HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-09-19, Page 5Uotisaa,T,s4
T" , ,,5,715,3,71,....resseerreereeeareeesereeeseeperreeree., elereerel!ea75.715F.
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/71AV.I. f(iNe-
are, ..eel
IN. pioneer days tracewas chiefly by barter—the early settlers
lad no banks; the trading post gave thein credit or kept -their
• money for them, '
'The Corning of he bank filled au urgent need, in every cona
munity, and to -day the wise farmer, business manor private
individual keeps his money in the bank a,nd'makes full use of the
many services it bas to eeffer.
'rite Isto3ytti Bank
. 61 Canada
Clinton Branch ,* R. E. Manning, Manager
Talk about congestion of traffic,
„just wait until those baby autos
come out and we each get one!
* *
Friday, the 13th, brought no ill -
luck to this section. It brought in-
stead a much-needed and much -ap-
preciated rain, after a long dry
• * * *
October 30th, is the date fixed for.
'the Provincial election, less than six
-weeks from today: Oh, well, what's
the use of spinning it out? Might
.as well have a short contest and a
merry one.
• "The skirt w• ill be longer," has
been 'a frequent line in fashion re-
ports for the past month or so.
Evidently a number of girls have
not read about it yet, theugh, unless
it is 'harder to lengthen skirts than
to shorten them.
* * * *
The editor of the Wlinnipeg Free
Press thinks all wall maps should be
scrapped as far as schools go and
globes, large ones, used. We agree
with that. A much better knowledge
of the relation of elle country to ata
other would be gained by the schol-
or if he studied his geography from
a globe.
* * *
Already the grass is beginning to
show gran, where it was only a
dull, dead brown before' last Friday
ntorning's ram m That rain, and what
we have had since, has been of in-
calculable value to this country. We
had begun before that came to think,
of the miseries of ancient Israel,
when "the Windows of heaven were
shut up and it rained not for the
pace of three areirs and six months."
5 5
Fellow weekly 'newspapler editors
in Ontario, daft you agree with us
that it was disappointing, to put it
very mildly, that both prizes ter
excellence of weekly newspapers
went west this year, one going to
British Celmnbia, the other to Al-
berta? Why bother with at at this
late date? you may ask. Well, the
-shock of it left us speechless up to
the present but we'd surely like to
see those prizes retained in good
old Outario next year. What about
One of the. signs of progress Which
seem to us the most significant ' is
the tendency of women in the rur-
al eomanunitiea, to group together
for mutual fellowship, selfeimprove-
tient and helpfulness. In all the
surrounding commlmity, and this
"community is much like all other
communities in Ontarie, probably,
there are little organizations and
club e of women who meet monthly or
oftener), have little literary pro-
-grams, with music and perhaps also
sew or work for some institution
eir charity.
These organizations are in many.
cases legacies from war. time, when
in almost every community women
organized to knit or sew for soldiers
..or to raise money for soldier com-
forts. When that was no longer nee-.
essary the organization remained
-and some line of women's work was
taken up., Then in other communit-
ies ether like, organizations were
started, until they dot the land in all
<1h-eel:ions, and, in the Inemble opin-
ion of the writer, they are all to the
good. • , •
In the days of the pioneers there
were no such' organizations, of
course, nor , could thereb e
and our grandmothers a nel
great-grandmothers, who came out
from the old lands, where pollute -
tions were denser, suffered greatly
from loneliness. The men did too,'
at times. But m'en usually get out
and mix with their fellows a bit,
they are not held to their own home
as women often were, But now there
is really no isolation on farms, what
with the telephone; radio and the
niotor car people on farms live in a
condition which the majority .of
City people can only dream of. It is
the dream of city people to become
rich enough to own a roomy house,
with ample grounds, somewhere near
enough the city to drive back and
forth to their doily work; to have
a home where they will have room
to breathe and plenty of fresh air
to use in the process. But it is a
dream which is seldom fulfilled,. A
pokey house on a nasion city lot,
with a lawn the size of a good-sized
pocket; handkerchief and -enough
garden to 'grow two tomato plants
and three geraniums, is all most
city dwellers have. With 'neighbors
so near that you have to talk in low
tones when windows are open or you
aria sitting on year, verandah, if you
do not wish them to hear all you
say!, Of eourse if you are enjoying
real prosperity you may have a
little more room but there is nothing
like the generous freedom. 01 the
country home, as prosperous farmers•
in Huron County know it
But -even with all the advantages
of modern: time the 'women's organ-
izations are a boon to rural evoraen,
and theyseem to be making good
rise of them. In Stanley, in Tucker -
smith, in Goderieh township, Bruce -
field, Nipper:, Londosboro, 'where -
ever a centre is found, there will be
found thewomen's organizations
In Lmidesboro is a strong and. ener-
getic Women's Institute, but at
ether points the womem without be-
ing affiliated with that useful or-
ganization, are taking up 'much of
the'work done by it.
