HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-11-14, Page 1The News-Reeord Est. 1878' WITH WHICH IS INCORP'ORAT D THE NO. 2540--51t YEAR i CLINTON ONTARIO,. CLINTON NEW ERA The New Era Est. 1865• isomatimommeerammrassaaratamas THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1929 ..i _ THE GIFT THAT ' LEADS THE LIST` For the finest gift, for beau-, ty, for permanence for endur- ing satisfaction nothing ` is more fitting than the gift of a fine tvutch or diamond. We are justly proud' of our stock of reliable watches eith- +er the pocket watch or wrist watch. e The gifts treasured most are thosesuch as comee •front our store.—You'll redeivd helpful counsel here. Jeweler and Optometrist ,�Eelluar Phone 174w and 174i 1 All minter Coats at Clearing . Prices Broadcloth Coat in Smart Strait= line models as well 'as .the New Flare:Types es all lavishly trimmed with fur. Also a number of Fur trimmed tweed Travel Coats. Il eing offered at S eeiai diseout to Clear `. S 1111V�..� 1 3 an W1NTER. Overcoats We're Ready to Satisfy any Man's Overcoat Taste We'r'e sure that you can find here ' just your Overcoat, whether your taste be quiet or snappy. If you are particular about your overcoat, conte to this store, where Style, Quality and Price is a big 'feature. Two Specials in Blue Overcoats for Men and Young" Men, plush lined, all wool material' at 8815.00 AND $19.00 FABRICS OF CHIN- CHILLAS, CHEVIOTS, VIOTS CEIIL.f HERRING- BONE, EED9' HL'e ZE ETC. FRIEZE, $1sY ��°°e µ%� �.1� qm�, �. Q�25. $35. $ 37 5 0 THE MORRISH CiOTllIN: -CO. 86el lar Ever Man A Square Deal Y THE MARKETS Wheat, $1:25 to $1.28. Barley, 70c. Oats, 55e Buckwheat, SOe to 83c. Butter, 40e to 42c. , Eggs 30e to 52c Live ho $10'.25, hogs, - IS VERY ILL Mis. J. L Kerr of Brussels, for- merly . of Clinton, has been under the doctor's •care for the past cou- ple of weeks and is still in a very serious condition. Iier family' was summoned earlier in the week. Her old friends here•wi11 regret to learn of her illness, as she was so happily regaining her health after a very severe illness last year. It is to be hoped her condition will soon imp prove. DEATHOF R.•�K. LOGAN N Misses Minnie and Jane Gilchrist wore called to Saginaw, Mich., last week, owing, to the sudden death of their brother-in-law, Robert K. Lo- gan, who passed away on November 3rd. The Saginaw Daily News of November 4th had the followingitem relating to the event: ' "Robert C. Logan, well known for manythe years s as proprietor of a wall paper, painting and decorating firth; died Sunday afternoon at his home, 324 South Warren avenue, af- 'ter an illness''of only four days. Mr. Logan came- to Saginaw from Canada 38 years ago to en- gage in the business which he con- ducted until last spring when he sold 'tut and retired. He was • well and favorably known in a business way, , as well as prominent in Ma- sonic circles. He was a past mas- ter of Saginaw Valley Chapter No. 31, R. A. M., and a member of ancient landtnarks lodge No. 303, A.F. & A.M. He also belonged to Saginaw Lodge No. 47, B: P. O. E. He leaves his widow and two brothers, Edwin. T. Logan of Mon- rovia, Cal.. and William Logan of Detroit. He was a member of the Whrren Avenue Presbyterian church. Rev. W. H. Mason, of 'that church, will conduct funeral ser- vices from the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Masonic services will be conducted by An- cient Landmarks lodge at Forest Lawn, where burial will be made." ENGAGEMENT A71OUNCED 1V1i. and Mrs. . Wesley V'odden, Hullett township, announce the en- gagement , of their {only daughter, Dora M., to John Albert Shobbroolc, son of ' M. and 1VIrs, J. -II. Shall; brook, Hullett, the marriage to take place this month. A IIYDRO BREAK MILITARY CHURCH PARADE For the first time the returned men of Huron County, representa- tives ofall the urban centres and from all, the surrounding rural com- munities, met in Clinton on Sunday afternoon, by arrangement of the Canadian. Legion, for a church parade, service being held in St. Paul's Ang- lican church at three o'clock, The town had been gaily decor- ated for