HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-09-12, Page 5',191llfRSDAI, SEi'TEMBHE 12, 1929 fHE cLINItON=11TE"W'S RECORD 'OF INTEREST TO XOU .AND iIE , if that new coal field in Northern 'Ontario pane out all right those Al- 'tberlta coal miners will have to seek 'nrarkete•elsewhere than in Ontarie, This s 'l l n sIowne of John B it . seeme. t, s 1 ls "tn':be something of a"pose. 'When he starts. oatto do anything he, usually' gets there in record time: A carelessly thrown cigarette stub -caused a serious fire in Listowel ,the • other night., Many disastrous. , fires %a3e:. caused '' by carelessness. One ',cermet be too careful where fire is if afore "care, courtesy and coin- 'num ont'neon sense" were exercised : on the, "highways • there would be fewer ac- cidents. Plsrhaps if people would ,leave aII those stickers off their cars tnnd try • end retain some common Ism? , in their heads it would help. Hanover has decided to pave its 'snain street ;and put in a sewer and a county line sewer, the whole cost to be $127,820.09, and at that to be '$14;000 less than was at first estim ated. But it is `not yet done, that 'neat' fourteen thousand niay be eaten tip before the job's finished. But Hanover is to be congratulated on its interprise. The • Irish Free • State Government is ?making a strong effort to revive 'the Irish Ianguage, that is the old 'Greene. A foolish notion, one would reasonably suppose, spending time .and money trying to cut off the peo- ple . from their .fellows by a bar of language. And it won't succeed. Tine ;modern trend is toward a u ni 'vernal Ianguage-and, it won't be the Gaelic. The Conservatives, with the aid of other small groups, are in power 'for 'the first time in the history or 'Saskatchewan. It is up to them now to prove that they are worthy of the position. Never before in the history of the Province has any but a Liberal Government held power. Mat the Liberals abused their pri- vileges, as seems to be the case when any one party holds power very long, goes almost without saying. If Dr. Anderson, the new' Conservative leader who has been called upon to form a cabinet, is wise and if he can control his following sufficiently, he will try to give the Province the best government possible and so justify his call to -his high office. No Government is so secure that it can- not be ousted, if the people feel that it is abusing its power. e * This is the way the OrilIia Packet - Times puts it up to those Toronto Daily newspapers which are always ready to make a "story" that will sell their wares: "We hear a great deal these days about the model way that the `reds' are treated in London. But there are two sides to the story. The late C. 3. Miller used to tell of his experience. He saw one of the famous 'red' pro- cessions shepherded through London by the police. The banners gave ex- pression to the most extreme views, and provoked rough comment from the spectators. The subsequent speeches in Iiyde Park were, fell of sedition: Next day b1i; Miller look- ed up the London' papers„ expecting to find "long reports and ;',editorials dealing with the demonstration. " But all he could find' was'u two or :three inch paragraph'_in'a"n obscure corner giving the information that "the "the Socialists.: held one of their parades through, 'London yesterday.. 'The, speakers were Messrs. so and so." It would probably help matters if the papers that are so desii•ieus of haw dug the Toronto "police . follow the London practice would themselves' imitate the example of the London. press." Canadians. cannot be indifferent to. :'the' persistent rumors that .Newfound- land wishes to sell Labrador to this country.. ; Yesterday's Mail„ and Em- pire gave the following interesting quotation in its editorial eelumns: "Discussing the suggested sale of Labrador, The Daily News, St. John's says that historians. claim that one of the most severe handicaps that Newfoundlandlabored under and one that hindered her developement