HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-07-18, Page 1TTI:' W
No 2523 -51st Year
�Jh+e lift fGr Jhe J`3ride
You can combine .the practical with grace and beauty by choosing
your -Silverware 'from our stock,
Also otheeq i Y tall . practical lures. Call and inspect our
in r
For Afternoon Wear
Sizes 14 to 38
Regular Price $1.95
on sale at
Another Shipment of
Manufactures Sample Suits
at a Big Reduction
Men's Sample Suits
also -
Ranging in Price from $27,50 te$32.60
25 'Men's, Suits
In broker' lutes and sizes. Ranging
in price from $15.00 to $18.00
Clearing at $10.00
Young Men's Suits
Sizes 29 to 37 at
$10 $13.50 to $15
E M0111115[1
Deal for Every
Wheat, $1.30.
Bailey, G0c to 65c.
Oats, 45c to 50c.
Buckwheat, 70c•
Butter, 35c to 36c.
Eggs, 18c to 25c.
Live Hogs,' $13,25,
The engagement is announced of
Agnes Mary, elder daughter. of Mrs.
MaclVlurchie and the late James Mac
Murchie of Clinton:. to John Fleming'
Mahon. -of' Toronto, son of; the late
Mr, and liars. Peter Mahon, of Abei-
foyle, Ont. The marriage will take
place quietly on Saturday; August
3rd, in Clinton. '
Clinton defeated Stratford last 'Hensley, z Margaret, anis ` Dorothy
Monday night in the 'Huron -Perth Housley, Mr, and 'Mgrs, 13: P. Phillips'
League 17' to 13. Barrett and Mar- and ' daughter; Gowie Boyd, Detroit,
tin for Stratford^ -were both inclined and vicmit will hold a basket rein: y + Mr. and Mrs Earl Parsons Windsor
Y p
to bo _wild' while Gee who took over;
Amongst the names of „those who
insin a recent
.Were successful passing g
examination for nurse registration
in the Province of Ontario appeared
those of the following Huron Coun-
ty girls: Minnie A. Chambers, God-
erich; Luella 1lt, Wagner, Auburn;
Ina R. Cuningham, Brussels and An-
na S. Chapman, Exeter.
Word, was received _last week of.
the death,which took lace in Brook-
lyn, lyn, N.Y., on Sunday, July 7th, o£
Frank Chowen, son of Mr. J. G.
Chowen of Clinton. Mr., C'howen's
death was ;due to injuries received
ascthe result of a fall. ° Ile is surviv-
ed by
urvived'by his wife and one grown son.
Interment was made in Brooklyn.
e Mr. and, Mrs. L. B. Smith and lit-
tle Glen returned to their' home in
London on Sunday after having vis-
ited 1 Smith's 'Vila's, S h parents, Mr. and
n t
Mrs. Charles Parker.
Guests registered, at the Ritz Ho
ter-during,the past week are: J. E.
Brownlee, Rockford, Ill.; . Jas. G. Mc-
Gregor, 1VIr. and Mrs, H. L. Sommer-
lee,` Mr. and Mrs. L. If. Stradley and,
daughter Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. •W:
The Li Conservatives of Gunton At the Soft Bali Tournament, at
Bl th on Wednesdayof last week,
at Jewett's grove, Bayfield;( on Wed -Clinton defeated Blythin the first
nesdayafternoon :Jul 24th. Every. gam,won
y the second game, Wingham winning
pre an older ones:
A full program of sports, a the 'semi-final from Belgrave, and in
games, races, etc., will be° run off the final game defeated Wingmmn for
earlyin the afternoon an supper first prize.
will be •served at five o'clock. Ladies •
are aseto providebaskets, o pro- R S
requests' visions and the committee q St. Pauls Church
a each' family bring cups,plates,
forks and spoons enough for their Communion next Sunday,; at 8:30 a.m.
• The annual Sunday school picnic
program of: ,music and speeches will -
be given, visitors to a present from , ,
an other points. genera • Presbyterian Cburch.
United services of the_Ontario
slice United and Presbyterian
churches in this church. Rev. C. ' •
Dougan in charge: Sunday morn -
1 ing subject: Lessons From the
who was visiting with his mother: Lily;" Evening: "A Man Named
with her parents" here, Mr..' and Mrs. RCC ens.
