The Clinton News Record, 1929-08-29, Page 117,
•O. ,2526-51si Yeep.,
"The Ilyst AcigirertIse eut ever raOlistie .wakla Color, and it was One that can never be Improved upon This first in vertisement was 'the raOw, ,and was put
, Brisbane
n the heavens to Advertise to .the world that t would not again be destroYed by a flood.'' And like all good AdVertiiments it has kept its promise ---Athin.
-people out Of `every . One hundred have defective eyG-
sght. Anti:this ;i n�t beeatise' eyas are being inade "poorer" than ,•
they we in grandlather'S. day, either. • „
erd'O• 1a7r r,,,tici°14111111igalvv°1iitrihrovZs a
-o°s'Pen never l'togearr . As '
Oa ort eyde e they were intendedY
result,: mere and more .people teed the comforting help et' glasses
for nye e witichti.mve been eVervirerice4.
De niat Put -:•tiff giving your eyes the attention they deserve. It is
' • More titan; likelY tikeY need it NOW:. •
• Jeweler 'and (CIPtometriA Vbene.174w and 174)
• Our. New Fall
Range. Style sthat
are Distinguished
• in Every. Detail.
New Models arriv-
• ing almost Daily
and You are Invit-
ed To See‘ Them.,111,1rtMal
Wheat,, $1,...25 to stes, •
Barley, 60e to '65e.
Oats, 45c to 50e.•
Buckwheat, 70c..
Butter 38c o, 40c
•Eggs, 25c to 40c,
Live Hog i; .1-1-50 to $11,75.
Mr. and Mrs. William Potter.
trounce the eng;agement • of their
youngest daughter,-, Hazel Laura, to
Mr. Malcolm, -Macfarlane,son a xi,.
rnd Ifis. John Macfarlane,- all of
Stanley township. The marriage
will take place in September.
The following are numbers cif
tickets which. call for Prizes in the'
ICilty Band ticket contest, which
have not been clainied. Anyone haV.:
ing tickets beating . any Of these
• riumbers;•:shoidd take them into the
Hardware. and Furniture Company
and claim the prize: .
Well boys you will soon be off to school' again
and 'with this thought in -view we are showing some'
special vii ies in eacel To,ggery. -
Boy's 'Polo Sweaters, all wool •$1.00
Boy's Cotton Sweaters ... • • 35c
Boy's Fine WorstO. Sweaters in a variety •
of Colors 10 to $2.50
Boy's Shirti,with collar attacked, Special at -,,.$1.00
Boy's Khaki Bloolners,. Spe4alat' 95c
Boy's Navy Blue and Khaki ShirtS, • 95c
Boy's Caps, large range of ptterns' 75c,,$1.00, $1.25
• . .
Boy's Trousers in fancy tweeds, special at $2.50
•Boy's Suits` with bloomer knickers in brown and
'grey mixed tweedS ,'speela at • $5 90
Youth's Suits with extratroUsel's• •
' 1CHO 13.50 16.50
Young Men's collegiate Suits in. snapi*patters
••2280,. 3415, 1737,' 769, 2482, 1242,
415,, 467, 1856, 1840, 602, 1653, 1708,-
2581, 2953. - •• '
Clinton is talking • or erecting ,a
cairn in 'honour •Qf the late Brig -
Gen. Otter, who spent his boyhood
on a fame within a few miles of the
town. When Clinton celebrated it
semi -centennial frinr years ago Gen.
Otter spent a fair days here and, in
company with Dr. Shaw, visited the
old home farm and Ideated as nearly
as he could the site of the house jri
which his family lived.
Sunday last 'being the eighty-sev-
enth birthday of Mt. A. Dodsworth
her niece, Mrs. A. Parker; enter-
tained a number of relatives in hon-
• our of the occasion. Xrs. Dods -
worth's only sister, Mrs. "Emma Gor-
don of Kitchener, was present and
other guests, mostly nephews •and
nieces, were: 1VIrs. Minnie Cochrane
and son Kenneth, IVIr. and Mrs. Hugh
Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. George Gor-
don and daughter, Janet, Kitchener;
Mrs..A:.Dedsworelt. • -Mr, and Mrs.
