HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-11-14, Page 5ItURSDA•Y,"
10 9
. .
the inIonniation of .our -bretiv
"rert in theaNdithWeSt,''''Wilof -are' '4,
;perienCing Winternisre4tlier,"',W,OrWentd
:Say -','Week".'hag:".'"heeil. More'
7windaiwth glinWeag ,•-•'OdeaSionally
and tlien:a.gkint efapiarieliblO,
era",ate htoorainga-iletlleOardeaS.
a Said. WailiaVehdnseverather•
a Yet •-•.in. • :
Poor old Toronto *is getting hex•
Ineeke these 'daYs. The 'University
stmcients decided 'in 'debate tat. To-
ronto "deserVea her reputation for
• ;in elerenee " and now come.along, a
• writer who• claims that Toronto'n
intolerance is eausda by the "over-
whelming mediocity Ofits citizens."
-How eau any nifty ever stand tip un-
der such criticisnin •
The Prince of Walea is a petty
shrewd young man and knows ,what
he is talking about most of the time.
• -*On' proposing a toast to the •wearers
of the Victoria Cos in London on
Saturday night last„ at a dinner to
• which he had invited them in speak-
• ing of the order he said: •
"It is •recruited from that very
• limited circle of men who see what
is needed And do it at once at their
• own peril and, having done it, Shut
• up like an oyster: This is a wise
aprovision of nature, for if the men
who did things talked half as much
as the men who know how things
ought 'to be done, life would not be
• worth living."
If Canada can accomodate those
.5000 Mennonites who wish to come
her it i might be a good move to
bring them. •They are farmers
who would go ' 011 and stay on
the land; they make good citizens
and do not take periodical spells of
' wishing to go about without ejoth-
big. One thing the Government
should avoid, however, it giving any
assurance that they will not have to
bear arms or do anything else a
-native-born may be called upon to
• do. Those who come to Canada should
• expect to obey Canadian laws. What
is good enough for native born Can-
adians is good enough for those Who
-come here to settle.
* * *
Hon. James A. Robb, 1Winister of
Finance in the King Government,
• died at the Royal York Hotel, To-
ronto, on lVfonday after an illness of
less than three weeks. It was hoped
that he had taken a turn for the bet-
ter and his complete recovery was
looked for, when he -took a stroke of
apoplexy and died in a few hours.
XT. Robb had been prominent in
public life for some years, having
occupied tile post of Finance Min-
ister since 1921, when he was given
his choice of portfolios. He had
beon a member of parliament since
1908. He was a quiet, unpreten-
tious man but was thought highly of
" by party comrade and opponent a-
like. The Dominion ` loset a good
servant in the passing of genial
"Jim" Robb.
The Stratford Home and School
.Association has requested the Board
of Education to take steps to have
all children learn the art of swim-
ming. It is a good idea. In this
country of myriad lakes and rivers
the boy or girl who cannot swim is
at a disadvantage, It would be
better, too, to have children learn
'under proper auspices, rather than
to steal off as if doing something
blame -worthy. The children who
are early accustomed to deport them-
selves in water to handle boats, un-
do.* careful instrnetion, are seldom
the ones who do foolish things when
in the water. They learn' a healthy
respect fel., water; they learn its
power And do not take undue risks.
Every Canadian child should learn
to swim and to handle a boat or
Word has been received, of the
- passing of Mrs. David Day of Chil-
' Renick, B. C., formerly Miss Elvira
Cosens. Mrs. Day had been in fil-
ing health for the past few Years
: and was totally blind. She was the
;sister of Mr. A. Cosens of Wingham
and a cousin of Mrs. Jas. IldeQueen
of Brucefield and Mrs. G. Stanbury
and Miss A. Landsborough of Clin-
t toil.
