HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-10-10, Page 2Clipton
News -Record
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$2.50 to ^the''-O.S. or other foreign
Countries. • No paper discontinued'
untilall arrears are pall unless at
the option of the publisher. The
date` to ;vhteh every subscription' it
Pain I's denoted or thou=labet.
Advertising Rates—Tranelent. adver-
tising, 12o per count tine for first
insertion, qc for each subsequent
'desertion. Beading counts 2 lines:
Small advertisements, not to exceed;
on. lion, snob as "Wanted," "Lost,"
Strayed,' etc,, Inserted once for
35a each subsequent insertion +.50.
Advertisements sent in without1n•
structlons as to the number of 'itrf
sertions wanted will rim until order•
ed out and will be charged accord,
ingly. Rates for display advertising
made known on application.
Communications intended for pith'
• Hration must, ,s a gu_.r`antee of Good
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r the writer.
. 10..areal, M. It, CLAL,..,_
Proprietor: f;ditor,
genera; fiauitiirg iseeiness transact.
ed, Notes Discounted. Drafts issued.
interest A]'owed ou DeI?o.eue, Sale
Notes Purchased.
Notary Public, Conveyancer.
Financial, item Estate. and Eire in.
saranee Agent. Representing 14 hire
Insurance Con)paate..
Division. Court Office,Clanton.'
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc),
`a•times t-tuure:-1.3o co 3,3U, p in., •3.30
.to 3.00 p•ni,, Sundays, 12,30 to L.30 p,m.
Other bears ay appointtuent
Clime and Residence — Victoria St.
Office and Residence;
Ontario' Street' - Clinton, Ont.
One door weste1 anglleau uburc4.
Phone 17o
Eyes exanunco an glaesee fitted
Office. and :tesidence
Huron Street — Clinton, Ont'
Phone 39 •
tli'oruterly occupied .ry the .ate Cr.
0. W, 'i' -..rine or`
Eyes examined and glasses fitted
Office hours: 9 to 12 a hi, and 1 to
5 P.M.., except TuesJays and Wodnee-
days. OOice over Cehadlan National
Express, Clinton, Oat
Phone 21.
Clinton, Ont.
tiradmate 3r 0.0.1) S., Chicago and
13 C.D,S., Toronto, •
Crown nod Pluto Work a Rpeclalty
D. H. McINN) S
Clcctro Therapist
Office: Huron .51, (Few doors west of
.Royal Batik),
Bouts—Tues., Thurs. and Sat., all day.
Other lloui's by a000Inttnent,
Henson Office—Mon., Wet:, and Fri.
Seatorth Othce—Mon„ Wed, and Fri,
Licensed Avcaioneet for the County
of ,1:urote
Corrssponderce prolantle "answered,
Iminedlate arrangements can be made
for Sales Date at acne Newaltheord,
Clinton, or by calling Phone 203,
Charges Moderate and Salla:action
Cilntoe, Ont.
General Wire and Life insurance Agent
for "Elartford Windstortu, Live Stock,
Automoblle and S!aknees and -Accident
Insurance. HOyou and Erie and Cana-
da Trust Bonds, Apeoiutlneuts made
to meet parties at 0:emeteld, Varna
and• Reynold. 'Phone 57.
Trains will .arrive at and depart from
Clinton as follows:
Buffalo and Goderich Oiv. .
Going East, depart 6,44 am:« « 2.50 p.m
Going West, ar: 11.50 am" ar, 6.08 dp .0.43 p.m
« " al. 10.09'' pen
London, Huron & Bruce Div. -
Going South, ar; 7.40 dp. 7.40 am
« « « 4.08 p.m.
Gping'North, depart 6.42`p,m.
'a ar. 11,40 dp, 11.58 a,m.
cry e, . Tits.
s is tile
el fuI n>mts
The life .ofsilk depends upon how
it is washed. Wash silk garrn,ents: he
lukewarm water, nem in 'hot. Do
not rub, hard or twist the••fabric. Rinse
thoroughly in water the'. same temper-;
ature as that of. the washing and re-
move the water by squeezing andpat-
ting the sill: between dry towels.:
Never dry silk in thou stn. Te;-Ieep
pongee'silk from spotting, iron it dry..
Silk hose should neve)` be ironed.
