HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1926-01-07, Page 2Wx5 as,` thv great flood year" 'in,i( ��4 Iserous floods The uvea :idsY�x. r s, n { i.,i& 9 za s ;
o''Cl, 4', and We:t,;rn h:urgpe, xf. thelcittalkers of irsay towns are suibrnerg- ry 3� 931
on le
warm winds which haves swept the ed and ped `,l. are abandgrunn their f ';°� t� # r� ; a
p P rZ » wt ' c ,
�'nig'hlax,ds nd Caueect rapidl mching'i lice es, vxt ttsotr has lieen to er , §` yea +u¢' ` v , $
,n� adver- I of the snows do not give pace to ru ,ted an th 1vleu , ate,
,no for, first colder. .tits; soon. Already th x°e have Tiie'ire in the ttat xsoL th Rhine 1 Ix , i
subsequent kteen many lives losE a Rounian za andl and Mose! c is bcconung m; t' di -
ante 2 lines, 11un6ary while l(', ettorts afJicluto,iag, Ili Ii9xnr i apse dy over
t s p -; . c
t c i;•t.
� ,.. "� , ;. ., 7L " *1G lax,, A c
not to:excoed ,, Be nium `5tyitr,,rimd, U r-` its ,;loin, __z�urnath a- I a
e. oitern mte, n I rant s.
, , has 1; cu evacaated.• At r . ,
,; j'Lost zecho-Slovaiaa', the, lid en" „a 3 .b j "�a C �x"� a
cli, such its Wanicd, ,. many,`-Au,txta :and C ,
s- icr-1 c^i i au thr. Rhine is 'risnx ; an gtch a =s, -
,ted once for :, ;;..tad The weather hrtd C4i z ' _ �n rr
ra ea, r eta, rose ale mtinaw,
i5c e .- - • r and the
n. 1ae� umth a-nd anhiia s <uat,ionts consider -1 ,
r 1r subsequent inset ao trona: ,trot to wnttnued w� i , ; . bt:,l.,
ac,;sac it i.. 1. 'l',`: The I4osecic }-, se a. .
..,... ; :'.." iihrcatenu. _-...,,.., ' ;.,.: Y'k'C i,z„' ,s; �,. ,�c�:,'" r s �'.1.
�a; >e s
.dvertiseineuts.,selit,m'without:in ed "' 1
heavy iatns. r5d ,4,
o iu t and menden r_ne a tai `..
-, �a - �:�Fllt.
tractions as, W the nutnbei .l Che mast alarmhtg -conditions are is over its ban 3 z
t �, , .toes. All the „cities in -the VSs .
ntnl order-,' ; : -Europe. Torch xlil,tt.a}_ . . .
et tions wanted will run u ze a,;eil Eton. Central-
PMoseae valleys are talpng e>�;5�,.* '
N �, r u N Y.,�,,
accord- .,:.,a i.
u out arid will„te char eel Th6renburg), Roumama,`has heeniRhinc and
ertising'i i r m inst furt'ner flood, and a , ' ;o K t-'allant
e t by a toil"-nt of overfiowtn >recautivn against
ngly, Rate., for display advertising! ,: v 6 1 `'" a`� ��...�.e.._.v f� �::. •mss `���,»>+n,.
y �s
nado lcriaivn on aDpliaation, fret rs that smashed, houses by the ,lie even .prepartnf'barraelcs for the -.
ubli•i tom Torda re-lxocepton of ficod uCtims,- i -', a '` A, VEXATIOUS, GIBRALTAR e cow
,ommunleations intencled for P , score. Dirt reports 1 ,
�. fain x'.
good es L Switzerland, Bavaria and Ai
kin . trojtblo in South •America that c. n be compared to tlxe ten- at Wi
ton in roll as a guarantes'oi go i ,ort the loss, of hundreds of: lir cis ,h'ave This' bluif-aud tine terrain around it is n f.
