HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-11-14, Page 4•
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A Sample f w Coats at Special . rices
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to clear.
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How About
Treating Your-
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'THE NEW Eveready
Radio Sets are so well made
that they will give a lifetime
of ''tare musical enjoyment,
Come in and listen!
'Wilbur A. Welsh
a `
Radio `'Sets
Dynamic Speaker—all-electric,
Mg. land Mrs. Clare Maedal of
'Toronto visited , with the latter's
'aunt and grandparents, Miss Aman-
da and Jr. and Mrs. Paul Maedal,
•over the week -end. Also Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Maedel of Essex were
there on •1Vlonday.
1Vfr. and Mirs. George McPhee.,of
Detroit are visiting relatl'vos hre
„over hdliday 'season and later.
-Mr. Charles Vaxcoe was up' re-
•cently to. his old home that of Mrs,
"Col. Jue..A. S. Varooe.
Several of 'the girls are out in
the interest of, Bible Society work.
While Miss Ruby' Young and . Miss,
:osta Fisher were crossing from di-
-vision 'line .carefully . driving with
'Miss `iiovnes car on the right' side
61' the road and heading west, at
Marlow store the car 'was suddenly
'caught,- turning the -Young's sedan
,completely and dmashing two hind
'wheels as the car hit, the, road, after
'being lifted in the turn. The girls
ihelj, ',looked:' 9very, way when en the
corner to see if there was any ob-
struction, then carefully crossed,
yet the accident happened. A young
gentleman, his mother and a tiny tot,
Were in the other car. All got off
unhurt, except a few very light
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clark left
Sunday to spend his holiday with
his brothers at Embro, and neigh-
boring territory of Stratford.
The ditching machine is working
at Glen Bros.
A. number of young mischiefs
played havoe at No. 8 school one
night last week, breaking windows
and turning things topsy-turvy to
greet the schoolmaster in the
morning. This sort of work will
hover be in favor with many, and
will only get its doers into trouble.
The official count in North Hu-
rori' riding gives C. A. Robertson a
majority of 1455 votes.' Congratula-
tions, "Charlie."
Mr. • and Mrs. Win: Clayton of Put-
nam spent ; Thanksgiving at Mrs.
Clayton's home, 'Mr. and -les. Jno.
We are sorry to heir of the illness
of both Mr.. and Mrs. Chas. McPhee.
They are at present with Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Watson, Jr.
GODERICH: One of the largest
funerals that Was witnessed for
some time was held Sunday after-
noon to the Maitland 'Cemetery, that
of the late John Reginald Platt, son
of Mr. and Mfrs. John S. Platt, who
passed :away ,rPhursday night. He
was in his: 30th year. He .had been
around as usual during the day and
inthe evening oomplained 'of not
feeling well. Medical aid was cal-
led in, but nothing could be done to
save his life: Mr. Platt was born
in Goder•ioh 'and he graduated from.
Toronto University in 1914. He serv-
ed overseas with the 25th battery
during the ' Great Wrap, and was
Wounded in action. ,Par a number
cif years he had beenlooking, after
the interests of an insurance firm
in grain trade. The deceased was
an Anglican in religion, and was a
popular member of the Menesetung
Canoe Club. He is 'survived by his
parents and one brother, Ernest of,
Pert Colborne, and" two sisters,' Mrs,
A. Downing, Toronto, and 1VJrs, D. C.,
Reid of Detroit. .'The funeral
vices: se1-
: cte
v es were e cohdu d by Rear, J. N.
I3, Mills, rector of St. George's Ang-
ligan;, church.: The• Oddfellows and
Warr' Veterans attended' in a body,
OLZN1 AN NEWS. ' R e914D'
Death carne . , very suddenly aria,
very quietly to Mrs. Seim Woon at
'her horde on the Bayfield road on
Thursday 'evening last. She had
drawn up her chair to the table, with
the intention of reading 'the 'mail,"
'which bad been brought in,' when
suddenly • her head dropped on -her
breast 'and She was gone. Her son,,
Mr. J. G. Woon, and his wife were
out at the time '. attending to the.
evening chores at the barn and on-
ly -•a young -niece was with
her. But she was past all human:
aid, her
spirit had fled. She
,passed her eighty-fifth birthday,
having had a long' and useful life,
and her rest need not be grudged
her. Her years had begun`, to tel
upon her but still she bad been in
fairly good health,` really looked
younger than she was and was able
to go about the house and attend to
a few 'simple duties. Her death
was a great shock to her family.
