HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-07-11, Page 8THE CLINTON-NEWS I ECOitD, CLINTON'S LJaADING JL'WELEItY STORE SAFE DRIVE —SAFE.NIGIIT DRIVING-- rotect Your --Family, Your Car, Your Life. Eliminates Glaring. headlights and blinding sun, -A11 metal— ]asy to set in Place. Glaring headlights cause smashups— Protects life and property. Ro H.JOHNSON Distributor for Clinton Graduate -of Toronto College of Optometry nine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug. Store COLORFAST SHIRTS lain. and Fancy Broadcloth �9 : ir.5 . SPECIAL Advance Spring Styles Plurnsteei ros. Every Garment Custom Tailored We : have 't.horight' card .for every ocaesi(7i;, Birthdays of course, and birth announcements • and congratula- tions, illness, eynhl) thy, friendship, shower, cards, going away cards, thank you cards, hospitality cards, shut-in cards, why don't you omits cards, ackhowledgement cards, invita- tion cards. Back in the days when buggies were the fiivvers of the nation Satur- day was the day for you to provide your :reading --Matter : but with''the improvement from good to better to best people have come to regard ev- ery day to buy and enjoy the newly arrived magazines. The writing paper you use is part' of your message. Ideas are so subtle that words alone can hardly express them, the tone of voice of the speak- er.contributes, So, too, does the eta, tionery. Let Lotus Lawn hear your message. Supplement your writing with a refined atmosphere. It is ,of evident quality and dignity. Several sizes in, pad or quire to suit each mood and occasion. The cycle of opportunity fora Can- dy Jar,huyer is'here in-aunuch.great- er quantity than ever -existed with us before. Clear glass, 9 inches high. Price 25c. Showers are still in the forecast al- though June and its brides are past., Advance news of 'a prolonged season into July indicate showers to be. 'We have cards to accompany the gifts and a varied assortment" of . gifts happily inexpensive and satisfyingly suitable. Tie 141 W. B. Fair CO. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best LITY AND VALUE' Are Our Watchwords woman who shops here finds e caa obtain more and better less money, and get the beat et' courteous service. grocery is up-to-date—we do `in the modern, efficient mane o waiting. Prompt deliveries. of taken. over the phone, day we have astonishing spec al bargains for the woman who o buy the best at the 'lowest handle no merchandise that has highest reputation for merit, and wholesomeness. Phones: 126 and 125yy; THE C. & S..GROCERS ranch125j Main 125w ' ED -TOT UT T it -SPECIALS 'FOR CASH No More We t in our mating No othing e actual Everysrticle AL. Every erms to tems. We ave to Value for Your $ $ Anywhere are showiing some articles which you can look store before you buy, and which are simply in value. pictures can do justice to 'these .articles. _ s so: satisfactory to you as a chance to see goods before you buy. _ in this sale is a RED,HOT SPEC - price is 'a Cash price. -We have credit our credit customers, but not on these sale . -- 0 have to sell these items for Cash because we pay -Cash ourselves. HERE ARE SOME AMAZING BARGAINS Come and Take Advantage of Our Offer to Save ..qati,la, i .. You 1VIortey." -0*--- COOK STOVE SPECIAL y This stove will giveyou great satisfaction. You`:, will .get ,equally food results burning either coal or Wood. • , l , •rwx V, SPECIAL SALE PRICE ,„,,,.,„m„.,...,......„„.... $13.95 ALUMINUM TEA KETTLE 'A 'very High grade kettle. ' Made from heavy pure Aluminum. 'New panelled design EXTRA SPECIAL. $1.39 SOLID COPPER WASTI BOILER Very strong and durable. Has bright tin cover. Everybody would like a copper boiler. SALE PRICE $3.09. ENAMELED WATER PAIL This splendid Scotch •Gray Enameled Water, Pail holds 10 Imperial quarts. SPECIAL SALE .PRICE 79c Why Look Elsewhere? The Value is Here Sutter .& Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone:147w BUY AT HUE_... M �sen. IBiiYsT first cow- first served 1 HOME Dr. Gunn left last week on a trip to the west. Mrs. F. Mellveen is visiting friends at Auburn. Miss Wallace is visiting her nephew, Me. Andrew. 1\4cGarva. Miss W. E. Thompson of Toronto has been visiting during the past week at her home in town. • Miss Ruby V. Irwin is spending et few weeks' holiday at Atherley, with ,come frendss';Novi 'Toronto. Miss Grace Shepherd of the Ottawa Public schools staff is spending a holiday at her home in town. Miss Donna Cochrane has returned from a fortnight's holiday with Hamilton and Burlington friends: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cantelon of ,Gods- ' rich are _ visiting relatives in Clin- ton, Stanley and Goderich town- ship this week. Mass Graham, who; has been staying with Mrs. A. Robson, left Satur- day to spend a month or so with relatives at Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. G. A. Walker was in Hamilton over the week -end with relatives and on her return was accompanied by her niece, Miss Madeline