HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-11-14, Page 2Clinton
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Eyes examinee ano glasses ;Med
Office and Residence:
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(P'oruterly occupied by the .ate Jr,
O, W. T -" wool
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5 P.M., except TuesJaye and Wednes
days. Odlce over Canadlan National
Express, Clinton, Ont.
Phone 21.
^•,,. • DR. F. A. AXON
Clinton, Ont.
uraduate of U,U,D.S., Chicago, and
R.C.D,S„ Toronto,
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Electro Therapist
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ft : r
flaw Ear
(6,1 E E N),';
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the ;italiNAei s9; 660
Alden Drake, formeblys a sailor,
grown soft and flabby through a' life
of idle ease, ships alSoard"'the clipper
Orontes` as "boy," unde/ the command
of Jake -Stevens, whose the
he in-
curs because of a mutual love for
Mary 'Manning, daughterof the own-
er, who is a passenger. At Cape Town,
Stevens is supersedecl.ab captain by
Drake, whose lawyers have seen to the
purchase of the Orontes during its
cruise,: In his new role of master,
Drake becomes cold and dignified in
the presenee of Mar Stevens, now
chief mate, finds time to follow' his
suit. Stevens shyly approached .Mary
in her cabin "Whom do yon. love?"
he asks her, "me or —7"
CHAPTER XX.-=-(Gont'd.)
Blushing furiously, Mary sprang
from her chair, hurling her work
broadcast over the deck, and ran be-
low, leafing Jake Stevens there with
'his question unanswered yet answered
Plainly enough, His breath whistled
through his teeth.' He felt murderous.
The ship swam forward in peace, and
into the peace his stormy temper hurl-
ed dark discord,
"Call all hands!" be roared. "You,
boy! Call the bosun: Tell him to turn
out all hands and sweat up everything
all around the ship! Get a move on!"
One man's turbulent passions shat-
tered the peace ofthirty human 'be -
Trains will ,Arrive al and depart from
Clinton as follows:.
Buffalo and Goderich Div.
Going East, depart 6.44' A.M.
a- a 2.50 pan.
aoing' West, at. 11.50-a,rn
ar. 6.08 dp 6.43 p.m
ft ° ar 10.04 19,111
London, Huron & Bruce 01..
Going: South, ar, 7.40 dp. 7.40 arm.'
a " " 4.08 p:in.
Cr'oing North, depart 6,42 p.m.
" " ai, 11,40 dp, 11.02 a.m.
Fire Insurance Company
1 H. ed Office, Seaforth, Ont:.
Ultimrriitt 0:
President, .James tltn, a, iteechwood:
IVloe, Jamas Conn:,lly. rMoo, jolt; See:
1Dreasuter, U Pt Mei reg,,', beaeol'th.
!rectors t;eorgt Mceo rtney, Soaforth;
Manes ahnnlcnce Walton: Murray Clb-
eon,' 13rueallekl• Wm 11 05,
RobertFrirrle flar10011John Itetuie,velr;
t�rodhsgen las- c..on ,ll0 (ioderieh.
Agents: Alex I nit h t.Ilnton .1. 4V,
Seo Grolatt h t:rl 1Iin hlr,V, S0hl'crth;
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Mnuth Rr, dj 110„4
Anv run0 v t, 0'AAI.1 j n•u 1 a 4141
to 910orish t l rf ]dish t l Ilnj u , •,
esl'vin C'.utt s lrnc•r, tl I.tl 11
Parties daslr'ing tj ',nee 11N4Tn4e or
transact other busineoq 0111 he prmnotly
ntlenrlerl lb On 0P,11o,Itlhn -In nn5 01 the
above nfliners oadresxr. (0 fhrir resnrn-
tive past orate. Losses Itorhetep 'TY .the
Director who lives nearest the O'esu.
Stevens. "Are you giving tne'back
chat, you useless Lump o' lard'?"
"Don't call nae tins o'. me name, sir,"
returned Joe eearlessly.:`iI ain't givin.'
yer no slack. It's nigh eight—"
"I'll show yea!" gritted Jake, and
[stocked, fat little. roly-poly Toe head-
long With a cruelly unexpected punch
on the eel.. Joe scrambled to his feet,
blood trickling from his ear, his
twinkling eyes .cold and starry. Drake
was taking •a noon • sight on the poop,
with Mi. Twining taking another for a
check from the monkey bridge. Drake
happened to remove'his sextant idem
his eye for a rest, the sun stn. being
short of meridian, and saw Joe con-
front Sieverts: There was something
about the happy Iittle seaman that
warned :Drake all •was not. well. He
laid down his, sextant, and 'valked for-
ward along the monkey bridge.