George Swan and 'Earl and Clarence
and IVfro. IVfarsr, McCauley, Luc -know;
1Vits. Illary McKenzie and- Eli e and
Iluth;,,,and M. E. King,. Exeter; "Mr.
• and 1a111:,' neoige Etherington, Mr.
and Mrs: W. -,Etherington;• Mt.' • and
Mrs.P. Merkley,:Exeter, and also
some from town.
Schools Open on 'Tuesday, Sept.,
Mondaynet is Labor Day and
a public holiday.' ••
Two more ,days and summer .will
be over. Did you enjoy , your 'holi-
The town council • will meet on
Tuesday evening,' Monday 'being a
The Huron County Old Age Pen-
sion Board has received nearly one
hundred and twenty applications for
pensions already.
The 'Clinton Public Hospital Board
will meet in the board room of the
town hall. on Wednesday evening
next at "half past seven.
Mr. Patterson of Windsor has leas:
ed S. S. Cooper's new building
at the cornett of Mary and Isaac,
streets for a bowling raley.
Premier: Howard G. Ferguson will
speak et 'a meeting of the South
'Perth Conservatives at Mitchell- on
Friday afternoon, Sept. 6th.
Mr. H. LeBaron Earth entertained
a number ef his old Clinton friends
to dinner itt'the Sunset Betel; Goder-
Mb, one evening Jest. week.
AninVention::.of. a fornier""Clinton
hoy,'1114-. A. D. Fisher, is on exhibi. street' park by the Perth Regimental
tion in W, Fair andCO'S WindOw. Band, Stratford; ' whith came by.•th•e.
It looks ingenioua 'and may -bring kind Permission of Lt."'Col, K. M.
.Clinten Collegiate Institute Will
,open on ., Tuesday, September 3rd.
Student e will assemble at10.30 a.m.
for registratien, at Whieli.:,time they
will be instructed "iregarding text
books and courses of study:-,
%at might have beenTa „seriona
accident " but happily jtmt 'missed,
eceurred at the corner:, of Albert
street and the Huron Higliviray , on
Saturday forenoon. A Fold:car was
coining from the east' 011'.the High-
way when a larger car, bearing a
1Vlithigap license plate iwung into
the Highway off Albert -street,
south, end the two •Just grazed each
other as both swerved 'swiftly. Not
alve. fenders,aing
ad styla
e t, ivbtall$'6than
0; close
• The annual business meeting and
picnic of the Harm Elorne'and School
Council was held in Joweth's Grove,
Bayfield, on Monday • afternoon.
•Reptesentatives • from the various
'Home and Sehool Clubs were.present
ani: a very enjoyable and profitable
title was spent: ,Mrs. Archibald of
Seatorth,' the "retiring president,
gave a concise acocunt of the Work
accomplished during the past year,
and•the fell:owing were the officers
elected for the coming year:
Hon. President: Mrs. Archibald.
President: Miss Sharman,
• Secretary: Mrs. C. Robion, God-
The executive will be composed of
five :members from each club.
An executive meeting of the Hu-
ron Presbyterial of the P.reibyterian
Church was held in Clinton on Tries,"
• t. Pauls Church .
There will be -a celebration of
Holy Communion at eleVen e'elock
Sunday'. Evening: service as usual.
Presbyterian Church
• All services will be resumed at
the usual hours on Sunday. The
minister will preach morning and ev-
ttday school ineets at 2:80 p.m.
Prayer service will be resumed at 8
o'clock Wednesday evening. •
• •
Baptist ahitr4
At the service on Sunday evening
the pastor, Rev, R. B. Gracie will
preach. '
The Sunday school at 10:30 Sun-
day morning and week night services
as usual.
During the absence of Mr. Gracie
en holidays the Rev. Mr. Goodwill
preached in this church most accep-
tably and was very much appreciated
by all who had the pleasure of 'hear-
ing hint.
Ontaria Street United Church
•Services on Sunday, Sept. 1st -
Morning sermon subject: '`"fhe Great
Test," Evening: "A Young Man and
his traps, or The Devil in full dress
suit." The Sunday school will in,eet
at 2:30 p.m. instead of at ten a.m.
