. Gents,75c. Pltelans1. ysyrn- other s i
he has nand Hall's. Mr,'Nott"e team played „Id ori c o o str 1 loaned -pressed and re-
Clennati last week where r
chargeofthe school: an Acellent gaint nevertheless Mr, �(AJ peered. Wooton goods dry cleshop,
Miss Helen Gerrie returned bit IRaWs team carried off the prizes. i ino, For Sale @ �r Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
"A good plana, in excellent cmtditioti, J. Jago,. —88-tf
Monday after, spending the holidays ch was used vary. little: Apply to Mrs. L. W, '�,. •-.
After the games were over fun
at her home near Ingersoll. School served by the ladies and the ev4ning•s Good maple, ltentloolc, basswood and
„ Muroh; Huron street. 39-2-p
� y singing white ash logsr delivered in our mill �' ,�, For Men
Mr. . and Mrs,. Fred Prest of Lon- Tea and 'bloomer Sale LI * E AND DRESSED in Mrs. G. W.".Woods and Miss An- g", , , , The Home and'SchoolClub purpose yard
at Bayfield: and 1Y/omen
commenced hero on Tuesday morn- � pro am ended b sin m God Save
the King."
na,. Woods have returned from Court- don were visiting the latter's parents, Custom ,Sawing will be done at: POULTRY RY WANT �' 10)
Mr, and Mrs. E. J Crawford, for holding. a. 106 social and 'sale of
ri Miss Nina Heard returned to bloomers' at the next meeting, Jan. Clinton -and Bayfield as usual: And Feathers
Strat- Now Ycars. 19th, at 4:15 p.m. in thte Public We pay highest prices. Write for -
ford ort Monday. school, A musical program will Ire McEwen Bros;
'Miss Jean 'Woods left on Monday , iven b the children, Tho eorI price list. Crates. loaned, We are
g Y Phone- 024-r-4, Gunton central„ buyers 12 months in the year. r
Ont. %IULLETT bating bloomers are asked to leave - Established over 30 years y
to resume her duties. at Orton, %,� Wf .
Messrs, Fixed Heard, Merton Mer -"i The result of the.elections on'Mon, them with Mrs. C. Wenner: or Mrs.
net and David Dewar have resumed Farnham by Jan. 16th, 39-2 Applications Wanted t
their studies at the Clinton Coll day vas as Mr. M. Arm- A. Stork' & Sons
strong being elected reeve and The Home and School Club, Banc- +.
late and Brown •Higgins at the Messrs: Adams, Forbes, Leiper and Skating Party tioned by the Board of Trustees, ask .25 St, Patrick's Market,. TORONTO Areh• Defender 8boes
School; of Commerce, Clinton. A Skating party will 'be field, in for applications for musical instruc- 33-10 =1 Walking r rent
The party given by the Y. P. S. in l3ogrrdge, colForllReev fitthe. t—u propstty RCH DR
the Arena on Tuesday evening, Tan. tion- m the Public School of Clinton. at tbo tootr•supnott line
the town hall on Wednesday of lust For Reeve 12th, under the auspices' of the young Applications received until Jan. stir arab—,and Impno abnoy-
week,,rwas ,apparently enjoyed by all • be " ant sprang to your sten, oithbpg
a people of the )?resbytet�a;n church. 1916. Address, Mrs, J. G. Chowan, i, elegant shoes
p • their _ Everybody most cordially invited' to convener of Musicalcommittee37-2 l Y Q
resent. The Y. P. S. will hold
d y - the season�. t 5t le and 1.19
first regular meetin in the new N .. Adntissiottthe, first kAdnts25c;ochildren, l5c: CARD Or, THANKS, - -
g - ' Hot dogs,-, sandwiches and. coffee will ylrs, Shepherd and family'wish to '� mouldring support
- ear on Friday, Jamlaty fifteenth, at � � ,' . thenal theiipfrien"'ds for the .kindness - made with th
Andrews church. Dr. Newton -of dy No. 2 .. ........ . ....: 5 19 � � t moulded on a '
wall continue his leettires an Fir yt, be served. 45-? �,�
Aidclocl., m the basement Pats a Farm shgwsthe Thus our fo
' y.
