HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-10-10, Page 4E M.- ,Kilgo 000PERS STORE NEWS , • tireet 13*8DLRECT J1' irAy4.ARRivER arl f•A $2,50 • ' • TULIPS,- INT" Sq• • 'ill AyAC L FIR EAR- . ALL SIZEs ARE ; • LE R -fTED T ,ARWE'Z' ONE R`4' URS STOCK CLASS iL op u--40 • . ER A ,T STORE "'WITH THE STOCK"CLINT�N 'Fra'ag'iags"—mizan-jr- Sherlock -Manning Pianos How About Treating Your- self to a PIANO? T. J. MeNEIL Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative. Always at Yoiv Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton ti Eggs Crean' Poultry WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTH BRANCH SEAFORTH PRONE 162 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO • PRONE 190 • Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL, QUE THE ONTARIO EQUITABLE LIFE . • Policies issued suitable to every circumstance Retirement and Endowment Annuties with Disability Protection for the Sunset of Life M. T. CORLESS ' DISTRICT AGENCY INSPECTOR - CLINTON - PRONE 193 04-tf. /0/1101100101101~•1110. .1•1•41.1.• arra Winners in Clinton School Fair Contest WIINIMIIMM...110111111n 'Class 2 -,Spring Wheat, Marquis-- • Sheaf -Ellen IVIeGill. • Glass. 6 -Barley, 0.A.C.•, No, 21, Sheaf -Malcolm Smith. Class 7 -Sweet Corn -Golden Ban- tam, 6 ears ----,Gertrude Reid, Everett Loth, Harold Seeley, George Lavia, Elizabeth Doan, Gordon Hertrian, • Class 8-IVIangolds, Giant White Sugar, 5 roots -Dorothy Corless, '• Itoy Leppington; Cecil Elliott, Bes- • sie Sinith, Allan. &rah, Reggie Jen- • . . Class 9 -Turnips, Canadian Gem, -5 'roots -Elvin HUnking, Willard Aik- en, Ruth Pickett, Jessie Campbell. Class 101 -Beets, Detroit Dark Red, 6 -Norris Fitzsimons, Ellen Char- • lesworth, Cora Stte'ets, ktargaret Heard, Ruth Lavis, Margaret MeEvr- •Clit's6-.11-Ceitrota, Chatitenay, 62 -- "George Schwanz, Elizabeth Doan, Gordon Hearn, Clare ' rnPaacniam, Francis Evans. • Class 12 -Parsnips,. Hollow „Crown, 6 --Evelyn Heard, Valena Elliott, 'Pelma Ranking, *Ellen Frentlin, Ger- Tr.apcis ,Pitzsinglo,ns. Class .13-Onionsl Yelloiv Globe anvgis,.6-Cheater Neitaus,' ,Elvin Oath", Ellen Fremlin; Oen." Herl. to,p, I6ilo,i1-1°,11,PIngbin• Cla.„5:711,t4P(44toe..1, Irish Cobblers, .-' • !2-JaNikle. «eOrge LpAri'S"; Dick' FrendiElwin. *thins, ,OheSter NsiJk 01154*DerothY, -Ste* Class 15-LPatatoos, "Green 1VIOun --tab , 12-Arthnt• A4ken, eo.Lavis, Bob Eiggart,' Franeis 'Fitzsimmons, • • r'F • 'Gelder -Mary' Cooper: •-• • Class 10 --Largest I -Pumpkin -June Pimell, Edwin CeopteV,, Chester Neil- ans, Lewis Hop, Dorothy Steep, John Claes 17 --Bouquet rof Asters, 8 -- Ruth Carter, Elizabeth Doan, Stella Brown, Claeg 18 --Bouquet ' of Phlox, Elwin ,Neilans, 1Viadelon 1Vilurch, Vir- inia Barris, Frank Heard, • Harold Ptomain, Geo. Sehwanz. ' • Class9--.Bouqueli of 6- Lauretta' -Seltwar:z., Gerald Harris, Delores Brown, Grace Finch. ., Class 80 -Bouquet of 'Cosines,: 6 - Gene Andrews, Maurice McGuire, Sydney "La,vvson, VOlen,a' 5,Gar- d.on Iterman. ' ". CIass 21 -Bouquet of African Marigolds, 6- Giettrude Rolmes, Frances'Fitzsimons' Virginia lIarriS, Grace Finch,. DavidJohnston, Norris Fitzsimons. • • . Class 22--bonquet* of Calendula, 9. --Bessie Smith, Cecil Elliott; Cecil Ifeiro:VAto Andrews;. '13illy ell, Nora':Tdes-well, '• • Class 23 --Bouquet of Salpiglossis,' 9--Niolet Cooke:, Helen Rumball. Class 24 -Bouquet of „French Vail:, golds, 12--Gliarleo,lVfaiteh, ReOttico Brown, Norm Andrews, Belen Her.: DotisCricVlielert Gander. i 'Class''',P,k,98oucinet..d Gaily:Hie, :9 less-H-,M:erteret''?:Teeker.. -.:,217:4Dinine!r,Itoonci:-;',,Title., Eoticpiet froitelibnie•Vardeii! "'1" Fred HellYer, -F,ranois EitZsimonS, 'Reggie PielsON;49s06 'I) II lleg5ie Cd ' "o211.14'9 28. --Batted R$Olb.1dOekellel"-4', • „,. , riiot,,,Igito,;,*tkiti*:-.