was the rule of the `Fishing Admirals,'. who conceived- that island as `a huge ship moored near the banks', They did their utmost to prevent colonization and thus held Newfound- land back. But if the `Fishing Ad- mirals' are condemned for preventing colonization, ,'how 'can the present generation' forfeit its responsibility in administering wisely -the great territory so recently confirmedto them? While vee do not for a mom- ent,' says the Daily News, 'suggest confederation, it has been said that if we are to sell' Labrador to Can- ada, why stay out of the Dominion ourselves? If we refuse to accept our responsibility in the adminis- tration of this territory and admit our incompetence to handle it, where is our justification for remaining longer outside the confederacy?' The Daily News warnsagainst the sale of all, of Labrador's timber and min- eral rights to some private corpora- tion, which might so effectually tie up developement there as to make it as much a privately -owned district as Anticosti and might be more insid- ious than a transfer of territory. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. W. Logan and Kath- leen of Blyth spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephen- son. Mrs. Win,- Win,- Stephenson of Brussels is spehding a week or so with her Sister, Mrs. T. Pollard. Quite a number of ladies attended the Women's Missionary rally held in the' church last Wednesday. The ladies of Ontario SC United church, Clinton, were the visitors. Miss Edythe Riley has accepted a position with the American hotel in Brussels. A shower of miscellaneous articles was given on Tuesday of this week at the hone of Mars. Millar Adams for Miss Bernice Nott, .whose mar- riage to Mr. Gordon Richardson of Tuckersmith takes place shortly. Quite a number from here attended the decoration services at the Clin- ton cemetery on Sunday. Awa Sol behind tie eel f4ik Ask ahoo the GMAC Deferred. Payment Plan c a•e.aec NLY behind the wheel, can you learn the whole amazing truth about Chevrolet. There you will experience thee.. advantages' of a smooth, six.cylinder, valve. in.headengine,thesuperiority of design,and staunch construction which make Body by Fisher an emblem of distinction. You will be, astonished at the performance, luxury, and quality now available,.for the first time, in the price range of a four. And you will realize why over a million Chevrolet Six owners -have been "sold behind the wheel" • why they would never again be satisfied with anything less than Chevrolet gives them a• nd why Chevrolet is one of the most sensational :values ever offered: Take your trial ride today. Get behind the wheel -..; and sell yourself thecar you want to own. ' VROL: PRODUCT: OF' .GUNERAL MOTORS op CANADA,umITED`•, J. B.`LAVIS Clinton Ontario X T' S. BBTTBR. BECAUSE I., T' S' -CANADIAN 4 }: RJAG TyTa0Li -n lIELLS—'At .the " Knox churob rnanse Londeson boro, Sep- teniber 4thi by the 'Rev Mr. kor- stor,;: Mary, Eva Weirs.; of ' Londes- t,oro': to J.,,Sinpson `1VTeCa11, Morris township. STEWART—WALKER - AtN IVIain 'stre'et United church, Exeter,'; om August 31st, by the: Rev. John" A. Walker, brother of the bride, as- sisted • by the Rev. fC. J. Moor-` House Verna Allison, daughter of • Mrs.•; Walkerand the late,, William Walkei•,,to Harvey Adam Stewart,' B.A.;'son of Mr.,and Mrs• l'enwick Stewart of Stanley township. ZAPFE-AIKENHEAD. — .In Strat- ford,' on Sept, 11th, by the Rev, George Rowland,' nd,' Janet C., , eldest daughter of Mr.' and Mn.rHugh Aikenhead of Stanley. township, to Abraham W. Zapfe, eldest on of Mn' sand 'Mrs.' Henry C. Zapfe of Brucefield. HULLETT . TOWNSHIP. Mr. and •Mrs. Loren Tyndall spent the first week of the Exhibition in Toronto,. taking in the fair and visit- ing their son, 'Mr Clifford Tyndall and Mrs. Tyndall, and last wleek Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tyndall were in the city. Mrs. • (Dr.) 3. E. Johnston has re- turned to her home in Hamilton' after spending a week with