HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-09-26, Page 2Clinton
News -Record
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el .the writer.
G. C. Hall, M. R. CLAI,..
Proprietor: (:ditor.
D. GAY.11 8
A .general Banking fleshless ac
trap t -
ed Notes' Discounted. Drafts (ssued.
Interest- Allowed en leepoets. Sale
Notes Purchased:
Notary Public, Conveyancer.
Flnonelal. .teal '?state, and Fire In
• surance Agent, R'epreseutiug 14 dire
Insurance, Corepanlee.
Division ,'Court Melee, Clinton.
Barrister, Sglicitor,-Notary Public, etc.
Alden Drake, : frmerly a sailor,
grown soft and flaby through elite of
idle "ease, ships aboard the clipper Or-
tntes as "boy," under the Command 'of
Jake Stevens, whose enmity he incurs
because of a tnutual love or Mary
Mannings dauehtor.of the owner, whe
is a. passenger on the Orontes. &t
Cape Town Ste.vens is superseded! es
gaptain of ,,he Orontes by Dr ,
whose • lawyers have purchased She
vessel during its cruise. Drake and
Mary are enjoying an evening to-
gether i.n, Cape Town, while the de-
moted :Sevens is making the rounds
of the barrooms,' Drunk and furious,.
Stevens 'calls. Drake away from, Mary
in order, to &gat; with :rim. Stevens is
whippeeleand now Drake goes back to
Mary. ,
When Drake returned' to Mary, she.
stood up with a cry of dismay. FIe
had bem gone about twenty minutes.
Now he camsbaclt'to her smiling,
bright eyed.: but with a ;three-inch
stripvof plaster down one cheek, and
a lumpy bruise asbig as a purple
peesion fruit on the other temple.
Itis hands, too, looked as if he, had
been breaking' bricks with his fide
for a wager. Her bigblue eyes wid-
ened. -- p+ he
"Don't look like that, _Mary.
laughed, pressing, her into her chair
gently. "I'm not hart, • Little asci=
dent, that's all. Let's see, .we .were
chatting about how we were to furnish
the boudoir—? t,
"Do stop your jesting. she cried.
"We n'aretalking of no such thing!
I won't hear a word until you have
told me what has happened. 'Was,
it—?" Her eye& darkened, and she
frowned as the truth, ; .0 possible
truth, dawned upon her. He broke in,
"It was, Mary, Jake Stevens. They
prevented him corning here to see you,
so he tipped a waiter to bring me, then
sights, finding new chattns in her err Packing
every hour, once she elected to meet)
him on common: ground.And Jake i --------Stevens seemed to accept Lha naw, Motais epparel,, if properly packed,
should arrive 'at its do3tinetion press-'
ed fu.lines whel'o greases are espett'
ed rather than wrinkled taro:n e:at;
Those wire matte eta business to peels
situation quite meekly,
(To be -continued.)
Sunshine Cure Inen' i' garments, either at the, \eltop.
est! 1, sa.orish , tvltete,tlrc 113tieles are 15urcheeed ;o t1 in
• aD d`� l the valet department of hotels and
Imen'sclubs; have a regular method.. Rf
English laveetlgstors Recon'- 1tancting certain garments, evluch;
� n�
mend Country -Wide Use from a'actical cePerience, Inas !teen
'results. alta. 1VLuoh
Of 'l'reatment proved to btiug the best 7 s
It was very 'efficier t. Then in the o£ the new typo luggage especially
• de-
middle he fou ed Jake Stevens, Por- foil ion Recommentlttion baseel signed tor men's clothes, lige the
ribfy cut and bruised, trying blindly,o r a three motttbs' demi nsl i tttoit Sn spaces Y
.stand off the .attack of half
murderous sticks. . Right with Trim the
affluent miner ctttled gloriously, bleed-
ing and muddy, but with ' the light of
sheer fighting lust in his face.
"Orontes! )rentes l" yelled . Drake,
ringingly, and laid about him heartily
with his stick. "Get a stick, Jake!
Get a chub!"
