HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-10-24, Page 6SDAY, OGTo sER 29i, i11 1VEWs�•: RECORD" CIF"Mi I , :� RBST T :., YOiL , . ,.i . AND � ,,'E'd vt ed. ,,, ilend , .m• S . na , sit 3 ... s ... ,, ,.. _ .:, ..:. ,. „ .,las :, eo . as tm hglna hip:t w' k. Edna, i,4 „v i g : wo ei .. tact a . _ n i xds v . t . v Y. p .. . a d a. d inp s. ,e.. .,,- , ., . se mos .. on ,:,,the, sure d test •of ,..,,. x - n m o i ,_ . .,, .,. a :� t on s'N, ... � n-_ ul't� .,:E s . boo ht gg_ g . ,, aeon Government, Inquire for:. o ,i _ 'bu i11< 1 a X ,-w . & w ys eller with the city - F hens and, always'.wauted—Prices _ Always phone • • , :before ifiailceting-ptoduce,� jaid: � W 1„i,.,. �a�u's y , ., '.. ,�.; , ac ordi ' to Dotni .• c ng n . , i Rp lilations. .g6 :. g p rices of :cage, ;: � . .,, ,, fmd out, pmaes par- markets; _ .. � wellfmshed ehiclss , good. -our office for • tete. , ' • °;, , ,, ' r : .., ` ,. � ,. � :.. :.: r,.. ,.... ,,,. , t �. • .. �: �. ,,Is Clnxiton gom ,to •^inark.,,Armes-. h v .. , , e Da Yn. a'ny :s exsiaa Y, Tt, , :,,, , . ,., re ke ,. .Danes Capon a iloltdaY, there seems.... ,, ,. ex i fo ,not don so. ro,, c.rse. t :d 4 ..:. : .. r..,. eawtaful .fa eh :.,as, •'Did the... 8 , .,, P(' r . . _ , ., __ � , :.. • ...;:,,>: aeautifui ao ate, • coysun the. t.aund. Y , , g ,. �` . - ,., ., rm 6his , mgxnin Octt. ,24t1t, • a's xt llas, been pictured in eons; ',and,story,?:! bat . whether- or mot,' it is'.:so:tallaeh ::' r ' -earth' monsture, ;•tvhich,,the ltat shed a U. needs.; '• : `. ''.' ,;A,ustin''and .1 .. ,...•' . :,, .. .. Er. " Canadians are ;; ,not all, -Scotch, ; sa s ., ey arra , ,,.Adyecate : It. ;:is Y,, r .stun ted, .that. A;me iican tourists ,in a. ? . _ . Ca -nada ,end $1 83, er•Gapita of the. P P , . at th ,, ho o,d , het si 1Vlgs, , est , � 1n . �.,._ .� stox,�. W..., n t . It n S ,Tat s :;, a . ,, , ;., .T ,:M sis..,Beatbie , of .. a don , ,.. �@ -.Meeks,' Is ,n : -vi it d,.t sister M, ..Wen,. eott s e ., their , ., ,s, .. seat, , , :, , .. ,. ,, , ti,, ,-. .. :....arid � „ u .. wk is.;;vety t11,.,:lastSrdaY•... , , ,. , ,,,, ":" ,,. •,. ., d._Mas s- Watb .:af --1•�r•,an a, Ge14?'Rd Clinton.,,visited at the',. otme- of.,:t o c h ._ . h ,:;..: ,-. ratters,, bt ]t a Mi•:.",....•• ,. 1VI'c@uoen> , :. q!t p �,.,>,,. -last ;ween, . '� .,•; ,. ,..: . ,,.. „the_: IYIs, D •R.oua•�t: is y,giing Extends r in =London ths: weal . ... i week: , Thomas• .Wheeleir has..rotekl'ed et- , spending' ,a week: with his -sons ter p g , Norman, nt Detroit. ,, 1li.rL -Dr, Coin o£,Denvex;:Calor- i ) - .. 3' ,, elle s e't a feW' a s' record ' i�ith ,. , ,p n r •d y .,,:... Y .:,:. Miss E ` McInto 't :; , '. ,: , and Mrs:: Ross Scott lucre,, re ..Steain.Renderei. GehtviS2toas with Nth.' and Ma ..Sid- ley- Gentirell ,of T'ucke%sm,ith. a . ;•I . , h ormiri ,, a Chris_ i n tY n p, un ra , if U a made,,a plea fcm, the.f palivation 'of- a - - arcate cusp •;oi . anoless in, J sats. r s, .Chi9tst .om hasizutg ,the itpPOr,tane.e,, P, . , .. ,.,. . , Of : lntitual ltel tuines : nth _ .,, �FX,ORAL,DESIGNS, a .under i , le ed, r, tree o g :lane _fan th , _ -stn a. n ,. , _,, �,.. , . .,0,:.,For ,I'or home=1 nd and, aibtaad...,At :the eve,; a ,.:• m v,. vice fele otnke butahai t e .us, sal ,._ .., ..,.. P. , ,,d. . ,_ h : , ... . „ :. ,;, ttibiida of: silence and n t . t ,orr. a a agi.Vi Y ,. ar of Cht#istiark- oo le Wee m l? t p reality- to': and • endorsin Y g' , the -, e • • - of those' whose actions and, purposes were 14ostile ta. Christ- , lenity; and. stressed the •need,of, .as-, °sectio e n••and, :;ag+gressaveme$s •on th part of; - C1i istian jieeple''if the -,pro- .,.,...., .. ., . gres's • 01 aright ausneee was ,to be xeii;zed. 