HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-10-24, Page 4. Buys Week -End
......*--- Pie fit, sure for Your
WhipleFamily" !
1 / A\. -...,
Los sitt;tro
Treat the family every week to the • 4'
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The best work of the world's most
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Large Rotogravure Section
Pictures of interesting people, places
0 and events from all over the world.'
Interesting Short Stories -
By internationally famous writers of
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World's Latest News
Capably written by r-ieciel staff cot -
Big Magazine Section
Every page brimful of enjoyable read.
ing matter.
Radio-Autontolaile Section
((A wealth_of news and infornaation for
radio and car owners.
mow ete porte Section..
Sport retume arad reviews by popular koie
1 sport writers. , ears
AU for 10e in Canada's Greatest Illustrated Sunday Newspaper
Buy it frontyour Nows Doolor-or send
$6.00 for ono full yoar,oulmoription to
253 Q1100111 StrIr Wont - Toronto, Ontario
A Viking Ship
•Pays Visit to'
London 11:ort
AnotherAdvance Recalled in,
A •Like•Craft 1-000 Years
Owl Laffs
The Measure of t.1 Man
Not--"liew did he die?"
But --`How did ho live?"
Not'--"Witat did he gain?"
Bat --"What did he give?"
These aro the units
TO 1indeaallre the worth
Of a man, as a man,
Regardless of birth.
Nol—"What was his Station?"
'Illut--"XIad he a heart?",
And—"How did hp play his God-given
Wits he ever ready
With a word of good cheer,
To bring back a male.
To banish a tear?"
Not—"What was his church'?"
Nor—"WhatV'Jay his creed?"
But—"Hati he befriended those really
• , in need?"
Not—"What did the 'sketch •in the
newspaper Say?"
But—"I-low many were sorry when he
passed away?"
age from Greenland to Bostonlin the
year 100?.
n was on this legend that Longfel-
low fotuided his poem of ate Sea king
who complained:
I was a Viking old!
My deeds, though manifold, •
No Staid la gong bath told,
-,No.Saga taught thee
and who snatched his bride away
grom her kinamen to accompany Aunt
For the -first time sines the (lays Of on that voyageau which "Three creeks
Plantagenet kings of England a Vito we westward bore—then cloudlike wei
Ing ship has come to London. saw the shore.ctreteliing to leeward?'
Longellower story the Viking and
It sailed up the Thames .estuary
past Rochester and the Medway,his bride settled there,and their child-
where before the Normans cameren became American Menne.
the I
Viking pirates used to mid and burn,1
and finally rested under the shadow of Farewell to Fasting
St, Thomas% Hospital,
The Old and the New
This was a ship of peaceful adven-
ture, but no Viking craft had ever be- Pillar -boxes it is a delight to find them
fore reached so far up London' t river, looking once more like women, and to
except perhaps that Gee whose ruined haVe all the anolent poetic images of
timbers were found in the Thames the faunae form again Oontiug true,
and, were transferred to the Terrace R is unaclubtedly prettier that raptur-
ot the London County Halt nese by, ous admirers should be reminded oe
It those old timbered boner; could Greek vases by the aeneerance of the
speak What a tale they might have ladies of their choice than Mat they
had to tell to this line new Viking ship shouldlhave to recall a more coffee
built at Oslo. The old craft was per. canister, But the revival bait its den-
ims' a desperate adventurer, carrying gars, Mime, R carried to extreme, it
fire and sword and fighting men, .1011 bring back tight lacing and with
It would, perhaps, have been shrit all the ills that wont with that bar-
prised to find that the Oslo Viking ermmode-
ship was named itot atter some an-
cient, pirate, like Forkbeard or nor- No wiEDKINE LIKE
serk the Red, but after Reale Aniund-
ilen' a 61132 among
Men Ind
one who lost his life in tying to save 4
Still more would the County Halt I —
velic have been astonished to find that once a Mother Has Used Them
' the new ship was not in search ofhe win use Nothing Else,
plunder, was not even a hI hardy trader '
like its forbeitre who Were •admitted To once use Baby% OV711 Tablets is
to the Port of London in the dayti of to use them continually—that is as
the Plantagenete. • I Jong as there are young 0111151011' 'in
Retracing Old Steps 1 the home, That is the testimony
given us by inothere front ell 2artal
But if roams -00i as --tiPllag sari, of Canada. They all say -dun they
comes up with the morning train from know of nothing to equal Um Tablets.
the Suburbs, it may easily be revived that they find the% sate and al-
* by the Roaid Amundsen. Its chieftain cient and at the same time pleasarit
Is Captain Folgers, the • sante man. , to take.
who, in a smaller ship, salted from I Mrs, John Hollttrworth, 5141(18U/ie.