her sis- ter, Mrs. Iddo Crich. Charles Johnston had not been in the best of health for some little time, and died suddenly at his home in Hullett on Aug. 29th, his passing being a great shock to his family and friends. The funeral took place on the Saturday following from his home to Clinton cemetery, the ' Rev: Mr. Forster of Knox church, Londes- boro, conducting the services. Mes- srs. W. and R.. ,Govier, H.'Sprung, W. Mountain, R. Yungblutt and A. Web- ster acted as pallbearers The late Mr. Johnston was born. and spent his whole life in Hullett township, being a son of the late James and Mrs. Johnston. Ile is survived by his wife, who was for- merly Miss Sarah Radford, and a family of four daughters and two sons: Mrs. Clifford Glazier, and Edith, Louis, Gordon, Pearl and Anna May all at home but Mrs. Glazier. AUBURN The Baptist congregation will hold their anniversary services on Sunday next, September 15th, at 2.30 and 7.30 o'clock. The speaker for the day will be a former -pastor, Rev C. C. Bayter of Wakerton. The service of song will be led by the choir, assisted by Mrs. Green and Mrs. Marshall of . Toronto, also The North Toronto Tabernacle Male Quartette. Mr. Jerry Taylor has been busy this past week moving his house to the new site, between Messrs. Chas. Asquith and Jas. Johnston's houses. Mr. Stanley Strausser of Sebring- ville visited last week with Mr, . and Mars. R. D. Munro. . Mr. J. J. Washington visited last week at the Toronto Exhibition and also friends at Bowmanville. Miss E. Washington of Goderich is visiting her brother here this week. A number from this vicinity are taking in London Fair this week. Miss Margaret Dobie left one day last week for Chicago where she is taking a position, DRAINAGE ASSISTANCE Mr. C. Cox, Drainage Dept., 0.A. C., has been permanently appointed to take charge of requests for as- sistance in drainage and, is located at Stratford. Mr. Cox will be available for work in Huron Comity. This af- fords a real opportunity for farmers requiring drainage and it is hoped that many will take advantage of this service. Those wishing assistance_ should make application at an early date. For further information write, G. A. McCague, Agricultural Representa- tive, Dept, of Agriculture, Clinton, Ont. . BLYTHi Dr. and Mrs. Wilford andfamily left on Friday for their new home at Oil Springs where the doctor has purchased a medical prac- tise. raytise. Citizens generally regret the removal ; of this estimable family from our midst, but sincerely trust that they may find health and pros- perity in their new ]tome.—Blyth Standard. ' CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Chas. Johnston and family wish to thank the friends and neigh- bors for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their' recent 'severe bereavement, also for flowers sent. GODERICH TOWNSHIP VOTERS' o L,IS7 The Voters' List, 1929, for the Town- ship of Goderich, County of Hurons Notice is hereby given.that I have transmitted or delivered to the, per sons mentioned in Section 9 of. the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies of the List, made pursuant to the said Act,. of all _persons' appearing by the Assessment Roll of the . Munici- pality of the Township of Goderich to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections to the Leg- islative Assembly and 'at Municipal Elections, and the said` list was -first posted ti p in my office, Goderich township, on: Saturday, August 31st, -1929, and remains there for inspec- tion. I hereby call on all voters to examine the said List and if any er- rors or omissions are found therein to take immediate proceeding's Id have same: corrected ' according : to law. Dated at ray office this 6th. day .of September, 1929. R. G. Thorne - son, Township Clerk. 