Mrs. Woon was born in Oxford
County, wlfere she grew to woman-
hood and -was married to her late
husband, John Wooh, in 1871. About
six years later, fifty-two years ago,
they came up to. Huron County, to
the Bayfield road, their first farm
being :acrossthe road from: the
present homestead. But for nearly
fifty years Mrs. Woon had occupied'
the home in which she died. Her
husband passed away in 1911. She is
survived by one son and four daugh-
ters: Mrs. W. J. Elliott, Clinton,
Miss Anne Woon and Mrs. Chas.
Stewart, Londesboro; Mrs. E. Koh-
ler, Toronto, and J. G. Woon on the
homestead. Another daughter, 1Virs.
Stevens, died eight years ago. Two
brothers, one in the United States
and one in the Canadian west, and
two sisters in the States and one in
Woodstock, survive.
Mrs. Woon was a home -loving wo-
man and Was devoted to her home
and family, and she will be much
missed' by her family. She was a
member of Si;. Paul's church, Clin-
ton, and it was the rector, the Rev..
L, C. Harrison who conducted the
funeral services on Saturday after-
noon. The 'pallbearers were: W. J.
Elliott, Chas. Stewart, It. Trick, Al-
ex. Elliott, G. Farquhar and J.
Mrs, Kohler carte. up from Toronto
for liar mother's funeral and Mr.
and Mrs. J. Sildox of Woodstock, a
sister and brother-in-law, were also
Interment was made in Clinton
Mr. Clarence Maclean, Mr, Gilbert
Jarrett, Miss Grace Cooper, Miss
Margaret Elgie, Mr. Hyde and Miss
Etta Jarrott were among those whom
we noticed home over the holiday.
Miss Gertrude Jarrott spent
Thanksgiving with her grandmother
itt Listowel.
Mrs. Arthur Anderson spent the
past two'weeks in and around Bel -
grave visiting her sister and other,
Rev. R, Connor occupied the pulpit
in Ilensall United church Sunday
A quiet but pretty wedding was
performed at the" United church
manse, Kippen, on Saturday, Novem-
ber Oth, by the lay. Roy Connor,
when Mary, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Wnt, McDonald, was united
ht marriage to Mir. Ross, Broadfoot,
eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Janes
Broadfoot of Tuckersmith.
The bride was beautifully dressed
in brown, with hat, shoes and gloves
in matching shades,
After the ceremony the happy
couple returned to the bride's home,
where a bountiful dinner was served
to a number of guests. Afterwards
th'e bride •ancl groom left on a trip
to Toronto and other points. Upon
their return they will reside on the
old McDonald homestead, which the
groom purchased this fall. Wie ex-
tend our hearty good wishes and
welcome Ma•. and Mrs. Broadfoot to
cur midst.
The C. G. I. T. Sr, and Jr. girls
entertained there mothers to a boun-
tiful;fowl supper on Friday evening
last, at which about fifty were pres-
ent. Following the banquet there
were several musical nd ltbebs, jt
solo by Miss Grace Love, an address
by Mus. A. Monteith, who is presi-
dent of the W,M.S.. and one by the
Rev. Mr. Scobie of 'Belgrave, who
spoke briefly to the girls, The prin-
cipal speaker of the evening, how-
ever, was Mrs. Scobie, who spoke on
"Gathering up the Fragments," and
all were sorry when phe brief ad-
dress was ended. This is Rev. and
Mrs. Scobie's first appearance here
but we trust they will net forget to
come again.
Mr. ,Gordon Harvey and bride of
Detroit were calling on their aunt;
Mts. Thomas 'Wjoileman, on Sunday
last. Gordon, was a fernier Stanley
boy, being a son of the late Wes-
ley Harvey.
Mire: David Wloricmait and (laugh-
tees Misses Olive and Mabel of I-Ien-
sall were guests of. Mr.. and Ma's;. J.