'The eerie* were asked., for a :freowill offering ., and clued. The floral da - 8400 ...was received. ,. , , , .: „Member of Florist Telegraph`: Association ,. CU 1 ELO , : WDRS, . , ,.:,: All Occasions ....Sent , , Greenhouse as .as: near .; ,. ,., , ; , , , . ., _ ., .:. _ ,, Lar e S@1ectio t g - ,;' ..;' i,. Bulbs 'NO'S?''•.�Y'TV1i2g • •••• . "" `6'f Two Phones -6Gw , , .. delfvoryr r _ . ,: ,. A,u. , ere. as,. iiy h . . ,, . ,+. 4 ,' 0 • Ulf C"11 : '," . ;,.• , ' and `.68jnb�m, ,. .. <, ." , _ ,,., .. , , $1•40 , ` � • , Guaranteed , Si per gallon. ' ,; ���1��I ®n l' `T,in 'r ' , • 5 gal lots N. W. Trewartha �a Phones=Office;.214j.:Resdene 214vu " Feed , . Just received- a carload • of Snow- flaike Flour, Sunbeam Feee€, Sunbeam Laying °Mash,; RainUaw' Scatli feed, different brands: 'of flog feeds, fat - tenin mash for hens, Fish meal and , g.. .. Powdered,Rutter Milk and : ,Calf , Meal: ''• whole pop alation, while on the sane', leciconin ,Canadtans .Pond, 8,74 per..ip•�®. g $. cai)*W":411 :United ::States• , Okiif, tree; • i '' • fi'ures rite mean, ether hand the g y•, that holidtu n n' Canada is,,less es- 3i g .,.., ' e•isive than in'17 StA: p , •.,,,,•,,:,,,-,,-• ;- • ,The Woman's' Association of ,'the United Church -held a snee'essful sale a , ho a m'od'el bakingen Saturday,selections 'the f ?re' e' procoeds amounting to $80; - 'Miss ;Emma McDonald of Palermo v recontly visibed at •her'.liome bele." �... .. coretions ware delightful. and the service of the chair in, their Special , . and in their leadership ref the s1ngmg •was coimnendVible and i Highly. apprecated :., a.: _ Rev:. Ii.. G, Whitfield Preached at , .- .• t , i.. ' • ' : ? a • aririin .0 Election, . anatten •. s , re w g .P+, a `little, both candidates in this• rid- in ]dere n meetings, Indeed, there were two' en one' evening and•in the seen btiildin in 'Cluwun= r.'. Tats-; e g g'' g day evening, lone in-tbe• council chem-- o'er and another in 'the, hall above. Miss Orate V.Histard .of ' Ethelbert, `D'fanitaba is s • ending her holidays "'th 'ei arehits Mr. ,and M s.,`A1- 'oX• 'parents-,' _ s, Mhlstaid. ' and Mji"s. Basil O'Rourke were •' , week-e41d visitors a Mount .Carmel. , ss11i.• MkKay of T.?r,G ):visited &Ping• the week with her srsteY Shelburne' on: Sunda and' , n hie re- — , turn ` brought ;; Mrs•,' (Rev .)• 'Dloneid childiren who ,ma an 'orio'a le Porn Saus. iaomeinaue 2'4C w de J Y b of 'it at the manse, : - POrli ChOPS, per lb..„..,.,.,,25c Misses Mabel and Irene Woods of ' Fresh PIC. HAMS 200 Kitchener` •: spent Sunday . at their home here: , Shoulder,. Roast 22c amb Chops 3J c TELEPHONE • ; Mer. Hardware , b3: CLINTON q] `yl • 11 1+r ...Charleswor,th Flour and Feed Phone 199 The News -Record representative '`dig vided• the •time • .between t e two and„ Strange to say, nelither seamed to. Mas. J. Walker: and Mis. Ed. Munn of 'Jensen ,were recent guests of M'a•, .John Shollldel. Roast of lamb 28c All1IlVersar Service• , . y" ° Lamb -Stew SteVJ:, 25!G. 