HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-08-15, Page 7Jul bpi.. ,,• p NATATORIAL STARS, con-: 1 •querors of the Catalina ;and; English Channels, world 'champ Ttons, record -holders, 1n ,open itanicscru ogle at; the 4th Wrigley Marathon Swim for the $50,000.• cash prizes and championship crown. For sustained interest and tumiiltuotis excitement, no specta- cle, nocontest compares with a • Wrigley Marathon. See this feature event- Women's Section, Friday, August a3rd; Open Race, Wednesday, August 28th. - OTHER EMPIRE YEAR.. "HIGH LIGHTS" • Opening of the new $1,000,000 Auto- motive Building; $i2.5,000 Agrfcul- rural Prize List; Trotting and Pacing Races and $5,000 Futurities; Exhibits. from every clime; International Regatta and out -board motorboat races; Four concerts by z,000 -voice Exhibition Chorus (Aug. agth Mid loth, Sept. srd and 7th); Goldman and other noted bands; 'Britannia's Miner," .an in- spiring military and naval presentation by a,5oo performers on the world's larg- est stage; National Aircraft Show and Carnival of the Clouds; feature after feature during the entire fourteen days'. of the Canadian National Exhibition. Perfect. highways. Reduced steamship railroad, and airways rates. Ample accommodation. 7kfahe reservations now for Exhibition Chorus Concerts and Grand Stand performances. • THOMAS BRADSHAW, President J -L W. WATERS, Cie» eral Manager v 1 , The will has just been proved of a 'man Iiving in a South West suburb 'of London, who left to his wife "one (Pair of my trousers, free of duty, and carriage paid, as a symbol of what she ,wanted to wear in my lifetime, but did not." Irate Father -I can see right through that chorus girl's intrigue, young man. Lovesick. son- I know, dad, but they ;all dress that way nowadays, WHEN IN TORONTO EAT AND SLEEP AT SCROLES ROTEL 40o Lunch or Supper a Specialty YONGE ST., Opposite Eaton's Hotel Rates: $1 Per Day and Up Esk mos and Whites Seattle Wash ' Oomzalr pule! ,Ooniak puk!". Meaning "Big boat! Dig boat' is;the crythat goo up when the Eskimos sighs, tiro schoon- er Boxer, Alnsl a supply ship .for the .United States Board of Education nolo on itp second cruise for this sea- son In May it left on its R est trip. � going nearly to the mouth of the Yukon. 'In early Julyit left Seattle again for'Pt. Barrow and all:remdte Points north. The Boxer, 1}lte all prudent boats, leaves P. Barrow each fall not later than Sept, 10, As boats,go,the Bexer•is only a lit - two -masted power 'schooner, but compared to the shin oomiaics" of the natives she is "pulr," big, and "mike" in importance, for no ship car- ries more precious freight, Prom re- quisitions 'made out by • teachers in the long winters, Dr. Jonathan T, Wag- ner, .superintendent of the Alaska division Of the 'United States Board: of &Vocation, 1111s the Boxer with sup- plies • that must last: a whole year until she comes again, • Such formal things as requisition sheets and such a conventional Insti- tution as the Government become mobile, before the needs of points farthest north, and a supply of 'teeth paste and a few, tubs for the people bf St. 'Lawren'ce island, must be in- ciuded with .pen 'and .I'nk.' In Mr; Wagner's office a cheese box was seen; packed 'with phonograph records gptng to Barrow, Besid es allthe-at cetera of+schools, such as songbooks, word -building games raffiaand water adore, which the •aiatiovecf delight in, and stencils of George' Washington and^Aba'aham Lin- coln' to ale ,drawn onthe blackboard, there •are .such practical things as alarm clock and _building material. On her last ,trip ;the Boxer _carried 8umber ' for. a :'school on isolated Icing Island in the -waters` north -of ;Nome. This - island is •go steep^that houses are built on .stilts fastened into the steep 'bank and is only inhabited be- cause of its choice seal and walrus Yrshing. In the summer the natives take their pelts and Ivory and carved ivory to Nome where they barter then for their winter's, supplies ,'and then waren the Boxer returns '-from Bar- row in the early fail and