HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-12-19, Page 4COOPER'S STORE NEWS All Departments of OUR BIG STORE are ready to help you do your FINAL CHRISTMAS SHOPPING '• Our prices warrant your Patronage Come and Compare You'll find our Clerks Courteous and anxious to please you. ;MERRY ` CHRISTMAS TO ALL" A. . , o0 ER. ,,,"THE -STORE WITH THE STOCK" CLII°ITON' 'PHONE. 36 LEADERS Ihl'LOW PRICES i^ I r {• if t a oll 0 QXt� � . o CUs_ I ool S dud Iliad!. d m l°lall !. C bsr e y risj omas a PSpIDllS Nov oat' The Royal $ank .RLof Canada ,� ._,• Sherlock -Manning Pianos How About Treating Your- self to a PIANO? T. J. MeNEIL t• Clinton's Musical instrument Representative Always at Your Service,, Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton r mar Ca1sti as To. Ali Our Patrons and Friends CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTH BRANCH, SEAFORTS PHONE '162 " CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO :. PHONE 190, Gunn, Langlois & Co'. Limited '- HEAD OFFICE ' `. MONTREAL, QUii. Special Christmas Dinner 75c SOUP Cream Tomatoes, Finest Salmon Trout with Lenton ROAST Roast Young Turkey with Cranberry Sauce; Roast.: Young Cilieleen • with Dressing; Roast Young Duck with Dressing and Cherry. Sauce; `Pork Tenderloin, breaded, sliced lemon; Veal Outlets; `breaded, VEGETABLE French Peas Mashed Potatoes. CeleryHeart and .Stuffed Olives DESSERT•. i Cake, stn,. Greene _Pie,' Mince ie Plum Pudding, Christmas Ca Bo o ar � i P BANQUETS ARRANGED , -LITE CAF LCi1I SAM, ,PROPRIETOR THE ;CLI NTO F -NEW 3; 9t,ECOltD BR UJ CEA' I EI.lD The 1,14 4. S. oi."th,, United Church held theii regular monthly meeting ; on December ].lth, with the president, Iths. (Rev.) W. A. Bremrdot, pros - siding': The roll. call was, answered with a verse on. "Christ's Birth." The devotional leaflet 'was taken. by Mrs. J•. F. Aikenhead, and the topic was - read by the following ladies: M'rs, Addison,. Mr. T. B. Baj'd. Mrs'' Zaplie, Mrs Jas, McQueen,. Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Bremner. Mrs. Addison took charge of the election of officers, which resulted as follows: honorary' 'pro idents: lxr*s• Jas, McQueen, Miss III J. McCully, president,• MTs. (-Rev.) VV'. A. Brem- ner; ist vise, 'M!i's. Jas. Thou son; 2nd vice, Mrs. John Ifazelwood; 3rd vice, Mrs. J. 8". Aikenhead; MissE.l4L'. Bovey; eor.-secretary, Mrs. W. itattenbury; treasurer, Mrs:. C. Brocici,christian S. and F, secre- tary, .MIrs R. P. Watson; expense. fund treasurer, .' Mrs. A. iiieC'ueen; stranger's secretary, Mrs. Thos.'s Chapman; supply secretary,: Mrs. II.' Zaphe; missionary monthly secretary; Mrs. D., Tough; literature'secretavv,",' Mrs. Jam.' Watson; assoe.eHelper's= Secretary, Mrs. II.Aikenhsacl; Press secretary, `Mrs. J. Addison; ass't press secretary, Mrs W Ross; tem 'perance secretary, iflin. C..Haugh organist, Miss .Jean M:urclocic, ass't. organist, Mrs. W. Stevens.•. COI' STANCE : ' 4Ye were sorry .to learn of the death which occurred last Friday morning of 'William John M'cBrien: one of the older residents of .Hi/nett in. leis ' 3rd year. Mr.-l'fe$rien lied suffering from a bad cold which. ic ih , developed into pneumonia; causing his death.. HC was a kind neigh- hour and --was much respected by all who knew hien. .The many` friends here extend their %sympathy to the bereaved Dees. - Mr. Wm Car toehan is now con - finest to his bed with 'a very bad cold. Me. Carnochan" seems to be very unfortunate'. of ''late but we wish him a speedy recovery: Mrs. Robb. Grim.oldbv and daugh- ter, "Olive,. augh-ter,:"Oiive,.: spent a few days last ,week with ,the lady's sister,, Mrs, John Mann of near Clinton. Miss Edythe .Riley, who has bean employed in Brussels, is ., spending. same time with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Riley, here. - let s. A. Colclough,and son Clifford spent Sunday in Clinton visiting .,the lady's niece Mee. Wm. Thueil,who is confined to the'''Clinton Hospital with a bad