' name of I i avalanches and ;,too It Is the disputed Tacna -Arica territory between :Pet i aind Britisiz
th, be accomliauted by the, alon the Roumanian frostier, with tx F
t'l iter. i theaters sweeping bodies rind debris thought
much damage and are -likely fury -old coxiiliet cuttdoinirg Alsace and l.orrail e. I brvlge
Zi, BALL M.Il.`CLARK,, that cit to.cause r uch auPxering. Child v;hsre efforts of Genet al Pershing at adlusrt:ment are barely prospering. troops
1'roprlotor. Editor. � thsoagI thee streets; oft y Seine ;is still rising t palatia
In rife Bakes district of IIungary In Ptat cc lite g °�° 11� yy•�� ��;;= v
E'1tIPJ9ATE ®f $ELG$UNi 1i 3,�0�t- Child Admitted d iii 19�� K stone
and ilo ,c'tr , vv'harves ,laid plea's 'at
G. D. I3eT,AGGART I'mnre ,th'art 100,000 arrest n1aisoVroty- Part,, but, thus far, has rot caused Nessa a
11T:. D. `MeTAGG:'1ItiT: with water -and -the sitn,a n g - to D3'. P�.rl?lado�S 1"IOI. times:.
'ing. worse. Between Sresztae and mach damage. `I.'he 14 arn-1 A' and UN]�EIZGOES GF'E171-STI®N TORONTO. � �'. ` Tscated
l ariv the ,rage mnsom•y dam's are Oise axe slowly`mountings and vaxioouls A despatch from , London says: ' i ,$I.79;
o y Coaidifion of- Sev6nty-four.
' in oto give way and the whole towns -and r i.iagc s arc pa;:tiall flo._' The 100,Oo0th child entered . Dr. Bar- Man" wheat- 1.7 1 Noxt3 rily. with g
threai',er g g I No. North., $1.76; , No 3 N
4�1�9 �a pq� BROS. opulatiun has turned out in an effort ed, vrhile maa7' 'hauscs : nave been Year'Old Cardinal iS Re ttardo's homes Christmas Eve, of ally
AYdtird9��P abandoned at cardio. , 1.72.
to avert disaster;. nd ,e:e hone serviee.is 19oit'ed SritisfactOrg7. Dr, Barnardo's Homes are 1TLaf� Mazy.: oats, No. 2, CW, nominstl:! zeachi
BANKEt�S Tile T,iver Sajo' has overflowed ads Te.egzaph a { P except in at Stepney Causeway, and the No. 3,, 53c; No. 1 feed,. Glc; No. 2 Frenel
k and is" menacing flit entire being gradually restored, ex p I A, despatc11 I h' from Brussels says:- :about 150 "separate households and, feed 49c: band,'
banks s ,laid the southeast.,
11 I Bored district. At Cluj, Tran Brittany Cardinal Mercier; Primate of Belgium, ;branches in London, the provinces, Am: corn, track, Toronto Vo, 2 cavaSx,
general Banking Business `transact, � - who was osio of the outstonding figures Ireland, the Channel isles and Canada. yellow; 96c. ei hs
otos Discounted. Drafts leaned,, _- - - - raphes
�- M »gam ,„'t of the Great`War, underwent a surgi The institution, which is supported by M1Ilfeed-Dal:,, Montreal freights, + • xighla
e 'All.25
owed 'on Deposita.- Sale' TEGE.iTE DROPPED
-s` `•. cal 'o ration whereby itis'hoped to Public subscriptions, maintams� In tog 3126uashorBr ger�ton, $322er ton, G to-sltirl o
Purchased, 1 j;t�V11A'1STI�IGT e>t; 9�. Pe
. 11.1.1 ME— :�� x �:' . average of 7;500 orphans and d s 33.26; middlin s 39.26' to 10.25 and B
_ 1N o w` restore him to, nox:;nal health, nottvtth-
__ y.- _ tufa boys and pits, It never rejects good feed flour,b or bag, $2.30 Ied the
H. T, RA11T•E 7, h�
$_ r", standing his seventy -lour years. h a destitute child and it has been carry- out.
outs-42 to 45c, f.o.b. shipping 'ix;g t
Notary, Public Conveyancer, Unusual Phenomenon W➢ r,, y>' a The operation was carried out ' ling on this woric for fifty or sixty points: The t
racial 2?eai: Estate ani Iire la• 11es8ed b Rector of Chelsea " „Eta, � out. the' use of a general unaesthetic. years. Oixt. good ,milling•_ wheat -$1,42 toI
e -'l gent:' Reprosenfing 14 Fire y .: iK ri Olil local anaesthesia leas deemed ad-• staff,
e Companies. and.Other Rt gBC�en$S. �� Y Many; of the chilch en are sent to $1,45; f.o.b. shipping points according staff,
Court Office, Cilnton. a visab'e and in this way f le cardinal Canada as emigrants and about 6,000 to freights. out a
n au c , h
^� A despatch fioin Ottawa says: -In , ,. was able to follow all the details, and, T ,
Barnado boys are inn rho army and Barley-Malting-G"o to Glc.
