HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-12-12, Page 1The; Newe-Record Est 1.878 ••-•
VVITH c9RG1tAT LD, --114
e, ttpreme
Carl.” be • rearchased . 'ear
store.' Gifts that. are beauti-
la aiici-durabie:'", • • '
• . , . •
•-Suitable !for -young, or old,e
, Male' •or female.. ! Watches' and . •
';'JaWelery„ for 'the •Yeianger.'
And.-wliat is more •approp-
'' rigte . or Mare appreciated than
•.:; an up-to-date pair. of spee-,
lr•taeles , for the fathers and
• niethers."
CalleAnd 'Inapeet our Stock.
Jewele,r and Optometrist
e liar
. •
• ' .
e.. -................-,.—,-..-.-el
Phone 174w and. 174j,
Silk ayoli 111ot:balers
at 69e
This is our regular _89c quality,
Only ten dozen in the lot and
these will clear in no time.
See their! while the sizes and
shades are aCttieir !pest.
saw isomr
0. Your Christmas'
Shoppillg Early
There is a steadily •growinjtendeney., towards earlier Christmas
'Shopping. In view Of this fact we are prepared, to show you the
beet assortment of Gifts for MEN and BOYS that we • have ever
had the pleature of showing', • '
We invite yeti to make your selection while the assortmentis
complete.' • , ;
L! ydu come in now, and make your choice we will reserve it, if
so desired, ! • . -
•We haveso many _"Jast Right" Gifte that it is only a matter
choice in making year selection.
, • .. • .
25e, 50e, 75c, $1•00, $1.25, $1.56 $2.00, $2.50 to 64.00
We are showing smart exclusive•patterlis marked with an-tmus-
Uhl richnesseof eelouT blendings that makes choosing very easy. ,
• ,$1.25 $L50, $/00, $2.50, $3.50.
OUR emtisTmAs sHIRTs—
Have just arriyeel. They 'ape beatties. Ranging ie price from
$1,50 t� 4O
The F.ollo'whlg also are 9,°°ePtahle
„ ..••''', •
-1. •
NVIleat, $1.25^ to• $L28
Oats, • r
Buckwheat, 80e to 83c.,
'Butter, 38c to .40e. •' .„ •
Figgs, 35e to 55e.
Live Hogs, 1.0.95,
Hale hearty,, M. J. II. Vetyli
on Tuesday, Dee. 10theee celebrate
his 'eighty-eighth birthday.- Ile' cele
brated the ddy in the midst of
few intimate friends at a'. dinne
given at the realise by his daughter
1VIrs. J. .E. Hags:
A• 'P1uini4ire writing from
,0 are 0 •ourfils taste
of Willteir: NSife,. 11'14 a lbt1e snow
and beautiful righ weather:. Gal's
are still rurnsin •0.0i:111,100:.u'gfileWings.leighs
are ancl
fjelbeing'wqrk tlac'ese. 1 1\1' v 9th
eSte0111,1:1471*/).1101)1:t.iip. likea: fet-
terefrom lie:mte eaeh", week, though it
u keeps us guessing teerealce out 'Who's
a.- 'Who.' • ,
The Nente-Ileccedi calendars have
arrived, and we, have one lee each
paid-up subseriber. .Ask •for yours
when you pay your subseriction in
advance or 1930, or if you have done
so before the calendars arrived, call
in and•get 'one. Anyoneesending re-
Devialfrom a distanCe may else have
eone if they will rriention it. We are
• not sending them to everyone at a
distance as many get more calen-
dars than they know hrhat to do with.
