HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-08-15, Page 513311TIlSD't§;Y, AUGUST 15, 1929` THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD' ski A. New Horizon A NEW horizon' opens out before the man With money. ' With $1,000'saved 'you 'can look to the future with confidence—start one' of these easy savings plans now,:-- $1,000 hi. 4 years—costs $940,16 in weekyy. 'payments of ,$4.52.. $1,000 in 3 years --costs $956.28 ;in weekly payments of $6.13.; • $1,000 in 2 years -costs $970.32 in weekly payments of $9.33. X801 The Royal Bank of Canada Clinton Brunch 996 - R. E. Manning, . Manager 'DE INTEREST TO YOU AND ME The evenings are beginning to dose in earlier. ."Did youfeel the earthquake?"' has been the question on many lips 'this week. Those of us who, happen to have a very clear, untroubled con-, science and who sleep soundly, feel somewhat defrauded. * * . * Tuesdayevening's. rain was a help. .and yesterday's showers added to the benefit, but ,we could stand a good, deal more of the same kind.. Lawns, gardens and pastures are very dry, but it has been good harvest weath- er. * * * * According to the Mail and Empire, which is generally solidly behind law, and order and is seldom sensational, the Toronto police were unnecessar- ily rough in dispersing the crowd on Tuesday .evening when communists were trying to hold a meeting in Queens park. m * * * The earth tremor was distinctly felt in Clinton Monday morning but the first person to mention it to the writer asked us not to say anything. about it until we'd hear if anyone 'else noticed it, so undecided was she about the cause of the disturbance. It was' the first, disturbace .of the kind noticed here since 1925, when e slight shock'was' felt. One can stand a good many shocks of one sort and another but when the e.arth be- gins _to tremble under; - one's feet it gives. dne'a decidedly' uneasy feeling. We should be glad, that we ;are . so, seldom visited by such events. ,• * * * '8 • We knew it would come, although it has been staved off for, some years. .Those octogenarians of Goderich have .been holding an annual picnic for some years, when they effected to be having the time •of their lives. But we always doubted it,' how could. ,a lot of lone men have an enjoyable picnic? The thing's absurd. Well, this year they aro hoping the ladies. "of eighty or about that age" will al- so come and we'd bet dollars to dopgh nuts that every man jack of them is hoping that some women a good deal younger will take pity on their lonli- ness and so make the affair a corn- plete success. * * * * We had an idea at the time that the publicity agent of the circus had a good deal to do with the story that a female elephant exhibited keen emotion, whether of grief or fright, when passing over the spot ,at St. Thomas where . her supposed mate, Jumbo, was killed by a train forty odd years ago. It is now stated that this particular elephant was in Eng- fEFORE you buy any car, be sure you have all the evidence. Check and weigh any car in the low-priced field against the value you know you can get in the Outstanding Chevrolet. A smooth, powerful six -cylinder, valve -in -head engine, capable of amazing performance in all gears, instantly responsive to acceleration, unsurpassed in economy` and dependability. A sturdy chassis, built for endurance; with heavy, channel - steel frame, complete high- pressure lubrication, long semi -elliptic shack- absorber springs, safe, silent four-wheel braking.