HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-08-22, Page 8r THE CLINTON-NEWS PCORD CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE SAFE -SAFE NIGIIT DRIVING -- Protect Your gamily, Your Car,' Your Life, Eliminates Glaring headlights and blinding 'sun, -A11 metal Easy to set in Place, Glaring headlights cause smash ups --Protects. life and property; ® H. J HIST ON. Distributor for Clinton Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store SPECIAL THIS WEEK MEN'S ODD WORK PANTS, GOOD HEAVY WORK ; • el `go PANTS, . VERY SPECIAL VALUE• -. .D! J MEN'S FANCY ,SOX. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF MEN'S 15 FANCY COTTON.. SOX, Per Pair ar c TWO SPECIAL LINES OF MEN'S WORK SHIRTS , Men's Heavy Blue Chambrey Work Shirts Special at Men's Heavy Striped' Shirting Shirts At • 85c 95c We are offering some wonderful values in Ladies and Children's Slippers this week, All new goods at cut prices. Plums eel Bros. Every Garment Custom Tailored Where • Quality is as Represented Telephone your orders and you will receive the Very'Best.. Olives in. Glass Barrels—A Real Buy Specials—Canned Peas, Corn and Tomatoes, ORDERS TAKEN FOR Pickling .Cucumbers, Silverskins, Cauliflowers We have the very best yiRegars and Spices THE C. & S. GROCERS ^aa QUALITY—STYLE—FIT VINISH AND PRIcE That is tv14,t you will find when we tailor a Suit for you. The clothes we maka meet all require- ments of the most fastidious. W -'have hundreds of customers that are sounding Mr praise in apprec- iation of us and in kindness to their friends. We have an immense stock of suitings and our tailoring organization is complete. What more can you ask for? DAVIS ` HERMAN ng Doug Iidll. School bolls will goon be tolling. Calling all and sundry back ta•school with its "ologies" and "isms," and school means books --Books mean that we have made usual careful pre- paration for• the event with all the authorized text books 'every school- going person needs, also all the rest of the great and small importances required, such as Scribblers, Exer- cise Books, Pens, Pencils and Ink. Retaining to school can be made a much happier event when the scholar is fitted out with all the require- ments equal to their associates. It gives them poise, assurance and con- fidence and •as •Mrs. McGinty. says, "Shure, 'tis not a mite too early to start to begin to oomanence'to get prepared" Wje ask you to come and see wheth= er our school supplies are good enough and advantageous enough to suit you. Tie W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Jk'JQ]M!L uuitillllllminomm.4nul111011ii u 4'wc Mrs. Iddo Crich is visiting relatives in Hamilton. • Dr. P. and Mrs. Hearn were in Lon- don on Sunday. Rev. Wu A. Townshend of London was in town this week. Misses Maude and Elva Wiltse arz visiting friends in Toronto. Misses Bessie and Sarah Simko_ left lest week on a trip to the west. Mrs. Janes Steep was up from London for a few days last week. Miss Peddle of Edmonton was a vis- itor with Miss Aphrew Steepe of town. Mr. and - Mrs: A. W. Anderton are spending some days in London this week, Miss -harry- Combe of Toronto''has been holidaying at her home in' pii: ' evli• a11�r. L, W. Correll of Oshawa spent 1 i the week -end with his family in t0'wn. , Dr. Wilson of ()ttiitva. is 'ai,tliiiig at the homdof Hit's and Mrs. W. Walker, •i1i h AMA. Rev. C. Es !aka IVIrs. Dougan and family ,returned last week after a itniielay spent at Bayfield, Mrs. Walkinshaw is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Rees Jenkins at Woodlands Farm, Huron road. Mr. Fred Sloman of the C. N. R. car school and Mrs. Sloman and family are visiting at the formers hone in town. Dr. and Mrs. Hoar and the Misses MacKenzie of Markham visited last week with Mrs, Mary Snyder, Albert street. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Manning and children of Toronto are visiting the former's parents, Mn'. and Mrs. Walter Manning. Mrs. Eli Crich and Miss Phyllis' Crieh spent a pleasant week visiting friends at Port Elgin, Shallow Lake and 'Marton. Mrs. W. J. N%Ivor and Misses Ruby and May Mayor :of Shallow Lake, were recent visitors with Mrs. Eli Crich. and with other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. E,iiott and family and Mr. and Mrs. G. I3. El- liott and family have ,returned from a trip to Philadelphia, where they attended a family re-unilm. Misses Ruth, Carol and Grace Ev- ans, Eleanor. Plumsteel, Isabel Chowen, Donna Stevens, Marion 'Thompson, and Esther 'Prowarbiia are spending a holiday in a cot- tage at Bayfield. Miss Eileen Atkinson is the guest of Miss Ardell Tennant of London at the summer' .home ,of the Tennant ' family at Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson motored up and spent Sunday with theta. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Erwin and little children of Dundas called on` friends in Clinton .on Friday. Ditr- ing their residence in town, when Mr. Erwin was principal of the Collegiate, they made many friends here and they always seem to have a warm spot in their hearts for the old to_Wn and like to visit us oc- casionally. Mr. Erwin says Dun- das is contemplating the erection of a fine new collegiate buikling next year. 411111111101.1111411411121110 Gall and See Our Specials on :Radios and Speakers Batteries & Supplies Also Our Extra Specials in Cook Stoves Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING. HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w ERUSSELS: Mr, and Mrs. Janes MacFarlane, Brussels, announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Janet Dalgleish, to Gordon. John, sbn of Mr. and Mrs. William' IVEePherson, Lueknow, wedding to take place the latter part of August. SEAFORTH: A very pretty wed- ding was solemnized on August 8t, at Bankhead Farm, the home of Mr. and MPs. "Anderslon Scott, Seafotth, when Muss Ella Nesbitt, of Toronto, and formerly Of County Tyrone Ire- land, was united in marriage to Mr. :Darold Hogg. of Cleveland. The •cereinony was performed by Rev. W. P. Lane, of Math Side United chinch Seaforth. 'Mr. and 'Mss, Nogg Will reside in Cleveland. woommovotismswwwCLINTON'S BI 0A /J'nt. m11'J's Za.�,/ xs .a 6r.rl. 7srt'� 71ra i/ Wanderr v' gvEbOUS. Aima ve to us! THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, .192.9', ittAttwoiloommotowtommtwowookorsAftdit CORNER GROCERY RIEND,TELLS NOT LRS teesauesaussessamenissetteaseteueesar The way Jim says"Marvelous" , thatsthe word he uses to describe ' eil's-- onderfl Food Store and the Marvelous Cash & Carry Price List every week; This week the price of Sugar by the Sack is, Marvelous and the market has advanced too. FRIGIDAIRE MEATS AND CHILLED FRUITS Musk Melons Fresh Mushrooms. Tomatoes and Celery MARVELOUS PRICE 'LIST AUGUST 22 to 29 (delivered) You will -Marvel at the quaiity.Ierour Spirits Vinegar- at delivered price of 50c per gallon or Cash and Carry Price of 45c a gallon Crosse and Blackwell's. Vinegar, delivered 60c . Heinz's Vinegar in bottles 20c' and 35e . 1 FOR PRESERVING IHow Marvelous Fruit Jars, pint, per dozen 99c Medium quart, per dozen $1.15 IParowax, 2 packages 25c, 4 dozen Rubber' 'Rings 25c Zinc Rings, dogen • 15c Certo, bottle 29c WONDERFUL VALUE Cheese Tid `Bits, Snaps ---Vanilla, Graham, Chocolate and Lemon C COAL OIL delivery price, per gallon 25c Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 'a.m. GOODS DELIVERED 10e FOR BAKING You Marvel at the Quality for the price Bowes, 'Baking Powder Rase Lite, Baking Powder 10 lb Granulated Sugar, 3 lb Lard 25c 19c 57c', 49c MARVELOUS QUALITY Most Elegant Flavor—Our Own Coffee Assorted Cakes ---Peanut, Marshmallow per ,lb 65c Sanka Coffee 82c Maxwell Peach Sandwich` and others at 25c ib Coffee 66c Juicy Oranges basket, 59c Cash and Carry price, per gallon 22c. ICash and Carru Ike VPHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p.m. W;T. ONEIL CONSTANCE 1093 Paan.•, 48 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence • Clarke of Listowel vjsited •with thd fernier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Glazier and son, Will, of Clinton, spent Sunday at the home of the lady's sister, Mrs. Thos. Pollard. Mrs. Jas. A'ttwohd and four ebiI- dren and MM. John Huckle, motored from Blenheim and spent the week- end at the home of the lady's sis- ter, Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby, Miss Rose and Master Jimmy remaining for a weeks' holidays, 1VTr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Rorke last week visited • relatives at Bognor Owed Sound and M'eaford and on Wednesday attended the wedding which was solemnized in, St. George's Anglican churcls, wen Sound, of Miss Catherine b Oh'riz sell 'of Bognor, a niece of Mr itorke's, to the Rot Stuart ',HenryBrownlee of Iterrwood. 11$r. ierk ferinerly lived ` at Meaford an Owen Sound and. enjoyed a vier to the .old 'corhrlrXtntty, Mx, Frank .Cook and family and Mrs. Wan .Cdok of New Market re- newed old acquaintances around the village on Monday, 0 Mks. Leq. Stephenson and. son Don- ald, and Misses Hazel Leslie, Elva Wheatley and Blanche Wheatley spent Monday in Blyth. Miss Kath- leen Logan returned home with them for a short holiday. Mr. and Mrs. 3. McIntosh of Tor- onto left on Saturday after a two weeks' holiday with their aunt, Mrs. A. Colclough. . Mrs, A. McLean left on Wednes- day for her home in Buffalo after spending twoweeks with her broth- er. Mr. Millson. Miss Edythe Riley of Clinton Is spending a while at her home here. Mr. Howard Cole and Mr. ]Roy Ellingham of Listewel spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. Cole's aunt, Mrs. Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wan. Clarke, left one day last week for Idaho, where they will be the guests of Mrs. Clarke's biiother, Mr. Albert Coates, for a few weeks. Mr. Frank Stalker and Mfrs, Chas. Riley of near London spent ` Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Riley. c;, AUBURN Mr John Carter of Detroit is visiting his brother, Mr. Jas. Carter. Mr, and Mks. Walter Mloore and family of Cobalt are spending a week at plte home of Mr, and Mrs. Edgar' Lawson. Mrs. 'Phos. Straughan is visiting with her dau(s+later, Mss, 0. V. Wil - lime, at Zllolmesvillo. Mr, and Mr.'s. A. Wallsdi: are visit- ing with tiro latter's mother, M.'s, Robs. Taylor. Mr. and Mus, A. L. Trick and Mise V,era Trick of London spent the week -end with relatives in thie vicht0 it1t Mr. Harold Bogle is itiaking ex- tensive repairs to his eliopping trill and to the dam this week. Ma. and Mrs, Clayton Mgil in, who have been . visiting here; • have returned to their home at lingidhart. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson ac- companied them; on their return for a couple of week's visit. Mr. and SVi'ss. 0. E, Erratt visited fi'ionds at Dungannon and Goder ch on Sunday lasts Mr. and 'MPs.; II. Wallace and fnm- ily .left on Thursday last week for , their home. in Saskatchewan by Mot- or after. spending tWo • week's visit , here 'With relatives. Mfrs. %i..' 1+'aurow and children of Mitchell visited her mother, • Mrs, Jas.Johnston one day last Week. Mt. 'Fred Lawrence of Clinton Vis- ited at is-ited'at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. e Areas Andrew over the week -end. d , Or. 'gax Grey of Syracuse, N.Y., `itin his'ltmclt, Mr. 3. Moulden {fI is'v,s g , forWeeks. a coup%e 'c> W • � Our Week -End pcicils Orange Cake Jelly Rolls Layer Cakes Order NI w a 'N- Wendorf's Bakery MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" BREAD Special Prices ON COAL, AND COKE FOR SPRING DELIVERY Get or Prices. W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 48w and • 46j Handy Garden Tools AT CONVENIENT PRICES' ''ora best the market: affords at big sayit,gs. Our tools will help you Make _ your garden a sucecss, RAMOS, SPADES, HOES. SHEARS LAWN MOWERS Other tools at proportionately low prices. Hammers, pliers, mnonkey. wrenches, all the odds and ends you need around the house. Hamkins HARDWARE and PLUMB/NO Phone 244 Instead Of Hitting The Hay • Hit a Marshall Sanitary spring -filled Mattress and you will get the surprise of ,your life in real restfull sleeping comfort. We want to advise you that during this mouth we are giving a slip cover with every 1VParshall Mattress sold, but your order, must be in by August 29th. We have several other bargains in Dining Room Suites and Verandah furniture, sonic real snaps in Verandah or car cushions., Hardware Department This is time for coal oil and gasoline cook stoves and we have the latest improvements and Jost satisfactory stoves on the mar- ket. i.a;...2511 If you are thinking of painting your house, better consider the old reliable Sherwin-Williams Paints. It will pay you. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co FUNERAL DIRECTOR.9 MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORES WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 BLUE AND WHITE STORE With Clean White Specials Every Day -PHONE' 111 SPECIAL VALUE FRIDAY & SATURDAY Dunlarts 3. ib. Pail of Lard, 49c Extra Good Salmon, ib tin 33c Extra good Salmon, Vs. Ib. 1.8c Kippered Ii'erring. in • Tomato Sauce .. 24e Kippered Herring,without Tomato Sauce 24c Peas and Corn, each 10e (Small tins) Fancy Mixed Cakes, lb .0.250 Tomatoes, Aylmer, 2 cans 26c Pork &;Beans, 2 cans .....25c S. W. Bis, 2 for 25c Corn Flakes, Kellogg's, 3 29c Lemon Cakes, per doz. ...1:4c Rice, 4 lbs. for 25c Tapioca, 2 lbs. Por 25e.. Catsup, large 25c Icing. Sugar, 3 lbs. 29c MoLaren's Jelly, 4 pkgs25e FRUIT' VALUES Peaches, Cantelopes, Bananas, Oranges, Cauli- flowers, Carrots, ` Corn, Cabbage Spanish Onions Cooking Onions. L. LAWSON re CO. Use your phone WHERE QUALITY MEETS, PRICE Free - Delivery i . Builders' Supplies August Specials an als PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK, FIR CEILING AND' TRIM SIDING, FLOORING AND SHIPLAT n ALL AT BARGAIN PRICES. EVERYTHING IN BUILDER'S, SUPPLIES' The Thomas McKenze Estate PHONE 85. 27-2, CLINTON, ONT. i _1111 IT