the occasion, many of the merchants' decorating- their places of business and the flags of the nations decorated the front streets. THE HOME PAPEI, TORONTO L. 0. L. COMING The officers and members of Rev. J. D. Marrow Memorial Lodge of Toronto will pay' a fraternal visit to Murphy Lodge on Saturday eve- ning, Members' of blies local lodge, are requested to be P to o resent and q provide refreshments, HOW ABOUT GREETING CARDS? A break in the ocitl ry to wires, It is not too early to decide about ause'd by heavy Armistice Day de- your Christneas personal Greeting orations becoming soaked in the rain' Cards; The News -Record has some. and .dragging uponthem, plunged very handsome samples . to choose he town into darkness Sunday eve- from and you may select your own ming about half past' nine. It was message, having it printed along everal hours before' complete con, with .your name, .at very reasonable ections were made. •` rates. georgette The Wingham Advance -Times' has he following report of the marriage. of a former Public School •Principal n Clinton, in which many will be ins' erested', , "The ` Maits1e, Campbellville, was the scene of a quiet but pretty event at high noon on Thursday, Nov. 7th, when' Isobel, only daughter of W. and Mrs. Andrew Ferguson, Belgrave was united in marriage to Norman M. Geddes, eon of IVli. and Mrs. W. J: Geddes, Belgrave,' with Elev. 0, a for officiating. Graham, a former s r s , P The bride looked• charming, in a gown of sun tan radium lace,- with eorgette trimming.: The couple were unattended. Afterthe cere- mony a reception was held at the - home of the bride's ,aunt, Miss A. 'McCurdy, Catnpbellville, after which the happy couple left on a motor trip to Toronto, Niagara and points east, the bride travelling in a dress of cocoanut brown crepe romaine, trimmed with brown transparent velvet, sand satin broadcloth coat, sable trimmed, with, hat, gloves, shoes and purse to match." MR. MEDD'S M,AJOR.ITY 32 The recount of the ballots in the riding of South Huron. took place at 'the court house, Goderich; Tuesday and Wednesday before Judge R. L. McKinnon of Guelph, in the absence of Judge Lewis, who was holding court at Harrlston. The result was that several rejected ballots were al- lowed by the judge and in the use of these Mr. Medd, the Progressive can- didate, who was elected by a major- ity of twenty-six aceording - to the announcement of the returning of- ficer, was counted six vqtes ahead, his majority being now thirty-two. Irregularities charged as having 'taken place were not, of course, considered at this time es other proceedings would have to be taken far their consideration. The two who are said to have, voted 11 - legally in Clinton maintain that they Were within their rights and there were charges of interference with 1 voters in another municipalityie Such things would have to be dealt with in the law courts. Those who were present at the recount in an official capacity were: Returning Officer Fred O. Ford, of Clinton; Election Clerk Thomas E. Mason; W. G. Medd, M.L.A.-elect, of Exeter; George H. Elliott, the de- feated -Conservative candidate; and Court Clerk Robert Johnston. Dud- ley Holmes, Jr.. barrister of Gode- rich, was present in the interests of George Elliott. and J. GL Stanbury, barrister of Exeter, looked after Mr. Medd's interests, AMONG -THE CHURCHES Wesley -Willits United Church Sermon subjects for next Sun- day: - Miorning: "Partnership with Christ." Evening: "Results of an Indirect Aim." IL AN11) S. ASSOCIATION The regular meeting of the Horne and School Association' will be held at the Collegiate Institute on Tues- day, Nov. -19th, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Macklin of the Horne , and School. Association, Goderich, will give a talk on "Health." This will be a social evening ,and all members are urged to be pres- ent. WAR TROPHIES Much interest has been manifes- ted in the display Y of war txophi es on exhibition in Morrish and• Co's north window during the past week• Besides the weapons, such as rifles, u swords, pistols, machine guns, etc., there are helmets, water