'Fowl NOTICE TO ELECTORS -'Oh -- SOUTH HURON' The •official agent for George Hen. ry, Elliott in Provincial. Election of October Thirtieth, will be Herbert FrancisofExeter, Ont, • FRED FORD Returning .Officer for. South Huron 374, gn H. �y �T G. tl Ed's NER, Eleiarician � i • E12C1t1C R,mng851 Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other APPZ1AnC88 Wiring and Repairs. Phone disturb the` other. �.. * * *•r. i The rains we have had this week have 'been- very welcome, and we,'' Swn' • i3fi, and Mrs.. James m•axweli of Grafton,'. N.D;, are visiting the:, ht_ tet•'. srstei. •Miss Marion Munroe. erre Mapper The Constance. United Church' will • Try •Our Bacon and .Cured'. hold anniversary services on _ 'Pork CutS. SUndaU, October 27th ' The fine weath- could, do with mare.. er of the past few: weeks has been- yab or the know-: very enjo le, except fi ledge .that the country was greatly in• need ofrain..-"rwill' take a good deal yet to "fill up the -swamps” and, old-fashioned folk ` say that winter dost not coins knee until the cedars are up s in water. . • MARRIAGES . EVANS--KENNEDY—At St. Paul's lA-venne RoadUiiitedchurrch,Toron- 'to,: Oct 19, by the Rev. W. Harold Young, Oibely. Lenora, youngest daughter' of •the late M. and Mrs. Donald A. Kennedy of Clinton, to Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 :pm. Dry Salt boneless Pork 25c Special Preacher: 1 ''' DreSS2d,H0 S 01' lb. I6C Rev. W. J. Mains of Walton. n • • FOWL. SUPPER ON Half. D1es.. Logs, lb. .,..161/2c ' " 20 lb. all S Tuesday, Oct 29th p hOrtefing for Supper served from, , 6 to 8 p.m. $3:00. followed by program to be LAUNDRY Wall open laundry in Perrin Block, Rattonbury street, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 28th WORK GUARANTEED LOW, PRICES •Phone CHARLIE HO, Proprietor 37-2. We Want your ' Milk este Cream ' We are manufacturers of bot cheese and butter. We want yotc milk or cream. We pay highest m= ket price weakly. Satisfaction gut • anteed,= order for finest cheeir your , or pasturised butterinprints or sol ids' to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. i The ,New Stewart'. Warner THE SET WITH A PUNCH CHAMPION OP THE AIR' . Mcdern, even tq plug in for Television Performance 5 ears ahead—BeautyTIVE Y . beyond comparison—Very selective —No Interference Equipp'ed with 8 of the new Screen grid tubes. Distant stations ocme in like locals. Needs no unsightly aerial. It is simply marvelous, the best sett I ever heard, so they say. Here this set at Georg°e MaLen- , ran s •Gmo'cery Stoa+a., IYeitionstra- tions arranged day or night. The Stewart -Warner only have tea one set, which cannot be beaten. •• Prices with tubes according to cabinet $185.00 to $275.00, Combination Phonograph and radio 8359,00. H A ®�%e H H. • Clinton, Ont. Phone 299 • HOLMESVILLE • -Mg''. and Mrs, ,Edgar J. Trewartha and Norman OrW le Witmer' Mr. l .G, H. Evans, Toronto, son of Mr, ough Mrs. George Evans, Peierbor- H04VSON—PROCTOR—At the Um- ted Church, Winghani, -on October• 19th, bythe.: Rev. SydneyDavison, l •eseieted by {, Walter B. Craw,Reader and C+DNNE1• TYNDALL and talent from Hensel!, Seaforth and Walton. Clintons Leading. Meat Market Admission 75c and 25c •• and Mrs: W,5Med.Jervia and .Mr. and Addie Pearl, second 'daughter • of Mrs. Alfred Jervis here among those, who attended the fowl supper at the Evangelical church, Zurich, last Thursday evening.. g'' Vie trustee board of the United Mr. and Mrs. G. IVI'fill'er •Proctoic, to Dr. George W.' Howson, son of Mr, and Mtis. W. J. Howson.. DEATHS Pullets For Sale CARD OF THANKS Single comb White Leghorn pul- A. J. Courtied and family lets. Apply to Roy Tyndall, R. R. y 'wish to extend sincere thanks to friends NO' 3, Clinton, Phone 607r3, Clin- and neighbors for the kindness ton central. 