The Clinton News Record, 1929-09-19, Page 3•1$ knowing bostess takes advantage of every ' oppor- tunity to give indi'icluality to' her table. She ?d' ' 6 s males her V�n. W 3y salad dressings. She p1 efers to eretate 'her own desserts. And she makes her Own mus- tard pickles. $n this way, she can • develop her own combination of veg- etable ingredients—aid ♦ be sure they are firm and fresh. She can use the piuest of vinegars, peppers and prices: And, most important d all:, she can. give her pickles that superlative, indispensable tang of flavour imparted only by a real old English Mustard like KEEN'S! • PICICLtD BEANS String a quarter of 4, peck of Lundor, green beano, throw them into a kettle' of boiling. water, add I teaspoon- ful 'salt and "boil 28 ,uiiutes. .When done drain Iwo colander, ret stand untd.cold, th . pnttntoware. Sprinhlo lightly 'with 419,511160. odd one tablespoonful of teen'. Mustard, 1"tnhs asap- podhorees radish and cowl the ,whote with strong eider Viacom. FREE - Send for a copy of our book listing many recipes for really wonderful. pickles and, relishes. 9Y p° Aid, Digestion 988 Colman-Keen(Canada) Limited, 1110 Amherst $t., Montreal • 4 • High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to,establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS, With the approval of the Minister of Education • DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued -by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTXIUCTION is given In various trades. The schools and classes aro under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance shbuld be made to the Principal of 'the school •, COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAiNlNG, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are _provided for in the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High, Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. roRCE OF CHARACTER The force of character ie cumula- tive. All the foregone -days of virtue work their health into this. --Emerson. That's. All Mistress (engaging mala) - "Anti ?rave you any religions views?" Maid—"No, ma'am; only a couple of jpostcards of Southend." !' THE F HAIR � , Mews llin Ask Your Barber —He know of nothing which man a 'greater feeling of well-being until it has cleanliness, than Suiten he has touched' a fellow for a teener and : got away with it.— Edgar 'Wallace. gives a A city can't have ninolt of anything its greatest, toll from among young children. In Ontario to -day there is no excuse for any child- :starting school without protection) against diphtheria, for the reason that science has perfected a preventive which Is supplied free of charge to physicians for the use of all children .within .the province . Toxoid is the name of this preventive; is given in three doses three weeks"apart injected into the skin of the forearm.. a' • Mothers and fathers would be will- ing to risk their lives to save a baby even if it meant milling him from the railway track'in face 0f an approach, Ing train or dashing in front or a rac- ing motor. car. Yet "the danger of diphtheria is an ever-present one far the nnproteoted child from one to ten years of age. Toxold 1e a proven ,protection against this danger of .childhood; it is insurance for the child and the parent—and is supplied free by the Department of Health. of )Merit, The candidate was jonfrdent of "get- ting in." He had pelrsonally canvass- ed from door to door the whole con- stituency, and the promises assured him:that the seat was his. When the poll .was declared, he found himself; at tila bo'ltom of the poll. The usual after result speeches from candidates Werecalled;1or; and the only sentence he stlid woe. "1 am glad that I am not to represent such a lot of d -d liars as you," At the next election he was top of 'the poli, I`here;c nothing Into 1-,enoliilg To mgitc a feller learn. At first he tIi nits she's his'n, But .later learns _ho's ber'n,: A husuaud'c, first idea is to protect his }Vito,but it slowly,tlawns Dir hon that he'll` bo Iloing;'well if he niotecto tri no fl Wisdom causoth the face, to shine," »tyo the tibia, Bat wove never, seen anybody; with enough of it to have to use ditnnletO, That fat:of the land are diabetic, Ah, nimmluredHappiness .to her- self, 'Dere is a.nian too busy to notice that I am here, 1 wit camp with'hitn."; •A Fellow Keeling A wanderer _drifted into the side door, of '.a gymnasium .just ;1n tune .to see an',atrobat,.who was practicing, de a cart -wheel, flip-flop' and full twist- ing back somersault. "Brother, I know just how you.feel," said lie, "I drank some of: that same' stuff yesterday," The Soap Question Glia—"Have you 'any 'Life .Buoy'?" Drug Clerk—"Just start something and you'll find out." No one ever did work for ; an indif- ferent boss. When. a man gets'the best of his wife 'in an ardiinient he's what „the Bible would oa11 "more than, conquer-. or." 