the seas are heavy for their frail beats, they re- turn by the "oonriak puk." • The Boxer does many such; friendly errands and in cases where she is the oly boat visiting, carries gen- eral freight for the comfort of the commuity, supplying its needs. Where there are co-operativestores estab- lished by the government teachers, while the native storekeepers do their own wholsale buying, the Boxer. if there is no other brat, carries their supplies at -the cost of operating the. boat. In the case of the Personal supplies of the teaobers they are car - Tied free. SUMMER HEAT - HARD ON BABY No season of the year Is so danger- ous to the life et little ones as Is the. summer. The excessive ss e 1 1 eat throws s tbe lithe stomach out of order d so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand, the baby may be beyond all hu- man help before the mother realizes he is 111. Summer is the season waren diarrhoea, cholera Infantum, dysen- 1017 and colic are most prevalent. Any of these troubles may prove deadly it not promptly treated. Dna. lag the summer the mothers' best friend is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Dents a box from The Dr. Wiliianis' Medicine Co., Broom ville, Ont, Sonny had just returned from his first attendance -at Sunday school, He, beamed yroudly .as he announced that the minister had spoken to him. "Oh;'} said his father, "and what didhe say to you?" "He told me to keep quiet," replied Sonny. Minard'a Liniment for Summer Colds e4NU,ryF PHILLIPS �ovr+AON�� For Troubies due to Acld INDIGESTION ACID HHEAlrrBURN STOMACH HEADACHE OASES.NAUSEA_' Reduce the Acid Sick stomachs, sour stomachs and rdigestion usually mean excess acid. Qre stomach nerves are over-stinau- ffkted. Too much acid makes tbe Iiitomaeb and intestines sour. 1' Atkall kills acid instantly. The best giorm Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, 1' ecause one harmless, taeteless'dose neutralizes many times its volume in ,acid. Since- its invention, 50 years 'ago, it has remained the standard with /physicians everywhere. Take a apoonful in water and your unhappy condition will probably end in five. minutes. Then you will al- ways know teat to do. Crude and harmful methods will never appeal to you. io prove this, for your own sake. It ,may save a great many -disagreeable hours. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by pliysi- clans. for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bclttle contains full direc- tions -any drugstore. the 0 P tr S n w w tl fi a St t b x'. s' 6• la 111 es w •s , la yr th la h ga m la a w ca tar gl Al bl w 'M1 is + pe to pa W eh bo gr in eh th eo Th fro aw aw w to we wh cis 0o ste ap an lan Sa in ria s1d ithe d sea lar dis sip; at old rivi zat'. onI and nen tur: info High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to'estabiish' INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the apprpval of the Minister of Education v DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accedence with the regulations !Med bit the Department of ;Education.. ' THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL,INStRUCTION Is given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. s---.Appiicatlon for attendance abouid be made to the Principal pf the school. COMMERDIAi», SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, H000R1IOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided' for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schaeis, Collegiate Institutes,, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copia of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may he obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. 'and floe tem ' pau eag ing beat wo Rot dis riv A. of anti ivit; pint wite sol 099 T.�° �i diiA, West i�1tif)01 1859e, __— I/Oho coiiise of .the year I' twice pcompaniecl my husband. on loctur- ig journeys, which gave me.an op• or tuu}ty 10 become acquainted with vi iMexicali d? leg ons; of the country, In the prthg Inc took me' with Rim ' -into the maddle �Vest, and in August wtook arca l . g e ul f1, w 1 0 new >and interesting gilts; the impressions which 118,' lived are faithfully reflected 10 the etas of my, travels which T' wrote own for my' parents "May, 18'52.