37-1, RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal - ; THE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPERA CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY. LIMITED rwrit ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. d® 66r) and �� � g� ' church met in the church on Thurs- day evening. Grace United' Church, Porter's Hill, will ligld :their anniversary CARTER—In Detroit, .on Oct. 19th, Charles William, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Carter, Hallett, aged ' 83 years and 4 mouths. shown during the illness of his daughter and for sympathy' and help- House For Sale . fulness in their bereavement. On Spencer street, 6 rooms, gar- age and suinniei kitchen. Hard and Cottage For Sale A six -room cottage, good location, cellartown water, electric lights and good and hardwood floors in front part of house. Inquire at .News -Re- cors, 31-tf. Home on Tuesdayand Fridayfor? noon to take In Poultry. Eggs handled at residence ev= day—graded by an experienced gra er, for which we pay the highest m ket price. services next'" Sunday. Rev. D. Mc- Tavish o£ Exeter, will be the preach- er. The school. remains closed this week, although 'happily, no new cas- es of diptheria have developed. Mr. Tebbutt, Ma. and Mrs. Bert Trewarthn Kenneth,Charlotte Mis- des Emily and Minnie Proctor, Mr. tfOFFAT—In Stanley township, on Ott. ' 18th Ncirma - Chrisibena, daughter of. Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Moffat, aged 3 inonths• and Walter •_ days: IN MEMORIAM PERDUE—In loving memory of our, soft Water and eletcric lights. Also CARD OF THANKS the following: Happy Thought ran e range. Quebec heater kitchen cabin- Mr. and Mns, Walter Moffat de- ,sire to thank their friends and pt, Stewart -Warnes radio, •Edison Phonograph and nearly 109 records. neighbors for their kindness and the two jardiniere tables; dining room many expressions of sympathy table; 'oil stove oven. Everything to shown in their recent 'bereavement• be cis disposed of in two weeks. Mrs. P , - 148, Fixrniss. 37-2. House to Rent 5 -room house James street, - Clin- ton. Town water, electric lights . Apply to W. Jago, Clinton, 31-tf, Cream purchased for Stillman's A E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Mrs. Robert McCartney, Mr„and little son and brother. and Mrs. Thomas Potter -and Miss Fran -CARD ccs Potter' were amongst those who attended church in Clinton on Sun- day, $olinesville church being cies- ed. • Zion Church, Taylor's Corner, held their anniversary services on, Sun- "If all the thoughts of God are borne' inward unto souls afar, Along the Psalinlsts music deep, Tell me if that any is For gift or grace surpassing ilii.; He giveth His beloved. sleep, °, Sleep soft, beloved, we sometimes say - OF THANKS For Sale or Rent • 100-acre_farrn for sale or rent or Mrs, L. 