No. 3 . • 44 il s recent sad „bereave rang the fain- y
°" Por Salo . and,sympat y Shown do
Arciaottd¢ rigid ,Prop thak is
The concert given under the au- No. 5 41i 12 In Goderich township, oil the Pro- y ment. - NOTE llwsaaFoot but by the spring
spices of Trinity church Sunday ... • ... ...... • v.ineial Higbway,'6 miles east of God- " - q the insole,, erten+
No. 6 .. _.... 9V 40 under the St9apbci
:school oar Tuesday of last week en- • • erich 6.mile's west of Clinton adlac CARD, OF THANKS FOR ITS ALWAYS t/te s' ddBone
No. 7 .. ..... .:37 91 of your toot arch
Toyed Iby
all present. The children ant to church and;sehooh comprising - FAIR WEATilEt2.
^did their parts every well and : great :. 30 acres of first' class land, well tiled I hereby tender my, sincere thanks I WHII THE ' HEAT'FOLKS ` If you have eh
credit is due Mrs: Paull for training Total .. , ... 430 lZ6 drained. Good cement lvl'ock 7r room to all, Who kindly favored me with �GEr'�OGCTHER As 4,14 Derides
l:he children for the cantata,."The house bank barn 40x50 •driving= house. their vote and influence nt the recent WITH A FIRE iN 7HE FURNACE` Nxan
"Crownlug of Christmas;' In this ail 5 o N aitd, garage 30iW. Orchard of 55 municip al election and promise all AND A WARM CHEEP, IQ THE;AIR cael
Poi Councillors
the 'holidays, wei',o reviewed and, u a o good whiter apple trees. Never-failp &.��
m y a o4 -that I.witl endeavor to perform the
'Christmas was finally- chosen by the a ro o 'm G. Ing water supply. For further par- 4 t
children as "the .best festival'of all n ra a oculars a ply to Oswald Ginn, R. iZ: ditties of the office faithfully. Yoram ,
.-and "•Santa Claus" received the No, Y .:,..:39 40 45 l03 2.1 i5. No, 1, Goderich. Phone :16-603, God- for a Hapy and-PIdsr7erous New Year, t The Defender Shoee'Co..,
\ �.,
No. 2 ..- .... 58- 87 67 116 65 8 7 36-tf-5025
-crown., The -comic*'songs by' Mr. A. � rich Central :. A. F. JOHNS. � �a
were very much en�oYed> also No. 8 ...31 11 36 4u 4 „6 _
tate'Sai]orsc Hornt'Ape :by Miss Jean No. 4 :112 55 71 67 la"o 82 'y Farm For Sale w�v �v ��yy� TT
Woods. The Y P. S. orchestra real- No. 5 ....27 27 •56 31. 21., iC 150 acres first class soil, good 9.Io .el�ll`tf y
e'deredseveral fine selections. At the No.. 6 .• : °101 84.105 70 74 50. buildings, 36 ,acres fall :ploughing �.- �+iXttlreS tElbs;
close of the program; Santa Claus No.7 .. .,,..51 18 18 81 116 43 done; 4, acres not ploughed, fit for L. r• • CURRELL �) I i Electric Ranges, ,'
i�istr`ibuted :candy and oranges to r roots, .14: acres ltardw9od: bush, "91 » ' a�Pg114�81Ce1
':the members' of the Sunday school Total ,419 272 398 511 377 .342 +acres alfalfa timothy and stiueet c?o- , ly: those. who -
Wishes to thank sincere
and those taking part in the pro- ver, 5 acres covered with orchard aril favoured hire with thein vote and in -t> t11g and, Repairs.