Workman 'over' 'thle holidays.,
Mr. Lloyd Wiorinnan of, Oshawa
spent Th.anksgi"ving with Mr, and
Mrs, Thoa. Workman.
1Rev. Mi. Sinclair. of I•Iensall gave
a very able sermon on Sunday last
in the United church, speaking on
peace and: thankfulness. This is the
first time Rev. ltlr. Sinclair has
preached` in Kippen but :he will be
assured of a hearty wdlcoind upon
fututae occasions.
L. W. t el for p the past 15
years, editor and publisher of 'the•
Tavistock Gazette,' has disposed of
the newspaper to George K. Brown,
until recently publisher of the Tees
water News, who ,assumes possession
November 15, • Mr. Appel has not
yet made definite plans for the fu
ture, . 1
Miss .Alma M Kay whg has.'been
ill with pneumonia in' Tor "onto, ar-
tived, home .on' Friday.: to recuperate,
Mr, Gerald I'atiiilton =spent the.
holiday, at his `Bain at ,Carlisle.
14>r . ' F W. Baker left "oh Friday
tQ visit: her daugkiter,• '-Mrs. le 'H.
Yptk an Toronto.
Mrs. ', .Charles ,Gemeinhardt ,,of
Clafhri; Kans , is visiting; her sister,
Mts W. J Oilmen and ',Wier . rela-
tives• in the Village. It is thirty-
six years since, 'Mrs, . Gemeinhardt
has'been•hom,e and she sees a great
many ' changes, _
Mrs.: D. Prentiee and Mays. Reid
of Toronto spetn, Thanksgiving with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S so
Mr. and Mfrs. J. Stewart of Ham-
ilton spent the week -end. and Thanks-,
giving with the .latter's" paretots, 14Tr.
and Mrs. J. Pollock. j!
Miss' .Baigent spent Thanksgiving
at her `'hone near Ingersoll.
Mrs. 'D, Dewar and son, Jimmie,
went to Toronto; on Friday to spend
Thanksgiving with. Misses Ed6a and
Annie. Dewar,
Er...and Mrs. Finout' and family
of Flint, Mich:,: spent the Week -end
at their cottage in Joweitt's Grove.
Miss Anna Elliott of Toronto spent
the week -end' with her aunt, Mrs.
J. Fraser. ;On her return to Toron-
to '.she was accompanied by Mrs.
Fraser who will spend the winter
with her.
Mr. David Dewar of Toronto spent
the 'week -end with his. father,
Mr. and Mrs. II. King and Harold
Atwcood of Sarnia spent the holi-
day with Mrs. King's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Parker. , •
Mr. 0: Kailtfleisch spent the
Thanksgiving week -end at his home
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dixon and
daughter, Carrie, Misses C. and H.
Drew, Mr.' and Mrs. George Wright
and daughter, Dorothy, of London
spent Thanksgiving with Rev. and
Mrs. F. H. Paull at the Rectory.
Mrs. McDonald returned to Sarnia
on Monday after having visited her
daughter, Mrs. A. Newton -Brady,
Who accompanied her mother to vis-
it with her in Sarnia.
Miss Ruth Elliott returned to her
home ,at Varna on Wednesday after
having visited her uncle, George El-
Mr. Sid Castle 'of Niagara Falls
spent the week -end with his moth-
er, Mrs, M. Castle.
Mrs. W. Heard, Nina and Fred
Heard motored to Arthur to spend
Thanksgiving with friends.
' Mr. and Mrs. Wj. J. Tippet, Mrs,
M. Elliott, Jean Dunt and Leslie El-
liott returned home on Monday ev-
ening after having spent the week-
end in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleave motored to
Bad Axe, Mich., with 1118. and Mrs.
Paul Cleave to spend Thanksgiving
with the former's daughter, Mrs.
Miss Gladys Davison, of London
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Kate
Davison, this week.
Mr. James Cameron and son, Ev-
ans, rqE Toronto spent the holiday
with •his brother, John R. Cameron.
IVIr. and Mrs. A. Ford King and
son, Doueias, Miss Mina Proctor
and Ile. Wm'. King of Toronto spent
the weelc-end and Thanksgiving with
the former's parents, Lit,. and les,
George King.