• system with independent emergency brakes. Bodies by Fisher that reflect the latest vogue in style and coloring; luxurious in finish and appointments; interiors restfully quiet; 'hand- some panelled instrument board, indirectly lighted. Prices so low, they are within reach of all. See Chevrolet, Drive it. Make it your standard of comparison. C-10-8-2 9C Ash ab out the GMACDe f erred Payment Plan Oulshndinq PRODUCT OP GENERAL MOTORS OP CANADA, LIMITED .J B. LAVIS, Clinton land when Jumbo was killed, • in which case , it was probably mot keen sor- row which caused her to act queerly when passing this particular spot. Perhaps she got a thistle in her foot or something• of that kind. The cir- cus 'got a lot of free advertising out of the incident; anyway. MARRIAGES BEAN—BROWN---At the United church; manse, Auburn, on August 8th, by the Rev. W. It. Alp, Ila t4Iae, second daughter of the late Charles Brown and, Mrs. Brown, Dungannon,_ to Robert Louis Bean, third on of. the late Robert Bean ,and Mrs. Bean of Carlow. BIRTHS';'. SHAW—In Brighten, on 'Ahgust 6th,. to M;r and Mrs. Earl Shaw, (for- neerly Miss Ella Rutledge), a daughter. • 'FBAGAN—In Colborne township, on August 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Feagad, a son, COLBORNE A young son arrived at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs.. Chester Faegan's on August 8th.` Congratulations. The Women's Missionary Society and G. G. L T. Group met -at the honie of Mrs. Wm. ,M,cIilwain on Thursday . with a good attendance, Miss Irene Stoll took the study book chapter in her usual 'able 'way, • ' • Mr. Narinan Kernigan' has been areund renewing • acquaintances in the township this week. - A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on Thursday, August 8th, at the United church manse, Auburn, when Ila 1VTae, second daughter of the late Charles "`Brown' and Mas. Brown of Dungannon, became the bride of Mr. Robert Louis ' Bean, third son of the ' late Robert Bean and 'Mrs. Bean' of Carlow, •Colborne township: The ceremony ' was per- formed by Rev. W. 'R. Alp. The youthful bride was becomingly at- tired , im coral- pink georgette, trim- med with lace; witii black velvet shoes and -other accessories to match, and 'carried _a shower'bbuquet of sweetheart roses ad maiden hair fern. She was "attended by Miss' Violet Ttamby of Belfast and the'groom a vas attended by' Mr. Percy McBride. After the ceremony the bridal par- ty "motored to the ' bride's hone, where a dainty buffet luncheon Was served. Only the immediate rela- tives of the two families and several of the girl friends of the bride were present. The groom's gift to the bride was an ivory bracelet, set with emeralds and brilliants, to the bridesmaid he gave, a brooch and to the groomsman a tie pin. • `The bridereceived a large number of lovely gifts, including a gift front the Anglican Young People's Asso- ciation of St. Paul's church, of which she was a member. An address. was read and the . bride was {iresented with a silver and glass butter server with silver knife and a pair of silver salt and pepper shakers. Later the young couple left amid showers of confetti for a motor trip to Eugenia Falls, Tobernrory and other points, thebride travelling in a blue. poirett twill coat, -with pink georgette and mohair hat with shoes and hose to match. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm on the 8th con- cession of Colborne where the groom has recently erected a fine red brick bungalow with modern equipment. The best wishes of, a host of friends go with them for happy and pros- perous `wedded life. $97,000 WILL BE SPENT ON GODERICH HARBOR A. contract for the dredging of Goderich harbor has been let to C. S. Boone Dredging company of Toronto by .the federal department, of public works, according to word received recently, It will cost $97,000. EDITOR MUST BE IRISH The Dallas -News says: "There are enough automobiles in the Uni- ted States for everybody to ride at once and the pedestrians would be safer if they did." FOR SALE -BY TENDER In the Matter of the Estate of James ' McM urchie, Late of the Town of Clinton, Province of Ontario Deceased. Sealed Tenders will be received ...ad- dressed to The Trusts and Guaran- tee Company, Limited, Administra- tors with Will Annexed of 'the Es- tate of the late James M.'cMurehie, 302 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario, and marked "Tenders re James Mc Murchie Estate," up to 12 o'clock noon the 31st day of August, 1929, for the purchase of the following asset of the above named estate con- sisting of: Part of lots 3 and 4; King street, in the Town of Clinton, onw, which there is said to be erected a two- storey