HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-09-26, Page 3YOUNG CALF BREEDERS AT'SHgRBROOKE FAIR To the competitions in swine breeding and judging initiated among farm boys and girls a few years ago by W. D. Robb, vivo -President of the Canadian Natioual Rattwaye'-in charge of colonization and agriculture, have•now been added competitions for young breeders i f calves, Winning the prizes offered by-. Sir Henry Thornton, by Robb and by Dr. W. S. Black, director of colonization and agriculture for the railway means nruch to the boys and gills but the competitions are also important in the improvement' of :methods of agriculture. This year the champion calf breeders of the Province of Quebec were: Emile Petit and Irenee Rouiilard of Waterville. They will rereseet their province at the winter Fair at Toronto in November: They are -shown on the 'right of the photograph. On the left is a photograph of dr. Robb with: Beatrice Tuttle, Ncrth 11atley, -P.Q., who exhibited calves at the provincial exhibition at Sherbrooke. The top photograph shows Dr. Elea,' P. M. April, agronomist, Mr. Robb, and Narcisse Prudhome, Tabien and Henri Trenblay, of the county of Chateauguay, who won, at Sher- brooke, the Sir Henry Thornton trophy for the three best calves. Medical Ocers Are Hard rked Or Some Are, Through Ignor- ance and Lacke'of Sympa- thetic Assistance— 'County Health Units' Needed By DR. BATES GORDONR (General Secretary, Canadian Social Hygiene Council.) century A.D. are -startlingly—I was going to say maliciously ignorant, and saturated with prejudices regarding sanitation and social hygiene", writes, Senator Dr. Gustave Lacasse, Medical Officer of •Health, Tecunis$b and (Oast Sandwich, in the current issue of the current issue of the Canadian Public Health Journal. "For instance, haven't yea often heard something like'this from :us interested neighbor? "These quarantine laws are nonsense, at anything I never c ah a Y g anyway,"or, "You say it's whooping cough, measles, 'flevre rouge', well, be is bound to have it any way and he might just as well Meets has been said, recently, abOltt have it naw and be done with it", and the total inadequacy of the public agahl, after death has stiffened those `math service of Cmna's rural areas. poor little limbs and deposited its icy All over rural Canada, peopleare c1y- !ties on those purple lips "The clam- ing unnecessarily ---dying yeara ahead tor says it was too late' for that serum of tlteh time of diseases which could to take effect .... Duals! those allots be prevented. Large rittes. with their are no gt od anyway. You know there competent, well -staffed heelth depart- is always something left in the system meets have so redueod death -rates that after that, Ivies. SO -and -sees baby there ate many diseases, almost ma was even killed by it last year. 13e ono solid piece, weighing 67,000 lbs: known in those cities, which still eon- cheerful my dear friend, tbat is one This great Casting, which is usually Linea to take as heavy toll in rural mare little angel in heaven—mid you made up of a number of massive sec• parts as they did fifty years ngo,time hotted together, tastes In the have enough Rids loft anyway',—slut Typhoid fever, for example, is virtual- 00 00, and so on indefinitely." cylinders, math frames, and all cross• ly.unknowu in the city of Toronto, but Any( ne who bas had much to do ties, and achieves far greater eigitlity all over' the Canadian coentryside - with public health realizes only too than is otherwise attained." well that the Senator's summing-up " ' aipqq1t��,tqytgr,.p}pt of the public attitude toWards health �� It BAB 'pYE l A and slekness is all too true of all too E.N �[� iia large a section of the public. But he has, furthermre, some scathing things to say about a small minority in the medical profession. . "Sometimes," Dr. Lacasse continues, The happy mother Is the one whose "opposition (to the medical health de- babyling le well -it the laughing, smg- partment) also come from " the other baby who always brings joy to doctor", and that is most unfortunate. the house. When baby Is ill everyone The Director le Boucher, the City Department I ntbe home suffers—not only through ci HealthHealthof Montreal, Dr. S1 wover the little one but through gave out, a statement to the press lose