The W. A. will hold its regular
monthly meeting in the church ,lec-
time room on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, at
three p.m. The ladies of St, George's
ward will have charge of theSocial
The annual jamboree,,nut on bY
the Kilty Band on Thursday evening
last, brought out a great crowd alai
proved to be a very pleasant and
enjoyable entertainment. • The even-
ing. was so warm and balmy that it -
Vasa pleasure to be out; and people
came'lrom all the surieranding com-
munity and from the surrounding
towns as well.
The concert put on in the•IVLark
a. fortune twits inventor. •
• On another page el this issue iul
be found the reliults, of the. 'Upper'
Scheel examinations In the Clinton
Trow .and officers, was brach enjoy-
ed. Every number,. given lander.the
leadership -of D. All Withrow; , was
well -executed and iaVokeil aMblanSe
'from the audience.!il
Cellegiate. It isa,. good:ahowing, tee, The committee in , charge had at --
only six failures in all. • • ranged a number of seats for the
The Clinton• s' •
team accomodation of those whowere a
• igni softball
foot and the cars were marked all
• weht to Stratford Tuesday .e.veniag
and defeated- the -team there. Tonier-;
'row, Friday, 'evening,: the 'Classic
City girls play a rettilin match here.
Goderich will again vote on • the
'Elevator Bylaw, which was defeated
on a vote recently, providing "for":' a'
fixed assessment for the term of ten
years: The EleVator is •planning an
extension. ef their plant.
Mr, D. Kay has taken the•Con,
-treat of decorating the liohnesville
United church and will have it
ready for the, special anniversary
services which . are to be held' the
latter part of SePtelnber.
. 8. S
En. Lee I lvh:: 'Te:' '11;;ItLadd :eieSo;11:cent 11:1' ‘toYaa 1- lit 'ea:a i;aetat' 11:114 4:11i r'?:te'°'n' (7S' I:1811:P lihsae pntes t tioh )(IN rd:Elf4e1 r:1:11:31° n:11: 4: aae:C:11;;91:::• nhn41:4‘. was
Vlnic9 'e nahng
11aildn5 41g
lfij-A"t14M lass' l'Illitird,1%"20e*
• h.- 71; 41.
around the: outside of' theid- seats:
It Wee' something of a .satisfaeti
to -he 'able to sit down in crlinforf and
listen to the music, ' "
'"The Kilty Band: had sold tickets,
two orLthree thousand' of them,: ::at
ten Centel eackand. these were -Tann-
bered • one half being retained, ::by.
'the contmitteit, the other: given' tsa
the .pniehaser, anda number'orprizes
were alit -Owed. "Before the' hist. eau,
Ple. of , nnmbers by the .:.hand
TliireciaY;:evening lVfayor del, .Contim
cireiie. the , winning :.nureliers, :just
drawing them at rand* froirt,tlieee".
'retained''by the cornmitten,.:.--Thete
Were ever setrenty4ive,priiear *deb
had been donated ." by , the ::several'
Mereliarita. and 'Iniainess menintpwri
Theset Piliea "had .been, on, exhibition
intthe HardWare and Filreltute4orim.
PanY's: Wit:WOW:ler "seYeraldeYS•..pre,:.
yieris•to,the' event".4nd-tlia!;-store . Was TherOdaYkafteli the de're.'''
big and ,alp 1•)*44
Presenthig; their" itiOete.:"
the 'concert,',Iy."...flirkett6ianee'
t eet;iOpPoSite'Dr: G adteil!s:
mils. ,0061,11,DIE. s surtaliz.t. • • . 1 • , .
Mr. $- S. '' c001per 1"eeewed 1,v1 --rd ' geotve Frederick Oakes, 'who waaI Mt. and Mrs. Wilbert Potter and'
Monday* .ei the death -of hi -wife, born and resided in this community family, accompanied by the ler. ,
Who was staying with their daugh for iii -oily years, died on August 8, taws mother, 1VI!rs. Danks, ' all of
ter, lVfes. Percy Ladd, af:' Kanrelnat 1929' in Chicagd, Illinois, at the age Zion City, Ill., visited -at the home; . •
Calif- ' *8. Cooper died: very and- of' seventy Years. of the former's uncle, Mir, T, J; pot_
denly and unexPectedlY that morn- : tort and With other relatives in the ,
ing. Mk...Cooper lett the "same af- • Ha 11s,d Iw,ed in the United States vicinity lost week,
ternoon for California and will bring for thirty Years, but had returned at Mass Beat -rice Jervis
tshyernpirlathylni; filePlitneiOirooltil%1311. rCiPolo.Iiet.iVii uanehd iansteri.e'vaae,nistlt;,s12f;770ePrenth°thillee sal -1d-, lind MeClartneY.. ' Qf Thr'°1.11°' '
spent a few clan with Miss Alta-
• their only ehild, wird. Ladd', who 10 mer Ynth his sister, Nr -Ts• h. ?Tee: aallkilerti aannd flVfidersn.deWihnitetraahnavioniai.Daeleisitt
living .in 'California' in the interests Stoddart, on the farm where
of 17. he,alth. , ' • binornc.fintHmel hadand na'aawinbdye towns.
