The Clinton News Record, 1929-08-08, Page 1ti.• WITH WIIICH IS INCORPORATED TIIE CLINTON NEW ERA. No. 2526 51st Yeai' CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, X929 TETE HOME PAPER , "The first Advertisement even. Published was in Color9 and it .was one that can never he improved upon. This first Advert sement was 'the rainbow, and wasP ht in the heavens to Advertise to the world that it would not again be destroyed by a flood; And' like all good Advertisments, it has kept its promise, -Arthur Br alOn advertising.:. i------- she.At7e Seen II ibrealkabk'Watch :Ming )tls t Yhey 6Gk°i7 t °fir � Gil Yiave GrU Stals The small fancy shapes For wrist watches. And the regular round crystals for all standard size watch, the round fitted in while you wait: The fancy on shortest notice. A FULL ASSORTMENT IN STOCK is TO. 2i. ell ®v 1 . BEA') THESE SPECIALS Women's silk knitted gowns, trimmed with lace and shirring. A beautiful assortment of shades; SPECIAL TO CLEAR ; $1.50 Girl's black knitted bloomers, fine quality, 'sizes 20 and 24, Regular 50c pair ON SALE AT . ,........... ,,. ,: ?9t f• Dresses Clearing at $1.29 About three dozen in the lot. Values up to • $5.00. To clear at this extreinely low price $1:29. IRW1N'S CLEARING IVE 19c TABLE ____,_______ Consisting of Boys' Spon Caps, Bad' 'Elastic Iiielis .and Men's Hose. CLEARING AT 1pc O3 3 FOR :50c. 35c TABLE Consisting of Boy's Cotton Sweaters, 1Bgy'.•e :Ohanibnay :Over- alls, Khaki Knickers and Men's Cashmere and Cidton Bose. CLEARING AT 35c iOit 3 i011 51.A00. 95c TABLE _ L l Consisting ofBaYs'Shirts in English CambricChansreys, iy Khaki and Na Blues Black Sateen Blouses Cambric, abloom- ' ' ers, and Boys' Play Suits in Khaki, Bboos and 'Tears,, sdineW i trimmed, CLEARING 41.25 TABLE AT 95c OR 2 FOR $1.15 Y r Consisting of Men's Work Shirts, Negligee Shirts, Rine ; I and Black Bib Overalls. I LEAKING C>ti;..>x AT 81.25'Olt 3: ..E 3. ;I 5A MEN'S STRAW HATS �: CLEARING AT HALF PRICE - 15 ONLY MEN'S SUITS Sizes 35 to 38, Regular Price 515.00 to 518.00 CLEARING AT ' $10.00. i 18. ONLY MEN'S SUITS ' 'ppies 35 to 44 Regular 525.00: CLEARING AT 518.50. 6 ONLY M'IEN'S PALM BEACH AND TROPICAL WORSTED SUIT t ' -Regular 520.00 to 522.50' s CLEARING AT 815.00. ' f a ' t E6. A Square Deal for. Every Man fa t Lh THE MARKETS Wheat, $"1.30. Barley, 60c to 65c. Oats, 45c to 50c. Buckwheat, 70c. Butter, 380 to 40c. E s 180 to 25c gg : Live Hogs, $13,50, MAHON-LMeMURCHIE Quietly in Toronto on August 3rd; Agnes M',ary, daughter of the: late James MelVlurchie'and Mrs. McMur- hie of Clinton, Ont, to Mg. John Fleming Mahon of Toronto, son'of' the late • Peter and Mrs. Mahon _ of Aberfoyle. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. William Walker, Exeter, • an - 11011=08 the engagement of her daughter, Verna Allison. ' to Harvey A, Stewart, B,A., New:Toronto, son of Mx. andMrs. rs Fenwick Stewart, @wart Stanley township, the marriage to take place on August 31. DEATH OF MRS. SEARLE .-On Sunday . last Mrs. Wm. Searle pasted away at the home of Mrs. Rapson where the hat made her home for the past three years. Mrs. Searle , whose maiden name was Mary Ann Lee, was born in London, Ontario, but has has lived . in 'Clinton for many years. She is sur- vived by four.sisters and done broth- er, Mrs. Win. Marshall and Mrs. R. Pope of London; Mrs. E. Campkin and Miss Edith Lee of Regina and Mfr. Wm. Lee of London. The Rev. A:. A. Holmes conducted the services at the house and grave- side on Wednesday afternoon. The ` pallbearers were Messrs. ix. Holmes, G. Medd, W Hiles, T. Manahan and Mr. Joslin, Those who attended the funeral . from London were Mr. and Mrs. " Gliar7.es Murray, 1V11. Win. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marshall, M.r Harold Marshall, Mir. Ernest Marsh- all, and Miss Olive Marshall, SDREL- UCINTOSII St. Joseph's Churoh, Clinton, de- corated with gladioli and ferns was the scene of a -pretty wedding when Mary.Cecilia, only daughter of. Mr. and Mas, John McIntosh became the bride of John VV', Sorel of Fort Wil- liam. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father to the strains of the bridal =sin from "Lohen- grin", played 'by Mrs. W. Lane. The bride was Charming in a gown of sun -tali lace and georgette and carried a bouquet of butterfly roses and Mies the valley and wore the groom's gift' a beautiful amethyst necklace. Mass Anna Shanahan, cousin of the bride, acted as brides- maid, wearing a Mary Garden' gown and carried a bouquet of bridal roses and , sweet peas. The groom was supported by Mr. Otto Hallinan as best man. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid, a gold bar pin with green stone setting, to the best man gold cuff links. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's uarents for the immediate relatives. The bride's mother received with the bride, wearing a beautiful gown of black georgette and lace. The happy couple will leave Tor- onto by .boat for a trip to Montreal, Quebec and. up the Saguenay River. The bride travelled in a flowered georgette gown, grey hat, with matching accessories. On their re - urn they will reside in Fort Wil- iam. MONG THE CHURCHES St. Paul's Church Morning and evening prayer as sual. Mr. E. W. Philips of Sarnia. gill preach at both services. 'Wesley -Willis United Church The Rev.'A. A. Holmes will have barge of 'both services. His morn- ng orn ng subject will be: "Inspiration of 'ossibilities ' and in'the evening he vi11 play .' the return game on Satur- lay, August 17th in Sarnia. Baptist 'Church The Rev. '1VIr•. Goodwill preached ery acceptably in the absence of the aster on holiday, Mr. Goodwill will reach on Sunday evening. ' 'The ser - ice at 7 o'cloc1s T1s •Subject will be: 'The Blood of Jesus' Christ.!' The Sunday/school on Sunday morning at 10:30: The B,Y,P17, meet •every il5onday evening at '8 o'clock. The midweek praise and prayer service,. Ontario Street United Church Union services with the Presbyter- an Church, Rev, A!.: E. Doan id harge, 10 a.ri�;., Sunday school in each church. 11'a.m., `•`The Christ- an's attitude toward wrong." '7 I n. "Optimism.", The services will be held in. Ont - tie Street Church. At the re••opening services at Ont- ario Street. United Church, August 4th, Alfred W, Anderton presided at the organ. I-Iis fine musicianship, as V as:his art as an accompanist was a delight to hear. Mr. Hallman, enor of Toronto, was an artist in- deed. His fine interpretation and plendid voice was certainly a rare treat to Clinton. Miss M. Gibbings and Ma• Hallinan 'rendered a very' ine.duet at the evening service. Mise Gibbings has a splendid voice and is lways well received in Clinton, At he close of the evening service, Mr. Anderton gave a short recital.: Hio nterpretation of the storm, his tech roque and his artistic work, were all he of master musician. worka r n Mr. Anderton gave Ids services' and the, ongregation are much indebted to im for a very successful day. SOFTBALL'' The Sarnia softball team will play the local team on Saturday, August 10th in Clinton, The Clintotn team retiu•n game on Saturday, August 17. LITTLP LOCALS Mi A E. Finch has a fine new building erected on his premises, on Victoria street. The Clinton base -ball team go to Stratford on Saturday next, : August 10th. Mr. H. E. Rorke is having a cement foundation put under part of his residence, Miss Brown is having her house, on James street, raised and a foun- ddtion put under it, In, last week's issue we Were mis- informed on,the "protest!' as it was on account oftwo players, notthe n he P Y umpire. . The game is to be played tonight and we hope everything will be satisfactorily settled, DEATHOF