Norway in the path that Leif Erikson oat., writes:—"I have three children,
took nearly a thousand years ago, the eldest fourteen and the youugest
driving westward, as the saga goes, nine months old, I have alevaes need,
till he sighted the shores of New Eng- Baby's Own TabPts ter 1.)1131n and
land. I have found no other medicine to
Captain Folgers has a crew of six, equal the Tablets as a relief for the
and before crossing the Atlantic to many ailments of eltildhoctl."
America his little vessel will sail from. - Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but
London to Havre, then up the Seine thorough laxative which' regulate the
to Paris; from Paris back across the bowels and 'eweeten the stomach.
Bay of Biscay to Vigo, and davit to They drive out coneLipation and Mat-
Cadia. Prom Cadiz it -will go Alp the geetion, break up colds and eitnple
Gue.daltilver, there to be at Seville fevers and make the cutting of teeth
beside the replica of the Santa Maria easy. They are Sold by medicine
lu which Columbus set sail for Amer!. dealers or by mail at 20 -mirth a box
from The Dr. \Villains' 20410111e Co.,
These 'two idling, if they could tell Brockeille, Ont.
ail the legends of the sea, might ale° 1 -------4* "
have untols lo say to one another be- Yvonne:. They say that Chester is a
,fore they hoist their OEMs 10 set forth very much talked -about man.—Yvat.'•
'for the 'Western Continent. 1 to; So he is: Everptirne he opens his
Qudrid the Pair 'mouth.
One legend at any rate the Roald • , -
Stop Colds with MInard's Liniment.
- Amundsen might repeat to the Santa, 1,...,_
; ,
11'faritt when echoing its captain s wish
that there had been a heroine On Rieltee adorn the house ,aad virtue
adorns the penon,
board to give distinction to the voY- 1 ________
age. The Scandinavian story is that i 1 POW women• are color band, 016'
Guarld the Fair sailed with her hus-
band Thorveald the Viking ou a voy-
. eept In the -matter of -.distinguishing
red and green traffic lights.—Florence
London Evening Standard (Ind.
Come): Alter 'a deoade during which
women have looted WM peacils or
We heard a flapper say if yon want
O FJOr0-111.0 thrill try Icissing a man
with hiccoughs,
Standing on zt street -corner the
other dee a friend told Jim that a.
lady just passing Was over 50 years
old Sim said, "Yon woudn't think it
to look at her 'mein."
Why the Diet Habit Continues
to Grow
Wife—"Will you love me 11 I •grow
1-4usband—"N�,, I promised for bet-
ter or 'for worse—not through thick
end MM." ,
We will beileye.' that aviation has
realty arrived wheoee 0, two -pare
senger airplane go by with seven or
eight high-school students seated in
04' 0
due tulkOcit
„ .
Helep.—"Is your physician helping
you to reduCe?"
Gladys—el think so, I fanny both
father and myself 'have grown thinner
worrying over Ws enormous bills."
The modem girl would rather mend
a fellow's ways than his rocks.
Then there was the innent-minded
wormer who put the light in' bed
and put himself out for the night..
Alarm is expressed for fear that
skirts may eventually become so high
they Will be mistaken for neck rullles,
Scientist has invented a maehtne
that ean matcb criers perfectly, We
don't Mew what the machine Is, but
istt't a husbarid:
Iie--"Ifave you over kissed a man
She (fettertegiy),_pr_yea...
He, (excited)—"Tell me his name so
I can give Wm a good tiarasitiug."
She—'ellut-*--but--ite might be too
many for you."
Teaelier—"Tommy, tell the Claes
sontething about Lindbergife groat
Tomday—"1 never saw them, but I
can tell about Charlie Chaplin's."
If he ;wire melit say "VOL" It
demi% make much difference. He's
clever and good looking. His hands
are gentle. I like to pet theta M my
hair, 1 think he 'would treat me all
right. If he doean't ask me, never
mind --but if he does I'll say "Yes."
"Shampoo, madam?'
'1 Excess acid le the common mune of lase and tasteless and Its action 15
Indigestion. It results in pain and quiet, You will never rely on crude
sourness about two hours after eating. methods, never continue M suffer,
The, quick corrective 15 an alkali widely when you loam how quickly, how
neutralizes acid. The beet corrective pleasantly thie premier method acts. "Our office lift broke down Nis
' is Phillips' 1Viilk of Magnesia. It has Pleaee let it Show you—now. „,„„„,„,„, and t
roma-Med standard with physicians in .' Be, sure to get the genuine Philips' `""'"'"ur my new tYptei and 1
caught in u. "Wlio eaugbt you,
the 00 Years Since its invention. 1Viiik of Magnesia prescribed by phyel- were
your wifet" ,
One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of clans for 50 years in correcting excess ..........e.