betties, shells, belts, caps, gas masks, iden- tification discs, coins, paper money, etc.,.. lil erally hundreds of articles. And it is 'said many articles were not,ttuned in. The display hes 'been very care- fully made, with several pictures of the 33rd Battalon in the rear and all against a background of flags. It has aroused much interest ' and the local veterans, who are respon- sible for gathering the relics and arranging them, are to be congrat- ulated upon the job done. - THANKSGIVING SERVICE A. union Thanksgiving service was g g held in the Presbyterian church at half past. ten Monday forenoon, the Rev. C. E. Deegan being in charge and being assisted by the 1?'evs. A. E. Doan. A. A. Holmes, L. C. Har- rison and J. E. Hogg. The men,• mostly in civies, but a few wearing uniforms ; and all rib- bons and badges being displayed formed into rank behind' the Kiltie Band, in uniform, in front of the Hydro shop and marched to the church, filling the middle and near- ly all one side. The church was handsomely deeorated. with flowers and flags and the service was im- pressive and very simple and beau- tiful. Printed leaflets 'with the order of the service were distributed, so that all found it easy to follow. The rector, the Rev. L.'o. Harrison, read the prayers, the Rev. F. H. Paull of Bayfiield, both returned men, read the lesson,' while Major. Rev, Canon Cluff of Stratford,, chaplain of the Perth Regiment, preached the -ser- mon. - The Rev. Canon said that hero- worship was a human habit, - that all down the •ages acts of heroism had been lauded and those who per- formed them had often beets worship- ped by the common people. Natur- ally, acts of physical bravery were common in times of war and there f. bre the soldier had always come in for a` lion's share of glory. Such was right and just. But he ,pointed •rrout that all acts of bravery were not found upon the field of battle. The man who subdued himself,who kept his own nature in control, was a greater man than the one who showed great physical bravery. It was not the part of all to distin- guish themselves upon the field of battle, but all could prove their man- liness by control of self:' "He that subdueth his own spirit is greater than he that taketh 'a city." Familial llynms ; were sung and all joined heartily in the singing. Mr. A. W. Anderton presided at the organ during the service. During the service the memorial tablet in the church was decorated and the last poet sounded, foilewed' by, one .minute of silence, the eon gregation standing; and following this -Mis. C. E. Dorman sang very; sweetly„ The Unknown Soldier," This . was "follooved by the Reveille, Ms'. Morgan Agnew ;,acting as beg - 1.t the conclusion- of the. service 'Hie ' soldiers marched to the postof- fice, where the tablet was decorated, the last post sounded and two min- utes of silence observed. After the the me marehe bythe Re eille h n d v tablet with' uncovered heads,. It was a solemn and; impressive service throughout and was witnes- sed by A large number. It is the immermamalramearomeselsintention to, make it an annual af- fair to be held in the towns in turn. Presbyterian Church Morning subject: "Thy Will Be Done." Evening: "The Transform- ed Peter." Sunday school and mid -week ser- vices at the usual hours. The W. M. S. will, meet in the lecture room of the church on Wed- nesday afternoon, November '20th -at three o'clock. • • St. Paul's Church There will be a celebration of Holy Communion at 8:30 on Sun- day. Morning and evening prayer at the usual. hours. Sunday school and Bible' classes at 2,30. A congregational meeting to dis- eriss the question of church decora- tion will be held. next Tuesday eve- ning at 8 p,nr. A full attendance is, expected. Ontario Street United Church •;Young` People's Anniversary will' be observed on Sunday at both ser- vices. . Rev. A. Murrey Stuart, BA. of Mitchell, will be the preacher for the day. His morning subject will be: "Youth's Battlo Ground." EV - ening: "Youth's' Challenge." All, ar•e invited to join with the Young People in making their anni- versery'a real success. ' ',Phe W.M.S.