J. J, McCaughey, met with a rather I Sunday school in each church at
which the Hydro men were using at Presbyterian church to Bayfield, has
the house Mr, Clifford Lobb is re- e o ,
modelling up Albert street. u 31st.
Wesley -'Willis United Church
were working and had been ordered ,
away but later came back and, in the
• of the Redeemed." Evening: "Inter -
managed to pull it over; himself be- relationships Between God and Man."
• , eveningat eight &clock, when the
rather badly fractured. It was a Rev. James Scobie will be the prea-
Bible class room at half past seven.
The Woman's Institute will hold
their regular meeting 0n . Mrs./ Sav
illo's lawn on Thursday afternoon,
July 25th; at 3 o'clock. to entertain'y
the: grandmothers of the town and
community: If the weather is not
favorable itewill be held in the usual'
meeting i•ema,the hall.
is being prepared and,a social 'half
hour will he ,held.
All grandmothers are eordiall in-
vited to be present.
W. P. Brownlee,' Ingersoll; , Archie
,the pitching ;duties in the•••eighth in- a Belgiave lrom Auburn in McPhail; Alex, ivlcPhail; Detroit;
nings was credited with three strike' body interested se invited, young poo Garnet 'Batlin, 1Vlonkton; IV. D, Gav
outs but forced in three rune -by his 1 d ld from Londesboro rn the thrid game in, London; Jas. Jamieson`and wife,.
wildness:' Wingham drew a bye Clinton won Detroit; Mr, and Mrs, L. ''Saunders,
Carrick for •Clinton, pitched a g b 11 C O I h II Goderich.
steady, game, striking out eight men. , Mrs. Galbraith and family of Ilam- ,
Stock and VanHorne led the batters • ft d f' p ' Ilton are spending the week at Mr..
for Clinton -with a perfect average
AMONG THE CFIU CHE and Mira. Robt. Heard's ` cottage,
of four hits in four times to bat k d d f g y Mrs. G. W. Geddes and family of
Batteries: London are occupying the ]ttcMillan
Stratford -'Barrett, Martin, Gee
that t f 1 b ng ps I There will bo a celebration of Holy cottage.
and: Seeney. Miss Houghton of London has mar-
Clinton—Carrick and Elliott. company and to put in a lemon i Morning and evening services chased and is now occupying the cot-
Umpires—Carmichael and Tasker'. for each child. usual hours tage formerly owned by Mrs. Canis
•11.t an executive meeting after the At the conclusion of the supper a of London'
game a ,provisional, schedule was will be held in Bayfield next Wed Mr: and Mrs. W. H. Robinson and'
drawn up for the : second' half. It, b nesday family have returned to London ow -
will include Mitchell, a new entry to
London d th t A t' I ing to the illness of Mrs, Robinson;
the circuit. Clinton will go to Strat- Miss Mina Proctor returned to
ford on July 24h to finish up the Toronto on Monday after having -
first schedule and= arrangements spent her vacation with her aunt,
have been made for Mitchell to open 0 D Mrs. George King,
the -,second' half of the schedule at Little Larry, the foul year old son Mr. and Mrs, R. T. Orr end family
Stratford on July 27th.' of Mr. and Mrs. Mahon of Montreal, of 'Stratford are in their cottage en
good time is anticipated• '
A large number went up to Wing -
ham on Friday to be present at the
Orange parade.
The Huron " Medical Association
held •their quarterly meeting in Wing-
am yesterday afternoon.
A number of the young people of
the two local United churches are at-
tending the Summer School in ses-
sion at Goderlcls this week.
Terrace. the er a
WIN M PRIZES S Z h i little Harold
Mrs, Harold Xing and e
14 earl. Atwood of Sarnia are visiting her
command of Col. W. J. Beaman of bad accident Thursday last when he Th Sunda school picnic of the parents.
Exeter,:won the Armstrong cup for pulled over on himself a coil of wire Y The members of the Girls' Branch
general • efficiency in camp work in been p st sued until Wednesda of the W. A. of Trinity'Chureb spent
the competition held among district P y a most enjoyable afternoon at the
militia, units under canvas at Carl- J ly 31 t home of Miss Edna Sanderson on
ing's Heights, last 'week. The cup The little lad with others had 3' Thursday last, The afternoon wan`
is 'given each year by Gen. C. J. The Sacrament of the Lords Sup- spent in games and a delicious tea
been playienng about where the men served on the lawn, -Before leaving!.