'Chinese girls should have no iItht- culty ;in learning stenography. There Is no spelling' ha' that language. • "I was reared in the lap of, luxury," said the multi -millionaire's (laughter. ."Try -mine for a 'change;' suggested the impecunious young -man. If his mouth ie grim and -his face flushed, the, lady, he is teaching' to swim is his- wife:. "A Klose friend," said/ porno one, "may ise•-.a precious possession, but most of be prefer one who -Will loosen up occasionally" Lecturing Explorer—" aust to show you the advance of our.. civilization, in the :past the Eskimos used to eat candles for dessert." Clever Young Hardware 'Cleric- "And now, I suppose, they,eat electric light bulbs?" Autumn Hopes and Fears Stranger: "Who fears December's windy ways, Who Minds the winter's freezing •days, When logs are piled upon the blaze And all is warm inside? . "Whyhet about approaching snow, Wiry fear a\ coal big- to owe, Whep cheer is by the fireside's glow, In the nest where we abide?" city Dweller: • Your talk's all right for county1' folks Who burn hig,logs of sturdy oak, But :here that stuff is all a joke— Just listen to me cough. "The clays of. ire are at an end.; On steam heat here we must 'depend, rtinevinaniisitt 6< FHLB working hi a quarry as a driller;" writes Mr. John J. Hogan of South Mardi, Matt., "1 was seized 'wild rheuma- tism in the left shoulder. I followed treatments for some time witixout:relier. I'taad heard so much con- cerning Dr. ' Williams': Pink Pills that :I decided' to give them a trial. They were certainly the medi- cine that.I needed for it was not long before "I was he well as ever. New I take thetn:every Spring as a tonic." This is one of hundreds of cases in which thele blood - enriching 'bills lood-enriching'bills have iioved effective ineradicadng rheu- mat;sm. Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your dans. gist's or : any dealer in me - cine, or by mail, 50 cents. postpaid, from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co.,,.Brock- ville, Oat. 3.38 50 PER 00N irs5.24d "11 HOUSEHOLD NAMrt IH 54 COUNT/2l55" Russi..1Ips D;scovei Department of Health When the school bells rang in On- tario on September 3rd thousands of small ''boys and girls started on the greatest adventure of childhood — Going to school. . Every Starter a Healthy. Scholar ., Upon the health of the child ars he enters school- depends, to a large ex- tent, his success or failure as a scholar. Dverything that is done from the time a -child is born to develop in him a strong, ''sound body is a contribution to his school suc- cess. Malnourished, sickly children not only are likely to miss school often, but they can oat do tiro best work when they are in itched, It takes a strong, vigorous child to get the most out of school life, Parents who have children enter- ing echoed ,for tate first title: this fall owe it to their eliildren to have every possible Handicap removed, every de- fect remedied which medical and den- tal science can correct. This com- mon•sense idea of starting 'school without a handicap on the health score is fast becoming very popular in Ontario and hundreds of children are now entering sch001 with health 100% peotect, protection Which Meats Much • Diphtheria is disease which is Aud that's a ganle of justh pretend—' particulariy dangerous in childhood My toes aro freezing off. There are very few deaths from this disease among grown-ups; it takes Channels b .Far North Glome of Ice Visit Far North and Find Things 'Unusually. Wild and Comparatively Attractive Moscow —The Parisian ' icebreaker Soclbv, exploring Franz Josef Land, far north of the Arctic Circle and the world's northernmost colony; has wireiessed Moscow antboi1ties -Ibat the 'new Soviet radio station and, meteorological observatory on 13'anz Josof Land has been 'auspiciously• opened:on Aug, 30, The members of the expedition were 'enthusiastic over the success- ful; progress' of their task of explor- ing and taming Rnssiti's section of the frozen 'north; Leaders of the expedition aro con- sitlering a project of using Soviet icellreaket s as tourist ships for' vis- itors from. Russia; and, the