HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-10-10, Page 5HU DAX, OGTOBER 10 1929 TH 'CLIlQi7Co1 liTE`GVB` ' RECORD RISK! 0 -DAY the lure of easy prof is is • craving 1na.ny into the whirlpool of risky speculation—to-morrow the vision of wealth may be rudely shattered. A few years hence; which will be yours -a comfortable balance, in the Bank or vain regrets for hasty action? The Royal Bank of • anada Clinton Branch . = - R. E. Manning, Manager F INTEREST TO YOU AND ME "1t is somewhat` surprising"- says "The Orillia Packet -Times,. "that :neither party hasyet promised a .definite restriction of the amount of liquor which will be sold to one per - :son.. This is a measure of control ethat would commend itself' to nearly everybody.. R M # q This is Fire, Prevention Week. We care supposed to do this week what we should do every week of the fif- ty-two, be careful to prevent fires. It is really very stupid of Canadians • •to waste so much by needless fires. If we could be arouaed to the shame -of such carelessness` there .might 'be - some hope for us. No care is too :greatin the matter of fire preven- tion, ,taea Some people seem to have queer .'appetite cravings. Brother Davis of .The Mitchell Advocate -Times was massing through 'Guelph recently and seeing a sign of a peacock on a res- taueant went in expecting to dine off :roast peacock. Now, isn't that just like human nature? Bacon and eggs • are no doubt ;thought pretty good fare at home, • and here this editor :goes off a 2ew'miles and expects to be fe'd peacock. Wonder it wasn't :nightingales tongues he craved. BAYFIELD Mr. R. W. Delgaty spent the week :end with las sister, Mars. Sparks, in .Hensall. Rev. and Miss. C Gairdner left on Monday for their hone in Roehester :N.Y., after having spent the past six -weeks with the. foriner's brother, -John T. +Gairdner. The Government Light House sup- ply boat anchored opposite the.har- .bor about eight o'clecf on Saturday 'morning while a launch brought in material for a light which `is to be .erected on the South pier for the :benefit of the fishermen. Frank Henry of Whitechurch -visited his sister, Mrs. W. J. Foster last weeks Mr. Robert Black of Strathclair, Man.,' George Black of Paris and 'George Black and two daughters of /Ayr called at W. J. Foster'e last meek. :Mr. and Mrs. 3. Stewart of Ham- ilton spent the week -end with the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. :'Pollock, .Miss Norah Ferguson left on :Sunday to spend the Fall and.Winter :months in London. The Annual Meeting of the Young "People's Department of. •St. Andrew's United Church was held on October ,the third when there were twenty- one members present. The following •officers were elected fir the ;forth. coming year: President, Mr. Orval 'Kalbfl isch; Vice -Pres., • •Murray `Grainger; Treasurer, Albert Woods; 'Secretary, Gerald Hamilton; 'Organ-. 'ists, Miss Sara Reid, Miss Marie Grainger; Asst. The conveners of "the committees were re-elected • and are as follows. .Citizenship; Mrs. Rabt. Scotchmer; Fellowship, Colin "Campbell; 'Missionary, Mrs. Brown 'Stewart;' '•iitei'ary' and ''Recreation, Harold Scotch -mere An ace talent -which might have resulted fatally occurred about a -quarter to one d'ciock on Monday -when Th Ina Patter, aged eleven, eldest daughter of 1Vtr•. and Mrs, ° Chris. Parker was 'knocked down by •`a car driven'by Robt. Blair,. whicii. resulted in her left aria being. broken 'just above the wrist, and being badly bruised about the head and 'body, . It was else feared that she was injured internally' but at time of writing she •'was easier and doingrnicely_Thelma had just returned to school' after'. dinner ' and had joined a genre . of