HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-09-05, Page 1g1'ITI
NO. 25.30- Ist Year
E .CLIt�."'.CON NEW "E
TEI1i1113E/I 2d
O E a,
Che first Advertisement ever Published was 'En Color and it was one that,can` never he Improved upon. : This
a .P p first Advertisement was the °o o , ��d ••••
the heavens to Advertise to the world that it could not again 'be destroyed bya flood, ' 'And like all' good dverti n ,j[ "-Arl,hnz ii bane,
t5y itals kept �t�.4ru1��. On A'dvertisin
.1,111.00...11,111111.14.015.14110.1•1111 valuoloammeas0.6.0
'es of JGdatg
Seventypeople out of every one. hundred have defective 'eye-'
Sight. •And this i$ not because eyes are being made "Poorer" than
they' were in: grandfather's day 'either.
Our present mode of living, with confining work, 'insufficient
exercise and too manyhours spent with artificial lights throws a
load' on the eyes which they were never intended to carry, ,As a
result, more and mere people need th,e comforting help of glasses
for eyes which have been overworked.
Do not put off giving your eyes the attention they. deserve.,It is.
more °than' likely they peed it NOW.
410 +o
Jeweler and Optometrist
'Phone 174w'and.174j
Range. e. S •
tie, sthat
, Distinguished
in Every
Now 1.7
�od�� (t arriv-
, CAJI l .tv"'
and You r
ToSee Them.
Tailored to .Order.!
Jntraducing "iloyal York" Clothes tailored to order
exclusively .by W. E. Johnston & Co.
One Price
"Royal York," Canada's :
newest line of tailored -to -
measure .Stilts 'and 'Over-
coats, is introduced to the
public by .W. R. Johnston
& Co,. as the direct result of
public demand forbetter
clothes at $27:50: Only the
name and the price are new
-- for this unusual made -
to -measure 'clothing has be-
hind it the prestige of Can-
ada's oldest tailoring house,
established 1868.'
We believe that with
their authentic styling,
built-in `qua'lity and super-
ior workmanship, "ROYAL
YORK" Clothes offer the
greatest" dollar -for -dollar,
value at, or near $27,50. We
invite you to inspect the
inodels and fabric ::samples:
and judge for yourself.
Suit or Overcoattailored
your personal measure-
one price, $27e50.
.. n saflare Deal for e...y nay:.
Wheat, $1.25 to $1.25,
Barley, 60c to 65e.
Oats;. 45c to 50c,
Buckwheat, 70e,
'Butter, <.0 8e to 40e
Eggs 25c to 38e.
• Live11-4ogs,$10,50,
Mr, =ind 1Vla:s. Coorge D. McTag
gart ,announce the engagement
their youngest' daughter, Lle- n
' Broder, (Nan), to air. Thomas Blain
aT?', son of :Mr. and Mrs. Thoma
';loronto, the-rnarziage
take• pia in ^S' ' ember,
- l t meeting' was held in - St. Paul's
ai' church- Tuesday evening to discuss
or plans for the coming 'winter. They
have decided on a special program
s for next meeting Tuesday, ` Septem,
o be 10th, when all boys between the
ages of twelve and eighteen years,
whoare' interested in scouting ` will
I, be :welcome.
The remains o£ the late Mrs.' S. S.
Cooper, who died very suddenly at
s "Monrovia, last week, have been plac-
ed in a vault in - California and will
not be brought hone at present;
Mr. Cooper has not yet returned but
is spending some time with his
dab hter Mrs. Percy :
g Y Ladd, with
( whom Mrs, Cooper was staying.
Union 'decoration day services 'till
be. held .in the Iocal ceznetery on
Sunday afternoon neat by the L0.O.
1'. and -the Oraiigeinen.
The. parade will :form at Library
Park at: 'half "past two and will
mai-eh to the cemetery, where -an or-
der 'of service will' be gone, through.
The Rev. Mr, Davidson 'of .Winghamr
ill t
'ave give ho addre"ss: And after" the
decoration ora n of the graves the societ-
ies will re form and march back
in oder.
;Clinton Girls' softball team won at
the tournament at' Gerrie on Labour.
Day, -winning the final game from
Gerrie in a score of 25-17. Made-
lon Streets •- pitched a wonderful
gaipo ,and,•lviuriel Mulholland, Clin-
ton catcher, is .also' a wonder, get
ting three ;home- nuns • during the
game. • In fact every player, on the
team. might' be rated a' star.