weeks. r. oan, of anton , took
CLINTO.N WINS TROPHY owns' . theYkinero(Bing )seprvice in the 'United"
.• For many years M. Oakes was
At the softball tournament ,,held in
Clinton' on .Thurs- street Methodist church of'. Clinton.
ll'ase,yeLelakgtin iiPhPeric'Wesley-Willis Meng' Later he led the choir of the 'Grace
leader of the choir of the Ontario 'vrish..11Krura..1,,h,inehwoer.eseArvillasacOnwt orghxu"nadseenn:mdapTyzih.neite;
soft ball teant won the trophy for Congregational. church "id Chicago. by his daughter, Mats.'John Dempsey
the Huron Presbytery series, while At the time of his death, he was 4 and Jun- little son, Lewis, spent the
the Brucefield girls' team won the member of the Thomas Memorial week -end in Kitchener with friends.
girls' 'M113 the! second year in succes- Congregational church of Chicago, Kr. and MIs. Oliver pourtice cd
tsoionina,„ kTehaenE4xpepteaerragincerist. team failed where he and his three daughters, Indiana are visiting' at. the home of
, so there was had been members of, the choir the former's sister, Mrs. S. T. Wal -
but one girlsigame. The Brucefield for several years. • Both IVIr: ter. .,
girls won from Gorrie 22 to 14. and Mrs. Oakes have always taken Mrs. Rhodes, whose husband was.
The first men's game, betWeen an active partin church and' cord:. rector of the Holmesville-Middleton
Clinton and Exetm, was a praetical inanity affairs. zAnndglwiabaaltrnesairdiedsh instehveerhalmayeeaLswagoco":"
whitewash, ending with a score , of
23-1 in favour (if Clinton, and Wrox- Before moving to Chicago tolive, 'cupied by Mrs. Walter, called on old
eter won from Union 22 to 8. . Mr. Oakes engaged in the business frieinds here recentlY. 1Wany chan-
of organ building in Clinton and ges have taken place since Rev. Mr..
In the final game Clinton gave
Wthateter its first beating for the was'the owner of a factory there for Rhodes was here, as the Holrasvillet, '
the construction of organs for the church was long since closed and has, .
season, The score of 8 to 5 was in
large rneasure due to the fine ball church and home. His instruments now been sold and removed'from the
are still in use in many of the homes site on the hill, having been purchas-
hurling of Bob.Canick, but the play_
intehe rural sections of western On .••• ed by the Holmesville Cheese and
ers of both teams put up a good tani' .
brand :of ball. Butter, Co., and converted into a•
In Chicago he engaged in building 'dwelling for their cheesemaker.
The Clinton boys will now have to
construction and was the owner of M. and Mrs. Martin Showers of
play the Perth winners, the first
suburban property in that city. Woodstock, former butter maker'
gaine to be played at London on
Mr. Oakes is survived by his wife, here visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
' Nellie Gregory- L
of Exeter, by 'three ,
CROPS TN HURON daughters, • Mrs. Robert B. 'Beach lobb ever the week -end.
Mrs. 'Clifford Little of Byron,
and. Mrs.,,,James H. Matheson of
In conversation with Mr. McLeod, Mich., visited her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Chicago, 'and Mrs. Fred Gaugel of
assistant representative for Huron, Joy Snyder, one day during the past
Anderson, Indiana, and by a son, week, .
in the absence of Representative G.
