HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-08-29, Page 5AUGITS'I 29 oSI4BWB w10ECORD, ' �N six'tq'• ears'of growth from a l n''>, z• , �... g1 ofliz:e��n�7'ahfi�-to a pcsltloll ::�:,, 'of international' 'illi ortance, there, has attya :l :ee, aosipcer* s irit of ,helpf uiness between :this lBai1k'and ats custqupera, ,That was the spirit Q•tesplolleers wlo''founded this Institution T3at spitit'guides our'. work ao-day.' rep wira. r.IK5 BANKING: ' -ken-A a0YAi. - 1994 Clint 5 . i. on `Branch- If. E,• Ma 995• ,, ,,.. .. ,•,, n Onager,: OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME The Wailing Wall dispute,rin',Jere .isalem •has resulted in more causes =for wailing, • The water in Lake ° Ontard.o' ' was so cold yesterday `that • the ;men's, -swimming race was•;ca114:01f' ,,Socialist or not, Phillip Snowdon has shown that he possesses in him - itself a good bit of the British Bulldog- • *,s'4.a >i.1• • :Bdige-.McLean -Of the Huron' Ex= positor.;is an 'optimist. He is hoping -that perhaps girls will again take up• -the study of the art of ceel{:ing M * M * The Toronto Exhibition is, on; the Western Fair conies •n'ext, then 'the School Fairs, the municipal `Fairs, then cold weather and after 'that, Christmas. M * * • The Communists 'did not show up, at Queen's Park,' Toronto, - at all on Tuesday ,evening. They probably concluded' that defying :authority a British Dominion doesn't pay. • * a: 9 Canada has a bumper.prop of` ap- pies 'this' year. Whether or not this means a bad year for doctors, it. ought at• least to mean sounder health for citizens in general. Ap- ples are Wholesome food,,poked. or raw, and should be very often upon the menu in Canadian homes. • * A searching investigation should certainly be made in regard to the death of a young girl who died in a , Toronto Hospital after being given ether in anticipation of a minor operation. This is the sixth child who has died in Toronto hospi- tals within the• past ° few weeks while under an anaesthetic, * * * Have you seen any of the new American paper money? The bills are much smaller: than the old bank- notes or than Canadian currency, and should be much handier to carry. Although probably few of us find much inconvenience in carrying as many of the larger' bills as come into our possession. The' new Amer - lean notes are more the size'of the English banknotes. A visitor front the South told The News -Record the •other day, that the Government of the' United States will make mil - "lions of dollars when recalling. the old notes, as `many have been •des- 'troyed, lost or have disappeared in seine Mennen and will never be re - 'deemed. The Goverment will be 'that much richer, besides the money saved by issuing the smaller bilis. • * * * . - . , Some people seem to think it is a 'reflection upon ilGanadian girlhood trr; e.that only 'thin of the. -many women who went into=,the swimmingmare,::: thon • in Toronto on Monday_:, was Canadian., : It•'doesn't strike •us• that: tray at all. Canadian' girls as: ; a, rule take plenty of. exercise. Toe. strenuous exercise,:is noteconduettve, to good health and'• those,nnimrning: contests, which' are.nothing more'nbr:. lessithan'endinance tests,. cannot be. good for. anybody,, especially women. Swimming is; no doubt,' a healthy, exercise ' and 'we • should like to see' every Canadian 'hey : and girl learn' that useful .•art,'but'endurance tests bi.the Water are,„in`a'different class' -altogether'.: 04Mo:ian- girls do well to avoid them. VARN'A Rev' AZT. Penrose, •Mrs. Penrose, and llllss.. Eva and Walter Penrose' returned' home Saturday after spend- ing their, vacation at West Lorne. They were 'aecomkianred_ heti e”: by Miss Marjorie Roberson , • ' • Mrs. 