-The, follo'adng were the players:
Mjulholland, e;' M. Streets, p;
1Vt; Kennedy, 'Ib; B. cEwen, 2b; and
rf;, M•' Smith, se; R. Shobrook, 3b;
I. Holmes, ef; N. Streets, If; T.
Swinbank, rf; E, 4Ewen 2b.
Clinton girls Lost to Stratford Ky-
amsers on Friday last in a score of
16 to 10, but.. owing to the Iate ar-
rival of Stratford team the game
only went four innings. Clinton
hopes to have the pleasure of meet-
ing Stratford again before the sea=
son closes so that, they may be'able
to fullly demonstrate their 'prowess.
The cquncii- met ,on Tuesday even.
ing, A'f'onda'y.having 'been a holiday,
.the councillors" being present
with the exception of Councillor
Cooper,. Reeve. Trewartha in the
chair in, the absence, of Mayor Col.
After. the reading of the minutes
of last 'Meeting a communication was
read from, Miss O'Neil asking, per
,mission to 'use 8n alley, way at the
rear of •the town hall in case of un-
loading 'goods. On -motion of Coun-
ci lors Paisley and .Elliott „this was
granted, Cennciilor_Paisley , said it
would onlyniean- the removal of one.
panel of fence and would relieve
traffic at a crowded corner if the
back alley could be used.
On motion of Councillors Holmes
and Elliott the street committee was,
.empowered to procure the, nee of the
county scarifier and grader for use
on the back streets. The general.
opinion was that the back streets
were in bad shape and that some-
thing should- be dont to remedy con-
ditions before the fall • rains com-
There were few reports from the
heads of committees. Chairman Hol-
mes of the fire and water committee
said they had considered somewhat
the -matter of increased insurance but
had left it over for another time.
Dr. Thempson reported a number of
improvements' made in the cemetery
and explained that the power mower
would soon need to,be overhauled
completely or be replaced with a new
one. Reeve Trewartha said coil
would be needed for the 'town hall
but the matter was left over.
On motion of Councillors Thomp-
son and Holmes the clerk'` was in-
strueted to write the Wernen's' Insti-
tute, thanking them for the seats
'which they bevel had placed in the
cemetery for the use of the public.
On motion.- of Councillors ,Holmes
and Livermore it was' decided to aslc
the thief of police to have the walk
up Princess street to the Collegiate
cleared and made safe for pedes-
trians, especially Collegiate students.
On motion of Councillors Thomp-
son' and Paisley it was decided to
give the Chief and constable each
a week's holidays, the'chief to choose
a "substitute in each ease. •
Street Account
Paysheet .. . $19.50
A. McCartney, gravel, team3.75
A. Glazier, 1 load of sand .60
Electric Light Account
P. U. Com., street lighting'' 158.40
Property Account
P. U. Com., lighting :.hall 7.29
Paysheet .,. 2.50
D. E. CIoset Account
A. Fulford, salary: for Aug. 65.00
Cemetery' Acdount
C. V, Cook, salary for Aug. 125.00
Payshcet „',,.;97.50
G. Jenkins, Iumber 46.95
Clin. II'd'w'e' Co.. reefing, etc 28.41
J. B. Mustard, cement . 1.8.25
T. Hawkins, troughs, etc . 12.30
Salaries Account
L. Siong, salary for Aug.,. 71,83
la, Grealis, galaty for Aug.. 58.33
Fire and Water Account
T. Mlorgan . '5:"gals.,. gas.... , 1.40
Grants Acocunt
1'. U. ,Corn, light and X -Ray
Hospital . 22.29
Incidental' Account
Bell Telephone Co, rent, etc. 6.35
Market .scales . ...$4.30
Dog Tax ....,..,,,, 2.00'
BuildingPermits 2
l' s AO
Hall rant ...15.00 23.30
Sale of lot: 8.00
Care in Perp . 60.00
Work , 19,50 87.50
E. Grealis, atoek scales 15,05
In its issue of, Sept, let, Maclean'
Magazine carried 'amongst the prie
winners. in a Macleanagrant the
name of T. G. Seribbins, Clinton
who wen a substantial sum "and i
now receiving the congratulations of
his friends.. Some people are born
lneky, or perhaps -it is that they are
just naturally smarter than the lave
of us.