„-,t.r.400i1),'iJohA,,,,600-Sii,Kr.i..'..',-..,,Apc4.,,,,;,,,#iii.e1'.:r3,024.0., ,,,.,),7,•,',0;,p*,,g)Scx:•00'..4'0,0,1'90..S',....--..': ,',Wil:-.'•-:,,,,,,..,,,:.,:,:',,„.,,•,,....,,,,**0.„•..i:,.i.,,„4,,,4,,,..i..,,w;,i i.Loo:,:piA,ii.#4:11Ao..:.....,.r.,,,,:!..:..:,.,;,,-..,-..,...,:, ,',..'t•o144-0..,,,,,, .i.:i;,ii.0,..i/ig,';.,..:oeil',„ •,-, P9r...10,1=.1!..: : P.•„ . Se , . „ . ,4 , .,,, i t.L.,.. ,i,,,,, . ,,,,A., -;.„,,,i, ., ,, ,, • ti•.:„,„:,„: f„ „ -.,,c:v.,,,,,,;,,i.tit $0.4.st,'",,11::),)0.40,"-,0.- :ft4.!'ill':.';0r,49i. ' :of % ''''*,4"....4P,,0':'',491".'''!"'F'.10. : ,:i vv,',"';'P.7:"RI1-40:4-..4,',",:k.F.:.P.Y.3,F.';.'7.'"''.' : iiietiliii:',. '',,..'":9',.,..-.1"-",': .. . . • . : ,, . , , Cr'. 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C1,40.§-. ougeni. • ag Per ne; .... , o eYres OOTOBER."?'40»1929 846Y1:-Ei641RIr'fo ectndf 1e the. • cOnibtPOtt.. PriS13,Sdet4ee',I.jot: • * '1•Cin .0.1.4,'EOth'2...:.O..n "I, ieenther„., , .•,.. H uteov 1it • 0 : o cp-WinW l'10W;APPIsters were' ,;tbe , ViV4404 '04inPbe1l..T.ave.tie0,,I.Aoktioa.i.,iileiv. oiiie I.4r A.ocjtion:0. Ituine,', Dungannon; Rev, Gordon •, .• made a strong*: 41Jeiya1 •tote laymen Butt,: Godetichi. Rev. •.J". C. Ferrsteti " of PreabYtetYrte.gree%bebind :the. Werk'o 1h ehureh thlit-,it might/do *$01. A-ki,,,,A1Y-bli; 1/"Iann'?:' the work lind UPOI it' /t was agreed Ellievnierk key: to hjpixilotoiArioaorelito Egneend141116:k•Bev 11 W: • ROg:olStein, the..,PreebYtefY-•;' on:-Cettibei,18tali, et. .EA:,'.dreditCp;. Ret „0.?..E. Taylor, : , • .."r Brueefrold f"or„"the.:;Purnerse Ethel *.• ' ' ' " ?;;J e: .Ctisaing-'undpia;rini:•.ter elnixela's,"?;: PreSbytOry" 'adjelirsied to Meet in„ • '! in the PrelsbWerYl';: ..141neVeilif.tfie.Afitst ,Tnesday in Deeem".: "agre!,,dcl' to 'hold a'7,Stui.P.eii±.' • Seting Sedietery. ecials-_-_-Fied IfellYar,. Cecil 'Elliott, , cock:Reim, ,.„ : , ,. : - , „„ . ' (egnal,). .. , , , . • . . . , • / vale* Elliott,,: Dere4.4. , gorliieh;;: r,,„,,„ R,,,,aia ,,,,;.,‘ti,•__,41,iditi,g,,,,,..,,c,,3,i,,te,,t,.,, ioys'', ot ..vvii, niPerfectmem'' sliP;e1, 17g. TResszel, Jam ., 8 n.'Claass -38E-9:t Dole:1;111e ' Eggs iv? Gitia.=.Gebige.SElliott;" George ?.'.I,avis. Perfect attendance-I)oris °hater,. le-SiVaarpirtialiPTanacisilli FititzlisiinEeni'sa: .C' . a' ''' - . ••dlese-81: '2$P,6.ial T. Raton Pile% Elliott -Ohuter,' Lillian Elliott,, Ida ip pupils ---. ' Vrariaes Chuteri Willie '1V4reAshBessie Chut4 '•61•;OO ' 34 -Pair ..4thadta---,' iteg' giei' ...,,t'°41APIICIzsilh....,lani1;11'''"02:.ert.ru• dse.',,Reid, D erg, hy 'bp. Jean rn- Ile.ic1,0Mhaut.iivit;.}IJoiihnnkslitiogn,, ,GRoor3-r Correll; Ruth. AndKews, Nornen , Oudniord, : GladxS: „Radford; , TorninY 'Cornish.'" -.