HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-09-05, Page 5'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, •192 THE CLINTON-NEWS B, CORD OF INTEREST TO YOU STANLEY AND ME Miss Nora Stewart; has returned after £t a visit with her If ether is a safer anaesthetic than' sisters, Mas. Francis DaymonAnn anddBilly the death f chit Stewart of 'Windsor, a in several Toronto hos- .Chatham, and Misses the one used also with her ren-, ceasing many eek o' six of Highgate.; i in as iiian -weeks: then ether aunt, Mrs. Will Spear, ren y d'and •lana Macfarlane `should be used, no matter what the , Mrs. John 'i1Taneice, $anti 'e of the other kind; ; Vtiss Margaret McLaren of Ilensall, ad g I were visitors :for a week with the'. M * gornier's brother, Rev John McEwen' We complained .a bit about the at his summer cottage ''at, Triple cold weather in the early part bf the Bay, Lake•Simcoe. summer, .:but September is inakmg I ::.Mr, and MJrs. Chapman from, the up for Junes coldness. If we lust West, are visiting the : Jormer,s 'had' rain enough to freshen the grass aunt, ittrs. William Smelair and, ot revive the roots and 011 up the err relatives. streams we should be perfectly hap -1 ::.M and Mrs. John Tines and.Miss py, 1Myitle Pearson motored to; Toronto, Mast week and spent a few days with • Mr. And Mks. Harold Innes ,and ,also Farmers in the vicinity are com attended the Exhibition. planning that water is becoming so A pleasing event took place •,on scarce that they have difficulty in 'Thursday evening ;' of last week, at supplying their'stock, in some cases the home of Mr, Barry Diehl, when being obliged to drive them long dis- the people of the eominunity .gather sauces for water.. It is seldom that ed to present . to Mr. 'Harvey Stew we: suffer as much from dry,weath- art a solid walnut upholstered chair er as we are doing in this section in view of his approaching marriage 'this seas'ott. on Saturday. Mr: Greg. McGregor gave the address, Lunch was serv- Wihy shouldn't Huron County have ed by the ladies. an exhibit at the Canadian National On' Friday evening a 'kitchen shovW- Exhibition at Toronto, as many oth- .er was given by the ladies of the er counties 'have? Norfolk, Hast- community at the home of Mrs Al.. `ings, Kent, Peel, Sinicoe, Lan tbton, ex. McEwen, in honor. of 1\4iss Hazel 'Grey and other, counties have space.' Potter, a bride of the near future. 'in the Ontario ' Government :building, . The gifts were hidden in secret plae- where the products of the several es and Miss Hazel was given a bri- counties are set forth' in 'attractive dal bouquet with cards ,attached to -form, with the representative,, in the streamers telling :where. each charge. }Iuron excels 'in. _•so .many I gift was to be found. 'The•presents • products that it -night be difficult: were all lovely and useful. to choose which to feature but there 1 Mrs.' Robert McLaren of Hensel' 'is, -;no doubt at all that Duron could , spent last week with her daughter, 'make a,fine exhibit. It would cost I Mrs. Ed. C. Glen: oze11 of Port Hope w 'be worth it. The ` county council with his family for over .Labor Day. . i eember or ,January,meeting.;: Ida Taylor spent a few hours ton a r * .M Sunday at the home of Mr. Edward Mr. Fred Sloman, who has been' Th a bit of oney, of course but would Mr. Elton Ras might well 1%%IARRIAGES JOHNSTON ON -^ BLACK At the m t:use, Auburn, on August 31st, by- the Rev. W. R. Alp, Howard Dustow Johnston to Ruth Amelia Black, both of Ashfield township, BAXTEICAMPBELI, --- At Ben - miller United church r parsonage, by the Rev,, Mr, Cumming, Edna Campbell to Cecil Baxter of Sea - forth; POCKETT-LIVINGSTON At the home of the bride's father, Mr. Thomas Livingston, : Hullett, ' on Sept, 2nd, by the Rev: B,. Snell of Sarnia, assisted by the Rev. J., W. Johnson, •Mabel Elizabeth Living son to George W.. Pockett of Winnipeg. consider this, at their De -.1- Mr Joseph Taylor and sister, Miss Glen Sr 1' e following teachers have left • • spending a holiday at his home in for their respective schools: Miss Alfred W. Anderton Leacher of PIANO, SINGING, ORGAN, TIIEOILY 55 successful entries for Toronto Conservatoi+y' Examinations last year, over 60 .per, cent. scoring ;hon ors and first class honors. Tuitions resumed . Tuesday, Sept. 3. A few vacancies for pupils.