the opinion of -Ralph Delury, Domin- N he withstood the ordeal well. navy and 3,000 in the mercantile ' 'Rye -No.,
8o: 3, 70c. while
W. $F�`�e 1 N roti Government astroliomer, an un- The exact nature of the cardinal's Rye -No. 2, 80c:
tarristor„Solici R Notary Public, etc• x �` - marine.. Man. flour -First pat„ - $9,30, To- .Sava
Office: usual phenomenon witnessed in, ilia a 4 r s malady has not been disclosed,beyvnd s+ ronto; do, second pat., $8;30: past
LINTON I northern skies on a recent"'evening by s r an earlier statement by the physicians Ont. flour -Toronto, 90 per cent. tfnue
.LOAN BLOCK C Rev. E: G. May, tactor of the An h- r. Z, stritis 53X $rf2lifaSis, aSC9
3 � Chelsea" ue. ' and and that an o oration of a min I Pat., per board, ill bulk,
$6 Toronto, Mage
S that ho suffered from chronic ga
can Church at. Q , p „'ox na- Delivered, ➢n Berlin $G.60; seaboard, fn built; $6•G0.
DR: ,l. G�N1�3E, Cure would remove #he' cause of the Straw-Garlots, per ton, $9 to $9.50.
)bice ?•leu: 36• to "3:30 p.m., G,3p �other . residents of that district may
$., A despatch from Berlli says: A1; Screenings-- Standard; recleaned, g+On
s _l 1.30 ,m. i mean that a huge meteorite has drop- 4 trouble and probabl. restore the pa -
0 8.00 p.m. Sundays, 12.30 to P ed 'o earth somewhere. in. this dis- "" x E.1 f,oC bay ports, per e, 220.
Other hours b a pointment only. p t z Z.. tient to his, customary activities. Breakfast Preparation Companyhas
Y p St trict; A bulletin after the completion of beery or anized in Berlin for the de-� Cheese ---New, large, 22 to 22ac;
)ffice and Residence - Victoria r '< , g twins, 22% tq 23c, "triplets, 24c;
_• The interest of the astronomical ; 'f „ the surgical work reported the car livery of luncheon sandwiches into-� Stiltons, ,25c. Old, large,,28c; twins, A
/1';y4_ ,� y ty❑ ,{+ �•+ authorities Chas been aroused by the t ��' "' x" � '" dinal's: condition as, good, and an q£fi- -homes or ,offices between 8.30 and 10 ,$9c; triplets,: 30e. Lend
' H. S $12 ,Z"ort which has been furnished by I .A l §� ? " ' era bulletin issued iit,the evening de y r
Oiflco Hours
a.m., .in time £oi the second •of khe $utter -Finest creamer pints, -slave
Rev. Mr. Ma ,`and an e fort `will be „ t �» of scribed it as •`Gelierally satisfactory; Germans five meals a day. ' 1 47c; No. 1 creamery, 4Gc; No. 2, 4'i ish n
,30 to 3.30 p.m.: ?.30 to O.00 pim. 3� { 3_
made to assert in tf pos,sib.e. where , + T temperature 98.66 Fah. (slightly be- posters. of its ,concern' announce to 46c. Dau, prints, 41 to 42e. Tashi
Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. I E s Freslu extras, in cartons,
Other hau: s b appointment. the visitbr from the skies: landed, and k �z low normal) ; Pulse 789' ' that the"luncheon package consists of ' gg - New
Phones a p to locate it if; Possible- rya j, - two bun sandwiches six mornitngs , a GOc; fresh extras; loose, 68c; fresh A
Ofiiee and
Residence Huron Street. Rev. Mx. May stated that he was x 9 e, ! forfirsts; 55c; storage extras; 45c; slot be op
R r a acinus �4nae➢nIa much the sainenma n€ aasenawI in age' firsts, 42c; storage seconds,. 34 • ,
- newspaper , In Ja
Phone 218 seattid. in his stuffy, the window of M. s� to 36c.
