HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-09-19, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING LERY TOR WE LOOK, YOU STRAIGIIT IN THE, EYE 'All popular models in high quality glasses. Special prices on for one week only. Why let.. poor glasses, not properly fitted, give you wrinkles? - We test your ' eyes free of charge. • R.. H. JOHNSON Distributoi for Clinton Graduate of Toronto Collegeof Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's lrug Store vJ Tailored , to easure Is the Price of a Tip Top Suit or: Top Coat Tip Top;. Clothes offer you, the.opportunity to practice thrift and at the same time secure the ut- most in clothes value offered in Canada today. The new:woolens are more wonderfully design- ed than ever and ° embrace cloths from the finest looms,' imported direct from the, great mills of Eng-; . land and Scotland. May we show you the new ranges? A glance through `,our complete Autumn and Winter Fashion .portfolio will unfailingly disclose the style you have in mind... New Fall and Winter Samples Now Ready, Yon are "Cordially. Invited. to inspect Them. Plumsteel Bros. Every Garment Custom Tailored Everything for the PRESERVING SEASON Jars, rubbers, parawax, sealing wax, lids, glasses — everything you need in order , to make your preserving this year a wonderful success. Put up your preserves now and have delightful desserts all winter. "When Quality is as Represented" THE C, & S. GROCERS 1 Select Your New FALL HAT Here For the Utmost in Smartness I p Our Fall display includes hats that reach the very peak of exclusive individuality and newness. Colne here and see hats such as have never been seen be- fore, at prices lower by' far than you would judge. Entrancing in there simplicity, colorful, chic, these hats will tempt you to purchase two instead of one. But whether you plan to purchase one, two or none, come in and see them anyway! DAVIS n-®„orr.rs EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN HIGH GRADE ALL -ELECTRIC RADIOS At Big —Savings-- g Containing all .the newest lr radio wrinkles, these all -e- lectrics lcs are a wonderful val- ue. So much ''better than the old-fashioned kind that you will, be astonished when you see and hear them. Free delivery - free installation— free service` for orie year Tradein your old radio—our "allowance is liber- al. .Never" have there been better radio values than these -Sclater & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w WINGHAM:, A Wingham High School student, Miss Jean Stobie, who with one year. in the Lipper. School, obtained nine first class hon- ours s of is and two seconds, was success - fel in winning the Prince of Wales Scholarship- in Physics and Chem-. istry, offered by Queen's University to Upper`. School student from any Collegiate or High School in the Pro- vince of Ontario; who obtains , the highest standing' in these."two sub= jects, Jean enters Queen's Univer- sity this September with the best wishes h las mates and man i sties of her c s •a Y friends, 1 WHY Good ous.ekeepiu Is the Favorite Woman's Magazine Because it brings the service of experts in all'branehels of their home making and provides the equivalent of a library of -tie best new reading. It has delightful serials, brilliant 'short stories and features by disting- uished authors, It's " department of Cookery publishes thrifty menus and many- delicious new tiecipes by Good Housekeeping Institute. It has fash- ion. illustrations re-producingthe favored modes, Dressmaking instr- uction '• and needlework ,designs. The department of decorations will' help to make your home more convenient' and beautiful. The finincial .section tells you how to look after: your money and also, a splendid', helpfgl Itlearth and beauty section and gives particular attention ..to"the• care and training of Children. IT IS ON OUR NEWSTAND MON- THLY AT THIRTY-rIVE CENTS THE COPY The '1�. D. Fair coo Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 1 II��IIpu n�iGHllUluinun�n� nnnwviuipimmoll� Mrs. Carrie Jervis is visiting with Detroit friends. Mr. A. J. Holloway is spending a few weeks with Peterboro friends, Mrs. W. L. 'Wade of Fort' WilIiam is visitingtown. Miss Ijattie Courtice of Miss Emtna. Doan left ..this week to resume her teaching duties in 'Boston. Mh. £ W, Steeps spent the week -end 'with his brother, Mr. Earl Steepe -of London. Miss E. A. Washington spent the week -end as the guest of Mx. and Mrs,. J'. C, Forbes, Hultett. Mr. and Mrs. O. Blanchard of De- troit visited the latter's mother, Mrs. M. Pickett, last week. Mrs. WI. D. Fair returned last week rafter a visit of some months with her ,brothers at Los Angeles, Cal, Mr. and Mrs. Levi, Annis of Scarboro called on their cousin, 112iss Wash- ington of town this Week, They Were on a motor trip. • Mr. and Mas. W. U. Latornell and Mite Combo of St. Thomas were the guests of the Misses Doan for a couple of days this Week. Mr. Harry Watkins and Mr. Thos, Crone of Chatham spent the week- end, at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mr's., J. Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Robertson and Mrs. W. J, : Stevenson were in 'Brantford this week attending the filneral of the late Mrs. C. B. Heyd. Mi. Spence Irwin and bride of 146c -- slow, returning from Toronto, spent a day recently with their cousin, Mrs. J. Argent, • going on to Goderich. Mrs, James Bentley and little Miss Lillian of Detroit were the guests of the former's aunt and unele, Me•. and Mrs. David Steep, over the week -end. Rev. C. E. Dougan was in Wingham on Sunday supplying the pulpit of the Rev. Dr. Petrie, who preached anniversary sermons in the Pres- byterian church. Mr, and Mrs -Richard Maguire have `retained to thleir home in -Nashua, • after a pleasant' visit with Mhs. J. J. Maguire and Mr.' and Mrs. Ai, O. Pattison. Mr. R. W. 11/111er, Miss Molly Miller, Dr. A. J. Courtice, Mrs, Courtice and Miss Sybil Courtice of Winni- peg were week -end visitors with Miss II. Courtice of Clinton. Mrs, A. Sinclair after a visit of some' weeks with her sisters, Mrs. W. Pickard and .Miss Georgina Rum- bali, let Monday morning to join her husband at . Sydney, N.S. Mx and Mrs, J. L. Heard have're- turned after a visit with the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. Frank McElwain of Gelert Onh They also visited in Toronto, taking in the big fair. Mr. and Mfrs. Edvtsin Oliver and son, Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Oliver' and Mrs. Weaver and her daugh- ter, Grace, of Toronto spent the week -end with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mas, E. G. Saville. Dr, and Mrs, Adams of Windsor re- surited last week from their •trip to the Old Land and Mrs. Adams spent a. few'days at tyle home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Scott,, Where her children had been staying during her absence, Rev. J. E. Hogg is in Toronto this week attending the. Alumini Con- fereiice of Emmanuel College, Un- iversity of Toronto, which was ar- ranged for four days, The speakers are Rev. Prof„ Harris F. Rail • of Yale University, and Rev'. Prof. John Bailie, late of Auburn The- ological Seminary, now of Emman- uel. , THE' : CLINTON-NEWS RECORD THUPuSDAY, -SEPTEMBER 19, 1u2 1 1 1 1 1 11 Uri Dear?,/ have eo entertain ,5,XXpeap/eWELL ' t�=marra.w•, � �c.�/a �• 1HIJINS Z ° TIN THAT! rP O N ' BIG. COR.NER GROCERY At O'Neil's Food Store you can get Everything { l�lIllpllGJliJi��G° ON E FRIEND TELLS' ANOT1I L k' They Work Mutually with their Customers Hy Closest Prices Quick Service and Best Quality ONLY OF COURSE, IT IS NECESSARY TO HAVE THE CASH TO BUY WISELY. TO-GETIHER:WE CONTINUE;; SPECIAL PRICE LIST, SEPTEMBER I9th to 26th FREE DELIVERY Lard, .3 lbs. in' bulk 49c °Keen's Mustard, small size 26c Keen's Mustard, large size 49c Jelly Powder, 4 for 25c ' Vinegar, (delivered 50c) ; Cash and Carry 45c Corn Starch, 2 pkgs ...:19c Lux Soap' Flakes, 3 for 29e Salado Tea, .per lb. 69c Liptons tea,. per ib, 59c Macaroni, 2 lbs. 21c Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs. 25c O'Neil's Coffee, ib. 65c • MUTUAL PRICE LIST Soda Biscuits, 2 pkgs. Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. Robber Rings, 4 doz. - Zinc Rings; per doz.` Rolled Oats, 10 lbs. Breakfast Bacon, piece Pickled Roll, per ib. Schneider's Sausage . Cocoanut, 7/2 lb. 25c 58c 25c 19c 45c 38c 30c 30c 15c FOR THE DINNER PARTY Cold Tongue, lb. tin • ....,., .....60c Jellied Chicken, in glass .:,. $1,25 Branston Pickle, ` each 25e Stuffed Olives . • 39c Fruits for salads 34c Mammy's Pineapple Roll 25c perfection Salad, Cabbage, Cel- ery and Tomatoes with ''Knox Gelatine, at 230 Blue Ribbon Mayonaisse.,,30e Smiles & Chuckles_ 60c (in 1b. pkgs.) FRESH FISH FRIDAYS -WATCH FOR SPECIAL DODGERS NEXT WEEK CANE l' rrND T. LLSANOT[IER Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. Cash and Carrg W. GOODS DELIVERED 10c Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p.tu. :O'NEIL WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS Phone Fowl Supper in Town Hall under the auspices of the Clinton Hospital Board October 10th 5to8p.m, EUCHRE: 8:30—DANCING Up-to-date Orchestra. 