'Wilts° and family, desire exchange for house in some town to express to their friends .and Good soil • and buildings• A. E. neighbors their .'utero apprecia- Matheson, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, tion' of all the sympathy and kind- Phone 314x33 Clinton central. ness extended to them in their re- cent sad bereavement, also to those 37-tf• , To Rent �__ Victoria Si., Clinton Phone 23 - E. modern dweller g of eight looms, also garageClinton, g g on Gibbing. St., Clinton• Immediate o possession. Apply to. A. J. McMurray, box 193, Harriston, Ont. 26-tf, r� Transportation ®Y't'��I(I Service Bazaar and Ten The W. A. of Wesley -Willis Uni- ted church, Clinton1 intend having a bazaar and afternoon tea in theLong dounail chamber on Saturday after- noon, Nov. ,16th, conmienoing at 2.30. . 34-tf. day. Rev. 10. Butt was the pastor in , charge. Their annual fowl Sup- per will be held on Friday evening Who have no gift to charm away who so kindly sent flowers and lent Sad dreams that through the eye- their cars. Pullets For Sale lids creep, • A quantity of Barred Rock pul; House For Sale A comfortable seven room cottage ' •Distance — Short Distane with town water and electric lights, VI acre of land with small fruit and good stable with chicken house. Ap- Ply to Alex: Sloman, Fulton street, Clinton. 05-tf. • Goods in Transportation Insured Furniture Carefully Handled Efficient Operator. Charges Reason and after tea, supper a program will be given in the churcl% Mr. and Mh's'. Brogden McMath, Mr. and Mit. Bort Trewartha and Miss -Susan Acheson, accompanied But never doleful dream again, shall lets, bred -ba -lay, • from the hatchery break the happy 'slumbers, 'when CARD OF THANKS of llfr, Switzer Granton: This is an He giveth His beloved sleep.' exceptionally fine flock of birds., W. E, Perdue and family. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Carter and Price $1.00 per bird. Apply to J: B. family desire to thank thein neigh- g Hyde, Con.' 2, Stanley, Kipper P.O, Herefords For Sale young Dulls and heifers, also some young cows, due to freshen in De- comber. P. V, Elliott, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield. Phone 600r32, Clinton ten- tral. 34-4-p. by Mr, and Mis. N. W. Trewartha, of Clinton, were among those who hors and friends for their sympathy Phone 86 ring 11, Hensel' central. 87-1-p. CONSTANCE kindness in their recent and rev- ore sorrow. • Slabs For Sale Orders ]eft at myresidence will able. Satisfaction guaranteed. S R. MCMath, 601r34. attended the Fowl Supper at Union Pp recently. . • The Rev. W. J. Maines of Walton Photograph Notice receive prompt attention. E Ward, Huron street, Clinton. Phone 155. 154f. • ' ' p� 11 No 9'®rryeng About There was no service at- the Un- ited Church here on Sunday but. the regular servides were hold at Sharon and Ebenezer. Rev. Mr. Lundy' of Nile was in charge as Rev. W. J. preached anniversary der- Albert, Nile will conduct the anniversary ser- Burgess Photo Studio, Clinton, will vice's in the United church here next For Sale be open ori the following dates: Sat- Sunday. Special services at 11 a.m, Oxford ram lambs, eligible for urday, Oct.Oct.T26th, Tuesday, Oct. 29th, and 7.30 p.m. registration. Price right. Apply to Tuesday, Nov. 12th, Tuesday, Nov, • Mr. and Mis. R. Barwick and two Frank Weekes, Varna. Phone 622 26th, and Tuesday, Dec. 10th. Dec.