Thanlcoffering meeting of the
W. M. S. was observed last Sunday
, When Rev. B. Smillie gave an ad -
...dress about his work in India, after
---Whi:ehp few minutes silence was ob-
' • ierveil of the signing of
the Armistice. ' 1 ;-•
Thanksgiving visitors in Hrued-
:field were: Misses Irene and
'leen Snider and Miss Ina Scott,
London; Mr. and Mks. West,. St.
'Thomas; Mr. and Tars, Wni,.•IVre-
'Qtreen and daughler, Toronto; Mr.
• and Mrs. Baxter and family of To:
ronto were the •guests of Mr. and
:Mrs. Dam Monroe. a
•. Mr. and Mrs. 1V5onetith and fain -
of London spent the week -end ,at
• the• -home of the latteins mother,
Janet Rose.
"i•-so::',Tila, AUBURN
'Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mathenra and
• sons, Billie and Bobby, of Toronto,
spent the week -end at the honie of
Mr. and, Mrs. R. D. Munro.
• Mis and tits's. Gordon Taylor spent
the week -end in Detroit.
• Mr. and Mrs. Gormley Thompson
of London spent the holiday with
their parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt ond,
daughter of iGoderioli apeet Thanks
• giving at the home of Mr. Ana Ates.
Mr. and rifts. H. Jenkins of Chil-
ton, Mr, and MTS. E. J. Jenkins and
aon. George of London spent Thanks.
giviniday at the home of Mr. and
/Hrs., 0., E. Erratt.
POTIILJOIVE'TI'—At • St. , Jame '
• Anglican church, Stratford, on
November 12th, by the Rev. Can-
on Cluff, Hd.da Ethel, elder
daughter of iNtv. and 1VIts. W.
,Jowett of Hayfield, to Leroy Poth,
son, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pdth;
New Dundee.
LECKIE—HILL—At the home at
• the bride's Parents, London, on
Nov. 5th, Elate Jane, daughter of
• and Mae. 'Luxton Hill,-
Tlibnias 'Monteith Leckie, only son
of M11,4, and IVIrs. 'T. T. Leckie, all
llaniiitcita Man., on November 6th,
• by the Rev, P. C. Bays, Edith
• liday Edwards,• to Charles Edmond
the United cherch manse, Kippen,
• on November 9th, by the Rev.
Roy Connor, Mary, eldest dough -
ter of IVA-. and ,Mrs. WM. 'Welton -
aid, to Rose Broadfoot, eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs. James Broadfoot
• Tuckersmith.
WARD—In Kitchener Hospital, on
November 12th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Ward, formerly Marion
Cudrnore, of Elmira, a daughter.
woox—rp, Goderith township, on
Nov. 7th, Mary Grayson, widow
..,a John Wood, in her 86th, year.
DINSLEY—In Clinton, on Nov. 13,
Robert A. pinstey, aged '73 years.
Funeral service takes place at the
home of Ids' sister, Miss M. Din-
sleY, Maple street, on Friday af-
ternoon, coniemncing at 2.30. In-
terment in Clinton cemetery.
HOBBS—In Chatham on No'Verriber
12th, William Hobbs, formerly of
Clinton and Londesboro. Service
at Clinton cemetery on Friday af-
ternoon, comMencing at 1,30. In
terment in Clinton cemetery.
M. and Mrs, Cree Cook wish to
express thanks to ll those friends
and neighbors who extended assie-•
tame and sympathy during the ill-
ness of Mns. Cook. All such acts of
courtesy and kindness were very
nuich appreciated.
The family of the tate Mrs. John
Wpon desire to express their sincere
appreciation of the sympathy shown
them in their recent sudden bereave-
ment for flowers sent and all kind-
nesses shown by friends -and neigh-
Last week we made mention. of the
marriage of Miss Carrie Walter. We
since have had a paper from Redlands,
California, giving the following ac-
count of the ceremony.
"The marriage of 1Wiss Carrie T.
Welter ond William 'Batty, both of
Redlands, -was solemnized at high
noon Wednesday at the home of the
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Ashleigh
in Montebello, the minister officiating
with the single ring service.