14ut-eve will be pleased to do so on re-
• -Following, are the report of th•
Medical Officer of Health for Clin
ton and thereport of the finaneia
committee; presented at the las
meeting of 'council and emitted fro
• our report 4the Meeting last week
owing to lack of Space", •
year has been ' as eistial al
most free from contagions and in-
fectioue diseases. Many of our cit-
izens are becoming educated in tak-
ing preventive, Measures and fol-
lowing the regulations and. instrue-
tions of the Board of Health. This
is to be expected, foi gederation af-
• ter .generation ln Clinton has been
instructed, to take the proper meas-
ures to prevent the spreading- of
those ,conummicable diseases. We
wish to extend onr thanks to the
trustees and teachers for etheir wil-
ling cooperation in assisting the
Medical and Dental Men in making a
Health Examination of all Public
School pupils. We also thank the
Piefessional men of Clinton for their
hearty assistance in making this
survey. The teachers were instrue-
ted in this work, to when a new
pupil is enrelled a card index is ad-
ded to the record. In this wa-y the
parents are notified of any defect
which can be corrected. The Board
would appreciate the parents in
Clinton considering the advisability
of having all their children innocula-
ted for Diphtheria and Scarlet Fev-
er. Medical Soience has proved this
discovery will entirely banish those
diseases from the list of infectious
diseases for a generation at least
and perhaps two. Had thie pre-
caution been acted upon last year
WO young lives would have been
saved this summer in Clinton. Many
parents havetakem advantage of -this
advice but not sufficient. •
• The inspection of the milk supply
during the past year showed a stan-
dard test for butter fat. In order to
make it a safe food for children it
should be pasteurized. ThM at
present in Clinton is not Practical,
but what is see and .can be done is
to boil for five minutes all milk and
cream that .is used for thildren. This
does not destroy the food. quality of
milk but on the contray it destroys
all. gams of tubmculosis, undulent
fever, septic throat and, many other
genius that may contaminate the
milk by being infected by those
handling the milk befit:ling and de-
Thepopulation is, 1925. Deaths,
38. Births, 43. All. of which. is res-
pectfully submitted. J. W. Shaw,
* r!.
Street Account
Paysbeer . e •
,J. J. Smith, gravel and
•• - - teaming . 36.05
.5. J. Andrews, :tile, ' 2.25
H. Trewarthe, gravel ,31.61
L. Came, draying . ' 3.85
R. Crete; gravel and teant 9.30
1. Stewart, mower re-
' pairs . 2.20
Electric Light Account
Coin., street light157.77
' • Property Aeeount
P. U. Com., lighting hall:• 13.48
Paysheet , , : • 2,55
Plurnsteel Bros., curtains. ,67
, D. E. Gleet Account •
A. Pulford, sal. or Nov. • 65.00
• Cemetery Account.
C. V Cook, sale for Nov. 50.00
H. W. Charlesworth, grass
• seed . . ... ... 2.30
• Salaries Account
Stong„ sal. for" Nov.:. •70.83'
Grealis', sal. for Nov58,33
' ' Printing Ancotint
G. E. Hall, Voter's Liet, • '
Grants A.Ceount
P. U. Conf., light and X- • , '
Rey, hospital . 20.17
Veterans Grant'•. ,..• 15.00
• . Fire and Water Account
W• T. Hawkins, stove, ete; • 24.35
G. Carbett, stove & labor - • 3.45
Grk4vans, rubbed boots 3,25
Hanly, rubber' boots . • 3.25"
Beard of Health Aceount
De': Shave, -salary . • 150.00
Dr; -Shaw, expenses .....• , 4.00
!• Postage Accoun.tt
Clerk and Assessor ....
• • Stationery Acconnt
• Municipal WorId, blank , f�rms •
, Incidental AceClunt -
• P.. IT. Com, water rates for •
fountains and taps .. • 32,37
• Bell TeL Co., rent 9,,25
Install. „Chief Pon. Ph`clh'f 3'80
14rket Scales ,434.60 •,
• -Hall 34,•00- .68.0o
"A Square Deal! for Every Maii
a v. cooicE-
of .$2800
'Orb in Pere • 80.00,
.oric . . 34,50 • 10.50
E. Grealis, stock scales. ,. 9.90
"The Racket," a .lively three -act
comedy,- was put o11 in, the town hall
on SaturdaY evening last by $t.
Luke's Draina League • of Detroit,
Miele, the entertainment being given
under ' the auspices jof St. Joseph's
church, Clinton. . The; prograrn prov-
ed to be a very jolly, laugh-provols-
ing affair.
The evening was. very stormy,
which no doubt prevented.many from
attending, so there was but a fair
The company putting on the pro-
gram were entertained in Clinton ov-
er the week -end by Rev. Rather Sul-
livan. and members, ef St. Joseph's_
• The 1929 commencement; held on
Thursday and Friday evenings in
connection with the Collegiate In-
stitute, brought out two full houses
and much commendation frem • those
who attended 1 or the part taken by
the young people in the programs.
