HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-08-08, Page 7Chess one pound box Of Assorted Biscuits is . always in order for the picnic • or informal gathering. A.handy package of Christie's choicest Biscuits in sur- prising variety -crisp, delicious and temptingly fresh. In More'. or on the 'phone, always askfor 0 0. Afte i W eta a zet /bJ etetaL'v<;,..t eeetie tre:,;,1"' w.k'•*m et, easei;EiA++tfw.2F+*,( ••t• ,.,Yk ;en':;, esiged to A Otherwise e e' hangs on a gold chain, ,while; aupthei design has a tiny dagger's 'Head of diamonds fith a ruby drop. Tho elaborate beauty of the straws ,pendant is matched by the fashion of diamond bracelets in wide hands. Sports jewelry is -frankly bizarre, For beach wear ,ensemblesets are the mode, •composedof anklet, brace, let, 'and necklace made of carved wooden beads combined with sed glass beads. On the necklaee,'a' strand fe designed: to band down .the back. 'Other beach jewelry Is made., of rub• bee, skillfully fashlgned to appear otherwise, Goodness • Goodness stands at the to of :,all "All is not gold that glitters."; This is especially true in the fashion world at the present time, for liractiatilly •nothing that', glitters, le geld, Frocks aro '.made more vivacious and hats mere joyous by glittering ornaments o . various metals. Necklaces and bracelets in' synthetic compositions gleam ,gdyly, thrown in high:. relief against a sun-tanned: skin. In fact„ itis precjieely to the sun -tan vogue -that ttie'partioular phases of the con- temperary jewelry mode ,owe their popularity. .Amon'i precious stories,• pearls are the olit os, altbcugh it 'Outset dis- first in the limelight. ,They are not tinguished from ,other ;attributes in nein in the'graduated string,'for'm- definite •terms, It not only -includes !' erly dis- nein. style, but :are bombined in such virtues as sincerity, kindness and .many •ingenious ways, and with ,Other, jewels, such as diamonds, 'emeralds, jade and the delectable flushed coral. It Is considered, smart 'to •twist to- gether a rope of.delicate seed pearls. and coral and Wear:it knotted at the bank of • the 'meek Or It may be wound, around the wrist several times fen a bracelet.' Some women wear seeks to :attain for himself the quail. tbeir strands alightly looped and fast- ties of Co-operation and kindness ened to 'hue side by a pin of similar which he would wish to see' attained jewels. • by humanity in general. The fashion in jewelry this season The -idea has often been expressed points to three revivals; the elabo- rate earring, the stress pendant and the diamond bowknot for the left sboulder, often holding in place a fairylike tulle scarf. Earrings are in perfect harmony with the romantic mood of the •sea- son. In ono style, tiny jade grapes hang from a gold chain. In another, pearls and diamonds alternate in granted size from the tiny pearl at the ear. in yet another a gold fili- gree loop of exquisite workmanship amiability, but„also, adds ,something which makes it outstanding and uni• vernal in its appeal to people. It is the quality which the individual :liim- self desires and which he wants other people to possess as well. The man who is good does not look on the world as a field foa exploitation, but that at some time or other during life a person must go wdong in order to learn the significance of goodness. The wealth of knowledge gained by a ood person, however, is just as great as that gained.by one who has seen life through•a variety of experiences. a good person, however, is just as great bad is as unsound a ,theory as that of attaining good health through suf- fering 'terrible sickness. Minard's Liniment for aching joints EMPIRE YEAR at the Worlcik LARGEST EXPO °ITION ' T(ew Milian Dollar Automotive Building to be officially opened as part o) the Empire 'Tear Celebration. Cit i r . ril •The 1929 Canadian National Exhibition . . the fifty-first , celebrates Empire Year, and the brilliance of the entire two weeks' presentation will provide a magnificent; inspiring and long, to -be -remembered spectacle for ,the rnbre than two million viisi- ,torst; low rates by rad and boat. Ampie &tomato. dation. Send jar illustrated booitets describing entire Empire Tear Celebration. THOMAS BRADSHAW, H. W. WATERS, PraWcnt General Manager . £iVhts94 Postal Wrigley Marathon Swim in' two events (Middy, Aug. 23, for women, and Wed., Aug. 28, for men and winners of women's race) for the world champion. ship and $50,000 purse—the great. est internationel sport spectacle, Competitive Displays of Agnea]. turein all its Branches. 