• ", , ,„ , .. , , .. on . / t ei,,,, Homer. Andrews. , - . •' ', . .''' --• • . ,blumber on.r.01A 11., Tgi.,YaLveotRiaet,salo9b.del,.. . . °lass 35-14'0 1) tthein Spy Apples- BRUCEFIELD • -- n pirnyo,,Halev FrancisFitisimons, "Pa • *- ...., . • . ;, _ . • ---. Biggart, Edwin . Cooper, NIary..,pooii.. per ivifbeoberv,ciun .T.le .tSacrettrenotofethseLdo4T0Eautp6: xtuR030 inolthitt-Of48,sS. e:tOme . M:.r..:1-0, Hullett, er., Arthur Aiken. i Arthur ' ''' ' • , ' her 18th ,a'tt the•'Theining Service, • rr..4th‘--Donold Sprang: .' • Class 36 -Snow Apples -401) Big-. Preparatory. service vrilr be held en Jr..`'4th-Dorothy Vociden, . .gatt, . PraneiS Firtzsiniond, Willard 'Friday ht•B •P•ino Rev. gr. Malcolm Sr. 3rd -Leo :Y'ungblutt,r dint - Aiken, Dorotly 'CorniSh, Marjorie ',will .treeeii, : , : ..- .- . . lie IVI'achan. . • Steep, Jessie Campbell. : . , Ir Geerve Knight of ,Londen Jr. 8rd-Stanley Yung•blutt,. Class 371 -Plate of 'ears, any var1 spent the•weele at •the home, of Mr.' Sr, .2nd-Fluth Vodden, Beth Gov- iety..__ETiabeth Deans Erijest, mittens , and mrs, John Watson, • ler, Pearl Johnston, Eleanor Sprung, Ge.rtrudd Reid, Benson Sutter, Fran- ' Mrr. Allan: MejQenzie of Cuba and Florence Yungblutt, Eddie Bunking. 'cis Fitzsimons, 'Fred HellYar. .M.r, Johry..McKenzie of Detroit .spent jr,..•2nd-Rhoda-Govier,. Joe Hun - Class 38 -Basket o2 assorted fruits the week -end- at the home of -their king.? • ,.' '''' ' . for table use, growd in Huron: Coun- parents, Mr. and 1Vil.-s. R. -1VIcKenzie, 'Pr.----:-Ieek Sprung,- -.--- ty-.4-ladys. Radford, • Florence -Aiken, Mrs. Smith ' arid- Mts. Morrison of Best- speller for month, Ruth Vod- -Torajny ' Currell, -Virginia Barrie, 131uovale are visiting at -the ' .home den. Number onroll, 15; average, Gertrude' Holmes, Francis 'Fitzsini, of Mr: and 'lifts:. Hugh Berry.; 14.-E. Arrieltli,:teacher. ons. . - ' ..IVIirs. Byrant. ofLondon was the • . . class 39 -School Lunchr-Dorothy guest 01 '-he 'r niece, • Mn. Jas. Me- Report' of S. S. No 11, Goderich • , Cornish, Virginia, Harris. Cathleen Donald last week.. ' • • .shi townp, for the month of Septem- Curi' ingbame Agnes Cameron.. Ger- .. Mr. D. Tough visited at the .borne her.f. _ trude Reid, Madeleri Murch. ' of his brotii,er on the Brunsen line Sr ,.4th ---Florence Stnith, 59, Bay . Class 40-1 dozen Oatmeal Cook- last week.pd'u, 53. ies-4uth Lavis. . • , ' *:,•. ' Jr.' 4th -,'Lloyd Batkin, 63, *Jack ' Class 41 -Layer Cake, with icing-- --;- . .. - Gene' Andrews, ' Ellen Charlesworth, Smith, 45. Gertrude Reid, IVIary Tiitner, Ftanei§•, ,.,. . • - *-- LiriirsaY, 53; Margaret Farquhar, 43. CONSTANCE . • ....§i, Srd-Faye LindsaY, 57; John Fitzsimons, Norman Cook. - ' ' * Mrs: Joe Riley and. Mrs. . Geo. •••:jt: 3rd --*Eddie Deeves, 60; Olive' Class 42 -Vegetable Salad individ- Dale motored to Stratford on Thurs.:- piekett, '56; Madeline Tyndall, 49; nal --Gene •Andrews, • GertrOde Reid, •dal and spent the day there, . .. *waiter smith, 43. . . 'Norma Andrews, Frances Fitnisim- Mr. and idles. Joseph •Brniim of. , Jr-lat.-Lorne Tyndall, 71. ons. Ruth Andrews, MadeIon Murch. Toronto ore visiting this week with p:r.-Jean Vodden, 97; 4•Pearlie Class -43-1k dozen Lemon' TartS —7 the lady's. mother Mrs. Richard An- 11:11edee, 92; Gertie Smith, 80; Donna lVfadelon IV/lurch,' Gertrude Reid, Ellen defson. ''' • • . ' Pickett, 75; Willa Potter, 75; Bar - Charlesworth, Dorethy Cornish, Mar- Miss Repel Leslie returned to her old ,Wise, 70. garet Tether,. Grace Lavis. * home at Blyth' 'on Thursday 'after 'Those marked with an asterisk Class 44 -Cream Fudge -Sue M. Steep, Dorothy Cornish, Er,nest 1Vrit- spending the summer with Mr, and missed one or more examinations, Mrs. Leo.