HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-08-01, Page 5IHURSDA'Y,.1:41.7GIJST .1, 1929 THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD BRUCEFIELD, operation recently in Seaforth ho pital, The Rev. W. A, 'arid Mrs,' l3remnei+ Rev. C. A. Mustard of Toronto are akin their holiday in August. conduct Divine services 'on the i a a £. silks Edna. Bremner underwent an two Sundays in,August. Charlie sr w ret is °UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN WHAT ITAS THE .UNIVERSITY TO i—A wide range of excellent courses Is Arts, Medicine, Public Health and Nursing. 2—New buildings and up-to-date equipment. 3—Splendid library facilities. 4 --Highly developed • week in Physical Educa- tion; a chance for every J' student to take part be games. 5 --An attractive social life. 6 -Close personal •contact - be. tweenprof esaoro and students. ' 7—A eyotematio effort by the University to help worthy students to get plated after graduation. ONTARIO OFFER?• Write for informa- tion to: ir. P. 'R. NEV1LL8,. Ph.D., Registrar, London. Canada You Can Have Running Water At. the Turn of the Tap tlllif see se A::da1,ees> Sitis WHY not have it so instead of trudging to w the old hand pump? .An 'Empire Duro Water Supply System brings the water right from the well into your home. With it you can add a bathroom, but be sure it is Emco equipped. Emco Bathroom fixtures are of the best possible construction, guaranteed to give lasting satisfaction and service.Chromium plated. or China fittings as desired. Empire Duro Water Supply Systems are made in several styles—suitable for deep or shallow. wells, cisterns or springs, and you will be surprised at the low initial. cost. IIL:SS IIE/\�CHAWEN GE R has the rightdare/. to Challenging , oar Coior Show dr4OME see at our Color Show the beauty and Variety of color which Essex offers at no extra cost. With its open challenge, that excepts no car—„ -with its 24% greater tower—greater beauty, adult- size capacity, riding ease and economy— Essex establishes also an out- standingleadership in proven VALUE. Essee offers standard fine car equipment, formerly identified .only with costly cars—available onlyeat extra cost on cars of Essex price. A WHO Choice lotf Ctilon AT NO EXTRA COSI '84® AND U1' A.11 prices f. o. b. Winelsor, taxes extra. The H. M. C. Paechase Plah of- fers the lowest terms available Shana: -CLAYTON, 'ONTARIO an . old Brucefield boys and his . many friends will be, gladto see and hear again,,' • Mr, and d Mas. 1Vlonteit and fame ' M, h sly o£ London and i3hh s. Janet' Ross •of our yiliago are spending their holidays inn Muskolta, Mi s , .1e c. Ross is i' visiting : at the home of Jr.. and Mrs. A. •Nichleson, 11grs, Thompson and ehildren . of Sarnia are the guests. of Mrs. Stev- ens.. Mass Irene Snider of London is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Snider, ' Miss Mary, McNaughton wise has been teaching school. at Sault St. Marie for the past few years has been engaged to teach at No. 3 Tuckersmith "for the coming year. II,/feS7 Byran and ..family of Winni- peg visited this week the former's uncle annd aunt, Mr. and Mas. James Walker. ST. HELENS 33r. and ^Mrs, John W. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. WiIrner Reid > and, Mrs. Rathwell Spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. R, J. Woods The community picnic which was held at Kincardine on Wednesday' last was: well attended and all report having a good time Mr. John Wallace of • forest is spending a few weeks with his . sis- ter, Mfrs. John Miller, Sr., Bliss W. D. Rutherford has re- turned from Toronto where she was examining Upper School Examina- tions. Mi:. and Mrs. W, Bryan, Percy Lockwood, Mrs. W. Carter and babe of Laurel were visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alf.' Webb. ,Mr .and Mrs. Robt. Reid of Weind- sor visited at' the home of his sister Mrs. R. J. Woods this week. Me. and Mrs. Robinson Woods and family were down to Stanley to see Mrs. Woods' brother on Monday eve- ning. The young people of the neighbor - hoed held a reception for Mr. and Mrs. John 'Cameron on Friday even- ing and presented the young couple with a nice assortment of silver. We wish' the young couple all the best wishes for a long and happy married life. The hay crop has been practically all in and the farmers are now busy cutting their wheat. COLBORNE - Mr. and Mrs. Vere Cuningham and family spent Sunday with Mrs, C. C. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson and daughter Ruth, cane on Friday from the vicinity of Port Arthur to visit the former's relatives. Quite a number are attending the Chatauqua this week, M4. and Mrs! Wm. Cuningham and son, Harold, and little Phyllis and Harold Elder of Tillsonburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vere Cunningham on Thursday. Miss Annie Tabb spent Sunday with Miss Amelia McIllwain, Mrs. Fred Sehwantz and three children of Detroit are with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Young near Nile. We are glad to say that Mr. Alex. Young, Loyal, is feeling much bet- ter again. The . engagement is announced of Miss Hilda Hardy, daughter of Mr., `and Mrs. Ed. hardy, to Mr. Graham Inglis of Goderich, the marriage to take place on August lst. AUBURN - Mr. and .Mrs. C. M. Straughan and children are away for a few days camping trip. The Knox United church Junior Bible Class held their alinual picinc at Menesetung last Wednesday. Aland. Idrs A. M, Rice and son, Garth, accompanied by Nliss Laura Philips are away for a two weeks' motor trip to North Bay and other points. Tuckersmith Township The Seinday school of Turner's church intend holding their annual picnic to -morrow, August 2nd in the Harbour Park, ;Goderich. All former members who are now living in town are cordially invited to at, tend the picnic. The . members of the Fear family gathered together to picnic at Bay- field on Tuesday, July 30th. Several families in 'this, vicinity at- tended the Pepper family reunion which was, held in Stratford on Tues- day. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Schell and family of Detroit, who have bee; spending a weeks' vacation at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin, returned to the -city on Sunday last, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hawat. Mr.' and `Mrs. Bongish of Detroit motored over to spend` the week -end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin. VARIETY;. IN TILE ICAWATtTHA • • DISTRICT ' 'Whether you seek companionable people pea a in comfortable hotels or a secluded cottage in the backwoods, • You will find both amongst' the Ka.• wartha Lakes. From well-appointed resorts there offers, tennis, dancing, lawn -bowling, bathing and the joll- iest sort of a crowd to the fishing waters of the; hinterland; there are surroundingsto suit every taste, No matter whatt your choice may be, fish, and plenty of thein, are not far away. , The nearest Canadian National ailways Agent can give you comms pRlete' information and 'literature on this easily 'accessible playground. 251. 1BIRTns SAUItillPP•-- In Dinsley Terrace, on Jul 1 y 27, to Dorson and Mrs• Stmn,' der, a son. LOVETT-In Clinton hospital on. T's' July 30, to Mo, and Mrs, Wm. Lo - e, 0 son:• DEATHS LINK—In Clinton, on Sunday, July 28th, Vesta. Marie, daughter , of Jahn and Lena Link, aged 18 years 6 months and 24 days. TRICK—In 'Burlingham, Cal., on June 77th, 1929,, Helen Tricic, aunt of Anson ', Pratt. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS JN THE NEWS -RECORD YOU CAN USE AIR 14IAIL SERVICE _ Regular Air Mail. Service has been. established in Western Ontarip. This servicemay be used to advan- tage by the citizens of every com- munity whether they are on thedir- ect line or not. Conimmnications pos- ted "Via Air Mail" and bearing the correct amount of postage -5 cents for the first ounce and 10 cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof wil 1be forwarded to the thereof -will be forwarded to ; the advanced to its destination over`eon- neeting air mail, train and steamer routes, Air Mail Service is now being used with profit to those doing so and it ie reasonable to expect that the ser- vice willbe' expanded providing the people use it increasingly. • CARD• OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Wiggington and • Jack wish to'acknowledge the courtesies of their friends, 'also the flowers and the use of ears, in their recent bereavment. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. John Link and fam- ily wish to thank' all their neigh- bors and friends for the flowers and kindness shown in their recent ber- eavement and also while Mrs. Link was in the hospital. For Sale Two grade, Dual Purpose Short- horn heifers, one due to calve this Week, the other about October lst. Also two purebred young Shorthorn cows, bred along dual purpose lines, due to freshen about October 1st. Three of these are with calf to Hill- view Minstrel, who was junior and Reserve Grand Champion Dual Pur- pose Shorthorn bull at the 1927 Roy- al Winter Fair. Murray Gibson, Brucefield. 