"Mister Stevens, you 'it rule,"'wheez-
ed J:oe simply. I m a liable seaman,
sir, stir' I give; yer no lip. I don't
hallow no man to 'it me for nothink.
'It me again, sir, please. I'll pay yer
aht fer two in one. Come on, man.
You started it.
"I'll tail: ter you a):terwards,' me
son!" said Joe grimly, waiting for the
mate to take up his challesge: Jake
grinnedlike a snarling dog, leaning
forward in.9 crouch, his great hands
clenching and unclenching i.ntil the
bones .r:acided. Slowly he reached out
until the clawlike fingers of his left
hand were almost at Joe's neck; his
right fist drew back ,to strike. Joe
watched the approaching claw out of
ings. If the men thought they had
been worked up before, they soon felt'
that all That had gone by had been
nothing but a pleasure cruise.
"There ain't no call t. bullydanu us
like this, Mister Stevens!" fat little
Joe Bunting told him one blazing fore-
noon when Madagascar loomed blue
through the shimmering haze. Joe
had Pas-, finished a boy's job, far aloft,
slushing down the mains:tysail pole
and royal inapt. It was near noon,
and Joe had gone straight from the
wheel at ten o'clock to the slushing job
withuut the five minutes smoke which
was the relieved helmsman's immemor-
ial riviloge. He knew that eight bells
would strike before he had got half-
way tip to his next' job of slushing
down the fore.
"Are ;rola giving Ise nock?" snarled
Pel Year.
Sixteen interesting page, aliening
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1 enclose 12 cools for oho orear's
ISSUE No. 46-:29,
a corner of one eye; but rte evinced
no fear. Rather he looked as if he
welcomed the chance to take a good
solid wallop at that terrifying face.
He hoped the nate would not be too
long getting started. It was almost
eight bolls.
"That will do, Mr, Stevens! 'You
may go aft! You, bunting, ger for'ard
atonp.e!" said a clear, level voice, and
Drake leaped from the monkey bridge
to the fore hatch, end thence to the
deck between the belligerents,
,"]it's . a nut:nous dog!" snarled.
Stevens. "He wants flaking."
"That will do. I want no flaking
done, Mr. Stevens. Go aft!" retorted
Drake. The mrte'turned aft neater-
ing. The seamen dispersed, still mut-
tering their grievance, for they felt
they had been robbed .of a pieee of
On the night following the trouble
with Joe Bunting, May was restless,
could hot sleep. She slipped a warm
robe about her to stand orf the heavy
Tropic dew, and' went on deck. She
did not go outside the open corenunion-
way, but stood there in the;hadow,
gazin,, out aceoss the softly heaving
sea which lay like a gem smothered
carpe'e of purple satin under the glit-
tering heavens. Stevaes
was on watch.
His big,, powerful figure -'paced fore
and aft on feet light as a glee, head
sunk between, his shoulders, 'except ,at -
each turn when he raised:tis eyes to
sweep the ship and sea with a.sailorly
glance. •
Suddenly came a commotion of men
i,, the black- shadows of the "waist.
Curses stabbed the still air like metal.
The ]'date rail to the rail, bawling.
down for silence, Mary half emerged,
g ad of anything that promised ,to
break. the awful heavitess net hung
Japanese Diplomats Land'.
"The destiuies of Canada and Japan
lie together in the great Pacific:
Ocean," declared I•Ion. eyeniasa Toku-
gatiya, IL.C,Y.o., first minister to re-
present the Emperor of Japan in Can-
ada, when he reached the Dominion
on board the : Cahadiaa Pacific liner
Empress of France al Vancouver re -
cently. With him is photographed:
Togo Fukuma, Japanese Consul -Gen-
eral, Mr. Taieugawa is the SOU of
Prince Iyesato Tokugawa and`a man
•of long experience iia diplomacy. Ile
was an. his way to Ottawa, to present
his credentials to the Canadian Gov-
ernment from the Japanese Emperor.
darkness came the sousd of blows;
then a horrible, sobbing shriek.
"Holy Mother!" It sounded like
Tony's voice. There was another
voice, like no man's, but like the snarl
of a tortured cat,
"'Ere! "'Ands orf!" yelled Joe
Bunting, Then the mate uttered a
splitting curse that was cutshort
midway and died in a fearful grunt-
ing groan. And as abruptly as the
row started it died to silence,
"My eripes!' There's something up!"
gasped the apprentice, and stood ir-
resolutely at the ladder head. And to
the rail glided Drake, 'awakened by
the breaking of the night's peace.