When the Women's Institute was
first started it used to be thought -
of as something like a cooking school
and we 'always thought of salads,
cakes, etc., when an Institute was
Mentioned. But this was because
women,. on forming themselves into
an organization for self-improve-
ment, naturally paid a good deal of
attention to waking. It is now
known, ' of 'eourse, that the Women's
Institute is broad enough to en -
compose not only the intimate things
of the household but every interest
Which affects humanity. Its mem-
bers study, not only food. and cloth-
ing, but improvement of the mind.
They give their attention to.bettering
the community in which they live and
they do not forget the newcomer in
the far north nor the lonely setfler
on the prairie. They will raise mon-
ey to buy new eurtalins for the local
town hall stage and also to buy a lay-
ette for the new baby of a New
The Vogue
Oh th*' re great'.'ofkmrootiood
#000i,::61,gp.,4%kti64.0,,,,if.:***iirr. WI**
e ieuts The hose ja./theelfirSt:
'earei; dant •W*Icrinize so fll 02e11eTg'•
with wonauhood1keours
ta. kenntl:t9
r -i• 'POTTER -='-•;,At.
the 'htime nt.the leridee. perentst to
Sept .../.7ther br- the
' of Clinton,' Hazel • Lennie
• ybengest delight -0r of des .
William Potter, to IVIaleolre :3;
•, Macfarlaneer.son 9f and -Mrs•,
• John 'Mbefarlaue all of • StanleY.'
. , . • ,.
AosnarOg —,At; :the
Meese,- Atiberne on -September. il.th
by, the -Reikr.-Wr. M. Alp, ..,Mildred,
yOungier diseghtereet, .11°Er,'-and We,
Wine Robelion, Auburn, toeGeorge,
•• Spence Irwin,' eon of Ur, and Mrs.'
/ Wilson Ireiri, Ashfield townehha.
• • ,
the bride's' lionce, 9-th concession of
East • Wawanosh, • on •September
14th, by the Rev. W. R. Alpa Lulu
-Jane, daughter of the late jeeeph
Ohamney and IVArs. Oharaney, to
George Albert McLuglilin Detrdit,
son of the late Mr and Mrs.',John
" Jaines McLaughlin, formerly of
tie Ilase line, Hullett townehiP.
HALLAM—In Goderieli, en Sept.
4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles IBA-
Jam', a son:
IVIARTYN—In Detroit, on Sept. 18th,
to IVfr. and Mirs. D. M. alartyn, a
son.—Donald Thomas.
LADD—In Clinton, on Sept. 13th,
, George Ladd, aged 79 yeaes.
WEBSTER,=In loving memory of
our dear mother, who entered into
' test one year ago, Septa 21st, 1928
"You are not forgotten mother dear
Nor Will you ever be.
AS long as life and memory last
We will remember thee."
—Deughtees and Sons.
WOBSTER--In loving memory of
our dear brother, Jame Webster,
who was called home one year
ago, Sept 23rd, 1928.
"Quickly and suddenly carne the
His sudden dbeth surprised us all.
Dearer to memory than words can
The loss of. our brother we loved so
—Sisters and Brothers.