The living 'room and ' cli•hing
room were beautifully decorated
with baskets of chrysanthemums
for the occasion. The bride, who
was unattended, wore a dress of
French blue velvet and carried a
bouquet of Sweetheart roses, lilies
of the valley and maidenhair ferns.
After a wedding !luncheon
served by the family of the offi-
ciating minister, the couple left
for a motor trip to the northern
part of the state, the bride trav-
eling in 0 brown covert cloth en-
semble with eggshell 'satin blouse
and accessories to harmonige. They
will be at home alter December 1
at 28 West 'Cypress avenue..
Both lrfie and. Mrs. Batty are
natives of Canada, but have re-
sided in Redlands for many years.
She is Well known • as a trained
nurse and he is a prominent, con-
tractor. The bride is a sister of
Mrs. Henry W-. Tebbutt of Eureka
street and of John E. WIter of this
Mr. and Mrs. B. MbIltath have
gone to Toronto, as is their wont,
where they will spend the winter.
Miss McDonald, our teacher, spent
the holiday at her home in Tees -
Fire destroyed Robert McIlwain's
barn on the Fourth Concession of
Vedermli towns/um on Friday night
last. This I's the farm Reylausly
owned by Mr. 0. A. Sterling. -
1VIr. and 110s; Alfred Jervis and
and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis spent
the week -end in London on account
of the death of Mrs. Alfred Jervis'
sister, 7 .;.• I
.. The Ladle's' Aid Society and the
Missionary. Society of the
United chianti met in 'the basement
of the church Wiedneaday afternoon
at oneathirty oldlbck:- A. ten -cent
tea was Served at, the close of the
meeting. Mrs, W. IT. Lobb and Mts.
Lorna Jervis acting as hostesses.
Hugh ,Glen met with a painful
accident on Sunday when he tore
the ligamenta of his ankle. He will
not be able to use kis foot for the
next three weeks. , .
lltr.' and Mrs.. Everett Lowery and,
baby, of Oshawa, spent the , week-
end visiting at the home et Mr. and
Mri. Robert •IlicUartneY. -
eV'.'••'1W. J. Herbert preached o
very appropriate and impressive
Thanksgiving sermon in the United
church here on Sunday. - Mr., Her-
bert preaehed atathe ueion Thanks-
giving -dervice in Clinton on. Mora
day morning. '
Mr. and Mrs.'• Birch of Detimit
spent the week -end and holiaay at
the home of the latter's Parents, Mr.
.oald. Mrs. Jack'
Herbert and Mrs. Het-
bert entertained,. friends ftorn St.
Marys at alle, 'United churph parson-
Age- over the Week -and.
Mr. and 1Vlis-. N, W. Tye-wain:ha and
daughter of Clintot, ., accompanied
by Miss Susan Acheson," Of Holmes -
vale, motored to Hamilton and spent
the week -end at the home of the
latter'sister, Mrs. Daniel Calbeck.•
Annual Meeling,
• Wanien's taberal-Conservative As-
eociation will hold their annual -meet-
ing on
November, 15th'
., •
at 8, Pan.
at he home of Mrs. Frank Glew
Huron Street
Social 'lunch to be served by /tidies
Full attendance of members and
workers is expected.
Pres. of Women's Lib.- Con-
servative Association.' 39-2.
A High Class Concert
will be given hi the
at 8 o'clock
Tuesday, November 19
ond,er auspices of the Y.P.D. of St.
Andrew's United Church, the pro-
• • gram to be given by
Noted Indian Entertainer and soloist
gr. Cook has directed the largest
choir ever heard in the city of Ot-
tawa; and is a successful entertainer.
Admission, Adults, 35c, Children'25c
Sale. of Fancy Goods
in Lecture Room of Ontario Street
United Church
Friday, Nov. 22nd
from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
undda auspices of W. A.