The large auditorium was filled each
The program opened with a smart
little chorus, "Ship Ahoy," sung bY
the lower school girls in naval uni-
form, which was fellowed by some
truly ,wonderful gymnastic work by
'the '"Gent." team. The' boys are 'cer-
tainly inalcing use of their fine new
gym and apparatus and their ex-
hibition of stunts was one of the
most interesting and best -enjoyed
features of the varied program, ,
A. couple of on -act plays were al-
so given, "The Weather Breeder,"
and ,`The Man in the Bowler Hat,"
a couple of little musical comedies,
"The Wedding of -the Painted Doll,"
and "All Together," the latter writ-
ten by a member of the staff., a club
drill, several selections by the school
•orchestra and the presentation of
the prizes and diplomas completed
a lengthy program. •
The plays were put on entirely by
the students, having been trained ber
'members of the staff, and therecer-
tainly, .acquitted themselves very
well, indeed. "The wedding of the
Painted Doll", put on lay the younger
girls, in fanciful costume, was
charmingly pretty, and special .in-
terest was taken in the musical com-
edy, "All Together;" which was. write
Fen, by the classical master, Mk. F. C.
Coombs, and included a pretty little
chorus and 'dance and also some fun-
ny scenes. • •
• On. Thursday evening. • Dr. J. W.
Shaw presented the 'medals and spec-
ial prizes, and on Friday evening the
ev,iji.. E. Hogg presented •the; di -
On Friday •evening'the Members
-o£ the staff were calred to the plat
form a,nd, Mr. Reg. Noble speaking
for the students, made- a little speeeh
thanking then for their efforts in
their- behalf and each. -was --presented
Fineswtha a aleyolXngelfaefilief:1 actvedse, in ilPys. I
Following is a list' of the prizes:
0„ C. 1. Senior )3kW.s Champion --
Athletic Cup and ' Gold lelledal-B.
Middleton. - •
0.. 0. 1. Senior: diel's Champion-
ilsitlelid. arid C4old Hoc-
0. 0, I. Intermediate, BOY'S Cham-
pion -Cold Medal -Hose Carter.
C.. C. 1. Junior Girl's Champion -
Geld Medal -Margaret -Ross.
0,, C. I. junior Boy's Champion -
Geld Medal -K. Elliott.' •
• Silver • cup -Presented !.13y- Dr,
-Shaw for • general . •'effieieffey •in
Sehool activities -4V. BbzelL
Special Prize, •value lien,. dollars,
presented by Mr. Brydque for best
essay on the -history..the C.C.I.,
1920 -20 -Margaret HcIeeed• •
• Ma'. IIlstlealnt lereTaggart's • Prize
for ,the girl ranking-, first in• Dplier
Schbol• 'Mathematics -Dorothy -Jiffies,
The Principal's -Paige fenthe. boy
ranking•first in Upper Sehocd Math-
ematies-Stuart Keye. ' •• • •
B4 to: ,siG:re6.:TdiaAt:aiigei :0th4p,1:11:!6.
Isabel Clhoivren; '14ettlr'Orei
li°4(lArLied:rte":4:.e0:0;t1;illifiYa PC:A:
ris Bezel!, equal, A
Lloyd Stock. • • • .
Silv,er Cup and Bronze Medal-
,33renze IIedal-e-14bert Hale, Mor -
•offs.' BesSie 11046,
Derothy lerMorris Rime%
The NM Era Eet. 1365,
Plic IVIagistrate S. J. Andrews
aTI "Mrs. Andrews will celebrate the
fiftieth anniverSary of their maai•-
liege on Tuesday next, Xie. 1.7t
Tilliethewialfitbeie.naloonliaarancie eravenfilani; ofhats dny ' . •
Commissioner of Insurance Batei
Hon. M. Justice Frank Hodgins.
ie holding a sitting in
the parliament -huildinge, Toronto, on
Wednesday next, Dec,:: 18th, to hear
any who wish to give their views on
the matter of ComPulsOry Automo
bile Liability Insurance. He has
written to the president of the Clin-
ton Board of Trade, Mr. N. W. pre.
wartha, asking that a representative
be..eent, should thre matter -bel of in_
terest to. this section. A meeting. of
the executive' will be held to discus
the 'question of sending a represen-
tative. • •
• let Wor. Bre,' Rev., Capt, Riddiford
paid a recent visit to Murphy Lodge,
Clinton, 'and spoke yery seriously' of •
the, "Ideals of Orangismand Protest-
antism." His address was .sincerely
appreciated by the brethern and the
historical data regarding the Orange
Association was highly educatioaal.
