HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-07-18, Page 5"`7}LURSDA'i'`, JULY 18, 1929
(i -DAY the lure of easy profits is
1. drawing many into the whirlpool of
risky speculation—to-morrow the Vision
of wealth may be rudely shattered.
A few 'years ahence, which will be yours
—a comfortable balance' in the Bank or
vain regrets for hasty action?
The Royal Ban
01' Canada
Clinton Branch ' - R. E. Manning, Manager
996 «. ..
Of Interest to You .
and Me
London, Ont., is jubilant because it
as now upon an air mail route.
* ,: * *
Wheat prices have soared but we
'fear it is not an encouraging sign
.at this .season.
Canada continues to disclose her
many resources. Just now on the
IVlattagami River deposits of china
•clay are being brought to the point
of production.
* ,, a:.*
Monday was St. Swithin's Day and,
according to the old saying, we ought
to have forty days of dry weather,
:as no rain fell on Monday. But prob
ably we shall have a shower -occasion-
:ally, hope so anyway.
& *
King Albert of Belgium went in
swimming the other day and some
miscreant came along and stole his
clothes. It'was a mean trick. Sup-
pose King Ab. had to hide in the
'bushes until after dark before he
could go home.
Women may be equal, Vat a man
doesn't persuade some friend to go
with him to the barber• shop for
moral support.—Kingston Whig -
Oh, that's all 'right. But how
about going to a church supper or a
• bazaar?
ro * r s
After seeing the depredations' .of
blackbirds in destroying small birds'
nests, digging up corn, eating garden
peas and. picking the cherries, one
-naturally wonders just what good
'they do to compensate for their noisy
chatter and destruction.--Farmer's
h * A *
The total amount spent on the im-
provement and maintenance of Cana-
dian roads annually is well over
—Montreal Herald.
'Yes, and not yet even a .two -foot
path on Which anyone who is obliged
in this day of wheeled traffic, or who
wishes for the sake of the exercise, to
take a walk.
His Majesty, the King, was obliged
to undergo another operation last
:week for tlio• draining of an abcess
\which had formed in his chest, The
operation, which• involved the remov-
al of a part of two ribs, although
described as a minor one, was ser-
ious enough but His Majesty's health
has so far recovered that he was able
'to stand it well and it is hoped that
he will now regain his vigor without
further *bath.
The Pembroke Standard -Observer
,came out -lett .;ttveek- with a 'twenty-
four page issue,. in honour of having
moved into naw quarters, and the
third section of eight pages was al-
most entirely -taken up :with a 'des-
,cription of the building, the progress
,pf the papaw eince its establishment
.seventy-five years ago and such like
-intimate things. And ,among the pie -
tures carried.in this,„eection was one
of Gordon L. Hall, son of Mr. G. E.
`gall and fornnerly linotype operator
,,on Tie ` aws-Record, who is linotype
,t1}ter}ater on that paper at present.
if the members would conspire, to get
on with the business of the House, in-
stead of spending days on end' in
useless twaddle, there would be no
need of keeping on so long. Usually
there is more business done in the
.last week Parliament sits- than in
six weeks ; at the beginning of the
session. The shortening of the ses-
sion is in the hands of, the members
themselves. _ •
m * w *
The -Goderich Signal says anyone
who wants evidence as to the compar-
ative merits of newspapers and hand-
bills for advertising need only look
in the postoffice waste basket after a
lot of circulars have beenput in the
mail.- One doesn't have to take ,the
trouble to go back to"find the waste-
basket. The evidence is always
strewn thickly and untidily'upon the
'floor in Clinton. The patience of the
caretaker must often be tried by the
number 'of pieces of "direct" adver-
tising which box holders throw upon
the floor without ' even looking at
them. While, a number, no 'doubt,
carry such mail matter home and dis-
pose of it there, it is doubtful if more
than twenty per cent. is actually read,
unless it be of a very unusual char-
The Canadian Legion, Provincial
Command, meeting in -St. Thomas last
week, passed a resolution asking, the
Government to pass a law making it
an offence to fly any flag on any
building in Canada, excepting the
hone of an ambassador ' or consul,
which is under internation law, unless
accompanied by the Union Jack, and
that tourists be compelled to fly the
Union Jack if they wish to display
that of their own country.
tf everyone setting out on week -
.end jaunts registered a resolve to
,;do a little more than a fair share to -
,'ward avoiding accidents the weekly
toll of killed and maimed would soon
be reduced., Probably ninety-nine
put of every one hundred accidents
pf every sort could be avoided by
pare on somebody's part,. If irres-
ons,,ible people continue to drive cars
hensible folk will have to do their.
thinking for them ;as faras possible.