ort' of sleep—no one can rest with a sometime ago in which he says: "Ttooore• step baby in the home. Thousands. many doctors (3n Montreal) tail of mousers are happy mothers because port cantagt, us diseases as required they have found the way to keep their little Ones well—or if sickeess does come on suddenly, as it usi1a113' (lees with littel ones, they have found the way to speedily bring the babY back to health again. Mrs. George Rech, Lindberg, Alta„ la ono of Hisao moth - A Huge Casting With regard to the enterprise of the Canadian Pacific Railway for emigra- tion, the latest and most efficient equipment is evidently to be a fea- ture, the Morning Post Montreal cor- respondent writes:— "The largest and most powerful type of locomotive ever built in the Empire is being put into service bY the Canadian Pacific Railway. "Thewill be used to engines new e ng haul fast freight and passenger trains_ through the Rocky Mountains ,and each of them will be able to do the work of two or more lighter locomo- tives. "Each engine and tender measures over all 298 feet and weighs' 750,000 lbs., 78 times heavier than Stephen - son's Rocket locomotive. The cylind- ers are 2614 inches in diantoter and the stroke is 32 Inches, Their oyliu• dens and underframes Are oast 113 In the smaller urban Centres, it takes Its annual toll of lives. Of course, the remedy for this is in- creased expenditure on health in those vast, neglected areas. "County Health "Units", small, full-time, efficient public health departments, similar to those of big cities, should replace the present system o!_,part-time, underpaid, unsup- ported county medical health officers, Many responsible organizations have recently passed, resolutions favoring this reform. din to the time .0f writ- ing riting the most recent were the United Farmers of Alberta and the United Farm Women of Alberta, wherever these county healtb units have been or- ganized—notably In Quebec — they, have succeeded beyond the wildest dreams, in saving life and preventing sickness.' Death -rates have been ham• mered down, anti the untold economic waste ' of unneoessaty sickness and premattir'e death has been striking- ly reduced. But this .article, which has become very -much, like a Condemnation Of a system, started out to be a defense of an individual—or rather, a group of individuals. I refer to the pres- sent county medical officers of healtb, Much has been said or the "inadequacy of the present system; little has been said ofthe tremendous difficulties Confronting the many conscientious, Intelligent county Medical Officers of Health who are striving, against over- whelming odds, to protect people who in many cases are indifferent to pro. tecti0n, against diseases which they frequently look upon as inevitable. "Too many people, even in thlg 20th it becomes to see the need' of it, - —• MOILER IS HAPPY Is your daughter enjoying life? -TT is, just in her `°teen age" that a girl should be getting the most fun out,of life !-Yet so often it happens that girls of sixteen - to - twenty have outgrown their strength --are quicklytired, pale, nervous, generally run- down and unhappy These are sure signs of anaemia, a condition - that results from thin, worn-out, under -nourished blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have corrected this in thousands of girls. Here is the actual experience of Mrs. ;Ben Nicholas of Erieau, Ont. • t1My daughter was in a rundown state. She was easily tired and did not wish to associate with others. As this Was unnatural, I began giving her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and they soon made a strong healthy girl of her. Now she is as happy a girl as one would wish to see." Start your daughter on this proven treatment now by buying Dr, Williams' Pink Pills at your druggist's or any dealer in medicine or by' mail, 30 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., . Brockville, Ont. 1.35 Dr:Wilharni PIL V S •'A HOUSEHOLD NAM2 1N DA COUNTRIES" Owl -.L ifs • About the only thing we know of to Ito with 0111. modern young people 10 to.. let therm 'grow up. Is 'any feeling finer, than that which comes from doing a• Bard job Barrien larly well? , You may be sure your secret 011333 will one day become •public gossip. Even flattery can be irritating when all instalment