25-1. Home-made Baking Sale St. Paul's Church Ladies Guild will hold an afternoon tea and sale of home-made baking on the church lawn, Tuesday, August 6th, Burgess The Mitchell Photographer Will be in my Clinton Studio, Tues- day, August 13th and Tuesday, Aug- ust 27th Hours 10 a.tn, to 5 p.m. Good Portraits our Specialty, 25-2. Stanley Toweship Voters' List The Voter's List, 1929 for the Town- ship .of Stanley, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons .mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voter's List Act the copies of the list., made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the Assessment Roll, of the Municipality of the Township of Stanley, to be en- titled to vote in the said Municipality at elections to the Legislative Assem- bly and at Municipal 'Elections, and the said list was first posted up in my office at Varna on Tuesday the 233rd day of July 1929, and remains there for inspection. I hereby call on all voters to examine the said list and if any errors or omissions are found therein to take immediate proceeding to have same corrected according to .law. Dated at Varna this 29th day of July, 1920. J. E. Ilaruwell, Municipal Clerk. 25-3. TENDERS FOR, DREDGING Sealed tenders, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed` "Tender for dredging, Goderich, Ont.," will be received until 12 o'clock noon, (day- light saving), Friday, August 9, 1929, Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Combined specification and form of tender can be obtained 071applica- tion to the undersigned, .also at the office. of the District Engineer, Cus- toms Building, London, Ont. • Tenders must include the towing of the plant to and front the work. The dredges and other plant which are intended to be used on the work shall have, been duly registered in Canada at the time of the filing of the tender with the Department, or shall have been built in. Canada af- ter the filing of the tender. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, for 5 per cent of the contract prico, but no cheque to be for less than 6500,0o. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or bonds of the Canadian National Rail- way Company will be accepted as se culrity, or bonds and a cheque if re- quited to make un an odd amount, By Order, • S. E. 0.'BRiEN, Secretary. Department of Public Works,.,, . Ottawa, July. 29, 1929, ' 25-1. Member of Florist Telegraph delivery Association CUT" FLOWERS, FLORAL DESIGNS For All Occasions, Sent Anywhere. Greenhouse is as near as your phone, Chas. V. Cooke Two Phones-66w'and 66j Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices of eggs. You will always •findour prices par- allel'with the city markets. Fat hens and well -finished chicks always wanted—Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce. ' • - N,, W. Tre; a hal Phones—Office. 214j Residence, `214w NO LOSS OF SLEEP IF YOU BUY Standard Royalties Your monthly check never fails. Pure Canadian Management, IMPERIAL TRUST CO, OF ' CANADA, TRUSTEES 12 per cent. Dividend Sure Dividends Paid Monthly. P. J. G. CHOWEN CLINTON. 0. Box, 155 Phone, 52 04-tf. MEAT Lard in bulk 17c Lard in 31b. pails 50c Lard in 5 lb. pails 80c Lard in 10 lb. pails $1.60 Lard in 20 ib. pails ' $3.00 Smoked Rolls 30c Corned Beef, boneless 22c Pickled Tongues 22c Pickled Picnic Hams. ..... ,23c Rib Roast of Beef 22c Shoulder Roast of Beef 22c Hone -made Pork Sans. 24c H. -made Head Cheese.,20c Jellied Hock 30c Jellied Veal . 30c English Loaf, Corned Beef, Macaroni and Cheese Loaf, Cooked Ham, Weiners, Bol- ogna, Liver Sausage, Sum- mer Sausage, Ring Bologna Par Boiled Ham, Boneless Hams, Smoked Hams, Pic nic Hams, Bacons of all kinds, always on hand, Pork Lamb, Beef and Veal for week -end as usual. CONNELL & TYNDALL Clinton's Leading Meat Market Feathers You can have your feather bed made into a sanitary roll mattress or down comforter. Drop a card to Dominion Feather and Mattress Co., Goderich, Ont,, and our agent will call, 23-3. house For Sale 7 -room house, Orange street, Clin- ton. Town water; electric lights. Also two vacant lots. Apply to Brown Stewart, R. R. No. 2, Bay- field. Phone 606x5, Clinton central. 23-tf. HURON COUNTY OLD AGE PEN- .. SION BOARD, This board is composed of the fol- lowing members of Huron County Council, and they are now ready to receive and forward applications to the government, viz:—W. J. Hender- son, Reeve of Morris, Wingham P.O.; Robt. Higgins, Reeve of Hensel', Hensall P.O.; Roland Kennedy, Reeve Tuckersmith, Seaforth; J. W. Craigie, Deputy Reeve, Goderich, Goderich P. O.; Geo. Hubbard, Deputy Reeve, Howick, Clifford P.O. Blank forms for application may be obtained from any of these or from themunicipal mu ueipal clerics throughout the county or from the undersigned. Applicants are urged to be very careful to have them filled correctly in every particular preferably by the municipal clerks, and to furnish the best available proof of age.` Fill the applications • in duplicate and forward by post or otherwise to the at Goderich as soon as possible. Read carefully the regulations or enquire as to who are qualified before making. application. Geo. W. Holman, County Clerk, Goderich, Jniy 16, 1929. 23-3. Heifers Lost Strayed from the.premises of the undersigned about July . lst, two yearling heifers, one roan, the other ' red with white spots. Information regardingsame will be thankfully re- ceived by Fred R. Rathweil, ,Verna P. 0. Phone 86r8 Hensall central. . 