. ` Cause of Perla
which faces the Iiingsmere Bills, K , w- € Egledea to 19L" Salved subscriptions. I -Dressed poultry-Chialcens, spring, e
a u
DR. .F rI PS�1�1 about 5. o'clock, when he saw a star ,; Subscribers have a choice of cheese, Ib:, Soo; hens, over 4 to 5 lbs., 24 to tided
RED G. Tl-�Gs
or comet fully the size, of the eastern Head Polar Flight, s - egg salud, ham, cold roasts or sausage, 28c; do; 3 to 4 lbs., 22c; roosters; 18c; sales
Office and. Res dance, which flashed across the sky in Capt. George Hubert Wilkins; avi•; A despatch from, Cleveland say ,
star, w and may order a different variety turkeys 42.tob45cAnd pp, SO to 320; is b
ntario Street Clinical Out. a :brilliant iauminntion' and%.disap- ato.r and explorer, who, with. Stefano- ;The cause of pernicious anaemia, long ;
One door west of Angllcau' Church: each day.": 1.primes,
i' Can: • handpiekad1 ib., 6c; ceLoint]:
Pollaxed oven• the rim of the hill$', which sen will lead the expedition of four a mystery; was believed to hard been
e primes, 5 to 6c.
Phone 172, were • fully lit up ,by the reflection. pianos across the North Pole u the solved bYDr. C. D- Leake, University Maple produce---SyNn, per Imp.
be v
dud the horizon spring. The trip will take in about .Canadian Apples Presented I gal.; $2:40; per 6 al, tin, $2.30 Per g
E g I ter it had passed bey i e and will cost aborti $160, of Wisconsin, and Di J: I, Terrell,
Eyes examined and lasses fitted. After
_. `^ 1 t0 Ra ,al 1'aArlil al.; maple sugar, h., 25 to 26c. the ,
formed by the hills a_narroty band 1,900 un1 s n
ht romafned visible for 000:" The "Detroit Aylatfon Chub, of Northwestern University, the Fe aaj y y g IIoney-o0-tb. tins; 1136 to 12c per tures
DR. PE)C�Ci�IAI. FIEF►RN of brilliant Jig y lb:; 10-1b. tins,.11trs to 12e; 6 -ib. tins, c'oal
full five minutes, to gradually disap-, which Henry Ford is a metnlYer;. anti redo of American h Societies learned. p ` A despatch f1:0 , Ottawa says:- 12 to 12'y2c; MA -1b. tins. 14 to 143Kc. mak
Opine and Itesidenoo: y
Huron Street Clinton, tear as though dispersed, by wind. the North 'American Newspaper Al- mental-. of aciids fn'the gastric juices He Majesty the. Queen and the Piiiue Smoked meats-Iirms, med,, 26 to
l ,Ont. i_ _ liance, alis among the backers.- Lack o knot
Phone..GO ° been abserv- of wales have each accepted a box; of 2$c cooked hams;.40 to 42c; smoked
(Formerly occupied by the late Dr. • Shows. " "' `"` ' o£ anaemic patients had
Belgian. • ' - ed for some time, but it'was thought Canadian app;es,' according to a tom- rolls, 22c; cottage, 23 to 25c; break- area
C. W. Thompson), »:• Sun Spots Mean' Famines P hast bacon, 32 to 86o special brand A"
Eyc® Examined and Glasses Fitted: "Great Distinction ➢n Music � to bean etlect of the disease. Dr, mumcatgon received by the: Dept. of
1ap3anese Farmers Hold . aka and Dr. Farrell are said to have Agriculture •from -the High Commia- breakf breakfast
l too37c�� tv 39c; backs; gild
despatch from ;8russes says: pro-ved that it is a. cause, sionor . Office m London: I Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 60 artit
D. H. liflclNNES A despaThese apples were Ontario' North-
ess dire 'Jose, 19 -year-old A despatch from Tokio says:-The,Dr. He',en Bourquin, University, of Pp' to 70 lbs.; $22. 70 to 90 lbs., $20.50,
Drina „
Chlro tactor=Masseur a presence of spots' on the sun is de South. Dakota, in ,her >tudfes'.of dia- ern Spies; grown in Western Ontari6, ^0' lbs: and up . $19,50; lightweight
p dau liter of ICLng Albert and Queen p So
h g c:axed to have caused a decidedsluutp insipidus, believes she has shown and formed part, of a shipment spe- rolls, lit barrels, $•13.50; heavyweight
Of Wlag diol will be at Conimerc• 1Tzabeth, 'has gained recognition of hetes P
'!a into Clinton- o Monde 1 riot: in the sale of artificial fertilizer in a rho Centre of control of the wategl tidily chosen by,the Dept. of Agrieul- rolls, $39 fD per barrel. Spi
1. #t , n y and her except4aal talent' as a vro a thatal
xhursday foi;onoona eaoii. week r d "with teat tris- Japan: supply is situated jurat above rife i tune for shipment to the Ylughosesm tubsArlSi Co 19^prpai:s19 to 1�r.;
She has just Passe. g missioner for presentation purposes.