• 40-2.
under auspices of
will be held in the hall on
Thursday Nov. 21st
after which a humorous play will be
ataged by the Young People of
Trinity Church, Hayfield,
Lunch served from 6 to 8 o'clock
Admission 25e and 35c,
Keep Stock Of Roads
Traffic officer Lever would call
the attention of the farmers of Hu-
ron County to the fast that stock
must not be allowed to tun at large
on County' roads. APyone knowing
of any accident on roads might phone
She officer, telephone No, 91, Clin-
ton, 40-1
House For Sate
Comf ortable nine room house,
Victoria street, Clinton. Garage and
stable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin-
ton. 40-tf.
' Auction Sale
:Of Farm Stock at lot 12; Hay-
field line, three miles east of Hay-
field, on Wednesday, November 20th
at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of the
Team of agricultural geldings, 4
and 6 years old; Jersey cow, 7 Years
old, due in February; Jersey heifer,
due in December; Durham cow, 5
years old, due in February; Durham
cow, 8 years old, due in February;
-black' co*, 6 years old, due in Ap-
ril; Durham cow, 5 years old, due in
July; Durham cow, 6 years old, due
in July; 2 Hereford heifers, due in
March; -4 steers, from 800 to 1000
lbs.; 3 heifers, two . years ,old; 3
yearlings; 3 spring calves. PIGS—
Sow with five pigs 3 weeks old; 2
-store hogs about 150 lbs. HEN—'
60 Rock pullets, 20 year-old Rock
hens, 50 White Leghorn hens. Cht.
lie dog; 15 cords of 14" body wood.
This is an exceptiopally good lot
of stock and in good condition, and
will be sold without reserve as the
proprietor is leaving the farm for
the winter.
TERMS—All sums of $10.00 and
,under, cash; over that amount ten
months' credit will be given oh fur-
nishing' approved joint bankable pa,
per, -with a discouot of five per cent.
straight allowed for cash on credit
ainountS. A..Townhend, Proprietor;
G. H. Elliott, .Auctioneer. 40-1.
Clearing Auctidsi Sale
Of Vann Stock and Implements at
lot 32, Con. 4, Goderich township, on
Moriday, Nov. 18th, at 1 o'clock
sharp, consisting of the f011owing:
' HORSES—Team of grey Percher -
ons, 4 years old, about 1400 lbs.;
Percheron colt, rising 2 years; Per-
cheron colt, 2 years old.
CATTLE—Durham grade cow, 5
years oicl, due in April; • Ildreford
cow, 7 years old, dus in May; Dur-
ham cow, 7 years old, due in Jan-
uary; Durham CON, 6 years old, due
in Vebruavy; A-yreshire • cow, 5
years ° old, due in Anrili choke Hol-
stein heifer, in calf; Durhdm cow.
5 years 01(1, Milking good; Hereford
heifer, With calf at foot; 2 'steers
rising 2 yeas old; 2 spring calves.
PIGS -14 store hogs, about 128
• IMPLEMENTS, -- Miaasey-Harris
spring cultinator; 2 Bain wagons;
set diamond harrows; steel rake;
walking plow; • gravel box.; set
teasn harneaa: scuffler and nurner-
ous artiples. Everything ad-
vertis•ed•tond as proprietor ha's
lost 'barn 'olby" fire. Tering: All
suins of $10 and under, cash; over
thnt amount 9 months' credit Will be
given 'art furnishing "approved ' joint,
loahkable paper, or a discount of 4,
per cent, straight allowed for cash.
R. 3. McIlwain, Proprietor, Geo.
H. Elliott, Anationeer. 40-1.
emberof Florist Telegraph
Delivery Association.
*Itch arid
French Bulbs
After this week- all our stock will
be planted as it is getting too late to
store bulbs now. ,
,Special attention to all kinds of
floral work which will be sent any,
where on ahort notice.