24-3-p. Rouse For Sale . .. - Five -roomed house at south end of North street, .Clinton, Half' acre 'of land .and nninber of fruit trees, Es- tate of late Agnes Wilson. ;. Apply to R. Cres, . 23 tf,, Save Your Bonds ,a sushi They Mean 5 cent Discount on The Dollar on All CASH PURCHASES , This Will Be Our PolicyCopy' mencing AUGUST 1st A Bond is given with every cash purchase of 25c or over. Ask for them they', J; are yours. Redeemable in goods at anytime and in any amount. filler Hardware DISTRIBUTORS FOR HURON, PERTH AND GREY C0'S. TELEPHONE 53 CLINTON C. H. VENNER, Electrician - Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7' Transportation Service Long Distance Short Distance Goods in Transportation Insured Furniture Carefully Handled Efficient Operator. Charges Reason- able. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. R. McMath, 601r34. Oliver Pocock, Operator, 610r42. RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Var�eocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. Slabs For Sale Orders left at my residence will receive prompt attention. E Ward, Huron street, Clinton. Phone 155. 15-tf For Sale On Victoria street a 10 -roomed frame house in 'perfect condition, pantry, washroom, bath, new Me -- Clary furnace, cellar under whole of house, large garden, garage, in beautiful location. Apply to Mrs. A, S. Inkley, Clinton. 07-2-p-tf. For Sale White brick house on Princess St., east, with eight rooms. Town and soft water, electrie lights, one-half acre of land with barn, large and small fruit, Possession at once. Apply to Mr. Levi Stong, Clinton, Ont„ or Mrs. James Steep, 8 Elm- wood Avenue, London, Ontario. 07-tf. house For Sale A comfortable seven room cottage with town water and electric lights, ?!t acre of land with small fruit and good stable with chicken house. Ap- ply to Alex. Sloman, Fulton street, Clinton. 05-tf. "Niagara" Super -Soluble Land Lime, also, high grade fertilizers always in stock. Prompt delivery service when required. H. R, Baer, Phone Carlow, 2821, R. R. No. 5, Goderieh, Ont. 15•tf. Clinton's tt o:" JUST A MOMENT, SIR, HAVEN'T* YOu FORGOTTEN SOMETH ING That's silly! No man would go off on a vacation and forget to take his wife! But Sonia of them do forget the next most important thing; ordering their winters coal before they go. Don't get caught at the end of the summer with a cold house, an empty bin and a sick pocket book. Order your coal today. Call the 'Aver RIUlf for good, dean coal Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and rd. paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms ver Heard's B. rber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283.d :.n - ., We Want Your Milk and Cream We are manufacturers of both cheese and butter. We want yowl milk or cream. We pay highest mar- ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar. anteed. Phone your order for finest cheese or pasturised butter in prints or sol. ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Out., Ii, R, No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. THE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPERA. 'TIVE CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY, LIMITED • Currents and Raspberries BY THE BOX OR CRATE E. L. MITTELL Elnislea Chick Farm, Clinton, Phone, 213 SPECIAL CASH PRICES ON LEIiIGH VALLEY COAL , in all sizes One Of The Best Qualities Coke Supply kept in Sheds at Residence A. D. McCartney Queen Street A few dry slabs for Sale • Telephone 256 Cockshutt Agency Wishing Repairs or Parts for Cockshutt or Frost and Woods Ma- chines of any kind should call at my Residence, I also handle Cockshutt Cream Separators. JOHN Y. DIEHL, Queers Street, Clinton. 81-tf. SEEDS Complete stock Clovers and Grass Seeds on hand. March Prices al- ways best prices. Our Alfalfa is Peel County Seed No. 1 Government standard . This type of seed is practically impossible to buy this year. Have only a small stock. Good value while it lasts. J.A. FORD & SON Phone 123 - Flour, Peed and Seed McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag- ency for this district I will keep on hand a full stock of repairs and ` arts of all McCormick -Deering machines and will appreciate a share of the. patronage of the farmers surounding Clinton. Cali at my shop, next door to Jones' blacksmith shop, Ring street, W. J. STEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04-t4, Eggs and Pauitr Horne on Tuesday and Friday fore noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence ever? day -graded by an experienced grad, er, for which we pay the highest m ket price.. Cream purchased for StilIman'a COAL COMPANY A. E. Finch VikingCream Separator PLIONE• .14 CLINTONp Agent. Victoria St., Clinton Phone 2