"What is it?" he ` demanded. Ile
glanced around, saw no officer, and
gripped the boy's arm. The boy click-
ed down his fright, but could only
point. Drake Tan down the ladder.
Seals Taught t
Swhn by Moth1,res,
Explts ser Rep rts
'Young Afraid of Water, Roy.
- Chapman Andrews 'Says;
Bulls Fight Frequently
Ray Chapman Andrews, writing in.
"The Saturday Evening Post," says:
"I neve). know' seals had to be taught
to swim. I thought they knew how to
paddle instinctively, like a duck. Not
at all. I used to watch the' mothers
(en the Pribyloff Islands in Bering
Sea), giving swimming lessons in the
tide poets. The babies were afraid of.
the water. Slaps and vigorous cuffing
were required before they would even
Soon' he shouted for lanterns. The get their flipper wet. Sometimes the
rest of the watch ran up, then the ''mother had to throw them bodily into
sleepers awoke and swarmed around the pools. But once in, they learned
the motions quickly enough.
Although the old bulls never left
their harems, the females and bache-
lors went out daily to fish. Bachelors
are those seals that have not yet;
reached "tans estate and the dignity
of a harem. They are the one or two-
year-old males, and theoretically are
the only ones to kill for fur. The skin
of an old bull is valueless. It is too
thick and heavy and too scarred by
Unfortunately, the female produces
fur as fine as that of the bachelor.
That is what has caused much of the
]international trouble. Pelagic sealing
—that is, killing the animals out in
the open sea—meant inevitable ruin
to the seal herd. Russian, Japanese,
British and American vessels hung
about tate islands beyond the three-
inile limit and shot the animals when
they were feeding. As many females
as bachelors would 'be killed that way,
and each dead mother meant a starv-
ing pup on land.
It took years of diplomatic negotia-
tions to end pelagic sealing. Then a
closed season was put on the islands
for five years. No seals at all were
killed. When the herd had begun to
increase the government killed and
sold a certain number of bachelors
Since every bull has a harem of
from five to sixty females, and about
equal numbers of each sex are 'born,
each year, killing of a certain propor-
tion of the, surplus males was a posi-
tive benefit to the herd. It stopped
undue fighting, in which both females
and young are frequently done to
death, The old bulls do not intention-
ally kill their lady friends and off-
spring, but in the heat of combat they
cant watch carefully whore they step.
Sometimes they sit on the babies un-
Everything on the islands now is
under government supervision, The
number of unattached bachelors is 'ac-
curately known and the proportion
"19)'a ling home has preserved the that shoaid be killed ie carefully esti-
happiness of many a ,girl." ' mated. When the tune comes these
"And yet it's bad' for the sole." are roanded up,- driven slowly to the
killing grounds and there mercifully
in the lantern glew, Mary stared down
from the poop and felt as if she were
on the edge of Inferno looking
' A deathly silence hung over the
circle of _illumination, In it, on the
deck which was queerly streaked with
glistening fluid, Tony lay dead, his
hands clutching at his breast, Beside
hint Jake Stevens knelt, slowly top-
pling over, blood staining his white
jacket at the breast.
Joe Bunting half knelt beside bout.
In his hand was a dripping knife. In
his round gray eyes horror. Men
crowded around. The Doctor hung
on the 'edge of the circle, chattering
with fear, healing a gleaming cleaver
in one palsied hand. The other hand
was outstretched, talonwise, toward
"'E done it, Captain! It was 'iml
'Im Aviv the knife!'
Through .the Baleen they carried
Jake Stevens to his own berth, Mary
followed, white and silent. Ike Saint-
ly hovered near, wringing his hands,
useless, pallid.
"Where shall T put Bunting, sir?"
the second mate asked of Drake, con-
ing into the saloon after the bearers.
"Iron him," snapped Drake. The
second mate nodded,
(To be continued.)
The Future of Cotton. knocked on the .Bead. Each skin is
tagged and sold at government auc-
-q'he Portniglttiy Review: Valuable tion.
as are the Various forms of relief it Every skin must be plucked. The
''heli the industry his rscent!, re- long, coarse outer hair ispulled, leav-
ing and those which is hoped ing only thesoft under -fur. This is
may possibly acme as the result of brown and the skins must be dyed:
the intilegdtng commisison, they, will
.not be able to restore' muce of Lan- When ahen 'cackles it' is laying. or
cashire's.lost trade. They should lying.