` Studio Ontario Street, Phone 64 29-3 GIBSON- REEKn8 Sn,• Tillsonburg,. on Sept. 2nd;, Catherine Ellen, on- ly daughter . of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert P. Reekie, to Walter Hod- gins, Gibson,., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson, all of Tillson- burg., BIRTHS GIBBINGS-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Apg. , 31st, to Mr, and Mrs. John Gibbings, Mullett town- ship, ,0 son ----William Percy. . John (Billy.) .: MbtEOD-At: Bayfield, on Septem- ber 2nd, to ' Mr. and 14frs. W. J. McLeod, a.. son. HALL -.At the Cottage Hospital, Pembroke,. 'on August 29th,, to 141j.':: and Mrs. Gordon L. Hall, a son. lienry.Edward. IN 11IEl4LORiAM -town, yesterday addresesd' a gather- Kate, lifcGregor` to Newmarket, Miss ing int the LO.D.E. booth in the a.m..ygaret MjeGregor to Toronto,Mi ' ss -Women's Building at the Canadian' Mary' Stewart to Englehart, Miss National Exhibition, Toronto, on his Marion McEwen ' to Milliken, and work. in connection with the Cana- Muss jean McEwen to Mansfield. dian National School Car. Mr. Slo- Mr. Roy Cantelon spent a couple man's work is that of teaching the of days at Toronto Exhibition. children of the scattered settlers in 'Northern Ontario and his car is• fit- • tedup as a school room, with living - quarters at one end. The, car is Moved from one place to another • and , the children come, receive in - Mrs E. Tebbutt. struction while the car is in their' Mrs; E. Teband of Oklahoma, Mr. work" and take enough u "home 1 and *5. George Green, Mr. and Mrs. work" with -them ne to. Iasi until the Harold Green and Miss' Jane, Mrs. car Makes its next trip.oIt isi tak-. Ernie Beaton, Detroit and Mrs.Mar- w-h the education to the children, aret Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver m to the stationary g cannot come ` leftfor - who 'R'foster of Pigeon, Mich., schools But while Mr. Sismany !Foster homes on Monday after visit - muchis sore tanchin s he is a very i in at the honkie of Mr. and Mrs. much'' more than a schoolteacher. I He ty Deihl. • He' is a nisisonary and a nation Mrs Chas. Whitman and daugli- builder as well. He and his wife l ter, who came to attend the funeral take a lively interest ,in the people' of • her father, Ma: John Sturdy, with whom they come in contact and spout several days with her sister, try to help them in every way pot- Mrs. Geo. Bonnett, returned hone a • sable, Mos. Sndnton c refteacfor theirr few days ago to Lansing, Mich. Women to sew and to care for Ntrs Whn Green of Colborne Mrs. Dan Campbell is. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Glen, Sr. • Miss Grace McEwen spent last week in Goderich with her aunt, Pure Lard of best quality Lard in 20 lb. pails $3.00 Lard in 10 ib. pails X1.60 Lard in 3 lb. pails 50c Pickled Tongues 22c Pickled Beef, boneless22c Pickled. Pic. harms 22c Sm. Rolled shoulders 30c Large stock ry of Cottage Rolls and P. Mealed Cot= tage Rolls Dry Salt Pork 25c Mac. and Cheese loaf, lb 35c Jellied Veal, ' ib. 35c Hd. Cheese, home-made 2 Cooked Ham, Bologna, Ring Bologna, Old Style Liver - Sausage,. Summer Sausage and Mined Hath. always on hand Choice .Bacon all kinds Beef, Pork, Veal and Baby Beef and . Lamb.::- Kindly order your Satur- day order on Friday if pos- sible for early delivery. GRAINGER-In loving memory of our dear mother, , who died Sept. 3rd, 1927; "In our hearts' your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond ; and true; There.is not a day, dear Mother, That we do not think of you" -Ever remembered by her daughters children; Mr. Sloman takes a deep 'interest in the boys and they both try to bring ,brightness` and cheer' into the lives of lonely settlers,. many 'of them from other than British countries. It is, as we remarked he- - real nation -building which. 