" on't ward: no Club C" gasped
1 d
Stevens, •blindly staggering ever for-
ward. lie went to his knees as brake
reached him. A word cif recognition,
then Drake and • :the miner stood over
Jake and fought for their own livhs
and his, Whatever the '.rause, 1 nxent, the benefits of which have been
i' brute courage to o carefull divided that :tacit -
but with splendid a clinic at Sherwood Collier, Deg- ing 15 greatlyeimplified aid tlteex-
a dozen
land, that similar stations be estate pert salesman_;ie teethed to explain to
shine 'for purchaser the particular method of
treatment by artificial ennui {tC on a nationwide.a
utllizin :each novel device in cede).
of g
rickets, certain forms of�.tubere losle, to' levee gartnentetravel'in good' cote
rheumatic, 01611 and nervous diseases (Stidn,
and anaemia,' is c
outaif1ed in a re. In the alisence of, any special peek
cera Jptnt report of the New Health ing 'Mantles, •leoweveri there are'sev-
ttell ht Lea iee'of'Great aral.generally accepted rules for hand-,
Sociaty and St lg g .
Britain: ling ;men's ;garmentb. Coats `and
ri In • vests , for instance, are' to •be turned
Those organizations, comp a b
both medical and lay members and right side out, thus preventing -the
drector5t declared that results of the right aide tram being ileeketi.'with bits
emonsteation were "astoniebing" to of lint from= undergarments. The
lay men and brought about. public ap- lapels should be Pulled: up acct laid one
predation .ofartificial sunlight treat- over the other, end the gai'ment so
folded that ,the 'lapels on each :side
meet evenly. The coat should then be
held at, the top and shaken until it;
falls straight and the sleeves are op-
posite 'each' other. One shoulder is
then bushed into the .other armhole
so that they practically interlock The
only fold that is usually.necessafy is
theono that adapts the garment to
the length of the suitcase, and this is
soplaced that it often disappears the
first time. the :garineftt is worn, Tis-
sue paper stuffed tato- tile bottom of
the sleeve Is advocated by some
valets,'but "flatpack!' methods' are
preferred by most expert packers.
Trousers are easily, disposed of, as the
crease is the important factor to con
side -r, and men who travel much usual-
lyhave some favorite advicefor keep.
ing trousers and neckties well flatten-
ed. A necktie rack takes up little
room, and there is always the advent-
age of having -ties' all together, mak-
ing ita,easy, to choose -the correct one
when dressing. Cardboard strips
should be placed between shirts.
Starched collars require a collar
box, as no other way can they travel
satisfactorily. The logical place for
Olflce tfuurs:-1,30 t( 3.30 pen„ 4.30
tett 00 p.m., Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m.
Utter hcers ay appolutmentauly,
Omer and Rash:fence — Victoria St,
Office and Residence:
Ontario Street — Clinton, Ont.
Otte door west 01 Anglican Otturch,
Phone 17i
. Eyes examines and glasses rifted
crowd were apparently' lookingfor
blood. •The miner was battered' fear-
fully; but he had a grin !or Drake,,
A whizzing stick tore the plaster from
Drake's cheek, and he started bleeding
as if his head was split. •
"They're trying • to murder us!t
panted. "What's it all about?" -
"Sterted with just tali talk 'gasped
the miner, poking his stick into a
leering face and bringing a tooth back
with it, "Jake challenged all hands,
and some toughs followed him out.
That's one of 'em now!" -
Iie darted fo:ward and'etruck down
a tough looking fellow just as he was
putting the boots to Stevens as he lay
prostrate, Drake, hadlittle time to
Office and Residence:
Huron Street — Clinton, Ont,.
Phone 39
(Formerly occupied by the .ate Dr,
C. W, T. e. arson.
Eye, examined and glance fitted
Ounce hours: 9 to 12 A.At,. and 1 to
6 P,M., except 'Tuesdays and Weenee•
days. Ounce over Canadian. National
hDxpress, Clinton, Out,
Phone 21.
Clinton, Ont.
Graduate of QC,D.S., Chicago, and
11,0.0,8„ Toronto.
Crowu and Plate Work a Speolalty
Electro Therapist
ORfco: Huron St. (Few doors west of
Royal Bank).
flours—Tues., Thurs. and Sat., ail day.
Other hours by. appointment.