Yellowed piano keys maybe restored
to their. original whiteness with a solu-
tion`made by pouring one ounce'ef
nitric acid, slowly, into twelve ounces
of soft water, Do not reverse this;
for nitric acid is destructive to skin
and clothing and may safely be
handled only in this way, $o avoid
boiling. and spattering, Neve); pour:
acid close to the eyes..
Apply the solution 'with e. brush;
carefully avoiding contact with wood -
Work:., Wash it off with clear flannel
dipped in water, and wipe with a dry
cloth, . The same mixture efficiently
clean. the handles of cutlery.
Soak a cauliflower, prior to cooking,
in -unsalted water. This draws out.
the insects. If: the water i3 salted the
insects are killed, but remain in the
Chamois leather, seecotined inside
the back and sidesof shoes that are too
large, pi events holes in stockings, and
also keeps the stockings from being
stained by the leather
When washing feather pillows use
lukewarm water with a good suds.
Add about one tablespoonful of am-
monia teethe tul, of water, then souse
and squeeze and turn urtfl clean.
Rinse in Clear winter and hang the
`bugain the sun to dry.
All odds end ends of drool, strips of
colored flannels, dress materials, wools
end odd lengths ofbraid can be used
up in this rug -knitting. When var-
ions kind of materials are used, it is
well to have a email colored diagram
prepared as a guide where one color
should end and anoth,r commence, but
this pattern should be of the very
simplest kind, consisting only of n
centre formed of stripes with a plain
dark border. Use knitting cotton or
very fine twi,te alai suitable needles;
cut the thick materials into three-inch
lengths and lay them out in separate
heaps; cast" on sufficient stitches to
over a surface of sixteen inches and
work in black or other dark pieces
for a length of four incites, un each
side, using in the tin -inch centre all
the lighter nod ;tright..r pieces of wool
and m stat a'. The rug .should be
thirty tnchs:' in length • sic! finished
with a dark b..tter similar to the one
'This rug is of sufficient length and
width to form bedroom and other
touts. A hoarthrug made ie the sante
materials must have the foundation
of strong twine, and is seeenty inches
Lang by thirty -ane wide- -
Fnmentations are •rarely as hot as
they should be, owing to the difficulty
of wringing out the supe•firous hot
water, which takes time, during which
the heat escapee.. A gond plan -is to
place the clothe an top of a ttcamer,
where they will get hot but not too
wet. If too inueh tnoisture does ac-
cumulate, RI can euaily be wrung out
by one person; whotaas if a oloth is
plunged into boiling water, two pairs
of hands are needed to manage It.
Home Made Bath Salts
Here is a good and simple recipe for
making bath salts: To four pounds of
pounded soda erystals add half ounce
essence of verbena, mix well together
and pound again. For coloring, add
a few deeps of cochineal or a little
washing blue '}yell pounded.
What as the difference between a
wet day and a lion with violent tooth-
ache?—One is pouring with rain, and
the other is roaring with pain.
'Fire Insurance Company
(t?a) Hc•'td Office, Saaforth, Ont.
csident, dame
Nice,Jarnas 5onnoiiy,:ah; son,
Tresuzar, D LMcGregor, Ssatorth
,Dlreators George MaOartnCYf
James ' 9houldico, Wal tont raGib-
son Etruceneld•- tang. Cohn ennSW jr,
Robert en; J, saConol ,, GorlerIch. err,.
8Agesten; 1pc, Cltchy, Goderleh.
Agents, AIvc. Leitch, .Clinton; .L W,
Yeo; Moderleh:,Ed. IllnahleY Sea, Jar -
moA. Murray Cgmond vino: a. G. Jar-
mut0, Rk odlingen.
A nv money sn nr. nnld In May be. paid
to Moorish °Mii ing Co. Clinton, Or at
Calvin Cu Ws 1rocery (ltvlarhgh.
Parties desiring to ONO taiairance 0
_ transact otherbusiness will 9r, Inam ptly'
attended to nn npplientlnn to um or the.
e 11„ve ()Meer 511,1 1000. to theirr'ecpe°
post nst offiee, T.ossel inspected by the
Director who lives nearest the arena,
Have bag F'
saggar ga one of Me
teliRCil needed elelD(d$n!S
U a balanced dial,
sugar in a e>onvellant
way. The flavor is an
extra kl�BflI3�•s ;a
Then : 'tile -8,0i3 knal/19
,ou aren't adding
weigfiat. 'Sugar , is a fuel
the bursas needles
that OP s
fat. •
=•°-'-7'lben tired or bun-
$rY.l'ep Jour ail wait
ISSUE No: 41—'2V
;663—Slip on dress with applied
bands around neck and jabot• at front,
long dart -fitted sleeves withturn back
cuffs, two-piece, skirt, box plaited
across front and joined to two piece
yoke shirred. at "centre -front, 'For:
ladies and misses, 16, 18, 20 years; 34,
36, 38, .40, 42 inches bust. •
Write your :latae and address. plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want, Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto:
Patterns sent by an early nail.