It :is very dry we've: had no ran
worth mentioning o z g for weeks and the
'weather,' too,' is hot' and more ',;wate
is daily used, Supt,. Rumball'informs
The News -Record': that we are using
more water than `can be pumped,'
dangerous state: of affairs.- Wht
er should not be. twisted , all
this .time. Should a . fire break
out when water is low in the stand-
pipe the consequences might be ser-
ious. Special, care should be taken
to prevent fires. No fires should be
lit outside while - everything, is so
dry and every precaution should be
taken as. a preventive,
The certificate of Miss Doris Dur-.
r nen, who wooto on the 'tfpper'School
exam., recently, did not arrive when
the others' came butcaine last week
a and: Miss' Durnin got a pass in both
- subjects written; Latin ; authors and
Latin composition, Kenneth Caiter's
certificate was also delayed, but we
got it in time to include hi last
week's issue with the general report,
• Mr. Norman n Lev r
7n Lever, Provincial
Ilighway officer, who has been re-
siding in Clinton for the past couple
of months, was -found on Friday af-
ternoon last Lying unconscioils under
his motorcycle an the road near
Drysdale. He was carried' into
house a medical and dr aZ attention Calle
and as ,.soon as possible his family
notified, Mrs, Lever bas been with
him ever since and, happily, his
condition is improving and rt is ex-
pectedehe will recover, but his in-
jurieswere thought at first to be of
a very serious nat re Hewas
conscious' for .about forty-eight
hours. - Ile will not be able to be
moved for a few days. It is sup-
posed that he 'struck loose ;gravel,
when his machine turned over,
A special anniversary and meinor-
ial service was held in Blake United
church, Ashfield, on Sunday morn,-
i ing last when a memorial window
Was dedicated in memory of the late
Mr. and Mrs. William Stothers, the
window being' presented by the fam-
ily of,.above .Mr, Stephen B,'Stothers
of Essex, former]) of Clinton, being
one member. •
a The Rev. J. A. Agnew, Kingsville,
presidenttheLondon Conference,
himself an old Ashfield boy, was the
special preacher for the day, and
Made the dedicatory prayer. Mes-
srs. S; B. and, J. C. Stothers unveiled
the window and the former, in a few
words presented it to the church in
memory of his parents. Ile spoke
feelingly of the elevation of his par-
ents to the church and of the tender
memories, the family had' for the
church and the eommunity and the
pride they had in it, and said he felt
sure all the young people Who had
gone out from the community felt
the same way, Miss Marion Gib
binge of Clinton sang in her own fine.
manner the.beautiful sacred solos,
"Open the Gate of the Temple," and.
"Alone with Jesus." : •
Monday 'was Labour Day but most.
of us did as little as possible.
Oenntabie . Grealis is holidaying
this week and E. Ward is on night
duty in his stead.
Miss Madeline Vanliorne has tak-
en a position in the office of .the
Gunn, Langlois Co.
Mr. George Campbell has parches -
ed the house in North` street belong-
ing to the Wilson estate and will get
possession at once.
Anyone wishing to. donate fowl
for the Hospital supper to be held on
Oct. Toth are asked to kindly • see
the.secretary, MSss infelver.
Dr, McInnes has moved his fame
ily from Wingham to Clinton and
they hare taken up their residence
in the Irwin house, Huron street.
Before leaving to make, her .helve
in Toronto 14re. T. Jackson was prey
sented by the women's. Association
of the Presbyterian church with a
set of,- stainless steel dinner knives.
A special 'meeting of the hospital
Board will be held in' the boardroq,m
of the town hall at 7:30 an Tuesday
evening next to arrange -for the fowl
supper. All members are urged to
ttend. -
Clinton Wesley -Willis softball
team' went to London' on Monday to
compete in the Y. P. U. softball fin-
ale. There were four teams to come
pete for the' cup, Sixth Line, .Spar -
tons, .EEmbro and Wesley -Willis. The
games started after considerable Ar-
gurnent between Sixth Line- and
Spartons, which - was finally settled
and Spartons defeated Sixth Line in
a score of 1.2-10. Clinton then play-
ed the Spartons to see. which was
to Meet Embro to play for the cup.
The Wesley -Willis Spartons
in the' score of 22-2. The boys were
out to win and they piled up the
runs from the start, The game end-
ed at the conclusion of the 5th in-
ning, as Spartons said they had,
had enough.