Diseases of all kinds successfully tinction,, an examination "df the irp-l' A boom' trade had been expected ituitax gland,' P prints, 20 to 2014:c; sh;arteit;ng tierces,
an3led. per class, filar degree," given by the, earlier in the year, but thus far deal- P y' Y3 c; tubs, 14c; Paras, 14}ic h=6nlc5,
Belgian School of Music, cis have -found business -extremely -` IN in
1 l i princess i5 known not bad. •Art iuvestigaUon disclosed that. 1S ASTRID TO BE BR iDE OF 7hIE PRINCE O"r' WALES? 16 eavy'�steers, choice $S to $8.75; has
GEORGE ELLIOTT The ,young p - a � do; good, $7.75 to .'$8; d butcher .the
Licensed Auctloneer for the County. ` mere'1� as tti gifted musician but dur-I the superstitious Japanese farmers 7 to •$8: o, g� , Ja
of Huron. Y steers,: choice; ,
ing,tlto recent absence of the Icing and .�ertred that the presence of sun ops rz: A Y , $6. to $6.G6 ; do; orad., $4.76 to $6.5D; I dip,
Correspondence promptly answered., India provedherselfbe aimeant that n famine was due in 1926
Immediate arrangements can -be matte
Queen ut In P a and that rho purchase of` fertilizers' ">^ s do, coin., $ to �6 0 hatcher heifers, i . Intul
ler. Sales Date, at The News -Record, ;hostess o£ distinction, presiding aC pffi s -much waste of money., choice, $G.? to $ .5 ; 6 go6d,P 6d7o61 an
Clintam or, by calling Phone 203, . tial receptions for the royal family. wou.d be year o ;< ' t to $6.25 • Ddo, med., $ o •g •6 , ;
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction - -" •°'• ` x ? Vis' r, ;' • com., '$4.5 0 $4. 5 butcher tows, { Ger
Guaraateod. - y _'� choice, $6 to •$5 26; do, fair to good, yea
Lad Shat Vblkien: �'okin �udyard idling' Celebrated, , ^ t to bu' s, good, $11.50 s
Rabbit With Baht of Gun Six€ieth`Birthday Dec. 29 > a to t$ii 75; bo ognas $3.25 to $3,50; ,whi
�. R. iHILG�ah'VS and cutters $2.25 to $3; : loo
Oiiniatt, ant; a ^ , canters
110 good
Ganeraf Pire anti, tfa'.Insurttnce. Agent A des etch;, Froin 11leaford, Ont:, A despatch Exam London says: springers, choice, $90 to $ , I up
• or Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, :sa s C -Water A.Slams; son of Charles gudyard"I{ipling, at iris home at -Bur' ��w 1
r ' ' niilclt -cows, $75 to $35 medium caws, , wet
Y I > $45 ,o $G0; feeders, good, $5.75 to T
Automobile and Sickness and.Aceident Adams,. who -lives about two miles out wash, observed his ,sixtieth birthday
,Tnsuritnce- Huron and, Erie and Canai � $G,60; do, "fair, $4.50 WIN; stockers, scot
s Trust Bonds. " A ofat ' in the country, was hunting rabbit$, on December 29th ° Although recover � 5 n ,,:. s gp'od, $4,75 to $Fi,•50 do, fair, $4 to
d pp mento made f .