Mr, and ivlrs. W. R. Jewett, Mrs.
W. Ferguson and Miss Ethel Jowett
left on Tuesday morning for Strat-
ford. Following , the marriage of
their elder daughter. Ethel, to Mr.
Roy Poth, le. and Mrs. Jowett con-
tinued on their journey to Florida
where they will spend the winter.
Mars. Ferguson intends to visit
friends in Toronto, London and otlt-
•er points.
Mr. Wm. Cameron of Detroit spent
the week -end with his father, Mi. A.
Mr. and Mas, IT. Aherns of De-
troit are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Don T. Murray.
112e. and Mrs. Carl Gioia and two
children of Yarmough Centre, and
11?r. and Mrs. Durdle of St. Thomas
spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Gloin's
cousin, Mrs. Chas. Toms.
Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Knight, Char-
les Gemeinhardt, of Toronto and
le. Brown and Douglas Gemeinhardt
of Orillia spent Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gemeinhardt,
Miss Doris Gem,einhardt,, who vis-
ited with her sister? in Toronto for
5 couple of weeks, returned home
With thein. ' ' ' '"
Mild V. ?Schultz, hiss Rubio Fish-
er and Mr. Prank Erwin of Kitch-
ener spent the week -end and
Thanksgiving with the latter's aunt,
Mrs. F. A. , Edwards:
Mr. Chris, Parker has moved his
family into the Copeland house on
Clan Gregor Squire, •
Dr. and Mrs. E. P. leWls of. To-
ronto and'Miss Jean Woods of Galt
spent the week -end with the latter's
parents, Dr. and Mrs. N, W. Woods.
Mrs.: T. C. Bailey returned home
on Wednesday after having spent
a couple of days in Stratford.
Ile. and Mrs. Heideman and
daughter and friends of Stratford
spent Friday at their cottage.
Miss Grace Jowett who spent
Thanksgiving with her parents, re-
turned to London to resume her
studies after ., having attended her
sister s' wedding in Stratford an
A; quiet wedding was soldlh'nized
by' key'. Canon "Cluff at 'St. James
Church, •Stratford, on. Tuesday, of
this week at high noon when Hilda
Ethel, , elder, daughter of 'Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. R. Jowett of .Bayfield
was, ,united 'in•. marriage with "Mr.
Roy, ,Doth,' 'of Mr." and ldrs. Fred
Poth of New' Dundee. Only immed-
iate members of the two families
were ,:present. ,:.The bride wore . a
tweed travelling 'suit, with .brown
fox fur, brown fur felt hat, and' ac-
cessories to match. •
After a wedding breakfast, the
bridal couple 'i left bsr motor for
Florida where they will spend the
winter. :
The bride's Many friends ends join •li
wishing the young couple many
happy •years tdgether.'
141x..Fred .D,aleison of. Detroit is
THURSD Y, NOVE4HEll ;101 149'
visiting' his mother .this week.
Miss IGWon F�lliott, whp has,
spent; the past two months With her
aunt; Mrs. M,airy 1t'r,esea', returned
her home in ,Gedeidch tewnship.last
Ma's. John Fingiand, is" at present
Visiting' friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, McCall spent
the week -end at Jarvis,
Mr.' and Mrs, Aleac., Welds, .:Mrs.{
M. Maines Wand • Whales Elizabeth
Maines are visiting Mrs, •Maines'`
daughters in Chicago,
• Miss Gladys Fairserviee of Lon-
don was at her home here for: the
•h)Mis lidsy ,
Annie e Elstone of Beechnlille
spent the week -end at the home of
Mr. W. (Griffiths. •
• Miss Rosalie Crawford ,returned to
London Tuesday after spending a
week with friends in this vicinity,
Miss Susie Sampson of Palmerston
was the , guest 'of her cousin,. Miss
Ida Lyon, this week.
Mrs. Mary Griffin of Wing -hart
spent Tuesday at the home of • her
aunt, Mrs. Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Govier of
Port Colorne spent the week=end
with the former's sister, Mrs', A.
Mr. -and Mrs. A.' S. Kunkle and
children of : Niagara Falls were
week -end visitors with Mrs. Kunkle's
parents, 1VIr. and IVLre. E. Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Itfoon and son
;Jack of Toronto 'are' visiting friends
here this week.
