HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-08-08, Page 8CLINTONE LEADING JEWELER!' STO SAFE DRIVE ,SAi1 E ::NIGHT DRIVING— Protect Your' Family„ Your Car, Your Life. Eliniinates G1ariug iheadlights and blinding sun,—Ail ,metal— Easy to .set in Place, Glaring headlights ,cause smash ups— Protectslife unel PeePeo y. R JOHNSON Dsiaubutor Tor Clinton Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store SPECIAL THIS WEEK MEN'S ODD WORK PANTS, GOOD HEAVY WORK d'1 �CA PANTS, VERY SPECIAL VALUE �, ... .D JL V.7 =WS FANCY SOX. ANOTRER SHIPMENT OF MEN'S 'I Cc FANCY COTTON SOX, Per Pair .. . ............. A - TWO. SPECIAL LINES OF MEWS WORK SHIRTS ' Men's Heavy Blue ;Cllambrey Work Shirts Special at Men's Heavy Striped Shining Shirts At . .. .... . 85c 95c W"te are offering some wonderful values in Ladies and Children's Slippers this week, All new goods at cut prices. Plumsteel Bros. Every Garment Custom Tailored a as Just run your eye over this list of Specials for Today and you will 'see how truthful we are when we say that no other store offers exceptional values like ours, Canned Goods -Corti, Pumpkin, Beans, ePae,ceriote; Celery, Cu- 1 Pees, Blue Berries, Tomatoes, Car- cumbers; -!el" - lots. Fresh Vegetables—Tomatoes, '' TB CLINTON-NEWS RECORD a A hammock, a book ural a shayi nook are good companions, a 'loung- ing comfort in the open an- and on sultry days will help to keep you cool. `- We can supply the hammock and the hook. You do the REST. Nothing is so convincing as exper- ience. Have you 'had the experience of considerable saving in the 'pur- chase of a seventy sheet -writing pad, letter size, kid finished paper at `IaGc. The best book in the world at 'half price, it's the Bible, a few slightly soiled, also a big value in a `Testa- ment at 15e. The American 1Vlagazine is +trade. out of human experiences—an •inter- preter of life. Each issue contains tips on work, play, health and happi- ness. Its pages are fresh and force- ful and at the same time clean and constructive. Price 25e. We have again stocked the six piece set of baking or mixing bowls for $1.00, will stand oven heat, eas- ily cleaned. 'W'e have all the ordinary things to allure the fish family and make the sport more sporty for the anglers. Lines may be wanted, sinkers usually are. Hooks are necessary, poles, baits, flies, reels, floaters, etc. There. 9s a charm in cleanliness and a beauty in .neatness.' We sup- ply you with both, at a cost not Iarge compared, with results obtained, our Walt' Paper Department. Our Framed mirrors are worth :looking into, they reflect' good values. We expect a fair honest profit on the goods we sell; reasonable people willgrant us this and the Sheriff demands it. • Tile W. D. Fair C®. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best p 5 050,,,, F ,„,„,„„.„„„,...1„. %-14 Mrs. Ww J. Miller, Sr., is in London visiting friends. Miss MacDonald is holidaying at Woodstock and Toronto. Mies Edith Hodgens of Toronto has been visiting Clinton friends, Miss Eileen Atkinson has returned home- after a visit in 'Woodstock, Ms's. Thos. Hawkins and son Jack, are visiting friends in Hamilton. Miss Amy Andrews is spending her holidays day at Grand Bend and Toron- to. Mr, and .Mrs. M. T. Corless and fam- ily motored to Sudbury last Fri- day. Miss Mildred Warning of Buffdla is the guest of her aunt, Mrs, G. A. Crooks. Nets.. (Dr.) Adams and children of pore teee visited at lie Jas; Scott's last week. THE C & GROCERS iMee. Lean Courtiee and Miss Betty 4 4 x . : - - ( -of Hamilton visited Miss H. Cour. .tiee last week. I t BLit AT BONG SILE We are Showing some articles which you can look at in our store before' you buy, and which are simply amazing in value. No pictures can do justice to these • articles. Nothing is ' so satisfactory to you as a chance to see the actual goods before you buy. Every article in thissale is a RED-HOT SPECIAL,# Every price is a Cash price. We have credit terms to our credit customers, but not on these sale items. We have to sell these items for Cash because we have to pay Cash ourselves. Sitter &-perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE Phone 147w ELECTRIC