brick building. Terms of Sale: - • All Tenders. _must be accompaied .by an accepted cheque fon .at ;least 10 per cent: 'of^such tender', "which deposit in the event of the accep- tance of such' tender will be applied on accofmt of the purchase price, and if the tender is not accepted will be returned. Le the event of: theacceptanceof a tender, the sale shall be concluded within thirty days from the late of aacceptance. • Tlie highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further •particulars of the proper- ty may be obtained • from The Trusts and 'Guarantee. Gomapny, Limited, 302 Bey Street, Toronto, or its Sol icitor. R. Vanstone, IC;C,, Wingham, Ontario, , • DATED at. Toronto,. August- 13, 1929.. 27-2.. I-1 TIME Hottest Thing Out Since the Chicago Fire BARN DANCE Friday, August 16th Good, Floor with a snappy Orchestra makes an enjoyable evening at A. E. FINCH'S NEW BARN VICTORIA STREET, CLINTON COME •AND BRING A FRIEND Spend an evening with the Clinton Fire Brigade Gentlemen, 35c; Ladies, 250 • 27-1-p.. Used Cars Two -Door Ford Coach Overland Touring Overland 91 Touring FordT oaring Bert Langford 27-1-p. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mirs. John Link and fam- ily wish to thank .all their neigh- bors and friends for the flowers and kindness shown in their recent see- ond and sad bereavement. CARD OF THANKS The sisters nnd.brothers of the late .Margaret Caldwell wish to ex- press their sincere .appreciation to, Miss Grainger, -Hospital superinten-, dent, and her staff, and other friends and neighbors for' the kindness shown during her long illness and in their. ,bereavement by the, death' of their dear sister.- ' CARD OF THANKS Mi'. and Mrs. I: A. Mahon take this opportunity of extending their sin- cere thanks to their friends in Clin- ton for the kindness shown over the accident to their little son. who has recovered sufficiently to be removed to his home in Montreal. Are You? Are you satisfied with the Photo- graphs you have of your children? If not, come to Burgess' Portrait Studio, Clinton, Tuesday, August 27, or Tuesday, September 10th. Studio open on those days. 27-2. Lost On the 2nd of Stanley, on .Sunday, a lady's coat. Finder kindly com- municate with Mrs. J. A. Miller, Huron road, west of Clinton. Phone 610r25, Clinton central. • Reward. 27-1-p. Building. Wanted A building suitable for implement shed. Would consider second hand material for building same. Apply to H. L. Wise, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 607r24, Clinton central. 27-2-p. London Business For Sale Contents of Rooming house. Res- taurant. Fish & Chips. Cash and Carry Grocery, Sydney Smythe. Market Lane, London, Ont. 27-1-p. • To Rent A modern dwelling of eight rooms, also garage on Gibbings St., Clinton, Immediate possession. Apply to A, J. McMurray, box 193, Harriston, Ont. 26-tf. Pullets Bred -to -lay Barred Rock ,pullets, hatched in March. D. M. Lindsay. R. R. No,3, Clinton, Fledge -Row Chick, Farm. 26-tf, Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Public Building, Exeter, Ont.," will 'be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Wednesday, Aug- ust 21, 1929, for the construction of a. Public' Building at Exeter, Ont, Plans and specifications' can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of the Chief Architect, Department of Public. Works, Otta- wa, the Supervising Architect, 59 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont., the Dis- trict Engineer, Custom House, Lon- don, Ont., and the Postmaster, Exe- ter, Ont.' Blue prints can be obtained ,at the office of the Chief Architect, Depart- ment of Public Works, by depositing an accepted bankcheque for the sum of 520.00, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be returned if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. -Tenders.atill not be considered un- less' made on' the torms-•supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions' set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by• an accepted 'cheque on a chartered r . bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c: of the amount of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Rail- way Company will also be accepted as secuiit or bands. and a v cheque ifrequiredmake an to up odd a- mount.. By order. S.'Ec O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department. of, Public Works, Ottawa, July 30, 1929. ' 26.2.. as Member of Florist Telegraph delivery Association.' CUT FLOWERS, FLORAL DESIGNS, For All Oeeasions, Sent Anywhere' Greenhouse, is as near as your phone. Chas. V. Cooke Two, Phones -66w and 66j Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government Egg' Regulations.'' Inquire for trill" prices "of eggs.• You will always' find oisr prices par- allel with the city markets: Fat hens and `'well -finished chicks' always wanted—Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce. N. W. Trewartha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w MEAT Corned Beef, boneless 22c Boneless Lamb Roast • 33c Chuck Roasts for thresh ing, Beef 22c Rump Roast . ' 22c P Mealed Cott. Rolls 32c Smoked Cott. Rolls ,....,35c Smoked Picnic Hams 25c Pickled Picnic Hams 23c Home-made Pork Saus. 24c H. -made Head Cheese... 20c Smoked Back Bacon, P. Mealed `Back, Breakfast Bacon, Smoked Hams, ,P: Boiled- Hams always 'on hand. ' Largest assortment Cooked. Meatsin, town. . .Lard in,any quantity at a right price. Choice spring ducks, nicL ely dressed. Pork, Lamb, Beef and Veal always in stock. • CONNELL & TYNDALL Clinton's Leading Meat Market Weed Control Act TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT The property owners and tenants' of the Township of Hullett are here- with notified that Murdock Ross, Londesboro, has been appointed Weed Inspetcor for the Township, and all citizens aro requested to observe the, conditions of the Act. JOII1 FINGLAND, Clerk of Ilullett, 26-3. Auction Sale Mrs. Thos, Jackson offers for auc- tion sale all household effects at herresidonce, High street, on Sat- urday,. August 24, 1029, at 1.30 o'clock 'shun: Coal range; coal oil stove andov- en;-kitchen cabinet; kitchen ehairs; solid oak dining room chairs and table; writing desk and hook case, combined; dishes; gear jars; odd chairs; stretchers; piano; hall rack; music cabinet; pictures; single bed and springs; Vietrola; trunks; step ladder; wash tube and other numer- ous articles. Terms, Cash. George Elliott, Auctioneer, Mrs. Thos. Jack- son, Proprietress, 26-3. House for Sale ' 7 -room house, Orange street, Clin- ton. Town water, electric lights. Also two vacant lots. Apply to Brown Stewart, R. R. No. 2, Bay- field. •Phone 606r5, Clinton central. 23-tf, Stanley Township. Voters' List The Voter's List, 1929 for the Town- ship of Stanley, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voter's List Act the copies of the list, made pursuant .to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the Assessment Roll, of the Municipality of the Township of Stanley, to be en- titled to vote in the said Municipality at elections to the Legislative Assem- bly and at Municipal Elections, and the said list was first posted up in my, office at Varna on Tuesday the 23rd day of July 1929, and remains there 'for inspection: I hereby call on all voters to examine the said list •and if any errors or omissions are found therein to take immediate proceeding to have same corrected according to law. Dated at Varna this 29th day of July, 1929. J. E. Harnwell, Municipal 'Clerk. 25-3. House For Sale / Five -roomed house' at south end of North street, Clinton, Half acre of andfruit land number of fr t trees. Es- tate of late Agnes Wilson.< Apply to R. Cree. 23-tf. For Sale White brick house on_Prineese St., east, With eight rooms.' Townn and soft water, electric lights, cine -half acre of; land with barn, large and small fruit. Possession at once. Apply, to Mr. Levi Stong, Clinton, Ont., or Mrs. James Steep, 8 Elm- wood Avenue, London, Ontario. 