Ilifes.,George Ladd wishes to than1(
her friends and -nefighbors for the
use of their cars, for flowers and for
all the • assistance and kindness
.shown her in her recent bereave-
Chickens For Hospital
The Hospital Board gratefully ask-
nowledge the promise' of chickens
from the ladles for their fowl sup-
per, Oct, 10th. Kindly leave them
not Inter than 2 o'clock in the after-
noon of that date.
A. Leicester ram, front the prem-
ises of We H. Middleton, Phone 15
on 606, Clinton central. 32-2.
, Woven Rugs on Sale
By the Wl. A. of the Ontario street
church. May be seen by those in-
terested at the residences of Mrs. E.
Renneay, Ontario street, or Mrs. A.
D e McCartney, Queen street. 32-2.
For Sale
A coal heater with even and a
very niee banging lamp. Apply -to
Mrs. T. E. Mason, Summerhill, Phone
6481.3, Clinton central. 82-1.
Stove For Sale
Large Quebec -heater, nearly new.
A5mly to ales. E. Seale, corner .of
Princess and Orange streets), Chia,
For Sale
Four good milah cows. Apply to
II. N. Brandon, Bayfibild, .Ont.
House to Rent
On Rattenbury street, east, 8 -
room brick house, Electric range ser-
vice, modern conveniences, good con-
dition throughout, garage and small
garden. Immediate possession. Ap-
ply to H. 112. Aiken. 32-3.
- Bazaar Sale
The Women's Association of Wes-
ley-Wfillia church intend holding a
bazaar on Noveniber 15th in the
-church hall. 324
For Sale
Story and a half frame. house in
Brneefield, large verandah, Hydro,
new garage, double lot. 'Apply` to
Harry Colline, Brueefield. •
Milhinery" • Seed Wheat
Golden Chaff.
improved Dawson's
Good clean seed, free from weed
- ee
seeds and smut. Apply to T. R. Jen-
kins, R. R No. 3, Clinton. Phone
The present is an age of 610r28, Clinton central 31-2.
restlessness. ' Fashions change
Of sheep and Larnlis, Mr. Thomas
Brown has deceived instructioes to
sell by public auction on Lot 2,
Con. 8, Hullett, on, Tuesday, Sept,
24th, at 1.30 pan., the following: 75
good Yung breeding ewes; 30 ewe
Igmbs and 6'buck lambs, These are
a choice:lot of sheep for any Person
to buy, Terms --8 months' credit on
approved joint notee. 4 per cent.
straight off for cash. '
T. lerowie auctioneer; IVIat. Arm -
rapidly. We all sense the, urgill
toward novelty, something
new—aleraYe soniething" • dif-
- ferent.' You ' are invited to
see our Chic. fiats.
1VielP• LQRAL ae, EL(2,aG
CT !'seN
Fer,fle Anywhere.
areee na,
eeuse • • Cooke
• and 66,
• .
Corned. Beet 'borieless,.....22c
Ch. Rib ,Boils, 1.b 18c
Brisked Boil Beef, 11). .,12e
Rolled Rib Rst., Bf., lb. 22c
Bf. Shanks, per lb.
Haniburg Steak, lb.
Pork Sausage, lb. ' ,24e
Try our pure Lard and
Shortening, its the best.
Cooked Meats of Ail Kinds
Veal Stews, -per lb. 22e
Lamb Stews, per lb. 25c
Breakfast Bacon, P. Mealed
Back, Smoked Back, Smok-
ed Hams, Smoked Pienic
Hams, Pickled Picnic Hams
Fresh Picnic Hams, Cot-
tage Rolls, P Mealed Cot-
tage Rolls,, Rolled Shoul-
ders of Best quality at Best
Price on hand 'at all times,
Kindly order your Satur-
day order on Friday if pos-
sible for early delivery.
Clinton's Leading Meat Market.
A Convention of the Lii3eral-Con-
servatives of South Huron, will be
be held in. the
Monday, Sept 23rd
at 2 p.m,
To select a.candidate for the Provin-
cial Legislature.