Magnesia neutralizes instantly many aids. Each bottle contains 1511 dire°. ------e.-- '4
times its volume in acid. It Is harm- tions—any drugstore. minard's Liniment for Warta.
Customer—"I want a ton of coal."
Dealer ---"What size do ?YOU want?"
Custoiner—"Well, 1 We not asking
too -much, 1 wcuad like 10 have a
2000 -pound ton."
Nothing makes hair grow so east
Around the edges as being bald on
Ag Old �uestia n
WIterB Do Elephants Go
When -They Die?
The long-standing African 111YeterY
of ,what happens to dead elephants
has redelved a new explanation at the
hand of Sir William Cowers' Govern.
Or of the British Colony ofUganda,
says -Dr. V, D. Free, in his Week's
Science (New York), This is itt '
'Instead of the legendary idea of
Some hidden 'elephant cemetery,' so
remote that human beings have never
found it, and to which each dying ele-
phant is supposed to make his *ay to
let his boned lie with those of his an-
cestors, Sir Wiliam suggests, in e spe-
cial article in the London Times, that
the missing bones of all past genera-
tions of African elephants may be ly-
ing at the bottoms Of that continent's
rlivers, Expertsagrod that dead wild
elephants are seldom found ht Africa.
In years of experience Sir 'William
:has seen, but two. Yet at least two
thousand wild African elephants met
die'from natural causes, Se comPiltes,
during each average year. There are
practical as well As scientific reasons
for finding these dead animals, for
many bf them would have tusks very
Valuable for ivory. Yet uo searcher
has. found them. This continued fait*
Me has been responsible, probablY"
ter the tale of the mysteriona .ceintre
tery. It is more probable, Sir Wk.
liam believes, that old; sick Olepliante
seek water not only to drink but to
bathe, bite day the feeble animal en-
ters the Stream, but cad not get 0111
again, There rte dieS, to tears his
body hidden Prover on: the bottoni.
IC Sir Williernel theory 04 true it
Might pay to dredge the African
rivers for tele ancient ivot,y,"
Do you take
pleasure In
"I NOW go about my daily
work with pleasure," says
Mrs. Scott of Guelph. In
spite ef tiring domestic tasks
end family cares, that is the
way every women should fee/
But how many do?
Thousands of women sill
over the world have regained
strength end nervous energy
by taking Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and write to tdll. us so.
Mr& Scott is one of these.
"I was very much rumdown,
nervous, tired. X took Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and am
ao well as ever again. Nov I
go about my work with pleas.,
me; in fact, feel 10 years
Buy a box of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills at all druggists and
dealers ist medicine or, post-
paid, by mail at 50 -cents a
box from The Dr. Williams
Medielne Co., Brtickville,
. . •
. • - .....
• '• • •
• ' . •
. , I
, ,,,-.'''''' ' , , ' . . •
• • •
, 1 . • .
. • •
• • .• 1.,
Africa Guards
Seals Against
Daring Raiders
Rich Hauls Frequently Made
by Poachers on Desolate
Beaches to Obtain.
Cape' Town, SA,—This is an adven-
ture which begins on Lonely Bird is-
lets off the desert, cella of south-west
"Africa and ends in London, Paris and
New York,'and whereverwomen wear
seal -skin coats,
The Seal Islands owned by the
South African government are w -ell -
protected. Yet in spite of Mkt protea
tion there have boon many raids on.
the desolate beaches where the seals •
,haul up: to breed and many a daring
cutter has sailed back to Table Bay
with a cargd of sealskins- under the
Ooverninent sealers club 10,000
yojang seals doring•a good semen and
oadlt Velt ig*Ortk seventy shillings—
when the demand is good. There are
signs that the Victorian fashion, when'
seal-ekin wits a mark of dignityand
respectability; had been revived. Mod
ere. methods of treating the fur have
lightened the weight of the sealskin
coat. Now secrets' of the trade have
resulted in the production of a superb,*
glossy surface.
Sealing is a risky trade. The hunt -
ere must take the seal herds by sur-
prise and killtheta before they can
slide off the warm rocks, where they
sun themselves. • This means danger-
ous staall-boat work in the surf or
among sharp roars. Many cutters
have been lost on unchartered reefs in
these waters, and many a boat's crew,
'A royalty on each skin is paid to
,the government by private sealing ex-
peditions which have obtained their
licenses. Tho crews are paid by re-
sults, and some of the men who form
the gauge have earned as .much as
s2,D00 during a season of four months.