"Good: driving, someonerecently re-
marked, "isn't just a matter of play-
ing safe':. You must allow an extra
margin of safety to care for the
SHAYLQR—HENRY--In London, on
July 17th, by; the Rev: R. E. Mc-
Allister, Charlotte A..'I-lem•y, sis-
ter of , the: late W. T. Henry of
'Clinton, to William Shaylor, both of"
:VIOFFAT—In Clinton Public Hospi-
tal, on
ospi-tal,.on July 4th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Moffat of Stanley town-
ship, a daughter.
HOLLAND--In Clinton Public hos-
pital on July 15th, to Mr•. and Mrs.
Noble Holland, ,Hullett township, a
WILSON—In Goderich hospital, on
'July 7th, to Ma-. and Mrs. Thomas
A. Wilson OF Colborne township,.a
son.-8Ylalcolm Amos.
GIDDINGS-1n Detroit, on "July 9th,
to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Giddings,
(formerly. Marion iVM,eBrien), a
daughter;—Lois Marion,
McINTOSII—At' Brucefield, : on July
18th, Charlotte Rattenbury, widow
of Dr. David McIntosh, in her 85th
year. `
W ATSON—In Wingham, on Wednes-
day;'July '17th, David Wltson, ag-
ed 79 years.
For years visitors, at least some of
them, from the United States were in
the habit of coming over here flying -
the Stars and Stripes without dis-
playing the Union Jack. , This is an
act of discourtesy which Canadians
one and all resent, while they may
not always protest. But latterly, no
doubt owing to the fact that the mat-
ter has been called to their attention,
our southern. cousins have not been
offending in this regard so much. We
have seen many cars this season fly-
ing the -Stars and Stripes but not one
have we seen without the Union Jack
in the highest ;place, which is but
courteous and just. Canada does well
to insist upon being treated with
proper respect by any visitor, within
her borders. And when. Canadians
tour another country we trust they
will be guilty of no act of disrespect
to the flag of the country they visit.
After all the.law'of good manners be-
tween nations is much the same as
that between individuals. Those who
do not wish topay proper respect to
their hosts should stay at home.
To- live at the ,end of a railway
line, even though a .beautiful town
and situated upon a beautiful lake,
as Goderich is, seems to have a pe-
culer disadvantage. Goderich should
be .the. mecca during all the long
summer days of many seeking the.
coolness of lake breerse and it is,
no doubt, to, those fortunate enough
to have transportation facilities of
their own but no one who -depends
upon publicconveyances can go to
Goderieh for a few hours unless pre-
pared to spend' a night.
Gordon Stock has taken a position
with the Holmesville ..Co-operative
Cheese and :Butter Company.
'Mee Rita Cudmore who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Douglas
Ward, of Elmira, has returned home.
Mr, and l\4r•s. Ward motored up
and spent a night recently at the
home of the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs: John Cudmore.
The many friends of Miss Dill Cox
are pleased to learn that she is do-
ing nicely after an operation for ap-
pendicitis in the Clinton Hospital.
John Easton. and Edgar Trewartha
motored. to London on Friday and
attended ''the Orange celebration
there. '
A number • are in Goderich this
week attending the Summer 'school.
Service in • the United Church
Sunday morning was in charge of
the Y.M.C.A. of Stratford, three
members of that organization being
present, Messrs. Harvey, Bryant and
Wayner. Mr. Bryant opened the
service while Mr. Harvey preached
the sermon. The latter was com-
pelled to return to Stratford at the
close of. the church service but Mr.
Bryant and Mr: Wagner remained
for the Sunday school service. The
Adult Junior Bible Class was taken
by Mr. Bryant who also gave a short
talk to the assembled school after
which Mr.; Wagner joined hint in
leading the school in a new ehggr us.