'rots and paces featuring Standard Bred Society Futurity, hitenwtfonal Outboard Motor Boat Regatta and tacht Races. Government Exhibits from prac. *fealty every Country in the World, Grand Stand Militery and Nasal Pageant, " Britannia's „Muster by 1500 perfortnors on the World's Largest Stage. First Showing 1930 Motor Car Models, 3fatioo4l Aircraft Show and Car, nieal of the Shy, 4 Concerts by 2000 Voice Ex, hibition Chorus setERTI....”1ZE 1,i.�ti�,D S FOR FALL WHEAT Carefully compounded to promote proper growth, Pall and Suring. Laverr. carlot and less carrot buyer should have our prices. Write Now- Agents Wanted, Minim= car 16 tons. No reason to complain -of high prices 10 you buy from us. Write today. FERTILIZERS AND FEEDS LIMITED b 85. GROSII. 2980 Dundas St. West. worento 9, Can. Our Mottos Quality—Sang 'e —Satisfaction,, tjn the dais of our Grandmothers and. Great Grandmothers this name McCivy meant a great deal Just as, it does today Buy goods bearing the McClary-name. with complete confidence 10101 111113,0 tr;:.I,tl,.lUIMilrinintit,i 9 ZRAL, STEEL W AS u t.r o s 25 Brancles Armesoda. Halifax; Saint 101m; Quebec, Mongqt Ottopa,To,on(2); Westford; London (2)Wladaor,Ror613Dey,vinnp0g(a)nteelna,8anttotooo,0nlgary, EdmoOton,Vncouvr ottektientatonadavivesitentHe Department of. He:,;1:Ith The Fly is a. Menace to Health SumMer, with the holiday pleas- ures which it brings, is often marred. by that•pest of bealth and comfort- the' fly, , The presence of flies ;around any dwelling', means that :there bas beep ; carelessness on somebody's part, ,A few 'necessary precautions taken fn' time ie all that is necessary .:Won Rose Trophy Judged 'among thousands of blooms , at the Rose Society of Ontario show held recently at the 'Royal York Hotel Toronto, -the above "Gioire de '011 Guinoieetto' ryas awarded the C•hel- to pngvent 'the annoyance and dony' .lenge Trophy as best -rose exhibited gars to 'health which' can' be safel'It was raised by Mrs. It W. Dixen attribtuted :to this petit:' of •Toronto, 10 an outdoor 'garden Tha roses on' exhibiteSrangeil .frohn. Types. of MY pure white of large and small dimeric The ,'flies' -4_011 h "bother us around dons to' the ;vivid "red oZ' American the house^and at•suinmer ;resorts are Beauties, making -the liallrcom,at the of two main types=the .house. fly life Royal ,York a blaze of perfunied•colot the blow -fly; the latter are larger 'There Was a record .nutaber' of en; than the house Sy and halt° bright, tiles this year.' metallic bodies and make epnsider- :able'nottle-when flying. 'The Stable Islanders Want fly • is generally found around tattle Pepper and Sugar tiles the house fly, but has de dls tingulahing feature -rt Bites _ and sucks blood and Is especially aetive' Durban, Natal -On her voyage before storms. aR' from Australia to South Africa, -the Control of, the Fly Pest Is. Se 0. 'steamer' Beltana :went two When we study the rife cycle and days out of her course on a fruitless Habits of files, we know beyond all search for possible survivors of the doubt that to be effective, .the work Danraining shah—e rive -masted we do to destroy them must be alit- barqueish tIiobeiihavn—thwhich had leen ed at the distribution point, viz„ ,the breeding grounds. .There are sev- eral methods of attack: Use of Larvicides (a) Chloride of Lime applied in lay - era of about sill Inch thick on the fresh exposed contents of outdoor privies every fou' or five days is an effective, cheap agent' for destroying the larvae of