—The sun rose glori- usly as the train earned us into the eautiful wild fo`iest'il'egions of Ohio, or or many, 'many miles forest and )thing .but ;forest, which the "railway 'averses almost In. a straight line ince the, rood was hunt ,People have ?gun to clear the virgla, growth here id there; settlers who could flus o home anywhere else' came; and itb their saes and the help of. fire on the ground on' which to build ieir log cabins and to plow their rat plot of land. Some a}oneors lead ghieved a 'green field, while ,others ill lad the gigantic tacit before hem, having :accomplished only the wilding of a miserable Mit •cut ounded by, ' the smelderin .:trunka g trees. At - other, .places better re Its had. 'been obtained, 'Little 'vittbegan gas had sprung .up; and •comfort eemed to walk :hand do •hand with bor. But between them •stretched e most luxuriant; the greenest'ter- . t, untouoed by the hand of ''man, • hare, nature had :held undisputed way•for thousapds;of years, and -hall ''De', stroyed'<" or built _ up as primeval had -dictated. Through the hole of Ohio and Indiana' we had Is magnificent, mysterious wood,, id alniost 'constantly on either and..Toviard evening the trees be- n to grow more sparse, anti finally, erged into an extensive meadew net, whose green sprang from marshy soil. Then followed more Rods, and: aaee 'In a while a still, otfonless lake, until gloomy, waters me 'tato view on both, Odes' of the' Lok, while the sun .was sinking in owing tones of red and orange. mg the northern. ,'horizon lay -.a ash streak, which showed us that e were not far distant from Lake chicon.". "(Two days later.) Our road today y r• here aze g• i1I clpied arsely d . i:`, 'ii 'd ; :, : ; . :' .. ' "you b�� res w.' , 4„_tl.•/a F � . ^ al .+ @'. es'"'' t :lite ' i a ,7, ,CC>MEN of all ages, • ,all over the world, ` .'( are findingnew health in ` • ' , Dr. Williams Pink Fills - Actual.. microscopic tests, have shown that the - .. .� rned• •• i elements con- con- tained in them increase the blood coui►tand hulls ., . • • up 'and revitalize the en- tare system. Miss Juliette .' ,; • Seguin, 0 Dalkeith (Int: i f testifies as follows :-- "Two, years ago 1` became weak, nervous and run-down, ,•-Various prescribed treat- menta did not help me. x taking Dr. Williams' • • PinkPills and it was not long before ee Inot: d n bigim• prevenient; and soon I was in the bestof;health. A year y ago so .m mother. g ' y Was badly,tpin-down; her nerves • were 'shattered and 'life 'be•,, •h came a burden. • She began , taking the pills and as a re- suit the ie in perfect health." Buy Dr. 'Williams', Pink " • ; Pills now at;,your druggteta or any dealer in medicine or by mail, 30 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medi. ' cine Co., Brockville, Ont. 8487 �� -y ' I)r,Wihll1. s gg + IN1�$ "A N HOUSEHOLD a MTR E&ME Noah's Story tTOid Long A o e ogle v(riits �irizt tTi� xtier tliilYgs of Iiia llsllallj� aetlxaud Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea; A axloney balcYg :guarantee with every. packs a �a Arirlent Splendor of 'Great , Syrian City ..Laid Bare by Anglo-AmericanExpedi .t1011. .Terusale, i- n ParE .c+f the former glory g ry of ancient Gerasa, scene of notable events>in'ancient histor ':and Y founded --as legend has it --by Alex- ander. the Great; has been -revealed; perhaps for the Rrst ',time in 1000d years, through the excavation 'work of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem and Yale University •the :leadership J. !' i yrr ,. ,. ry .. • 1 „ •°;'i ,: „i.,.,;;,.;r ; ,, + ti f}ih,1M , fiG " date ""' a •< L 'io RED, .•'OSEr� �y �� "° � 6�� y cy r my `: j j •�... S tf,;;a , js jJ ;r• o �� * " ' tea. E IBS �I'$ r_ ood PEKOE of W. Crow - Moot, director of the loral s0000l. A magnificent stahway of, fine ,rod steno was coni Ictal p Y excavatell. Ttp..,.