rest of the world, who, 'might desire a tiff to p Franz. Josef Lund and the .other Rus_ sian possessions' in the 'north., At the preent time', the expedition is -exploring Hoolrer .Island, One of the. groups haielexplored thee -spacious deep valley in the northern part of the island, through `which flows a stormy mountain' rivet'. Another grotep crossed' Hooker •:Island from south to north, reaching Cape Albert Markham and -the ,glacier Helena If has been discovered that the ,Smirson Channel and the Sanrbflo- vich.'Channel are free from ice and open' for navigation. The Allen Young Gulf is covered, with broken` ice. From the top of Cape Albert Mark- ham the members of the expedition observed- the • rapid movement, of ice in the British: canal and SAW the rocky -cape of the Algir Islam where the hut of. •Bald'win's Aerican expe- dition, which wintered there in, 1901, is half covered with snow, Stop Colds with Minard's Liniment. An elderly woman, visiting the grave in which her third husband had lately been laid with the other two, was accosted there with an expression of condolence by, a -man who had been one of her earliest sweethea_ts. He had got no further than, "Ah?m ieyt sorry, Sarah," when, pointing to the tombstone, she cut him short with: "Ah want noan o' thy sympathy. If the'd a' been haw/ a Man, thy name 'ud a been t' first o' them three." GarturA,4. �. PHILLIPS' oyr>nck4 es dt to Ar cid neolosanoce ACID STOMaal we oacNa OASES _NAUSEA Many people, two hours after eating, Ibuffer indigestion as they call it. It is '`nsuaily excess aid. Correct it with an alkali. The best way, the quick, harm - /less and efficient is'ay, is Phillips' Milk' of Magnesia. It has remained for, 50 ,years the standard.. -with physicians. One spoonful 1n , water neutralizes many .times' its volume in stomach ittaids, and at once. The symptoms +disappear In five minutes. Yon will never use crude methods when you know this better method, And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this easy re- lief. Please do that—for your own sake—now, Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia presaribecl by physl- elans for 60 years in oorreting excess, acids. Each bottle contains full dii'ec' tient—any drugstore, ' ,A.PPLICATION5 Are Filled Ap Far As Possible in the ()rater in Whlelf They Me hebolved.. • ONTAqRI EPARTMENT 9 A(RIC LTU eI Farm Supplied A APPLICATIONS Ofe('ing Annual Work Are. Invariably Given the • oretg once. gPlo dza gi1l1t iynd.. Inlnigra io4 rgli r , tii:: t g .agjt etiitille for Unterle wina i, s gfl ole ed Married Mo 1 " ' it p. d � l alilb�-=. iod to Mori � i1 r wed Cou W � bli h$ eh -m: @�ra6xx.; Also SIngte Men, tq t y1 I .d . . tgldrrlgioth 3*00re 0 tilt eppiiontioyfi 10 A'r Elli 1 J1redtyt Of Colonlzattlldh, Pa1Ottt to fldtts“ ori39 , n't. le A16 Men Placed Subject to Trial Period MA TIN, Minister of Agriculture A French Gesture . Manchester Guardian (Lib.): It is pleasant to hoar that a Dusseldorf aMchitect hes been appointed to the Chair of ,Architecture and Town -plan,, Mug at the Sorbonne. , We sometimes forget, afterthe terrible experience of a war that shattered„all the traditions of civilized 11fe, that in otherwitsthe ties that bind scholars and students were net all broken when nations were at war; . Sir Humpilry Davy received, a prize from the insti- tute of France for his ' discoveries when we were at war with Napoleon, and in -the earlier war With Trance, French 'admirals were instructed '.to give and help they -could to:Captain Cook if they came across liim in dis- tant seas, The Great War *al in all these respects the most 'complete .and implacable quarrel that ever divided nations. Universities -and the Ger- man universities first of all—were conscripted, .and. universities knew each other only, as enelniee. With' a Gaerman professor at the Sorbonne and Gelman Rhodes 'scholars returning to Oxford universities lcnow each other once again as allies lit the service of truth and learning: Women Aviators London News . and Westminster (Lib).: The Duchess of Bedford has created a now and striking record which of lilt l to be easily broken thio isn eY y , But hers is not the first and perhaps not the most remarkable instance of woman's daring; in the air, There are noid numerous expert women pilots, numerous clubs whih have more ,wo- men applicants than men, numerous aebievements in which women have shownt•themselyes to be unsurpassed in skill, in daring and in fortitude.. They have shown, Indeed, that in this, a$ rn' other