`met at the home of __The W. J. Rozell, Rattenbtu+y street, west, on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. A', E. Doan presiding, Mass Hattie Turner took up the exposition of the study ;book, "Jett usalom to.Jerusalem„'' giving it in a most interesting manner, which called out the praise of those pres- ent. Mrs. W. Marquis gave an ex- cellent talk on "Our New Clime- dians," little Miss IV4argaret Rozeli sang a solo and' Miss Hazel V'an- Egmond played an instrumental. Mrs. Beaton and Mrs. Wi.`-J. Plum- steel also took part in the program, The Rev. J. W. Herbert of Hol- mesville United church - gave the cid- dress. He did not take any :partic- ular text, but enumerated the many things the present generation have to be thankful for. He cited the in- stanceof the first thanksgiving ser- vice held on this continent by the Pilgrim fathers of the long ago and the smallness of their harvest, com- pared to the bounteousness of the harvests reaped on this continent to- day. But they were thankful' for the promise of the future. 'We have entered into the splendid inheritance of our forebears and we should be grateful for the many blessings which we thus inherit. I•Ie cited the many inventions which have lighten- ed labour and have made life'tnore comfortable. The speaker thought we should cultivate the spiritual and prove ourselves worthy of the in- heritance of this great land, which has been given in trust to us. Mrs. Wendell presided at the or- gan and Ma•. and Mrs. Gibbings as- sisted the choir. , At the stroke of eleven, the con- gregation stood to observe the two minutes of silence • in memory of Canada's glorious dead. ' The - attendance was not as large as might have been expected from five congregations. LECKIE—HILL LITTLE LOCALS ;Did you won a Poppe "for remem- berance?" The schools' opened on Tuesday morning after the Thanksgiving holiday. a e 117'. and Mrs„ Jarnes Jackson,wh q have been Hying in Clinton for the past few years; returned this week to their farm in Stanley township. Turkeys they say were knot ready for Thanksgiving, the Canadian holi- day coining too early, the chickens. :11 the b' reach; and ducks had to f Owing to the fact that there was a military funeral in Goderich Sun- day afternoon the" Goderich veterans were unable to attend •the church parade here last Sunday afternoon, Are you taking advantage of the special offering of Clinton business nen to be seen in special advertise - extent on page 7? If not you are mis- sing some rare opportunities- Do not fail to read that ad. each week. PEOPLE YOU SNOW Mr. Jim Chowen wanner from Strat- ford over the week -end and holi- day. Mp:: Stewart .MeBrien spent the holi- day week -end with his parents in town. Miss Alice S o - loman f Stratford spent the week -end at her home in town. Miss Doris Durnin was up from To- mato spending the week -end with her mother. Mr. Chas. Cole of London visited at the home of his parents on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. W. Irwin of Lucknow visited friends in Clinton over Thanksgiying. Mr. Elmer Paisley of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, was home over the holi- day week -end. Mr. and Mms. Fred W. Spence spent the week -end with their' sister, ' Mrs. Eli Crich. Mr. L. W. Currell of Oshawa spent week -end with his the holidaywee cl family in town. Mr. W. J. Argent of St. Davids was a 'visitor at his home in town far . over the holiday. Miss Askey' of Lambeth was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Cole for Thanksgiving. Miss Beth. Cartivright- of Listowel spent the week -end and holiday at her home in town. Miss Margaret Cudmore of Strat- ford Normal was home over the week -end and holiday. Mr. W. Hovey of Toronto spent the w eek -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey. Me. Harald Hill of Kitchener was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Carter over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken attended the wedding of the former's neph- e w at Paisley on Tuesday. Miss Marion. Gunn has returned from Vancouver, B. Ce where she has spent several months. i4Mrs. Kearns leaves tomorrow for Buffalo N. Y.. where she will spend the winter with her niece.