to meet parties at :B'rucelleld - Y with his'youngor brother in the bush,'. from his recent 11' ess, the _,ludas y�, - ' 4:60; calves, choice, $12.60 to $13 60; Par
and Bayfield. 'Phone 5 area at a rabbit down a1 Ing s $ 1
a Y 7. • and was poking lwiitor is still confined to his room. HT -N, ti *lam.,: do, good. $1D to 11:50; do, grass ser -1,
the butt of his shotgun, when �.---. - , $4 to $5; good 'gig sheep, $6.50 to lair
` OSCAR X{l.OPP - th"e"'trigger Caught on histone and thed
e Puzzle of the Day. r ��i � $7,50; heavies and bucks, $4.50 o, ,
' red' the shut iercilig: oblem oY this unsettled R l` h; $5.60; gcgd"lambs; $13 to $13.76; do,'.
honor. Graduate Carey Jones' National gun, -was disc a g P another pr r .r t; hied., $12.50 to $13.50; do, uchs, $p0 i.-..,`
h f Atictioneeri : the ri lit 5i a of his chest, entering ago is whether a ntotlncr slionld be her yy;, ,, 4a M to $11; do, culls, $11 to $12; hods, ,
School o ng, Chicago. Spe g a ` �t
tial course, talen in Pure Bred. Live the lung. daughtai's,gutide or her pacemaker.: thiale smooths, fed and watered,';
Stock, Real Estate, MerchandiseandHe Wanted to the road from .the .,_-_ 'k a+ r � r ; I,1$ I.
do, f.o.b., $13;' do, county
d -aK .
Parte Sales. Rates. in keeping'tuft t bush, a distatinde of about 40 rods, after +, - I points, $12.7Ii; do, cif cars, $14; se:ec q
- 1 Mr. Se mour hicks the we -known ;
market. Satisfaction as- being hit, when a Farmer with his actor, s not eaten breakfast for;" us y premium; $2,G7.
oared, Write `or wire, Zurich; ,Ont, teem overtom him and rushed°him to h y ?
0 18.98 - the private hospital here; It was found years. lie finds that a good unci &k v � w
supper are to t�, ,
_- I 11�: 'impossib:e"te remove the shot, and no ,a good Supp 1a20NTRLAL
him fit: Ari T Oats, No. "2 CW; G3c; No: 3 CW,
hope is ,ltei'd out for his`"recovery: _4��
- �� z r feed, 5
�y g� il�pg Oat est a No 1 ee Ge 'Flour '
SJII� �i��RY6Y16�� i.'Sc�: Man•. spring Wheat pats fixator $9.30; .
i &
1 ' ! �t�Q�H �1 ��d�Cl® ��13��u } •. > secondso $8W8tl; strong bakarE; , 8,401
p iq �y�« yy� x a �«': = tO .$8,6 . inter Pats, Choice, $7,70.
k' 11�E#i QP.'®ARSH� or x Rolled date, bag, 90 lbs,, $3.40 to $3.60.
1 J^ t auada endeavoring to r ' &t, �' Brant $30.26 to $31.25;. Shorts; $32.26
ea'orth C 1Ccntville, N.5. -Tire scallop fishinb in. Weston C f _ 0 � � ?"". b �� ta' 83.26 Middlings, $$9,26 to $40.25, I
ear' Gi`➢ce, S f ret. t a� $
bI REOT[ tiY:. ndnstr in rife Bay of Ftindy ill $lie arrange for ` a reg' i-ar suPP Y : a mak'.:, s
i Y r. rroatuery butter. Western Canadian No:' 2 ter tint, car lots, 514,50;
, continues to flour- , '`F . �9 $a tic f . i
President, wines Connolly, Goderlch; ,ritual, of l0ig'l?y; I h: Favored in the r . Z, :.t.a•4h v nt '� - toa$15. 1' i to 22a i
vice James: Evans,: Beechwood; Se the month of hlovamber is now hip y # ��� <�� ,aa�� `10; . s � � sd= � I Cheese, finest- tvEsts, 21 ��ish:, DuringTreasurer Thos. )✓: Hays, Seafarth, tt-0 Boston British markets, and dealers are fire �y� r �;� d? _ ,� s E .t� 9. " Butter \ro. 1 pasteurind,,4lxiz to 42c; I.Geon o=McCartne Sea the quantity of scallops senDirectors. g Y, s; in value. pared .to•- take praettcally the entire f K a4x > 3<? �a I No. 1 creamery, 40 5 to 4ic. Dgg9,forh , , ,,,cGregor, SeaforCh;-J: G: markets totalled eve- $6,000 �brattcr
output if the carr be assured of,`a �� �� s try urn store e extras, a1Gc;'sfinrage.firsts, 40
Grlo. Walton; Wm:"Bing, Seaforth; This is an:industx'y` that pxoniisas to, lY ... k:,:°, `
cEwen` Clinton;''Robert PerrIos, dine eiaianeut and it,,is attracting regular supe y. to 41c; forage seconds, 84 to• 35c;.