Mr. Bryant also preached at Sh'Th on
and Ebenezer while Mr., Wagner
assisted with the music:. Between
services Mr. Bryant and Mr, Wagner
were entertained at the honie of Mr.
-and Mrs. John Potter.
Pilliam Irvine of Wetaskiwin, a
member Alberta in, the Domin-
ion Parliament, advocated strongly doubt explained by the fact that the
meeting of= Parliament, say 'bus. line is operated by people who
inne early g
over the are' not interested' in' Goderich. Why'
November. with a recess
- see
- twake u and
Cuhrjstmas holidays, so that an earlier doesn t Goderich p
t' f thing altered?
All train and bus service carries
-people away from Goderich, not to it.
The train service is managed to'serve
the 'greatest number' of people,, no
doubt. It is a good man service in,
and anyone wishing to ;go. to Toron-
to fora day's business can take the
morning train, have several hours in
the city and return by b.edtime.'But
no one can come up from Toronto,
Guelph, Stratford or :Clinton' and
have any more time than to swallow
g -`hurried dinner before returning.
One would suppose, that when .a bus
line started .some of .:this inconven-
ience would be a oyercoine, - ,but it
'isn't. The bus: xuns.up; and down af-
fter the train, like a dog at the heels
his master, exceptt that id
ores go
forenoon :hour earlier,
ixp.iiu-the f n an
But there is very little time between.
The trend is away and that is no
' Earl Cudmore, of Norwich, and
Barry Cudmore, of Blyth, were re-
cent visitors at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred C. Jervis
visited Zurich friends on Sunday.
,grace United church, Porter's Hill,
held their annual garden party at the
church yesterday evening, when a
ham and salad supper was served, af-
ter which a splendid program was
given under tho direction of Rev. R.
M. Gale, of Bayfield, pastor of the
church. Rev. F. 11. Paull, of the An-
glican church, Bayfield and Miss
Gladys Gale, took part in the pro-
gram and the Lakeside Entertainers
of Bayfield furnished the music.
`adjournment might be effected Bul that this ser o ing is
Member of Florist Telegraph delivery
• Association
For All Occasions, Sent Anywhere.
Greenhouse, is as near as your phone.
Chas V. Cooke.
Two Phones -68w and 66j
Picnic "Hates 23c
Sh. Shanked Pic. Hams 28c
Smoked Rolls 2Sc
Smoked Cot. Rolls 32c
P. Mealed Cot. Rolls 30c
Home-made Pork Saus24c
H. -made Head Cheese:20c
Jellied Hock _ 30c
Jellied , Veal . 30c
• Lard 'at a Right Price
Variety Loaf,'English `Loaf
Macaroni and . Cheese Loaf
Cooked ` lam,
Parboiled Ham, Bologna
Ring Bologna,, Weiners: and
Liver Saelsage Always on
You are hereby cordially invited to
attend the Golden Jubilee Services to
be held in Hohnesville United Church
September 22nd to October lst, 1929:
Sunday, Sept. 22, A.M., Rev. A.
Sunday, Sept. 22, Evening, Rev, E.
A. Fear.
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 8 P,M., 1,P, Rally:
Thursday, Sept. 26, 3 P.M., Old Time
Sunday, Sept. 29, Morning and Ev-
ening, Rev. R. J. McCormick.
Tuesday, Oct. 1, Four Supper, follow-
ed by good programthe.
Former pastors will speak at all
the week night gatherings.
J. W. Herbert, Lorne Jervis,
Pastor. Secretary,
Clinton's Leading Meat Market
To Owners and Tenants of
the Town of Clinton
Your weed inspector does
hereby notify all property
owners and tenants to see
to it that all Weeds on their
premises be cut in due time
to prevent their ripening.
