HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-12-12, Page 4CL THIS STORE - ' Saturday, December 14th, 10.30 1130 r \and 1.30 to 2.30 HE WILL to oAVE LITTLE PRESENT FOR EACH BOY & GIRL 'A. T. COOPER. "THE STORE WITH •I'li(E STOCK" CLINTON • PHONE 86 • , 'LEADERS IN •LOW" 'PRICES • ,criti4'i6S";Ngw?"1.‘tilECQ ec;iliAni49;•;YXv8. Vie'ller;. Yee; ,••91;41'140.eeeeE.(•.,Ereter. Mrs. tha • , ,-,• .11ie close •Ot the "meting Juncle3. , oi J9bsy.! ..„ !!! !'= , d aid ee'V. •Weelt ...fer„ • jwrn"'on Erida aftr hrng yisited his h1•ui C1aLdrnit tonionlce geo iie.,0e$ • e...;to .; • • 1h'.41ii,;:eti• • Tinteeir • • , p7JH eve,:eee,' ,e !oily.. be e o, hThe aee1 to iaet on • !de* evening .:40.;!: at .and noet hhIy ;eriPeeted.."eitlr,mte.. an. the peeion , of ,$arall,•Reid'iri•- her, iserth,e' eerry ighty fifth yea , f ot" • eAe • : '•-• this week • • • e • 7 ;; Thedeeaee4 Io Wee"-'hern County .1461a -ride canetoEdnUrettietied..1eatt*eek,rifter 'pend °'" 60eedawith, her father; the. lefe WM," • inge-sente' • tifitee,With' :ferende in Lan .leeicl,•; and " •breter :and eieter, the don and::"St:'rheeee5, • • • , Rolet4'Iteid and ,''. ;mese. MeDeole :•.Mrs; Addmeneofelondesbere is, the, When tire family"; WaS"."eleiiite. ..g.ueit of, :Mk: and: Mrie3 Addieon- their inother. ';havieg. died n 'Ireland; e • . ) , ,‘ Mi Reideinally, :edged in,'".Dayfield" Cite.cxl the mt esteenied: and. in "the, new". beeupied by Fred knewn.:".eesidentr :of Breda- Bakerwheie Sarah1 w,lian;She; her.; field, Ms Msie'.Scotte,died at the 'enme., old • enough, • kept :hone for, her . ;the • 'hoe ef 'Iier 7:daughter...in-IOW, father' and brother After her f athe Mes.74,..T, Scott qn Taesday','.., eros death..•elie, sold he property and last Wel'.• The deceased had $a0..leocight the little: house on the east • ed the ripe• age of 28 .yeas ; and carne Side of the. village • where, she lived 'to Briteefield with her husband 65 'Yeare: ' . the 'eldest SherlOCk44Umniiig -. Pianos Ho* About. Treating • Self-fo'a PIANQ? E 1 L Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative 41i,;ais atIoni-$ervice - Box 113 or Phone 273; Cl` t m OD Eggs C1(111111 Poultry WE RECOGNIZE, QUALITY k,•. DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMERy, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTH BRANCH, SEAFORTH PHONE 162 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190 77; Gunn, Langlois & Co, Limited HEAD OFFICE -- MONTREAL; QUB. Special Christmas Dinner 75c SOUP Cream- Tomatoes, Finest Salmon Trout With Lenten ROAST •Roast Young Turkey with Cranberry Sauce; Roast Young Chicken - with Dressing; Roast Young Duck with Dressing and Cherry. Sauce; Pork Tenderloin, breaded, elided lemen; Veal Outlet breaded. , VEGETABLE French Pease Mashed Petetoee,- Celery Heart end Stuffed Olives DESSERT' • plum Pudding, Christmas Cake, Boston Gream Phi, Het Mince Pie • BANQUETS ARRANGED ELITE CAFE LUM SAM; PROPRIETOR, • COLBORNE 1. .Merry Chrienuai,' readers,' and a IlepPY New "rsin. • ' • • , "The Cl;.:G. I. Ti cif $rnith'e 14111 held their men,thly meeting at the "lionie "..ef •Miss Hazel Yleurig. . The Synopsis . of. netrine in the Darkness'-::' was taken by Miss Young. After the , .general lerSinese the members busied :•• theinselVes•,paoking .4' bale:, of cloth- ing to be sent tdea needy centre of ••••,:Muekolcae ". • •• • '•. •.Mes. Dick came up on Monday to see her sitter, Mrs. Ernest Pfrint- mee, 7.yho is, ;eery 'ill with high:blood pressure.