baseball which was being played on the roadside outside the • school -grounds.. She had taken hjer turn at ' the at and was running fico •a} base' er,h ,- •, id '`riot notice -on the seat' hut she d d •:the approaching car and ran right in ' front of it. Rob BlairAbetted" on "•tile ear quality Y L•gb brakesq h away thus aeotdirig rixnnine over her body, Thelma was unconscious but v iter Medical •tl en imrnisd a v to was, t< aid,, Dr; Win. • lh. Metcalf •attending to sea• needs._ The. Harvest Tliankseivifg service was held in 'Trinity Church on. �- Sun- day last. The church was prettily decorated with fruits, vegetables, grains and flowers. Canon L. N'aftel of Milton was the special preacher for 'the occasion. It was "coming home" for Canon Mattel • as he atten- ded the .ehutch as a boy, and young man before he entered the ministry. He preached a moat helpful 'and in- spiring; sermon from the text St. John, 6, verse 6, "Whence' shall we buy bread?" The Choir assisted by members from St. John's Varna, ap- propriately sang the anthem "0 Praise the Lord." There passed to rest on 'Wednes- day, October 2nd one of the most highly respeoted citizens of Hayfield. in the Verson of Mrs. Richard Wes- ton: Mrs. Weston, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Leahy, was in her seventy-ninth year, having been born in Brockville on August 30, 1852. In Goderieh .Township on Jan- uary- the sixth 1370, she became the bride of Richard Weston, and they. lived in. Goderich township, with the exception of .e: few years spent in Orangeville, until they retired and, moved to the Village twenty-two years ago last November. For the past year Mrs. Weston has not en- joyed good health but was only ser- iously ill for a day before the end came. Of a quiet disposition, she was a home -loving woman and 'will be greatly .missed by her sorrowing husband and nine children, four sons, George, William and Edgar of Bayfield and Orval of Detroit. and five daughters, Elizabeth, at home; Lillian, Mrs. Thos. Elliott, of Gode- rich township; Maude, Mrs. Blair, of Bayfield; Mabel, Mrs, Eudo Newton, and Lulu, Mrs. Fred Crane, of De- troit. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Harry Weston of Bay- field and Mrs. Susan Durkin of Mea ford, and nineteen grandchildren and six great -grand children. The funeral which was largely at- tended was held from her late home on Friday afternoon the services be- ing conducted by Rev. F. H. Paull of the Anglican Church of which the de- ceased was a member who took for his text Psalm 28, verse 4, "Yen though I walk through the valley of -the shadow of death. I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod mid thy staff they comfort me." The Rector was •assisted by Rev. R.,M. Gale of the United Church, interment being made in Bayfield cemetery. The pallbearers were her six grandsons, Ray Newton of Detroit, }Inlaid Weston, Detroit, Wilmer and Rob Blair, and Clayton and Feed Weston, Bayfield. The. many 'beautiful floral tributes spoke for themselves of the high es- teem in which the deceastd was held, Relatives whoattended the funer- al from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs.. Orval Weston, Mrs. Eudo New- ton and son Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Fried Crane and Harold Weston from Detroit. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Much sympathy ' is felt for Nes. Willard Sturgeon in the loss of her father, who passed' away on Friday last. Th's late Ma E. Colley had been in failing health for some, years but came in July to be with his daughter, hoping that the change would do him good. The ren2ains. were takeh to London and the fun- eral held from there on Monday\ - Mr.. and.M'rs. Fred Fowlie, Laur- ence Fowlie of London spent the week -end with their parents. On their return they were accompanied by. Miss Frances Fowlie who is vis- iting in London this week. M. Si& C'a'stle of Nilrgara Palls spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. N. Castle. Mrs. A. Weir returned to filer home in London, on Tuesday evening after having icistted her sister, 1Vlhs. J. W. Tippet. Mr. and M%s. Serirnagem; of Strat- ford are spending a few days at their summer; _'cottage. '. lVI•i., rid' 're. C.:l Wily of London `:Wet'a tG thew eettage ever he week- end. ': 1 II • 1 "t' Mr,,.:ird Mrs. Calderwood of Ot a theca visited the Tatters' brother Mr., 'George Ktin est Week. rad ^IVM't s C 1145.^s.- Ross' and, child a en and child of Detroit who ;have been in a' cbttagta ' in eneeett's Gt of o for• ''the•'past Montle "returned to their heanee en, Sunday, ]Vee-. elect, ..Mas. • Fred • Crane, Ilnrold Weston ^Nidi M:•] "and!. Airs. OrvalWeston retulned,-to ,Derr oil; on, fan 1 ty Mrs ndoand ENewton on are i•emaimng Naith her 1alhgr 'a5xt* sister lot awixil• Mrs. Pcs c' ;Johnston „ i,ted with, Mrs. E R Weston, last. week. 1Vlir.'Vi 'm. King aid,' Mr, A. ]old King :and little son; Douglas of To- ronto• spent ,the week-eud with the latter's parents;AIr.. and Mrs George rzing, 'Mrs. 1Ttigh 'MeLareii and two daughters of Port Elgin sprint the week -end with. her sister, Miss J. Stirling who .iyeturned,'to Port El-. gin with them, tor a :Bort vtsilt MARRIAGES' LOOSE1V11ORE-MOSS—.. At' the' ,home of the ' bride's parents,. }Juliet' township, on Oct. 5th, by, the Rev. W: R. Alp, Elizabeth Moss, daugh- ter of Mr. . and Mrs. Walter Cun- ningham., to .Frederick T ooserore. of Glencoe. BIRTIHS JOHNS—In Tuelcersmitlf, on October loth, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns, a 'daughter. DEATHS 'PLUIV3'STEEL-In Clinton, an Oct. 3rd, Henry Plumsteel, in his eethe year. ' MIDDLETON—In Toronto, on Oct. 6th, Helena, elder daughter . of Chas, G. and Mrs. Middleton, Clin- ton: MITCHELL=In Clsnten, on'Oet, Sth, Jemima •Ilobinson,'widow of Thom- as R. Mitchell, in her 81st year. LI'IPPINGTON--In. Clinton, on Oct. 9th, Maude Burr, widow• of .. Wilbert Leppington, aged • 37 years and 4 months. FELL—In Glinten* on Oct. ,5th, Mary, A.1VTason,; wife of Mr. David Fell, Seaforth. LYON—At Londesboro,. on Oct. 5th, Harrison Lyon, in lits 68th year. LOWRIE In Hullett township; _ .on Oct. 9th, Jane Lowrie, widow of. Willium Lowrie, in her 77th year. CARD OF THANKS lVfr. Richald Winton and family wish to extend their sincere thanks ie, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. P. McCartney and" the Wil- li -en and Tebbutt families wish to ex- tend heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends for the many expressions of sympathy and helpfulness shown during the illness of Mrs.. A. Wilken and after her death, including the sending of flowers, etc. CARD OF THANKS Mr. David Fell and Mrs, Frances Wise wish to extend their sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for the sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement, the sudden death of Mme. Fell, for flowers sent, •cars loaned and•for all the kindness shown, For Sale White Leghorn hens. Apply to Roy Tyndall,. phone 007r3. 35-2. Burgess Portrait Studio Clinton ,will be open every Satur- day in October, also Tuesday, Octo- her 29th, from 10 a.m. to 4.80 p.m. A. good time to, sit for your Christ- mas. Photos. 35-2. House For Sale The residence until recently occu- pied by the late Mrs. A. Wilken, Ontario streete.modern conveniences. Apply on premises or to John Teta butt, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 602r6, Clinton. 