We therefore suggest the
cutting of weeds on your
prel'nses be commenced at
once, and by your co-opera-
tion we will have a general
An inspection of all pro-
perty in the town will be
made ,by the undersigned in
the next few days and it is
our hope that all work will
be promptly and properly
This board is composed of the 'fel-
lowing members of Huron County
Council, and they are now ready to
receive and forward applications to
the government, viz': -W. J. Hender-
son, Reeve of. Morris, Wingham P.O.;
Relit. Higgins, Reeve of Hensail,
Hensall P.O.; Roland Kennedy, Reeve
Tuckersmith, Seaforth; J. W. Craigie;
Deputy Reeve, Goderich, Goderich P.
0.; . Geo. Hubbard, Deputy Reeve,
Howicic, Clifford P.O.
Blank forms for application may
be obtained from any of these or
from the municipal clerks throughout
the county or from the undersigned.
Applicantsare urged to. be very
'careful to have them, filled correctly
in every particular preferably by the
municipal clerks, and ' to :furnish the
best available proof of age.
i" a hcations in duplicate
fill the pp „ p
and forward by •post or otherwise to
me: at Goderieh' as soon as possible.
Read carefully ; the regulations or
enquire as to who are qualified before
making application.
Geo, W. Holman, , County Clerk,
Goderich, July 16,'1929.. 23 .3.
Weed Inspector.
Pigs For Sale
Young pigs for sale. Apply to
Harold Penhale, Bayfield. • 23-1.
Clinton's New®Laid Egg
And Poultry House
Eggs bought. according toDomin-
ion Government Egg Regulations.
Inquire or our prices of eggs.
You will always find our prices par-
aliel with the city markets.
Fat hens and well -finished chicks
always -wanted-=Prices good.
Always phone our office for prices'
before marketing produce.
N. W. 'Trewartha
Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w
Standard Royalties
House For Sale •
Five -roomed house at south end of
North street, Clinton, Half acre of
land and number of fruit trees. Es-
tate of late Agnes Wilson. Apply to
R. Cree. 23-tf.
You can have your feather bed
made into a sanitary roll mattress
or down comforter. 'Drop a card to
Dominion Feather and 1Vlatiyess Co.,
Goderich, Ont., and our agent will
call. 23-3.
Your monthly check never fails.
Pure Canadian ,Management,
12 per cent. Dividend Sure
Dividends Paid 'Monthly.
P. 0. Box, 155 Phone, 52
• 04-12.
Auction Sale
Of Household Furniture at Resi-
dence, Orange St., on Saturday, July
20th, commencing at 2:00 o'clock
sharp, the following: -
3 piece mahogany parlor suite,
small mahogany table, solid oak din-
ing room table, camp, cot, 2 bedroom
suites, single bed, upholstered couch,
rug, 10 1-2x12 ft., drop-leaf kitchen
table, kitchen cupboard; sewing ma-
chine, coal 'heater, two -burner elec-
tric plate, fruit jars, garden tools,
@hairs, pictures, dishes, and other ar-
ticles. Terms: Cash. Elizabeth
Ford, Proprietress, G. H. Elliott,
Auctioneer. 23-1.
Midsummer Carnival
July 31st
Supper: 5:30 to 7:30.
Excellent Music will be furnished for
and other amusements.
which will follow later in the
Reserve the Date
For a Veal Supper .and a very
Enjoyable time
House For Sale
7 -room house, Orange' street, Clin-
ton. Town water, electric lights.
Also two vacant lots. Apply to
Brown Stewart, R. R. No. 2, Bay-
field. Phone 606r5, Clinton central.
Cherries For Sale
Large Montmorency and black cher-
ries. Come to the orchard. C. Hoare.
Private Sale
Owing to refurnishing Mrs. Mal-
colm' McTaggart offers for private
sale at her home, Shipley St., a num-
ber of odd articles of house furnish;
ings including; electric light fixtures,
curtains•, odd dishes and silverware,
dining room furniture, etc. Sale on
Thursday' and Friday afternoons,
July 25th and 26th from three o'clock
to six. 23-1.