Ladies are :espedially invited to at-
tend this convention
Hon. W. Finlayson, IVE.P.P.,, Minister of
Lands and Forests, will be the speaker
Several prominent speakers will be
present to address the meeting
An executivie meeting at
half -past one.
Col. Combe Robt. Higgins,
'President. Secretary.
Canaries For Sale
Select Randall Roller Singers. Ap-
ply to Mrs. C. B. H,ale. 32-2-p.
Cottage For Sale
A six -room cottage, good location,
town water, electric lights and good
cellar and hardwood floors in front
part of house. Inquire at News -Re -
cors. 31-tf.
Workers Wanted
Fourteen Women wanted at the
evaporator. Will those who have aP-
plied please leave their names and
addresses at James Livermore's.
Edward Weeks
• Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements at
lot 24, Con. 8, Mullett township, '1.14.
miles north-east of Clinton on Wed-
• nesday, Sept. 25th, • at 1 o'clock
sharp, consisting Of the folloxving:
HORSES—Heavy- draft registered
Clyde mare, supposed to be in foal;
draft gelding, rising 4; draft filly,
rising 2; good farm week horse, ag-
ed; driving mare, aged.
CATTLE—Durham grade cow, 6
years old, due May 6th; Durham
• grade cow, 6 years old, due April
28th; Ayreshire cow, 5 years old, due
April 20th; Black cow, 5 years old,
due May 23rd; Farrow cow, 8 years
old, milking good; 2 steers, 2 yeaes
old; 2 heifers, 2 years old; 1 steer,
'1 year .old; 1 heifer, 1 year old; 5
spring calves.
der, 6 ft cet; Deering mower, 6 ft.
cut; Deering horse rake; bean her-
vester, complete; Bain wagon; set of
disc harrows; set of diamond liar -
rows; Tudhope-Anderson plow, new;
seed drilh° gravel box, nearly new;
seed drill and bradeastera combined;
• wagon rack; new; set of scales, 2000
lbs. capacity; 3 dram steel roller,
nearly new; MeTaggart fanning
mill; set of bob 'sleighs; set of elings,
ropes and pulleys; root pulper, set
of team liarnees; Massey -Harris
cream separator, nearly new; whiffle
trees, neckyokes, forks, chains and
numerous other' articles. No ies-
serve as proprietor is giving up, farm -
TERMS: All sums of $10 -and lit -
der, -cash; over that - amount 12
Months' credit will be given on fur-
nishing approved joint -bankable pap-
er, or a discount of 4 per cent off .for
cash on credit anioitrits, john Bay-
ley, Peeprietor, Geo. IL• Elliott Aue-
• .4,
11111: 't • AdEg
gs 15°110:6;
allel with 'the. eityaineekets; •
a1ay„*.antedrtce§' 29194.
,A1Wayeeplibite. elm office'. for 'prices
before anerketirig prOdueee •
N. w' Trevrartha,.•
-Phenes—Office,, 214j Residence 214W
llolniesville United
....SEPT 22nd to OCT. 1st
Sept. 22—Rev. , Sinclair and Rev°
Sept. 24—Y. P. Rally,
Sept. 26—Old Time Programm.e.
Sept. 29 --Rev. R. J. MeCormicic.
• Oct. SneePer and Program.
• Burgess. Photo Studio, Clinton
Open again Tuesday, Sept. 24th,
and Tuesday, Oct. 8th. Come in on
those days and have those Photos
taken that you waist for Christmas.
Farms For Sale
Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of
Goderich township, consi$ting of
160 acres of good clay loam, '11/4
miles 'west of Rolmesville. Good
buildings, never -failing wells. Ap-
ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3,
Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton cen-
tral. 29-tf.
Auction Sale
Of household . effects, Victoria
Street, Clinton on Saturday, Sept.