Hensel' Oihtce—Mot„ Wed. and Fri,
Beaforth Office—Mon., Wed. and Fri,
known for yeate • by the -profession
and lately confirmed following the
development et the quartz mercury
sunlamp tor the projection of ultra-
The 'tithing t industry was •selected
because , it was representative of
Great ,Britalu's industrial community
and because' there- was „evidence, in
the mining districts, that the common
ills 'there ,were those, which'. would
benefit from artificial sunlight treat=
went, Arrangements were :made
with the officials, of the Sheeivoed.
Colliery and a clinic established at
the pithead,.
Three classes of persons were sel-
ected for treatment in the clinic.
look around. Sticks seemed as thick , One hundred boys of similar' type and
as rushes in a basket. B>"the saw
where the heart of the fight was.The
rest was simply gang sympathy,
"Come on,"' he sat to the valiant
miner. "Let's finish' those three husk-
ies, and the :est will run! Alto.
gather!" •
Together they charged across Jake's
body, their sticks going tilee. flails. One
man went ,down, only. to rise up and
tried to jamb me under a rhoiloden- teip Drake headlong. Sticks whacked
drop." down upon him ae he lay defenceless.
"It locks as if he sueceeded1" she His arms felt as'if they were broken
retorted sharply, "Lai, us go, now, be- in a dozen places; his head rang as if
fore somebody else tries. You look hammered with iron. With that vital
horrible." impulse which drives a man on even
A tiny chill fell over Drake. • Mary after conscious volition fails lie gum -
wanted .'a.ck to the ship, and bled to his feet, guarliug his head with
wanted e g
her baffled escort led her ;:o the car ons ant, and 'stabb!t:g fiercely at a
blur before him with his short -gripped
elub.` Vaguely he knew somebody
fought beside him; knew the blur be -
fere him thinned. Something stirred
tinder his feet, and he fought to keep
his Lalanee.
"Orontes! Orontes!"
That cry sounded strange. It was
near, yet seethed far off, Drake fought
doggedly. There was that stirring
under his feet He knew he was to
be tripped again. He could not see the
man who still Tough'. beside him.
Something red and swaying rose from
the ground, and another stick flailed,
Lot at•his foes now.
"Orontes I Orontes I" the cry. was
close The' blur of foes. began to van-
ish like mist.
"Aye, Orontes! Give 'em hell!" bab-
bled the red, swaying figure and Jake
Stevens rallied for ariotlter onslaught.
Drake saved his breath for fighting.
His miner friend tottered and gasped.
But through the crowd stormed the
tram driver and conductor, with eon.
troller and switch, bar; and with then.
marched Mary Manning, splendid
daughter of old, Neptene,' smacking
faces right and left and turning mur-
derotts scowls to foolish grins..
"What's the trouble?" demanded a
policeman running ,up, looking queer-
ly ince the -bruised and blecdirg faces,
and at Mary, •
"Gang settir-g about these two
blokes, This gent and we stopped off
my car to help the under dog," re
plied the motorman,
"He's my first mate," explanted
Drake. "I'm Captain Drake of the
ship Orontes lying in Table Bay.
We're all right, thanks. If we could
get an automobile, I'd be glad.
"I'll send one alonee sir," sitid the
officer, and went off With his men.
Drake glanced at Mary. She was'a1l
soft wamanliness now examining
hurts; her eyes big and dark,
"I'm afraid neither Sr, Stevens -nor
I could he called respectable now,"
said Drake with a grimace," The
friendly miner grin:led as Mary fin-
ished cleaning a cut his ehin
"I don't care what you are or what
you look like, 'I think you are both
splendid!" she cried. "You, too,' she
added. Swift as a swallow she seem-
ed to claret forward, and dabbled a kiss
right between the miner's oyes as the
car drove tip ' She:was blushing fur -
age were assembled and complete
health data was compiled. The see
end class coneprised adult miners,
especially those suffering from rhea-
matiu:.d'iseases and the third section.
was made up of children of poor
miners suffering from rickets,. skin
diseases and other child ailments.
At the end of three months the
boys of the treatment group and
these in the control group were weigh-
ed and measured. It was found that
the average gain In weight for one
group was four pounds, six and a
traction ounces andthatthe average
increase in height per boy was 0.762
inches; Icor another group the aver-
age weight increase was two pounds,
10 and a fraction ounces and the
average height increase was 0,50
Licensed Auotioneet for the County
of ,1uro,.
Correspondence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangementes`can be made
for Sales Dete at ;the News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling,.. Phone 203,
Charges l>rlodorate and Benefaction
Guars ntoed.
in silence.
