HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-10-24, Page 9•ciarrows.mtniNG':aEWerLERY STORE' TE'LOOK YOU : STR AIGTIT IN THE EYE. All popular models in high i\ quality ';glasses. Special 1?rices week only. Why 'let - Poor glasses, not properly fitted, give . you wrinkles'? • We test your eyes free of charge on ; for one 4OHNSON Distr'bntor for :Clinton - Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store ants ,WITFI EVERY SUIT OR COAT ORDERED DURING:'THE . VISIT OF MR. MONK, SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF BERGER "CLOTHES OF QUALITY." Only twice a .year can you take' advantage of Berger Tailoring Co's. great free pants offer -so don't fell to be' here. Absolutdly nocharge abevd our i'egnlar low prices' for the extra, pair of trous- Mr. Monk, hexad office representative of "Clothes of Quality,". will also 'personally measure you and _advise itr your choice if you wish. A full showing of imparted fabrics he the new patterns and styles will be presented. .$24.00 and up made to Measure DON'T FORGET THE DAY M.onday, October 28th EXCLUSIVE,•DEALERS FOR "C,LOTHES OF QUALITY" WE'RE READY TO SATISFY 'ANY MAN'S OVERCOAT WIT Plumsteel Bros. mesosesigeweriaseememm Every Gartitent Custom Tailored �.,- .. WE WISH TO SAY THAT WE HA -VC -I DISPOSED OF . OUR DOWN . TOWN STORE TO MR. , LOBB, BUT WE ARE • CONTINUING OUR GROCERY BUSI- RM.:AT OUR VICTORIA ST, STORE. We -deliver Promptly Phone 125 T ,' ,WAIS THE C, & S. GROCERS EXTRAORDINARY VALUES . 111011 GRADE ALL -ELECTRIC RADIOS At Big Savings --- NUMNeeeeg Containing all the newest 'radio wrinkles, these all -e- lectries are a wonderful val- ue. So much better than the .old-fashioned kind that you will be astonished when you see and hear them. Free delivery = free installation free service for one year Trade in your old radio—our allowance is liber- al. iber al. Never have there been better radio values than these Sutter &. Perdue ,PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w �t. •1111.M•\s(1.14 )IA1 4)I-C\W.11/\. DAVIS A...ae. THE BILTMORE. HAT Made of the very finest'ma- terra, 1 and in the correct style. 'These hats will appeal to the ung than of discrimination. • Never before have, Hats like • these been sold- at a price so low Y see ��ral vextxs irr err a e G oohnlioo oh --Hi Hoo eo T J : CiANTON-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBERt 4, 1923 CLINTON'S BIG . CORNER GROC.E...R'. .Listen to 'the :Molting Owl See the shin ng moon. Hallowe'en with - all its Ain, is coming Very soon. All 'Hallowe'en Eve—October :51st —That's, the night for a party or a frolic on the street, hilarious games and zestful frivolities. Black witch- es in the air and others muttering around a cauldron •where brews the mystic 'broth, Bewitched black cats with baleful eyes; Bats from haunted belfoies; Bogies everywhere. All sorts of things may, be expected. With stieh,a background who can re- sist 'the spirit of gaieity, levity and mirth. If there can be a few thrills and a screano or two so much the better, Just to proclaim the tial'e spirit of Hallowe'en.' Novelties, Lanterns and Crepe Paper Decorations contribute much \to the succSIss of interesting fesQivlities. _ . Grinning Pumpkins, Gaunt Old Watches, Masks, False Faces, Weird Skeletons,, Paper Hats, Lamp •Shades, Streamers' -Festoons Rope, 'Cht outs; Seals, Napkins, Tab- le Covers are .suggested in addition to an assortment" d whiins'icaliy ex- travagant novelties; all appropriate for the first after summer eyelet of the year. Tlie W. D. Pair Co® Often the Qheapest-Always the Best Miss Maud Livermore :Ipf T°ol°oilto is Visiting in town. Miss Enfma Levis spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mre. J. Walkinshaw is visiting for a few deya