WIRING GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Robertson and Miss Kathleen Garnham .of Brantford Spent the week -end ' and holiday as guests of Mr. and *s. Arthur Wieish• On their return they were accompan- ied by their daughter, Miss Isobel,. who has been visiting her friend, Miss Norma Welsh the ' past three weeks. Owing to the holiday on Monday, the aouneil met at 8.80` a.m., instead of at 1.30 p.m. A letter from the Ag- ricultural Representative . re the weeds control Act was read and a motion was carried 'that all patrol men see that all weeds are cut in their respective divisions and that the weed inspector see that all weeds are cut on all farms'. The ,Stratford Rotary Club wrote accepting their asesssment of -$1:500. A letter from T. R. Patterson, coup. ty engineer, re gravel pit was fylei. The clerk was instructed to write Mr. Patterson re price of gravel or crushed stone per yard delivered on Cut line. theconcession and the e. 7th co Ss t By-law No. 5, setting the various rates as read was passed+ --County rate 88;10; township, 42.10; General school' rate..4 nulls, The Police _vtI- o: o t o or i a . lage of Layfield „tris telephone sys- tems and the several school trustees rate as requisitioned, Sut.a Pay Voucher Supt N o. 8 .161 was ordered paid. One sheep claim which was presented for $9.00 was laid ov,er as it had not the proper af- fidavit affixed. As the first'. Monday in Sept. is Labor Day the Council adjourned to meet on Saturday, Augast 31, at 1.30 p.m. R. G. Thompson, Clerk. Mas. Mary *Gregor of.Detroit is visiting her sister,: Mrs. Saih. Emer- son and other relatives, Mr. Roy Leggate of Pittsburg is visiting Mr. John Torrarlee' for a few days. Muss Loretta Lane of Seeforth spent a fel? days at Mt. John ,M'o Guire,s Mr. and 'vbs. R, J. Oa:ntelon and: Mr, 'T, Ramsay of Steatford spent the `holiday at _Mr. James Stirling s. Miss Helen Coic;;spent the week- end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I1.'C. Cox.,. MSS, Gs•ace Stirling returned to Toronto after spending her holidays t Y at her home. Mr. Erland Bottles was up from T" I t f thehold y Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Plioeniit and Pani- ily were tip ft'uiit Iianiilton over last week -end. 11l•i. and Mrs. 11. A. Steven of Toron- to viele'd Mss. C. H. Bartliff over Civic holiday, Air. and Mrs. om Watt and fancily of Oshawa visited Mrs. Pennebak er over the week=end. Miss Sybil Keyes is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. 'Tiplady of the Base line. Mrs. John P. Griffin . and son, Vic- tor of Toronto are guests of Mr. and Mas. Wilfred Biggins. Mr. E. T. Watson of Hamilton was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Walker over the weekend. Mrs. A. E. Durnin is spending a couple of weeks at Bruce Beach with some Lucknow friends. Miss Marlon Andrews is visiting her sister Mrs. Fred Gillies at her summer home in Grand Bend. Mks. Margaret Smith and daughter Bessie, of Detroit, are holidaying at their summer home in Colborne township. Mr, and Mrs. 'Forney and Miss Elasie Andrews and Russel Arenholt and nephew, Billy, of Chocoshocton, 0- hio are the , guests of Mrs. And- ' rews. IVfr. and Mrs. W. Tanner and family of Vanleek Hill, who have been vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker have taken a cottage at South- ampton. - • Mrs. Dr. Hossack and daughter, Dor- othy of • Inverkip and Mrs. James. Ballantyne of Brussels are visiting at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Geo, ' Roberton. • , + Mrs, J. T. Watts, Carroll, Man:, re- turned last week to her home af- ter spending the past two months - at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mks. R. "Jennison. Mee and Mrs. Alvin K. Loonard came up , Sunday morning from ,Guelph to attend the 're -opening services of Ontario ' Stz eet 'United church, and also to evieit` with the former's parents,: Mr. and Mks." Fred Leon- Mrs, It V. Smithendorr 01 E9stx, spent_a few clays with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Livermore, Mrs Skeith- endorf was returning from true- sels; where she spefit several Weeks with her mother, Mit. Annie • a Cooke,'sa' is whohaeares