Armstrong, camp commandant, and per will be observed at the morning the Girls presented Miss Sanderson'
the decision was made following gen- service on Sunday The ministers with a gift of silver.
eral camp inspection on Wednesday absence of the mon the child went morning subject will be The Song The local Orange Lodge attended`
and Thursday, :ilio Bruce Regiment to investigate this great wile curl and the celebration in Wingham on Fri -
commanded by Col. W. J. Penton, M;
C., won the guard mountingcontest ' Pre communion seryl e on Friday day
,and• will be. pesented with te silver neath Tt was found on his bang was 4 Mrs: A, B. McBride and Miss Nor -
cup donated by the Military District re to the hospital that his leg was ah 1VfcBricle of Waterloo and Mrs: A.
No. 1 sports conmrittee, cher The session will meet in the J• Smith, Toronto, are occupying 121.r.
All nits in care, 'less the Cana- most unfcitunate thing and the fain- 1 Middleton's cottage.
IIT have the sympathy of then , A splendid presentation of the -
dean. Army Service Corp eehbol of o clock the same evening comedy, "I'll Explain Everything,'" .
instruction, paraded last Saturday
for the presentation of the Arm- •ORANGEMEN PARADE A PRESENTATION was givenf in the.Town the on otic
l -
strong cup by Gen. Armstrong; be- nesday of last week by the Dramatic•
Galt. he
G t T
Trinity Church,
fore the breaking up of the camp. met at the Home of rill W B Cole, Club
Seventy-five per cent. of the Cups Oxangemen gather together and get Huron on Thursday evening players took their parts exceedingly
h well and held the attention of the'
and meet, 'were taken by the Huron wherever the celebration is to be July 11th the occasion being apros- large audience causing one laugh up--
Reanent, namely: Brig, -Gen, Arm- M
strobe Challenge Gupi for cleanest held, last Friday nrormug before Kippen onM another from beginning to end;
and most efficient lines, (Huron also Stratford, with a handsome fruit 'Mrs, 'T' B. Paull played •thio piano -
won this cup last year); Softball"Cup, of the Order paraded through town 1 between acts and Miss Luc Woods'
h AI gave a vocal sole. The play was:
gregationshia of Camp; Grand Ag- the Pipe Band m uniform playnig match Tlio presentation was made th given under the auspices of the Jun --
points a cup. Highest number of for Guild of Trinity Church for which
Jinn -
points scored in field events; and
flag quite a nice sum of money was net-
enge Cup, for Relay Race; end 19 by y, iSI' W tk' 1 ted.
small cups for let and 2nd prizes in R I'' h S' t Mrs,, F. Gerneiiihard received word
field events, including, firsts in 100 g g last week that her daughter, Evelyn;•
Yds.., 220 yds, relay race, 440 yds.;.
2nd in ,shot put, pole vault, high pf y h t who underwent a slight operation lir.
jump, 100 yds., 200 yds., and broad Saginaw is making satisfactory pro-•
dump• thou re alfa and a arch down ai th f t th t bep k gress Mi towards recovery.
g d Miss Gladys Gale took charge of'
B, C'o'y, •Huron Reg't, from Wing- p the meeting of the Young People's
Major A. E. Corbett,-Fordwich, won p if As f L O B A Department of St. Andrew's United'
busyat the Mr. J. Hall ise
of Mr. Fred Lobb's house, which was
recently burned in Goderich town-
'Ontario street church Sunday
school picnic was' held at' Bayfield on
Wednesday of last week, Wesley -
Willis Sunday school picknieked yes-
terday. at the same place and next
Wednesday St. Paul's Sunday school
will do likewise.
The Huron. Regiment under the
° i e of ladies of the L.O.B.A.