Have You Got These hi Your
Recipe Book?
6 lemons
1 pt, water
4 qts. green tomatoes
3 Sup:; sugar.
Walsh lemons but do not peel. Slice
very thin. ,Simmer in water until
rinds are tender. Md tomatoes that
have beton washed and sliced end site-
ree until translucent, Add sugar,
cook until thick and rich and pour into
•sterilized jars, ailing them full, Ad-
just rubbers and caps and sterilize ten
minutes in a hot water bath outfit.
Tut a cup of boiling wales in a
small seucepan rind set it on the stove.
Add half cup butter, and wl en the
two are boiling hard together: add a
level cepful of flour and stir very
quickly to a thick paste. Set this
away to coot V. hen 11 fs enol break
in 3 eggs, one at a tire•, without heat-
ing thee:'- at ally' Mix each one in well
before the hest is added, Now drop
the batter in little rough heaps on a
greased pan and bake in a rather hot
oven about 25 minutes. This should
make about a dozen good puffs. When
done` Deem will be a hole in the middle
of each. Slit each side open, and fill
with flavored custard or whipped
cream.—A, G. M.
Two scups of sugar and oink from
one medium-sized cocoanut: Boil until
it hair's, their stir in the well -beaten
whites of two eggs. Beat with egg-
beater until cool. Have the cocoanut
prepared by peeling off all the brown
and grating the white on a fine grater.
Spread layers with frosting and
sprinkle with greeted cocoanut while
still wet, If desired, serve with boiled
custard made with yolks of eggs fia.
vared with vanilla.—M. J: -
Take six medium ' sizer apples,
twelve marshmallows; three -quarto -
cup boiling water, one tablespoonful
of butter. Wipe and core apples;, rut
skin half way clbll n each apple to form
points, Cut in pieces six of the marsh
mallows and h'i centres of apples;
dot with bits of better. Plncep,palee
in a baking pan and pt,ur w Iter
around them. Bate ill hot oven, bast-
ing f equcdtty, When"seft, place a
vvholc inrrslui:a h w on each apple re-
hire -to oven and bion b lightly, Re
move.. to serving dick,' and Seemed
with the syrup,
v CAPTAIN :E.Dlf�l a
Alden . Dr•ale .formerly '_a sailor,
grown lsoit; ani flabby Lli,ku{;:r; a -tiro
of idle ease; Slips aboard the r 1pper
Orontes as "boy," ui;der ivintateed of
Jake Stevens, whose enmity ire iftcu>
because of':a mutual love for Mary
Manning, daughter of the owner, who
is a passenger, At Cape' Town Ste-
vens is superseded 'as captain 1y`
Drake, whose lawyers have purchased
the Orontes during its cruise. Drake
is forced to trounce. Stevens and then;
paradoxically; he - eaves theex•c an.
tain'S life from the bands of a crowd
of drunken mines in Cape Town,
Now, as master'of the Orontes, Drake.
changes 'front- becoming instead of
the passionate,•tender lover, a calm,
dignified than of the sea, Mary won-
ders -at his coldness,
CHAPTER XVI: (Cont'd.t
"Your arm would do," she replied
Tendering at het boldness as soon as
the woids were epoicene "You mightt
give me a kiss, -too, don't yeu think?"
she. added with a rush, taking to the
deep water. since she had dipped. She
felt him draw up sharply. •
"Sh-se!"" he uttered, "My- dear
girl, nothere1 A ship muter cannot
lay aside his responsibility just be-
cause certain' hours are 'up. He
wouldn't be doing his duty. . You are
a sailor's daughter. You must know."
"I know you are owner and captain,
too!" she. retorted, breaking from his
arm , and scarcely moderating her
"That is the more., reason why I
should not .show 'my officers a bad
example, Mary. Do please be reason-
Now" whatever a girl may endure
front her sweetheart• she will not en-
dure the suggestion that she is ;tot
reasonabie. Mary stood for one in
stunt, staring up into his face, her
blazing eyes close to him, then: "I,
am reasonable!" she snapped. •"I am
as reasonable no a was that night
When you- Oh, you are like an ice-
berg! When you melt you're nothing
but cold water! •T hate you!"