in Toronto. Mr. Cross of Toronto visited Dr. Gunn oval the week -end. Mr.:Melvin Torrance of Toronto vie- ite'd with his mother last week Mr. Currell came up from .Oshawa and spent the \week -end with his family, Mars. Fred Kutch is spending a few, . ee pelting her son, Jack, in ctnu Detroit: t i Miss Ida Wiilken of Detroit. was in town for the funeral of the late Mrs. J. Mitchell. Mhs. Alicd Robson and Miss Rmtna Graham have gone to spend a few Weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Rees Jenkins spent the: week -end with Mr. and . Mr's, E. J. Jenkins of London. Mrs. Frank Fiirglend and babe of Torontoare guests this :Week of Mfr, and Mas. Fred Ford. Mrs.` Torrance and Miss Mande Tor- rance' returned>'from a visit with the former's son 'in Montreal te- :cently, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Stone and son and .Mrs. Leonard of Hamilton were, weekend guests .with Miss Stone, and Miss Ward of town. Miss. Ethel Hogg of the Ontario Col- lege of Education, Toronto, aocom- panied by Miss Ruth Jackson, spent the • week -end at her home. in town, Rev, Dr. and M,rs. Medd of Welland have been visiting th'e former's 'brother, \Ma J. G. Medd, and the latter's brother, Mir, W. Hiles, in town during. the past week. Mr. Leonard, McKnight, who has been in ..Toronto for some, time, has "returned home and will assist his father in .the grocery business which he recently purchased, Miss Lily, Kennedy was in Toronto rover the week -end, going down to attend the wedding of her sister, which took place in St. Paul's Avenue Rad United Church, To- ronto, Saturday afternoon. ,• '.. Mr, J. Taylor of Toronto had' been in town this week: Mr. ' Taylor, accolnpenied by his wife and daughter, will leave early in No- vembdr for Orlando, Fla., ' where they have spentthe past few win- ters. ' Ms. and Mrs.- W. 'Mitch' and family visited Auburn friends on Sunday last, Messrs. W. Match, Sr., and. W. Mitch, Jr., +'assisting: in the' musical part of anniversary ser- vices held in Knox Usnited churdh that day. Ms. and Mrs. 11. W. Rodaway left this .week. for IVIalkerville, where they -will spend the winter. : Mfrs, Rodaway.: has been very ill but her friends .are glad to 'know she has recovered suf- . -'fici.'ently to take the journey. M2 and • Mrs. Clarence Paisley and family' motored un, from 'Montreal last week` and visited Mfrs. Pais- ley's pareitits in. Hensall,: and on their return were accompanied by Mr. Paisley's mother. Mrs. Ve. ,T. Paisley of Clinton, who til=ill spend sone time with them. Mr. W. J. Mutch; better known to his friends as "Bill", who for some years' has be,en employed with the Clition, Hardware and. Furniture Company; has accepted a position with the Sherwin-Williams Clom- nany, Hamilton. He -left for Hamilton last week. le. E. Lewis 'Evans of New Albany, Inds was in town oder the week- end and shook hands with many "NEIL'S AMAZING =CASH AND CARRY PRICE LIST Best Quality of Every Line, at Lowest Possible Prices. All Orders $1,00 ,and over Delivered Free SPECIAL : LACK TEA ,Per pkg. . 49c 5 -BARS COMFORT SOAP For 25c LIFE„ BUOY SOAP 3 Cakes for 20c , (Germ Killer BUTCHER'S PEPPEII per lb. ': ' 60c FRY'S COCOA The Best . 1/2 lb. in 22e INTERLAKE TOILET PAPER 3 Rolls for 23e QUICK QUAKER OATS With China Per pkg. 38c • STARCH • Bulk per lb. ' 9c NEW BLEACHED RAISINS For Light., Fruit Cakes Per 1b. 20c ...NEW MINCE MEAT... Finest Quality per lb. -18c : RED C6HOE SALMON per lb., tin 34c - SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs: for 25c, 9 lbs. -$1.00 (One lot to customer)', GRANULATED CANE SUGAR . . 