William H. Oakes of Chicago. The Mr. Kay of Clinton has taken the'
.4. McCague, The News -Record re- older Son, Pit ederick George, died
ceived information regarding crops contract cif redecorating the church,
County which sets at rest about ten years ago. Drr. Oakes is
in Huron which Will be all nice and fresh for.
also survived by a sister, Mrs.
ealn"oyP airiLerleleninsi°tIlhis gwithurtie.ergaolid thba'Y ij•rceaskeSet,°bddoatlrit'o
iarhothtneNtyn., Hai'- , . .
the anniversary service's later on,
1j.eag•tl:Ancl'tbere:a•large intinherj',•§11.k
joked 440111801/es 1.91"' a ,tew.hoiii
tort' Until the rain .,StMen: earite;
globe.- It may be taken for :granted ' The funeral was held on Saturday, ,' . . .
that the estimates given are con- August 10th, at the Thomas.Memor-•
• , STANLEY' ‘
servative ones. .' 6 ial Congregational church, Rey. Miss Vera Pepper and .her broth -
About half the grain is already B. Drake, the.,pastor, returning •
front era, Ray and' Randal, are visiting,
' -
harvested in Huron County. - Oats a vacation trip in Missouri to eon-. with their brother at Niagara. Falls,
are a:good sample and a fairly duct the service. Burial was at Ev- and will also take in the Toronto Ex.
heavy yield. Barley is not yet all ergreen Cemetery. Chicago. ,
hibiltion before' returning.. ,
'harvested but in one, or two cases Miss Violet Phillips spent -. last
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Foster and.
yielded 51 pounda . to the bushel. Week with her sister, Mrs. Ira Mar- S. Margaret Paul of Pidgeon,.
Wheat was good, some reporting it rill. t :She returned to 'Toronto on '-:
and Mrs. Ernest Heaton of De -
yield of 45 or 50 bushels to the ac- Monday to resume her work.
troit aro visiting with Mr. and Mrs..
re. Beans have been showing up
__ • Henry Deihl,
well 'until „just recently, when some . , , _ , .•_•
„ Miss H. Isabel Graharit 'of. Sew-
Pod snot ' is beginning to Show." In
LONDON ROAD . fo,ffl, is visiting'
at thee home' of Mi.:
some eases this may affect the beans Gee. Baird.
Mrs. Hobbs and daughter, Ilies. .,Nr. and Mrs. J. E. Toandldaugh-
but Where the mop is . well advanced
may not penetrate to , the grain. Wanda, Toronto, spent -the past ter, IVIary, of Goderich made' a. short:
• .
Soni& alfalfa which ,has been left week at the home of her sister, Mrs, visit at the home of Mr. Geo. Bairdt
for' seed is showing' up well, clover
Win. StanhurY.
' k. and Mrs. John H. MeEwen and
is al yet not far enough advanced to ' Dliss Isabel Forbes, Hullett, visit-
Mr. and Mrs. Altai. Meweattend--
judge. ,
. ed last week with her sister, Mrs. ed the funeral of the late. Mr. Alex:.
The crops altogether will form a Norman Tyndall. ,
good average or a little better than Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ball and Mr.
average. " - .Wife being Helen Butchart of Stan --
McDougal at Belmont on Sunday; his'
and Mrs. Stanley Bali and Mr, arid
IVIIrs. Ed. Sleisman. Detroit, spent le
3/A.. quiet wedding was solemniked at
•Corn, awing to the wet and cold
, '
spring, is *backward, us are also mStratford, on WednesdayAugust
Walterost the week -end with me. and Mrs.
Swinbank. _
n ..
roots, but if weather is favorable
Mr, and Allis. Ed.. Brewer, B28th, at high aeon, wheFerrt• •
Bus- •
s:. , ,
they may come on yet'. Hay -was a
selsoispent Sunday with Mrs. Brew-
daughter of Mr. and Mr, W.f
Tay '
good crop and was stored in ex-
er's sister and brother-in-lawler, Stanley, became the bride of", Mx.
ellent condition. Harvesting con-
•,, -, -Mr. Anson Coleman., :son of• . Mr..
ditions have been ideal, also, the
and Mrs. Stanbury. ' .. ''-
.1Vliss Margaret Murray, who has.