She ,darted from him, and went
below, leaving hiin staring after her
in astonishment. But he did not fol-
low, He remained on deck for an
hour; end he"had the grace to realize,
after a while, that his ideas about
responsibility, or duty, might appear
somewhat harsh to a girl. But his
'leas were not Shaken. He went, be.
low, and tapped on her door as he
pasted to go to his cabin,
"Mary,,clear," he called softly. In
an instant site was at the open door,
her eyes shining, her face glad with
expectancy. So new was this love of
hers that she could' not hold anger
for long, --
"Don't be angry, Mary," he said,
placing an arm about her shoulders.
"You musn't make things Harder for
me, Good night," my dear."
She put her lips up to his. He kiss-
ed her,. patted her shoulder, and was
gene, leaving her standing in the door-
way. She gazed after him until his
door closed; then her own door
crashed shut, and the saloon rang
'with the thud. Ike Saintly peeped
out Men iris tiny crevice behind the
pantry. Drake looked out again,
found everything quiet, and retired.
But Ike, stealing across., the saloon,
heard the sound of sobbing behind
Mary's door; he debt back to his bed
almost persuaded that he ought to
sharpen up his ,biggest knife and in-
terview the captain.
Ike retired. And Jake Stevens'
door opened cautiously. Jake crept
out, stepped lightly up to Diary's
cabin, •
"Any trouble, Miss Mary?" he
whispered hotfrsely, "Anything I can
get for you?" '
"Go to thedevil!" said Mary, be-
tween sobs, Sbc was after all a sail-
or's slaughter... She was no drooping
lily. Jake grinned as he went back
A ch, age came over Mary. She
was less of ,the girl, more of the -wo-
man,' She accepted Drake's attitude,
and reciprocated to ae extent which
soon begun to Worry him, But ire re-
mained the courteous shipmaster, aloof
while on deck, warming always at
mealtimes, ever regatthul of her com-
fort and pleasures, contriving little,
attentions for het^ amusement; every
night he kissed her good night, every,
Morning a kiss: suca a kiss as a bro-
ther might give. She tried it out by
kissing her minor.
"•Net a bit different!" Lill told her
reflection. r.
She tli1 however, catch the ghost
of the ievel* ht turEciug ie his eyes
poli; times. Site, assumed a distant
air towards ,31111 that hurt' hint mere
than he dared . dmfs, 'Then his heart
shone from .his yes, 1r spite of him-
self, She always ,hoped, ,tut' when
the ship cleared the Indian Ocean and
le uttl1 eemain d rho=hosier, holding
the love; in eh tic she began to, un-
1iencl more I au.k•"ch Jake 'Stevens out
f sheet retaliatioin.
-''1nke had tvut•;':"d matt,•, •s ' keenly.
• P' LT1 C.laeL•. • >.
Taka 1 c p 'y.tter, s` ups flour, 1%
cups sugar, 1 cu() molasses, 1 cup
7 ri5elevate 4
mink, 4 el.;.s, 4 t a , o� ,
teaspoons ciri a amen,, 1 teaspoon all1-
spice, 1 teaspoon nutmeg Place I tea=
spoon.soda in molasses' to foam. Mix
btettet and auger together and cream.
Add eges,,au', spices,
hen the
lasses, soda and citron, lbs, raisins,
1 cup str,awee ries. , Coole for two
hours in a slaw ore..—M, V„ gyne.,
The season, of 1928: was n 00or one
for the collection or forest tree Seed
throu hr mit tee westeen, provinces, and
orders aeeelved by 111e Forest Service
of the 1501 1•trnent of rho' Interior,
Ottawa, Cor seed cmikl be tilled only
in part„
He was studiously resp'etfel,M, Drake,
No ship ever sailed the seas boasting.
a -better or more efficient chief mate.
And ho was polite and courteous to
Mary. Never more than that. Ile dill
not break any shill's rules, ;Only when
oil watch did he vent ul:.'.to epeak to
her un:.so she asked hire Jerrie, 11500
Lion. But"he'had found lieremore re-
sponsive as the days sped. They pass-
ed an ancient wltaleshiteitem after-
noon, and Jake, smoking his old pipe
in the waist, suddenly found Mary
beside him.asking a hundred questions.