collector aid a bond. :salesman call at the same time, "What was Noah's surname?" "Sark, of 'course. Haven't you ever heard of Noah Sark? "It is MY geese that some of those women who have bought dresses on the instalment plan 'ought to go bak and get a raw more instalments be- fore Woarin' 'Ste in public." "How old are you, my little man?" »I dont know. Mother was twenty- six when I was born,abut now she's only_twenty-four." Secret Passage In Fleet Street 11e used to rise at' half past eight, To get the milk, but then, • Her• daughter brings it in with her now, As she is gettin' in. Farmer Jenkins made his way into the :village post oface, which also was the general store. • "Anything fon' me?" he inquired of the postmaster. The -other raked over a few parcels and letters, but found nothing. "Don't see. nothing;' . he saki. "Did ydu expect something?" "Yos,' answered the farmer. "I was expecting a card from Aunt Jenny, tellin me when she's comin'." 'Hannah," called the postmaster to his wife, "seen a card from .Mr. Jen- kins Aunt Jenny?" "Yes," came the prompt reply. "She's coming down Tuesday." Rube stood looking at the A.D." on the corner stone of an old building. Finally he muttered to, himself that he guessed it must mean "All Done!' London, Antiquarians are trying to solve the mystery of a curious cel- lar and secret passage which has just been unearthed by the demolition of an old building at the corner of, Hang- ing Sword Alley and Whitefriars Street, off Fleet Street. Five small arches in a brick wall lead to the cellar, which has a low vaulted brick roof with a span of about 10 feet, and is reached by walk- ing down some 20 feet of low passage. Until recently the premises above the cellar were occupied by a 'firm of builders. "We knew of the existence of the cellar, but there was no access to it"a member of the firm told a reporter. "It is supposed to have been occu- pied at one time by a clerk who aug- mented his income at night by bodY anatebing and used the cellar as a temporary mortuary. There was a burial ground near by, so that the cellar would have been a convenient headquarters: "Until quite recently parties of Americans used to be conducted round the premises, and in addition to being told this story, they were shown a stain on the stairs said to have been made by the blood of a murdered man!" ,. Such stories are quite possible in the light of the history at "Alsatio," as the district around Whitefraire was called in the seventeenth and eigh- teenth centuries, when it was the privileged sanctuary .of a notorious gang of cut-throats. Another suggestion Is that the cel lar was part of the Whiterriare mon- astery, which existed near the spot, Constant daily testing- and blending of the vyo!ld's ciioiceoi ' teas give Red Rose Tea is inimitable flavor arid;Beller-varying , goodness. L� very, package guatai teed. ea; 66 ost is x+1 RED ROSE O'°: ANGE - PEKOE is'eitira ®aadt Gr nd 1other • I Classified Advertisements SITUATIONS VACANT Ord] h ]] tiVANT1ID ememib I see it now as in those oarly the house colnmodious and c0 able;; set in the midst of a lawn of shrubbery,. rioting in al the grandeur of its' nativo freedom. And :through- QUICK. MO �,� NT er' l�.t pay, easy work, Earn while earn 'Americanet plan,leworlas moststenab e barber 5011001 system- Write or call immediately for free catalogue. M01er Barber College, 121, Queen West, Toronto, days, mfort by provincial laws and city ordin- ances, This non-compliance is i11 some cases prompted_ by considera- tions of pecuniary interest and fear of being dismissed by the family con- cerned." In spite of the fact that this declaration created quite a .stir ere and she wrlto Ise follows:—"I air anon; some members of the Quebec rho happy another of • n seventeen - medical fraternity I maintain that it rttonth•old baby gm. Baby is healthy Short dresses make men more polite. You seldom see a man get on a street car ahead 60 one. stamps out also 80130 Ontario physl and strong anis stoeps well at night, I Glans under their true calors," give her iso other medicine hut Baby's Truly the lot of the county Medical Own Tablets and she just loves them, Officer of "health is a hard and thank- I am never 'Wit110111 the Tablets In the less one, and the average citizen mane, should remember that he is, in most Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but cases, striving to do his best with thorough laxative which regulate the totally inadequate machinery, and in bowtlis; sweeten thee -stomach and the face of tacit of support; and even thus drive out constipation and inch• resistance, et which that ,avorage gestion and make the cutting of teeth citizen has little cognizance.. teasy: They are sold by medicine ileal- over Isere live, and they will go back Stop Colds with Minard's Liniment. era or by mail at 25 cants a box from and tell the people of their native land This will baa valuable contra a grape arbor is the view of my mother's garden—old-fashioned, use- ful, anti beautiful --wit ha walk run' „I rim (tune convinced that my ar- ning through the center dividing the menta ape correct,"said an e tcnest well -kept beds of healthy vegetables go from the vivid colors of the fragrant 'inan: "Well," repliedhis friend, "it's a pod ' start. You've got one man converted, anyhow!" Browne Do you batmen to know anybody- who has got' a car for sale?" Smith: "Yes; I should think Jenkins bas." "What makes you think Jen- kinsbas one for sale?" "I sold him mine yesterday." Kill that corn with Minard's Liniment First Farmer—How's your son get- ting along in the city? Second Farm- er -Ob, just fine! He's already os the pool coninittee of his club.. 4V0 -STIDAM 'PUHIPS, 1N P131RF1'500 Room 9tlon, terga depev1tYWatkins, Room 921, 73 Adelaide St West Toronto. ,19-� 3s_ Yn cheap,, up 13011011, ;na0 1100 921 73 Adelalda..Street Went Toronto: Meet the Wife! - She's ,a'nice little wife, she's the spice of my life, A sweet little treat and a wonder to woo Capriciously pretty, deliciously Itly, And skittishly willing to bill and to coo! Gowers on the other side.. No weeds were allowed to thrive there, and when we as chiles:en walked along those: garden paths unconsciouslythe harmony there displayed entered our heart's. • The home was built .at the edge of a grove'. which sheltered it on two sides and was a veritable forest or en- chantment to us as children, giving us a wonderful playground where our childish imagination. could revel un- checked. We made companions of the birds and squirrels, grew to,ltnow as no city child aver can the time of leafage and blossoming of the trees. Wild fruits and nuts were there in abundance and in the springtime the fragrance of the grove rivaled my motbers' garden. Our playhouse was built under the wide -spreading branch- es of the big hawthorn tree. Could any playhouse have a more alluring setting with the grove for a back- ground an dos our outlook the meadow with its bloom of wild flowers and a road which curves and winds on its way to the (louse. The road was bor- dered by a luxuriant growth of wild roses and hazel, and crossed by a clear little brook beautiful in the sunshine ever luring our little bare feet to wade in its shallow depths. What wonders that home held for us, so near to na- ttn•e's heart, so far from temptation. As children we learned willing obedience and respect for oar elders and I cannot conceive or anyone grow - Ing up in that environment being other than law abiding.—From Manuscript Stanfield. Notes .or Elizabeth Rly pert little potter, no flirt or go- ketter Can dirtily hoax her or coax her away, Deceive ' n She'll cleave ver! me? no e to me ever, Just pleasingly squeezing, and teasing to stay! So singing and sunny, no stinging for money, The bliss of my mischtevous kiss is her fee, She never acts funny,' my sweet sunny honey, Her measure of pleasures is treasur- ing me. She never gets snooty when I pet a beauty, It's odd, bet she's broad as the deuce in her view, She follows suggestions without any questions, I feel that she's really too good to be true! Valuable Education Windsor Border Cities Star (Ind.) : Scholarships for grocers' apprentices in England will be granted by the Canadian Department of Trade and Conunerce. It is rather a unique idea, but there are distinct possibilities in the pian, possibilities that will re dotund to the beueflt of both Canada and the Motherland. Those boye will - be brought to this country, where they will spend two weeks en a tour de- signed to better fit thorn for their life Work. Still greater than this, they will learn at first hand how the people Forever