After • little rest the Clinton boys
had to get out and play Embro for
the cup. The boys got four runs in
the first inning and it looked as if
they were_ going to bring home the
cup. :But their hard play • in^ the
previous game +began to tell:on thein
The burlesque put on .10 the town
hall on. Thursday last by to trnvelliug
company brought out a full house
,and provided a. - hoIe series, of
laughs: "1Viutt,acd deif" praided
amusement for the crowd, doing.
their usual funny stunts, and prey-
enting their parts well, while a com-
pany of pretty girls danced and
sang in many costumes. Ono of
the surprises of the evening was pro
vided when the actor taking the part
Of an elderly lady, who had no use
at all for men, in the last chorus
removed her -wig and ;stood forth a
very masculine looking man, even in
his women's attire.
Few travelling companies carry
so many costumes and in each case
they looked fresh and attractive.
They were in many cases quite scant.
but there was nothing cheap or taw-
dry about 'chem. And -off the stage
the members of the company were
pleasant and agreeable people. Mr.
Cosgrave is manager of the com-
Dr: and Mss. Graham of Exeter,
who are leavingg Canada shortlyfo
Mission .,,'Work in MacKay Memorial
Hospital, Tamsui, Formosa, were re-
cently presented with a purse of
gold by the meniibers of Huron Pres-
byterial ofthe Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Graham, who was a valved
member will be greatly missed by all
with whom -she'. was associated.
St, Panne Church
' The Sunday school will meet at
] 0 arm Morning and evening ser-
vices at the usual ahours, The rector
will preach. •
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Auxiliary will be held next
Tuesday at 3 pan.
Presbyterian Church
The minister's morning subject:
"The ;Genial Christ." Evening: "The
Great Supper." l Sunday ,school at
half past two and prayer service on.
Wednesday evening.
The Mission Band will meet on
Mlonday evening at seven o'cloch and
at eight o'clock 'Monday evening the
Ladies' Auxiliary will hold their
monthly meeting. • , I
Ontario Street United Church
Fellowship service at ten o'clock '
Sunday .morning. The minister's.'
moaning. subject: The Ladder from
Earth to Heaven." Evening "Young t
Men Winners, or Lilo on Top of the
Worlid."` Sunday 5a11o01 at 2:30 p:ni
Young :people's League on Monday',
evening, prayer and praise service on
Wednesday' evening.
The W M S. will hold their meet
ing on Tuesday, 'Sept. 1.011. at 3
pan. at the Home of Mrs. E. Warren,
Albert street,
Wtesley-Willis United Church
Sermon Subjects for next Sunday, 1
Morning: "Nehemiah Rebuilding the
Wall of - Jerusalem." Evening
School Days.,,
The Official Board will meet this
(Thursday), evening at 8 o'clock in
the. church =lecture room'
Tim l „Girls''7
Club will meet, in the
Sunday, school room ori Tuesday ev- .b
ening next; Sept. 10th, at eight i
The W, M. S. will meet in the
Sunday school room at eight o'clock
on Thursday evening, Sept, 12111,
and when the Umpire on first gave
a few adverse decisions it took the
pop out of them: Embro soon tied
the score and then went into the
ead, to win by a score of •94. Both
teams played good ball and it wee a
very good game,
The Wesley -Willis softball team,
under the
mang ement of "vii.
Steep, 'should be given credit for file
rand of ball they have played slur-
eg the 'season. They Cama within
hroo rims of winning the inter -00015^,
y cup and are to be warmly con-
The Collegiate opened Tuesday
morning with a good attendance The
staff this term consists of A, E.
Fines, principal; F. C. Goombes,'
classic specialist; Miss Hobbs, Eng--
3ish and French; Miss Lawson, Eng
fish and History; 1V1iss Albssop, Sci-
ence and Art and ioliss Kellman, Art.
The latter three are new members
of the staff.
Gordon. Eckardt presented -Carman
Gay and her Gipsy Band in the town.
hall yesterday evening ;under the
auspices 'of the Clinton Fire 'Com.
pally, a bright little program of
snappy music being put on. At the.
conclufiion of the program a dance
was given, the concert orchestra sap -
plying the music. '
ws ag •oo
d crowd p se re n
many staiing for
the dance, in 'spite
of the heat.
Mr: E. Saville' brought an apple
into the office yesterday morning, a
big, sound looking apple, and yet
there was something rather unusue.
al in ite.appearance This was ex-.
plained when he told us that it was,
a 1928 model. It was an ,'Ontario/'
and was sound and.of a .good colour
and later in the day it was :eut .up
and each member of the" staff had a
piece of it All declared that it had
kept. -wonderfullywell,beven its _flay-
flawedo had fallen off to some extent.