MRS. STEEP'• Mary Jackson, beloved wife of Mr. henry Steep and only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, died at the family home on Rattenbury street on Sunday, August 4th. A private service for the family was held en Wednesday afternoon at the home and au lic e • ' p b service held in the Wesley -Willis United church by Rev. J, E. Hogg and at the grave by Rev. A. A. Holmes. Mrs. Steep Will be sadly missed by her husband, It. W. Steep and daugh- ter, Mrs. Harold Johnston, also one son, Tack, both of Waterous, Sask., also her brother, Fred, at home, Syd- ney of Lethbridge; Frank . of Barrie; Arthur of Hollywood, Calif.; Walter of Brantford. The many- floral tributes testify the love and esteem in which the late Mrs. Steep was held in the community. The pallbearers were Messrs. dames Scott, W. II. Hangar, A. T. Cooper, Albert Seeley, Ben. G`llibiugs and David McNaughton, ° PEOPLE YOU SNOW Mfrs. W. T. O'Neil has returned from visiting friends in Buffalo. Misses Olive and Madelon Glew have returned to their home en the Huron Road after a week's holiday in Goderich. Miss Grace Venner of London spent the week -end at the hone of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter and bliss Eva Carter spent the week -end with Stratford friends. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Watts of Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs. W. 1d. 'W'atts of Clinton on Sunday. Mrs. Doable and children of Strat- ford spent the week -end with Mr. and Mks. Frank Layton. Mrs. 1VIargt ret Cuningham of Detroit has returned to her home after visiting her niece, Mrs. L. Cree. Miss Margaret Cree, R.N., of New York is holidaying at the"ironre of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. tree. Mr, Eldred Agnew and Miss Dor- othy Siebert were the guests of Mr. Bill and Miss B. McCI'inchey over the week -end. The Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Doan and their two daughters, Margaret and Elizabeth have returned from holi- daying at Rondeau Park. Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter have re- turned from a two week's motor tour when they visited friends in Providence, R, I., New York and Brooklyn. On the return trip they visited/friends in Woodstock. LONDESBORO Mrs. J. W. Tamblyn, who has been visiting friends in Leamington and Toronto for the last two months has returned to her home here. Mr.' and Mrs. II. Lyon are visiting. their daughter, Mrs. E. Holmes, at Dresden. Miss Rosale. Crawford of London was the guest of Miss Elsie 1VIan- ning over the week -end. Mb and Mrs. Barkes and children. of Toronto who has been spending their holidays at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. J. Fingiand, have returned to their home in Toronto.' Mr, and Mrs. M. McDogald of Lon- don were, callers on :Mrs. E. Bell on Monday. M7, and Mrs.H. Morris and daugh- ter, Velma and Mr. C. Mullen. of To- ronto, visited at Mrs. J. Manning's on Sunday. Mir. and Mrs. MelVlartin' of 'Wash- ington were visiting, at Miss L 'Young's and other friends in the i ,village recently. 'Phe W. 1. Picnic to Bayfield last Thursday was a decided suceess in every way. The lake breezes were rather cool, but the young people en- joyed themselves playing . ball and running races, over two hundred be- ing present to enjoy the ample picnic hunch. Mr, and Mrs. C. Watson and, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ' Govihr, motored to Dresden on Saturday to visit their cousin, Mrs. lfolnies over the week- end. Mr, and Mrs. W. Lyon of Blyth called on Mr. and Mrs. E. IJ;esk on Monday. Mr, and Mrs, Janes r Is I; leY are visiting their daughter,M r•s c Mlton Hooper, of ,near St, Marys for a"few weeks. Mr, and Mrs, Kunkle, of Niagara Falls and son and daughter are guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crawfordof Londesboro. 