M. M lice p Saskatoon, Saskr-Thirty-f ve cases,
flock Jelin Beton; ober Ferris I �. + London iemembexs that a year or fresh extras, 68c; fresh firste,.fi3<to
Iry . considerable attention, I inisi" 7.02 black foses,'the largest, 1Z�T1��3R �l�i �CT9 $r�1D� etc Queen.Alexandra, had 64c: Potatoes, per bag, :car lots, Que ,
Jass•,Connolly, Goderich. conte g„ I
Agents: Ales. Leitch, Clinton; J. W. Sah t John, N•B•-Cattle slat i shipment yet' arriving in pastern . PC'R PRINCE .0 WALES so ago the 1 Q
Ag the delightful 5 vodish Princess as lice, $2.G0 0 $2.75•
Teb, Goderich; Ed.' Hinehuay, Sea- through ,rite port of John to flit. P -
the track ended Canada, were un'loaded lately to S1ti
P.orth.; W. Chesney, blgingnd$tlle; R. Old Country. tiering 4hei` finest at D4 r:boiough house for �_ -- -- --- -
th'Srodhagen: ktttaon.from Port lgin,and Frederic- Princess Astrid of Sy,reden t0 months, but rite Prittca 1laxdly trent
G. Jarmu ton, New Brunswick, They wilt be I ` r a
Any money' to be. Paid in may be Dec. 12th; were the largest Three -steam-
fvt• any at rife weir Visit ``,'heir Majesties at near her. � 1 tl;
orish Clothing Co„ Clinton, one weal, nx many Years. Three stet m used 'For breeding purposes I Princess Astrid is a daughber of v e
paid -to Mo I • r%�
at Gutt's Grocery, Goderich. ships loaded about 1,45.0 head here. Pi airia Silver Black Pox' Farm here: i�lIlCl�iAd Aft ➢ Palace. I Prince Char:es and Princess Iiigeborg,' ° r
Partie8'ilesiring to affect Insurance Edinenton, AIta.-A poultry Pool is tch"from Loudon sa s I crit ' -a . ritindtniece ori her mother's {„ ba t
leer business . -.will be Ouch Que.-It undexsa ixedtlbe- under d',he A despa ,says:- i b 8 I .