The poachers ilt out in Table Bay
and clear for the rick fishing grounds
b11 Luileritzebucht, where the $oa1
Islands 'lie. With clubs, rifles and
;Veit dynamite they 'butcher scores of
seals on the uninhabited islets, land-
tng 4-11,foggy weather .and usually es -
darting long before any government
vessel readies the spot. These raiders
have oftea made such valuable haute
that the prices of government seal-
skins have suffered.
Great care is taken in removing the
for a slip or the knife means a
rulued skin. The pelts are loaded in-
to boats and taken out to the shill,
with sharks swimming eagerly along-
side in the hope of snatchiug the
Skins. Once safely on board the skins
are salted and stowed away fil barrels
for shipment overseas.
The islands of tile seals are queer-
ly named. Elephant Plead, Quoin
Root, Hallam's Bird and Mabee are
some of them. Less than a century
ago they were the resorts ot pirates,
the scene of ghastly tights between
rival crews loading guano there.
This little fellow Is proud of We
fur kilts. Neal quite tickled because
he wears the rest of his clothes fur
side in \IMPEL Is enough to tickle any-
Bigamy is having one wife too
many. Monogamy in =tale inst-
ances, Is the same thing,—"London
Minard's Liniment for Neuritis.
You eau telt pretty well how you
stand in the community by the way
children and dogs like you.
Nearly 30 women drove automobiles
in the recent GGIanile reliability race
from Paris to the RNiera.
Ask Your Barber—He [Wows
After tle Grover
has 51000 1111-05111
ea by the oral -
Y:104.01:3: onaitinials°0176,
isfitiaY. "1.'411°4P:it!
chine ean he rim
IV Oil( man. Au
brilltutry 5000.
Una engine is -m.
Well cleaned otovess bring nigh prices.
EtliDdlitiOlt CLOVES 2x05X41 00.,
non es. enema, out., Canada
'ever three yearalliave beeti troubled with
Marley trouble, and Could ststeely walk igir petal
Last ehrierwas a mend of mine ease 10 stay
With us for akar day& and 'nought with hot
bottler of 'IMAGO arum end roVo mo 8. good
dote.' After Manta Week, tatting a little Mug
morning, 1 bend the brook. having me, and X'
coOld Walk well. 1 /art token Ifrusehen rev,
lady until a Month ago, and then 1' thought
mud onanagewthout them, Ian kut 00511 151
old freebie came backspin. immediately get
a bottle el Moan saris than and there, 641
I feel quite arum womartagaia. 1am to grate.
151 that I, thought 8 rituld Write end let you.
know what 1 think of your wonderful salts."
°ritual Idiot oft ato toe women, '-(Sirs.) It, It,
kruseben Stito is obtainable &UPS and
de account stem In Canada at POs. a both! '
itonot;:zzerieer Alr°14.t,
The Red'Rose Tea guarantee means whatit says. If
not satis6ed return the unused part in the package and
the grocer will refund your money.. op
Fairy Tales and Faets
Rebecca West in the London Even-
ing News (Ind. Cons,): A good-look-
ing young woman who is not born to
riches is extremely unlikely to win
any dazzling social success unless she
gives herself prestige by eollowing
some sort of occupation. Unless she
does that she is extremely unlikely to
:secure admission to the world of
gaiety on any terms, ntuch less per-
manent elevation to the prosperous
classes, Itlie fairy tale of Cinderella
Is only fairy tale. In real life few
people marry out of their own class.
One is born to .451iandellers and mar-
riage at Hanover &bare; they are
not to be obtained otherwise save
once in a blue moon.
The rope is fairest when 'tis budding
And hope is brightest whoa it
dawns front feare;
The rose is sweetest washe divith
morning dew
And love is lovliest when embalmed
in tears. —Scott.
For Sprains—Use MInard's Liniment..
If you are affronted, it is better to
pass it by in silence, or with a jest,
though with some dishonor, titan to
endeavor revenge.
if with a
Stays sharp longer
Cuts easier. Saws faster
011,10005 CANADA CNN Co. 1-113,
vANCoUVcri, cro JOHN, two y"o'
After Shave
Minaret's mixed with swept oll
makes a 000l, soothing after
shave. gelds tiny cuts made by
• razor.
Woman. Praises Lydia E.