'PEOPLE, YOU KNOW Mrs. •W!. T. Henry went to London on Monday to visit friends. Miss Isobel Chowan visited friends in Teeswater during the week. Mrs.n i A n e Nicholls oWiltonf W Grove spent the o week -end in Strathroy. Mrs, 13. J. Kehoe of Buffalo is vis- iting her sisterMr's. James Levy. Mrs. Barrand Miss Barr were week- end visitors of Mss. W. T. Henry.- Leonard enry:Leonard McKnight' of Torontovisit- ed his hoine in town over the holi- day. Mrs. Charles Mallen of Sarnia is visiting her parents, 11f. and . Mrs. J. Levy. • Mrs. Larkwarthy and Miss Dorothy, of 'Mitchell called on Mr. and Mrs, J. Levy. Miss Aggie McIntyre from Strath - ray' is spendingthe summer at Bayfield. 1liss Marion Akam of Detroit is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs C. Akan. Mr, and Mrs." Wm. Shalor of London spent the week -end with Mrs. W. T. Henry. • Mrs. C. T. Wallis, is home after an extended trip through .the Cana- dian West. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Levy ofDetroit are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Levy. Mrs. J. Button .of Toronto was a guest over the week=end with Mrs. A. E. Runiball. Mr. and Mrs. McMerray of Hnrrr- stun visited with Clinton friends over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Milne of Chic- ago visited at the home of the lat- ter's aunt, Mrs. T. K. Mair. Mr. and Mrs. Reece Jenkins motored to Guelph on Saturday to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Cameron. Mr and Mrs. Binford J. Colquhoun of Chicago visited Mrs. Harry Fitzsimmons and Mrs, Kennedy. Mrs. W. T. O'Neil and guests spent the week -end at Miss Jessie • 0' Nail's cottage in Southampton. Miss Ruby Potter and Dr. McKay of Providence, Rhode Island, are guests of Ma•. and Mrs. 0. W. Pot- ter. Miss Lucile Grant was the guest last week of Mme. D. Perie Beyea, who lectured' at the Chautauqua in God- erich. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Levy and Toni Alin of Toronto aro visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Levy. • Mr. Howard Venner of the Royal Bank staff, Burgessville, is spend- ing his holidays camping in Bay- field. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Plumsteel and daughter and grand -daughter of Buffalo, were guests of Mrs. O'Neil. Mrs. R. B. Rouse and grandson, Don- ald McGillvary of Hamilton are guests of her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Hearn. 'IMas Esther Trewartha has returned • home from Goderich, where she visited at the home of Miss Orel. Cooper.t Mrs. Frank George and 'Misses Isa- bel and Jean visited the former's sister, Mrs. Wm. Crittenden last week... Mrs. Thomas Elliott and daughter Maud, Davenport Road, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. James Levy last week. Mrs. S. A. Anderson who has been visiting Mrs. Henry Plumsteel for the past month has left to visit friends in Belleville. The Hon. G. S. Henry, Minister of Ontario Provincial Highway, cal- led on Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Tre- wartha on Tuesday. Mr. Earl Steward•and bride of Wind- sor and Miss Heathy Steward of Vegerville, Alberta, visited their uncle, Mr. Win. Crittenden, last week. Mr.: and Mrs. Clifford Epps, who have been spending some time with friends and relatives in this vi- cinity have returned to, their home in Cuba. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fritts and daughter, Virginia Marguerite of Jackson, Michigan. are visiting their father, Mr. John C. Sterling, James street. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Venner left on Wednesday for Hampton the home `of the bride's parents to spend a few days before taking up their residence in Markham, Miss Pearl Churchill returned home on Saturday after two weeks va- cation with her sisters, Mrs. Doug- las Massey and Miss Ruby Church- ill of Port Carling, Muskoka. Mrs. W. J. Wright of Harrow and grandson, Jack Mlclntyre of Chat- ham and daughter, Mrs. Dudley Diggsand son of Leamington left for their home on Tuesday, after spendingthe week -end with Chief' and Mr's. Levi Stong. Mg. and: Mrs. R. L. Tanner, Mr. and Mrs.: T. H. Tanner of Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs, S. E. Saunders of Owen Sound. , Mr. and Mrs. V. `Panner, and Mr. A. Tanner of Pais ley were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R, 1I. - Johnston. Mrs. Fred Weir and children, who for the past few months have been visiting at ilhe home (of the formers parents, Mir. and Mrs. R. Jenni- son,. left Monday to visit relatives ,at Toronto and Teterboro, 'before returning to their home in Swift Current, Sask. - Mr. and Mrs. John W. hessian of New York and son, Jol n, Jr.,, of Detroit, motored u from Toronto fa r to last wp eek Accom ani p ng them were 711. Ilession's sisters. Mrs. W. R. McBryen and Mrs, John Griffin of Toronto and. Mrs. Jas. B. Morrison of Whitechurch. They were the guests of Mr.• and Mrs. J. E, Hovey. BAYFIELI) Mrs. C. Plater and little son o£ Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLeod. • Mr. and Mrs. E. A.. Sauder, Bob- by and Betty, returned to Kitchener on Monday after having visited with Mr. and bus. F. A. Edwards for a low days. ' Dr. A. Newton -Brady won low gross for the first nine holes in the Ontario Doctors Golf Championship Tournament held at, the London Club on Thursday of last week. Revand Mrs, 3. Gale and family, Hugh, Jim, Bill and baby Donna, of Burns Church, Sarnia, Left on Mon- day to spend the remainder of their vacation- at Pinkerton after having spent a week with the former's par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Gale. Mr. and Mks. Schmidt and family of Sebringyille are occupying Mrs. Stotliers cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Major are ho]adaiing in 'VV. H, Shannon's cottage in Lake- side Park, ' Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chapman and family of London are occupying their cottage this month. • Mrs. E. Paull of London arrived last week^to visit her son, Rev. Paull. Miss Rubie Fisher of Kitchener was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards over the week -end. Rtass Maude Stirling of Toronto came on Saturday to visit her sister, Miss J. Stirling. ' Misses Dorothy and Mabel Hodgins of Toronto joined their mother and brothers at their summer home on the Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. C. Berry and Mas- ters Buster and Buddy Burt of Lon- don spent a few days last week with Mrs. Berry's sister, Mrs. F. W. Bak- er. Mr. and Mrs. Berry returned to London on Monday with Mr. V. Burt who with Mrs. Burt and Margaret came for the holiday. Mrs. 'Burt and children remained with her par- ents for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Parker and family who have been visiting the former's parents and other relatives left on Friday for their home in. Ne- koma, N. Dakota. Dr. and blrs. E. Garrett and two boys of Cleveland, Ohio are occupy- ing one of R. Heard's cottages for this month, The third amoral Golf Ball held in Jewett's Pavillion on Monday even- ing was quite a success both soc- ially and financially. The prizes were awarded as follows: Best Waltz: Dr. and Mrs. Procunier, Dor- chester; Best fox trot, Miss X. Mc- Mahon, London, and Don. Trebell Stratford. Those judging were Mr. and Mrcs. Baulch, Mrs, L. M. Day and Mr. and Mrs. h'. Sills The president and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stevenson of Toron- to, were introduced by 1dr. L. W. Burch and Mrs. Stevenson presented the prizes to the winners following a few words from the President in which he thanked those present for their patronage. The Blue Water Boys Orchestra provided the music in their usual splendid style. On Sunday afternoon, August 11, by the kind permission of Lt. Col. R Trow, and the officers of the Regiment, the Perth Regimental Band will give a concert in Jewett's Grove. The following program: 1. 