HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-09-26, Page 8T'HE CLINTON-NEWS 'REC'ORD • Lip ° N '&F1AINNG JE1'PHIER;)' STORE U'E:,LOOK YOU ST AXCJ T INT 'TIE EYE All popular models 'in high' quality glasses. Special prices bn. for one week only. 'Why let poor glasses,not properly fitted, give you wrinkles? We test your eyes free of charge. R. H. JOHNSON Distributor > for Clinton Graduate of Opetry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next tHoomoey's Drug Store $24 Tailored to Measure Is the Price of a Tip Top Suiit, or Top Coat Tip Top Clothes offer you the opportunity to practice thrift and at the same time secure the ut- most in clothes value offered in Canada today. The new woolens are more wonderfully design- ed than ever and embrace cloths from the finest looms, imported direct from- the great mills of Eng- land and Scotland. May we show* you the new ranges? A glance through our complete Autumn and Winter` Fashion portfolio will unfailingly disclose" the style you have in mind. .New Fall and Winter Samples Now Ready You are Cordially invited to inspect Them. Plumsteel Bros. Every Garment Custom Tailored 1 Everything for the PRESERVING SEASON Jars, rubbers, parawax, sealing wax, lids, glasses everything you need in order to make your preserving' this year a wonderful success. Put up your preserves now • and have 'delightful desserts all winter. "Where (Quality .is as Represented" THE t. & S GROCERS Select Your New FALL HAT ete Here For the Utmost in Smartness,:N Our Fall display includes hats that reach the very peak of exclusive individuality and newness. Come here and see hats such as have never been seen be- fore, at prices lower by far than you would judge. Entrancing in there simplicity, colorful, chic, these hats will tempt you to purchase two instead of one. But whether you plan to purchase one, two or none, come in and see them anyway! DAVIS & HERMAN LONDESBORO Rev, and Mrs. Forrester spent several days last week with relatives in Sarnia. They wee accompanied by Miss Mabel Harvey. Mr. A. Jamieson, also Miss Jam- ieson attended the Conservative con- vention which was held in Hensall on Monday. They were accompanied by Xes. M. Ross, Mrs. Townsend and Mr. J. Budded. :Mr. and Mrs. Ross of London spent a pleasant day last Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Vodden. They also visited the home of Mr, and Mics. Howard Shobbrook. leas. J. D. Elsley, spent last 1Veon- day in London. Mh. and Mrs. Stevens .of. Seaforth were guests of the letter's parents, Mr,,. and Mrs. J. Nott., last Wednes- day. Mr. and *Mrs. Young of Carlow were guests at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. R. Townsend on Sunday, , 14r. and Mrs, T. Longman of the 136 spent last Friday in' Goderich, Miss O, Lyon, who has spent sev- eral weeks with her sister, Mrs. Ker- slake of near Exeter, has returned home. The TThited Chureh intend' holding their annual fowl supper at Thanks- gioing time. Il/r. and Mrs. Jinn McCool spent last Wednesday in London. While there they tobk.in the banquet which` was tendered by :the whslesale house- people to their travellers and ' cus- tomers. Misses lblleCurder of Wingham spent the weekeend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. IdeGrea, Mrs, 1bZaCrea took in the Fair at ?Belgrave .on Tuesday. COLBORNE Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon from down South are visiting the latter's brother and sister, Mr. John Flick and Miss Agnes Pride, Maitland con- cession. The first snow of the season fell on Wednesday morning of last week. Mr. Edward Masker) is erecting a cement silo this week. Mr. Thomas Wilson is building it, together with other assistants in doing the work. eft.. Wm. Watson is having his outer buildings painted this week. The U. F. 0. met at Wingham on Friday to discuss putting a candidate in the field in North Huron in the coming