• Murphy ',edge held. its election
of officers, Wor. Bro. Cornish, Dis.
Master, conducting the election,. ably
supported by Wm. Bro. Schoenhals,
Sr., 'FVfor. Bro. Handy and Rt. Wor,
Rev, Capt. Riddiford.
following were elected to the
N. W't IVI. J. Schoen
• LP.M.; ' Asa Deeves, D.M.; N.
Sly, Chaplain; W. IL Hellyar, R.S.;
!Wt. Falconer, F.S.; W. B. MeIlveen,
treasurer; WI Nelson, W. Fulford,'
lecturers; Ed. Morrison, 1st Cent;
Committee, Steep, 11teCartney, Cud -
more Warren; N. Tyndall, Tyler; M.
Schoenhals, H. Itt, Hanly, auditors;
Installation of officers will take
place at the next meeting. Dee, 13th,
Baptist Church •
Song' and preaching service Sun-
day evening: Subject: "Knots the
Devil Tied and Cannot Loose."
Sunday school and' week -night
services as, usual. A Christmas Can-
tata will be given by the young
people later 011. - •
St. Paul's Church
Minting and evening prayer will
be conducted in the parish hall. '
"The re -opening services after the
decoration and renovation of the
church will be held on Sunday, Dec.
29th, when the preacher for the day
will .1.1e• Bev: S. E. IticBegney, M.C.,
M.A. a 'firmer 'rector.
. Presbyterian Church •
The minister's morning subject
will be: "Deliver us From Evil,"
Evening: "Pilate's Question,"
• Sunday school Christmas enter-
tainment will be held on Friday eve-
ning Dee. 20th, at 7:15.
The W. lilt S. will held its annual
meeting in the church lecture room
on Wednesday afternoon;Dee, 18th,
at .three o'eloek. •
• Ontario Street United Church
Special evangelistic 'day on Sun-
• day.
Bev. A. E. Doan will preach in
' thd morningon the theme "Who
Owns You." In the evening Miss
Lucy Cooper, • the girl evangelist
from Toronto, will. speak on •the
subject. "The Unveiled llible." Miss
Cooper .is only 1.6 years of age, was
brOught isp ae a child in Clinton and
was baptized in this church-, She
will also speak far a few' minutes to
the Sunday school 115 the afternoon.
All Servieei as. usual. ' '
Weele9eVillie United •Church
Sermon subjects for net Sunday,
Horning: "How God Works -The
Background of Clmistnias." Even -
ng: ..."Endure • Ilardness-eLessons
front the • Gymnasium." " •
Men's Club will meet 1Vliondify eve-
ning at 8 o'clock in the school .roorn
of the church.
• The vv„ 4. held its anniml, meeting
en Wednesday afternoon of lest
week -when the fellowinge officers
.W -ere elected: 'Io/I-President, !qrs.
J . E. Hogg; preSident, 10m. A. T.
Cooper first vice, lVfam. le E. Man -
Ping; second vice Mre. IL B. Chant;
third. viCe, Mrs. !INf.' L. Mair; trate,
arer, 111`rs.11. Fitksiinons; eor-sec-
retarY, Mrs. T. Veneer; • reeeseme-
etary, Mrs. G. Venliorriee treasurer;
flower :fued, Niers. J. lePeKitiley; as.
• The Girl's Club held their: annual
business meeting and 'election of
last -whep
p't:1onvenar de-.