21st, at 1.30 p.m., consisting of the
following: oak extension table; 6
oak dining room chairs; china cabin-
et; book case; wardrobe; bedroom
suite; iron bed; 2 toilet sets;'wash-
stand; 3 mattresses; 3 set of springs;
2 eouChes; drop leaf table; 3 chairs;
6 rocking chairs; Pandora range; 3
burner, coal oil stove with oven; 2
Axminster rugs, 3x4 and 81/4x4; Con-
goleum rug 3x3; linoleum Tug, 3x4;
.2 _tapestry carpets, 3x31/4; and 3%x
4, a number of • lamps; curtain
stretchers; quilting frames; number
of pictures; sanitary closet with
connections; flat irons; rustic seat; 6
gal. coal oil can; 5 yal. pasoline den;
pots, pans, dishes and numerous oth-
er articles. Terms: Everything to be
sold as proprietor is leaving' town.
Pe Gardiner, Prop., Geo. a Elliott,
Auctioneer. 31-2.
• House For Sale
7 -room house, Huron street, Clin-
ton. Town- and soft water, electric
lights, furnace, 1-8 acre of garden,
nice location. Apply on ieemisee to
Mrs. L. Rath.
. Sheep For Sale
18 Leicester ewes, alsoloanbs. Ap-
ply to Frances phone 607r2.
For Sale • •
One good Hereford mileh cow. Ap-
ply to A. C. Brandon, Baylield, Ont.
House to Rent
5 -room house, James street, Clin-
ton. Town water, electric lights
Apply to W. Jago, 31 -ti.
Property Eon Sale
Comfortable cottage, Victoria
street, 5 rooms, tun room and porch,
cement cellar, hard and soft water.
Also 7-8 acre garden with fruit trees
and small fruits. Barn and hen-
house. Apply on premises to W. M.
Nediger. , 31-3-p.
For Sale
80 acres of good farm land, lots
26, 27, 3rd concession of Hullett
township, 11/4 miles north of Clin-
ton. Good fences, well watered.
Apply on premisea to Robert Nelson,
R. R. No. 1, Clinton. • 31-tf.
Stray Sheep
Came to the premises of the under-
signed, a fleck of sheep. Owner may
have same by proving.property and
paying expenses. Bill Stirling, R.
R, No. 2, 'Bayfield, Phone 60811.4,
Clinton central. 31-3,
' 'To Rent
A modern dwelling'of eight rooms,
also garage on Gibbings St., Clinton,
Immediate possession. Apply to A.
7. affeMurray, -box 193, Harriston,
Ont. 26-tf.
House For Sale
A comfortable seven room cottage
with town water and electric lights,
1/4 acre of land with small fruit and
good stable .with chicken house. Ap-
ply to Alex. Stoma% Fulton street,
Clinton. 9542.
. • -
The Voters' List, 1929, for the Town-
ship of Goderieh, County of
- • • Huron.
"Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitted or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in Section 9 of the
Ordarie -Voters' List Act the Copies
of the List, made. pursuant to the
said Act, of all persons appealing by
the Asseesment Roll of the Munici-
pality ofathe Township of Goderieh
to be entitled to vote in the said
• Municipality at elections to the Leg -
Waive' ,A.ssembly and 'at Municipal
:Elections, and the said lit was. first
Posted ,u9. 'My ,office' Goderieh
township, on Saturday, August 81.sts".
1929, and, rernaine there for inspee-
tton. I hereby, call on all voters t6
ti sail List and if any er-
tore er emissions/ are feund therein
to , telte immediate, • proceedings to:
'have 'same corrected' • according • . to
law. Dated at my office this day
of September, 1929,, , R, G. Thonae
' .
601) ,LIVER Olt ,,diearanteedaStemirerenderede,c1-59, a!:
raOILSON-SELF:SIEARPENING POINTS, for all No. 21 plows. Will ,
etieweae any two points of, other makes° • 'e . •
QUEBEC $11Lif" POiNP5. ' •
WORIE SIEGES, with "'once or Leatliei° Soles. '
QUDBEC COOK STOVE, $27.50 and up, , e
We Give you 5 per cent. discount on all CASH PURCHASES, in
trade bonds cxcept• on, spec,ial 'sale articles. '
iller) Hardware Co.