'W. A. McAllister and Miss Hazel Steep spent, a few, days; last week with relatives in Detrpit. Mr. and Mi'. Harry 'Reid returned to Toronto after spending two weeks' vacation with Mr. and',MESE J. W;. Reid of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Freed Reid of Varna and Miss Sadie Elliott of Clinton motored to London last Friday. ' Miss Vera Steep spent a week' with friends neer Goderich, , Mrs. Tooley and little daughter have returned home to London after. spending three weeks with Mr. and Mgrs, W. Hunkings. Mr. George Pilgrim •of Palmerston, is spending hisholidays at, home in the village, HENSALL: Mrs. William. Jones had the misfortune while walking in the garden to trip on aboard and in failing she broke 'a bone in her ankle, LOWi TOURIST FARES HELP YOU SEE CANADA Of course you'd like to visit the Coast and on the way see all the 'places ' you've dreamed of -busy growing ;.cities 'like Winnipeg, Bran- don, Regina, • Saskatoon, . Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver and Victoria. the spreading prairies,. Jasper Nat- ional Park in all.its mountain splen; dour, the sombre' Skeena River, the fanious Sheltered Scenic Seas, per= haps even Alaska,• the alluring land ''of the' llfddnight Sun: Loiv Tourist Fares help you see the utmost at least possible expense. Ask your nearest Canadian National Agent, he will give you rates and help youin m.akiug your trip absol- utely worth while. 29-1, /do PReskters;: 1 TH' i"I E,R, -Y717"'SY7 (>5/1 6fr/r &c,ertrc2 1/e, e2 f. rar' proqnyr& oP uric ray e° ;.,. ' EACH MEMS AN ENTER r.40 'R. • #• . AUSPICES F 0 LINO . N l E 'COMPANY . E � 25c-1;pli��'e,�ft1'r�'Cinertd D`a'nce W,OOD=•GRAY At rho home of. the bridoie Ilhr'ente; gots' liugeeb 23th by cite Reus: S; J •Mttrets,,,eousm of the. bride, , assisted l y `•tire, Rev J W: Joh>lson Londesboro, Hattie e youngest -+lpughter,,.c Mr : and Mrs: William••:Gray to Edwin'Brood only son of 1fi and, , Mrs rrjnlc Woody all el Ifttllett bownship, 1 COLEMAN TAYLOR In Strut,, ford, on Arigist 23th, "by • the jt'ev lv[i'• •Byles,'Fetn daughter of Mr ad•, 8Virs W: '3 Taylor; to Anson Colen an, , Asan: of 'Niro and'Ma'ti, George Coleman, alt' Of Stanley: ' DEATFIS.' COOPEI1—Suddenly, at. Monrovia, ;calif,, .,dn Aug., 86th : I argeret I•Ianne;„ wife. of . Samuel S. -deeper" of• Clinton, JOHNSTON-41..144114 tawnsh'ip; • orAilg., 296h, ;Charles 1T Jahnsten,• aged;, 53 .• years and ; • 4. months. The' funeral :Will take. place •from• his residence,• ',10th concession :.of • • Hullett, • on.:::Saturday afternoon, Aug, 81st, service tp :commence - at, 2:00'> o'clock; Interment m Olin ton cemetery...: MARKS eln Stanley, ..todaaship, on August.26th,.�L,tillian M„ daughlier .:o'I3'. and Mfrs,. Charles 1Vfarks,1 ' aged, l8 years,.and 6 months. •STOTHERS Tn'' Hamilton, •'on Aug. 25th',' Martha '1Vlallough, •wife ;of •Joseph '.rStotheis of» Blyth IN ,,'MEMORIAIVL ,i GRF,'A(LTS In' • , proud ' and •laving memory of Pte: Cliffgxd C,reaYis, aJho :gave hiss. life for the Empire iii France August 27,th, 1918,, As we' loved him so we;finis him �u' our ,inemoiy;lie is near , ;T.odedt reniembeie , 'thought of al- ways, Bringing many a silent tear." • W.ELL-KNOWN• CIIIJRCHMAN;'' CELEBRATES GOLDEN • • •° • WEDDING'.`'• '''',,*Toronto," Aug. 26. Tien Dr,' S, D. Chown;'' formerly General Superip- tedderie of't'he' Methodist 'church; . afid JV/re. 'Chown celebrated the 50th an-' niversary of` their weddi i •Here to - :day: 'Dr CHoivn' hags heen a leader in 'the 'Protestant 'religions `life ` of Canada for More than Half a. century first in the Methodist _Church add later in the United Church. • LONDESBORO The regular menthly'meeting of the W. I. will be held in'the commun- 'ity hall. on Thursday, September- 5th, at 2 o'clock. It being grandmother's ' day, it goes without saying there will be a good time. The program will be interesting and enjoyable just as good as in former years if not' better; the lunch also will be served liy the, grandmothers. A most cordial invitation is extended to all the grandmothers of the community to