:411 .91:og:s4bledfe:':t1 jj'a• t:ra' je;iingsPtS;:t1.1Kz'm e64.1al : °a1,:,;:!‘:::e4:Yrt), 1(349'i ,11.''°..g•,fqs. *'
,c e 4.1ie lav004
• atherin
a"'4,1'.aaCir` th fano
the follewing officers were appOint-
' Holl -on. '1/101,8, TXPRg;
president lefts; G. H. 'Jefferson; lst
Miss NalleffY;,,;2rid Vico,
ley; sbcretery, Mess_ IL Sanith; Con-
maMc; h•Je.re1„. l
• twiecalelentiloyiWnto
e can.
ducted a drag business in Cliiiten,
was • 'elected • at • last . week's
election to the. board of control of the
City of Ottawa, whete he has spent
Many years as a proeperous businees.
man. Mrs. Alleneis a native
ton, being a daughter of Ile late
Thomas Jackson, Sr. - •
The Ladies'. Auxiliary of the Bros-,
byterian church met, at the: home • of
'efts. Ross Forrester on Friday eve-
ning last, the gathering being ar-
ranged in honour of 1VIrs. J. WM-
liturchier. a valued member who
leaves town this week to, make lien
honie in Buffalo. The ladiee had a
very nice social time together' and
during the evening they presented
Mrs.• MaelVIurchie with a little part-
ing gift, for which she expressed
'thanks and also her regret at separ-
atsn active
worker in the various organizations
oe the Church and had also been or-
ganist for some years. On her re-
signation of this post the board of
managers presented leer with a hand-
some cheque. •
,Mrs. MaeMerchie will be much
missed in town as ehe-had a large
circle of friends and was very gen-
erous in assisting in many ways
with her musical gifts. The good
wishes of 'many follow her to her
new abode:
Charles McIntosh, a respected
resident of Itullett township and
father of Mr. J. P. McIntosh and
Mise•Mary McIntosh of Clinton, cele-
brated his one hundredth birthday
on Wednesday of last week.
Mr. McIntosh was born in Aber-
deenshire, Scotland, Dec. 4th, 1829,
and came, with his parents to Can-
ada at the age of four years. The
family settled in Quebec, remaining
about four. years, then came lip An
Huron, settling first in Goderich
township, at what later beCame Por-
ter's Hill. Goderich township was a
very young township at that time.
having been. settled only about eine
years. In 1860 Mee McIntosh moved
to Hallett and there Ile -has lived
Tift.ctically ever since. e has al-
ways enjoyed good health and to -
'day' looks manylreete younger than
his years, moves about actively and
Still enjoys life. His wife passed
away about thirty years ago but he
hag a family of five daughters and
three sons: Mis. 3. Shanahan and
Mrs. P. Quigley, Hullett; Mrs. Bak-
er, Toronto, Ellen, lVfontrenl; • Wil-,
Goderich; Joseph, Elksley,
Sask.; and J. P. ancl nary of Clin-
Mr. McIntosh was a schoolmate of
the late David' •Beacom, growing up
in the same community, and oddly
enough, the boyhood friends both.
lived to see their 0110 hundredth
Mr. McIntosh was the recipient of
many warm congratulations on the
attainment 02 ,soenotabee. 5521 aimi-
Muth routine business was, put
through by the county cduneil. last
• week. 'The matter of Old Age Pen-
sions came in for a good deal of
discussion. the committee having had
much .work in getting the scheme
inaugurated in the county. • „
VP to Dee. lst there were, 423 -ap-
plicabliS received by the eonlinittee:
Of these 357 were recommended by
the committee and 381 were passed
by the Provincial Board. Forty-five
'applications from presidents of the
pro•Folg-County Hone were passed by
thg 1!
The 'estimated amount which will
he paid' in this county will be $91.200
of which ihe eoiinty's share Will be
$18,240: Amount payable to 0011.11-
ty Heine inmates, $8,640; amount
to he raised dieect, $10,000, or there -
MR. J. 11. W1YLIE
Who on Tuesday' completed his.
eighty-seventh year.
Tho meeting of the L.O.B.A. on
Tuesday evening lait took the form-
a installation of officers. The of-
ficersefor the year 1930 are: Mrs.
C. V. Cooke, W.M.; Memento, Judd,.
'D.M.; Mrs. J. Watkins, chaplain; ()l-
ive Alratkins. R. S., Jeannette Tay -
F.$.; Viol Livermore, treasur-
er; Hattie Livermore and Mrs. B.
Mellveen, lecturers; Mrs. G. Tay-
lor, D. of C.; Mrs. S. Castle, I. G.;
Melvin Schoenhals; 0.G.; Mrs. Fol -
land, 1st Com.
Schoenhals and Mrs, W. Shob•-•
brooke, auditors; Mrs. E. Cooke,.