i to w YY, not enjoying 'Very. good health, Rev. 1. A. Agnew of Kingsville, pre-_ sident of London Conference, with Mr's.. Agnew and Mr. and Mrs,. Or- ville Hunt rville'Hunt of Flamwdteh:were weelcl end guests of Mr, and rs, Jas. Livermore. Mr. Agnew conduct- ed special services at Bayfield on attended Sunday' an " on Moiida , A dY boy's re -union at ' ees-tt- theoldt o u on T w s y lI l CLi,NTONCS THURSDAY; AUGUST' 8, 1929:- umetooffeemaseeremegeweemeseeeweesayeeselei a 1tif CORNER' GROCERY :. Casb and Carry PriceList. August 8th to IStb Two Stores -.Bayfield and Clinton' g Sugar Sale 'Still On Special Price by the Sack A Saving Ever9 Day For -Cash FREE DELIVERY WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS --...FOR ONE WEEK 'Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. for ..:;.... Quaker Corn Flakes, pkg. Kellogs Corn Flakes, pkg. 57c 3 lbs. Loose Lard 4g' 9c 1 Castile Soap, bar 19c 10e j Comfort, Soap, 5 bars 25c f c" Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. 29e Kraft Cheese, per lb. 35e= Black Tea, 1 Ib. 59e. Heinz Catsup, bottle 25c Soda Biscuits, 2 pkgs. 250 ' Fancy Marshmallow Biscui Rubbers,- 4 doz..is 25c'. 25e I Maxwell House Coffee, per lb. 66c Salado Tea, Tb w 69eI[ Peas, 2 sans, 25c ,Cocoanut, per Th. ...,• ....,.. ., .. ...,.. 290• BRANSTON PICKLE DEMONSTRATION AUGUST 17th FRIGIDAIRE MEATS AND CHILLED FRUITS Breakfast Bacon Piece 40c Sliced Bacon lb 40c Fresh Country Style Sausage lb 30c Weiners per lb 30c Olives Bulk pt. 35c Tounatoes, Musk Melons, Peaches' Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. aww.es,, Cash and Carry L Phone WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS 48 GOODS DELIVERED 10c Afternoon Delivery: 2;36e and 5 p.m. HOLMESVILLE Mr. Earle Cudmors of Norwich, spent the week -end at his parental home here. `' Mr. and Mrs, Harold Calbick and little son, Ross, Mrs, D. Calbick and Mrs. I,ee and son of Fruitland, were guests of Miss S.' Acheson over the week -end. Mrs. Calbick remained for a few days. ' Mrs. D. A. Bemis of Toronto, who has been spending th e past few weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Brogden MacMath and Seaforth friends, returned home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Birch'' of Detroit, who have been on a motor trip to Cleveland, Buffalo and Toronto spent the last few days of their holidays, visiting Mrs. Birch's parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J. Mulholland. They re- tiernee home on Sunday. i12rs. Alcock o! Brussels, called on friends here on Monday. a A, very enjoyable time was spent last Thut'sday afternoot;when the patrons of Hohnesville 0o-d1ierative Cheek) and Batter factory and their friends held their. annual picnic at the pretty little spot "Maitland Dale" which has recently been improved for such purposes by Mr. William Con- nell of Clinton. The afternoon was spent in races by the children and grown-ups, after which several in- teresting addresses were given. A- mong the speakers were Mr.McMill- an and Mr. Hearn, who gave in- structive talks on eheese and butter - making. Supper was served on .the lawn, and all went home feeling sat- isfied that ,Ver. and Mrs, Connell were ideal host and hostess for such an occasion, and were very grateful to them for the privilege of holding their picnic on their grounds. Mrs,- J. Burns, and Master Billie and Mise Clara Elliott of Goderich, visitedat the home of Me. and Mrs. J. Huller one day last week. Mr,. and Mrs. J. M. Graham and Miss Jean and Mr. and Mics. Andrew Clark of Parkhill and Mrs. -McGreg- or of Hamilton were visitors at the horn of M. and. Mrs. J, Huller on Saturday of last -week. The Holmesville Cheese and But- ter Co. picnic washeldon Thursday' afternoon in the beautiful recreation park of 1Ve . W. Connell's ` 'on the Maitland concession, Goderich town- ship, The grounds were beautifully decorated for the otcasion. There was entertainment provided for all classes. The children enjoyed the various swings end the boats, others indulged in games of ball, croquet and horse shoes, also races for young ng and old. A. very exciting tug of war was pulled between the milk; patrons and the