Chas. V. Cooke
Two Phones -66w and 66J
Rib Roasts, Beef 22c
Shoulder Roast Beef 22c
Rump Roast ''Beef • 22c
Flank Boils, Rolled • 18c
P.. Mealed Cot. Rolls 28c
Smoked 'Cot. Rplls. 30c
Dry Salt -boneless Pork 25c
Mutton in halves 15e
Mutton 'front quarters 16c
Mutton Stews . - • 16c
Bologna, Head- Cheese and
Weiners, 2 grades) Liver
Sausage, Ring 'Bologna,
Summer Sausage, Minced
Ham, Macaroni and Cheese
Loaf, Cooked Corn ,Beef
and English Loaf, Choice
Limburger Cheese.
Try us for nice fresh pure
See our Crate -fed Fowl
before you buy
Clinton's Leading Meat Market
House to Rent
Comfortable 7-toom house, in good
location. Apply to R. B, Carter, Vie-
toria street, Clinton. 37-tf.
'Cottage to Rent
Five room cottage, Princess Street
East. Summer kitchen, cellar under
all the house. Lights and town wat-
er. Large garden with small fruits,
chicken run. Apply Mrs. Albert Col-
clough, R. II, No, 2, Hayfield, phone
608-r-11 or to C. Lobb, grocer, Clin-
ton. 40-2,
House For Sale or To Rent
Good red brick house, High street,
Clinton, 8 rooms, also bath and sun
room. Hard and soft water, hot
water heating, polished oak floora
in lower flat, nice garden and loam
Apply W. Brydone, Clinton, 40-tf.
Auction Sale
Of cows and young cattle, on
Friday, Novemer 15th, at Londes-
poro, commencing at 2 p.m, Nes-
bit Hamilton, Proprietor, C. NI.
Stott, Auctioneer. 40-1.
Regular Meeting
A meeting of the Farmer's Club
will be held in the Clinton Agricul-
tural office on Saturday, Nov. 16th,
at 8:15. Full attendance is reques-
ted. 40-1.
Roomers Wanted
Aecomodation for some roomers
or boarders. Inquire at this office.
• 40-2-p.
Strayed onto the premises of the
undersigned, one sheep, Owner may
have same by proving property and
paying for this advertisement. Ol-
iver 31 W,elsh. 40-3-p.
teigesters For Sale
One good ram tamh and five ewe
lambs. All are well grown and ill
splendid' condition. Howard E.
Johns, Phone 4-614; Clinton central.
Registered Skop. Sheep
Ram lambs, Shearling ewes and
ewe lambs. All sired by A. Km=
553, No. 41706; Sire of the chain -
pion wether at the 1926 Royal whoa
ter Fair. Vr. G. Ross, Londeslioro,
Ont, • 40-5-p.
Hot Supper •
A. hot supper -will be. served' .° in -
the Orangeoholl, Varna, from 6,•to
on Thursday, Nov. 28th, under tile
auspices of the W. M. S. bf the Uni-
ted chuteh, followed by short, pro -
grant Everybody welcome. , Ad-
mission. 35c and 20c. • 40-1.
Town of Clinton
• Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with section 7 of The On-
tario Voters' Lista Act and that I
have posted up at my office in the
Town Hall, Clinton on the. 21u1 day
of November, 1929, list a all
persons entiHect to vote in the said
Municipality at municipal election
arid that aneh list remains there for
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions coro
reeted ataording to law, the last day
for appeal being the 23rd day of
November, 1929. •• ,
„ Dated at Clinton this 2nd day of
-November, 1p29.
Town Clerk
Clinton's New -Laid Egg
And Poultry House
Egge bought according to Domin-
ion Governmeot Egg Regulations.
Inquire for ow* prices of eggs.
You will always find our prices par-
allel with the city markets.
Fat hens and well -finished chicks
always wanted—Prices good.
Always phone our office for prices
beiore marketing produce.