A nun rd
Contrary to some years when the
o Y m
out of town as quickly as they can to Street, ,
entation to rs, Robert Fisher for-
leavng for Wingham the:meriibeis merry of Clinton but•now resident -of
wearing •their regalia and headed by r bowl and a pair of candle •sticks to
merry tune, 'and exhibited their new by the guardian, Mrs. W. Shobbrooae
land the following address was road
the secreta- Miss 0. Watkins:
Perhaps it would be an imposition "Mrs. Fisher: Dear Sister
and add to the fatigues of a titin Fisher: Wo aro gathered here this
day, but it would be pleasing to those evening in order to express our es-
us who std at home onsuch_ a teem for you as one ofour sisters.
day if the ladies would' also put on WA regret your departure in spite of
m main the ac a you are to given
street. 'It would add to the pie-; credit for bettering your family and
turesqueness of life in a town like yourse one o Huron . A
Clinton if we could look forward to No. 377's chartered members you
e e monotony o the have upheld Oran °ism, maintaining
secrets and bybeingtrue to each
would consider it next year. But, and to all of your sisters as to your-
' selfyou have won a place in our as -
lodge was appreciated, especially by socia ion which cannota easily fin
e, sa token of '
to take part in the "Walk" as of we ask you o acceptisremem-
ypre, ranee an When you use rein in
Clinton Pipe Band accompanied the i your home to think of the members
Orangemen o in am a took of our L.O:B:A•, who one and all
g veli be road to
The annual Sunday school and con-
gregational picnic will be held at Bay-
field on Friday, July 26th.
Rev. W. A. Bremner, who is presi-
dent of the summer school which is
being held in 'Goderich this weelc,
will be in attendance there all week
and also on next Sunday.. His pul-
piti beoccupied Sunday
11 c u i d on
wo p by
Mn. Byles of London, representative
of the Ontario Prohibition Union, in
the morning and by Rev. bit'. Connor
Ki en i the evening.
Miss Violet Petrie of ' Sault Ste.
Marie is at present visitingat the
once of her sister, Mrs, Robt, len.
Mrs. Walters of Goderich was e
guest of Mn, and Hers. Moodie last
Mr. J. B. Kaiser and his son, Earl,
of Detroit, spent Sunday in the vil-
Mr. Ross Scott and son and Mre.
Rattenbuny returned home this week
after spending two weeks visiting
friends in Burlington, Toronto and
other laees.
Mr, J, B. Mustard has gone on a
business trip to the Coast.
'Mr, James Swan and Hiss Mamie
and Mrs. WM. Berry left this week
on a trip west. The former two
will oto Vancouver, EC..., the latter
to Winnipeg and also points in Sas-
An esteemeeresident passed away
on. Saturdayin the person of Char-
lotte Rattenbur , widow of Dr. Dav-
id McIntosh who died at the ri o age
of over eighty-four years.- She
Reaves- to mourn the loss of a good
mother two sena and two daughters,
who have all • een with her for some
time. A brother and a sister also
survive, Wm. Rattenbury of this
village and Mrs. Nevens of Hamilton.
The funeral took place on Monday
afternoon to Baird's cemetery, the
Rev. W. A. Bremner conducting the
.funeral services. The rentable Were
laid beside those of her husband, who
predeceased her by some years.
ham and vicinity,under command f
Church on Thursday, July 11. Miss
the Col, Combo Cup for the most pro such a break ak in tire m no ony f p g I Cecil McLeod gave a very- interest-•,
ficient Company in the Regiment darlg routine. Perhaps the ladies our ing and instructive paper an Mis-
Special mention of the Huron Reg- sions in China which enlightened the
iment Bugle Band was made by anyway, the parade of the mens h 1 g gathering as to the moral conditions
Brig. `Gen. Armstrong on his annual t' h' h b 1 f i of the women of China. It was de=
Brigade inspection, compl;menting those Orangemen who were not able led. A t 1 four appreciation tided that the meeting take the form
them on the smartness and general 1 t this of a picnic to be held in Jowett's
effieieney they had attained in their b d vh then Grove on Wednesday, July 24th when,
first year of organization. Y supper will be served et six o'clock
PROCURED RARE ANIMALS t W h and t k p v P and will be followed by an evening of
art in the be considered our
pparade.sisters at any time in life. Wishing•
you all happiness and prosperity and
maythe handofo guide an r -
pec ourpath'whether
president of .the Essex County. Mar- with us. n, Faith, opo -
keting Board, of which S. B. Stoth- ity, we remain forever your sisters of
ers is secretary, was in town Satur- Huron L,O,B.A. Signed: Martha
day on Iia tour of the counties of McLinchey, WlVI,, Olive Watkins,
Western Ontario to lay before the R.S." 1 '
councils and other organizations the Refreshments were . served during
details of the old bpys' reunion which *the evening and the ladies enjoyed a
his. organization' is sponsoring for the .peasant hour or two in'social inter -
Canadians now living in Detroit, course.