There doesn't seem :to be anything
'wrong with the keeping quality of
an apple which is still fit for eon-
u p on September fourth. of
the year following; its production.
117iss Lottie Sio`inan was inToronto
over L b
a our Day.
Mr, J. Silcox was in Toronto- bo) a
couple of days •this week.
Mess Irene Layton spent the week-
end with Stratford relatives. '
Mr, and Mee, H, 13. Manning were
in Toronto for a couple of days
last week..
Mrs. Somers and Miss Audey of De-
troit were week -end guests of Mrs..
Hiram -Hill.
Miss Doris. Durniio has returned
from ,Muskoka, where she spent
several weeks,
Mr. W. Mutch of the Royal- Bank
was s r n Toronto this week,
taking in :the big
Miss Margaret Cree has returned to'
,New York after spending her boli-
• days at -her home in town.
Mr, and hies. R. L. Lawson and
Sam, spent the 'week -end and holi-
day with Mi,. and Mrs,. E. Lawson
of town.
IVii•. and Mrs, Walter Morgan of
Hamilton- ase spending this week
with the formers brother, Mr, T.
W. • IVliorgan.
Miss Carol Evans has gone to hei•.
new school duties . at ' Vershayle,
where she is principal of a'three-
room . school.
Miss Vera Douglas, nurse -in -train=
ing at Hamilton, Spent her holiday
with her grandparents, Mr. and
M'rs. Herbert: Crich,
Vita and Mrs. T. R. W'atts of Strat-
ford agent the week -end and heir-
eliday at the home of Nir.'and Mus.
W. H. Watts oe town.
Miss Winnie McMath, who spent the
summer at Jasper Park, retuned
home last week. Miss MbMath'
also took a trip to Alaska,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Layton of
Exeter visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Layton, prior to
leaving on a trip to the : Coast.
Mr..and Mrs. G. L. Hanly and sons,
'14lurray and Dona and Mr. G. N.
Evans spent the week -end and
holiday with relatives tri' Detroit, •
Mr. and: -eV s,' W: b'.. Giddings and
babe of Detroit were home .over
the week -end with the lady's. par-
ents, Mr,- and Ntrs. Harvey Mc
Kie and Mrs. A. Lucas returned -
after spending 'A fow•daysin Brant-
ford with members of thein family
and visiting in Niagara Falls and
at Toronto Fair.
Miss 'Marion Gibbings went up to
Blake United church, Ashfield,, on
Sunday morning and contributed
a couple of solos at a special: mem-
orial service which was held there.
Dr. R. T. and Mrs. Rodaway of' Roan-
oke, 111„ and Mrs. E. W. Jackson
of Chicago,were called homelast
week owing to the illness of their
niothee Mrs,, E. W. Rodaway of
Itown. -
Rev. J. E. Hogg occupied his - own
pulpit in, Wesley -Willis church on
• Sunday,, after 'holidaying for the
month of August, and this week
will bring his family home from
their manner cottage. at South-
Miss Estelle Wilson of Brampton
spent a few days last week at . the
home, of Mr. Henry • Adams.
Miss, Margaret Adams spent last
week in Toronto.
Mrs.' Hutton ' and MSss Ethel
Thompson have returned honie after
spending a week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutton Mr. and M • •
M rb.
Jaeper, Jackie and Viola Jasper
er l'
and Mr, and Mrs. Rutherford all l of
Toronto spent ,Sunday at the home of
bit' G. Thompson and Mr• John Hut-
Mr. `and airs. Geo. Beattie of In-
gersoll were callers with Mr. and.
Mrs, 1. - 1- iridson over the week -end.
Mrs. D, Mountain •is visiting her -
daughter, Mrs. J Pipe of Godezich.
What might have been a'tei.y ser -
Ions fire occurred at the home of lvir,.
I'. Pairservice's on Thursday night.
The family were all away :at the;
time. It was first seen by Mr. 1.
Armstrong across the 'street. It:
started in the wood shed, the. blaze
going to the ceiling band learning
soma of -the woodwork' before their
Succeeded 'in'quenching the flames.
If help had' not been on hand at the
Moment nothing •could have. saved.
the house;
Mrs. Wallace, Alien returned ` tee
her home' at Paxoly last weel- and'
Will spend a few weeks there before•
returning to the home of herii other, .
MxS_ Bell.
Mr. Harold Snell vrilI take the ser-
vices at the United church on Sun--
'da e1?
