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The Clinton News Record, 1929-12-19, Page 8
T$ CLINTON-NEWS IECOIW CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STOR To Make A Lasting Gift' Give Jewelry This Ctines other things deteriorate with time—Jewelry.grows greater intrinsic value, and more precious year after year because of its sentimental associations., There are jewelry gifts in dazzling r. array here for .nren and women, boys and girls, -glittering' diamonds in beautiful settings— ia,ecklaces ;brooches:—chokets---wrist watches—sit:Met: ring's—and a multitude of other objects ,and",novelties• Our jewelry is smart—novel—modern. A tremendous°• stock' from which, to choose! Gifts of Jewelry are Not Necessar54y Expensive, There are many articles bf. Jewelry .That Cost Surprisingly Little. SOME GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR WOMEN—Diamonds, • Necklaces Chokers Bracelets Ear- rings, Pendants, Lockets, • . FOR ME• Signet i . N, Cuff Links, Stick Pms, 1'ae Clasps, Signet Rings, Belt Buckles, Dr•,ess Sets. R. a '• ON'. Distributor for Clinton " Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs • Next Hovey's Drug Store VIIIIMMESSIVISSESISIESSISPBMSSaaaalaiiitaesaMIENIVIaaralar ,Christmas Shopping 0' NOW IN FULL SWING SEE' OUR LINEUP OF GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY THE FINEST ASSORTMENT WE - RAVE EVER SHOWN AT : PRIG- ES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST.. • EINE SHIRTS. .At AR Prices from 51..00 up BOXED TIES in a great ,variety-frf patterns and 'colors at ° 50c, 75c and MOO MEN'S SILK SCARFS At Bargain Prices FANCY SOX In Christmas Boxes at - 50c and '15c PYJAMAS FOR MEN OR BOYS • BATH R'OBFS' Best "value on the market .....95.40 GLOVES,' HANDKERCHIEFS, - HOSIERY, LINGERIE • For All at Attractive Prices., Bedroom' -Slippers of Qual'ty and Style Special Value in Ladies at $1.00 Boxed Towel Sets, Braces, 'Garters and' Combination. Sets in fancy boxes. Sweaters, Umbrellas, Parasols, Plaid Blankets in wool or flannelette; Silk Bed Spreads and numerous other ;articles suitable for The Christmas Trade :. • COME IN AND GIVE IIS THE OPPORTUNITY TO DISPLAY OUR WARES AND QUOTE OTTR PRICES. ' WE WILL -' * -1?1 REc1A'CE I Plu steel Bros. Ready—To—Wear Overcoats EATS AND CAPS, SILK SCARFS, GLOVES, HOSE,' TIES,: , , SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR Everytfiing.for a min's' outfitting will be found IN OUR WELL -SELECTED Sr'O This is a good place to do your Christmas 'Shopping for "Himself.". PRICES LOW FOR CASI'I Exclusive Custom Tailoring DAMS.,, HERMAN Nothing' can equal in warmth h the Christmas greetings we extend to yolk— or • our thankfulness' for your .constanf and friendship cooperation a i . p Ielldshil;> during the past year. , Phone 125 SATISFACTION GIJARANTEI:1) THE C. &-S'r GROCER We, deliver• promptly. �R Page Mr Santa Claus ' ''thee merry old eratlexnara will soon. be hese again Thousands of bright eyes axe strained ,in his direction -a!1 aglow with anticipation, voic 'Ee are clamoring. Santa=• • We're wailing. for you and al] ready. The quesiio/. is, are YOU ready? Whether• you are' in search of middles worth er mucicles . worth our stock' may meet your: needs: We have gifts: of many varieties,' and some have charm. Our stock may beof service. to you in presenting for Your approval the, right' gift at the price you want ..to pay; it has.. the. merit of variety;• we have ,. '° tried• to have it well balanced as to • .range of prices and • e range -of articles suitable for 0 children; for men, for women. e" The "Gift worth while.".. Con- sigrunent is attractive, natty, e t .good vailue and perfectly * y' boxed. . •.-'"_ May we hope that the sea-, son may be a joyful. and de- • - lightful one for you. '•- '0 e • 9.: 8: '0 ' *. 4' . * + Tire ,Dinar o. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best', Mrs. John Murdock of Hensel]. visit- ed her . cousin, Mrs. J. T. Crich, last week. Miss Eileen Atkinson 'of the Toronto College of Education was home over the week -end. Mrs. Clara Rumball and her Aster, Mrs.;, Spooner, ' leave Monday to spend Christmas with the fornter's son in Ottawa, Miss M. Pridham of the staff of the Eset'er • Public school, spent the week -end as the guest of Mr. aid Mrs, 11T. T, Carless: Miss t Harriet Hawking, .nu'rse-in training in the Stratford Hospi- - tai, spent a few days at her hone in town during the past week.