- ascends almost to the Chu=rch of St. Theodoi„e .,the excavation of which was begun last season, a notable edi eat - flee standing on the third and high- �a ps��-+.e• �•, i19tt •; , „t'� ° i , +ai �� ® TH oat of .three levels rising 'from too 'famous Brous Street of the Columns. 'present ,village ' (Jerash) is located on the eastern bank of : a stream, the :ancient site being: 011 the western, so: -that the latter is lin- spoiled b, y unsightly buildings 'erect, It;a ,eel. over other 1 o "the case with ea many other hdstorHcal sites, This season's excavations were, confined to- a number of 'Byzantine churches, most of which c late about the sixth e 8th c Blur A.D.The Were Y y w n rend to be 'in groups of 'two or quite' close together. g thA?notable�lfeature of one. of these IS sera a discovery :i the floor of a -only a• few 'inches below h the -level the' lever of the h' e i• cur h, located in ,inediately tothe rear of 'tbe Temple • of Artemis, commanding an =Went view, of the city. The mosaics of the :synagogue floor, :some of which w.eie' aril de r. d b P Y destroyed eye by the erection of the church, aom ft, reveal an elabo- Sa �., iia { ; z hst y ,� t'pert 0 �hy ,i i ! .e i , + a :` r.,.:e �r �� �u ( Ci . al t i , �I ,+,.�x y, t'. x i -... " re*r n t - ' ipX,' , y t Y' t f� ; � ; i ( ' - j . , . `;t' ,.. d.. .;” ACCEPT find Firestones. �, standing `" 9 victory: li latex eliminate Per tires endurance: Firestone 1 ' ., the makers on that, the winners On every fatuous endurance "piPpl++� Process Gum-Dipphig every fibre internal Dollar. That's hold all records -See-Scour MADE 114 Tire of Canada b r ' Y . ; w # Ian y, -N ``ud judgment of world record the choice of tires. You'll Luna -Di ed ride on pp race track -in every out - . run - the patented has played its 'part in saturates and luau- of •every cord with rubber M es .heat'and .give Most Miles Firestone Gum -Di Y Aped for mileage safe and local Firestone y Dealer. HAfvsn.TON, CANADA BY & Rubber Company Limited µ. ='„� -a rate scene'from Noab s Ark and two heads •00 figures with the names cf�a Shem'and Japheth written in Greek. There is also a areinscription, broken in 'part, whiclo,reads'as far as preserved, "Amen, Sella Peace. to the auIan Aviation �� � e� - eaaep _ y Aman who was given tarp 'by the doctors when he was fifty'has just died at the age of ninety-six. Doctors are usually right 1n the end.—"Lon- don Passing Shaw.” Synagogue." Representations of •the seven branched candlestick, the palm branch, citron, and Scroll of the Law were found, and also another laser/Dr g , „ tion reading, 'Peace unto all Israel, followed by the names of the hens- factors. In St. George's Church there is an excellent representation of a peacock, while all the other mosaics there are geometria in design. Major -Gen. MacBrien sees Bright Future—Flies to Winnipeg Wimri a p g-Unpr?cedant?d went oP aviation10 Canada sibility oP the Dominion traits -continental air -mail linking Vancouver and 1931, were heralded here ilXajor-Gen. Fore - develop• and hos realizing n service, Halifax by recently by Mrs.. Newrich had just arrived from a tour of Europe, and her long - suffering acquaintances hail do oppor- tunity'to forger the fast. "And Paris!"she gushed. "Paris is just wonderful! The people are all so well educated -not at all like they aro in this crude country, my dear! Why, even the street cleaners can talk French t" through' the 'rolling' prairie. A culler feeling of freedom and of neefulness lays hold of the specie - Toward evry pint of the tom- as the. prairie seems limitless. No- does the eye meet with a eck; no fence, no hedge marks a undary; the horses and cattle Unrestricted, or the herd, paus- beside a small brook, seeks the ads of some nearWty oaks, lies in e grass, or stands in the water ging its flanks in the clear stream, e eye of the traveler wanders m his Myrtle picture of the long, eking /hies of the prairie fading ay nto the.dim horizon, and it seldom meet with a sight more ely." 