07-tf. ave your Bonds They Mean 5 cent Discount on The Dollar'on All CASH PiRCH-IASES. This Will Be •Our Policy Corn Irn ilicing ,AUGUST lst A Bond is given with every cash purchase• of 25c or over. ;Ask for them they areyours. Redeemable in goods at an tine and. in anyamount. �' filler Hardware DISTRIBUTORS FOR HURON, PERTH AND GREY CQ'S ` . TELEPHONE 53 ' CLINTQx7 C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. -Phone Transportation Service Long Distance — Short Distance Goods in Transportation Insured Furniture Carefully _Handled Efficient Operator. Charges Reason- able: Satisfaction guaranteed. S. B. McMath, 601r34. 'Oliver Pocock, Operator, 610r42. Slabs For • Sale Orders left at niy 'residence will 'receive 'prompt attention. E Ward, -Huron. street, Clinton. Phone 155. 15-tf. ' For Sale On Victoria street a 10 -roomed frame house in perfect condition, pantry, washroom, bath, new Mc - Clary furnace, cellar under whole of house, large garden, garage, in beautiful location. Apply to Mrs. A. S. Inlsley, Clinton. 07-2-p-tf. RUPTURE SPECIALIST. Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. House For Sale A comfortable seven room cottage with town water and electric lights, 14 acre of land with small fruit and good stable with chicken house. Ap- ply to Alex. Sloman, Fulton street, Clinton. 05-tf, "Niagara" Super -Soluble Land Liine, also, high grade fertilizers always in stock. Prompt delivery service when required. H. R. Baer, Phone Carlow, 2821, R. R. No. 5, Goderich, Ont. 15-tf. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re. paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned Rooms ever Heard's B. rber shop W. J. Jago. 2283 -ti Clinton's READY FOR,. A HOME RUN" When you are figuring up base- ball percentages, And .comparing one heavy hitter with And. Don't forget that the Heat Folios hold the record in this league for the number of home runs they make in a season,. With their loads of DL&W Coal they knock cold weather over the fence, and beat it home by a big margin. And they are never "put out" by winter. 'Call them at 74 for an exhibition gauge. Call the tml-PelOR for good, clean coal m a 1L COAL COMPANY. PHONE • 74 . CLINTON' We Want Your Milk and Cream We are manufacturers of bot cheese and butter. We want yon milk or cream. We pay highest m ket price weekly. Satisfaction gu anteed. Phone your order for finest chalk or pasturised butter in prints or so ids to W. H. Lobb; Clinton, Ont., R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. • THE HOLMESVILLE CO.OPER TIVE CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY. LIMITED NO LOSS OF SLEEP IF YOU BU Standard Royalties Your monthly check never fail: Pure Canadian Management. IMPERIAL TRUST CO. OF CANADA, TRUSTEES 12 per ,cent. Dividend Sure Dividends Paid Monthly. CLINTON. )) J. G. CHOWEN P. 0. Box, 155 Phone, 04-t Coal .' nd Coke IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF HARD COAL, (LEHIGH VALLEY SOFT COAL, COKE, SLABS CALL 256 ' A. D. McCartney Queen Street Telephone 25 Cockshutt Agency Wishing Repairs or Parts fo Cockshutt or Frost and Woods Ma chines of any kind should call at m Residence, I also handle Cockshutt Cream Separators. • JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton. 81-tf, SEEDS Complete stock Clovers and Grass Seeds en hand. Our. Alfalfa is Peel County Seed No. 1 Government standard . This typeof seed is practically impossible. to buy this year. Haveonly a small' stock. 'Good value while it lasts. J.A. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour, Feed and Seed McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag- ency for this district I will • keep on hand a full stock of repairs and parts of all McCormick -Deering machines and will appreciate a share of the patronage of the farmers surounding Clinton: Call at my shop, . next door to Jones' blacksmith shop, King. street, W. J. S g`EWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w • 04-tf, Eggs andu PO tr Home on Tuesday and Friday fore. noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence every day --graded by an experienced grad er, for which we the highest Mar. ket price.., Cream purchased. for Stillnian'e A. E. Finch Viking dream Separator Agent Victoria Ste: Clinton , Phone 241