be present. Mrs. Alf. Peters and Miss Ann and Miss Ella Gies of Oleo, Mich., spent the week -end at the home of the for- mer's aunt, Mis. E. Bell. ,. Miss Beatrice Little of London is holidaying at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Govier of Pt. Colbourne, aro visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. D. McCallum, Miss Elsie Manning and Mrs. W. Lyon enter- tained at a delightful shower for Miss Hattie. Gray, bride -elect, last week. Mrs. Geo. McCall spent the week- end eekend with her sister near Blyth. Mr. Alex. Wells spent Sunday •in Sarnia. . ti CONSTANCE MT. 'and Mrs. Geo, Hall and:daugh- ter, Winnifred, of Flint; 1Vliehigan, spent Friday as the guests of the lady's aunt, Mrs. Thos. Pollard. Miss Lillian McEwan returned to Toronto on Sunday after spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. :Wm. Carnochan: Mr. Win. Carnoch- an. returned to Toronto with her for a few days holidays at the Exhibi tion. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,Logan and Kathleen spent Monday at the home "of. Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Pollard.; Mr. Milton Moore of Toronto is spending a few weeks at the home of his brother, Mr, Wm. Moore, Miss Those and Master' James Att- wood returned to Blenheim on Sunday after spending. • a week with their aunt, Mgrs, R; •Grinioldby, •IZIPPEN • • Mrs. Jones: and daughter of Tor, onto are visiting the forrner's 'broth- ers, Messrs: Wm. and Robt. Cooper, M;rs, Aeries was a former Kippen girl being-, Miss Etta Cooper before her ina3riage.• • , Mss. John Anderson of our village has gone to' spend a few holidays with her nephews, Mjessrs. 'Potter Bros. of Holinesville, • .,Mr. and Mis. Arthur Anderson ,spent .the "week -end with Mrs,' An- derson's sister, Mr's. Mason of Bel- 'gravd. Misses Reth and Bisili he Watson ',. have :been' holidaying day_ing , with their grandmother, ."Mrs. Annie Watson of Seaforth. Mr. -Lloyd Workman, who was home for a few weeks' holidays, has returned to • Oshawa. Mr. Harvey McClymont has taken a. position with Mi, W. M. Doig for the fall: Mr. Jas. 1VIcCly,nront is 'holidaying in Toronto. • : We would again remind our read-, ars arid all lovers of flowers tot keep in mind the -flower show to be held' iii Kinnon United Church' on Thurs day Aeaust 29tH: • Mr. Harold Campbell whn has 1 • been esunplying : at the :N R stir tion in Ma Field's Fl ds absence,i veil g learns £o , z its h%ime nn 1* ridav Qdzte ^�a ntunb,er , of,' ,our flwver iovai sta k In ti's 3letyet• exhibit hen, n 5 turday, last ir awinro '''4as lo,'is•e yri coji�aidelt}g. the dry 'tC�eaPlie}l. A'nderto' r � :: .teaoher„Gi1 • ;PIANO, :SINGING, OR(4A1V, , TBiAOR, , 55'; suocessful entlies! for Tgi nfe CoPeervatoi'y . Ettemiiratiens ,first year, over 66..a,.. cent: soorie.g hon ors 'and, first Char hen* • Tuitions .resumed Tuesday, • Sept 3, A few:vacaanetes Kgs pupils:: Studio. Ontario $ti;eet,, Phone• 64r: 29,3 1 tembel of •,Floxtoh Teidgraph'd il oeiatrgn EU2 FLfjVI RS,, i`IOIt.z1i11, AEflTGN',5'' For A11 Occas1ons Sent Anywhei e' Greenhouse" a as n. ax as your lshoxtey' OCI 'rwa Pbotpes;,=66,w and 661 leea l�;scour" , On ar On,A11 RC%LASES s 11 Be• Our,, Policy Corr icing UST' iSt A .Bond `is` given with every cashpurchase< of 25c or over .Ask for them '; they � e111 the. ; are .. . Redeemable in goods Y � � at :an, tinge and in`an • 'amount. Y Y L+''resh .Pic., Hams -lb •ZOc .houlder .Rst. Pork 1; $ 4b.