"It bus been a bully evening, any -
Low," he said heartily. She said
nothing, taking her seat in „the elec-
tric tram beside hint as if resigned
to something unpleasant He peeped
at her once, 'then with a loud sigh
settled down to a- window -gazing ride,
So they rolled along, beside the Bay,
through a suburb noted for its serene
loveliness, It ought to have thawed
her. Then abruptly the car slowed
down and stopped, progress made im-
possible by the ,stet fringe of a
crowd that whooped. veered, and
,Drake stood up. Over the outer
heads he saw the milling centre of
the crowd, and fists and sticks were
flying there. The car, driver clanged
his gong, and the impeding' crowd
sloNly made gray for it. But Drake
had caught sight of a head he knew,
two heads, in the very vortex of the
mob, and those two heads 'were get-
tiitg hampered by far too many fiats
and sticks for fair play.
"Exceed me for a moment," he mur-
mured as he stee=ped past Mary, "Go
on to the boat, Don't worry. I've got
to see Stevens safe."
He Wetted as the ser started, and
fought his way into iho mob„ It was
something of a fight, too. `Halfway
through he wrench -r a heavy stick
froth a swearing ruffian and prodded
his wap; with it, using it like a spear,
Clinton, Ont.
General Fire and Life 11.811 MRCS Agent
for Hartford Wledstotm, Live Stook,'
Automobile and Sieltnees and Accident
Insurance. EIuron and Erie and Cana.
da Trust Bonds, Apetantments made
to 'meet Parties at Brucefieid, Varna
and Bayfield. 'Phone 67,
No Hope!
by varying the iengeh.of the`£ntervais.
ci 1
re a
e d'ePs wh
ih has.a si
be ween th p
gp significance, intricate messages are,
.,. Y. FR?Lac¢k.s4,. e0xrt.
• The color also of the smoke has its
How the Australian Abori,
Hines, Although Entirely
Uncivilized, Have Develop
ed a Highly hl Technical and resp
g y of is "caused by: thecoutbustion o g.
Complicated Method reainoua boigtts,
masculine Jewelry, studs, collar but-
tons and the like is a box that fits in
the circular space in the centre 01 this
collar box. This carries out tea na-
tural association of articles, and If
such -elusive belongings are kept to-
gether at all times the trouble of col-
lecting them at packing time will be
The packing of sitoes is an import-
ant feature, not s0 much on account
of the"'care they demand as for the
purpose of protecting garments near
meaning and the .aboriginal is adept
producing`the eieetiicular. shade. he
desires. The lighter, tints . are pro.
duced by burning dry leaves stied
wood, while the heavy black edam
h est .,, ., ive people, the
ati0n Th lailte m
louse Sin menfolk do tb
System of Sm g
Ommllnlc hie
the Use of a Remarkable slat ohs only
e unpleasant 7
Adstrarau , aboriglnai makes
1 0 wo•
early days of Australian: ex leave his wite behind, When hunting
or the e Y Y
ploration the pioneers were gte,atly she is the "beast" of burden of her "
how' it was that "lord husband. Also as for smoke
nuzzled to'know
wherever they went, their' arrival. had signalling, it is she who' collects the
been anticipated by" the. natives. The material and does all, the real work.
riddle remained unsolved untit the oonnected with it Sometimes the
white •man realized that the abort- men do the actual signalling, but they
gins had a wonderful . system of usually „leave it: to the women, who
smoke. signals, by whieh the 'doings of are egnaliy 'ehpert.
bush were broadcast for hundreds There were wild scones of excite -
the ment at that particular spot when the
of miles, first fleet Was sighted and the great
The study of these smoke signals
et'- I-lamillaroy tribe sent up the first sig
'opens up' a story of entraicing inter-
nal other tribes of the event
est, .one which involves the beginning which, it a few hours, could easily be
of the human race, The Australian repeated to the Queensland border,
aboriginal. is often described as one ori many thousands of miles uorib. This
the most uncivilized types 01 surviv- uas quite close to where Sydney
ing humanity. No doubt there is ,. stattds today and where the !fist land -
good deal of truth id this, for his is hig of.the white mon was made. At
probably the only race whioll has sat that tilos this cilstrlct was thickly
with, uncontaminated by centum covered with bush, while to -day it •ia
with others, from prehistoric times. bricks and mortar, and to great.