„ • • , The regular Sunday .selieol meet- ; Ing•ef Sinithe Hilj was, held Mohdey evening. The Sellowing are the of- . '" free'ret:'supt.,"WM, Marsh;, 'aisistant, Artlimr Clark; ' secretary -treasurer, " :Fordyce 'Clark; • assistant , treasurer:4., • jim „Correa: leible SILOS' ffteaebOV; Yeenge girls Claes, Mee, A. Y. ' • Heindereon; assietant,' tdrs. Warner ' • 'Wait:ere.. The ,resigeation of Miss Nb1lie'••Clarkene. teacher of one: class iecepted:with regret for her ill whi'eliiS the cense. • Affer; .• t. the '.bueitieee a crocialeheer hhu , • joyed, sandwiches. and-..ealcete; heny, erved.' t, • The ;; Benmiller tell:a,surprise party. on Friday 14htf,,. 'atMr vill Mrs., LsVi Snyder's borne' 4,0;prOemt! and,Mrs. • , ' ". LON1)911 Ite/A1) 0n ,,Novernhez. the ;London Rerie••Ceinmitnity Citib. visited' the C " t • d tette" d tile old folks: Besides numbers -presen- te4 hY, enerehete of the 'Ain:band their faudfies,thanks extended to MTS: lb. lVfanning efeWalten, Frank Y........- la lVf F Iteta until two years ago when she be- cakne il and: Went to live with her (laughter of the ' late Andrew and sipter, Mrs. MeDool,, where she. died.- Mary ,Beattie, Neleatreinster .Md - ,For many years the late Mise Reid dieeex Co. Hee husband prede- had very poor eyesight brit despite ceased her twelve yeer's age and her this fact ehe, was cheerful and in- only son 'Andre*, died' in April 1936,, dustrione •:and rooked afte'r her One sister and' five brothers survive: flower garden of which she was IVfrs, Alex, 'McCartney, Tuelord, pessionately'fond. •; &tett' Jame,- Kereeeed; Angus and The funeral was held on Friday Andrew, London; Robert, Vaneduver, from Trinity church when a large and John of Seaferth. Her faculties number were present te wry then,- were- uniumaired; until a- few weeks last respects to one Whom they had ago .when:he suffered a severs known for so many years. The ger- stroke fm which she neve rattled. vice was in- charge. of the rector, Her cheey and bright_ disposition Rey. F. H. Paull, and interment made and her kindly sympathies will long in Bayfield 'Cemetery. The pall-, be cherished by her eineny friends bearers were her nephew, Win. 11Tc- Who 'will misie the fainiliar, figure Dool .and W. J. Stinson, Sam 1VIcE•cie. .from the scenes which had known en, Fred MeEwan, Fred Baker 'aed her so, long., She was one of the few 'Henry MeClinchey. remaining members of the oldiPres- byterian cengregation ministered to by,the late Rev. John _Ross and had The eimpathy .of • the community is extended to Mrs. McDool. •.,Left to mourn her loss are efts. 'Many. delightfui, memories •of other • days. • The: feneral took place Me1)ool and three uephews: Thersder afternoon to Baird's cem- etery. •' •• The BruceVeld Public Library ,will remainulceed until further no- . Knox' United Sunday school are trt.:.e: pwng. tpehickenpox in the busy•epreparing for .their Christreat..0°.Pul'-juPitY- entertainment, which will be held:7011 • ' the 20th of December. ' LONDESBORO . The. W. Me S. held their regular, " HOLMESVIIIT4E _monthly meeting in, the basenient of. • "" the United .church ea Wi;dneSdiiy: Friends in this • lbeality were afternbon. • .• ' ' 'Shocked to hear of the death, which ' Miss Cock of Detroit visited was most unexpected even by his the hOnie of Mr. 