- Stephenson. Perfect attendance for the month: tell, Mary Turner, Claire Kennedy, Mrs, EIlwin Pickard and two chil- Lorne Tyndall,. Jean Vodden,-m. E. Ellen Charlesworth. : ' dt'en, Donald and 'Roy, of Goderich Thampsom teacher Class 45 -Peanut Brittle -Francis township spent a few days last week F it zs i m o n , ' Modelon Mirth, at the 'home sof their aunt, 1Vlrs. Thos. ' - Marion Hudson, Helen Gandier, Ben- pollard, •The following' is the report of S. son Sutter,•Dorothy Cornish,, • Nliss Phoebe Wakefield spent a S. No. 7, Hullett, for September: Class 46 -'Hand -made 'Holder .for few days last week visiting in Clin- Sr. 4th -Vera McDonald, 78; Beth Pots and Pans -Ruth Lavis, • Ger- 'tom • 'Shobbrook, 70. trude Holmes, C3ora Streets. , , ' 1Ntr. and Mrs. Geo. Dale, Mr. Ben. Jr. 4th -Eddie Bell, 74. Class 47 -Hand -made Dust Calb Riley and Mrs. R. Grimoldby atten- Sr. 2nd-IVEldred Bell, 84, Jean plain -Francis Fitzsimons, Gertrude P.bid. ded Brussels fair on Friday, 1VIcCalluiti, 84. Mrs. Wm. Stephenson returned to Jr. lst-Isobel Brigham, 97; Bob- ' ClasS 48 -Plain Apron to fib ex- hibitor, with at least one button' holo ker home in Presses after spending tie Pollard, 87; Irene McCallum, ab:. a month visiting relatives here. sent. -Dorothy Cornish, Mary Lavis Ger- ion Joe Riley,ude Reid,' Eadelon Kutch, Violet very painful accident on Friday of ,,,,es. ... Sr., met with a Pr. -Lydia Olive A. A. moon, teacher. Frentlin, last week when she was jolted from Class 50 -Any article made, from a load of wood into the hard road. The fololivirig is the report of S. School Fair Ribbons -Gertrude ILA- She sustained' a fractured collar S. No. 11, Ilullett, for September: nes. • bone and a couple of broken ribs, Sr. 4th -Margaret Ross, 89; Jean Class 51 -Lunch . Cloth, 2R9f3 --"x--": which -will lay her up for some time. Leiper, 87; Tommy Leiper, 69. Factory Cotton -Francis Fitzsimons, She is at present under the doctoi''S Jr. 3rd -Lillian Wilson., 57; Thel- ;Gladys Radford, Mary Lavis, Irene care. We hOpe bo see her around ma. Scott, 82; Hazel Leo, 80; Clifford MeIrinis, Virginia: Harris. , again soon.- Addison, 42.-- off ,, Class 52 -Foot rules to Be marked e , Friends will be pleased to hear Sr. 1st -Clarice Lee, 82. in /, inches -Bob SiggartMin, theris a turn for the better in the Sr. Pr, -Kenneth Scott 82. . ray Draper, Cecil Holmes, Jack Nick- condition of Mr. Clifford Coleloug-h, Beginners -Allen Shaddicic, John Io, Dorothy Cornish, IPtank Heard. who has been dangerously ill in Sea- Lee, Class 52 -Wall Match Holder- forth .hospital. Best speller f or month, Thelma Bob Biggart, John Levis, Ruth La- Mr. and Mrs. IL Grimoldby and Scott. -Mary K. Moon, teacher. vis. • • Mr. Ben Riley spent Sunday at the ' Class 55'" -Any Model in Wopd- home of M'r. and Mrs. 2. Mann of Chester Meilans, Bob Biggart, Frank near Clinton. THE PRESBYTERY OF HURON Heard, Norman Lever. -. Class 56 -Scrap Book, 6"x9" of Livia Stock Cuttings-LJohn Lavis, Greta Taylor,- Shirley Sutter. • Class 57,- Artificial Mowers Sweet Peas -Francis Fitzsimons, Gladys 'Radford. Class 58 -Collection of 10 of the Worst Weeds in Your S. S. -Dorothy