: .. ,
Geal."ga. Coleman, aleof this town -
grain going in in fine shape.
spent several weeks with her sis-
ship, the Rev. Mir. Byers officiatIng-..
. •
Stook threshing is coming into ter, .1Virs. Lindsay, returned to her -
The bride Ware a dressof blue geor-gette and "Chiffon velvet, with hat
favour, especially in the southern hoine in London this week.
Blanche. '
part of the township, where the Miss Marjorie McMichael;and coat to rnatch.aliSs
Hullett, •
gram is threshed in the fields in itho las been spending her holidays
Taylor, sister of the bride, attired in
many cases, thus saving a 'lot of with her grandmother, at the home .rt
'4ench beige satin-fiCed erepe, act -
handling. of Mr. Milton Wiltse, ieturned home 'ed as bridesmaid,. .while the groom
this week.
Miss Omerine Lebeau entertained
- Lorne Colan. The groom's .
was supported by his cousin, Mr.-
The apple erop in Huron is a good
one and ireported asfairly clean, a number of young folks on Tuesday ±0 the bride was silverware, to the
s: ,
as a result of spraying. and care.
t. . : groemornan cuff links. :The happy
.. .
evening, all thoroughly enjoying brideemaid a bracelet and : W. the
.once proud position as one of. the. , . ' : ,.'"": ' couple. left by, motor for'Toronto,iNt-
Huron may'. yet come- back to her hemselves
best apple "sections in Ontario. --,—. , agara ,F.allai.„Bay. City. and Detroit: '. '.
•, BRUCEFIELD - - - • ---- , •
PEOPLE YOU KNOW ivErs. Alex. Jamison is visiting at YOUNG HULLETT' COUPLE
the home of her brother, ivri. Win. 'WEDDED • YESTERDAY
, •
ivr).,,se, et wB ithLinLliseanydsis in
pTennrdainarn: the ,
Miss '. Wm
G. Marks is visiting ' friends . Gay, .,tullett, . was - the 'idene a a
have been i
Stevens, a Detroit this week. ' khe hing of M. and MTh. ..
Messrs • David and George Cantelon in Burlington this - pnetty aurarner • wedding, yesferdaY, '
.,n Toronto this week, le,. p ,
Mk. and ars. T. Herman and fatnily ---,s. El- week.,forys Mary;
A• Wkdker, of Teledo, Ohio, is the Nednnesday, August -28th, at•11 'a.m.,
have been sPdnding a halidaY at guest of. her , beother, Mr. 'James tie E,, became the bride of Edwin,
!when their youngest daughter, Ilat-
IVI:tiBis,eli'it,Y.Hfsiietlell'Irtclet' isli,sigli.ofs,'je,i'Mi8eN'YelislitahnIgd hoillesiaatill'i.tivreYelr'Beiteri3ivrisitingreltiuierlinrs, :Iiirathi.eic.-et..°41-0,h1.19•11!lwetats. pe'd'orro' ed 011,' .,
• ' Walken; atld faihilY. thi6 'week , Wood, . only. sot. •of, :IV*. end. Mrs..
Mrs: Wm: Higgins .' .in. Sandusky arid Flint, Michiban. ' bits -sp-a,cioekrawn IT the ttev, 8. J. ..
Jahn:E• H°warti left last week- Mrs. J. Addion' spent the week-
' w!s
on a biminess trip to the west.. HO end visiting' friends in Orand
illia Mathers Of Gesto,t cousin' of the bride, '
ill be absent a few months. her daughteriNnrse GladyAddison.
a4isted by Rev- J. W. Johnson of
Miss Helen Reberton has returned Mr. and Mrs, Edward Cowie ,and ......