N. W. Trewartha
Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w
Just received a carioad of Snow,
flake Flout, Sunbesen Feed, Sunbeam
Laying Mesh, Rainbow Scath feed,
different brands of Hog' feeds, fat-
tening mash for hens, Fish meal and
Powdered Butter Milk • and Calf -
meal. ,
H. W. Charlesworth
Flour and Feed Phone 199
The New
Stewart Warner
Modern, even to, plug in for
Performance 5 years ahead—Beauty
beyond eontparis,on—Very
selective —No Interference
Equipped with 8 of the new Screen
grid tubes. Diatant stations :nine
in like locals. Needs no unsightly
aerial. It is simply marvelous., the
best set I ever heard, so they say.
Here this set at George McLen-
nan's Grocery Store. Demonstra-
tions arranged day or night. The
Stewart -Warner only have the one
set, which casmot be beaten. Prides
with tubes according to cabinet
$185.00 to $275.00. • Combination
Phonograph and radio $350.00.
H. A. Hoveg
Clinton, Ont. • Phone 299
House to Rent
5 -room house, James street, Clin-
ton. Town water'electric lights .
Apply to W. Jago, Clinton. Si -ti.
Farm For Sale
100 acres of good land, -being lot
21 on the 12th corn o£ the Tp.
Hallett, 10 acres of bush and pas-
ture, On the Tann is situated good
11-2 storey brick dwelling; frame
barn 56x56 with atone stabling and
water in. stable. Cement driving*
shed 56x30 feet. Cement hen house.
Drilled well. All land in good state
at cultivation. Hydro passes the
farm. Farm situate 1 7-8 miles
fibin Blyth. For particulars apply
to Fred Austin, Ts. 15. 1, Blyth, Ont.
For Sale or Rent
House in Matilda street, Clinton,
seven rooms, electric light, tow»
water, good garden. Apply to 3.
Allison, Clinton. 3741,
Christmas Photos
Burgess Studio, Clinton. Open a-
gain Tuesday, Nov. 26th and Toes --
day; December 10th, December 10th
the last day this year that I will be
in Clinton Studio to taka Photos for
Christmas Gifts. People who can
not come to Clinton Studio on above
days, if You come to my Mitchell
Studio I will give special prices.
Studio is open every week day. Come
early in the day. W. WI Burgess,
Photographer. '40-2.
Experienced hemstitching- and pic-
a edging done at a reasonable rate
by Mrs.- J, Knox, Box- 321, Sea -
forth, Ont. Phone 31. 304f.
For Sale,
.1Crosicar instruments of' all; kinds. I
give lessons on the gunny. H. A.
Ifovey, Phone 299, Clinton- centre/
A ••• Raw Furs Wanted
t,The best Hine' LS' sell' your early
• caught furs is as sootr as- you batch-
thena-as the fua is apt to get loose
on therp, then later on they are
not Wath much. Coons are out of
sermon: after the first of.Janeary, SQ
now is the tinie to start if yoti want
to, get many., 'November -it the tilsne
• for ° mink, from 1st Novernber till
'1st Of January: It it- too early for
foxg•And weasels, but other lure wilt
be fp good demand- frdin now on.'
ighest market prices- paid. ,11. A.
evei, Clinton,.• P.hoiie 299'; 3941,'
In the Estorenot„Sarok Wilkem .
• •De'ceased'
Notice is hereby given that ••• all
persons having -.dailies: against tho
estate of Sarah Wilke»; late -of the
town of Ctinton,-•fri the Comity' •of
Huron, widnw, daeeased; who 'died en
or about the 29-th day • of Septesnber
A.D., 1929, are required to elotiver
to John Tebbutt, the executor of
the said eatate or his solicitor, on or
Infone' the 18th day of November,
A.D., 1929, a fun statement of their
silaims together' with particulars
thereof, and the nature of the se..
ettrities if any, heldhythem all (InlY
Verified bY affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that atter
the said last mentioned ' date the
said executor wilt proceed to diatrib-,
nte the 'eatate of the said deceased
amongst the persons entitled thereto
having regand only to stiela claims
OS he shall 'have received due notice
of ,and in accordance therewith.