36-2. Sheep For Sale' Liecester sheep, shearling rams, year-old ewes and ewe and ram lambs.' Year-old 'ewes being sold to make room. Apply to John Ii'. Quig ley; London o'oad, R. R. No. 6, Clin- ton. Phone 619r3, Clinton central, 36-tf. • Potatoes J. E. Tiugill & Sons are on the market 'with the balance of their 30. acre crop of P.E.I. Irish•.Cobbler Po- tatoes. Anyone wanting potatoes that cook right, having the proper flavor and nourishment had best phone 34-616 at once. People find out by experience that- hoes need the right feed to produce good flavored eggs. The same apply to potatoes or any- thing you eat today. This year we spent $1000.00 to"feed our .potatoes to put that flavor and •quality into thein, .which has now made our po- tatoes famous for hundreds of miles. 10 days will clean up .our entire stock so phone aireince to save your- self - disappointment. Tours for business, Huron County's: Largest Potatoe Growers. 35.2. NOTICE_ TO CREDITORS -, In theeFel.ate ofeeleorge Ladd Deceased,•-='•. NOTICE is hereby given, that all• persons having claime against the estate of George Ladd, late of; the Town of Clinton, in the, County of. Huron, 'esquire, deceased,. who •died. on or about the 13th day of: Septem-" her, A.D., 1929, are required - to de- liver -to Nelson W. Trewartfha, the executor of the said estate or his. ,solicitor, on'or 'beforethe:,26th• day of October A.D., 1929, :a'•fullestate- ment of their ,claims together with particulars thereof, .and: ;the nature of the securities, if any, ;bteleI by' them all duly verified by •affidavit'• : AND • TAKE- NOTICII . •that: after, the said last •rentioned•' da10 s the, said :'executer will peoeeSd 'o i din- e `tl� :1 , tribute the estate .of .the.said ;deeese ed,-arnengst'.:•the.•.persons :en.titied thereto:baving regard•.oney to claims; of which he shall have received, ed, due notice in;`acc accordance o ,titer rWuth ,.DATED; at Clinton Qntario„ this oth day of October til , • i7iiY1)ONE . Clinton ' Ontario. Solicitor, for the said estate. 35-3. ember of Plerist•Telegreph delivery Association OU.P 1+LOwERS, Fltd3RAc D SIGNS :' For All O easnoue; ,Sent Anywhere• Greenhouse as yotir.phone:' ilbs L rge`.: Selectioi of : Dutell: 13•u,Th NQ* Arriving Chas. Vm Cooke Two Plienes.--66w and 661 Frosh Picnic IIame • ..22c Shoulder Rst Pork, lb. 22e Side Pork in piece 20e Rih Rst. Pork; `ib: • 23c Ch. Homemade Sausage 24c H. -made :Head Cheese,..- 20c Rib Roast of Beef 22c Shoulder Roast of Beef 22c Chuck:• RoastBeef 22c Rump Roast ' 22c Try our bulk line of pickles. and.' ; Olives.' Cooked pickled pigs feet All relishes for meats such as Pickled 'Beets, - Pickled Cabbage, ' Chow Chow, In-. dian Relish and Pure Fresh . Horse Radish. Lamb, Pork Veal and Beef in stock at all times. Try and let' us have Satur- day's order, on Friday • CONNELL & TYNDALL Clinton's Leading Meat Market A Sale'ef Work Will be held on. Saturday, October 26th at 2.30 p.m., by the young peo- ple of the Salvation Army. Fancy work, homemade candies, etc. Tea 'and cake provided, 15c. The sale will be held inthe store next to Law - son's grocery. 35.3. For Sale 50 Barred Rock Cockerels from a registered pedigreed pen of Guilds best laying strain of 10 yearling hens mated to.a 250 egg cockerel. Price $3.00 each. Come early as they won't last long at this price. Real value at $5.00 each. C. B. "Hale. - 35-3-p. For Sale Barn, 32 x40 ft., rock ale: frame. If not sold at onee will wreck and sell as wanted. Apply Albion -leo - tel, Bayfield, Ont. 35-tf. Hallowe'en Supper The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres- byterian Church . are holding their annual Hallowe'en supper on Tues- day, October 29. Menu will be pub- lished next week. 35-1. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Steele, Implements and Household Effects. The undersigned ]las instructed Mr. Geo. H. Elliott to. sell by public auction at lot 1% B. R. N., Stanley township, adjoining the village. of Varna, on Wednesday, October 16th, at one o'clock, sharp, the following: HORSES—General purpose horse; general purpose mare; good driving horse, 4 years old, broke singles or double; black Perelieron, 6 years old, broke single or double. CATTLE --Ayrshire cow, 9 years old, due to freshen Dec. 25th; Jer soy, 4 years old, due to freshen Dec. 14th; Holstein, 4 years old, due Nov. 5th;' Holstein, 4 years old, duo Feb. 21st; Jersey -Herford, 3 years old, due March 21st; Holstein, 6 years, old, due April 5th; Brindle cow,, 9 years. old, due to freshen May 24th; Brindle, 6 yrs., due May 14th; 5 head young cattle, .'2 years old; 1 yearling heifer. PIGS -7 hogs, about 125 lbs. leach POULTRY—A number of hens and some pullets. A quantity of hay, straw and bean golds. • straw, 'also seine oats and mtan- IMPLEMENTS-IVT.-H. binder; NL• li. drill; 12.4-2. cern bindere Frost &- Wood nilower; disc harrow; spring tooth cultivator; sett 3 -section iron harrows; •walking; plow; John Deere riding plow, nearly' new; wagon; buggy; set bob sleighs; 2 seufflers; ;gang plow; 'cutter; light wagon; hay fork, rope and carrage, � horse power, International ;engine; straw cutter ; circular saw on Steel frame, With pulley; fanning: :;mill;, gravel bo r;'hay 'rack; wooden roller; iron- roller; ronroller; 2 horse rakes; sett piety har- ness; set single harness; 3!egging; chains; scythe; Eaton Cream Soper, •ator .- No. 5r-nearly;'new; :' dloubletrees, fonts, ete;.250 cedar posts and some lumber.'. . . HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -s Steel range; coal oil heater; Detroit gas- oline stove; kitchen',taeble kitchen cupboard; Daisy churn, Nye, 6 Qtie- bee.'. heater; Rayetondesowing ma- "chine; • dash' churn;' Aladdin 'lamp, nearly new Vacuum cleaner; ; bed room' stand; ' clothes •horse;^ ironing beard bedsteads;, bracket -lamp;, trickle tea kettle;'dgrass,seeder; : lan- terne lamps and numerous °thee .are ticks. Terms:: Ponitrvi •giuu51' ...and hay and all sates 62 l0 and u, de• .cash; over that anoint. 12 months'the 'credit'will be given onfttrnishingl ap- proved ;joint:•notes, with a elisco'titt •ef 3p,,e f for.cash '.� n : 'credit; cent. of o r er • Geo, H. • Elliott; Auction eer;'•'J. E. Hernwoll, Proprieetor. • ' ;1•;• 34.2. Clinton's 'New -Laid' Egg And PGilitry . House Eggs bought ,according to Domin- ion Governn1ent Egg Regulations. Inquire for 'cur prices of eggs. You will; always fine' our prices. par- allel with -tile. city markets Pat bias and -well-finished chicks• always wanted. --Prices good, Always phone our office fon prices before marlteting.ptroduce. N. W. Trcvaartha Phones-0flice, 21144 Residence; 214w Sunbeam Fee( Just received' a carload of Snow-. Peke Flour, Sun beam Feed, Sunbeam: Laying Mash, Rainbow Scath feed; different brands of Flog feeds, fat tening mash for hens, Fish meal and Powdered- Butterr Mi111 ane Car - meal. H. W. Charlesworth Flour and Feed Phone 199 Chicken Supper TOWN HALL, HAYFIELD Wed. : Evening, Oct. 23 under auspices . of W,M1,S. of St. Andrews United Church Supper from 6.30 to 8.30. Followed by Good Program Admission: 50c and 35e. 36-2. i � r Bazaar and Tea The W. A. of Wesley -Willis .Uni- ted church, Clinton* intend having a bazaar and.afterneon tea in the douncil chamber on Saturday after- noon, Nov. 16th, commencing at 2.30, 34-tf. Herefords For"Salo Young bulls and heifers, also some young dews, due to freshen in De- cember. P. IT. Elliott, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield. Phone 600r32, Clinton cen- tral. 34-44p. House Ito Rent A comfortable six -roomed house, in a good iocatiod, possession given about Nov. lst. Inquire at 'News Record office. 