1Vfr. and Mrs, Sloman are doing in the North. And it is our opinion that TUCKERSMITH few could do it in just the way Mr. •and Mrs. Sloman are doing- it. They, `have the sincere good wishes of Mrs. Fletcher Townsend and Mag, those who have the welfare of the Newman Garrett spent some days, '=country at heart. last week at the Toronto Exhibition• township spent the week -end,; at home of Mr. Hugh 'Gilmour, Mr. Wm. Sage and Mr, Ed. Nor- man of Toronto made a short visit at the home of Mr. Thos. B. Baird last Saturday.' HOLMESVILLE Mr. Earl Cudmore , of Norwich spent the aveek-end and holiday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Cudmore. Mrs. Bert. Trewartha and daugh- ter, Charlotte,_ have returned home. after _visiting relatives in Toronto and ttending the exhibition. .Messrs. Amos and Walter Osbald- eston, of Stratford, spent the week- end and holiday visiting friends and relatives in the village. Rev. W. J, and. Mrs. Herbert, Ed- ith and Billy returned from Muskoka Friday. Mr. Herbert preached. Sun- day morning in the United Church here and took the services at Eben- ezer benezer' and Sharon at the -usual hours. Ms. and Mrs. Norman Mair spent Rubber tire top buggy., , Bert Lan •f Ord ' _Member' of 'Florist TelegiaPh delivery Association CUT FLOWERS, FLORAL DESIGNS" For All'Oceasions; Sent Anvwhero Greenhouse is es-near'as your phone. Chas.. Cooke Two :Pliones '-66w and 66j Clinton's New -Laid MEgg'! And Poultry House Eggs bought according to,Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for ' our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices •par allel with the city markets. Fat hens and .well -finished, chicks always wanted -Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce. ST. 1ReoFl1W WU CAN MY WHEN Rib -Roll was first put on the market it caused favorable comment all over the country. Others have attempted to copy its design,: but no -substitute is as good as the original. Besides, all the best features of Billy Roll are patented. If you really want a lightning - ,,proof, fire -proof, weather-proof roof, get Rib -Roll. It comes in big handy sheets, easy to lay, has seven ribs to take nails; no other roofing gives such security; fits weather tight; improves the snppearance and adds dollars to the value of -the property. .. And PRESTON LED=HED NAILS mean "Threading" Thenewestthing-aadthe beatformotalrooans. Tho load on the head perfectly,. i seals the nail hole. Water proof;. eliminates„clumsyy . waehers.Nomore thread- . ing.. Thoin ease and speed of handling make .them cost.h' .2 per lb Free sample gladly sent on reliuest. no more Proper BARN VENTILATION p with Preston Ventilators To our knowledge, not a single Preston Ventilated' B0111)188 veribeen burned because of sy onteneouo'-combustion. warm, p improperly lPy Preston ventilated tori for thecroof, adj)ustable conducive wali�windows aiidignipa. spacious dons protect thebarn from lire dangers by keening the. air andnatant doors pro in constant circulation. They are built to keep the olementa out. rite for PRESTON BARN DOOR HARDWARE "Trac o ma t Vaai?e ern Door "Trachoma ad ustabteboatd down, and for ndhos bsmkes s.er The Hanger that hundreds upfband d down, will othn type. makes erection so easy that adjustable of build rPiil Get our big FREE BOOK about Preston Steel Truss' Barns is braeatrongerdagai a wind.pr au 0 Thed ef ramework s compact, do ngof eawastructure y w h cmberdagainst woad -pre cumbersome croaerbeame.. Well -ventilated and well -lighted; the easiest barn' towork in. Absolutely fire -Proof. We un eior imbere.Gghm-. of n g �anmrio-N Over Y00DinU h t.ga1 dfour-wheel Hangers and birdproof B strut teel J mired xxx Guelph Street T000NTo. PRESTON, ONTARIO;., N • CONNELL & TYNDALL Clinton's. Leading Meat Market Used Cars Ford Touring. Ford Coach. Overland, 4, Touring. Overland 91,' Touring, Overland 91, Coach. Overland 93, Coach, the week -end and holiday in Toronto where they visited relatives and at- tended the exhibition. The mien's choir of the United Church met Tuesday evening to practise for the coming Golden Jubilee anniversary services the last of the month. The Junior League which has not been meeting during the month of August, will meet as formerly at the close of school, every Wednesday af- ternoon. Miss Dell Finley will, be in charge of the Senior League Friday evening, when Miss Edith Herbert will speak on the subject "Consecration." Miss McDonald of Teeswater is the new teacher here and has taken up her dirties for the coming year. The following students resumed their'' studies at the