careessive, and sive, I mean she's serene as throne, She's a Bear and a Wow, such a fair little Frau— y gad, it's too bad that she isn't my owns A man was told by his doctor that if he laughed fifteen minutes every day before meals his condition would improve. One day, ip a restaurant, while hav- ing his laugh, a man at the opposite table walked over and said angrily: "What are you laughing at?" "Why, I'm laughing for my liver," he replied. "Well, then," said the other, "I guess I had better start laughing also. I or- dered loin half an hour ago." never distres- a queen on a The mora crmpletely pravent.ive. The --Del. Wtlilanis' Medicine Co., button to the better understanding and worst is carried on tile n1000 difficult Brockville, Ont, • sympathy that are so much needed. pF MAcv�`0 For duo ttoo�Acid INDIGESTION ACID 0M13 ufat tinADAcH6 GASfe-"AVSCA, a Yes, It Is French Guide -"What do you think of thatimmense tower over there?" American -"it's quite an Eiffel!" Tlie,Chlnese arerentarttable for the witty aphorisms; with which= they adorn tbei'• conversation very aptly: Ilere a few collected by Dern A Personal 1Vlattee —In one of the Lancashire town the candidate for Parliamentary honors was addressing a rather large meeting. An unruly member of the audience, atter asking a number of ridiculous questions and causing considerable annoyance, asked, "Do you really think all wo- men should havo a vote?" "Certain- ly," replied the candidate. "You think idiots are able to vote, then?" "Don't answer him," roared the crowd. "Yes" replied the candidate. "I think I will answer him, because he appears to bo personally interested." Letting the Cat• Out of the Bag The expression "letting the eat out of the bag" is. of nautlal origin, When punishment by, the use of the cat- o'-nine-tails was -aboliehecl; the "eat" was placed' in a canvas bag anis its use became an Infraction of the law. Hence. the meaning. that when the 'cat" was taken from tiro bag trouble This is the Merger. Age Toronto Telegram (tad. Cons.): That the Beattharnois power -project should become part of a Quebec light, heat and power merger is only natural. Por this is the merger age. Big bust- noss is reaching out and killing. com- petition by absorpllion. So much so that one authority fears that we are in darlger of becoming a nation of salary drawers rather than a people who live by individual enterprise, If Canaria is to become a nation of. sal- ary drawers, their savings will go' in- to the banks and be used for creating yet more mergers. Of oouree, any merger' of. power and utility com- a must be "largely confined to territories. east of the°Ottawa River so 'long- as public ;0wnersltip survives in Ontario and the West. But holy long w111 public •ownorsllip survive if e e ale the savings of the West creep into Inge: —"A master of idols is never an would entitle: banns to add • more -power to the mer - Idolater," "No incite is sharp at _ ._ gerunakers who dwell in the Bast? bath ends." "Hs who rides op u Minard's Liniment—The,King of Pain. Yesterday, 14Trs. Cooker traded in tiger call 110ver dismount." ''When a (her soal aye, an electric tr a edave, • neighbor is in Your fruit orchard, in. Excited ,..gent, in„ stand, looking attention is the truest form of polite. nese." "Do not i'emnove'a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet." "Free sitters grumble most at a pray." What most edople call indigestion is One tastelegs spoonful in water nese.'nl7veiyono pushes. usually excess acid in the etomaacli. T1net,e14ees many times its 130111010 in acid. Ono dog baths li i -with no a falling fence." Iu food has soured. The.. instant remedy ' is an alkali which neutralizes ae,,ids; helps. p - Ilso hat rude. w ' use c But don't a ie. your doctor would dv s The best help is Phitfills' Milk of Magnesia. For the alio years since its invention it has;, remained.. standard with P10Ysic1e +1d', You will tnd:notlling else so ' jejt in its effett,'so •harmless, J so 0;etlent. "One at , nothing and the The results aro iinnleL a e, t rest bark .at 111im." "You .can't clap bad after effects, Ones_ you learn chis 1 your helots with otic palm:' fact, you will never ileal with excess rn .vas.. Go lea .I .crude � Y k • ht - 0Y "it'hln suets acid in the 131I1=Wh,1, 451ft1it�'s'yo t nolo—why Phis method is