10 lbs. for 59.e' BOWES'. BAKING POWDER Full lb..25c, compares favorably with. 35c bran BIG FIVE ' The Best for Scouring - Only 5c - PURE LARD 3 lbs, 49c, - 20 lb. pail $3.20 New Figs, 2 lbs. for 25c Layer Figs, per lb. 25c Cauliflowers, 'Citrons � Lettuce and ` Celery Other Specials for T hUrsd ay, Fr id a and ,Saturdaid, .< Vlany Flower Soap, 3 for 19c Ingersoll Cheese, 2 for 25c Eagle Brand Milk, 19c Corn Starch 2 for'19c Maple Leaf Salmon, 1 -half Ib tin, 22c Shortning, per`Ib 18c F'R'tCIDA1RE Schneider's Sausage, per Ib 30c • Swift's °Sausage, 25c Fresh Hams, 25 Fresh Filletts, per lb 30c .Smoked Filletts, 25c Finnan Haddie, 20c Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5•, p.m. bash and �n Carry O'NEIL 4g WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS 11111di. "MI Halloween Supper . Tuesday, October 29th from5p.m.to7.30p.m. to Presbyterian Church MENU; Cold dressed pork Boston baked beans Escalloped Potatoes Salads, Tomato Jelly, F Relishes - Buttered Rolls. Lemon Pie, Tarts Putnplrin Pie with whipped cream. TEA AND. COFFEE Adrelission: Adults,'50c, Children, 35c Bulbs Plant now for Wintor and Spring Bloom We are offering choice bulbs in: DAFFODILS, HYACINTHS,' TULIPS, ETC. , Try our hyacinths, 'which . were specially prepared in Holland for forcing to insurelarger and earlier bloom, PAPERWHITE NARCISSUS 1st size, 5c each, 50c per dozen 2nd. size, 2 for 5,c, 30e per dozen EVERGREEN' AND BLACKLEAF to keep your house . plants free front insects. 35e a bottle 'Fertabs for your house plants • 26e per box' e,Prepared soil delivered . to you 15o ger pail Chaice• 'cutflowers always in stock J. Cuninghame, Florist' Phones, 31, and 176w. 37-3. old friends. Mr. Evans has been a resident of the ,U'n'ited States for many years,- and has travelled ov- er most of its territory. Be. has: prospered fairly well while he has: given the best years`' of his man- hood to its ;busineos - life, but he has ,ever been interested in the. land of his birth, ,'a n' evidence of which.is his conthsding alI through ' the years as a sui3seriber to this paper, and it is net: impossible that he might -some day; return to set- tle -in Canada. "You will find," said Mr. Evans the.. other day,. "thata great maztyedenadians will return to Canada 1i the next few years. Indried trafficthis way may exceed that which has. Been . turned, the other way for some years." So Might it be. NOVEMBER ROD ;AND GUN Featured in the Nodeinbe7 issue of Rod and Gun ,and Canadian Silver Fox News, Canada's'' natienal out- door Iife magazine, which is just to hand, are some splendid and season- able yarns of hunting: in various parts of the Doniinioil.. The noted western hunter, A. Bryan W711iams, recently reeippointed z" Chief Game" Warden ,,of British Colnrmia, returns: to the pages of the magazine .com- lncncing another of. hit popular ser - FOR A _ Good Health Bread TRY OUR Whole Wheat A WEEK -END SPECIAL ran Muffin's Wendorf's Bakery MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD COAL . C'" KE We sell DL&W and Famous Reading Anthracite -Coal, • Solvay Nut and Furnace Coke, Liberty :Range size Coke, Alberta Coal and Millers Creek Soft coal. Our Motto"— Good clean fuel .at a reasonable price. W..J.,., MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence. Ontario St. PHONES: - 46w and 46j The Stove Season is ' ift hand Get yours early and have full advantage of it this fall See our new all -enamel Masterpiece at a : right price. - Also the newCirculators.• Just the thing ,for the cold evenings. We also carry . Clare Bros. line,:- the Jewel Stove and Heaters. Call' in any time and 'get prices and. see ` our 'lines.` Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 res of hunting experiences. His article, however, is merely one of many dealing with all angles of outdoor life and fishing and hunt- ing interests, while the silver'fo x de- pertinent epertinent is: an extensive section fil- led with timely articles regarding the industry.:, Rod and Gun and Canadian Sit Ver 'Pox News' is. published 'monthly by WI. J, Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ont. FALL, The time when you aregathering in for the long winter'months. Why not inolude some real comfortable Furniture to help snake these long nights more cozy and enjoyebllc. We are specializing with a large and up-to-date stock of Ches- terfield suites and occasional chairs, made by the best firms in Can- ada. Call and see them. We are also showing a large stook of Fibre Furniture in3- piece suites, rockers, chairs and tables, these will all be reduced in price so here is a chance to save some good money. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Our stock of the celebrated Beach Foundry stoves is the Largest that we ever earridd in all their newest styles including Ranges, Heaters and Furnacettes. You are sure to' be satisfied with these stoves. Como in and sea .the new Instant Lighting Lamps and lanterns, the very latest ithprovements. Some new ventilated screens for fall and winter use. Enjoy the fresh air and keep out of the draft. , - Sotne. real bargains in Weather Stripping, etc. Clanton Hardware and Furniture Co FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORES WITH A STOCH Furniture Phone: 104 . Hardware 196 Chane of Ihisiii Having 'taken over the business formerlyowned and operated by the L. Lawson &• Co., werespect- fully solicit a continuance of the patronage enjoyed for the last f our years. We will carry on as ,a member of the Superior Chain Stores Co Operative System and will still continue to ".Sell the best for Less." Campb'ell's Veg. Soup 2 for 23c Swansdown, Cake Elour, per ph:, ..:: . . ........390 Bovril, Chipso, large pkg. and one Cake Castile soap for .,,23e 1 oz., per. bottle .:Nee Eagle $rand 1VIfiITc, tin , ...19c Jewel or Domestic Kara Coffee, t/ lb ' 35c Shortening, per Ib. ... , .18c Kara Coffee, Ib. , ..... ,, G9c ..13rooms, fear string, each - 39c Ingersoll 'Cream aeon Corn Mese, 4'.Ibs, 25e 16c size, 2 for 25c Manyflowems Soap, 3 for ..19e loseemmeerenemta New Thompson Seedless Hawes' l, lge. . 23e Oi Raisins 2 lbs 25e . RefugeeLemon Beans, Size 2, 2botfor 36c Elec. Bulbs:, 60 watt, 3 for 69c FILLETS, SWEET POTATOES, 'CALIFORNIA . GRAPES ,J. 'Te McKN IGHT & SON CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 STANLEY The sympathy of theconununity is extended to Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter 1Vfoffat in the death of their three- months old baby, Norma Christina, Which occurred at her Biome, in Stan- weeks after three weeks of severe i114i'ess. The funeral, which was private; took place, en 'Saturday afternoon, in- terment being made in Baird'e ceme- tery. con- ducted 1,ery. The Rev.' W. A. Bre'mnel of ducted the service, choosing his mes- sage of comfort from the words of. (II) Samuel, 12.23 "I shall. go to him but he .shall not return to -me," IVIis Peteir• B. Moffat sang very swe`etiy "One Little : Lamb. in the Upper Fold." ley on Friday, Oct 1 The tiny casket was surrounded' with many beautiful floral tributes from sympathizing jneighblocs and friends. :Beside's the sorrowing par-. ,eats she i`s• survived by onle,.sister, Lois. • Friends from: a distance attending the, funeral were: Dr. 114 M. Fisher of Graveinliurst and TVlrs• W. Nifty -lie. of London, also many relatives from., 'Hensen, Kippen and Hillsgreen. r, George Wilson ' sport Friday, S y an ri tds in Toronto. and a Dr. Peter• IVeeEwen of Detroit vis- ited his sister, Mse. J. Pearson, and brother, 3. • McEwen +of Bayfield' Road, this week. Mr, and Mrs. John G. Kaiser and Jack of Detroit called rrecently at the home` of" Mae, Geo. T. Daird;