- 22c, Rib Rst. Poik, 'Roast 13:am, Tb : ,< 27c .:Whole Fresh Hams, lb_, 25c Home-made Pork Sous. 24e Everything in J'iekied, Salt .and Smoked• Cuts,- also • ' Choice Beef Cuts;, Ch. ,Round 'Steak, ib ::28c Ch. Rib Roast, 1b 22c Ch. Rib Bolls, •lp ' •' 18c Boneless Corned.;or pick- led ick led Beef, ' lb. • , ' 22e Ghoide Pork Sausage :Choice line of ..cooked meats .Lard' •Irl " any, ql antitr • at best Prices - 'i B Cori- 1Vlachi : sliced or. :Pie- -piece , _ ' Kindly -:order. ;deur Satiir-. day'. order... on Friday if pos- sible fdr early delivery: CONNELL & TYN•DALL Clinton's :Leading' Meet .Markets FIREMAN'S CONCERT 'AND DANCE - • The Gordon Eckardt Company of Bell Ringers is billed to play in the T.own,. Hall, on . Wednesday evening next under the auspices of the Clin- ton Fire Company. The Eckardts have ah all new Co. this season having engaged the Car- man Gay Gypsy Band, a girl's or- ganization from the Pacific Coast. • Tickets may be secured from the committee which will .admit to both concert and dance for the one price. —Advt. • GODERICH GAOL STRUCK BY LIGHTENING EARLY FRIDAY • MORNING LAST Damage amounting' to $1,000 was caused when the tower of the gaol at Goderich was strecki` by lightning during the severe electrical storm at an early hour last Friday morning. The crash, which occurred at about 1:05 a.m., set the tower ablaze and firemen fought with considerable dif- ficulty to keep the flames confined there. There were seven prisoners in the cells when the fire broke out and they were led 'outside•into the court- yard until the blaze was definitely brought under control. Tho prison- ers, all of whom were in for minor offences, were guarded by Provin- cial Officer Whitesides and Con- stable Thomas Gundry. Most of the damage by flames was done to the tower, although there was also considerable damage done by water to the interior of the building. The cells where the pris- oners were confined, were in another wing of the building and were un- harmed. BLYTII: Frank Metcalf, for eighteen years Dominion fruit in- spector in Saskatoon, has resigned his post on account of 'ill health and is returning to his old home at Blyth, On his retirement, Mr. Met- calf was presented with a purse of gold and an address' by .fruit dealers of Saskatoon. VARIETY IN THE KAWARTHA DISTRICT Whether you seek companionable people in 'comfortable hotels or a secluded cottage in the backwoods, you will find both amongst' the Ka- wartha Lakes. From well-appointed resorts there offers tennis, dancing, lawn -bowling, bathing Wand the jolli- est sort of a• crowd to the fishing waters of the hinterland; there are surroundingsto suit everytaste. No matter what • your choice may be, fish, and plenty of 'thein, are not far away. The 'nearest Canadian National Railway Agent can give you com- plete information and literature on this easily .accessible playground. 29-1. Far. Sale Y lVfasse -Harris been harbester 'and' scuffler corribined. ''Pearly new • Will sell cheap. Frank Keegan, Bayfield. • 29-1. Auction Sale ;of Household Effects ,Mr, Josiah Rands has instructed the undersigned to sell by, public auc- tion at hie residence, Cooper street, Clinton, on Saturday, September .7th at 2 gm., sharpf the following: • 3 bedroom suits, i, .mattresses, springs, ' and feather ticks; cool: stover,.3'urner coal oitratove; couch, ,Iloherty organ;. dining -room -chairs; table, kitchen table,, kitchen enpboiird,. toilet sets; wash till wringer boiler) carnets, noleumsmats, cm fain s Picruxes typewriter,,, [-„,glassware, asswar e> knives, forks,,apoone, sealers dishes, pets, ;paus.,and numerous -other-02- ziclEs..: Ever thin •., to .lie ss ld as ' y a no• ptrefer iiy, giving uppliousekeepina, Trgiali' Rands, Propitiator, Geo. Ll: Elliott, Auctioneer. 29-2. slid Egg. nd ouitr.y I Luse Eggs bought according. to ''Denm ion• CoveiMneni; •Egg Regulations. lnquare-: dr • ourp =':ritsr e : f o eggs.' You will., elw'ays'find our prices par allel with the city •markets ' Fat hens' and•.welI finished chicks. always .wonted—Prices gpod.' 