'and Mrs. R. cock_ family, of evii. George Kemp of erline, Sunday. , Mitchell, which occurred on Friday last. The funeral took place on Ursa Taman, wile sneut several afte'rnoon. Sympathy is has returned. • ddys last -week, with .Blyth friends, Monday felt for his wife, who was formerly ' Reeve Adams, who attended the Mass Emma Potter of Holmesville, session of the County Council. and who is in poor ,health at present. in Goderich last week, returned on Mr. W. 11. Lobb was up in the vi- einity. of Listowel the early part (if FrTidltaeyYoung People held their regu- the week buying up a bunch of caws end heifers, which he will alle- le ineeting in the United church. • tion off ab his home 'farm. en TIles- Wednesday eyening. • • 'Mr. and •Mrs.. Joe Carter spent day afternoon next, last Friday in Godeeich. Mr. T. Fairservice has treated his family to a new radio. • The KiliSea Moon spont Saturday in Stratford. _Mies .11lay Adams was a Sunday guest at the home' of Mr. and 'Mrs, Cockerline. The Misses Ferguson of .Seafot.th, who have spent sonic time at the home of their aunt, . Mrs. Harry Moon, have ; retnened home. Ws. Mountain is in Goderich. She expects to. spend some time there with her daughter, Mrs. Pipe, • The regular monthly -meeting of the W. I. was held in the Cominue- ity hall on Dec. 5th, with sixty-five preeint. .• A communication was read from M.e...11LeCague, Huron County Agricultural Representative, asking for a donation for O.A.C. scholar- ships for Huron County boys, and it, was decided to donate $5.00. Help- ing , the Santa Clans fund at Lon- don was also brought up and a collection ' was taken, $4.65 being realized and left in charge of Mrs, J. Cartet. to be sent. There was al- so a floiver fund started and a col- lection amounting to-L6, was tak- en and put in charge of the flower eommittee. The donations brought itt f or Mk. Fred Stange. .wore quite generous and was valued at $00.90, to be gent to the car school dip north. This being the Ohristnce, nteeting Christmas carols were sung and the Rev. M. Forster gave on address Snyder, :Who Were reevntly niarried, with 'a •...siteWer:. The surpriee .was eorriplete as the •gompany 'went first ;Lawrence's home and finding no one about hustled Of to find" them Adel. found them at the 'kerne of the groenee, paeente. •A olly good time Wag -.spent, • . • s - Nameous entertaininenti are be- ing• prepared 'ter the -jolly :ReIiday serteen, which is close, at hand. Mrs, Leister Dehertsou 1.eft on 'Thursday for a 'visit with her reia- ticree at Cheeley and 'Paisley. We. are sorry to hear of the illness of Rev, Lundy of Nile. He is 'siiffering front high bleed pressure,' •• On TueSday of last week friendS and e,elativese gathered at the home of M. and Mrs. John 1VieLarty to join tvith thein in the celebration of their Golden Wedding Afinfieersary. pinner. was served.' in "the evening. 'Both -die in Food, lmalth, considering the serious Sickness they have gotA, through. Rev. R. D. Cumrairig was toast master at the feast. Singing 'thid-StOry telling' was en)oyed and phared hy all present. ,Some of those • preaetell were: pi %fr. and MTS,.Albett GoodWMtr. and; Mrs'John 581±5 ;die Geed. and 11r.: and Mrs.- , 14aSott; ;11teLanye i Sleighing is here arid kept buS3.1f1celepin the roads hs*,th, se! tan •loretabeir"21 on the ,"Christnum 'Spirit." " Mrs. J. Scott • sang "Silent Night," and Mrs. 3. Tamblye _gave Ir paper on the "Gift of Life." . The meeting was closed by singing. the national an- them. • Seven of the mambos then served a lovely lunch. •in the bare - The meeting from beginning to the end Was very internstieg and profitable and was enjoyed by all present.