Cornish, Francis Fitzsimons. ?Class 60 -Collection of Farm Crop Seeds, 15 Varieties -Gertrude Reid, Kenneth Reid: Ellen Chariesviorth, Murray Draper, Benson Sutter, Francis Fitzsirn MIS. Olds 61 --Collection of 5 moths, 10 Butterflies, 5 Betties -Frank Heard, Bob Gandier, Chester Men- em, Francis Fitzsimons. Class 62 --- Writing, "Morning Bytrin"-Eliztibeth Doan. Marjorie Steep, June Rozell, Tom O'Connell, Doris Taylor, 1))..irothy Macdonald. Class 63 -Writing "The Land -of Nod" -Fred Axon. Madelon, March, 'Erma Hale, Ruth Levis, Palma Hun - king, Sydney Lawson. • Class 64 -Writing, "A Wiet Sheet and a Flowing Sea '-,Glady.s Rad- ford, Mary Turner, Jean Neilans, Gertrude Phi& Rena Hovey, Nara Livermore. Class 65 -Writing "Christmns"-- Virginia-- Rote% Dorothy Carless, Nloreite Finch, Gene Andrews, Ruth Pickett, Irene Veinier. Glass 66 -Group of an Apple, Po- tato and arra in Crayon -Erma Hale, Gertrude Holmes, Jessie Camp- bell; Bobby Campbell,, Arthur Aiken, Bessie Smith. , Class 67-1Group of Three Fruits in color -Ross Finch, Sydney Law- son, Chas. Mutch.. Royce Freinlin; Tom Clothe, Winnio Warren. "."‘ Class 68 -The Union Jack in color -Rex. Hovey, Gertrude Reid, Reggie Smith, Sadie 'Elliott Ellen Charles- worth, Evelyn Heard, • Class 69 -Calendar Design Suit- able for December---Detathy 'gook; Dorothy Glazier, Virginia Rozell, Orpha `Perdue,-. Jessie gametal', Ruth Picke,tt. • • Class 70 -*---Map of Huron CountY,,, ink or crayon-Madelon Murch, Royce Franklin, Sydney Lawson, Chas, Match, Cathleen Cuningliense, Tom '.Cooke. . •.Class 71-1Vfap of North America, Hovey, Elwin Neilans/ Ger trude Red, -.Murray, Draper,..iGladyS ?Radford, : jean Moilonat: •.• ,Class 7,2 --:-Map of ,iThe..; British, Isles" -Virginia Rozell, IVIerion Hud son,Iforrithy Corleas,,Norene . . ,„ ,Frances ,F'itzspnons, Geo:, Blum , - COLBORNE , Mrs. Jacob Fisber has been laid up this last two weeks with a severe attack of flu. 1VI.r. Fordyce Clark won easy mon- ey in the running races" at Goderich with his little sorrel driver Jiggs, on -Tuesday. Leeburn is taking part on Sunday in Circuit anniversaries. Last Sun- day it was held at Port Albert, next Sunday at"tile. A missionary meeting Was held at the Sownship hall, Carlow, on Thursday. The Ladies' Aid., of Ben - miller filling in the program, while the Carlow people served lunch at the finish. Miss Nellie Clark wel- comed the ladies. The program was in Mrs. Sam, Gardner's hands who Presided throog•hout. The roll call was answered with verses picked starting with one of the members initials. Mrs. 2, Millet, an old friend at both points, gave a solO which was Mitch appreciated. lVfiss Beulah Long • and Mrs. :WM. Long sang a duet, - All accompanying parts Were rendered - by the pastor, Rev. R, B. CumMing, adding merit' to voices: Mrs.' James Hamilton was then introduced, who gave an inter - interesting talk on the Chatham Con- ventiOn but . a better. subject was introduced by the speaker en Nation' Builders, The delegates from .Smith's Hill to *tend at Blyth Convention on October 16 Were Mrs. -Wm. Marsh and Mrs, Jas, Fetegan. Everyone was ready to return home at 5 o'clock feeling better or their visit togeth- 'Your corieSpendent wets inisin;. • , , formed' re the wedding. party men- tioned last With, being married in Goderich'. Wle, regret the error:" The ceremony was perfOrmed at Dun - - gannon, .i ••' • • ' Snowflakes , fluttered in !the . air - again onWednesday:, We will*...noW fill ,ourchesta' with pure . sir lifter some -summer- dusty days. . :.".; r? , •• News •was, ...received ,, With- some surprise here, „that., Miss• .1111argaret Josephine -Stirling,. daughter -021 Mr: David Stirling It of ' Gederinh-toWne' ship„wvaa married to Mt. RelPh 3.410.i, ent.son: Of Mand Mrs,:•Melvin, j-.0ii,,..., ,.011 :,ef Coll:nite, on ,Sept,...