` small sons of Stratford called on the r31, Clinton central. 37-1. 10th will be the last day foe taking former's Mrs, Photos for Christmas. Colne in For Sale 4 oak diningrootn eha.iis, kitchen couch, springs and slip cover, 2 par- ' P Ppaired, for bhairs upholstered in taupe vel -Herbert piano "our, mahogany parlor Newtabls-Record stool. Inquire at News-Recor3 of- fete. 36-tf. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed arid re- Woollen goods dry shop. Rooms Beards Securities. s over Barber shag. W J. Jago. 2283-tf. • Your dividend cheque mailed o q rices at Port on the cir- suit. ' Miss .Enuna L, Courtice, youngest aunt, A. Nicholson on on Sunday.Lost an earlydate for Christmas Photos. Mrs, Ed. Britton, Mrs. Wm. Brit- A brown catalogue bag, containing 37-2the , 1• ♦e/� 1i8 �� --�” d tit first of each month by Imperial Trust Company of Canada. Just a few units left of Standard Over 3,000,000 sold in , few weeks. All will, be taken in a few weeks. Farms For Sale!'((�� Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of Goderich township, consisting ofRoyalties. 160 acres of good clay loam, Iii miles west of Holmesville„ Good buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton ten- tral. 29-tf. daughter of M. A. J. Courtice of Holmesville, died at the home of gra. S. T. Walter, her sister, on morning last ton, Mrs. A• Lindsay and . Mr. D. De Laval literature and prices. Fin- - Millson spent Sunday at Walton and der please leave same at Clinton Special School M'eeting . attended anniversary services there, Creamery. Rew'a'rd, . 37-14, A. meeting of the ratepayers of Thos. Pollard S. S. No. 10, Goderich township, will Wednesday of week. She had been a very patient suffer'er for three years„ and the end was not unexpected. Very peacefully, with- out a struggle, she .passed away, having richly deserved the tratasla- Un- Mrs, spent Monday in London. • For Sale or Rent be held in the schoolhouse on Mon- Mr. and Mfrs, Geo. Riley, Sr., and House in Mati:.., street, Clinton, deli, Oct.. 28th„ at 8 pan., for the Pur- Mr. and Mrs: Joe Riley spent Sundey seven rooms, electric light, town Pose of considering the following at the home' of Mr. and Mss. Thos. water, good garden:, Apply • to J. questions: (1) The erection of a Riley of Clinton. • Allison, Clinton. 37-tf. school house. (2) Selection of site' ' 'Mr. for same. (3) The of de- • A HURRY CAL • L' FOR.. THE � �Y r®�f(�J� ; �g• J. G. ,CIH rY El'9 CLINTON. P. '0. Box, 155 Phone, 52 ; 04-tf., •best • } m tion from suffering to triumph. til the Mine of ;her fatal, illness she had been active and efficient in both .Harold Glazier• of Clinton , ,issuing spent a `few days last week at *the -No Trespassing iaentuxes• ohn R. Middleton, Seo: home of his aunt; Mrs. Pollard. Persons found trespassing -on the Treasurer, 37-1. 'Col- For Sale 50 Barred Rock Cockerels from a registered pedigreed pen of Guilds laying strain of 10 yearling hens mated to a 250 egg cockerel. Price $3,00 each. Come early as they won't��p°°pp last long at this mkt. C. B: Bale. 35-3-p. church, and Sunday School. She is survived by her father, two sisters, Mars. F. C. Elford of, O_ ttawa and Mrs, Messrs. Harold. and, Charles property of the undersigned will be clough and James Attwood and MU- Prosecuted according to law W. J. House rto Rent ses'Rose and Mafilda Atwood of Stevens, Victor Bisback. ' 37-3-p, . A comfortable six -roomed house, . - in a good location, possession given ; - AMBULANCE i ^ ` 1l ,' l ®al and Coke. IF YOU 'ARE IN NEED OF i. HARD COAL, (LEHIGH VALLEY). SOFT COAL, COBE, SLABS I Walter, wibh, wham she made hpr. home, else by three brothers, Rev. 1'.