election and decided against it. It is said that they illustrated the three parties as just like three straws of different lengths the shortest straw being represented by the U.F.O. Mr. George leaegan lost his dapple grey team last week, caused as the result of eating a bag of seed wheat which had been left: where they could get at it. Pupils of S. S. No. -1 did not re- main at school Monday morning ow- ing to the non-apeparance of their teacher, Miss Walsh, who was ex- pected at 9 a.m, front London, where she , spent the week -end. Silo filling has begun again on the division line and eighth concession. A large number are suffering from colds this week. - We are glad to report that Miss T. IL Wilson is feeling (better again. Piw. Mr. Moss gave an interesting talk about his work• and customs of the North West -near Edmonton, at Benmiller church on .Sunday.A large audience "greeted and inspired the speaker to no small- extent-, Oo ousekeepirt 1s the Favorite s Magazine Because • it brings the seryiee.•of experts inall branches :of their home making and provides the' equivalent: of a library of the best new reading. •It has deliglotful serials, brilliant short'. stories and fdatures by disting- uiohe'd authors. It's department of Cookery publishes .thrifty menus` and many delicious new recipes by Good Housekeeping Institute. It has fash- ion illustrations reproducing the favored modes. Dressmaking instr- uction and needlework designs. The department -of decorations will help to makeyour home more convenInt and beautiful. The - finincial section tells ' you how to look after your money and also a splendid helpful hearth and beautysection and gives Particularattention to , the care and training of Children. • IT IS ON OUR NEWSTAND MON- THLY AT THIRTY-FIVE CENTS THE COPY Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best & Ill innlrn r nppp j ip 4/ Mrs. G. E. David. is visiting Windsor and Kingsville friends. Miss Ruby V. Irwin made a business trip to Toronto last week. Mrs. Frank Dixon and Miss Helen visited with Seaforth relatives re- cently. Mrs. Ed. Nickle and little Miss Shir- ley have been visiting IKitchener friends. IVlessra. Earl Crich and Frank Mute): were with, Detroit friends over the week -end- Mrs. -(Dr.) Hearn and children are visiting with' the lady's parents in Hamilton. Misses Margaret Cudrnore and Dor- othy Manning are attending Strat- ford Normal., Mrs, 'Brudgenan of Chesley is vis- iting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. Wondorf, Misses Nellie Fear, Amy Parsons and ITazel Watkins are also attend- ing Stratford Nortn'al:: Mr. Roy -Chowen, spent the week -end -at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Chowon Mrs. H. A: Steven of Tot•ont'e- visit- ed her: mother, Mrs. C.' He Bart - lift, -during the past week. ' ' Miss Jean Fraser left on Monday to resume her studies at the University of Toronto. , Mr. Garnet VanHorne has returned to Toronto to resume his studies at the College of Pharmacy. Mr. C. J. Wallis, who has spent •the past few weeks at his home here, left Monday on another .business trip. Miss Evelyn Hall left Monday morn- ing for Toronto, where she is commencing a course at the Uni- versity. Mr, and 'Mrs. W, S. Paisley and sons of Toronto were in town over the week -end with the former's moth- er, Mrs. W. J. Paisley. Mrs, Sarah .Ford and Miss Foster spent a few days last week as the guests of their sister, Mrs. 11. Diehl of Stanley township, Mrs. C. F. Linton and Mrs. G. H. Barr of Toronto visited over .,. the week -end at the home of their father, Ma. Fred Lockwood. Miss Bessie Sloman returned to. New' York this. week after a holiday spent .at her home in town and a trip 'to the Canadian west. Mrs. Eva Schiele and son Fred of Pontiac, 9/Eich„ visited for .a few hours with Mrs. Ford and her sig ter, Miss Foster, of .town one day last, week, Misses