sellresee. i bail[liugs are of so much horror 0011 - Bo sure to get the genuine' Mattes',' srueti.on than the .modern • homes? Mille of"Magnesi'4p't»d etib'0d ily pltysi- ,lith•—W011, for one thing they've last - clans fos• 10 -years it 'correcting 0hcess od longer. acids. Each bottle coetaili0 full diroc- ,;h tions—any drugstore., Minard's t-1nl'mert—Used for 50 years through glasses; "They're off!" Tem "barreesed friend "Don't be silly, old man; the race; is won." Excited gent: "I'm "talking, o0 the bookies," Ask Your Barber -11e Knows FOR THE HMR Astonished Friends gasped, We thought you were a rooter for the old-fashioned coal range," Mrs. Cooker replied: "I was, and ani. But I was the. only coal -range' owner in the neighborhood. And ev- ery cry clay one of the neighbors brought in a kettle of something 'that ;must boil a long time , and 'asked ..me to c room o much r as 1 had s cook it for. he an top, of my stove. Besides, it kept her electric .bill dOwiL -'I didn't mind letting them use the space, but every day one of those aline 'women ;et oked, 1 -SUE 'N o. 39-829 cabbage." • MYLES ^ eART111I0OGFS SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES Cheahce of Better Write T. W. BOYD 0" SON aid natra Barns M. 12., 21071181/1 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR SALE Well equrpped for publishing and printing, doing good business. Must have substantial down pay ment. Good reason for selling. Apply Box 8, WILSON PUBLISHING CO. LTD. 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronto ChildrenC for ti- , . 7 ARAHY REMEDY APPROVED BYDOCTOIIS %1= 105 COLIC W0S1'IPATI0N.OIAfRHEA 0 Tired Feet Bathe with Minard's in warns water, rubbing into aching parte, Soothing and relieving. - It wl "A iracle ! " (fipplenowwalltsu:ell thanks to Kr1scheln "For over eight Months I was laid tip with rhoon,0ciem, unable -to 1110ee, Wilda I two advised to try IKr08ohc11 Salts. Itis almost a miracle, but toithout a word of alie I was able to bo taken to the front doorin less thaw 0 task l tin 'alms days I was out with the help of crutches ; awl in a short time 13 was avatar, welt. This is not 0113.iceek testimonial, but four years. "I have taken it ever a1M1leo and I never feet a push ofrhetl)natis»enow. It tell everybody about rt, and a,loiso them tome it. I wilt close tap letter hotting yott will publish it for others to see." —1lrs, Wilnatns, (Masataka on Motor 1nloeatl0D.. RruOe11011 Salts is obtninabl0 at drug anti ' department atom In Canada at 75e. a bottle. A bottle contains enough to last for d or G Months—good health for halt -a -cent a day, Dyei:t ked re S le' S • I O IN SACK 10N SY9 IS m $7fla 011;f41.... %•Descriptive folder on reauese. /A. 0. LEONARD, Inc. �I • 70 Fifth Ave., New York City eels HEAD 'idOII1SE�lag There are three trying periods m a woman's life: when' the girl ma- tures to womanhood, when a wo- mangives birth to her first child, when a woman reaches -middle age. At these -times Lydia E. Pinitham'S Vegetable Compoundhelps to re- store normal health and, vigor. LIIAMMOND DYES are the finest dyes you can buy. They are nnade'to give you real service. They contain the very highest quality anilines that can be produced. It's the quality of the anilines' in Diamond Dyes that give such soft, bright, new -looking colors. that make theta go on so evenly --without spot- ting potting or streaking; that enable them to keep their depth arid brilliance through. wear and washings. Next,time sou have dyeing to do, try Diamond Dyes. See' how easy and 'simple itisuse thorn. Then cm - 'Pare results. You will surely agree Diamond Dyes are better dyes. The white package of Diamond Dyed o i;1 !Amon . t yes vl� Sun Proof is the highest quality dye, prepared for general use. It will dye or lint silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon or any mixture of materials. The blue package is a special dye, for silk and wool only, With it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest pro- bu— fessional ober this. hn es bltue� u package dyes silk or wool only.. The while package will dye every kind of good; ancludmg silk and wool. Your dealer '].las both packages. EASY To UUSE-BETT]ER RESULTS Dyes Sa+ 041 :H:Itealll5::."1::::rasnttai,:listie6.2 137hetHndi{.hipbe�lndoe}iNash - iT1-wt. o ybl10M1t toicrs 1 AL1. DEALZ51