cream patrons, Captain for milk, Bert Lobb, Captain for cream, Reu- ben Grigg. The milk patrons win- ning the ,prize. After the games were over the president, Mr. Wi. H. Lobb called the gathering toorder. and introduced Mr. Dap McMillan .of Stratford, cream inspector, who addressed them on grading, tostingand oaring for mane Mr. Frank lffearns, chief daily in- structor, of I;oiidosk was ptesent and gave a very interesting addrat_s on the d air question. Re- as ur d �' qu soon s ed 'the farmers that dairying was the suttest line of farming for profits. Ile also congratulated the people of the Rol mesvilie C. ansi B. Co., for the pro- gress 'made in' the last two 'years, making,special mention of the nearly' erected house- ` for the maker of c`lieesed 'butter. a n .. Mr. Lastdn chews'=nt ei also addressed i.bo nl'eeting fo a sort 1 Picnic Specials O'Keefe's Dry Gingerale O'Keefe's Old English Stone Ginger Canada Dry Gingerale Kuntz Dry Gingerale Order a Case or Carton at a Special Price Huntz Candies 50c and 60c Per lb. Party Ice Orearn and Pastry Snowflake and Whole Wheat Bread Wendorf's Bakery MAKERS Ole SNOWFLAKE BREAD Special Prices ON COAL AND COKE FOR SPRING DELIVERY Get our Prices. W. J. MILLER & SON. Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 46j Handy Garden Tools AT CONVENIENT PRICES The best the market affords at big' savings. Our toolswill help you make your garden ss. RAKES, SPADES. HOES. SHEARS LAWN MOWERS • Other .tools at proportionately low prices, Hammers, pliers, monkey wrenches,' all the .odds, and ends you need around the house, , Instead ( Hitting The Hay Hit 'a Marshall Sanitary spring -filled Mattress and you will get the sueprise.of your life in real restfull sleeping comfort. Wea wntt to advise Youth a t during this month we aron rui slip cover with every Marshall Mattress sold but g g a your order must be in by August 29th. We have several other bargains in Dining Room Suites and Verandah furniture, some real snaps in Verandah or car cushions. , Hardware Department This is time forcoal oil and gasoline cook stoves and we have the latest improvements and most satisfactory stoves on the Mar- ket. If you are thinking of painting your house, better consider the old reliable Sherwin-Williams Paints. It will pay you. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORES WITZ A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 BLUE AND WHITE STORE PHONE 111 Bringing to you such outstanding Values in quality foods as to convince you that thisis the. place to shop. For in addition to advertised spec- ials you will find all our prices so low as to save you a substantial amount on your weekly grocery bills. 20 LB. PAIL.. LARD.. , . $3.0o Oranges, basket 59c Grape Nuts, pkg.... 17c Pickles, 30 oz. for... 47c - Good Black Tea 59c Heinz Catsup Large' Bottle ..... 27c Corn Flakes Kello'gg`s, 2 for.,, 119c Olives, 321/ oz. for 39c Strawberry Jam 47c Good Glazier Sardines, 2 for ,.. 25c Rubber Icings 3 doz. for • 25c Home Grown Vegetables and er 'Fruits New Potatoes, Peas, Corn, Raspberries, Cherries; , Black Currants. . AA f�pprr S ' L. 0 Use your phone WHERE QUALITY MEETS PRICE Free Delivery 300 persons and everyone sect be perfectly satisfied, d to k. aw IBS A vote of.thanks was tendered. to heir os - Mr. and Mee. Connell for t h given, pitality and' the welcome gx e , to which-,1V1ir. Connell made a very suit- able reply. ' Mrs. J. Snyder' of town and Mrs. JOY Snyder and son of Goderich township ,went with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Snyder of Col borne to Kitchen- er - er oSunday and spent the holiday in attendance at the Baer re -union. HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone -244• time and Ytov. Me. leerbeet made a r short speeCll. After tile'spealcmt� a stlenrttd.'euliper eves steered to about VARNA The Royal Brack Knights of Ire- land are holding a picnic. in Jevrett'e Grove, Bayfield, an August :12th celebrating Derry Day. ' The Clinton Kiltie• Band will furnish' the music. Sir Kt: George Spotton will be the speaker. There will be a soft ball game, Clinton vs. Bayfield and other sports.. Bring Scour baskets., and ens joy the day..