The wialeship was hove to; three of
her swift, graceful`' whaleboats.. flew,
over the 'sparkling ocean in chase of a
small pod of cachalots,
"0h, vhat . ovely boater' she cried.
"And look how that old ship hrlds, the
sunlight. T thiught whaling was such
a 'dirty business,"
"You Mustn't go strong on appear-
ances, Miss Mary," Jake replied with
a laugh. .Then he went on to tell
her about whaling, and found her a
glowing, appreciative listenea. He
had never, even while he.wae captain
of. the Orontes coining out to the Cape,
seen her so warmly ager, The hot
tlood that had made hint snatch. her
to him once before almost overmaster-
ed him. now, .Bathe got a grip on
hirnself, at the expense of his pipe -
stem, • Be bit it through, and the pipe
fell to the deck
He gazed after, Mary as ,;he entered
the maindeck saloon door,, and a red
gleam lit behind his heavy blond
brows. Tony was there, The Doctor
looked guilty as the mate appeared in
the door, and tried to push Tony out.
But Tony was not to 'be'thrust out,
ulgnt yet Ilmm v out His back eyes
glittered as he regarded,.not vivid.
eypreS ion; the faint ipettfiume that
clung ' he la alwaye auou,cdnemor-
ics n hisI bran that set is blood to:
leen ng; flee through 01. 1 slater twist
in his nature Aiden l)rmiko held tr
the'rellgion of ditty t.o rightly that he
could even llytsidl ,+vel or at least
the outward ,expression oi,.,
Drab', 'as less• mdr'I;rato it his
reprimand of Steren5, 1113 words.
Stung so' that Stevens blazed forth` in
hut' rebcllu,n .
"Captain: 'no fault
to find with m3 ,10y1t, I helzo?"
"None, Mr, Stevens And'.ione with
your eloocluet 0x11001 lib;' won't
have the'oaueel 49' )he watgh leglee±•
ing his' duty ,:r.r any. 0asi:eirger i'
any nothing, now •.abs et the lateness
of the ho „
(To be continued',)
Preser-i>ag.'the T e3hs'
A "good'.eet l`•f teeth is a groat l)oltih
of beauty,'11 they belong by gift oO
1Sature to the person who wears'them.
it a girl has good teeth to 0111-
11391100 with, ,1 Is not difficult, to re=
ta!mm11101 beauty.. ' 13e this cannot
be clrate'by meads of the tooth -brush
alone. If Ole' health begins to deteri-
orate or get below liar, the teeth will
sutfer,'and if one little tick of•caries,
not bigger than a needle's point, gots
all 'opening through theenamel, it
will soon hollow .cut and deeper- the
whole. Then one bad tooth affects
the others, Beware tlieret'ore of the
first beginnings of de,,ny. Find' out
a. good dentist, and have' it remedied.
Dyspepsia has .mica to do with the
decay of teeth, so of course have .a
great ivany constitational.,and inherit-
ed disorders. Youmust be In per -
feat. health to have beautiful teeth,
and no amount of brushing and clean,•
ing will do any good- if the bleed be
impare. Indigestion renders ' it acid
and creates misohief, not in teeth. and
gums only, but. }1 tlu•oughuut the
body. One -of the biggest mistakes.
'eleeone can make Iles in ,lmagiatng
that external applications, or scrub-
bings with brush and power, are all
that is needed to preserve the appear-
ance of the teeth. If this brush' is
too hard and the powder of a gritty
natere.eit niay do much more harm
than good. I
When le a cup of tea not a cup of
tea? -'When it Is a little sweet.
Cyrano <xwees to VonIgib
9r OWraels face Lav
Taylin; 111 mw,d, 11net.s, t1)niplod pr
other -were; w,il beacolol•th Imo prolmibil
ed rn this city 3m the result or 511 or,
der isaecl' by Meyer Ra11111 3, Bauer.
Thee Mayor •instrtiotod tee police to
take thenaviesand eclat:ascii uf..nil
girio, liver twelve years old, 1h1)10
logs are exposed Iron ankle 10 ,above' the knee, and in umm, event 1 ho offona,
er refuses to give a pOlireehmm her
name and addeoes,.fhe Miler i • 111100^'
orders Lo take tier to the police ela-
OST people rely on "Aspirin.
to Snake short work of •their
headaches, but did you lcnoly it's
just as effective in the worse pains
front neuralgia or,neuritis? Rheu-
matic pains, too. Don't suffer when
Aspirin can bring such complete
comfort without delay, and without
hartu; it does not afect'the heart.