- - . , TVs. John Finglanci hae returned after spending the past month with her sone and daughtere. Toronto and Mimic°. • • , • • , - • -HULLETT TOWNSHIP TIi following fs the report of S. S. Na. 5,-Ilullett, foe elle month • of November. "*" denotes, number of tests misded by pupil: • • Sr. 4th -Hazel Hoggart, 227; • Al- vin, Vodden, 192; *Fred 3I„orrell,'1.55; *Earl Snell, 121; ',Roy Vodden, 56. .Thr 4th -Alma Carter, 238; Ethel Iloggart, 19; Glenn Fairservice, 145; Gordon Radf'oed, Clifford Adams, 106. • Jr.' 3rd -Elva Snell, 202; Lloyd Carte 201; Isobel Merrell,' '1251' Ntdson Radford, 68. Jr. 2d-AlMa Hoggart, 154; 'Bill Radford, 106;, Maureen Lovttt, 100; Barbara Snoll, 92; Leonard Vochlen, , • 1s1 ----Leonard Radford, :Jean rm..: har , • • Pr. -Jean Appleby, 14riat Mor - roll, Perald Nott, Vera': Iloggart, Joyce Fitirservice • . , Number "on roll, 26' average' letidarie4, I,ueild'ParrOtt;• 'Leacher. aasume n d'a I S e1.1r.fl• •'-•40;Fiftt41:Eint•.*O'''' 1 to0 Nis Ahr_isorrpeontevlel. Dgannon DORM.31.,OR, 1020 A little ,lei wrieecl;;Z ;Ieldeee 1 Maid et W054ieg, ineh. the eeree '" "d the bride 11011Y 111.0.;:eltc't:'0.11; a8kid f she"eitele.eirery 'biked. • eNe,el• the e'ePLY• 4‘W• 11". w 'ea the small girt bh ' said th.'e,ioh.-4. day ttlat YoU Trefeeva'ne'eactd: the late Samuel eae, beeheetteeme.e.,,,tret,er- et. one Treleaven' ,Ashfie r t OL we • yearee to hie. going weat,'"IVIte.,•Aerclreeir was ' ; . • 1. district eagricrilteral,• wOPreisentatife' • • • ,• ." 191'. the' -'00eritY ef;'ITtr„kten".rind'Iatek' REAP e" THE ,APITERTX$EVEZITS. lectuver in the NEWS -ii -Celle. , • :io•Oldootag;manegimmearasori,„ •' - . • ' ; • • • • • , • . • „ , • , eel an es • Pear; *S"..11orree.ri, IVLenning, . and,Mke..ErnieCriell, Me...Dwyer and Me. Moran end the Rev Father Sul- livan, for their. easietanee. - • = • • • , ; VAIINA'r " • . . • , The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of the United church was held at the home ofelVIrs. E. Epps "on ThuredaY last, 1VErs. Me.,Clynient in the chair. Miss. Diehl, tresisturee, reported that the objective had. been 'reached this Year. The old officers, with •the ex- ception nf the home -helpers seei.et- arY; 'were all re-elected and are as follows: hon -president, Mks. A. Fos- ter; president, Mrs. 3. MeCtymont; first vice, Mrs., Penrose; second vice, 1Vtre., : A, MeCcmell; ree-seeretary, Mks. Stelk; cor-seeretary, Mes. R. Stephenson; press secretary,•IVfie. S. Keys; Missionary Monthly secretary', Miss Violet MIcelinchs-Y, and home helpers' eeeretary,, Mrs. A. CoCon- nell. After the meeting. refreshment were seeved. • STANLEY Owing to, the' fact that • Sunday comes on Dec. 15th, the municipal council of Stanley- decided to hold the last meeting on Saturday, Pee - ember 14th at 11 a.m. These hav- ing vend :acociinta are asked .td send them in to Mr. John' Rathweli Theirs - dig ht the -latest that they may be ;checked. ever. Taxes also must be paid on or before that day to save the additional 3 per cent. to be ad- ded. Sec. -treasurers nutY get their orders for school monies also that day if they come out otherwise they will be mailed to them. 'AUBURN Mr. and bit's. G. Thompson of London spent Sunday with relatives here. It has been rumoured that we are to have a stetling rink in the village this winter. The young folk are waiting anxiously for it to open. The Women's Institute 'was held in the Forester's hall on Tuesday, Dec. 1.0th. Subjectuelintistmae, old and new." by Mrs. W. T. Riddell. The hostesses ior the day were Mrs. The Ladies' Aid of the United r Alp, MI'S, 3. Robertson add 11Tee., Church held a bee at the prtrsonage4 Me)3rien, 911 TharsdaY,, , - The snow fences which the God- 'I 1."'"'"-tr"" erich township Council purchased some tinte ago, were erected Thurs. 