It seems paradoxical that, although I{ainfllaroy Cribs that greeted the first
rho aboriginal's mentality 4s oC a bur- fleet on that memorable occastou lids
bayous order, he should yet have been since been completely annihilated:
capable of, evolving a thoroughly e1.
alS when he goes out to battle doe ebe
ficient system of conveying messages
over vast distances by means et
smoke signals, which are as clear in
their meaning to him as a telegraphic
message is to eivilized mail.
If it wore merely a mateer of send-
ing up a column of smoke, the abor-
iginal's idea of signalling would be
merely the obvious method of c.om-
municating his own whereabouts, or 1
the approach of en enemy to the,
camp. .But his system is much more
compreheusive. By its means he can
them. In the ahseltce or sloe -bags, make known almost anything he de -
Rather nervously the little tailor
walked up the steps aiid rang the boll long strips of dark colored canton Sires, for in reality, it is a crude forth
of the West -'End mansion. flannel are, excellent for wrapping 01 Morse code, and must have been in t "That's a hot shit you gave ea
"Is Mi'. Gerald La$ttvord in?" he around shoes. White should never be common use thousands of years be- boy..
used, as the lint is apt to stick to fore the very sae to which Moue be- , "Yea, got it aa fire sate, y' know!"
asked the man who answered his sum- woolen garments. As wooden shoe longed was evolved. •:• —
mons. trees, tilling rho 3011010 shoe, add con•' 8lgnalc Repsated Art Eye To Business
"Yea air. Will you come id?" the siderable weight to hand baggage, the
footman invited. Mr. Gerald Is in When an important smoke signal: Petrick had decided to sell his re-
travels n t h uses the inex- ( significance,
Trains will eerie° at end depart from
Clinton as follows:
Buffalo and Goderich Div.
Going East, depart 6.44 a.m.
0 , „ 2,50 p.m.
Going West, err. 11.50 a.m.
" " ar, 6.08' dp (1.48 pet.
" " ar. 10,.14 pan.
' London, Huron4. Bruce Div.
Going South, ar. 7;40 dp. 7.40 a.m.
a r1 , 4.08 pen.
Going North, depart 6,42` p.m.
" " as. 11.40 dp. 11.23 a.m.
} ' Fire Insurafice, Compfany
•,; Hod Office, Seaforth, Ont.
DlitlfiCT01t Y:
President, James Evans, Beeohwood;
Inco, Samos Connolly, Goderich; Seo.-
(rreaeurer, D. 1P. McGregor, Seaforth.
Irectots: George McCartney, Seaforth;
James. Shouldle0, Walton; Murray Gib -
non, Orucefleld, Wm. Icing, Seaforth;
Robert irerrle. oarlock; JOhn Bent1ewetr,
uBrodhagen; Jas Con'o11Y, Goderloh.
Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton;. J. W
(Yeo GOdorlch Ed,' Hlnohley, Seaforth;
o vllle• R. G. Jar-
ria C m
tb, Br y g
math, money 6 ` •
Any money of be pato In may •be raid,
•lto.Moorish ClothingCo Clinton, or at
Calvin Cutts-'Sroccry," Goderich.
Panties desiring to effect insurance or.
'traosaet other•buslness will be promptly
mttorded to on application ,to any of the.
hboVe officers addreesei. to their respeo-
Uumfur office.
IVO0 5 50130 1 t11seea 0 N 0nd by 0 A
Fake Off
Moderil science says
sural' suPplies energy that
lets 1300' Carry 093 WMti) lees
focal and . sateIlsl reduce
WRICLEV'S is e,torre
'Chicle. sugar and 'flavor.
Chew•aflg the chicle dis-
solves the sugar and re-
leases the flavor.
In, this pleasant wase you
Set needed body fuel aid
reduce the Pounds.
0\jI6Y�e,�O'fo "
�� o�E."N,�f,ffN7d
EMU off
E• S'
• wl
C ,.
` ISSUE No ,39—'29
the library."
"Thank goodness!" murmured the
little tailor •fervently. "I am going to
see my money Kat last."