Auction Sale
Of Cattle, Pigs, etc, at lot 92, Flu,
ion Road, 2 miles north of Holmes-
ville, on Thursday, July 25th, at 1.30
the £oloiwing: •
Horses: Mare, 8 years old, weighs
1500 lbs,
CATTLE: holstein cow, 4 years
old, fresh; part Jersey heifer, fresh;
choice Holstein cow, 4 years old, due
in October; Holstein coW, 4 years old,
due in Sept.; Holstein cow, 7 years
old, due in January; Durham cow, 7
yearn old, due in November; Here-
ford cow, due time of sale; Durham
cow, due time of sale; Durham cow,
due in August; Durham heifer, milk-
ing, due this fall; Durham heifer,
milking well; 8 cows with calves at
foot; Poll Angus bull; 6 calves, 25
Ontario stocker heifers.
PIGS -5 -broad sows; 40 young
IMIPLE1VIEN'TS--6 ft. binder; 6
horse -power International engine,
mounted on trucks.
Terms—Six months' credit on ap-
proved bankable paper, or six per
cent, per annum discount for cash.
Ernest Townshend, Proprietor, Geo.
H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 23-1.
Auction Sale
01 House and lot and:. household
effects, on Rattenburystreet, west, on
Saturday, July 27th, at 2 p.m., sharp.
Mrs. T. White has instructed the
undersigned to sell by public auction
her comfortable home and contents of
same, that is to say in part:
Parlor couch, 2 bedroom suites,.
complete, choice rocker,- 4 parlor
chairs, Davenport, Sideboard, spring
metresses, extension table, 5 dining
room chairs, Singer' sewing machine,
2 eight day docks; Wiostern Treasure
range; Art Souviner heater; 2 plate
electric, stove, electric iron, coal oil
heater, electric reading lamp, NeW
Perfection coal oil heater, number of
books, kitehen table, - kitchen cup-
board, pictures, '6 rugs, 2 coal oil
lamps, 2`burner gasoline, stove, gar-
den tools, carpenter's tools, set
scales, lawn mower, ` step ladder,
lawn roller, quantity of canned fruit,
wheelbarrow, iu ober of sealers, dish-
es, pots, pans and numerous other
articles.' Terme: Cash:
At the same 'tune and place the
eight room eottage with two choice
lots will be offered for sale. This is.
a most desirable property, ;in choice
location with town water, electric,
lights,' etc., and will be Sold on the
following terms:
in iter n
20 per cent. of purchase property'
to be paid, down 'ori dayof sale, bal-
ance to be paid :in 20. days. Every -
...thing to be sold' as Mrs., : White is
leaving town. Mrs.. Themes White,
Proprietress, G. H. Elliott, Auction
eel, 22-2.
Any Huron County Boy contem-
plating attending the Ontario Agri-
cultural College for either the As-
sociate or Degree Course is eligible
to compete for the combined Huron
County and Massey Fund -scholarship.
Particulars of scholarship may be
found elsewhere in this paper. Ap-
plications should be addressed to the
Department of Agriculture, Clinton,
Ont. 22-2.
ug Killer, Sure Death.
The Pserfect DUSTING POWDER ---Quick acting and positive
Easy to use, Dry, Fluffy, Light, Oderless. No spayer necessary.
No water to_.carry. No mixing. All ready for use. Isla perfect
treatment` to kill insects that feed upon the leaf. For potatoes,
Currant, and Gooseberry bushes, Rose bushes, Annuals and Per-
ennials, and the vegetable garden. Dusted on Lawns destroys
Ants. Put up in a convenient shaker package for garden use
also in 20Ib• and 50 lb bags.
filler Hardware
C.._ H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Appliances '
Wiring and ''Repairs.
/E rans ortation Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and rd.
Service paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms sver. Heard's B.rber shop.
Long Distance — Short Distance W. 3. Jago. 2283-t1
We Want Your
Mille and Cream
We are manufacturers of both
cheese and butter. We want your
Photographs to Please
Will be made at the Burgess:S.tudio,
Clinton, thesecond and last Tues-
day of each month. Next days in
Studio, Tuesday, July 30th and Tues-
day, August 13th. Wedding , Por-
traits a specialty. •22-3.
Phone 7
Goods in Transportation Insured
Furniture Carefully Handled
Efficient Operator. Charges Reason-
able.• Satisfaction guaranteed. S.
R. McMath, milk or cream. We pay highest mar-
ket610r42. price weekly. Satisfaction guar-
Phone your order for finest cheeeh
or pasturised butter in prints or sol.
ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R,
R. No. 3,.Phone No. 605r32.
601x34. Oliver Pocock,
For Sale
On Victoria street a 10, -roomed
frame house in perfect condition,
pantry, washroom, bath, new Mc -
Clary furnace, cellar under whole of
house, large garden, garage, in
beautiful location. Apply to Mrs.
A. S. Inkley, Clinton. 07-2-p-tf.
For Salo •
White brick house on Princess St.,
east, with eight rooms. Town and
soft water, electric lights, one-half
acre of land with barn, largo and
small fruit. Possession at once.
Apply to Mr. Levi Stong, Clinton,
Ont., or Mrs:,James Steep, 8 Elm-
wood Avenue, London, Ontario.
House For Sale
A comfortable seven room cottage
with town water and electric lights,
14acre of land with smallfruit and
good stable with chicken house. Ap-
ply to Alex. Slornan, Fulton -street,
Clinton. 05-tf.
Super -Soluble Land Lime, deo,
high grade fertilizers always in
stock. Prompt delivery service when
required. H: R. Baer, Phone Carlow,
'2821, R. R. No. 5, Goderich, Ont.
For Sale
Frame cottage, James street, Clin-
ton, electric lights, town water, gar-
den with some fruit trees. Apply to
14tiss Annie Brown, residence ;of Dav-
id Elliott:- Fulton street, Clinton:
Sow and, Pigs For Sale
Good Yorkshire sowwith litter of
ten pigs, 4 weeks old. Apply to
James Stirling,' 6th concession Gode-
rich township, R. R. No, 2, Bayfield.
Phone, 600r12. 20-tf-1-p.
Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins
Abdominal Weakness, :Spinal Deform-
ity. Consultation Free, Call or write,
J. G.Smith, Specialist, t 15 Downie St.,
Stratford, Ont.. 10-1929.
Slabs For
O Sale
Orders left at my. residenee will
receive prompt attention. E Ward,
Huron street, Clinton. Phone 155.
Cottage For Sale
6 rooms with frost -proof cement
cellar, good summer kitchen, electric
lights, soft water cistern, good gar-•
den with fruit, etc., two lots on
Rattenbury street, west. Mrs. Thos.
White, Clinton. 09-11.
For Sale
A reed baby's buggy. Apply to
Mrs. Caryl Draper, Clinton. 22-2.
W'o can't make any promises about
the price of coal later in the season.
It certainly won't go down. It may
go up.
The wisest thing to do would be
to lay in enough now for your entire
winter's needs, while the price is
seasonable, the supply is plentiful
and deliveries are not crowded.
Today is the best day to order.
-Our 'phone number is 74.
Call the merkallte
for good,'
clean coal
Currents and
Elmslea Chicle Farm, Clinton,
• Phone, 213.
in all sizes
One Of The Best Qualities Coke
Supply kept in Sheds at Residence
A. D. McCartney
Queen Street
A few dry slabs for Sale
Telephone 256
Cockshutt Agency
Wishing Repairs or Parts for
Cockshutt or Frost and Woods Ma-
chines of any kind should call at my
I also handle Cockshutt Crean:
Queen Street, Clinton:.
Complete stock Clovers and Grass
Seeds en hand. March Prices al-
ways best prices.
Our Alfalfa is Peel County Seed
Nd. 1 Government standard . This
type of seed is practically impossible
to buy this year. Have only a small
stock. Good value while it lasts.
Phone 123 Flour, Feed and Seed
McCormick -Deering Agency
Having taken_ over the above ag-
ency for this district I will keep on
hand a full stook of repairs and parts
of all McCormick -Deering machines
and will appreciate a share of the
patronage of the farmers surounding
Call at my shop, next door to
Jones' blacksmith shop, Ring street..
Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w . 04-tt.
Eggs and Poultry
Homo on Tuesday and Friday forgh
noon to take in Poultry.
residence i eti-
Eggs handled at re s d ,
day—graded by an. experienced grad*
hest mars
er, forty we pay the highest
1 P J
Cream purchased for Stillman'si
As E. Finch
Viking Cream.'' Separator'Agent
Victoria St., Clinton Phone, 88f