In every package of ;Aspirin you
will- find proven directions with
which everyone should be familiar,
for they can spare mttch needless
Anguli 1+ ,' =denture mcenstereo m unmet
—Good tight, my dear."
He was not on watch. He might hate
gone for the captain, but err for a
mere elute, The mate appeared not
to notice him.
"Doctor, give me that sheep pelt,"
said Stevens.
"It is not ready, Mister' Stevens,"
replied the DI•':tot•, Ha looted re-
lieved, -
"No%lar mind. Let me have it."
"It needs a lot o' fluffin out, sir,"
"I'll comb it. Give it to me"
The tone was deririve. Mr, Stevens
carried "aft the cleaned "arid scraped
sheepskin th..t had been 'in prepara-
tion for hitt, ever since the first sheep
was killed ott the outward passage.
It was soft and white, but the fleece
was still tangled in places. A cont
was trimmed by cutting cub teeth, and.
thereafter. for many Watches, Jake
Stevens tnight be seen painstakingly
Working over the sheepskin until it
was as free from tangle as a babes
head, soft as silk, and beautiful to
Then one afternoon when Drake
was in the chart -room, and Mary sat
at ' the saloon table writing in her
diary, Jake emerged softly from his
cabin, bearing the gift he had wrought
for her,
-"For lie?" she exelailned hi frank
surprise,: running her fingera'luxuri-
ously through the silky' fleeces. She
glanced up at him, lowered her gave
and the soft color stole over her face.
"It's beautiful," she said softly,, "I
ought not to let you give it to ane."
She Melted up the lissom pelt and
buried her face in it.
"I can't make you take it," he re -1
turned gruffly, "'Twouldn't do any_
harm,' though. Was a tine when you
were friendly, Mary," •
She did not see his face. She an-
swered !rite out, of the woolly depths:
etiOf cm;uree I'll Saesla it, irate, I'm
wore than grateful. Ani please don't
speak that: way about being rriendly.
Of course we're. friends You're one
of the --blest frien,I$ 1 have.'
Jnkc -teed his watch That evening
1.111) :r i warmer thrill n n -breast,
,end a tright r glce,ni in his eyes.
By some of taus« mysterious chan-
nels that tlwayseeein open Lo gossip,
Drake heard that Mary hacl .remained
on doer until midnight with the mate.
ile. media- reproved her. Ii s voice
was so low and stndly that she wadi-
-ed 1`tdlvtu'ds Kiril, llel1evirp flirt he
8 For
` g Well. Balanced. Diet
Yon will be well repaid
ewy son
g o
thanks if you see to t et the seed you give rimis
'Brodc s t selection of the world's choicest seeds in well
hila cet pprrer;.
Aros preferred by Breeders and yanciers rl knod
its value, And to a srJpackage f Brook's, Bird Seed -!s a
cake of1s �d Tieat—a valuable tonne to keep your
bird n prl1eonttiei.
Why not sOnd for free s.^0iple, and note how it improved
the P umage, softs and vitality of ygur pet.
7lddiass;yotrr request:Foe,,
I•TIC7•TO0 ON021 Gt BR, Stec —Toro aglYo
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about Ounadian Government Aunuitica.
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Print Clearly
Highest grade Toilet
Tissue. Served from
„handsome, compact fixe
tore ---a sanitary, dust.
proof Cabinet available
In nickel or porcelain
A fu l weight
Roll o quality
`1" sst e---yoo
slicers of soft,
Sa a 'a do i t4r.
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u Ail'et7"as�ley
b tame
Make a practiccof buying.
your Tissue by name:
Say "Eddy Tissue' . and
you are certain to get a
safe, sanitary paper, a big
value roll. - - -
Eddy Tissue is always
soft, . always chemically
pure, always up to that
fine standard which makes
an Eddy Roll woltthy, of
the well appointed bath,
TH2 2. a. EDAV CO. LTD.,
A snowy, white
Tissue. In
wrapped, dust.
proof Molls of
atistoe)at of
I oilei Tissue
. Completely wrap• ,
ped Rolls. ),coo
streets, full comet'. 41
t )e t iii
4.0 u `rdi
, value
t rue'
'Eddy line, San.
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Roll, g