'r divays phone our; effrce for prices:; before 'Marketing lrroduce N. W. TrewarAha Phones --Office; 214j Residence, 214w CARD OF THANKS , Mrs, Heard and family,:., Bayfield,, wish to extend ,thanks for.flowers sent and for kindness :and • sympathy. extended in their recent rrbereavenient and, gorrow.,. • i Wanted .l; • ;Ambitious, men and women to op eti cleaning,., .dyeing ...and ,pressing :shops—through, Canada :,We. teaeh you. Particulare ;.free. ,','Business Wisdom, Federal vIianrilton, Canada Having purchased an electric floor Sander, I am prepared • to surface •both',new and old floors at-moder+. ate 'charges, Harry Hart, Box 249, 'Seaforth, Ont. • '29-2, Roomers. Wanted ' Accomodation for several room- ers, either boys er girls, students or others. Apply to Mrs. L. Him:- king, unking, Albert street, Clinton. 29-1-p. Christmas Photographs ' We are finishing orderenow for Christmas Presents. •%bo not leave it off until the last and be disap pointed. Clinton Studio open second Tuesday and last Tuesday of each month. Open again Tuesday, Sept. 10th and Tuesday, Sept.' 24th. Come now while the' weather is good;. Burgess Studio, Clinton. 29-2: Tea and Baking Sale The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Pres- byterian church will hold an after- noon tea and sale of homemade baking oh• the church `]awn on the afternoon of Friday, September 6th, from 3 to 6 o'clock. The ladies are asked to return mite boxes on that date. 29 2, Farms For Salo Lots 27• and 29, 9th concession of •Goderich township, consibting a'f 150 acres of good clay loani, 1i1, miles west of Holmesville. Good buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone',611r2, Clinton cen- tral. 29-tf. • - Auction Sale Of House apd lot on Rattenbury street, west, Clinton • on Saturday, September `7th, at 1:30 sharp, Tho undersigned has' r',eeeived in- structions 'from Mr. J. T. 'Turner, administrator of the estate. of the late K. Webster, to sell' by public auetion on the'prentises,''one story frame house with cellar, towp wat- er and good garden lot. Terms: Zp per cent ,qf purchase money to be paid down on day of. sale, balance to be paid in 15,days. J. T. Turner, Administrator!, G., H. Elliott, Auc- tioneer. 29-2. For Sale 20 pigs, 6 weeks old, also 13 pigs, 15 weeks old. Phone 15-247, Sea - forth central. Archie Theodore Dale, lot 9, con. 2, Hullett. 28-2. To Rent A modern dwelling of eight rooms; also garage on Gibbings St., Clinton, Immediate possession, Apply to .A, J. McMurray, box 193, Ilarriston, Ont, 28 tf: Pullets Bred -to -lay Barred Rock -pullets, hatched in March. D. M. Lindsay, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, fledge -Row Chick Farm. • 36-tf.• House' For Sale 7 -room house, Orange stilet, CH9 tpn, Town water, electrtd,'ligiita. Also two vacant lots, Apply to Brown Stewart, R. R No 2, Bay=,, field. Phone 606r5, 'Clinton bentral: :f23 tf... House For Sale . Five -roomed house at south end, of North street, Clinton, Half' acre of land and number of fruit trees. Es- tate of Into Agnes Wilson.: Apply to R. Cree, 2z3 tf House For' Sale' • Good"red Brick house;'High street, Clinton, excellent ;location, •8 'rooms; also' bath and sun room •'Hard and soft water, hot water heating;'polish'; ed oak floors in lower flat; nice gar - Alen, and lawn. Apply immediately on premises to Mrs. T. Jackson. 28-tf.' House For Sale A comfortable, seven room cottage with town water and 'electric' lights, 1/4 acre of land, with small fruit tend good stable with chicken house. Ap ply to Alex. Slomah Fulton' street; Clinton. • 05 tf. 4'. � n Vietori -street a .10 0 a t roomed +c_ f •am ou perfect e hse, i n pert t condition, pantry, washroom, bath .new Me-: Clary furnace, cellar,: under- whole, of house, • large garden, . •garage,'rn beautiful location • -, ippiy , - to Mrs, A. S. Inkley,: Clinton.' 07-2-p-tf. filler 1: Harthva DISTRIBUTORS F,O.R HURON, PERTH AND GREY CO'S1.