'WITTICISMS ABOUT WOMEN day, ott the Cut Line wherebadl. the Although Lord Dewar is a . bache- snow has already drifted badly. for and apparently a confirmed The large numbet ;from the village briehele, ..he 'seemingly entertains a who attended the commencement . high ePpreelation of the fair sex, program in the auditorium cif the judging by seine of the witty say-. Clinton Collegiate institute, Theirs- , ings .he fires off about them from: day and Friday nights', report that ' time to time. the Program this year was the best ! Here are a fOW of (the best. ever given bY the students; of Clin- "The road to success is filled with ton Collegiate., j women pushing' their husbands The W.M.S. 'and Ladies' Aid held along." year tne home of Miss Acheson b-n-e-irei can make him better." No man is so good but a' woman their annual business meeting +.1 Tuesday afternoon, the election of "A golden Wedding is when a cou-. offices being" in charge -of Roe Mr. pis have gone fifty-fifty," ee follows: W.M.S. presi- MJvdent,s L. eris;vice MrS• Lobb; enc. -secretary, Mae. Walter; cor-see., Mee. • Glenn; treasurer, • IVIrs. J. Pot- ter; ., organists, Mks. Yee, Mks, E. Teewarblt; Supt. Stewardship, Mrs, Herbert; Supt. Lit, Mrs' F. Totter; Supt. Mit Boxes, IVIIrs. Hopkins; As- sociate enembers secretary, Mrs. IT. Snyder. • • Officers of ladies Aid: President, Mks. E. Yeo; vice, Mrs. E, Trerwar- the; secretary, Mrs. 3, Mulholland; trecisurer, _Miss Acheson; buying • ASH:FIELD: The many friends in' this district of John F. Andrew, of the 12th concession of Ashfield, -will be pleased to leann of his 'promotion ea" the office of assistant deputy minister of agriculture for Alberta. Mr. Andrew has been lecturer on animal husbandry and farm manage- ment ie the Agricultural College at Vermillion, Alberta, •and the official appointment came about two -weeks ago,- when the lieutetant-grevernor and the miniSter of, agriculture 'vie - We Have a Stock Of , - 14OWERING PLANTS, PANS, FERNS ' AND CUT FLOWERS• FOR THE CHRISTMAS TB,ADE Call at Our Ui) Tovvn Store • Stand Iteeently Oeupied by C. G. Lobb • emorial Wreaths and ,Wedding Flowers Al, Specialty., • • - • • Member o Florist Telogroph , Delivery Associatton as ere Fre1n a. irea-assarted stock of boxes' From 60c to $5.00 Candy Canes„ Stocking's and other Novelties, as well as the usual Creams and Mixed Candy and Bulk Ohoenlates. See Our Home-made. Mixed Camay GOOD AND PURE • • , 20c per lb, 2, lbs,for 35c:. • • • CHRISTMAS BAKING CHRISTMAS CAKE AND PLUM •PUDDINQ of the finest quality, all'sizes or by the pound Also Short Bread, Puffed Paste, Cream Puttee 0. • A full line of baking suitable for Christmas seadon: • anti' & Crick Come to Ctininghitm e's The Florist 0.• • . "DON'T WORRY FOR HOURS SAY IT WITH FLOWERS." OUR CHRISTMAS STOCK_ IS AT OUR FLOWER SHOP IN CONNECTION WITH THE CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS OFFICE AZALEAS, C/CLAIVLENS, FERNS, ATTRACTIVE BASKETS, CHERRIES, PRIMULAS. ETC. We offer a film selection in Decorated Christmas Grave Wreaths Cut Flowers always. in stock. _ To That Friend The Most Acceptable of 'Gifts for $2.00 • To those wird havo made their home far: froni • . • then. "ain folk" nothing, is quite Se ecce,ptiMe perhape us news of the "old honed. ".teWe? -th doings of the boys anol girls they used,te kidwd; their happiness, joys and sorreWeas re±1edtle'rif, es- , ery week in the news columns a. 1.4, 'beta *ws,: papers •'Your boy or girl, eister, br4her or besem friend will appreciate '1'h5 News-Reeerdeeneeeothan ' . • anything else. It will be it censtri'iit reninCI,dr of • you 52 weeks"in -the year. "AS' GOOD AS A.• LETTER FROM "HOME" Is what dotene of far away shbscribers tell us about: The News-Irieeepd. ' 1; !'l • • )04)C