Clinton Colleg- into: Passes Cora Trewartha, Edith Herbert, Nome. Potter, Helen Me - Math and Jean Miller. ' Lloyd Stock also returned for another year, while Miss Muriel Mulholland has entered the Clinton School of Commerce. D. A, Kay, painter and decorator, of Clinton, having completed the work of decorating and painting the public school in Clinton, has com- menced work this week on the inter- ior of the United Church, which is being re -decorated in preparation for the Golden Jubilee celebration. Mir. and Mrs. Proctor Palmer and little son, Donald, metered to De- troit Friday evening and- are visiting at the home of the former's' mother, MIs. E. Palmer, of Detroit. They attended the Proctor-Klarer wed- ding on Wednesday before returning hotne. Capt. Frank ;Lohman, who • has been holidaying at, the Johnsen cot- tage on the highway west of the vil- lage, has returned to Baltimore, Md, ' iVh'. Milllian. of Detroit, called on friends in the village recently. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. 'Glidden, made a trip to Stratford recently. Misses Thelma and Rita Cudmore 'who have been under the, doctor's care with throat trouble are able to be out again. The choir of the United church held ..their regular monthly practice Wednesday night as the young pec- ple;`of the senior league intend hold- ing a weiner roast at the river on Friday :evening. League will be. withdrawn. • Miss Lucille Myers of ` Milverton, is visiting at the home of her cous- ins, Misses Margaret and Charlotte Stock.- Miss Emma C`ourtice'. who- has not been very well lately is . slightly improved.. Rev. and Mrs: C. II. Cox, of Nin- issing, issing,'returned.to their mission last week after a few weeks' holidays, spent at the home of the latter's par- ents, Mr, . and Mies. Lobb and with other friends in this :vicinity. MONrnBAL'" CLINTON N. W. Trewartha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w Holmesvi11e United Church N,,..raretn.aaorfe wmsv.,smsm .sv eeawr.raw'.n' wvaavvaeiu aaa .* GOLDEN JUBILEE SEPT. 22nd to OCT: 1st Sept. 22 -Rev. A. , Sinclair and Rev. E. Fear. • Sept. 24-Y. P. Rally. Sept. 26 -Old Time Progranune. Sept. 29 Rev. R. J. McCormick: Oct. 1=Fowl Supper and Program. 30-8. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Marks and family wish to express their sincere appreciation of the kind sympathy shown them in their recent severe bereavement, and to thank friends for the flowers sent and for all the courtesies shown them. Auction Sale of Household Effects Mr. Josiah Rands has instructed the undersigned to sell by public 'auc- tion at his residence, Cooper street, Clinton, on Saturday, September 7th at ;2 p.Yn., sharp, the following: -' • 3 bedroom suits, mattresses, springs, and feather ticks; cook stove; 3: burner coal, oil stove; couch, Doherty organ; dining -room. chairs; fable, -kitchen table, kitchen cupboard, toilet sets; wash tub; wringer, boiler, carpets, linoleums, mats, curtains, pictures, typewriter, glassware, knives, forks, spoons, sealers, dishes, pots, pans and numerous other ar- ticles. Everything to be sold as pro- prietor is giving up housekeeping. Josiah Rands, Proprietor, .,Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer, 29-2. Stove For Sale Ccolc stove, will barn coal or wood high oven. Apply to *s. A. E. Durnin, residence of Chas`. E. El- liott. 30-2. Cattle For Salo 15 head of good grade Durham yearlings. Apply to Roy Cantelon, R. R. No. 5, Clinton. Phone 620r21, Clinton central. 30-1-p. • For Sale , Reliable driving horse, steel -tired top buggy, Portland tatter and set of single harness. Apply to T. M. Johnston, R. R. No. 5, Clinton, Phone 619r28, Clinton central. 80-3-p. For Sale 5 -room house, Frederick street, Clinton, with woodshed - and good cellar. Town water and soft water cistern. Apply on premises to Fred Lockwood. 30-tf• • ave I Mean 5 cent' Discount' o ` All The Dollar .A � X CASH PURCHASES This Will Be Our Policy Com. mencing AUGUST lst•A. Bond is given with every cashpurchase h of BSc ®r over. Ask for them they �• - are V Redeemable edeemabl in goods at e amount. ' � and in an . �rn. anytime a s� Y V Miller Hardware DISTRIBUTORS FOR HURON, PERTH AND GREY CO'S. TELEPHONE 53 CLINTON Notice Having purchased an electric floor Sander, I am prepared to surface both new and old floors at moder- ate charges, Harry Hart, Bola 249, Seaforth, Ont0972, Pigs For Sale A litter of ten little pigs. Apply to A. E.. Matheson, Seaforth post - office. Phone. 