Y Sent. Sth
Mee and M•
is, Leslie .Ball spent
Labor Day with St: Thomas friends.
Mr. and Mrs." Norman Carter and''
family spent Labor 'Sunday with Mos.:
Josie Tamblyn. _
Mr Wm Moon, Mr, Chas: Watson,•
Mr. W'in. Manning, and Mr. P. Browne,
who epent some days. at Toronto.Ex--
hibiti"on, have returned home.,
Mr, and Mrs, 'J. R. Middleton at-
tended the : Canadian National Exhi-
bition at Toronto last week.
; The"annual Tebbutt reunion picnic
was held in .$arbour Park, Goderiehe
on Labor Day. The weather being -
ideal made it a pleasant outing for
A number of sports,horse-shoe
throwing;"'checkers, swimming and
diving were much enjoyed.
'Nearly one hundred relatives sat
down to well laden tables to enjoy
their . supper together. Since the
last picnic one of the number, Mrs.
g Goderich township,
has been called by death.
The chafrnian and one person from.
each family will have charge of the
arrangements for next years picnic.,
Council met in Hol•mesville on Sat-
urday last: Minutes ,of last meeting,
read and adopted.
County Engineer wrote re crushed'
gravel' on Con, 7 and Cut Line, this
was left over until next meeting.
,The clerk was instructed to enter -
arrears of Hydro accounts in the
Collector's roll.
,A deputation from Goderich, eon -
of Mor -
y 11i1a c;sw n
a and'
Messrs. 'Connolly, Munnings, Groves„
and 'Township- treasurer. " Slalkeld
waited on the Council asking for se
grant to Goderich Fall Fair, to this
a grant of $25.00 was voted.
The question of holding the nom-
ination in November and the election -
in December wasdiscussed but was
Ieft over until next meeting.
The following accounts Were ore-
dered paid:
Reg. Sturdy, sheep claim, $15.00;`
Reg. Sturdy, valuing sheep, $6.00;•
Supt, pay voucher No. 9, $354.62.
Acting on the recommendation -of•
Mr. P. D. Brown, the Dept. of High-,•
ways Auditor, . gravel . accounts were
not included in this voucher; gravel
not to be paid until the owner of1thc
pit sends an account corresponding
with that sent by the patrol then in:
charge of the work.
Council then adjourned to meet on"
Monday, October 7th,, at 1:30 p.m.
It: G. Thompson, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stevenson of De-
troit spent the week -end and holi-
day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Balsam.
Misses Alda and I'lorence btDon.-
ald spent the holiday with their
brothers, Messrs. C. and J. McDon-
ald, •
IVI-. and Mrs. James Morgan and'
daughter, Florence, of • Detroit vis-
ited friends hi the neighborhood. It
is' sometime since IVCs. •Mlorgan was
here and his many friends were glad
to see him. -
M�S.. and Mrs. Alf. McGregor and::
family, also Miss Mary McGregor of
Detroit spent the week -end with,
friends' in this vicinity.
Mr. Deland Betties of Toronto,
spent the holiday at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Betties.
Miss 'Grace Stirling was up from•.
Toronto for the holiday.
Mr and Mas. J. L Tasker of De-
troit and
e-troit.and Mo. and Mrs. William Tes
Iter and babe of Stratford" epent the,
week -end as the guests of the lad-
ies' parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, G. Gib -
Miss Mattie BIacker returned on
Monday., to Toronto after 'spending a
fortnight's holiday -with har parents;
Mr. and ,Mrs, ];.Blacker.
A pretty wedding was solemnized'
et the home of the bride's father on
Monday at high noon when Mabel'
Elizabeth, 'daughter of Ni, Thomas`
E. Livingston, was: united in mar-
riage to kr, George Id. Pockett .of'
Winnipeg, The 'bride Was prettily
gowned in shell ,punk satin and ear
pied a Shower bouquet of Sunset
roses. The couple were unattended:.
The bride was given
in marriage by her : father:
two ministers took part in the cele-
mony, the Rev, 1: W. Johnson pas-
tor of the Londesboro-Constaiu e ••
charge, and the Rev. B. Snell; Staffa,
fernier pastor. Only immediate re--
latives andfriends were present:.
After the ceremony; a wedding hutch -
eon was served and M4.•, and -Mrs..
Poekett left on the afternoon train
en a short , honeymoon trip They -
.leave about the 20t1i, tor- their- home,
near Winnipeg.