Mich., who are said to number half
The Edmonton Journal recently Misses N. Westlake, I. Bohner, V.
made the following reference to a TO WELCOME CANADIANS God
d d d d' Clark, K. Heath, and is Murray of
former citizen, a brother of Messrs. t y away from or h h 1 b h h Kitchener are the guests of Miss Eva
G. FI., :Wt J: and D. Elliott of Clinton: Mr, A, B. Wolford of Windsor, Carter at •her summer cottage in
I I th H and Char Jowett's Grove.
"Returning to Edmonton from a
nine months' trip to the hinterland
of British Columbia, which took
them many hundreds of ,• miles
tbrongh the best sporb country.
fishing and 'trapping, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson Elliott, of .9633 106 street,
have reached the city, bringing with
them what experienced trappes
concede to be a very rare capture,
several live Bailers, caught at a
point about three hundred miles
north of Prince George.
These fishers now •vuuugy, u cage atur
a million,
Arrangements have been made to PEOPLE YOU KNOW
have a aeries of picnics on the last
two Saturdays of July and the first Miss Jr of Ottawa the the guest
_ __. ._.. .,
in the rear of the ' Elliott home, Leaminbgton having been chosen as Ws. Allen of Buffalo is the guest of
hen which is `shared by .some"mink. Three the places ler the picnics. On July missesslieisrl lVIanning1VIrs. A. 0 Patty et Mc -
of the young fishers were born after 20th Essex, Kohl and Oxford county Taggart are at Port Bruce Girls'
their parents were captared: o boys will old 'b ll be welcomed the first
at Leamington, the others at ]{ings-
The pair of fishers were caught in, elite. July 27th' LamTiton, Middlesex Mr, Donald and Mass Isabel •Kemp of
a special trap ort February 25. Two and Bruce old boys will come over, the Ottawa , are visiting their aunt,
months later, while still in captivity; former and• the latter to Kingsville Miss Grace` Shepherd:
the three pups were born: The fish- and Maddiesex to Leamington. On Mrs. Robert Fisher and children of
er is a very rare animal of the inar- August 3rd, Huron, Elgin and. Perth Stratford. are .visiting the lady's
ten kind.- Ahnost -extinct now, a
good pair will fetch' as high as $15,00,
or more than the fox,
Explaining how he came to
catch the 'animals; Mr. Elliott, who
is an experienced trapper, said he
used a trap of, his own device. Or
rather, 185 of them, on a forty -mile
trap line, which - took nearly two
weeks to visit. Many e 'trapper,
he says, has been in the north
country for years without even see-
ing a fisher.
Wilson Elliott already has a rat,
beaver and -mink farm at Elk Island
Park, about forty miles from. the
city and it is his intention to add'
t'he fisher to big ranching stock.
The fisher pups were born on
April 14 and seem very much at
home in 'their new surroundings.
The fisher family.usually Produces, a
litter of three, pups. the first year
and from six to eight the second.
year: So rare are they that it 15 being' a son of Mrs. A, B. Carr and
even said the fisher may ,,become the late Mr. Wilford of Blyth, and a
' . v
extinct in five ears time unless brother of Dr. Ilford of West
y rotlror W
means are;taken to preserve them."
will ' welcome their former citizens,
the former at Leamington and the
latter two at Kingsville,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cole.
Miss, Elizabeth Ford of Oshawa . is,
spending a Tittle holidayat her
The :committee_ is inviting Essex home here. She is having a sale- of
and Dent county people, and any household effects on Saturday af-
froin any of the counties'inentioned, ternoon.
to get in•touch with their friends in Misses: Enema and Doreen Stephenson
Detroit and Buffalo, invite them to cams up from London last "week
come over and then meet them and and calledon several old friends.
spend the day together. Acting Miss Doreen remained' for several.