or transact of an agreement has been A I now in operation ill Alberta g
tl attended to'on application to and he Princess Astrid of Sweden about. to side of the late Dotva cr Queen Aar- c' ib prom y 8
ors addressed to `t:ween the.. Clarice interests nainz o:[ the Alberta e, -operative Iandra. - ' ' °
an9 oY the above officers o-
st tIlca. Losses rovincial Government reg irdnng the Poultx`y ,Producers;'Lmtitetl: - Poultriy pa a: visit to;tlie hung and Queen at With the ann$uti6cluent of Princess Si
their respective1e Director r wfio 'lir s const of a pulp - paper 1 Products will be :marketed' through Buckingham Palace, ai>d the news- id'a iii tiding visit to Buckingham , „ ��
inspected by tl 0 co Astr P
nearesttile scene- in the ba formed'by the St. Charles tie Provincial government's marketing ' are all agog. 0-0 you cb
' --- Y a ec mon- papers g Palace, it became lriio}vn to -day that Road These, nt dome you can
- - and St. Lawrence; Rivers, :at Qu b , service, which has. offices Sn Ed
mon- She is a niece' of the Ting of StSe- rife Princess. and hez sister, Princess tone, of S -..,a, ' star Salesmen;
g, 11111 ill,'11111!1!' that work would:be started early ton,Cal ary and. Lethbridge. you maybeable
! andden, and, aceoi'dmg, to an unitainadiMartha, ward dinner guests .of the , -,, a ,co a year answer thio
y 1.mbar• the, 4 , a
next spring. The output of the mills Sumonesland, B.C.-Exceedutg rho ' ' a i t tl° `"`
-year? Thert Bel
. • .. _ .. , : b ' v t „ n w .o - v,thout cost or
tan arid alit record h. -seven Swedish diplomat;, she is one of 'the Ding tad Queen last "hove
TIME !ABLE wit] be shipped to, Ingland formai. ell Y
Prettiest girls in Europe', She is _just j P.ratice of Wales doer Prince Ilanry Ir N w, Inteaman: Iaw3
Prom , ars controlled by Lozd butter. fat the.sentoi year l- �, resent, w rr m n Nree> nlhtaymra
Tralns w111..:ariive at and depart red by ne vspal pound, of twenty' a keen sportswo wan, and a a.so henna p
haws: h fifer'"I'atlei h st. Mary's ro i'° b., successmSepin
Clinton as follows: ltothetmeie. xng Jens, y c g delightful, dancer. &Io cover; it is Pizineca Astrid and Prs:icess-blar- D 1 ` ,, a^a .,, ,ria.,,•-
Goderich Div. T- nd develo ed by 'the I uests o:f the Duchess "M.. 1anh;io„'y,,.,.• pp�r
ptitiaio`and _ Ifo acro •Ont. -AI: C. Wallace, ou Reta,";owned a P 1� 0 0
G.25 a m• 9 P pointer, oUC that this"trill not Ue ilia Cha were also M, t r
Last;: depart r the x terimental S{,atiott ; at o _ ,' , " t "chn:unn ,their November ao fr a r i r .e., y
Going ,a „ 2.6P.M. try tarsal in this dist>ict, wet Dominion. D i - , , ri aa,oa
2 P y has first pLcasiait, on which size has met ci \otic., ^ M. n, d, c m.a rue scaeain n
lits esitr to the SuminerlI British, Columbia, * 'it: i�rhesn they, wet- entortatned I.,',j:'r'.'a'5 I " i°a,,aao anostadrnonwnla.
st ar. 11.10 a.in. ,highest honors with Y the Prince, of tia.es, as,.she stayed in Cis
Going We ' 'n hed_a new tvoi..d s record l
53 t:m. est estala.ts
„ ds. -6, 1 n cockercl:,aiicl gullet'divisto 7 Q ince ,,awry waw s at gnwu,aybi
at. U.DB`' 1 Bialim< Loridcii r,ba.it a ycar>ago. Wliet:het. by 'tire Duchess, Pi m' `: i,>y e : ,dao sins, e
a., : Pet Stock er led and.•ro -it is, aun011acr , ". ran rontu
„ or. 10.Q4 1' m ,tin ilio Mid -West Poultry and for h b e "e> ascot, liar not th^ Prr c o ShI t .i.
rinietital P::in5 the Pxznee s h,.s t� y i,oinantic dreams I' n :'c
':Huron d;.Bruce "Div. Chicaro-recently, edhytheCcnti.al.P.xpe ;,:, .,..tay..bab , n 4`
Condon,,, �hotr held rn. t I'D c,,irci,t_ zn.-ot anttoti is available, This teal to; rumors to i. I�ia(ional
r 7,60 dp: Z.56 a:m, L'atva, In $05 clays {,;his n}v pzo „ ""
Going Squtn, a . , e i41¢ui:=1t is undeistnod-at Ot but iC "tic, sir^ .z', pitied anansti an 1 lone,- Tlent.'y t ..o: fits r -e ;rc te.i in I .,�,-._,_. b _._.-.... Cznaa
„ „ 416 p.m. Wit -nip> --'"""`�_-.-
o.art Y P' y 013 potulds of iniac and 624
Cctng arta, 1 p 6.50 p.nn. that buyers, rc ,present Old -Counts doter, 9 I e_t .ice Piin a_Charming, one'of the sisters.
ec, 11.05 .11.15 a:in•. who.esa'e produce dealers Have been. •pounds of batter fat.