rather be regarded as helping us to re- Sonio pigeons get plucked while
tain the trade. Moreover, witenwe are
successful in underselling the home they're living.,
industries of ,japan, India and bhina •
in Coarse goods, we"should'probably
have high tariffs raised against 'us,
These countries are 'Peen to protect
their own inadetries,'"even at the ex•
upense of the consumers- Itt short,
rase can' Itarci'ly believe that the, old-
fashioned clouts wbieti are lost,' rje
fer much prospect for the future, and
probably too much attention is be.i:t;'
devoted to the discovery of means for'
"T. keel you!shrilled the voice of reviving this tracle. Leaving aside,
Tony, however, the question 'of coarse goods,
"Yus you tvo;.'ti Bli'niel. Wyte!" the gradual reducing of costs will be
screamed'Erbert Oats in ratlike fury. very valuable. - Even 11 we don't re.
"'Ere, shut yer ' bleedin' cowl", cover any of that which has been loot,
wheezed Joe Bunting. Then Mr, Ste: flee et:deem trade remains a vers large
yens leaped .down the ladder and plung- one. To say that the .whole trade 1s
ed headlong into the unseen quarrel. c1001lied is ridiculous.' To talk In
Mary stepped from her shelter and generalities at. alt about the `cotton
hungover the ,poop rail 'starve eyed trade '11r ridiculous, It is far too
with excitement. he time -keeping ap- varied- There are lilenty of units
prentide appealed from 'his own hid- wito have succeeded itidoing"well all
ing place and stood beside her, ,through the bad years..
"Somebody's going to catch Hob 1"
he grinned. Women of Great Britain speed, it
"Hush!" ,whispered 'Mary, then is estimated, something like £65,000,
stiffed as cream. From the scuffle of 000 on the care of their' heir end other
feet end 'the uproar oe voices in the beauty preparations.
Muskrat Started
E•'rth Formation,
India ehheved'
Only Water Animal to Reach
Bottom as Man Floated
About Ocean on
1, Raft
Jahn Fredsoie a. full blooded Alas-
kan Indian, brought to. "The Boston
Glebe" office an ancient Indian ac-
e/Milt of the beginnin;, of the earth.
"There was once, along, long time
ago, "a man out on a raft on the water.
There was no land anywhere --just
"The pian; driftedaround for many
days. He began to think to himself,
'Now I can't 'float here. always. I've
got to And :some Iand,somewheie.'
"So he sent down the beaver to see
if he could ";reach, bottom under: the
water. The beaver came up; but he
said he couldn't reach the "bottom, the
water Was so deep:
"Then the man -sent down the other
'water animate, one 'at a time.: They
stayed dower as long as they could and
tried as hard as they could, but none
could reach the bottom.
t`A1I this 'took a "long time; and the
Man began to get'worried. Hethought
he'd be on that raft all his life.
"Then he thought of the muskrat
and sent hits down. The muskrat
stayed down a long time, and then he
carne up, all, out of breath, and -said,
'Master, I couldn't find the land.'
"Then the man said to himf 'You
must touch the. bottom. I'11: tie a
string around you so I can pull you
up if you stay down too long, and you
dive down again,"-
"So the man put the cord around
the muskrat and when lie had caught
his breath he dove down. once more.
He stayed down for a very long time
so that his master thought he must
be drowned.
"The pian pulled the :;tying and
hauled in the muskrat, Sure enough,
the muskrat had stayed under the
water so long that he wab unconscious,
and he couldn't say whether he had
found bottom ox not.
"But the man looked at,ltim closely
and on the edge of his' mouth he' saw
a little' crumb of mud,' so he knew the
'animal had reached the bottom:
"Then the man 'took the mud care-
fully in his finers and rolled it into
a tiny ball. Then he kept rolling it,
and the ball kept getting bigger and
bigger. It grew to be enormous. In
fact, it grew to be exactly the size of
the world, and when it got to be that
size the man stepped old the raft to
the dry land and the world had
For Foreign Missions
Houston. Post Dispatch: Eighteen
million pairs of cotton stockings were
reported manufactured in this coun-
try last year. From all we can,'see
they were made for export '
' Gabby Gentle'
The Horse Shgw Girl
There are girls who swirl in a wild'
waltz whirl, •
There are lovely girls, both on land
and sea;
There are girls prettier than a peat].
But the horse Show Girl is the one
for 'me.
Oh, the -Horse Show Girl' wears the
latest style,
And site shows forth fashion's lat-
est 'whirl;
Bat when she bean's with her bright-
rightest smile,
There is 'no lass like the Horse
Show Girl!
a9t�s. pO L
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The popularity or this_
hostelry is 'evidenced In
the fact that guests in-
variably return to II,e
Ivaount Royal
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Managing -Director
The Largest
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