31-3. Alred W, •► ill derton teacher 'f 0 'PIANO,GSINGIN O GAN ' '� ."THEORYR 55, successful entries fox .Toronto Conseivatary-' Exaiiinationsa `' last year, , over. 60. per cent. scoring, hon - 'Ore ;and first class honors. Tuitions resumed Tuesday, Sept. 3. r.A few vacancies for pupils. Studio Ontario Street; Phone 64. Best Breakfast Bacon in piece Smoked Cottage Rolls" P.,Mealed Cottage Rolls Full line of Fresh. Pork Pork Chops, per lb ff Sausage " Side Pork, in piece, Sholder Roast Rib Roast Fresh Picnic Hans Pickled Picnic Hams Smoked • " . Ib f, n If 33c 33c 30c 25c 24c 20c 22c. 23c 20c 22c 23c Large Stock of No. 1, Lard, any Quantity. Try our Boneless Lamb 'Roasts Everything in the Best Grade of Beef, Veal and Lamb. CONNELL & TYNDALL Clinton's Leading ''Meat Market SEAFORTH FAIR NEXT WEEK The Directors of the Seaforth Ag- ricultural Society have everything in readiness for their Fall Fair on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 19th and 20th. Extensive additions have been erected in the live stock department, a number of improvements in the hall and with generous increases in the prize list the exhibits should be the largest on record. A large pro- gram of sports including two horse races, running races, horse shoe pitching tournament, -girls and boys games, has been provided, ending up with the usual concert on fair night. Seed Wheat Improved Dawson's Golden Chaff. Good clean seed, free from weed seeds and smut. Apply to T. R. Jen- kins, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 610r23, Clinton central 31-2. Cottage For Sale A six -room cottage, good location, town water, electric lights and good cellar and hardwood floors in front part of house. Inquire at News -Re - cors. 31=tf, Burgess Photo Studio, Clinton Open again Tuesday, Sept. 24th, and Tuesday, Oct. 8th. Come in on those days and have those Photos taken that you want for Christmas. 21-2. Auction Salo Of household effects, Victoria Street, Clinton on Saturday, Sept. 21st, at 1.30 p.m.4 consisting of the following: oak extension table; 6 oak dining room chairs; china cabin- et; book case; wardrobe; bedrobni suite; iron bed; 2 toilet sets; wash- stand; 3 mattresses; 3 set of springs; 2 couches; drop leaf table; 3 chairs; 6 rocking chairs; Pandora range; 3 burner coal oil stove with oven; 2 Axminster rugs, 3x4 and 3'0'x4; Con- goleum rug 8x3; linoleum rug, 3x4; 2 tapestry carpets, 3x3t/ ; and 3e -ix 4, a number of lamps; curtain stretchers; quilting frames; number of pictures; sanitary closet with connections; flat irons; rustic seat; 5 gal. coal oil can; 5 yid, gasoline can; pots, pans, dishes and numerous oth- er articles. Terms: Everything to be sold as proprietor is leaving town. P. Gardiner, Prop., Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. •- 31-2. <Clearing Auction Sale Of, Farm Stock and Implements, at lot 24,' Con, 3, Hullett' township, 1s miles north-east of Clinton on Thurs- day, September 26th, at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of the following: ITORSES—Heavy draft registered Clyde mare, supposed to be in foal; draft gelding, rising 4; draft filly, rising 2; good farm work horse, ag- ed; driving mare, aged. CATTLE—Durham grade cow, 6 years old, due May 6th; Durham grade cow, 6 years old, due April 28th; Ayreshire cow, 5 years old, due April 20th; Black cow, 5 years old, due May 23rd; Farrow cow, 8 years old, milking good; 2 steers, 2 years old; 2 heifers, 2 years old; 1 steer, 1 year old; 1 heifer, i1 year old; 5 spring calves. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick • bin- der, 6 ft, cut; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; Deering horse rake; bean har- vester, complete; Bain wagon; set of disc harrow's; set of diamond har- rows; Tudhope-Anderson plow, new; seed drill; gravel box, nearly new; Beed drill and broadcaster`, combined; wagon rack, new; set of scales, 2000 lbs, capacity;- 3 drmn steel roller, nearly new; ltl'eTaggart ; fainting mill; set of bob sleighs; set of slings, ropes and pulleys,. root pulper, set of team .harness; • Massey -Harris cream separator, nearly, new; whiffle trees, neckyokes forks, chains and numerous other articles. No re- serve as proprietor is giving up farms ing. TERMS: All sums of $10 and tin- der, cash; over that amount 12 mouths' credit will be given on fere nishing approved joint, bankable pap- er, Vie a diseeunt of 4 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. toltit Bay- ley, Proprietor, Geo. 113. Elliott, Aue 31-2. A. S. IniueY. Clnntou. 