F. Burke, E. Rowland, M. Powel, Mrs, Strange and Mrs, Ball motored up front' St. Thomas and (spent Sunday as the guests of 'Miss Hattie Courtice. Mr. and wry. Peter Gardiner,:who d in Clinton for the past six or eight months and who have made many friends here, left yesterday for London, where they will take up residence. Mr, and Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes, Mr, and • Mrs. G. H. Elliott and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha attended the ban - (met tendered to Hon. G. Howard Ferguson at the Royal Yorke Tor- , onto', last Thursday evening, Miss Vera Mooney of London was the guest of • her cousin, Miss Madeline . VanHorne), over the week -end, having come up to 'be present et the Silver Wedding an- niversary of Mr ` and Mrs. Van - Horne, Dr. and Mrs. Elliott of Denver, Col., former) 'of l yBrucofne d, visited Dr. Gunn of town last week. Drs. Gunn and Elliott were"partners at Brucefield as young mere for a few years after their graduation in medicine, :,• Il THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 26, lefa CLING ;9 B16 CORNER GROCERY.. BIG 25 c E IEND IELLSALIO'KLR IAssorted Biscuits,' 6 for .........25c . 'Sliced Pineapple, 2 for .. , . ,..., 25c Bulk Soap Chips, 2 lbs 25c Co'anfort` Soap,. 5 for 25c Crest Castile Soap, 8 for ' 25c Fresh delicious. Peas, No. 4 2:for . 25c IBaked. Beans, 2 for 25c Cream Cheese, 2 for 25c Rice Krispies, 2 for 25c Sardines, 4 tins . 25c Corned Beef, lb. 25c Bacon, sliced 0/2 ib.) 25e Tapioca, 2 lbs. 25c SEPTEMBER 27th to OCTOBER 5th ` WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR 25c" Schneider's Sausage , 25c Soda Biscuits, 2. pkgs. 25c Icing: Sugar, 3 lbs. 25c Yellow Sugar, 4lbs,. 25c Granulated Sugar, 4 lbs. 25c" Chocolate Bars, 7 for . - 25e Rubber Rings, 4 doz. 25e Carnation Milk, 2 for 25c New Cleanser, 5 for 25c (While they last) Good Rice, 4 lbs. 25c Tomatoes, 2 tins, small 25c Libby's Mustard, prepared, 2 for 25c Tapioca, 2 lbs., . 25c Weiners, per 1b. 25c Rice, 4 lbs. 25c Bowes' Baking Powder ..,.,..... 25c (equal 35c) Fancy Biscuits, pkg. 25c ' JELLYtPOWIDEL ra- 4 Packages 25c BIG PEACH WEEK NOW ON. All Fruits and Orders $1000 and upwards, Delivered during this Sale' Bologna per lb 25c Fresh Pickled Hams lb, 25c ISherriff's Marmalade 16 oz. 23e ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER Rinse 2 for 19e• Rideau Hall Cheese 19c 3 Palmolive Soap 23e 4 Bars Sunlight Soap 21e Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. GOODS I Cash and Carry DELIVERED 10e .T. Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p.m. NEIL4 Phone WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS PRIC " E PREVAILS .� Fowl Supper In Town Hall under the auspices of the Clinton Hospital Board October loth 5 to 8 p.m. EUCHRE: 8:30 DANCING Up -to -elate Orchestra 32-3. Tea and Baking Sale The W. M.. S. of Wesley -Willis United church intend holding a tea and sale of homemade baking in the lecture room of the church on the afternoon of Friday, Sept. 27th From 8:36 to 6 o'clock Drop in and have„a cup of tea and look over the new, elmeelie You will made welcome. ' 32-2, Templeton Moore IT: i Tenor In' Scottish and Irish Ballads and Operatic Reportoire TOWN HALL, CLINTON Mon. Sept. 30 at 8.15 Assisted by CLEDA HALLOTT Dramatic Reader JOE EMAIOTT Comedian PEARL KENDRICK Concert, Pianist and Accompanist Admission: All seats, 50c. including tax. 32-2. AUPITRN At a meeting of the Board of Management of Knox United Church Idst week it was decided to mnder- take the complete redecorating and renovating of the basement of the church. The contract has been let to Mr. D. Kay of 'Clinton and the work is to be done before the anni- versary services on October 20th Mrs, Donald Patterson has donated a new set of artificial palms for the pulpit platform of the Church, The sacrament of Baptism will be ad- ministered in Knox United Church next Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs, Ingram of Goderich visited at the home of Mr. and Mi•s, Geo. Bean on Sunday last. Mr. Stephen Medd of Woodstock ;spent the week -end With his parents here. Harvest Home Services were held 'in St. - Mark's Anglican church Sun- day last, Rev. J. N. Mills'of Gode- rich was the speaker for the day. Both morning and (evening services were well attended. ' Mr. Chao. Asquith is busy these days repairing theevaporator. lie expects a big run this year and will start next week. . Mee Jerry Taylor is building noment foundation under his „house this week.' Messrs. Earl” and k'renk Raithby :Filled their silos this week, taking Advantage of the fine Weather, BLYTH: Among the young peo- ple from town and. vicinity attending educational institutions are: Miss Jean Laidlaw, London Normal; Mis- ses Nellie Fear and Stella Richmond, Stratford Normal; Lois Rtebinson, Clinton Collegiate and Ernva Les- lie, School of Commerce, Clinton. THE KIDDIES KNOW SNOWFLAKE BREAD IS SO GOOD They like it for Lunch- es as well as at every Meal Baked Fresh and Sup- plied from your Grocer or our wagon Wendorf's Bakery MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD Coal Coal ANTHRACITE, SOLVAY COKE NUT AND FURNACE Also Range size Coke, Alberta Coal and Miller's Creek Soft Goal We carry the above coal in stock. W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 46j The Stove Season is at hand ' ......-,a*Nerpeorr.0.1.1113,19 Get yours early and have full advantage of it this fall See our new all -enamel Masterpiece at a right price. Also the newCirculators. Just the thing for the cold evenings. We also carry Clare Bros. line, the Jewel Stove and Resters, Call i><'x any time and get prices . and see aur lines. `:W rr i HARDWA1IE and PLUMBING Phone 244 F A L The tine when you are gathering in for the long winter months. Why not include some real comfortable Furniture to help snake these long nights more cozy and enjoyable. We are specializing with a large and 'up-to-date stock of Ches- terfield suites and occasional chairs, made by the best firms in Can- ada. Call and see them. , We are also showing .a large stock of Fibre Furniture in 3 - piece suites, rockers, chairs and tables, these will all be reduced in price so here is a chance to save some good money. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Our stock of the celebrated Beach Foundry stoves is the largest that wo ever carried in all their newest styles including Ranges, Heaters and Furnaeettes. You aro sure to be satisfied with these stoves. Come in and see the new Instant Lighting Lamps and lanterns, the very latest improvements. Servo new ventilated screens for fall and winter use. Enjoy the fresh air and keep out of the draft. Sonic real bargains in Weather Stripping, etc. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORES WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 1t1 BLUE AND WHITE STORE Clinton, Sept. 26, 1929. DEAR FRIENDS:— We RIENDS:—We are now introducing to you one of the most Modern Chain organizations in Canada one -that we can say that is purely Canadian organization cal- led Superior Chain Store. And more than that, - is that this store is 'absolutely managed:, and owned by a Clinton boy. One who has proven that he has appreciated the trade which he has been given in the past four years of the Grocery business by entering this organization to give you; the most moderate price and best service.: We invite you to come in and look over our stock and note the prices'we have to offer both on our shelves, and on the, hand bills which you have already received. Yours very truly, L. LA SON Use your phone WHERE QUALITY MEETS' PRPCE Free Delivery BETTER BUILDING BARGAINS Lumber and Builders Supplies at, Mail Order Prices..�.._ special for September Ti or as McKenzie Estate, Phone 88 Everything in Builders' Supplies