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Shaylor of London spent the week -end and holiday with Mrs. W. T. Henry of Clin- ton. Miss Phyllis Crich of Toronto spent the week -end with her mother and sister, Mrs. E. Crich and Mrs. E. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Hamilton spent the week -end as the guests of Mi. and Mss. T. Morgan of town. 112iss Norma Bentley of London spent the holiday week -end as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Morgan Agnew, Mr. Eldred Aiken and bride of Allen- ford visited at the home of the former's uncle, Mr. W. M. Aiken, yesterday. Mr. Jack Gibbings of the Western University was a visitor at the home of his parents over the week -end. - Mr. Ray Mason of Toronto spent Thanksgitring, with his parents, Mr. and . Mrs. T. E.' Mason of Summerhill. 1VIr. J. A. McKenzie of - Regina, Sask., spent the holiday week -end las the guest of his -mother, Mrs. T. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Willard of Buffalo were week -end guests with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shobbrook. W. and Mrs. George McKenzie and Master Malcohn. of Dungannon, were Thanksgiving guests with Mrs, T. ' McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs., Cecil Ashton of Strat- ford visited at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cole, over the .week -end, Mise Doris 'Miller spent the week- end and holiday as the guest of 'Misses Marjorie Dunseith and Kathleen Hurley,', Stratford. Miss Annie Crittenden of Toronto visited over the Week -end and holiday' with her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Crittenden .of the London Mr: Edward Thule of London and Miss Mmrgaret Maitland of Sar- nia spent Thanksgiving at the home of • Ma. and 'Mrs. Arthur Dale. M. and Mrs. Chas. Lockwood andd Master James. and Miss Margaretaret. of Brussels were • visitors on Sun ,day with Mr•.'.,Fred'Lockwood of The following from The London Free Press is a report of the mar- riage of two London young people; children of parents well-known to readers of The News -Record,' the bridegroom being the only son of former residents of Clinton, the bride being a . daughter of former Blyth people: "A quiet autumn wedding took place yesterday at 4'p.m. at the home of the bride's parents, Rectory street, when Rev. G. N. Hazen offic iated at the marriage of Elsie Jane, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Luxton. Hill, to Thomas Mhnteith Leckie, on- ly,soti of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Leckie, Oxford street, London. Decorations Were effectively carried out with forms , and .golden 'mums and the wedding table was delightfully ar- ranged with pink roses and candles.. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, wore a lovely gownof white georgette over ivory sills lace, with close -fitting sleeve- less bodice and long, full skirt. _ Her veil, of white silk net; was arranged in cap fashion, with a wreath of or- ange blossoms., and she carried a shower bouquet of roses and lily of the valley. 'There were no atten- dants. Mrs. Hilly mother of the bride, wore a gown, of navy geor- gette with peach chiffon trimming. Mre. 'Leckie, mother of the groom, Wes gowned in Mae meteor crepe, trimmed with champagne lace. Af- ter the wedding. supper, Mr. and Mrs. Leckie left by motor for De- troit and Chicago, the bride travel- ing inanavy crepe dress ss and blue coat, with nutria trimming and hat and Shoes to match, Guests were present from ,Stratford and Detroit On . their return they will reside at 172 Thornton. avenue, London. The Miss Anna Taylor of Toronto ac - bride was the recipient of many ` colnpan'edby Miss Minnie Temple, beautiful gifts." spent the:. week -end. and Thanks- giving Day at the foemer's home' in towix. Mr. and 1VIns, E. E. Brown and daughter . of Petrolia motored up and spent the week -end with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Neilans• Mr, and Mrs: H. A. Steven of To- ronto