07-2-p4f. Member of Florist Telegraph deliver y Association CUT FLOWERS,., FLORAL DESIGNS' , h'or All Occasions, Sent Anywhere. Greenhouse is as near as your phone.. Chas. V. Cooke. Two Phones -66w. and 66j Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggs bought according to Domin- ion 'Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for oinr prices of eggs. You will always find our prices par- allel -with :the city markets. Fat hens and well -finished chicks always 'wanted -Prices good. Always phone our office' for prices before marketing produce. N. W. Trewartha Phones—Office, 214j, Residence, 214w Farms For Sale Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of Goderich township, consisting of 160 acres of good clay loam, 111, miles west of Holmesville. Good buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton. cen- tral. 294f. Holmesville United Church GOLDEN JUBILEE SEPT. 22nd to OCT. lst Sept. 22—Rev. A. Sinclair and Rev. E. Fear. Sept. 24—Y. P. Rally. Sept. 26—Old Time Programme. Sept. 29—Rev. R. J. McCormick. Oct. 1—Fowl Supper and Program. 30-3. Used Cars Ford Touring. Ford Coach. Overland, 4, Touring. Overland 91, Touring. Overland 91, Coach. Overland 93, Coach. Rubber tire top buggy: Bert Langford CLINTON Wanted Man or reliable boy for delivery, ono who can teke care of horse. Steady work for the right person. Apply to E. Wendorf. 31-1, House For Sale 7 -room house, Huron street, Clin- ton. Town and soft water, electric lights, furnace, 1-8 acre of garden, nice location. Apply on premises to Mrs. L. Rath. 31-3-p. Sheep For Sale 18 Leicester ewes, also lambs. Ap ply to Frances Powell, phone 607r2. 31-2. For Sale One good Hereford milch cow. Ap- ply to A. C. Brandon, Bayfield, Ont. 31 2. Reuse to Rent 5 -room house, James street, Clin- ton. Town water, electric lights . Apply to W. Jago, Clinton, 3142. Property For Sale Comfortable cottage, Victoria street, 5 rooms, sun room and porch, cement cellar, hard and soft .water. Also 7-8 acre garden with fruit trees and small fruits. Barn 'and hen- house. Apply on premises to W. M. Nediger. For .Sale 80 acres of good farm land, lots 26, 27, 3rd concession of Mullett township; 11/2 miles north of , Clin- ton. Good fences, well, watered. Apply on premises to Robert Nelson, R. R. No, 1, Clinton. 31-tf, Stray Sheep Came to the premises of the under- signed, a flock of sheep. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Bill Stirling, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield. Phone 608r14, Clinton central. 31-3. Stove For Sale Cook stove, will burn coal or" wood high oven. Apply to bl1rs. A. E. Durnin, residence of Chas. E, El- liott. 30-2. To Rent A modern dwelling of eight rooms, also garage on Gibbings St., Clinton, Immediate possession, Apply to A. J. McMurray, box 193, Hermiston, Ont. • 264f. Pullets Bred -to -lay `Barred Rock pullets, hatched in March. D. M. Lindsay, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, hedge -Row Chick Farm. 26-tf. House For Sale A comfortable seven room cottage with town water and electric lights, r/4' acre of land with small fruit and good stable with chicken house, Ap- ply to Alex. Sloman, Fulton street, Clinton. 054f. For. Sale OnV ietoria street a 10 -roomed frame house in perfect condition, pantry, washroom, bath, new _ Me - Clary furnace, cellar under whole of- house, large garden, garage, in beautiful location. Apply to Mrs. ave our YO[Ir BOrlds They Mean 5 . cent Discount on The Dollar on All CASH , PURCHASES This Will Be Our PolicyCom. mencing AUGUST 1st A Bond isg iven with every cash purcha.se of 25c or over. Ask for them. they J are yours. Redeemable in goods at anytime and in anyamount. � Miller Hardware Co. DISTRIBUTORS FOR HURON, PERTH AND GREY CO'S. TELEPHONE 53 - CLINTON C. It VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and othe Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phon Transportation Service , Long. Distance -- Short Distance Goods in Transportation Insured Furniture Carefully Handled Efficient Operator. Charges Reason- able. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. R. 1VIcMath, 601r34. Lambs and Yearlings For Sale 20 well-bred Leicester Iambs and 1 yearling ram for sale. Apply to T. H. Cole, R. R. No. 3, Phone 605- r 11, Clinton central. • 28-tf. RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. "Niagara" Super -Soluble Land Lime, also, high grade fertilizers always in stock. Prompt delivery service when required. H. R. Baer, Phone Carlow, 2821, R. R. No. 5, Goderich, Ont. 154f. Wanted To buy, a quantity of hardwood. W. J. Miller and Son, Clinton. 31-3. CLINTON. P. 0. Box, 155 Phone, 04- - VVe Want Your Milk and Cream We are manufacturers of cheese and butter. We want milk or cream. We pay highest ket price weekly. Satisfaction anteed. Phone your 'order for finest ch or pasturised butter in prints or ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont. R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. TBE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPE TIVE CHEESE AND BUTTE COMPANY. LIMITED NO LOSS OF SLEEP IF YOU B Standard Royalties Your monthly check never fa Pure Canadian Management. IMPERIAL TRUST CO. OF CANADA, TRUSTEES . 12 per cent. Dividend Sure Dividends Paid Monthly. J. G. CHOWEN Slabs For Sale Orders left at my residence will receive prompt attention. E Ward, Huron street, Clinton. Phone 155. 15-tf. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed' Clothes cleaned, pressed and re paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned Rooms ever Heard's B. rber shop W. J. Jago. 228341 • For Sale Reliable driving horse, steel -tired top buggy, Portland cutter and set of single harness. Apply' to T. M. Johnston, R. R. No. 5, Clinton. Phone 619r23, Clinton central. 30-3-p. For Sale 5 -room house, Frederick street, Clinton, with woodshed and good cellar. Town water and soft water cistern. Apply on premises to Fred Lockwood. 30-tf, Clinton's A bin -full of Heat Folk's Coal in your house serves notice on every cold wave that the Heat Folks are on guard. And that it means instant death to try to get in. . A 'phone call to 74. Will assure your home of this pro-, tection, • Call the mrpatiya for good, clean coal 0 ®, COAL COMPANY PHONE "74 CLINTON `. C 1'I al and Cok IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF HARD COAL, (LEHIGH VALLES SOFT COAL, .COKE, SLABS CALL 256 A. D. McCartney Queen Street Telephone -25 Cockshutt Agency Wishing Repairs or Parts f Cockshutt or Frost and Woods M. chines of any kind should call at m Residence, I also handle Cockshutt Cream Separators. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton. 81=11 SEEDS Complete stock Clovers and Gras Seeds on hand. Our Alfalfa is -Peel County Sem No. 1 Government standard . Thi type of seed is practically impossibl to buy this year. Have only a smal stock. Good value while it lasts. J. A. FORD & SO •Phone 123 Flour, Feed and Se McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag ency for this district I will keep o hand a full stock of repairs and part; of all McCormick -Deering machine, and will appreciate a share of th patronage of the farmers suroundin Clinton. Call at my shop, next door t Jones' blacksmith shop, King street.: W. J. STEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04 - Eggs and Poultr Home on Tuesday and Friday for noon toe take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence eve day—graded by an experienced gra er, for which we pay the highest m ket price. Cream purchased for Stillman's Aa E. Pitch Viking Cream Separator Age'nt,.. Victoria St, Clinton Phonq