•R. Courtice, D.I?,.of Butlei.,••Pa.,, Blenheim and Ross and Doris Mann of near. Clinton spent Sunday at the • Housefto Rent about Nov. 1st, Inquire at News- home of their aunt, Mfrs, R.• Grim- Comfortable 7 -room. house, in good Record office. 33-tf. • Dr. At. J. Courtice of Winnipeg, Ds..0. J. Courfice oftoi•ia Ifndstoot, Ind. eldby. location. Apply to R. B. Carter, Vic- street.eva+:'e Sale of Household Effects. • Mr: and Mrs..W. Logan and eau h- Clinton.CI•inton, ` 37-tf. The following.articles are been of- he - SheepFor Sale Liecester sheep, shearlmg rains, year-old ewes and ewe and ram lambs. 'Year-old 'ewes beingsolei to make room. Apply to John H. Quig- ley, London road, R. R. No, 5, Glin- ton. Phone 619r3, ClintonClhaton central, 35-tf. She was predeceased byher mother and younger' brother, Rev. W. N. C' curtice. The funeral service, which was Friday private, was held on. Friday after- her ter of Blyth spent Saturday at . g For. Sale feted for sale , riveter bedroom !lone: of the former's daughter, Mrs. privately: y: 20 Barred Rock suite, couch, stretcher,' 2 rockers, Lao Stephenson. pullets, Batched stand 'kitchen' table small table Friends hero sympathize with • Mr• from Guild'. best laying strain. Mrs. , v ,- and Mrs. WM. Carter of Londesboro • dam •Hill, Phone 150. 37-1 p. sideboard, organ, jars, lamps and 2 toilet sets. Mrs. L. hath, t • CALL 25,G - p.�p ,. 1PIl(;Cartney, Queen •Street Telephone 2613 • loon, and was conducted by pas- tor, Rev. Ms. Herbert, assisted by '(Chaplain) in the lass of their ..eldest son, Char- ,Huron., les, whose death occurred at Detroit TRUSTEES . AND RATEPAYERS street. 36-2. .. r ATTENTION' Id Rev, Sydney Lambert if •Toronto. Interment was made in Maitland' Cemetery, Goderich. • Re- latives from .Ottawa, Pickering, To- onto and Dundas were Present,' as veli as her, two,throthers and sisters .n -law from the United States.. Sym- ?atlty is felt for her fath!er,and the e members 'of H•er family. ith r y on SaturdayMr. Carter had been • • seriously ill for „some months• and g Sale and, Tea Baking Dungannon, Otc. 21, 1929: A sale of homemade cooking can- had been confined to a sanitorium To th0 Secy -Trees. of d and afternoo ea will be held on near Detroit,;,Ho leaves" to - mourn Y nt. the . School Board: • Friday, Nov. 1, at the home of Mss„ his loss his widow, father and moth- The annual convention of the :or and one brother, George,', ' eih Ke from 3 to G Dile sir- Huron CO.Ch duration A'ssoc.iatran o"clock, under the aids ices of :the ter, Irene. The :body was brought: to of This e s t ° ' P the home of. his parents on Nlonday tie and Ra apayfeis will be W,M.S. of Ontario' street United held .m the town hall, WtnghamL an church. • . 36-3. for • burial, • the- funeral. t king piece Saturday, Nov: 2nd, comanlencmg NOTICE TO CREDITORS' r - Clang! Clang! Hero coiner:the;'ambtilance! Where was the ateident? . - , It wasn't •an acoi ent• •i • w a d , t tv s a case of ne reef! g They found a man's'furnace frozen stop cold in his" ent! •'� '- o 'c;