614.33, Clinton- cen- tral, 80-2. BLYTI-I: The flower show and tea held by the Horticultural .Society on Ball Thursday evening in Memorial Was a splendid success. While the as' s l showing of flowers' was not as large, asun some previous years,' the qual- 'ity wad well 'tip -to the standard, some beautiful specimens being on dis play. The tea tabled were daintily decorated' and a ;,delightful , supper served. Proceeds ,amounted to $70.' HURON COUNTY SCHOOL FAIR DATES; 1929 Hensel], Sept. 11. Zurich -Sept. 12. Grand Bend -Sept. 13. Colborne Tp. -Sept. 16. Ashfield Tp. -Sept. 18. St. Helens -Sept. 18, Wroxeter -Sept. 19, Howiek Tp. -Sept. 20. Ethel -Sept. 23. Beigrave-Sept. 24. Goderich 'Tp. -Sept, 25. Blyth -Sept. 27th. Crediton -Sept. 30. Usborne Tp. -Oct. 1. Clinton Town -Oct. 3 Clinton. Rural -Oct. 4. Co H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges. fixtures, Bulbs, irons, Fans and other Appliances Phone 7' Wiring and Repairs. Christmas Photographs We arefinishing orders now for Christmas Presents, Do not leave it off until the last and be disap- pointed. Clinton. Studio open second Tuesday and last Tuesday of each month. Open again Tuesday, Sept. 10th and Tuesday, Sept. 24th. Come now while the weather is good. Burgess Studio, Clinton, 29-2. Transportation Service Long Distance Short Dust ce • Goods in Transportation Insured Furniture Carefully Handled Efficient Operator. Charges Reason- able. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. R. McMath, 601r34. Tea and Baking Salo The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Pres- byterian church will hold an after- noon tea and sale of homemade baking on the church lawn on the afternoon of Friday, September 6th, from 8 to 6 o'clock. The ladies are asked to return mite boxes on that date. 29-2, BLYTH: The death occurred on Saturday morning of John Scott, 8th con. of .'Morris. Mk. Scott had been in his'' usual ,•health until, about ten days ago when tris .stomach became deranged. Hiccoughing .started which lasted nine days. He was removed to W!inghare hospital on Monday' where his death too place. His wife, who was formerly Hannah Fraser, predeceased him about three years, since which time,his sister, Mrs. Radford, has been his •house- keeper, We Want Your Milk and `Cream We are manufacturers of both cheese and butter. We want your an milk or cream... We pay highest mar, uaranket price weel$ly. Satisfaction, guar- anteed. teed. Phone your order for finest cheese or pasturised butter in prints or sol- ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, .Ont., R, R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. Stray Beast, A cattle beast came to premises of the undersigned. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing expenses. S. R. MaeMath, R. R. No. 2, phone 601r34, Clinton central. 28-3. Farms For Sale Lots 27 and 294h_ concession of Goderich township, consibiting of 150 acres of good clay loans, 1F, miles west of Hohnesville, Good buildings, never -failing welts. • Ap-,. ply to ' Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton cen- tral. 29-tf. THE WORM TURNS "Why do you feed every tramp that comps along?" aslkd the hus- band irritably. "They " never do anything for ',you.' "No," replied his wife; "but it is a • great satisfaction to me to see a- man' eat a meal, without finding fault with the cooking!" Roomers Wanted Accomodation for roomers, stu- dents or others. Apply to Mrs: Mc- nveen, next door to rdbllveen's bak- ery, Albert street a 28-8-p. Lambs and Yearlings For Sale 90 well-bred Leicester lambs ' and 1 yearling ram for sale. _ Apply to T. H. Cole, R. R. No. 8, Phono f05. r 11, O'lintgn centra]_ l8 -ti' RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J. G. Smith Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. ' 10-1929. Auction Sale Of House and lot on Rattenbury street, west, Clinton on Saturday, September 7th, at 1:30 sharp. Tho undersigned has received in- structions from Mr. J. T. Turner, administrator of the estate of the late X. Webster, to sell by public auction on the promisee, one story. frame house with cellar, town wat ee and good' garden lot Terms: 20 per cent of purchase money to be paid down on day of sale, balance to be paid in 16 days., 3. T. Turner, Adnninistratoli, G. a.' Elliott, Auc- tioneer. 