'On the evening of the second slay went aboard the small steamer ich was to carry u • C u the he lois Y p si LH #o St Paul. The trip, which4pon several days - tie boat arced between the low and settled banks of the river past numerous small green is- ds -was not without its charm- today evening we flintily air Ives St. Paul, The a flint y c city, ea in a Series of terraces on both as of the broad river: As in all se new towns of the West, the eihug houses are built separately, tiered over a disproportionately •e area.,,.....St, not far taut, with its falls Anthony,o the of fa taut, reminding of the Rene es's- i reminding me the has fails ar- Scauses town of Mnneapolis across the 10, -are situated at th send of civili- on. North of these two points the y inhabitants are intlians bears wolves." -Prom "On Two Coutt- ts, Memories of tat half a Cen- s" by Hansen Taylor• - 'peed pee BSIII jt$ Limits In Britain e�1�I$�IYI London Abolition of the speed limit for private motorcars and motor- cycles, and a maximum limit of 35 miles an }lour for 'nolle ehara•a banes and omnibuses fitted with pneu• matte tires, are among the many al• terations In existing,'notorlag laws recommended 'by the Royal Commis, cion on Transport dealing with "con- trol•,traffle on roads" in its first re- Dort recently issued. Penalties for , dangerous driving, the Commission' says, should be con- siderabl increased; fines should be y raised to the maximum of $250 in the case of the first offense, and $500 for with imprisonment •as an alternative iu either case. a second or subsequent coni viction the ]icease shouicl be auto- matically suspeuded for not less than six months, the Commission main- tains. The `qualifying age for an ap- plicant tor a license to drive a motor- cycle should be •raised from 14 to 16 years. In the case of commercial vehicles which exceeds 2r tons un- laden or of a public service vehicle, a license to drive ahonid not be et- fective, continues too Commission un- less the holder of such a license is 23 Years old. Other • recommendations are that the Minister of Transport should coni- pile comprehensive statisties on the. of all road accidents; further, more, that he should also be empower- ed to order an injuiry into the cause of any accident in which motor vehi- cies are involved; but such an in- t glory should be obligatory in case any accident to a public cervica vehi- cls involves a 'fatality- "Any person ,-found driving or at- • From all evidence obtainable,- St. Theodore's Is apparently the oldest J. H. i4faeBrien, taws, President of the of 01 - Aviation Lea- Minard's Liniment for aching. joints of all the ;hnrches thus far excavat- ed. The mosaics reveal remnants of a design giving the 12 months of the year. The figures in the middle section . Have been destroyed, and coarser mosaics substituted. This clic of. Canada. Completing. miles of a solo flight Gen, hiacBrien piloted his Moth to a perfect landing son airdrome. He is en Pacific Coast and will flight Froin here. 1,500 from Ottawa, little Gypsy at Steven- route to the coptinue his •Lady -Oh, I do like our new m]m- aster. It seems he's always bringing home to you something you Hover saw, before. Neighbor. -Yes, I know, ourlama- dry man is like that. is believed to have leen done as au act of protest against imges, but sur "Progress in Canadian been satisfactory," said aviation has Gen, Mac, Classified Advertisements . ouch remains cif the names of the months to enable identification of the Brien, "and a rapid development is Hass general scheme.ABYks On the stairway were found a pail of gold earrings and several seal rings, and also parts of boxes in which the bad been kept. taking place. Commercial is growing steadily in Canada, mil routes are being opened time, new flying clubs are ed, and, generally, ,the aviation New all the being 'form- situation is ULTCHIDA 12o,tS: JULY AND erns � Rooks Brown Leghorns awm An°onae 110, White Leghorns 100, as - cataloguee. cs.P a on 0 or over; chicks Granton, Ontario. 