Mayor Cameron` of Detroit has de- days as the guest of Mrs. Vesey.
clared' his intention of coming. over Mrs. A. 3. Iienderrse and Miss Mc=.
and says he will bring all the Cana.- Queston motored over from 'Cans-
idans with .111111. ing,''Mich•, last week and visited
It is a, laudable endertahing and it the former's sister and aunt, Miss
is hoped thatthere will be a good Grace Shepherd and liars. A. Rob -
sprinkling of people from all the son.
counties concerned. With good roads Mr, J. Reid, formerly accountant on
and good cars no doubt many Huron the staffof the Royal Bank' ' here
county ;.people will find their way to but latterly ,of Kincardine, is act -
Leamington on Saturday, August .ing-manager d}wing the absence
3rd, to' meet with friends from De- of Mr. R. E, Manning, who is hot
tion Or a dayof sport and Happy in- idayin •.
ter course:.
Mi s, Harry Twitchell, motored over
Mr. Wilford is an old Huron boy, from Windsor with some friends
this week and spent a day with her
sister, Mrs. M. McEwan, and her
little daughter, Betty, who is
spending 'the summer here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tretheway and
children returned to their home in
Detroit on Thursday last after hav-
ing visited- the former's sister, Mrs.
A. J. Carver.
Mrs, F. -Crane and sons of Detroit
are visiting, her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Richard 'Weston.
Mrs. A. Sparks and two children of
London are with her. father, John D,
Mrs. 7; Gingerich and two boys of
Bad Axe, Mich,, are visiting her par-
ents, Mx. and Mrs. Sam. Cleave,
Rev. and Mrs, J. Gould and family
of St, Thomas are occupying a cot-
tage in • Jowet`i's Grove. • .
Mr. and Mrs. O'Meara and family.
of London are in "Merrytime Lodge."
Mr, and Mrs, A, J. Stevens and
two daughters returned to London on
`Friday after having spent ''a few -
weeks at their cottage.
Mr, and iters. Chas: W. Logan and
daughter of Trout Lake, Mich., were
the guests of the farmer's sister,
1Virs. Sam. Cleave last week,
Mr: Wm. L. Cameron returned to.
Detroit on Sunday after having vis
ited with his father andsister for
ten days.
Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Dixon and Miss
Carrie Dixon who have been visiting
at the rectory returned to their home
in Galt on Sunday.
Miss Rubio Fisher of Kitchener f ones is
the guest . of her aunt, Mrs. . F. A,
Edwards. a.
iMr.n . I c
a d Mrs. an M Rae 02s troth-.
roy spent, the week -end dvith the l tit-
ter's aunt, Mrs, John Fraser.
'Some sixty members - of the Baird
family met on Saturday, July lath,
at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, for their
second annual reunion. ' They are the
deco -Wants of lvfr. and Mrs. Thomas-
homasBaird, who emigrated from Ayrshire;
Scotland, ever seventy years ago,
and settled on the farm now occupied'
by Mr. Geo, T. Baird on the 2nd ;eon
cession of Stanley township,
Twenty-four ' motored up from
Detroit, Mich., four front London,
four from•Wlingham and Mr. Wm.
Baird from Toronto the rest are
residents, of Stanley. After spending
an enjoyable day at the Lake in
sperts-and enjoying the good things'
provided for the inner pian, they all
motored to the home of- Mr, Hugh
Gilmour and speht the evening trip -.-
ping the light fantastic to music aur-
nished by the. Detroit trio. •
During the evening a short organ-
rgan ization meeting was held, when Miss:
Mary Gilmour was elected president,.
Mr, John T. Baird of Detroit, secre-
Lary -treasurer; and Mr's,' Alf. Harri-
son and Mr. 'Arthur Stafford of De-
troit, Mrs. Arthur 'McQueen and
Thos, B. Baird, - were appointed on
ilio executive,
Mr.' and Mrs. Alfie l Westlake,
.Mrs. Harold 'Pent:tile- and 'Lawrence'
Talbot motored to St. Thomas for
over the week -end.
.ltfr, William Sparks visited friends
,ir:,'Ciinton one day last week,
Mr: Mono Steele has purchased a•
New Ford coach.
Mr. Len': Talbot had the misfortune
to fracture a bone m his leg while
cranking his tractor.
r •.L T the. guest of
tills en Talbot
Mrs, Lloyd Makins one " day last
Misses Letta-Penhale and May
Lutea and Mgr. Dearing of St, Thom-
as have been visiting friends in thio