‘25th, at ReY4, M..' P. ,Parn.,, ,:liyatt;,'AVeni..0i:' Eenclon, Orit, , ?at -the . parsonage 15.0 .. Clase-r7OleYs 4.11a102).90,.. sketch. Bainalton,Jtoad., The:, young couple . - I la OnTervii.Isa,bel ,404,40,, poi, , Will' reside ;in 'Colborne townshipthu, •Pt'llY : Glazier,' -Irene' VATInu*: Chia ' hest. wishes • e6a,11'. theirfriendS gid Ball,' Liilltka Manning, :Ruth 'Pickett: with. them to' their new "hennei- 1', .' '' byterr to labour %faithfully and Self?, . , , The United Church of Canada The Presbytery of Huron, The Uni- ted Church of Canada, held its regu- lar Autumn meeting in the United Church, Centralia, on Thursday,*Sept. 29th, last with the Rev. James Scob- le of Bag -rave in the chair, 35 min- isters and 33 lay delegates were in attendance besides a number of vis - Wars.. Very' full reports were brought in by various committees, particular- ly the committees on Religious Edu- cation and Evangelism and Social Service, The report gf the commit- tee on Religious Education given. by Rev. J. M. Coiling, Grand 'Bend, em- phasized the work of teacher train- ing as ?outlined in the very complete coursers issued by the church's de- partment of Religious Education, and also 'the • setting up of Standard Training Schools this winter in as many centres in the Presbytery as possible. Tho report further teem - mended that an intensive' program of Temperance Education be carried on in all church scholols using the graded Temperance lessons provided by the 'department in Toronto. The attention of Presbytery was called to the very fine reading courses for young people and the lists of the best bdoks drawn up by the Ryerson Preis' in cooperation with Dr. Sol - emit. The report on Evangelism and Social Service was given by Rev; 11. 'IV,: Gale of Bayfield.- In its • first part it emphasized the weak of evan- gelism a's the chid task of the church and called upon the ministers and laymen of the Presbytery to labour threngli the winter with this end in view. The report asked the Minis- ters to urgd in season and out of season the observance of :family wor- ship in the hone' and the miore faith- ful use. Of the Sabbath day and its privilege's of worship. In .its second pal+ 'the report . reaffirmed tho chureWS• uneempromising stand a. gainat the liqUOr• traffie ip all its fors. • It' ta-eniphisized the chureh'4. belief the:total prohibition of the" rorinidocture and sale of strong drink „ae? Ale! Jo:try-Way:out of, the evil that folkWall* Idos ; of ale1,ical .fer bever- -oge'PuriiCses. The report -strongly urged the', need) for• temperance edd cOtibit4ni'd pledge signing' cainpa.igns, At;ftlib,afterinyonsesSiori :the{ Pres- lietenedi' ?tee ''a Very f hi e' Brycie Toronto iit. the biteredti of the IVII0-; sienliryerk?' 02 the He. sketalied the.,'tideds' And on,pertunitiep berth, *at'? litinte iaiiit'ainoed, "'He led:lipottthedhttrch'iitelturon pre8- ,.