gram. l uildings, miles, east' of'C.intpn aria fluence 'in the recent niunrcipal elec- CCMii d
tion, and wishes'to take thus rogpor- ,sir
Mrs. Cameron of. 'Youngstown, t 3,'y Milos west. of.•Seaforth on the 1 -
Brueefield. tunny ,to again`assixre, the ratepay-
`Aha., visited :her sister; Mrs. L. Ma= best.gravel highway, in Ontario. Will We didn't start the Coal strike. IVs
1 11ars that their interests will be safeFour and
?:leins %last wee].: The oidinatin and induction of the be sold, In hely'easy tennis. Apply. - can't stop it. But strike or no'strike,
guarded as far s is possible for "in
i• Its, Mvron Butler and little son four elders; who were elected a weep to Geo. A:; SiddaIl;'lrroker; Ltrcicnow, we expect to lceolr your homes warm
di' Clinton are visiting her sister, ago, wilhtalce place :at the morning Ont, 36.4'"to do so. t and comfortable this winter, We are
Mrs. Win: Heard. sorvice on Sunday. — ready to supply you . with Genuine e have a' quantity i ref s Sha
Harold King left on Tuesday `.Mr, Arthur McQueen lids had a DE FOREST CROSLEY• RADIO CARD OF ,THANKS Pocahontas Coal and .the best grades COrt13 Oatmeal lay sack; Beef Scrap,
for Sarnia, radio,,instalhecl in.his home.., Buy ,your Deforest Crosley Italie of-Colce. .These can be used m your 'Royrll Purple Stock Foods sill Oil
r To the Raiepa ors of Goderich T
left ori Wedrol- Mr. ;Prank ' McGregor, of.:I+'lilit, set iron .TI. A': Hovey. Let ane instal y p' furnace,, range or `grate, wherever. ' 'r '
71I}. Jack Stewart , , I wish,to show my appreciation to g Five r' last :for Hamilton, Mrs...Steiv-.-Mtclt•, has been spending the holidays u three-ttilie set ret: your home FRED. •: pP :.you have been usin •_: vour favorite.' 0 l�oseS; Maple Leaf'Not'ilt'S
day •
ii. her at the home of his father 14Tx:;rT. Me• for one week. "I:f. you are not sates_ tate laches and gentlemen who came grade of Coal, May we help you Flal
alt vs remaining for a while wit out to vote For .me on 4Ionda last, ? Pastry'FlourS; Monarch, Snow'
araitts Mr. and Mrs; 'John Pollock. Grego "}} Pied after:` hearing' it, for a week that yo , thi ough this emergency.
p `' li rent Mr.. Sidney ;t'honrpsoir of 'Glencoe it is the best set ,oil ever listened to. also to those tivlto so: generouslyf
Mi Geo Whitesides, w o s L Sered- their heli in getting out the
ear's as the, guest of Rev. and spent New Year's Day at tiie home of I will take it out and it will not covin 1 g Areal choice line O� fresh g'ioCei^i
New P • y vote. ,' Though not elected I wish -to e
Mrs. Pauli at the rectory, returned his parents; Mr, and Mrs. S. Thouip- :you d'eenty rice, with ver best Call the We will -buy a quantity o good of
Guelph on Monday. son of Stanley. equipment; $142.00. thank my friends for the splendid ling
Mrs. Victor Burt and family ,re- Muss Armle Petrie, princi-pal of a I also have in stock one•five-tube port given mo in,most of the polling
d to London `on Saturday, Mrs. Public school at Sault Ste, Marie, tivas set with Mozart loud speaker, 80 a.h: sub -divisions. Iain, yours, {OE good; Clean;'1 �
' borne •
end married in Toronto on Wednesday, i storage battery; 5 tubes, aiitena,• etc.,
Ba]cer�e Cod�ySuYu Londoher nd is sp Dec. 30th, by the Rev. IS. J. Pritch- I price complete, $125.00. �I,IRR:, I L. 5>�T,T{Ll D.
ling a w
C. Brandon returned last week art of North`Broadview church, t19 Mr, r ry I have installed at the Star Theatre; � n Tl
• ' her son,'Ilarry of London, vis Robert, Allen, a prosperous' young full flue of radio parts, all kinds of
and for a `few 'days. farrmer roger, -'this village. Mrs...Allen l tubes, B batte> les; A Batteries, sock-
' lied with her . r �. l rd
he following ns the report rd the formerly lived in Stanley tow nshijr eta, rheostats, condensers, ;aerial wire 1
6 UcchssoR
Public :and Continnaiioii and is ,veal-lcnowu..ancl 'I iglil` e7 enol otherharts too numerous to men .' 0 ®.
L'arTielrl } and vlitinity, tion. I have also in stock several '3- Wishes to express his thanks to the a
school: iied in' PrucefieId -
xt,e l oon,rain, till sct5, riced'at.100 to $125, coni- electovz,of Clinton for the support ac- COMPANY ; Jenfl�i�l�..
Sr` 5th—amce Jowett, Mary Tal T,he.i mal1
y, friends e n , tc 1 5 COAL COMPA PIiONE'19.
]ath.onI and. good wishes to Mr, .cid' sic . IT. A, Ilovey, Agent for De' corded, him ori Monday. Itis alit will a
liott; yoj Allett,' The will be at`hoioe to IT C•'iiosley Radio Sets. phone 89: be to do his best to serve the niuriiei-
Jr. 5th--Thelma"Ritz, Isabel Mils- 11 t V
l�ouelas Qeiniuhaidt..,
terga Persil+is afi:ei March lust, U4-tf;•� pality'to the best of itis ability,g�V�1411� QLIl➢(9�1