0 Canada, 2. March, New .Colonial, R. B. Hall; 3. Overture, The Elves, Kiefer; 4. Overture, Debuntante, F. A.. 1Vlyers; 5. Overture,. Daughter of the Elm, W. L. Skaggs; 8. March, Stars "and Stripes for Ever, Sousa; 7. Overtire, American Federation,. W. L. Skaggs; 8. Western 'Wiorld, Ed. Chenetee; 9. Overture, Royal Pag- eant, G. D. Barnard; 10. March, Bom- bast,, Farrar; 11. Overture; Har- moniana, .1. F. Galuska; 12. The Sky Pilot, A. M. Laurens; 13. Overture, Gala Night, Ed: Chenetee; 14. March, Salutation, Lt. Seitz. God Save the King. D. A. Withrow, Bandmaster. Mr. Maurice King has returned to Oshawa after spending his holidays with his aunt. Miss R. Kennedy Mrs. W. C. Kennedy of Windsor is the guest of Miss R. Kennedy. Mrs. E. Sharpe returned to Toron- to on Saturday after having visited Mrs; J. A. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jowett of Port Huron are theguests of Mk. and Mrs_. W. R. Jowett.' lVtr. acid M'rs. Jim Ferguson, Lon- don are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson. Mliss Ruth Houston of London is Spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Houston. Miss E. V. Pollock of •Sault • Ste. Marie is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock. Miss Ethel Cameron. niece and nephew, Frank and Ethelda 'Woller, of. Detroit are with her aunt, Miss E. Cameron. this week. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. _Lewis of To- ronto are visiting with Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Woods. Miss- G. Morrison. of Winnipeg left on Monday for Montreal after hav- ing visited Mrs. 3. A. Ferguson for a few days. Miss Morrison former- ly lived in Bayfield, • Mr.. and: Mics. Nelson McConkey of Montreal' have been visiting the' for- mers parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. McConkey at their summer cottage. Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Richardson and two children, Bobby and Rtith, of Waterloo are visiting. Mics. Rich- ardson's parents, Rev. and Mrs, R. M'.'Gale, ' ,x week- end spent the w ' a Miss Nina Heard ea su end in" Rochester N.Y., having mot- ored there with, some friends. Mrs;• 11. Wt Woods and 1Va4•s. 3. L. Buchan, evho have been visiting in Saskatoonand other western points, for the bast month, returned home oh Saturday. Ma. and'. ME's. Fred Davidson of Detroit visited this week with the former's mother, Mrs. Kate Davison. Mrs" C. I-Iu11ey and family of Ham- ilton arrived on Saturday to visit her mother; M'a's. A. Currie. The congregation a e•Ye gtion of St James" Church, Middleton, was the host at a picnic of the three congregations. of Bayfield Parish held at Jewett's. Grove on Thursday last when a most enjoyable afternoon and evening was spent, In the afternoon a program of races was run off and 'after tea there was -a good game of soft ball. Mrs. J. E. 'Worsen and two sons who have been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Fowlie, for sev- eral weeks left on Tuesday for their home in Cabri, Sasls. The annual picnic of St. Andrew's United Church Sunday school and" congregation was held in Jowett's• Grove on .Friday afternoon when a splendid program of sports was helot and a most enjoyable time ]rad by - all those present. Rev. R. 115, Gale returned home on' Tuesday after having been to Elora where he preachd at a service held' in the United Churoh which was - sponsored by the pupils of No. I Pilkington school whichhe at one, time attended. On Monday sports were held 00 the grounds of Armory Hall. Mr Jas. 11/Tc1VI'illan and cbildrew J s. cMilla a M n of London, Mrs: T. A. McKenzie of Cuba, and Miss Helen McMillan of Toronto are at their cottage. Mrs. A. Welch and daughter, Ag- nes of Mimico, ' and Mr. and Mrs.. Baker and son, Kenneth, of Toronto came on Saturday to visit their moth- er, Mrs. A. Biggart. Mr. Eldred Agnew and Miss Sei- bert of Detroit were the week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wes -- ton. Miss Mallard of Detroit is the guest of Miss Rachel Taylor. Miss Alice Stinson of New York' and Mrs, David Prentice of Toronto - arrived on Tuesday to visit their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Stinson. Mass Ethel Jowett returned on' Sunday to spend the remainder of her vacation with her parents. She' has as her guest Miss Dorothy Dav- is avis of WOodlawn. Mrs, Lord and two children, Ken- neth and Bernice, of Hamilton came on Sunday to spend the week with. her brother, "Mr. E. A. Featherston. Mr. Lord returned to Hamilton on' Tuesday. Guests at the Ritz Hotel this week. are: Win. Lapointe, Archie Lapointe, Miss Cecile Gapinile, Mies V. Thomp- son of Windsor; D. F. Wlillcinson, La: Salle; Misses Hilda and Nellie Bush, Ii. Miller, London; W. L. Caldwell„ Sarnia; Miss M. Habkirk, Seafurthe• Moss Ida Ball, Clinton; Chas. Mee- ! han, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Machan, Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Smith; {Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Roberts" 'and family, Brantford. Anniversary Services ' were held St. Andrews United Church, Bay- field, on Sunday, August 4th, when• Rev. J. A. Agnew, B.A., of Kings- ville, Ont. president of London Cbn- ference, and a former minister of Ontario Street United. chureh, Clin- ton, was present and preached at both services, In the morning his subject was "Train thyself to be re- ligious." The pastor and Rev. W. Richardson of the Presbyterian' Church, Waterloo, assisted in the' service. The choir rendered very ap- propriate anthems, "Sing unto the' Lord" and "Come Ye Disconsolate." Rev. -Jas. A. Gale of Burns United Church, Sarnia, sang "Open the gates of the Temple." -In the evening the subject of Mr. Agnew's address was. "The Crucified Life," Gal. 2, 20, Miss Proctor of Brussels sang very beau- tifully a rendering of "Terns Lover of my Soul," "A Dream of Para- dise" was splendidly sung by Rev. J. A. 'Gale and the choir rendered' "Dear Spirit Lead 1VI'e." There were large congregations at both services• and altogether the day proved very successful, and inspiring. Miss Grainger of Clinton is oc- cupying W. Middleton's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gray. of D'e-- troit are staying with : Mr. and Mars.. Robt, Scotchmer. Dr. and Mfrs, C. W. Brown are' now occupying their cottage whicllr they have had built this summer. Miss F. Summers • and her sister. of Stratford are spending a week's• vacation with Mrs. W. R. Elliott. Mrs. E. H. Johns spent a day rec- ently with friends at Seeswater. The Rev. J. H. Barnett, Ph.D., of' Ridgetown, and Rev. C. E. Dougan, B.A.. of Clinton will have charge -of the Presbyterian church. service on Sunday, August 11th at 11 o'clock in the town hall, AUBURN Mfr, and Mfrs. Gormley Thompson of Hamilton :visited relatives here over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Mlam•o and family visited relatives at Sebring- ville over the holiday. A largo` number from here atten- ded, the races' rte Goderich on Monday - this week. '. Miss Alma Mutch returned to ,To - route on Monday 'after spending a month with her parents here.' Mr. and Mrs. Piercy Ribbert of Toronto , were the guests r at the home of Mr... and Mrs. H. Mogridge, over the Week -end. M alr e a Kn x Dawson. and Clayton• Robertson have gone on a camping. trip for a week, :Mir. and Mare, Geo: Patterson of Toronto who have been visiting in this district` returned to their home on Mon.oday.