Mondeshoie: • " • '
front a visit' with IVIrs. MacEwen baby, 13.utli, were the guests of 1Vir, . Tile bride, who was given away
-at, Clinton "Creseent, Southampton. and Mrs. J. Addison. /ast week: . by her father, took her place beneath
Miss Anna. Taylor and lelas Teniplb Mrs. 'George 'Swan returned Jiorrie, :a ibeautiluit arch, under a loVelSe old
of Toronto spent their two -weeks' last week after spending two weekS Walnut: tree' in, "the la Coming
vile -CO 'la mrs u Taylor', Prin- visiting friends' in Toronto. and 'oth- • Slowly ,°. I: staino.,5: a.esnEll .5
weddn g Ina a pl yed by Miss Mai
A , n wi . ,i the•of L lawn,
- .'n'
Mahe word En. ', a.b ' ' te, ' ' a govvii ef droquette'crene and car-
ceia street. er points. -: . , Y
este at the homei of ' the week -end at the home of her
33, j. , tilO- paren . • . .. , :
The bride was beeomingly attired in
bingo, over the week -end. , . ., • Mr. and lVfrs.' R. Baker,: Mils. Baker, TI.e. . • garden.,.„ ..: . ,..'
the 'lady's brother, Mr
Mr Nelles Mare% who has been. Sr., Miss Baker and Mrs. Mary Bak- pianist ' Wore a pretty printeu geor- -
d a sheaf of flowers The
of ,his parents, Mr -and Mrs: T. J. Mrs. Jetties Wit.ilker ever the week- After the. ceremony dining
a fortnight at the' -home er of - Toledo, Ohio; visited Mr.. and gette frock - . ,,...... , : .. ...' - • ' :"
' McNeil of town; leaves this after, end. :-., • . . - guests -repaired to, .the dining -room
' ' ' t rlo Calif. ' ' '. where a sumptueus. dinner was serv-
Mr, and MO; IIegn'Y Wallace' ' ' 4.- -1 ,..1, 'liti" a WI Wand ,le.ft on
1 and. ' ' ------------. • ed by four of the'bride's, .coueiiia, af4.
nono for On a , .
.: , . . ' 4er•-•• r -t• an 4'0"..:„., . .:. • : :,. ' •
children wito•'. Mete:lied down :from ' . .
Saskateliewam about a.- month ago , .
' • • '.• 'll.' , istera, Mrs. Hirara. -- IlfiSe 7: Rice 'of Toronto is a ending Harbor and othor nobles irt-• •
Hill nd, ' ` - it motor trip for' Endig-EMI, . Beeton: --4,
Be.' exp ected to melte,- the,.yetun.,, ' ,110a. B. lD. Cameron. of -; Quela4h and..acceSepries te.lnatabi-- ...-- . .....i. .)..,:
to visit . is s, . lef ,
Mrs It il WatkinS t '1.,
It P " lvr• " ' • " ' donned'' . l' t. . lli ig a.
per vaeation. with her -rother ..,-....,.. The bride .or Lave i
' ' for 1,,,i limn& in Wilkie .on Finclak, ' A. M. Rice. - • ', : ' ' 'dresS 'of 'autatim browi"L ?wath, ,
i ,,trip in ,aboirt' 'Eli dalY.P.. ' -,',-, •vigited.duripg the week7end, with her - On',Itliehlettirn.: iptey.,W111.reside onl,,,,,,,.
T•UC, RSMITU,',.. Orey '-aneliii clilfiOn'i Aeklt.P kkit )3.400,.1•101101')•,,l.Ps.
Dr. And wi„ J. Kay iif Lapeer, _Miss Laura Swan of Toronto spent Wood, sister of the 'bridegroom,
_ ,.. . • :,...,,,• , ,.. ,, :,..- ,d,,teis0: mni,;:att ,itnit ,.,ivri, tb,i,gtdoml farea Og'-'Ae...:1•$*„•.,,,,-, -.:,,,, .41, •,, .
;..,,,,•;:ii,....,14,,,i,ivao:,..,..1.,.,"•ti,,,.,,Q.: ,,,..'li;.,'"•ii,:;.,,..ov.'af't6,' r_'•,... i„thili,S':,:.00 4.toS,evrrog,...g,yei,i6tt ,'11'.i.,41,24,17,i4‘if0,,,,,',4,i,601.,.4.,e,.t,...iltd4i,),,,Ii:/-Rd,:p11.1::„;41,0tit.I'l.'ofiii.:70,1074":Pa747''. ..'„,:fl
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• • '" • ,• • 7Xftwa,sh'singten •• ••.1 pregerlt at the Nv94
'Miss 144:'",4110.S' ninnher were
b4iiiidat A;tenee 044#.;,ump,#,••,,,(44. ,brakent -4)1c 11#ide ,Tro•,:.pregente,cr.,
• "••• •7 . -7
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