DATEI) at Clinton, Ontario, this
29th da Y Of October A. p., 1929.
W, BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario,
39-2. Solicitor for the said estate, 38.3
Pure Cod Iiiver 011
Steam Rendered
$1.50 per Gallon
$1.40 per gallon, in 5 gal. lots
Milier• •17140)/Crar6
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fan x and other
Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7
Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins
Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform-
ity. Consultation Free. Call or write,
J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St.,
Stratford, Ont. 10-1929.
For Sale
4 oak diningroom chairs, kitchen
couch, springs and slip cover, 2 par-
lor chairs, upholstered in taupe vel-
our, mahogany parlor table, piano
stool. Inquire at News -Record of-
fice. 36-tf.
Farms For Sale
Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of
Goderich township, consiating of
160 acres of good clay loam, 1,4
miles west of Holmesville. Good
buildings, never -failing wells. Ap-
ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3,
Clinton! Phone 6.114. .Clinton cen-
tral. 29-tf.
Sheep For Sale
Liecester sheep, shearling rams,
Year-old ewes and ewe and ram
lambs. Year-old. ewes being sold to
make room. Apply to john It. Quig-
ley, London noad, R. R. No. 5, Clio.
ton. Phone 619r3, Clinton central.
, To Rent
A modern (I -welling of eight rooms,
also garage on Gibbings
Immediate possession. Apply to A.
3.• McMurray, box 193, Harriston,
Put. 26-0!.
Slabs For Sale
Orders /c -ft at my residence will
receive prompt attention. E Ward,
Ilimon street, Clinton. Phone /55.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired, Woollen good's dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's Barber shop.
W 3. Jago. 2283-tf,
Money Wanted
$300 wanted immediately. Will
/my T per cent. Money well secured.
Inquire at News -Record office.
Qi:oaberries! •
:Chestnut or (seater stuffingt
Mfnea Piel
Soinids gooda doesn't it? Hut even
that kincla,ot dinner won't taste good:
if you toi to coek it with poor coal.
73(ifore Monday better see to your
coal atipptas. With, the Heat Folks
in the kitchen you can be stire of
that lOest part of Thanlcagiving Day,
—a big dinner with the fondly gatli-
ered around to enjoy it, '
. Call the
for good, clean coal
We Want Your
Milk and Cream
We are manufacturers of both
cheese and butter. We want yens
milk or cream. We pay highest mar-
ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar.
Phone your order for finest etteesa
or pasturised butter in prints or sol.
ids to W. 15. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., 44
R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32.
Eggs and Poultry
Home on Tuesday and Friday for
neon to take in Poultry, •1
Eggs handled at residence' ever
day—graded by an experienced grad.
er, for which we pay the highest mar.:
ket price.
Cream parchased for, Stillman'
A. E. Finch
Viking Cream Seporator Agent.
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 282
N .tice
AII acccounts must be
paid before the lst Decem-
• ber, to avoid 7 per cent in-
4o -
No Worrying About
Your dividend cheque mailed on
the first of each month by Impenial
Trust Company of Conada.
Just a few units left of Standard
Royalties. Over 3000;000 sold hi a
few mentils. AR will he taken in a
few areelta,
P. D. Box, 155 Phone 53
Keep Warta With
A. D. McCartney
Queen Street . Telephone 250
Cockshutt Agency
• Wisking Repairs or Parts for
Cockshutt or Frost and Woods Ma.
ehineg' of any kind should call at m
I also handle Cockshutt , Creani
Queen Street, Clinton.
McCormick -Deering Agency
Having. taken over the above ag
eney for this district I will keep o
hand a full stock of repairs and part
of all McCormick -Deering limekiln
and will appreciate a share of th
patronage. of the farmers suroundin
Clinton. ,
Call at may shop, text door t
Jones' blackemith shop, King street.
Chilton, Ont., Phone 281w -04