the blow ily which beeds chiefly iu outdoor privies. (b) ' Crude Coal Tar Distillate-- proves istillate—proves a most effective method in the 4ontroi of the house fly breeding in stable manure, garbage, piles, ere. A setisfaotOry strength is a three or four per cent. solution; this Is sprinkled on the edges of the piles wherever the larvae appear. The action is rapid and the results very marked. The blow Ily (blue bottle and green blow Ay) breed also In garbage, de- caying vegetable matter and pig manure, Sprinkle crude coal tar die- tillate (four per cent, solution) over the infested areas. Crude coal tar distillate may be secured from your druggist. Supplementary,' Methods (a) Trap—the coue.shaped type le beet; it is so built that the fly after being attracted by bait placed under, meth passes through a small open- ing in the top of the cone Into the trap proper, (b) Screens—wire of twenty meshes to the inch Is necessary to keep out house files. (c) Poisoning—a cheap and effec- tive poison may be made in the home by adding to a pint mixture_ 00 milk and water three (3) teaspoonfuls of formaldehyde. This may be poured on pieces of bread placed in shallow saucerS. Place safety out of reach of young children. Kitchen garbage should be tightly wrapped In paper or kept in fly -proof Cane, A Tale of Two Cities ' Quebec Evenement (Cons.). In the year .1928, in London, 28 murders were committed. Seven of the mur- derers escaped justice by committing suicide; the eleven .others were at. rested, tried, sehtenoed•Wed hanged, 'hie happened in themost populous city in the world, and hi a country where one can praetloaliy procure al- coholic drinks any 'hour' of the iley aril night. 2'Text to London, the big- gest and most populous arty in the world is New York. The American metropolis has a million and a half inhabitants less than the Biitisb• metropolis. In New York, in 1927, (the figures for 1928 are not yet avail- able), 282 murders were reported. Not one of the murderers committed suicide, a banded of ,them have nct been apprehended, the others 'have been tried, a large number of ewbotn have been acquitted- for want of proof, and less than half a dozen sell-' tented and executed! Safety for All La Presse (Incl.): The Executive Committee will no 'doubt act on the. suggestion of 'the Motorists' League of Montreal that lights sheath! be in- stalled to control traffic in the busiest parts of Sherbrooke street, espreially from Atwater avenue to Lafontaine 1 Parte, .. , The establishment 00 saf0- ly islands fou pedestrians is the neces- sary complement +/o the installation of traffic lights. .Attempts made hitherto in this direction have not been particularly encci'uraging, as ex- periments have not met with proper support from a certain class tit mot- orist, toe 01817 frofn' some pedestrians IWho do not s ee m to be able to sub- mit nit to a practice destined to give them greater:protection. However, with u little training and atiente we sroilid- be able to educate the masses and 'make certain ce the success of the ro t orm. f Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia. reported missing in the Indian. This detour took the steamer to the two barren nhd supposedly unin- habited islands of St. Paul and. Am- sterdam in the southern Indian Ocean, about halfway between Tasmania and Cape Town. Both islands were acquired by the French in 1893. The island of Am - has an area of 25 square miles, was discovered in 1603. About 2000 miles from the nearest land, in cold southern waters, these islands lie in solitary majesty, Am- sterdam has a peak 2760 feet high. The southern extremity of St. PauI is formed by part of an immense crater, round which hot springs bab- ble. They are destitute of vegetation except a scanty supply of grass on which goats and rabbits .feed. On arriving, the Beltana tired six rockets and sounded .its siren. Pas- sengers who thronged the decks figures moving hurriedly about, and the x'retleh tricolor being hoisted on the flagpole of the depot. Then a small