„ Atctr.,,13. 1M3 MILLE'S' SCREEN MASTERPIECE .. - • IING OF . BY JEANIE MacPHERSON • , • . , . SPLENDID, BEAUTIFUL. 'MASSIVE AND FILMED AT A COST 01'102,509,000, "THE RING :01?. RING 5" IS INCOMPARABLE : ' .. Endorsed' by hundred s of , celebrateddivines and scholars and the press and public of this country and of Europe, as being the must reverent pictierization of the supreme tragedy of the ages, "The King of Kings" is at once an epoch-making, unrivalled film epic., and indubitably without a peer in 'cinema history. Produced at a cost of approximately $2,500,000; with eighteen stars and 5,000 persons -taking part inaits stupendous -scenes, and with a beauty, splendor and massiveness of investun that amaze and charm. ,.. AN EPIC FILM OF SUPREME MERIT IS "TRE KING OF KINGS" • ' MONDAY, • _ • . OCT.1.404 . Clinton, Ontario . ' ', AND 16 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THREE NIGHTS BEAUTIFUL, REVERENT -awe-inspiring is this remarkable story of the greatest tragedy the world has ever known -the martyrdom and crucifixion of Jesus- . An immortal, remotional, reverent clraina of the Christ -the motion Picture of the century -preeminently the greatest production ever ., shown on the screen, Supreme in theme--g•igantic in execution-magnifieent in investure -every biblical character of the .clays of the Passion superbly por- trayed-acclaim.ed by vvorld-famed divines -this is in truth, the PICTURE OP PICTURES ADMISSION: Children, 25c; Adults, 40c • PLEASE NOTE --Performance 'Starts Sharp • at 8.15 P.M. No Comedy or other incidental films will be shown. • THE_ ELECTION ACT ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF SOUTH HURON NOTICE OF HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLL FOR Railway Employees, Sailors & Travellers Notice is hereby, given" that pursuant to the provisions of The Election Act, (section 86) a poll will be opened on the • 24th, 25th and 26th DAYS OF OCT013ER, 1929 from the hours of two .o'clock in the afternoon until five o'cloth in the afternoon and front seven o'clock in the afternoon until ten o'clock in the afternoon of each of the several days. The polling place for the Electoral District of South RurQn will be located at Jas, Lovett's Store, Clinton, Ontatio, for the purpose of receiving the votes of railway employees, sailors and travellers whose employment is such as tOnecessitate their absence from time to time from their ordinary plaee of residence, or whohave reason to believe that they will be absent upon the day fixed for the election. The ballot bOx will be opened„and. the votes counted at seven o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday the thirtieth day of October, at the said place, ' I5ated at Clinton this 7th day of October. • :FRED 0. FORD, Returning Officer. 3512. • MEETING. An Organization Meeting in the Interests of W. G. MEDD PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE • .. Will be held in the Council Chamber, TOWN HALL CLINTON , . on the evening of • Monday'- : Oct, . AT 8 Fc/4, „ Ferguson' ,Adminietratian and The Liquor Control , Act are invited Representatives of -all Perties andOrganizations ,opposed to the A Spacial Invitatin to be Present is Extended, to the .Walnett of Clinton and to ,the4Tedtperance Woryers of Eaeh Ward. app„pAvE THE RING