33-tf. Business For Sale A good going 'business, in the town of Clinton, stock and building. Good reasons for selling. Inquire at The News -Record office. 35-tf. Cottage For Sale A six -room cottage, good location, town water, electric lights and good cellar and hardwood floors in front part of house. Inquire at News -Re - etas. 31-tf. Farms 'For Sale Lots 27' aid' 29, 9th concession of Goderich township, consisting of 160 acres of good clay loans, 11 utiles west of Hohnesville. Good buildings, never -failing -wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton: - Phone '611r2, Clinton cen- tree 29-tf. For Sale A large barn and hent_ house and acre of land on Wallington st., Clinton, will sell barn separate if desired for removal. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Jenkins, Phone 133. 84-2. • Pigs For Sale Pair •of yearling sows with 24 young pigs. Apply to Miss K. Wil- liams, Maitland: Com, Goderieh town- ship, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 602r11, Clinton central. 34-2. Apples Wanted At the Clinton evaporator. 40c per hundred paid for paring apples delivered at the evaporator. Edward Weekes, Clinton Evaporator. 34-2-p. Auction Sale Of 'Implements, Machinery and seine household effects,' at Massey - Harris warehouses, Clinton, on Saturday, Oct. 12th, commencing at 1 o'clock, as follows: No.' 21 M. -H. mower, 7 ft, al; No. 21 M. -H. mower, 6 ft, al; No. 16 M. -H. mower, 6 ft, al; No. 16 AL -II. mower, 5 ft., al; No. 10 M. -H. mow- er, 6 ft., al; Deering mower', 6 ft., al; loader cylinder, • with new for car- riage; 103 ft. -side raloe, steel ted - der attachment 10 hoe . drill, 1VL-H.; No. 4 M. -H. 11 hoe drill; No. 8 Corn cultivator, nearly new; 13 tooth Deering culti- vator; Tudhope Hope and Anderson riding plow; Perrin siding plow; Coekshutt riding plow; M. -H. 10 tooth cultivator, al; No: 2 M. -II. cut: ting box and blower, 12 inch mouth; Barrel sprayer; number of 28 fli • extension ladders; new•, set slat sling ropes, new; number: of - sling ropes, new; Sling chain, new;. number of pulleys, steel,: new; hay- fork, new; Maple leaf Bay car, for wood track, new; second hand car; second hand M. -H. binder,: canvases good; second' hand wagons;_ good Wheels of No. 4 spreadere second hand wheelbarrow; yokes andtrees and 'binder roller; '2 binder trucks, wood; _2 ;binder' trucks, 'steel; Chev- rolet- sedan, 4 door car, 5 balloon' tires, light inside, shield wiper, al shape; 2 year old grey Pereheron, al; black• driven8 ;'years old; 10• ft. 'Massey -Harris steel rake, new. Many other articles too-ttum- erous to mention'• 'Dresser and'stend brass ° bed and spring; 3' piec'e parlor suite. , Evierythine. offered : well be sold wthout teseree Term`:' 'cud. on etions:`: All sxun C d s of '$40.00 and under, cash over that amount, 6 months' credit. oh :fur- nishing approved `oint notes,0 7 or discount of 3 per 'cent straight for cash Geo H. Elliott, Auctioneer, R. A. Roberton, Proprietor. 34-2. • *asterf ape Cod Aar Oil uaranteed Stem Rend&d $1.50 der° a.t1'n $11.40 per gallorn,, in S kat, lots only eller TELEPHONE 63 ardware CLINTON C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fan% and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. • Pbon For Sale 80 acres of good farm land, lots 26, 27, Ord concession of Huilett township, 11 miles north ' of Clin- ton. Good fences, well watered. Apply on premises to Robert Nelson, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. " :31-tf. Strayed: On to lot 19, Con. 11, Stanley, on August 30th, one red yearling •heif- er. Owner may have same by prov- ing property and paying expenses. William Pollock, R. R. No. J., Varna, phone 15 on 87, Hensel]. 