boat put out from the island, ex:Malting five Frelich fishermen and a dog. The iishernlen were pictures Miele clad and gesticulating delight- edly. The three who came aboard ex- plained they had seen for six months. When asked what they would like, they modestly replied that their wants were few, but they had run out of pepper and sugar. When these supplies, and the dog accompanied by a huge ham bone and secured by a rope, had been lowered into the boat, the fishermen departed amid cheers. Ml on board the steam- er were overjoyed that they had been able to brighten the lives of the lonely flahermen by (their visit, although it meant arriving two days late at Durban. • CHQL'ERA I?FANTUM Oholera infantum is one of the fatal ailments of Childhood. It is a trouble that comes' on suddenly, especially during the summer months and unless prompt action fs taken the little one may. '00011 be beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets are en ideal medicine in warding 'off this trouble. They regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus prevent the dreaded summer com- plaints. They are an absolute safe medicine, being guaranteed to con• tain neither opiates nor narcotics or- other harmful drugs. They cannot possibly do .harm'—they always do goc'd, The Tablets are sold 'by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box trent The Dr Williams' Medi- cine CO,, Brockville, Ont. -THE WORLD OF tee)OKs What a .convenient and delightful worl dis this world of books]—if you bring to it not the obligations of the student, or look upon it as an opiate for Idleness, but enter It rather with the enthusiasm of the adventurer. It bas vast advantages over the orein- ary' world of daylight, or barter and trade, or work. and worry: In this world every man Is his own king—the sort of 'klhg one loves to imagine not • concern's,' In such petty matters as Wars, and parilament and taxes, but a mellow and moderate despot, who is a true patron saint of genius—a mild old chap who has in his court the greatest men and *Women in the world—and all of then,' vying to piettee the most vagrant of hie medeis!- x'rom "Adlentures in Contentment)'' by David Grayson. Failure Hast thou exhausted possibility in tln:e:failure of this one trial?Not so! The future s f r re i et full ape of trial au n ;yet 1 happiness'to be success. Ttere s enjoyed! There is good to he done! ! —The Searget Letter, Are you afraid to eat a hearty eal ? HAT does meal. time mean to you? is it the pleasure that it ehould•be to restore the energy': your work has taken from you? Or must you pick and choose in dread of indigestion? • Here is a remedy that has brought relief to men and women the world over. 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are taken every day in many countries, speci- fically` for digestive trou- bles . and ,stomach dis.• orders, and have brought happiness to thousands of one-time sufferers. For, besides strengthening the digestive nerves, they in- vigorate and purify the entire system and lay the foundation for continued health. Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your drug, gist's or any dealer in medicine, or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. s-47 i!J yet jtn�{t��j�aap, 11) "A HOUSEHOLD NAME IN 04 COUNTRIES'. When Asked Are You Friz Sez Yes I Is But! Five Districts in Province of Quebec Report Snow in Summer Quebec—Five different places re- ported snow in the Province of Que- bec during the mantb of June. The Gouin Dam in the Lake St. Peter re- gion, beetled the list, with a two inch fall during the 30 days of the month. Amos, in the Abitibi, had one-tenth of an inch, while Thetford reported traces of snow. hlanouane, also in the Lake. St. Peter district, experi- enced one inch of snow during the month, while Met's, in the Lower St. Lawronee, a famous summer resort,''' also had one inch. On the other hand Thetford rang- ed to the other extreme, for, in addi- tion to recording traces of snow, it also registered the hottest day of the