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs.• Phone
Pullets •
Bred -to -lay Barred Rock pullets,
hatched in March. D. M. Lindsay,
R. R. No. 3, Clinton,' Hedge -Row
Chick Farm, 26-tf.
For Sale
On Victoria street a itiaroomed
frame house in perfect condition,
pantry, washroom, bath, new Me -
Clary furnace, cellar under whole of
house, large garden, garage, in
beautiful location. Apply to Mrs.
A. S. Inkley. Clinton. 07-2-jl-tf.
Rupture, Varieocele, Varicose Veins
Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform-
ity. Consultation Free, Call or *rite,
3. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St.,
Stratford, Ont, 10-1929.
Super -Soluble Land Lime, also,
high grade fertilizers always in
stock. Prompt delivery service when
required. IL R. Baer, Phone Carlow,
2821, R. R. No. 5, Goderieh, Ont.
To buy, a quantity of hardwood.
W. J. 1VEller and Son, Clinton. 31-3.
_ .
Slabs For Sale
Orders left at my residence will
receive prompt attention. E Ward,
Huron street, Clinton. Phone 155.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned
Rooms ever Heard's B rber shop
W. J. Jago. 228341
For Sale
Reliable driving horse, steel -tired
top buggy, Portland cutter and set
of single harness. Apply to T. M.
Johnston, R. R. No. 5, Clinton. Phone
619r23, Clinton central. 30-3-p.
For Sale
5 -room house, Frederick street,
Clinton, with woodshed and good
cellar. Town water and soft water
cistern. Apply on premises to Fred
Lockwood. 30-tf.
• Clinton's
Anyone can make budget.
Anyone_ can keep within the limits
of that budget—il he doesn't have
unexpected expenses.
That's one advantage of trading
with the Heat Folks. You can de-
pend on it that the coal you buy
from them will come within your
expectations as to price, but will go
away beyond your expectations as to
burning and heating qualities.
Kieep your budget down by buying
yonr 'coal frone the Heat F'ollos.:
Call the Wattle
for good, clean coa
We Want Your
, 1V1111( and Cream
We are manufacturers of bot14
cheese and butter. We want your,
milk or cream. We pay highest mare
kanettePedvi.ce weekly, Satisfaction guar*
Phone your order for finest chechill
or pasturised butter in prints or eel*
ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., 11,,
R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r82.
Eggs and Poultry
Home on Thesday and Friday f ors4e
noon to take in Poultry.
Eggs handled at residence everm
day—graded by an experienced grade
er, for which we pay the highest mara
ket price.
Cream purchased for Stillman' '
A. E. Finch
Viking Cream Separator Agent. '
Victoria St., 'Clinton Phone 28
Long Distance — Short Distance
Goods in Transportation Insured
Furniture Carefully Handled
Efficient Operator. Charges Reason-
able. Satisfaction guaranteed. 5,
R. MclVfath, 601r34.
Standard Royalties
Your monthly check never fails.
Pure Canadian Management
12 per cent. Dividend Sure
Dividends Paid Monthly. ,
P. O. Box, 155 Phone 52
• atf.,
Coal and Coke
CALL 256
•A. D. McCartney
Queen Street Telephone 256,
Cockshutt Agency
Wishing Repairs • 'or Parts for.
Cockshutt or Frost and Woods Nth,
chines of any kind should calleat my,;
I also handle Cockshutt Greene '
Separaters. '3
Queen Street, Olinton;
INeCOrmick-Deerhig Agency
Having taken over the above ag.
env for this district I will keep on
' - • hand a full stock -of »repairs and Parts
of all ,1VIOCormiolc-Deerang inaelunes
riatcirotgle%Por gelatfearma 4arsn'toticill
Cell at niy shop, next door till
,Jones' blaeksinith Shop, King street.,
• --
814 -stl7ong, Paopeietor. 32-1-p. tier:eel,. 8i.-12 sort, Township Clerk, 81-3, 0 E Clinton,Ont., Phone 281'