• TELEPHONE 58 s. ••_ • ...CLINTON C. H. rte.. i Electrician Electric -Ranges; Fixtures;' -'Bulbs, irons, Fan% and other' Appliances Wiring and; Repairs. t Phone' Z Transportation Service Long Distance •— Short Distance; Goods in Transportation insured Furniture Carefully Handled Efficient Operator. Charges Reason- able. Satisfaction . guaranteed . ,. S. R. McMath, 6011-34: Stray Beast A cattle beast, came to premises of the undersigned. Owner may have same by proving • property and pay- ing expenses.” S. R. MacMath, R. R. No. 2, phone 601r34, Clinton central. 28-3. o Reenters' Wanted Accornodation for roomers, stu- dents or others. Apply to Mrs..Mc- Ilveen, next door to Mellveen's bal- ei y, Albert street. - 28-2. Lambs and Yearlings For Sale 20 well-bred Leicester Iambs and 1 yearling ram for sale. Apply. to T. H. Cole, R. R. No. 3, Phone 605- 11, Clinton central. 23-tf. RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free, Cull or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. "Niagara" Super -Soluble Land Lime, also, high grade fertilizers always in stock. Prompt delivery service when required. H. R. Baer, Phone Carlow, 2821, R. R. No. 8, Goderich, Ont, ' 15-32. Slabs For Sale Orders left et my residence will receive prompt attention. 'l,'`, Ward, Huron•street, Clinton. Phone 155. 15-tf. Clothes Cleaned and 1'resped. Clothes cleaned, pressed .and rs• paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned Rooms veer Heard's B roes shop W. J. Jago. • 2283 -ti Clinton's. WE DON PRETEND r TO BEANGELL WE'VE poi.. ON WINGS; JUST TO:SHow YOu HOW Mims" w FAN FILL, YOUR ORDEli:FOR COAL/ 1::: One of'the first lessons we learned in the coal b"tieiness was -that when Tie'ople order. 'coal, they 'usually want We=shave, nosier forgotten- this les- l}"or,a sample of our quick service cd 74n a a a d ask for l two tons- of D�.L.A W. Coal and .one ton of ear sown pri- vate brand of speed. Call the abservegyo for good, cldan'coal usiai .L, CO C0� -,,•#.qaj PHONE 74 CLINTON We Want Y®ur.-; Milk and Creanti We are ,manufacturers of t etit _cheese and butter. We want your milk or cream. We pay highest niar- 'ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar- anteed. , . Phone your, order for finest cheesq or pasturised butter in prints or hol- ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R. R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. r THE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPERA* TIVE' CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY. LIMITED • NQ, LOSS OF SLEEP IF YOU BUY Standard Royalties Your monthly check never fails. Pure Canadian Management, IMPERIAL TRUST CO. OF , CANADA, TRUSTEES 12 per cent. Dividend Sure Dividends Paid Monthly. J. G. CHOWEN CLINTON.. P. 0. Box, 155 Phone, 52 04-tf. Coal and C ice IF YOU: ARE IN NEED OF HARD COAL, (LEHIGH VALLEY) SOFT COAL, COKE, SLABS CALL 256;_.. A. D. McCartney Queen Street Telephone 256 Cockshutt Agency Wishing Repairs or Parts for Cockshutt or Frost and Woods Ma- chines of any kind should call at my Residence, I also handle Cockshutt Cream Separators. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen. Street, Clinton. 81-tt, SEEDS Complete stook Clovers and Grass Seeds o,n hand.' " • -Our -Alfalfa is: Peel County Seed No. 1 Government standard This type of seed is practically impossible to•biiy this year. Have only a small stock. Good value while it lasts. J.A. FORD & $ON Phone 123 Flour, Feed 'und Seed • McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the aove ag- ency for this district T will ;keep on hand a• full: stock of repairs end parts of all McCormick -Deering machines: and, will appreciate a share of the patronage of the farmers'surounding, Clinton. - Call at my shop, next door tq Jones' blacksmith shop,King g st rest. W. J. STEWART` Clinton, Ont,, Phone` 281w ''04-t1'y Eggs•' and :PoOltry on. Tuesday and Friday forg9 nobn to take in Poultry.•;.• Eggs handled :,et residence.: ever day.—graded"by: an experienced grad. er, for which we:pa'y the highestm aiN ket •rice Cream •purchased fo'a:Stiltman,s vikin Crean"i, ' . t0 $' S ar'&1' A'e ep n�. Victoria St., Clinton Pheeet 27/11 :1.,