29-2, • "Niagara" Super -Soluble Land Lime, also, high grade fertilizers always in stock. Prompt delivery service when required. H. R. Baer, Phone Carlow, 2821, R. R. No. 5, Goderich, Ont. r 15-tf. For •Salic 20 pigs, 6 weeks old, also 13 pigs, 15 weeks old. Phone 15-247, Sea - forth central. Archie ,Theodore Dale, lot 9, con. 2, Huilett.. 28-2. To Rent • A modern &welling of eight rooms, also garage on Gibbings St., Clinton,,to A., A, Immediate possession. Apply ,,' J. McMurray, box 193, Harriston; Ont. 26-tf. Slabs For Salo Orders 'left at my residence will receive prompt attention. E Ward, Huron street, Clinton. Phone 155. 15-tf. Pullets Bred:to-lay Barred' Rock pullets, hatched in March. D. M. Lindsay, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, Hedge -Row Chick Farm, 26-tf. , Rouse For Sale 7 -room house, Orange street, Clin- ton. Town water, electric lights. Also two vacant .lots. Apply to Brown Stewart; R. R. No, 2, Bay- field. Phone. 606r5, Clinton central. 23-tf. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re. paired. Woollen geode dry cleaned Rooms wer Heard's B rber shop W. J. Jago. 2283 -ti House For Sale A comfortable seven room cottage with town water and electric lights, acre of land with small fruit and good stable with chicken house. Ap- ' ply to Alex. Sloman, Fulton street, , Clinton. 05-tf. For Salo "'On Victoria street a 10 -roomed frame house in perfect condition, pantry, washroom, bath, new Mc - Clary furnace, cellar under whole of house, large garden, garage, in beautiful location; -Apply to Mrs. A. S. Inkley, Clinton. 07-2.9.13. Clinton's PAit- tY THE HOLMESVILLE CO.OPERA. TIVE CHEEP ANDBUTTER CO NO LOSS OF SLEEP W YOU BUT Standard Royalties THE PARADE OF TFIE • LW \ (i WANT WARMTH) ENDS ''AT THE HEAT FOLKS cF,YAf2DS a Your monthly check' never fails. Purer Canadian Management. IMPERIAL TRUST CO. OF ; OA1,411A7 ViTtITEES • .12 per cent, Dividend Suite j Dividends Paid Monthly. • .i J. G. CHOWEN - CLINTON. P. 0. Box, 155 • Phone', 52 041E . !Coal and l IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF HARD COAL, (LIHIGH VALLEY) SOFT COAL, CORE, SLABS - CALL 256 • A. D. ' McCartney Queen Street d Telephone 256 Cockshutt -'Agency Wishing Repairs or - Parts for Coekshutt or Frost and Woods -eta- chines of any kind should call at my, Residence, ' .I also handle Coekshutt Crean Separators. JOHN V. Queen Street, Clinton 81-tt,; Labor Day in some of the foreign countries is attended by a massing.. of all the working classes. In a sullen gesture against capital. But in this country, where every- body works, and everybody plays, Labor Day is celebrated as a happy holiday. Let us be glad that in this coun- try, the essentials of living -food, clothing, shelter and heat -are with- in reach of all. P. S. Plan to enjoy your holiday in fullest peace of -mind by getting in your coal beforehand. Call the aoltiati for good, dean coal ® t CO ;MPANY AL CO PHONE 74 CLINTON SEEDS :Complete stock Clovers and Grass Seeds on hand. Our Alfalfa is Peel County Seed No. 1 Government standard . This type of seed is practically impossible. to buy this year. Have only a small stock. Good value while it lasts. J. A. FORD ei SON Phone 123 Flour, Feed and Seed McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag• envy for this district I will keep o hand a full stock of repairs and part of all McCormieli-Deering machin and will appreciate a share of th patronage of the farmers suroundin Clinton. Call at my shop, next door t Jones' blacksmith shop, Ring street., W. J. STEW 1'.'.;T Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04-tf • Eggs and Poultr . Home on Tuesday and Friday ford noon to take in Poultry. "' Eggs handled; at residence evert day -graded by an experienced grad `er, for which we pay the highest mar ket price. ' Cream p urchased for Stillman'ii E. Finch Viking Create Separator Agent,;: Victoria St;,• Clinton Phohe 2