entire month, the mercury soaring to 90 degrees on lune 20. Temperaturee of 90 degrees were common during the month, while so were below freer - Ing marks, no less than 14 sectors re- porting temperatures between 24 and 81 degrees above zero. Montreal experienced normal wea- ther during the month, with a maxi- mum temperature of 88.5, a mhtintum of 38,2 and am average of 04.5, while the rainfall of 5.75 inches Was 2.19 below normal. Runaway Horse Obeys Traffic Light; Many Motorists Do Not A wooden horse played no small part in the fall of TroY. A milk wa- gon steed helped write history in Stamford, Conn. Here's the story—and the good folk of Stamford are going to stick to it. During the wee, small hours this particular horse decided to run away. The streets were wide and deserted and the going was fine for a block or s0, during which time a lot of milk was delivered promiscuously. Then came a Stamford intersec- tion, and as old bobbin thundered down upon it, the green light chang- ed to 'red. The noble charger tlug his cleats into the pavement and stopped dead in his tracks, thereby notifying him- self as a law-abiding ping. • The Na- tional Safety Council points' out this little .Incident aa an 'evidence of. horse sense—often needed by awe- less rivers. Right and Wrong One may go wrong in many Stiffer= ant' ways, but right only fn one; and. so the former is easy, the latter dif- ficult; easy to miss the mark, but hard to hit Minard's Liniment for Summer Golds LOVE Love is always vicarious: ;t either suffers or rejoices with the loved. ones; it forgets its own' cares and, wishes in the needs and sorrows of others. Alfred 17. Garvie. FOR THE HAIR As Your Barber—He knows. ISSUE No: 32—'29 Owl Laff& "And now," said the teacher, "will dOm0One pleasegive us "ti, sentence using the word 'candor;?" "PIeasom ' said the 'height little boy in the front seat, "my papa had a pretty .stenographer, but after ma SSW her he candor." It's ,a good thing our wives don't know where' we were last night." It is that! 'Where were we?" "I don't know!" RED, RED, RED! Oli, my love she .wears a red, redcoat, That one can see a' .mile; 0h, 'my love she wears a:red•red coat That's newly come in style, We are approaching ,the season when some folks will insist on rock- ing the boat, There are awkward times, and we sympathize .with the tea -stop wait- ress srho approached. a customer from behind. and -said, "Any- thing more, sir—I mean ;madame? I beg your pardon, •81t."' For a serious misdemeanor John was kept after school. He .worked sowillingly and `cheerfully that the surprised teacher ' jaicl:' "John, why can't you be a agreeable and pleas ant !luring school hours?" "Gee, that's-funny-.That'e just what I was thinking about you!" was the prompt reply. The honeymoon was over, and the young 'with was in tears. "You ..used to say, Jack," Ohe sobbed; "that when we were married we would :be 'one"." "Yes, ,and what of it?" answered the -wretch. • "You seen to IMO that we are ten now. You're one, and len no= thing!' Dolly says: "Never let' a fool kiss you. .Also never let a kiss fool you:' There are a lot of $25 bilis around. I got one this morning 'frons my dentist. One of our minor regrets has' al- ways been that nobody in the family went to medical school long enough to know how to set the leg of the card table. "You don't know hots nervous 1 w14 w'ben I proposed to yotl." "You don't know how nervous I was until you did." A woman convinced against her will will quickly show you she's not. "Join, it's positively shameful the way Junior talks. I just heard him say: "I ain't never went nowhere." "Shameful? Why, be has traveled twice as niuoh as most boys his age!" AFTER SIG MONEY "What 1s your boy Josh doing?" "He's hitting a punching bag," ans- Wered Farmer Corntossel. "He has noticed these comparisons between the money received by college pro- fessors and pugilists" Usually you can tell by the look on a man's face that his wife takes In boarders. ' "Wooten ehave more imagination than Bien." Especially