case of blood poisoning in her arm. The annual Sunday school enter- tainment, will be held in the United church .here on Tuesday, Dec; -'24th. kComoiddies• and enjoy yourself, with. the,, The •school children of the public sehcol here intend holding their Christmas, entertainment en Friday afternoon of this week at the school. This peom4ses to be an excellent pro- gram and everyone i5 cordially invit- edto attend, -Mr. Arnold Colclough has rented the blacksmith shop from Mt. •Leo Stephenson and has installed a chop- ping outfit. He intends -'opening it once a week for the purpose of grind - ane grain for the public. Your correspondent wishes,. the staff of The'News-Record and all its readers a very Merry -Christmas and a prosperous I�'ew Year.:. AU1 URN Tlic funeral of the late Mrs. Nel- son Pearson .took place from tho' home of her son-in-law,'; Robert J. Blutletlge on Sunday,. December 15th. The funeral services were conduct- ed byr'Bev. W:' R. Alp.. Interment in Union Cemetery, Blyth. A ' Christmas `"concert will be held in the Forester's hall on Friday evening tin's week under the. auspices ,of -the 'Auburn school. Mi. Stephen ittedd of Woodstock was home over the week -end. Rev.' WI, R. Alp who has been here Sol, eight years, leaves the first of the New' Year Tor Ottawa' where he has received a call to Chalmers Hui. ted "church, as assistant' minister, STI1°TLEY By an inadvertence the name ' of Mrs. J. McClinchey was inserted as singing at the funeral service of the. late 'Mss. R. Colcldugh; It was Mrs. 'John .;M'cCiyinont';who sang a .favor- ite eel° of Mrs, Colc1ough's, at this. 'service. Mr. and Mrs,' Jas. Bryant returned to London last week, after spending a few, eieelts • tit the home of Mr. John IYleCowan, Mr: Charlie,jareener of'Bayfield ,is visiting " at Mr. $ugh Gilmour's this week.. Mr.. Goldie • Graham had the. Hydro r lye in his h us n barn •n last nsta d s. o e a d ,r week , ' TUCKERSMI'J H As Christina's; falls on the.. last Wednesday, of the year the annual School meeting of S. S. No.i6 will'be held' on Thursslo Den; ..26th, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, according to the ruling' of the .Edu- action Department, -' A' good- atten- dance of ratepayers. is desired.. The members of T'urner's Sunday school aro busily engaged hi.prepar ing for the annual. Christmas tree. Program, which will beegiven on Monday.De-ember 23rd at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation Is extended to .all the friends to attend - COUNTY NEWS �* • perous busiliess man was a member - of the "-firm of Doubleday and Doadee Publishers-in.`N'ew Yorkfor a num- ber ai• years and at the -time of his .death was connected with Payson and Claris, Limited, Publishing 'House; New' York City. GODERIOII 'The members of the Westminster Guild o; the Knox Pres- byterian church presented the play, _"Nobody but. Nancy," in the ,lecture' room on two recent' evenings, ; The play was filled with laughs from start to finish .and brought forth" much applause from. the large audi- ences, The .players executed their 'parte with skill and are to be con- gratulated on their successful' pro- duction. Those taking part were: Elsie Winter, .Joe ,Taylor, Mike Me- Connel, Beth Thompson, Margaret Sheppard, Eb. Ross; Helen Drennan, Mary McKay, - Edith Lumby, Fred Egener. / , McKILLOP: The- funeral of Mrs. Duncan IYIcCowan, a highly- esteem- ed resident of' McKillop, took place recently from her date residence to the Zaitlandbank cemetery. The ser= vice Was conducted -lr'' hor. pastor Rev. Irving B Ka"iiio, of F'irst Pres- byterian ehurch, Seaforth. The de- ceased Whose illness- extended over, some months was horn- 62' years ago in .Tuckersmith being a daughter of the .late 1VL'r. and' Mas. Peter -Me- Cowan. About 3i yeare.ago she was married to Duncan McCowan and went to reside in Brucefield. They later moved.ta Roxboro where they had .lived ever since. During her` illness she was made a life member of they Wbmenrs• Missionary Society as a token of apt -wed -Oen by the Me- Killop ,Rorie Helpers. Besides her husband, she is survived by three daughters and two sons; Mrs. P. V.