• 113r. and Mrs. E. S. Livermore and .babe of A.lymer are spending the Yuletide vacation with the for- mer's parents, Mr: and gal. James Livermore. Messrs. IllosseIl and 'Clifford Andrews of Termite have been hero this week, attending the celebration of `their parents' Golden Wedding Anniversary.. Mr. George Phipps, T'oronte, who recentlyvisited friends in elichi-' gang has been the guest of Mr.: and .. Mrs. Wesley Marquis, Baae line, the past week: -JVIr. R. J. Daniell, Jr.,"earilloneur at St. ' George's chureh, Guelph, .and Barb House, Toronto, was the guest ovor" the week -end of , Mie Edgar ,Maguire. • Mr. S. C. Andrews of Alix, .Alberta, and his seri, Mr. Colin Andrews of Standard, Alberta, are the guests of the for mer's parents,':' Magis- trate and Mos: S. J. Andrews. Mrs. D. Armstrong of Pilot 1Viound,. Mane' has been with her sister, Mrs. R. Aentstrong of town, being called home by the illness of her mother, the late Mrs. J. Stephen- son. Mxs. 5f. B.• Chant left Saturelay for Toronto, where she will spend' some time with her daughter, Mrs. W. 11. Floody, .and will later 'visit .her brother and sisters in St, Caithei hies, Mrs. Vred deeper and. her daughtter,: Miss . I:uey : Cooper, of Toronto spent _the, we,ek-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs, James Livermore. Miss Cooper spoke at the Ontario street United church on nnday evening -.,S, Mr. and Mrs; F. I Gillies of Kitch- ener have beta{' visiting • with the lady's Parente Magistrate and Med. ,Andrews .this week, coming up to present' tor, the celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary- on nniversaryon Tuesday. Mr. W. IT Stephenson of Marlette, Mich., has been visiting with his sister, ' Mrs. R. Armstrong of Clinton and relatives in Stanley' townsnip;, the past week, coming over an account of the illness , of his mother, whkr passed away 00 Tuesday. - Mr..David Cantelon leaves this weer: for yi'imoipeg, Man., • where he will spend Christmas with his srste :, Mss, Kyle, of that city. Mass Dorothy will accompany hitt as far as Orillia, <visiting' at then hone o2 her sister, Mrs. Weather - Wax, until his return. Mr,. George' Rance, sena.. of Mr., T. R.anc©, Winnipegi Man., visited his , uncle and aunts, Col. H. T. Radice` and Mrs. W. Jackson and Mrs:' J., W. ;Shaw, the past week. Mr. Rance' is representing the C.P.R. publicity department and is on his way to the Wiest India's in `the' in- terests of tire Company, Mrs. Wilson Of Winnipeg, Man.; vis- ited during the past week with the 1tSDAY, .DIXP.MBER 19, 132 CI1NTON'S CORNER GROCERY• [MYEkT. SANTA CLAUS DEC._ 29 at, 3 +clock' GHR.IST .... A5 GIFT WEEK Gift Basket's of Fruit made to order from 50c to $1.50 - GIFT SUGGESTIONS Christmas Cake, ked peri. - Christmas Puddings, . per .lb. Pulled Figs, Per .lb, Table Raisins, ` per Ib. Stiffed Olives, per bottle 23c° Christmas pck. Tea, pkg. Christmas Canister, Frigidaire Lamb Roll, ,lb. iuc '3c 23c 25c • 30c • I.5c -'256 ,60c ' Filletts, lb: fresh 30c. Cream Cheese, 2 plugs. 25c Roquefort " and Gorgonzola Celery and Lettuce •• Holiday Specials pram Sugar, 5 lbs. ..,,29c Mllliite .Stea'k, "lb. Big Cleanser.,. ,:... ..' 5c Fresh Hams, ib. ^ "'' 'Pineapple;'2 `tins.: ... ..250 Suet, lb. Peas (No. 2) 2 tine. :. ; 35-e Schneider's ,Sausage, b New Dates', 2 Iles, : -19e, Sch , lC. Figs, 2 lbs 25e'- el:a lb. •Rolled Oats, 5 lbs: ..... . " , .....23c Spare Ribs, lb. " j Mince Meat, 2 lbs, - • 35e 60c 60c 25c 25c- 33c ` 45c CANTLY: $1.O6 . CAIID! TO CLEAR ALI, OCR CHRISTMAS'.: CANDY - Special Christmas Mixture, Ib. .....,,19c Special 'Christmas Mixture, lb.: •:::29e •Special Christmas Mixture, lb:.. ,..39e, • Jellied -Beans, lb. ..iJe • dreams, per Ib. .24c Fancy Mixture, ib. .. . , .. ,-15e Oyster, 7,5asplierry Jam (4. oz.) .390 NUTS AND RAISINS' Pitted Dates, lb.. .. Fitted bates, sugared 'I:wanges, large, juicy, se to 59c Grape Fruit, 8 for,'.. Cranberries, lb, ..... from , • :30e Mixed "Nuts,' 2 lbs. r ....45c edless, 39e California 'Walnuts 1b , ..39c •-Brazils . . .... . . ...........30e Salted Peanutsy lb .,19e 254 . Roasted Peanuts, lb ..19e 20e Table raisins lb - .29e ,.05c 40e, You will like Butter- milk Bread. MERRY HAPPY A CHRISTMAS AND NEW - YEAR $1.00' Orders Delivered' Free., Morning Deliveryi'9 and 11 a.m. Cash . and Carrg WERE""SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 ` and' 5 p.m. :The Christmas epi •it is in lull swing at the Clinton Billiard Parlor - 'We are showing a host of gifts for the manof the house. We extend a hearty - invitation to the Ladies of Clinton and vicinity to call and See our display of smokers sundries, consisting of Ash tray, Cigarette Lighters, Pipes, Cigars by the box. Let us help you ahooso a suitable 'gift for him. YOURS FOR A MERRY CI{RISTMAS 6I ?gall 'i'IROPRIETOR. 