sales ladies. It takes a lot of imagination to mill o 42 -stout '"perfectly precious." COULDN'T STAND THE NOISE Foreman—What's the big idea of quitting? Riveter—Oh, I don't mind hammer- ing rivets all day long, but the man who worke with me hums incessant- ly. for cleaner— faster cutting Thesteelusedismade and spec. %any tempecce in the Simonds plant mod we can and do guar. osteo every Simonds Saw. • THE SIMONDS CANADA sow c0, tTD, UoatnoI - Tomato Vanco,w,v Stlobn,N,B. Sprays Use Mi nerd's immediately. It soothes the pain and draws out the inflammation, Classified Advertisements 1 aril crrrCns '8) Ail! CFIICI 9 JULX ;tlldll i1UG[75 i) 000))S 12c, Brown Leghorns , ae( An1d9 lace Mine Leghorns 100,. art, te s ited'chictce 90; 40sprees pall on 100 ori over;,freo oatalogye. 4:. Li Swltzery, Granton On ta,do. cif The 'Pendulum Clock A penduleen Clock gained, owing ;te1 the inerease of-graVfty With latitude,' about'one minute and twenty seconds a day when taken from Ottawa to the mouth of Mackenzie rivet', Northwesb Territories, by the Dominion Observav tory, in connection With its gravity work, Taken about fiye thousand •,feet up a mountain side is Britlslil Columbia .it met about .thirteen see- onds daily, Keep Minaret's Liniment always handy Ada, ; five years old, was taken, to her mother's bedroom to see -her little' twin Sisters aeon .after 'they were born. .mummy," she exclaimed, "what dear little things! Which ,one are you going to drown?" II ,eoilr CoQ I'T1»e valueK bleboo]twns 0,,»_ piled to. advertise. OAItRIAE.TT OVI3RALLS =the bestfarmer's overalls in the world. One farmer' wrote that he world not take. ten lawn for bis .book. Write ;4or,yours today., Hamilton Carhart*, Manufacturer; Ltd,,Toronto Over twenty, thousand 4kenck, temmenseeter hi i,g-d la, altliih7heTin The e, .You Must Do Your .Bit id the. war agaiesfthe'ony, carrier of germs .and breeder of di,eaae. 'of the proven deny nRoxoaImon ;efficient mean', of combating ih1, 'illy evil. It u convenient, becau,, of the poth.pin. It if, hygienic, 1 flee never get away when once caught ,'Each-',p!rnl given Three weeks'perfect ,erv!ee, BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Sold.. drug, grocny and hardw•.re stone La Cie C. 0. Genest & File, lamins i:f a.le000a K. 'pi= icer0.oars /J Distributor fox Ontario NEWTON A. HILL 6e Front 3t. E.. - - F. unto tee s4,',r N em ALL WARM MEC PUS FOP ESI([* V NC Safety iW/ea,5 e JOUR local Firestone Dealer has a Fire- stone Tire for every purse and purpose. He saves you money and serves you better. See him today. )FOR FIJ'T7i TEARS Cf7)flti shall]°at Soap and Oi nrcnmcnmt hero afforded rho purest, eweetcet and moot coir. factory method of caring for the Chia and heir. Over 400,000 women and girls who were weak, 'blue," nervous, rune down, and unable to do their work properly, have improved their health by baking Lydia E, Pfnk- ham's Vegetable Compound. By accurate record, 98 out of every 100 reportbenefit. You can he almost certain that it will help you too. For'p'oiihiee duo to Acus INDIOPSTION ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE 0ASEe•NA119EA What most people call indigestion is usually excess acid la the stomach. The. food has soured. The instant remedy is an alkaliwhich neutralizes 1 acids, � But don't use crude helps. Use what ycmr doctor would advise. The best help is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. For .the 50 years since its Invention it lias remained standard will find physician s. - You wt fi d no- thing else so quick in its effect, so harmless, so efficient, One tasteless spoonful in water neutralizes many times its 'volume in acid. The results are immediate, with no bad after-effects, Once your learn this fact, you will never deal with excess acid in the crude ways. G 1 Y o learn—no v—howthis method is supremo, • Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'•, Milk of Niagnosig prescribed by physfat. Mans for: 50 years in correcting excess acids. Eaoh'bottle contains 01411 dire& tions—any drllgsttse.