- t ` e r Nimmo, of. Toronto, Mass s May and Beatrice 'and Peter" at Home, and john in Roxboro. ,The pallbearers. were Messrs. J. . Nre:Dowell, John Scott, James Acheson and James R. Scott. • McICILLOP: The pollingin Mc- Killon township resulted i the re-el- ection of John Dodds as Reeve, Coun- cillors John :Campbell, Russell, Dor ante, Daniel Regele and Thos. J. Mc- recently of Mary, only daughter 0f Tvfe !.}nd lblrs. Charles Sproul �nl' Wroxeter to 'David Haskins p1 Bur 'lington; the Rev. Mr. Taylor, ofii- Hl'_l'9t; ECEMI3EIti'' JI, 1925 WROXIf1`ER: Thu marriage took moon trig, the bride traveling in, a; ac'e at the Parsonage, Rael taooc;'" nay;' blue dressy cont : aaxi, hat. On their' return they will take., up residence in 'Burlington,. • • EVEN FINES ARE BECOMING: AUTOMATIC To prove that statisticians are good at other things" than figures, Roger W. Babson,.tyle noted`-finabciai anal - yet has invented a parking- meter which, if placed in general use, may secure a revenue to communities from overtint'epackers. • .The. meter, according to its haven - tor, would be set along . the curb where ;limited 'parking is permitted. Instead of chalking the' tires, all the police would have to' do would be to. connect the apparatus with the Car's storage battery. During• the period'of free .parking the car Could ' be. removed at any time, 13/it once the free time wad exceeded,' the devleo, by an eleetiiical impulse, would automatically lock; and thereafter the car 'or cars, could be moved only by the insertioof `a; coin or coins in 'a slot of the device;' Thus, after, the ,time limit the .mpt- or'ist could stay as long as he liked,' but he would ` have to pay 26e an hone, or some •: other predetermined figure, for the privileg'e NOT TALI ,ENOUGH The ex -Kaiser's( '70th birthday re- called an anecdote to Ii, A. Van Goenen, consul.- from - the Nether - fends in -San Fransisco. "In the days of ; his _ glory,", ,Con- sul cyan Coenen said, "The Kaiser' during, a visit to the Hague.•boasted at great length to Queen. Vlriihel mina about the military equipment. and skillaed bravery of the Getman army. "Do , you r oal;iee " he wound up,, "that miry . Prussian Guards stand seven Peet in .their stockings?" "That is nor( tall enough," said the queyn "How' do ' you nngus -hot tail` enough?" said the Kaiser. "When we open of r. dikes", said the •`queen, "the • water is, pen feet deep, BRUSSELS: An unfortunate ae- cident occurred Friday afternoon to Peter A. McArthur, a well-known resident' of the fourth concession of Grey Township. He was assisting his neighbor, George Turnbull, to dehorn some cattle, when one of the animals threw him, and then fell on h'hn, breaking' one of his legs tit the ankle. It was a bad bi eek and will lily Hint up for at least two'months. • EXETER: Pilot IG'erald Fitton, whose father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Fitton, live in' town, has been appointe(i'to'carry the mail and .express to "Pelee Island from Leam- ington. Pilot Fitton is linked with the London Air Transport. He was home on a visit to his parents re- cently. He has made , many flights to Exeter',;and 'on one occasion this summer took his mother on, a flight to Toronto. • • SEAFORT'Ir:`. The death occurred in New York City ofl Robert Nelson Hays, son. of ' the late Thomas E. Hays, a pioneer resident of IetoKil- lop, on' Friday. M4. Hays who was .born and educated here - spent his boyhood'daYe'in and around .Seaforth -where he was. well ktiow,jt and very highly esteemed. Ile was in his 60th year and. is survived by`his 'wife 'fete met'1y Miss Elizabeth Campbell daughter of Mr. and '1VIrs. Alexander Campbell, of' Seaforth; islso site 81$ - ter, -`Mrs. J. M. Godenlock of Seaforth acid a half-brother and sister William ' Bays and