33-8. RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rapture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness,- Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. • 10-1929. House to Rent 5 -room house, James street, Clin- ton. Town water, . electric eights . Apply to W. Jago, Clinton. 31-tf, To Rent" A modern dwelling of eight rooms, also garage on Gibbings St., Clinton, Immediate possession: Apply to A. J. McMurray, box 193, •Harriston, Ont. 26-tf. House For Sale A , comfortable• seven room cottage with town water and electric lights, 14 acro of land with small fruit and good stable with chicken house. Ap- ply to Alex. Slonan, Fulton street, Clinton. 05-tf, "Niagara" Super -Soluble Land • Lime, also, high grade fertilizers • always in stock. Prompt delivery service when required. H. R. Baer, Phone Carlow, 2821, R. R. No. 5, Goderieh, Ont. 15-tf. . Slabs For Sale Orders left at my residence will receive prompt attention. E Ward, -Huron street, Clinton, Phone 155. 15-tf. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. 3, Jago. 2288-tf. Clinton's Wics SUMMER.'' GOING -GOING.- - GONE ! BUT, HERES SOMETHING BETTER- A BIG SUPPLY of MEAT FOLKS COAL No ;natterhow much we may wish it— We: can't hring back sumhner when it decides to go. But we can provide a splendid'sub-- stitute for it— A supply of Heat Folks goal. Order a load of. our D.L.e W Brand, the best imitation of summer time on the market: Call the - .000g41170% for good, dean coal ]Iasis COAL COMPANY PHONE 7'4 CLINTON We Want 'ti our Milk and ;Cream We are manufacturers of b cheese and butter. We want y milk or cream. We pay highest m ket price weekly. Satisfaction anteed. Phone your order for finest the or pasturised butter in prints or s ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, :Ont., R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. THE HOLMESVILLE -CO-OPER TIME CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY. LIMITED Eggs and. Poultr Home on Tuesday and Friday for noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence ev day—graded by an experienced gra er, for which we pay the highest m ket price. Cream purchased for Stillman's A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St., Clinton Pbone 2S Transportation Service Long Distance — Short Distant Goods in Transportation Insured Furniture Carefully Handled Efficient Operator. Charges Reason- able. Satisfaction guaranteed. 5, R. MteMath, 601r34. No g WorrY in About Securities. Your dividend cheque mailed on the first of each month by Imperial Trust Company of Canada. Just a few units Left of Standard Royalties. Over 3,000,000 sold in a few months. All will be taken in a few weeks. J. G. CHOWEN CLINTON. P. -O. Box, 155 Phone, 52 04-tf. Coal and Coke IF YOU, ARE IN NEED OF HARD COAL, (LEHIGH VALLEY) SOFT COAL, COKE, SLABS CALL 256 A. D. McCartney Queen Street . Telephone 256 Agency gputt e _.uc_., y. Wishing Repairs or Parts for Cockshutt or Frost. and Woods ,Ma- chines of any kind should call at my, Residence, I also handle Cockshutt Creant Separators. JOHN V. DIEHL, ' ' Queen Stied, Clinton. 8141. McCormick-Deerin Agency 'Having taken over the above 'ag- ency' for this district •I will keep on hand a full stock of repairs and parts of all McCormick -Deering 'machines and will appreciate a share of the at tuna of the farmers surounding patronage uroundin g, Clinton. Call at my shop, next door td. Jones' blacksmith shop,Kin : street, g eet. W e, STEVIIART Clinton,' Ont., Phone '281w 04.114.