82-3. Tea and Baking. Sale The W. M. S. of flesIey-W511is United church intend holding a tea and sale of homemade baking in the lecture room of the church on the afternoon of , Friday, Sept. 27th iron 8:80 to 6 o'clock Drop in and have a cup of tea and look over the new chnrch, You will be made welcome: 32-2. Templeton Moore Tenor Mon., Sept. 30, at 8.15 In Scottish and Irish Ballads and Operatic Relrortaire • TOWN HALL, CLINTON Assisted by° CLi;DA ,IIAI.LOTT Dramatis Reader JOE TMMOTT Comedian PEARL KENDRICK Concert, Pianist and Accompanist Admission: All seats 50c, including tax. AUBURN The annitjersary services of Knox Uniteld church have been arranged for the third Sunday of October, the 20th next. The minister for the day 'will be ,the Bev.. A. E. Smith, B.A,,. Toronto. Mr. Smith began his min- istry in Auburn almost fifty yeart ago. 1•Ie was the first minister of the former Mlethodist church when Auburn, , Wdstfield• and Donnybrook were made into one pastoral charge. ' BRUCEFIELD Mks, (Rev.) W. A. Bremner pre- sided"" at the monthly meeting of 'the W 12,S•, held on September 4th. Roll call showed an attendance of twenty-two members and was ans- wered by a- verse on "1"r orgiv- ness." Mrs., Brock,' as lender of group 8, then took charge of the meeting, reading an interesting Leaf- let, "Beginning at Jlerusalem," Mrs. John Watson had as her subject, "Pioneer Days in Canada." M'rs. Ad- dison gave a +helpful article on "Wolfe and Montcalm, and Mrs. C. 'Mesmer: read "The • Call of the Great North-West," 'lhiese papers were, most interesting, dealing., with,. the work of Mlissions froth; the early days.' Mrs. Batterbury closed the meeting with prayer. Mr. Jas. Swan and • daughter Mamie returned home Wast week air ter spending a few months Visiting friends at the Coast and in the Wiest. Dr. Swan of Hamilton spent Sun- day at them home of his father, Mr, Jas. Swan, • M'r, and Miss Gibson • of Stanley returned home laet 'week atter vis- iting friends in London and Hamil- ton and also attending the marriage of Miss NGay Itetchen, daughter of Rev. Dr. Beverly and Mrs. Keteblen. Mr, and Mrs.'Win. Rattenbury vis- ited friends in Burlington this week,' 114'x. and Mrs. Ross Scott have been visiting friends in Toronto. THE KIDDIES KNW SNOWFLAKE BREAD IS SO GOO, They like it for Lunch- es as well as at every Meal Baked Fresh and Sup- plied from your Grocer or oui< wagon Wendorf's Bakery MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake.:' READ - Coal Coal ANTHRACITE, SOLVAY COKE NUTAND FURNACE Also Range size Coke,. Alberta Coal and 'Miller's Creek Soft Coal We carry the above coal in stock. W. Je MILLER & . SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario 5t. PHONES: 46w and 46j The Stove Season 1s at h .t nd Get yours early and have full advantage of it this fall See our new all -enamel Masterpiece at a right . Alsothe newCirculators. Just the thing for the •cold evenings. We .. also carry Clare Bros.- line, the Jewel Stove and Beaters, Call in- any time and get prices and See our ,iines. HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 FALL The time when you are gathering in for the long winter months. Why not include some real comfortable Furniture to help make these long nights more cozy and enjoyable. We are specializing with a large and up-to-date stock of Ches- terfield suites and occasional chairs, made by the best -firma in Can- ada. Call and see them. 'We are also showing a large stock of Fibre Furniture in 8 piece suites, rockers, chairs and tables, these will a17 be reduced'in price so here is a chance to save some good money. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Our stock of the celebrated Beach Foundry stoves is the largest - that the ever carried in ail their newest styles including Rangel, Heaters and Purnaeettes. You are sure to be satisfied with these stoves. Come in and see the new Instant Lighting Lamps and lanterns, the very latest improvements. Some new ventilated screens for fall and whiter use. Enjoy the fresh air and keep out of the draft. • Some real bargains in Weather Stripping, etc. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co `FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORES WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 191 BLUE AND WHITE STORE PHONE 111 We have taken on the name of Superior and Chain Store, which enables us to buy at a very moderate price and sell at the most Moderate price. But there is one thing that we are proud of, that is that this organizai8on is owned and run personally under 'II,. Lawson & Co. as before. Our aim is to buy and sell at the most moderato price that possibly be gotten by any Grocer. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL% ENDING SEPT. 21st . can Franco Peas, No. 4 size ..10c Sh. Wheat Bisc its ut , 2 pkgs 25c- -Zinc Rings, per doz. :-•: , , .18c Best gnal, Rub. Rings, 3 for 25c Royal Baking Powder ....80c Coffee . .69e Orange Pekes Tea ....•.79e New Straw. ,Tams 40 oz. , 41c Currants, e2 lb, 18c Per Guest Ivory Soap, 8 cakes. 13c Velmita Cheese, '1%z lb box 21c Sweet Pickles, 30 oz. jar -.44e Special Black Tea 59e Toddy, 8 oz. tin 33e Have yon tried the Electric sliced Meats; ca • thiok as you want and always even' slices. slice as thin or Lo LAVVSOIN e? CO. Use your phone WHERE QUALITY MEETS PRICE Free Delivery BETTER BUILDI G ARGAINS Lumber and Builders',Supplies at .Mail Order Prices.' Speptal for September Thomas .MLX C eIl1zpe Estate, Phone 88 Everything lit Builders' Supplies