Mrs. Munro, in the West. The 'remains `were brought to Sea - forth Monday - and the funeral took 'place on Tuesday from, the -home of J. M. Govenlock to the 1Yllaitlandbank cemetery. -117x, Haye.who'was 'a pros. n e u h GODERICH: The xeopellUng of St. George's ` Anglican church which has undergone extensive redecorating and improving: tools place on Sunday week, and was the occasion of spec- ial services. ' Holy Communion was held at 8 san,'a'nd regular, services were held at 11 and 7. Ven. Aech- deacon W. J. Doherty, B.A., L.T.H., secretary -treasurer of the Diocese of Huron, was the speaker and rep- resented Archbishop Wblliams, whose iciness prevented lupi; from attending. The services were larg- ly .and enthusiastically attended and speeialmusic was rendered. angaaet: ciating, The bride was beech -Jingly attired eecin n iy- attured in a •drx.,s of rose beige geor- gette eorgette with accessories tci Match: After the ceremony a dainty wed- ding breakfast was served by bit's,, Chlor • r Y end late/. x 1Yhr. and Ms. I7as<; kips left by motor oe a short honey - Hot Chicken Dinner i A grand rally. of the Liberal -Con- servative vvative Association, of ' Clinton, will be evidenced at the coming Banquet in thee •„ TOWN HALL, CLINTON January 8th 1930 7 Pan. Ron: R. B. Bennett, Leader of His Mlajes'ty's Loyal Oppositign, will be the speaker. Later a dance will lie put on. Those attending Banquet will receive, free tickets for dance. 45-2. A , quay ' nris dnaas 'Sale of Rost_ Shoes and.Rubbers at BAR, ,S SHOE STORE Sale starts Saturday Dec.'7th ends Saturday Dec. 28th 'SPECIAL VALUES IN 1!OO'I'W'EAR FOR. IVLEN., WOMEN AND' CHILDREN • Mens .Fixc,,,Shoes and .Oxfords at $2:95 and up. • Boy's, $1.45 and 'up. Youth's, $1.25 and up• Women's' Slippers and Oxfords isJ,95, up 000 limes of 'Women's Galoshes at .: , :ir ...:. . ........:$1.75 Wonten'a light. Rubbers . :at :45c, and up - Men's Light Rubbers at , .. ... Glc and" up Come in :and see."our range of Carpet Slippers for ;Men Women and Children. . ALL; RUBBERS -10-PER CENT. DISCOUNT' PRICES CASII; NO, GOODS ON;APPROVAL EXETER. The: Farmers' Club of this community, .. timbering 011005:- 10,0; 110051QG; held their annual "clyster'sup- 'pci- hi the Opera;Iiou e oii;Thursday . night. After sueper some plat>ed cards and others. "danced; during the evening. - The whole ai; ail was>".as. usual, a. great access, and: everyone Went, away satisfied. . hist . erei F+'rom, te, well -assorted. stool:; of` boxes. from 00e to '.00 Candy Cane's; Stockings,. and other Novelties, as well as. the- usual' Creams and Mixed Candy and` Bull Cli000latesi. See..Our Home-made Mixed 'Candy 000aA:ND PURE.' 20c per 1b,, 2 lbs for` 35e CHRISTMAS RAKING th1RISTMAS ,CAKE AND VAIN,. PUDDING . of the finest quality, all sizes or bp,the pound' Also Short Bread, Puffed Paste,' Green:. Puffs. A full line of baking 'suitable for Christmas season. Bartliff 6 Crich Col e to Curkinghame's The Florist "DON'T WORRY FOR HOURS • SAY IT WITH FLOWERS." OUR CHRISTMAS STOCI1 IS AT OUR FLOWER SHOP IN CONNECTION' WITH THE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS OFFICE AZALEAS, CYCLAMENS, FERNS, ATTRAC'1`IV1 BASI*ETS, CHERRIES, PRIMILAS. ETC. .: ' We offer a fine selection in Decorated ChristinaGrave Wreaths Cut Flowers ;always in stock. a That'" Friend Far Away The - Most Acceptable ' of Gifts for : $2.00 To those who have made their home far from their "ain folk'.' pothing is 'quite so aeceptable perhaps as news Trf, the "old .Name town" —'the doings of the boys and gills they used toknow,. theirhappiness, joys and sorrows as reflected ev- ery geek in the news colunene of the local news-. Your 'boy or girl, sister, brother. or 'bosoi friend will .appreciate The News-Ttecord • more than • anything else. ' It will he a constant rerniedor of" , you 52'ieeeks'in the year, "AS GOOD) AS A LETTER I+'IIOM HOME" Is what dozens of. far away subscribers tell tie about The News-P4ecord. The Neursav ceort