Sarnia, Ont.—"I am willing to
answer letters from ether wornen, 10
Olt them thevot-
derfut goed'Iydia
tkIo (LompDaatt
did me. 1 cannot be
the benefita x re.
ceived during the
Change of Life. /
do housework an
My troubles made
me uitfIi to work,
40 A friend advised
041/ me to try the Veg-
etable Compound./ felt great relief at
once, began to regain my appetite, and
my nerves got better. 2 will recom-
mend your medicine to all With trim.
hies like I had."—Mns. 301111Bel0eety
1i211. Cbrittina St., Sarnia, Ontario,
I. Par Farming in all its branches.
2. Fur Magazine,
3. Marketing service for rabbit
4. Far Auction.
Blazon semi mo without obligation
full details ^of how your asatets were
inereasea over 800 pot mutt. In twa
years and your 'predating offer.
Dominion Government Building
59.61 Victoria St. Toronto
Earn/awn:am VACANT
ltiI 01110 050510 WANTIOD.5450
ILL Pay. easy work; . Barn while learn-
ing bather trade unser famous Aioler
American plan world's most reliable
barber school system Wilke Or call
Buitiodlatoly tor free catalogue. Dolor
13arber College, 121 Queen • West. Toronto
SAE. •
irowrEp PF,D1GRDDD ninvsrssu
foges, 5400 00 a pair delivered, Wm.
otos, getown, n
W sljotoWil'?o
1 Reg-
tatered in Canadian tio.tional Lave 'Slum
Mesocearst PiTitt1zparn Lung worm pr °thy
1 Year. Ortfer early, 3"..` tr.731sofor ang,
1 Northeoto, Ont
ISSUE No, 43—'29
nesse nnarriczys,*
idly -lined, extra real good finality.
heavy Jute Blankets' that will ONO Years
of good servioe. Brand now, used as
samples, Price Six Dollars s. pair, regu-
lar Sloven Dollar Value, peeked. SithilltA
051 roeelpt ot Merrily Order. Prank Del-
mer. Toro-rite:Storage W=011,01030, Stables
lag 'Robert Street, Toronto.
140 Gulldo Green difotintain Asthma
Compound 8001 00 request, Origin-
. ated 1550 by 1)1. specialist
dis respiratory • diseases...Rs pleasant
5100115 vapor quickly soothes ,and re-
iieves asthma—also catarrh. Standard
remedy at druggists. 36 oentO, GO
cents and' 51.10, powder.or cigarette
form. 'Send Xor 113MB TAMA pack-
age Id nigarettei. •oanamon-Bistei-
eautons, 1471012415, DIA., Dept. ace, gas
st. yard .St. west, DIonteettl, 'Canada,
thi,13GREEtt mouton).
Talk muck or write ;much and you'll.
-be disliked much.
Children will fret, offeu or tto
apparent reason. But there's al-
ways one sure way to comfort a
restless, fretful child. Castoriat
Harmless as the recipe on the
wrapper; mild and bland as it
tages. But its gentle action
soothes a youngster more surely
than some powerful medicine
that is meant for the stronger
systems of adults.
That's the beauty of this special
children's retnedyi It may be
given the tiniest infant—as- often
as there is any need, In cases of
colic, diarrhea, or similar disturb-
ance, it is invaluable. But it has
everyday .uses all mothers should.
Understand. A coated tongue calls
for a few drops to ward off consti-
pation; so does any suggestion of
bad breath. Whenever children
don't eat well, don't rest well, or
have any little upset—this pure
vegetable preparatiori ,is usually
all that's needed. to set everything
ite tights, Genuine Castoria has
Chas. II, Fletcher'a signature o15
the wrapper, Doctors prescribe it.
"It , 14,1, .d•rt it -4 • esaf,"
nottoonitV.Oot••4•0 *******
grade Toilet
Tissue. Ses.
ved from
coh sinnpaascotm6xe
ture—a sant,
"Scidy Tissue. Buy it
Parr c.100.4ssitd. by name. Then you are
Ni available certain of getting safer,
in Mast or better, more economical
Discriminating women
who pride themselves on
fine bathroom appoint^
ments insist on a InthroOnt
paper of real quality - •
It's so easy to get this
kind of paper too. Just
tell your dealer you want
THE 'S.A. ff131:110.- LTD.,
The toistocrae of Toilet
Tissues. •CompletVy
wrapped Rolls, 3,0io
sheets, falltount• - -
A. snowy white Tissue.
In wrapped, dustaidof
Rolls of ego sheets.
A teg value Eddy linc. , •
ped Tissue in every Ron:
.Afall meigkaRellofaue,
lay TiSSI4C-700„4g11i'6f
Inol,1.1.411.4101.....it. As... ao sees au or fa.' a isivw'uor.rus.....04,44.41,.