But the footman lead overheard this
"Oh, don't make that mistake!" he
said. "It Mr. Gerald 'ad any money,
sir, 'e wouldn't be in, believe mc!"
matt who t c -goes up, Ole limit alite• • ^ m:tiuiu ghorse as business was very,
pensive toe -and -heel variety with light or news value, is not confined within.'b.t 1 IIn tock the animal le market
weight metal strip between, which,
though insttlltcient, are mach better
than nothing for keeping one's shoes
in shape.
For the boy starting 'away to school
fbr the first time or the young man
going to college, these packing details
May be made of real interest, pro-
vided tate work is explained to him
rather than .done for him. Travel is
such an important factor in present-
day life that the art 02 packing easily
and satisfactorily is worthy 'of ow
Trust in God and do His will, He still
shall guide and bless thee;
Work the work before thee with all
fervor at thy best;
POP the litho as the great delight in
present duties:
Thy Maker formed with equal care a
tern seed a101 a star,
the boundaries of the l:t•ritely con- I and offered hum to the first farmer ho
trolled by the tribes sending it, but Isitttet.
repeated by tribes who mayllave i "Three pound! ' said tate farther, al.
been at constant war with the original • ter one quick look at the docile quad.
senders. Titus it travels on till it jeer 00
reaches dtaericts huu.irodt el' miles: „What!" exclaimed the Irishman,
away where the sender. -'ale entirelyrae pounds for a Torso"."
uuknotutt. ! "Well, it's only got one eye."
The fact that these spoke signals i "One eye, did ye say?" echoed the
were well understood by all 1,1 proof ! „titer. "Be Off wid ye, men! Cant
that practically throughout led eon yn see the intelligent craythur's give
anent, a coastal
n (mile prevailed, ' ing ice the wink not to accept your
The coastal natives and Brossiu•!otYer?"
habiting hilly country, where taaber l
is )lentieul, make more frequent use
of this"'method of distributiiig ititor•
mitten than do %ttoee of ceutral Atm.
_4-tJ�a .'awl tralia and the open plains. At no part
oe Australia are smoke Signals more
used than in the ranges on the east-
ern coast of North Queensland. Away
inland on the Diamantina, when the
country around that river was a hap-
py hunting ground for the aboriginal,
the passing ot a traveller through the
district would be titgnalled from one
vantage joint to attothcr.
It is rather eneanuy to know that
one's every Movement is being watch-
, ed by unseen eyes, whose owners
7t11 a fish a grin an opportunity to become openly
••.--.--. ltosthe.
Be cheertul; whatever ,may, hap 1?ullod thm Rslrerman, iu.
.pen, be nothing but cheerful,—Tule Now they're
he ' er,fishing the &esure
House ot the Seveu Gables,
—Martin F. Tupper,
She: "45011, Tom, Ien all dressed There was an old fisher named
up. cher
He. If yer dad semi see you, he'd Who fished from the edge of a fie
give you a dressing down. 'Till with
Snugly as she ran into the 'Auto; The
miner stared, gfinned, and stood rob-
bed of speech.
The few days recurred for discear g• Displaying the "soviet flag, sickle and hammer inside a five•pointed star
ing oargo in Capp Lown flew upona� to moulted .in the sun, the Russian cruiser, Proiinstern, visited Swinemuende,
pinions. temp rode i high upon the Gerinaly, recently.
tide of riuniph, showing Mary;the,
Reds Sure Fly Large Enough Fags
201 The aboriginal employs different
methods of signalling for different oc-
casiote; the most c01111909 19 to build
u lite of dry material, on which he
heaps green boughs, creating a dense
column of black spoke. If it is ueces-:
nary to continue the message when
that Inas subsided he repeats the
Another method, and one which re -
(mired a good deal of skill, and, at the
same time, displays mucin ingenuity;
ineolves the selection of a hollow
standing tree with a hole at tate base.
A tiro is made 01 this hole, and when
it 10 well under way, green leaves are
thrown on it, The draught created by
the fire sends the smoke up and rac-
ing through the hollow trunk "et a
great height,
When it is necessary to break the
smoke column, a sheet ot bark, or the
skin of a kangaroo, is thrown momen-
tarily over the fire and as vapidly re-
moeed, causing the smoke to issue
out of the top in puffs, much as it may
be seen coming out of the funnel of a , Aspirin Is a Trademark Registered 10 Oanaan
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