44-2. Misses Macfarlane of tot n and with other relatives and friends in the vicinity, Mrs. Wilson 'spent her youth in,Stanley township but had hat visited the 'eld scenes for many, years and ehe greatly. en- joyed her short stay; which her friends Would. fain 'helve: prolonged, • 7 II The -..Annual Christmas Dance under auspices of Pastime Club in TOWN . HALL, CLINTON December '25th OLD TIME AND : MODERN DANCES' DRIVER'S ORCHESTRA Admission, 47c, Wait tali- . extra. 4 • 44-2. Bargains The best quality Candy -and ::'Choc- olates .'fton1emade". and imported at special prices: SPECIAL MIXTURE', lb .....•.14c CREAMS "FRTfT".. 1l,. ISe and 29c JELLIES, largo and soft, Ib.- . • ..19c "HUNT'S CHOCOLAT ES" WILLARDS, CIIOCOLATES LOWNEY'S CIIOCOLAT,ES Maale 015 in 1, 2, 2, 4 apd 5 15::boxes NEW NUTS, FRUIT, ETC, All at Popular' prices: endorf's 'MAKERS OF ote;.Wheet" and, "Snowflake:' n a At GOAL & COKE We sell DL&W and Famous Reading Anthracite ,Coal, Solvay Nut and Furnace Coke, Liberty Range size Coke, Alberta Coal And Millers Creek Soft coal; .. Our Motto—' Good Clean fuel at a reasonable :price.' ' Carload' of Albert Coal ; to arrive. ; this week, - J.. MILLER & SON Orders taken, dt tesidenec, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 461 Make' •Up Your Christmas List Now BRING IT HERE • See our ,gifts, ready for the early. shopper. Same - thing -for every member of the family. We have_ also new roast- ers in aluminum and gran- ite, already for the Christ- mas turkey, GET-.YOUfS EARLY awl/kilts HARDWARE and PLUMBING • Phone 244 ' L - Phone 48 Here comes Santa Claus So you had better hurry and make your. -selections before he gets here asp: you, know we will gladly put away goods until he comes. -We have the most wonderful assortment of Furniture we have ever had, and as furni- ture adds so `much• beauty, comfort, and cheer to the home, why not say it with furniture. this Christmas, For the children we have quite an assort- ment of Doll Cabs, Toy Setts, Small Rockers, High Chairs, Ete. A very acceptable gift for your lady friend would be a cedar chest.. Then as you know you will have a beau- tiful assortment of Lamps of all kinds to sel- ect from. Other useful gifts would be Smokers, Mirrors, Ferneries,, Pictures, or a nice Card' Table. Our stock of Chesterfield and End Tab- les or Tables and Magazine Racks for any use, will do yon: good to see Anyway. And last of . all 2titd possibly best of . an would be a Chesterfield Suite and if yet are considering this we would' say select it early and avoid the rush. • HARDWARE As you know we handle the celebrated C. C. M. Skates, wd feel there is nothing bet, ter made. , , We are well stocked with Silver Cutlery of -all kinds. In Electrical Appliances there, are Irons, Heaters and Toasters. • . " ?nether Suggestion aro .Coleman Lambs s and Lanterns, Roasters in Aline -Amen and Grahit'ware,, Toy Dishes far children. 'Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co Hardware 1gi Furniture Phone;: 104 THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL- DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS ' A Merry Christmas To You All The Superior Chain Stores wish to extend their .sincerest good , wishes for a happy Christmas, and may joy, health and prosperity be yours for the year 1980 and for many yeeirs,to come. We Sell" the Best For Less. Red Oohoe Salmon; :tall, size, each. -,'. , • ... 29c Beehive or .Crown Syrup No. 2 size, each 14c New Golden Hallow: 'Dates 2 lbs. .. .23c Mixed Nuts,, best quality 2 lbs. . .............45c Peas, No. 3 -Sieve, 2's tender. and sweet, 2 for ......29e 11 acLaien's 'Invincible Olives 221-2 oz ler 49a Clark's Oxford Mlincemeet • 2 lbs. ; .,.. Snowflake Ammonia, 2 for 15e; 1Celleepes All Bram ,large 21c 8 Crown Oluster Raisins . ,29c 6 Grrowit Cluster Raisins ..39e Lemon and Orange Peel lb. 25c New, 'Citron Reel, lb. :.. ..39c Piruento Stuffed olive ,. S y oz. riot. 21c; 1:9c.oz. 40c PHONE YOUR ORDER TO J. T.Mc.KNIGHT-& SON PHONE 111