Miss G'ertie Roberbon and' .Mr
Chas. Weaver of Toronto spent the
week -end with Miss Roberton's moth-
er, Mrs. M. Noss.
111x, Lewis Shaddick visited with
London friends last week.
Miss Walker. of Brucefield is vis-
iting Miss Verde .Watson.`
Miss Bertha Brogden of London
spent the week -end at her home
The anniversary services, which
were held in the United church Iast
Sabbath, were very largely atten-
ded. The choir rendered some very
fine selections, Mrs. E. Adams pre-
sided at the organ. The choir was
assisted liy Mr. T, Mason of Blyth,
who sang a solo at both services,.
which vats much appreciated, also
the men's quartette. On the follow-
ing Monday night the fowl dinner
was served, when an exceptionally
large crowd was present over eight
hundred tickets being sold. ' The
program consisted of a play, entit-
led "Marrying Ann," which was well
presented. A great deal of credit
is due all who took part. The pro-
ceeds amounted to over nine hun-
dred dollars,
Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor of Con-
stance spent last Sabbath at the
home of the latter's sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Hall of the 13th concession.
Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Keine of See -
forth called on friends here 'last
Mr. Griffith's of Stratford "spent
the week -end at his home here.
Mr. T. Johnston, who is employed
by the C. N. R., spent the Thanks-
giving holiday at his horse here.
Mr. A, Lyon, teacher at Kitchen-
er, spent the week -enol with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mfrs. W. Lyon of the
gravel road.
Miss Bertha Brogden returned to
her duties in London on Tuesday af-
ter a pleasant visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Brogden,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Tamblyn of To-
ronto were guests of the former's
mother, Mrs. J. Tamblyn, over the
holidays. They returned Monday.
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized on Nov. Gth at the Ang-
lican Rectory, Manitou, Man., in the
presence of two friends, Miss E.
Crawford and Mr. G. Young, when
Miss Edith May Edwards was uni-
ted in the Bonds of Holy Miatrintony
to Mr. Charles Edmund Crawford.
Rev. D. C. Bays of Manitou was the
officiating clergyman. Following
the ceremony, the happy couple left
by train for Winnipeg, and on their
return they will make their home at
Purves, Manitoba.
Mr. James McCrae of London was
a week -end visitor at his home here.
Mr. E. Gray of Stratford was
home for the holiday week -end,
Preparations on a larger scale
than ever before, it is learned, are
being made by the provincial high-
ways department to keep the high-
ways in the province open during
the winter months. Last winter 17
trucks were engaged in keeping the
arteries of traffic free, froth; snow.
This coming winter will • see 25
trucks and 150 men engaged in the
work, R.' M, Smith, deputy Minister
of Highways,. said: "There was on-
ly, a moderate, snowfall last winter
and there was' no snow Until Jan-
uary," said 'Mr. Smith. "We were
able to keep approximately 1;800
•miles of the 2,500 miles , of paved
highway in Ontario open to traffic.
This winter we hope to repeat the
performance. "It all depends, hoiv-
over on the severity of the winter,
Tenders have already arrived for the
hiring of trucks, and they will be let
within a few days." About 700
miles of unpaved roadway are not
open to traffic during the winter
months. . This mileage is in out of
the way districts and effect only a
little winter .traffic. ' To overcome
the= sleet menace it is proposed to
have huge dumps of sand and Cinders
dumped at ,strategic points through-
out, Ontario for use on. sleet -covered
roads. The use of sand and other
materials on ;the roads, was start-
ed last winter but it' will he carried
out on a. large 'scale in: the Coining
months," •asserted Mr. Smith. "It will ,
be used chiefly on bills' and we hope
to prevent many of the accidents
caused in' previous . winters by sleet
on •the highways."
d6 n ]Club
n iUll t
the hone of Mrs. idditon t'J;iltse on
Wednesday next at the usual time.
The members 'are- asked net 'to "for-
get the apron` parade.
° . how thenkft4 we should .be for tti'ef
.1V 1ss • T[ac ...wail Sniffers.
L" peace .bhat we are now enjoying' as
a result of the sepraniesacrifice that
they. had made.