directions, there are not two standards of daring but one and 10 this, when they wiali,no ono can, excel them. The Sphinx and the Nile London Observer (Ind.): The Anglo- Egyptian agreeinent awaits the judg- ment of the- Parliaments of Britain and Egypt, • The treaty ;Which it con- templates , is contingent on their ap- proval. But 01000'10 at issue than•the relations between two States whose destinies history and geography have, linked together, The now, proposals must needs react upon the situation in India, . They are of intimate con- cern oncern to the Don'Inions, They bear directly upon the moral prestige of Britaiir throughout the world. Minard's Liniment—Used for 50 years Frage ant,'Aftiselttic. Cleansing andifeauhfyint. +;r e ess =ADVISES 9 'nue IN Mots1 70PFAa5 ,NSrnT r 1 Am (ingt: Desetipttve folder on request. ;(t O. LEONARD, Inc. ,E70.Ptfth Ave.> .New York Clty Boils Dry sip boils with'Minard's. Its antiseptic dualities ]till the poison, and draw out, Inflammations A WARRING TO MOTHERS Watch the Health of Yonr Little Ones at All Times No mother can expect that her child will escape alI the ills to which baliy- hood and childhood are subject, but shevan.do much -to lessen the sever- ity of these ,troubles, The mother should be constantly on her guard to prevent childhood ailments,` or it they come on suddenly, as they, usually do, to have the means at banal to relieve them. Thousands of mothers. have found Baby's Own Tablets the ideal remedy for little ones -thousands of mothers always keep the Tablets in Every package of Red Rose Tea is prepared with mite same care , a"s if our reptlta`tioi . were to wt;and or, fall upol that single paelzage es RED ROSE ORANGE 0 E OE is 'extra. g® d Britain's ,burden Now York Herald-Tribune:It Is easY to 'denounce the official laxness which permitted the movement (in Pales- tine) to develop; it is far more' difli- oult to chatr the wisp. British course in such an emergency. Immediately, of course, the riots mnet and will be put down. The obligation of the Eng- lish Government to protect lives and maintain order in Palestine is clear. Then what? The British statesmen who to lightly pledged independence to the Arabs and a homeland' to the Jews promised' more than they reel- izod, and the .problems faced by the statesmen at The Hague are simple compared to the solution of the tang- led skein of races and religions in Palestine, Classified Advertisements feasts Q I IIOICEST' ANGORAS, CHINCRIL- V LAS, Sables, 15.00 ,each, Glen A11Yn "Par harm,, St. Catharines, Opt;_ (�1q ASIS POR 'YOURintOPkiltTY, r-ke 4'. business :or residence, no natter' 'where looatedi Free information:. Tater- national Realty Co.,. 043 :Peliseler, Wind - fit WO STDAIVI PUMPS, 111 PDR5'4CT .id condition, large capacity, Walking, Boom 421,.73Adelaide St WestTosonta, E1N15 STEAM BOILER,100 very cheap. apply Watkins. :Room-. 421.. 73 Adelaide Street West Toronto. FioreSRacing Detroit News: If only the profession- al gambler stood to lose bythe game's dishonesty, the'conununity might be forgiven for regarding- it with some equanimity.- It reaches farther than that. Losses of `.fidelity bond com- panies in Chicago show thatthe num.- her of embezzler?cuts in the city since the tracks reopened in Illinois is be- tween .two anti thre times what: it was before. Many"of the cases are those of small clerks who spend 'their salar- ies and al they can steal from their employers at'the 'tracks. As long as these are matters of recer'd, why prate of "honest raing?" Who ever heard of any honest business that created - thousands of thieves? Minard's Liniment -The King of Pain. UPON THE MOUNT No soul can be healthy Vehout the hill -country, its sacred heights whence' come new mornings, and release from email limitations, and sense, of space and outlook. And the soul must climb its hills even when its circumstances aro like a low monotonous plain, It must climb the mount of the revealed purpose of God. It must tape a tufa the house 00 a safeguard airtainst the up the slopes of some outstanding pre- miss, Get thee up foto the high Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but mountains of grana.. Look up and get. thorough laxative,. They regulate the up whore good tidings are born, and bowels; sweeten the stomach and thus where thou canal see the land that is banish constipation and indigebtion; very far off: "Go, stand upon the break up colds and simple fever and mount before the Lordl" make the cutting of teeth easy. The Tablets 'Ore absolutely guaranteed free from injurious drugs and may be given to the youngest child with per- fect safety.. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mall at 25e a box fr'oM The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., :Brockville, Ont. sudden illness of their little ones., Maggie: '!Fib's a wild Indian, . I'll say." Madge; "Why do you ca1I him that?" Maggie: "Aw, he's always on some girl's 'trail." " 1(111 that corn with Minard's Liniment Quip—What's the matter with that physical wreck over 'there? Has he had the ilu? Quick -No, but he did everything, people told him would keep 10 off. FIML QIJICI., HARMLESS RS COlbl MIX Childieeniforli fOO.(pt(3iH'.tiION,6tAFROEA,riVEa19N1t00S DADDY CAN NOV! EAT ANYTIING He dearly loved .a rich tit -bit, The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak, Whenever he ate anythingwell, hie bays • Used to say, " Poor dad, he will pay the pinenaltyhisowtor-nmworordrosw:—." T{ead, the sequel 'Since taping the regular dose oi' -liruschen Salts It is quite different, and my boys enjoy themeelvee seeing 'me' eat what I dare not touch before. My eldest' son was the same, but since be fans taken Irruseben Salts he can eat and enjoy whatever is put in front of lthn." . Modern artificial conditions, errors of diet, overwork, lack of exercise, and, so on, -are bound to have injurious effects in the long run providing due precaution is, not, taken. Ku:schen Salts should be your safe- guard. Besides cleansing the body of impurities gently, surely' and painlessly; they possess a. vital power of giving new life and vitality to the countless millions ppf Dells of which everryybody le composed; That is why Physicians ; never hesitate to recommend lliruschen Salts, ISSUE No, 38—'29 A TENTS List of "Wanted inventions" and run information Sent Fres on Rocuest. THE Dept W. 273 Bank31,7745SAV., Ot awa, Oat. Where do mothers learn the thingsf they tell their daughters not to do? WEEKLY. NEWSPAPER. .. FOR SALE Well equlpped-for publishing and printing, doing good business. Must have substantial down pay- ment. ayment. Good 'reason for selling, ApplY Box 8, WILSON PUBLISHING GO. LTD. 73 "Adelaide 81. W. Toronto , T.t 4,.r4Ix4 � !1 Women Earn up to to 130 weekly, sewing. spare time. house Frocks liume,plain easy sewing, e811erienee an- neeessaiy, materinll tear cot, instructions furnish -d. Dress Specialty C. neptla 445 St. P.:Susi-3.. Montreal —by qualifying as Agent Telegrapher. Courcy approved by the railways. We secure positions. Write for Pree Polder TODAY. Day orMail courses. Dominion School Telegraphy Ltd. Dept, W.L. 2 Toronto ' Edgo.tiolding Foot Easy-Cuttin8 g':tis it 870 SAWS Cunranteed becousemndo ' trona our cm/noted SIMONDSCANADA SAW CO, LTD. MONTREAL v4NCOtNnn, Dr.Jor1N,N,Da TORONTO A 2.4 't HE most beautiful black you've ever seen!" "All my friends adtnire my new black silkl" "The coat I thought was hopelessly spotted is now a new, beautiful black!" These are typical comments from women who have used these true, jet black dyes. Diamond Dyes Black never gives cloth a greenish or bronzy look, es so many black dyes do. Like Diamond Dyes Red and all the other Diamond colors it is easy to use and gives such colors, results because it is rich in pure anilines. It's the anilines in /dyes that give them brilliance, 'depth and fastness; make them go on smoothly and evenly, without on yesE A�Ellid Proof EASY TO.US];-BETTER RESULTS Fr rn Youth To streaking or spotting. And Diamond Dyes contain the highest quality anilines That 0soney-cis buy. The white package of Diamond Dyes is the highest quality dye, prepared for general use. It will dye or tint silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon, or any mixture of materials. The blue package is a special dye, for silk and wool only: With it can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results equal to the finest professional work. When you buy—remember this. The blue package dyes silk or wool only. The white package will dye every kind of goods, including silk and wool. Your dealer has both packages. id. Age HERE are three trying periods in a woman's life: when the girl matures to womal`lhood, , when a woman gives birth to her first child; when _a woman reaches middle . age. At these critical. times Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table. Compound helps to l alt ` normal health and . 'restore Orli vigor. Countless thousands, testify to its worth. LYDIA B, PINIUTAM MEIICINE CO., Lyne; Mass., TJ, S, As and Cebourg, Ontario, Canada