and Mies A. Bartliff of Aurora were the 'guests of their inother, Mas.. Bartliff, Over the holiday week -end. Mr, and Mrs; W. He Lockwood and. ,: five daughters of Comber were the guests of the former's father, Mr. Fred Lockwood, over the week- ;end and` Thanksgiving. Mr. W. Ford of 'Landon and Miss Clete Ford of the Alma College' Staff, St. Thomas, spent the week- end and holiday with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Ford. - Mr, and Mee, L. J. Warman and Miss Helen motored up from Ta - week -en 'onto and spent'the d and ' holiday with the lady's sister in Stanley and with friends . in town. Mr. and Mrs. G. H Barr of Toronto, came up to spend Thanksgiving' with the lady's father, Mr. Fred' Lockwood, who accompanied them back for a visit of -a. few weeks"with his ` three daughters in they city. Canon and Mrs- Cluff of Stratford and Me. and Mrs. Harold Cluff of' London were the guests of Mrs. R. 3. Chuff on Sunday. Canon Chuff Preached the special sermon to the' veterans in St. Paul's church on' Sunday afternoon.. - GODERICII. TOWNSHIP Mr. Oliver Ferguson of the O.A.C. Guelph spent Thanksgiving holidays with his parents. Mn and Mrs. Earl Blake of -the Base line entertained at a family re -union on Thanksgiving Day, twenty-five or thirty persons being present. A real Thanksgiving feast was enjoyed and during the after- noon those who wished to enjoyed some games. A very disastrous fire occurred when Mr. Robs. Nellwain, 4th con- cession, lost his barn and content s Friday evening. The fire was caused by a lantern being upset and exploding.- It is a great loss to. Mr. McIlltvttin at this season of the year. Ile is having a sale of his; ` stock on Monday next. Mr. Erland Betties returned to• Toronto on Monday after being house: several days with a sprained ankle. Miss McDougall quad Miss' Stew= art of Seaforth spent the weekaend and holiday visiting friends in. this 14Ir. and Mis. E, Jones of Toronto spent the holiday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Sloan. Miss Grace Stirling of Toronto' spent the week -end with her "par- eats, Mr. and Mrs. James Stirling•: Miss Helen Cox of London spent the week -end and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cox.. CONSTANCE • Mr. and Mrs. Gillmore, Miss Miry' Moore and Mr. Jack Moore of Tor- onto motored up on Saturday and Spent the week -end and -1f6ti-day with. Mrs. Wsa. Moore here. Mies Blanche Wheatley of To-.' route spent the holiday et her home, here. Mr. and Mis. Roy Barnett of Weston spent the week -end with the latter's sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. R. Grimoldby. - Me. and -Mrs. Thos. Riley of Clin- ton and Miss lIlary Cook of Goderich township spent the holiday with re-' lativeri here. Mr, and Mrs.' Geo. .pale intencj, moving to their new home, which they recently purchased' from Mr.. Thos. Adams of Harperhey, the late ter part of this Week. We wish thebr success,' and regret losing them front the neighborhood. - Quite a number from here atten- ded the anniversary, services at the: United church, Londesbero,, on Sun day, also the fowl supper,on Mon- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby and' daughter, Olive and Mr. Ben. Riley spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and: Mrs. John Mann, bear Clinton. ' STANLEY Mr, Aird Ms.'Arthur Wareing and son .Colin of London, spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Baird. Mrs. John McCowan and two sons John and Kenneth, visited friends in Hamilton and Stouffville this week. [Misses Dorothy Innes and Marion McEwan of the Toronto University - were home for the holiday, week -end. Mr. and Mrs. L. r. Wasman and Miss Helen of Toronto motored up, to visit the lady's father and sister,:. Mr, J. H. Wise. and Mrs. J. Innese;. over the week -end. VARNA - Mr. and Mrs. Fred 7. Austin and Mr.` Alvin Russell Austin of Flint: Mich., motored over to spend, the" week -end y and holiday at the home of'. their parents, 1r, and Mr5: Alfred' . Austin. Mr. and Ma's. John F. Haenwell have moved from their farm here• to Goderich, where they- intend: mak- ing their home..