Winnipeg Physician; Orders Wontanl
M. P. Two weeks ,more quiet.
(WINNIPEG, November 12th 11
speaking • tour in Saskatchewan can-
celled, Miss Agnes Macphail 'M,P.,in-
tends returning to her home at Cey-
lon, Ont., as soon as she is able. She
was taken from the train on arrival
in, Winnipeg a week ago, yesterday
and since that time has been in bed
at the borne e cf
a relative, ih
e Mr.
s 3. C.
Mc',Chi skey.
The member for south ' Grey, tho-
ugh cheerful and very much 'interes-:
ted innational affairs, will not be
able to get up for perhaps two weehs
her physician has told her. Added to
the 'tonsolitis attack, Miss Macphail
issuffering a general physical break-
down which is described as "not ser-
Since parliament prorogued early
last summer, Miss lltacphail has been
'constantly busy. Returning From
Europe only a month ago, after at-
tending several conventions, includ-
ing sessions of the League of Nations
at Geneva, she immediately plunged
into the Ontario election campaign
and at its conclusion left for the
west where she intended a four -
weeks' speaking tour.
1IENSALL: Church services in
the three local churches on Thanks-
giving Sunday Were Well attended
and fine sermons appropriate to
the ocasion were delivered, There
Was excellent music by the choirs,
embracing excellent .anthems, duets,
solos and violin selections. At the
United church the Bier. Mr. Sinclair
exchange with Rev. Mr. Connor, of
St. Andrew's church, of Kippen,
who gave a splendid discourse and
at the evening service the pastor of
the United church again exchanged
duties with the Rev. Mr, Doan of
Clinton, a former pastor of Hensall
church, who gave an excellent ser-
mon along the lines of Armistice
Dray. He made feeling references
to the soldiers who had laid down
their lives for King and Country, and
ISEA3OR'TH: '' On Sunday everting,
Nov.'10th the veterans' of Seaforth,
and •vicinity headed by the St. Thom-
is Salvation Army Bugle Band
marched to St, Thomas rig lean
church where a most impressive ser-
vice, was conducted •by the rector;
Rev. T. It. Brown.
GODERICH: There was a large
attendance held. in Victoria Park at
11 a.m.'on'Armistice Day. The ser-
w h was most impressive was
in charge of Rev. Captain` Edwards„
of Tavistock who was assisted . by
the local clergy. During the cere-
mony a wreath of remembrance was.
laid on the soldiers monument.
WaNIGHAM;:' Margaret, four-
year-olcl.. daughter of Mr. Fred Mac-
Lean, was dangerously ill' for several
days last week, from, poisoning from
an unknown cause. It is suspected
however, some foreign substanee on
imported grapes, of which she ate
quite a quantity; is responsible.
Three outside specialists were cal-
led in. The little tot is now on a
fair way to recovery, much to the
relief of all.—Advance-Times.
WROXETER: J. J: Weir, a for-
mer Ilowick boy who has been As-
sistant Manager for the Imperial
Oil in Toronto for some time is lean-
ing this week for Pittsburg, to take
a position as Manager for the Stan-
dard oil in that city.
Not long ago a man saw an article
in a mail order catalogue that he de-
cided to buy. ' This man possessed
quite a stack of shekels and anybody
would be glad to sell him and
charge it. He wrote the marl order
house this: " Siend article; if good,
will send cheque."
Itt due time he received the follow-
ing: "Send cheque, . if good, will
send article."—St. Catharines Stan-
is Coming
Have you thought of Ordering
Personal Greeting Cards?
Come in. and see. them.
The News -accord
4- The new
,�• Ir z �
411='' h3 , "=xl�c aGti<~.a....cam• •,-: ..,y ria.. .,y .,t';Jiltsji.--_"qa
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WeutredYne $ 185,06
Cabinet finished in g
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maple and . Oriental w
panels. Genuine
Dynamic Speaker, buil
Acoustic Equalizers,
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Wonderful' new MP' pow
tubes, push-pull.
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nificent Philco Lowboy to your Philco that you have
Mime on free demonstration., vertised
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No obligation --no red tape— -magazines. Rare purity of
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Be Sure ' to hear the. new P hilco before you. buy any radio