4 Jewels Gerasa was rebuilt during theR Period of the Syrian pings of Antioch, when its name was changed to "Anti. och of the Golden River. The orifi inal term, however, proved the more popular one, and it has survived and v erYromisin :' P g Referring ng to the establishment a trans -continental line, Brien stressed the importance feet organization, and that links were already both the east and the west, of Gen. Mac- of per. pohrtecl out started In A GENTS WANTED TO S7LL IRUIT t!, Trees, Shade Trees, Shruha. Roses+ 11ed Ing, and a complete line of NuraerY furnished,oCashscommhSglonrPala even weals. Good terkory Attu open Wdto ohtario.Mapio Grove Nurseries, Vita is still to be recognized in the Pres- ent Arab name Smash. Tho city was later captured by Alexander Jannaeus, the Mace/the/la king, and was sub- . liberated byPom e . As sequently bonat d p Y "Completion of the service ness feeders being supplied northern provincial districts, Hudson Bay, Peace River, N Ontario and Quebec, be will wit- from such as Northern said, "and .. a RIFLES • cammDGE5 I SPORYSAIEN'S SUPPLIES Cheaper rril,' orCucaog s :• •1 T. W. I OYD tar soN 11s Nobe gene 5t W., t10tiT2tAL is evidenced by the public buildings recently excavated, Gerasa ,vas at the height of its splendor and glory slur- ing the period of Roman rule. eventually the Dominion one of the most extensive prising services in the world." will boast of and enter- et Pain �7 Minard's may be used inter- The city,eontinued to, prosper dor- pally or externally to ease pain ing the Christiah period, as shown by the churches of that epoch. Atter 1! in all parts of body. the advent of the Moslems, Gerasa 'went through many vicissitudes, which resulted ultimately In its down- fall; It was not until 1578 that it Was again rebuilt by the Circassians, un- der the -Turkish Government. Ask a • 1p-� ��ra �51 �r0u1' Barber - HAIR He Knows ; ": , ! ` p' KING OF PAIN These discoveries brhng to a coni cluaitn two successful years of axes- Science Mont- La fir,.. , , �• ! t', , '.'Rl - tempting to drive a mechanically pro: vation work. -Christian tor. t 1 n t : �'y(,, At 3 i c , tson ,. s Cr�Y + r• I' s vi _ �f;� ,•,, µA ROA E 5i . ; �of p dl' t� i+ " ARM .y, /S } pel}ed vehicle when lie is found , to be under the 'influence of drink or drugs as 'to' be incapable of having a proper control .of such vehicle,' says the exce t, "shall be 'liable to a fine not exeeedin $259, or imprisonment not exceeding four mentis, or both, with a suspension of the license for at least 12'inonths ' The report cent -Mum -1: "Any Per- taking part in or conniving at motor racing or speed trials on a pub- roadhelr l lie Should be d c a eta ui t oftheproven' g Y� an indidtable offense punishable by an impriaonmant, 'without option of fine and by disqualification fhr holdingorY obtaining a driver's license." 'then comes this reminder:: "Six thousand deaths in one year with a prospect of a still greater death roil each succeeding year until we reach o what has been called the saturation point' as regard tb'o number of motor . vericles, is a very heavy price to pay omodemtrans ort." In concis • for p u cion the commission declares: "Legis- 1 m �o A Word in Season Listen to the inner voices—ask what you ought to do -as well as what you would lilts to do -face don gars and pain Tattier than do base and shameful things -love the' wise and noble sayings of the men of old -and stand by the wise and noble women Q itou 19 tht of germs 'Q' Ildt�l7 + ,,� Must war against ad eTin �� Do Your the ffy, cattier breeder of disease.; g ! Sit • e� WOMAN S s�• � � SICK NOT ppp • - ownla in all their ePP rt your e o s YY, to set wrong thil1gs right, and to malts right things loved by all. g M. B D Iof thatAER01{ONiaone the most convenient and efficient meant of combatting H a vat. 1. (a ianvon(cnq because of the peeh•pie. It a treiteao most m this it Helped by Taking Lydia F. Pink- f p haul S Vegetable Compound flies never gat away when once; �� Keep Minard's Liniment always handy Keep cautlist. Each spiral gives three weeks' perfect service. ( ea inland Saslt "1 and glad that 1 heard of that good Lydia E Pink- The teacher has been talking about famous . ", ow " she said am s N any child tell me 'what this one "cand , " means: Ont 00 sight, out of mina'?" "Yes," Johnnypromptly volunteered, , p p Y , Invisible and insane," BEWARE OF IatlTn?IONS :ardstd.'s,'troveryandearawarcafore,. t C . . nest & F!!s, Limitee •`i' ,tts,mngnooKe.ou,:f.'" uses corns, i ) ' ���' f f •;p •: `"%�`'"`'�.: `%,"i t< ti >c.