After the regular 'meeting a soc-
ial hour was spent.
Word was received on Monday
afternoon of the death of Mrs.
Catherine Hutchings, widow of 'Is-
aac Hatchings,. at Langton, after an
Meese of several weeks. Mrs.
Hutchings was the mother Of '
G. E. Hall and was known to many
here .as she had visited her daugh-
ter -on Several occasions. It will be
remembeCed that Mr. Hutchings died
while .on a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Ball in the autunm of 1919.
lifts:, Hatchings, - •evhe, was over
eighty years of age, had been fail-
ing somewhat and. about three weeke
before her death suffered a hemor-
rhage of the brain -from which she
never eompletely.rallied. iVfrs. Hall
had been with her mother for over
a fortnight and Kr. Hall went down,
to be present at the funeral:
The W. C. T. U. will meet in the•
lecture- room, of Ontario street. 'Uni-
ted church on Friday afternoon at
three o'Cleek.
Do ,your Christmas shopping ear-
ly and do it in Clinton. Shops are
full ef Attractive goods and prices
always reasonable.
The two young men who stole the
Rorke car in Clinton a few weeks
ago were given a year at Guelph to
consider the matter, -7
Do not fail to read the advertise-
ments in The News -Record. There.
is •Soinething, of,' interest • on every
page; do not miss anything.
As Clinton is to vote- on a bylaw
might as well have .a real munieipal
,conteet this. year and let the peOple-
have a chance to say who they want
on the council.
The Heine and School Association
noets in the Public school on Tuesday afternoon, Dee. 17th at 4.15. All
members are requested to attend as
important business will be discuased..
The Rev. L. C. Harrison and a
number of the choir of St. Paul'e
Algliean church • 'motored up to
oderich Monday evening to attend
service in connection with the re- •
pealing of St. George's eherch.
Th'e death occurred at the home
of her daughter,
Mrs. Calton, Mary
street, on Sunday of Mrs. Annie
Colclough, widow of Joseph Col-
elough of Goderich township, in her
eightieth year,
• Hrs. Colclough had long been in -
very poor health, haying been con-
fined to bed for some -time. Her
husband had, died nineteen months
ago. Hrs. Colelough's maiden name
was Annie Pearson and she was bone
in Tipperary, Ireland, coming to
Canada when -a girl of nineteen, She -
sons married to Joseph Colelouger
fifty years ago in September 'last
And lived 3m Goderich township.intill
after -the death -of her husband; sincw
which she has resided with hew
daughter. She is 'survived ber three,
daughters and three sons:
Tian Calton, Clinton; Mrs. 0. 1Willer;
Stratford;- lVfes. W A., Thaeltalierry
and , 1Goderich township),
George of Hallett and Lorne" of Tie- •
,ronto. One brother survi-ves .at
.414 Ste. Marie. --An family
WOre,heme for •the funeral; *Melt'
toek place privately, from tlie
of Ws, Calton ;NAMED:Lye aftcfrnieon..
The serfriee Wag ceectubW. by the
Rev, le G,Harrieell 0' St. ,
Anglian- church), of' whieli tsliewee'
idlj.',..and Bea. Pearson. ritterntent'
Oh se,"Wednesday afternoon the °
members of the: council went to Exe-
e). to attend the funeral of a...mem-
ber, that .02 Reefra Elliott of Exe-
ter. .'
On 'Thursday evening the usual
50015) function was held, with..1t0V0
Trewartha of Clinton in the chair,
when;;Tirarden, Ingle e was presented
with. -a .cane. addrees was:read
by Reeve Adams of Hullett `arid the
piesentation made by Reeve Neeb of
Stephen. Speelmee were made by
Engineer Patereon, Treasurer Young.
Clerk 'Holman and Reeves Beattie,
"Hubbard, Baeker, Higgies, Hill and
ex -Warden Hays, all speaking in:
high terms of arden Jngles.
An lunusual motion was
ing the session ,by the:reeve. Of
Hay and e•the deputy reeve !of
Stephen that the ponthlion Govern-
ment .b`e...mentoralized, askieg an . in-
crease. in 'the ditty. on beans coining,
into Canada. Weirden •ItigIes how'
ever, ruled the anetion. out of orger„
I.A....res'olution. was'
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