< Y " ..,, ;., ;' s ham's medicine and I will not be with- out it scam, 1 was so sick that T could notworltatalland Could not sew on the machine. My aunt told mo of Lydia E. Pink= eh e more a woman is Pressed for% rmation the less she can •say:" ' IO lattcn on the subject of general con trol of trade on roads is long 'over- duo and ,should be enacted without w %� ��-w . y+l i; 3�L� .;,, . o �.: ham's Vegetable V v; ^ ...t l� • 400" � a Compoundandnow ' , w �1 p,-������" , . "s a y\ ,� i N� i @ r c `.,� p b, 5.6 oASf y,. h`'!f n' i i1 . ac a tE r a , (f �., , v.,"'7:: , .° .. ,- , ...a. ". »t •� Afatri TO for HILL NEWTON A. HILL Trent St. s.. Toronto 2Y:Ceti{ v:;{+i`•:'>a"":...i.. : :t{: i >;3"; ._�" --'-good answer, sallettersT JVIRS. MARY SCiiULT110S, Sack, am telling all of my friends how it is and ]'•will g etfromwomen:'• Gxainiand;, ,i 'Waning Joys h•e future is alwa s fair land to y y Ming. Life IS like a beautiful- winding Jane, on either aide bright oars, and beautiful butterflies, and lrting irate, Which .we scarcely se to admire and to taste, so' ar are we to hasten to an oPenr which we imagine will be more li,i�nl ai.i1L But i)y'.degress,-$�, the trees bleak, the delay." i e 5r The commission). is headea by i Arthur. Griiiith-Boscawen, who was appointed last August by Sir 94flliam Joynson-Hieles, then Home Secretary, It examined many witnesses, melat>r ing representatives of the Ministry Of Transport, : We, ,motoring associations, motorbus" and comet- tial car- experts, police cyclists, ung!• ueC10 and municipal authorities,. •. ut�, I ° r (- ', Save the Price of YOU"' Fare �Q Toronto Permanent Waving 5 5O by Experts you visit Toronto don't fall to 11a've oYio of our famous Permanent Waves at the Reduced Rate of $5.50, With or without appointment.. Specialists in the Shur Wave Method of Permanent Waving. (For ladies who care) ^, ROBERTSON'S ROBERTSO�v S 288 YONGE STF1 ET, TORONTO' Write for Booklet "W2" .on the care of a Shur Wave Permanent Wave. APPLICATIONS AT�x LIGATIONS Are Filled As Far Offering Annual As Possible in the. ONTARIO Work Are Order le Which DEPARTMENT Invariably They Are OF AGRICULTURE Given the ° �B Preference. -Recaivod, �aytq/� Supplied , Fa i' eilSlip li � lI, �� a �',1e Colonization and Immigration Branch of the mar • "71eflibei of of Agriculture for Ontario Will -have available a number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Families—Married Couples Without Children— Also chicle Man. • �°' Vastness xacniring help Will be was aaweea to make early nppnoation to Geo. A. Elliott Director of. Colonization FIPe Your ParuamontBldgs„ All Man Application Toronto, Ont. : Placed Subject of Once to Trial Period Minister Agriculture advance, grow tars and Lutter•iiies fail, t e (Jai s Ippear, and We Reil w+'e ave lel-to rea0i a deceit• waste:- .,. Ma.- '•' " , r , Is -•+'•`^' " ---- a Order' sooner to rder is, a- lovely nymph, the :child Reality and Wisdom; her attend- ( are t7omfort, Neatness, and Act- y; her abode is- the 'valley of kap; I !as; she is always, to be found �n sought; for, and never appears ' ' • r,::'"' f - Going A.nead =`'+ ` .''When to 'a thin (here If.a man wants to c g, I on course to. pareue-Pro- On y e teed. C{o ahead and do it And the• done the better•. lane wanted entre; he would Venture in, wade ' around a bit, venture a little farther, splash around with Ida lianas, gradual - la gain confidence and experience, and at last b would be swimming with the best of them. ovely as when contrasted with her) - -' onent, Disorder. -Johnson. j Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia. „ ISSUE -No,, .33—'29 , _y., HON. JO} -IN S. MARTIN, of ,.---,....,-=