Wat- son. Mr. Robert Cutt of Galt, who took part in the organ recital in Wes- ley -Willis church on Tuesday even- ing, was the guest while in town of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke. Miss Sadie .Baxter of Mitchell visit- ed last week with Mrs, H, Wiltse, Townsend street, Clinton, and Mist Winpifred Jervis, 'Bayfield road, having come up to be present at the opening of Wesley -Willis Uni- ted church. Mrs. Harold Treleaven of Lueknow has been visiting her parents, Dr. H. and Mrs. Fowler. She assisted the choir of 'Wesley -Willis church, of which she was a`fornner member,' on Sunday. Mrs. John Howson, who had been visiting her parents in Toronto; on Saturday joined her husband, who had .been visiting his sister here for a week, and they are remaining for a longer visit. Rev. R. and Mrs, Gracie, of Clinton, Miss Gracie, Mr. and b1,rs, ,Green, Robt. Gracie, wife and children and, Mr. Ml rsball,- of Toronto, were guests of George .and -Mrs. Meeh- an during the week.—Blyth. Stan dard. e' , Mr. `Elgin Mason, who has spent the past couple o? weeks visiting Mrs. Alice Mason of town, leaves: -this. week for New York City. During his sojourn here Mr. Mason arrang- ed for the reshineling of the 'Bare on his farm in Hallett and other improvements, as while he is not living on thee farm he likes to keep thingsin repair. Rev. W. A. 'Townshend and family were in town -'yesterday on their way, to London, where Mr. Towns- hend has been appointed rector of the Church of the Redeemer. Mr. Townshend took the -first service; of his new parish on Sunday.. He had been in charge of the Bervie par- ish for the past two or three years, and, judging. by the farewell given them; he and Mrs. Townshendhad made many friends. THURSDAY, JULY,11, ].929)' oar MeAstANIWNOVANVONMOdivetiMMVOMMA.AIVOMANVIPM0VMMOKINIMWAVAle.:. ' CLINTON'S Biel CORNER. G-ROCERY SPECIAL SAVINGS IN ALL GROCERIES ;It will pay you. to Inspect our Groceteria- Note'Special _1S arked Prices for one, week BIG .SUGAR WEEK Special''' Price- CANE SUGAR Delivered;,by the Sack at. $5.29 GROCETERIA SPECIALS .FROM. JULY 11th to 18th aP.:AND G. SOAP, 10 Bars 39c NEW CHEESE, Per Pkg. 29c COMFORT SOAP, 5 Bars 25c BASKET _ OF ORANGES Each 59c GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs 54c SWEET PICKLES, Large Bottle .49c LARGE BOTTLE MARMALADE 29c CORN STARCH, 2 kgs. 19c GOOD RICE,4 lbs. " 25c CORN FLAKES, IKELLOGGS, 3 pkgs ..,29c SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUITS, 2 kgs.25cpkgs. 5' pkgs. SODA BISCUITS, 2 � 2Jc FRIGIDAIRE PICK -LED ROLL Per lb. , 25c. CORNED BEEF Per lb. 35c CHICKEN HAM, AND TONGUE, per lb. 50c • VARIETY -LOAF per Ib. 35e COOKED IAM Per lb. 60c IBREAKFAST BACON Piece, ib. . 30c g; Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. Cash and Carry BREAKFAST BACON Sliced . 40c ROAST PORK Per lb 70c CORNED BEEF, lb ,30c SPECIAL SALADA TEA Per 'ib. 69c SPECIAL YIIXED CANDY .Assorted, per lb. 25c MAXWELL COFFEE Per lb. 69c PURE RASPBERRY JAM each . 39c 'WAX BEANS, tin 19e PICNIC BISCUITS, Fancy Specials,' each 25c SPECIAL RUBBER RINGS 4 dozen 25c 2 RICE IZRISPIES Special 25c SPEC. COCOANUT, lb' ,,, 29c LARD, -SPECIAL AND DE- livered with order, 3 lb, 49c MAYONNAISE, BLUE Ribbon, bot., 15, 30 and 55e. CORN, 1 Can, PEAS,1 Can For . 25c APPLESAUCE 2 tins . 35c GOODS DELIVERED 10c Afternoon' Delivery: 2:30 and 5 p.m. :T.O'NEIL P^4se WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS PEOPLE YOU KNOW Mr. L. W. Cureell of Oshawa visited his family in town during the past week. Mrs. Stringham of Woodstock has been visiting her sister, Miss Etta Wheatley. Miss Mtary Southcombe, who has been the guest of Mxs. .T. J. -Watt for a fortnight, left for her home in Niagara Falls on Tueerlay.. Mr. Lee Brown, a former Clinton citizen, left Toronto last week, ac- conrpanied by his wife, for a seven- vVeeks' trip to the Old Land. Miss Ruth /mitten, who has bean in the office of W. 13rydone, K.C. for the past couple of years, has taken a position in Toronto and left last week to assume her new duties. Mr, and Mrs. James Jackson and Miss Zetta left Saturday morning on a trip west. Me. and Mrs. Jack- son have a son and daughter and other relatives in the west which they will visit. Mr. and Mfrs. W. N. Manning, Miss Gladys and Rev. Bruce Hunter ofe tendon were guests at the home of the former's brother, IWr. R. E. Manning, on Sunday Rev. Mr. Hunter preached at the special ser- vices in Wesley- Willis Cnureh on Sunday. Mr. Arnold Verner and his bride are visiting at the home of the for- mer's mother, Mrs. F.` Venner of town. Mr. Verner has accepted the principalship of Markham Public school and will assume his new duties at the beginning of the fall term. 111;x. W. J. S. Young of Devil's' Lake, N. Dak., who had been visiting re- latives at Whitby, took a run up to ,Clinton last week and spent a few " 'days as the guest of Mr. f. H, Kerr. Alt is eleven years since he had last visited Clinton, his former home, and many of his old friends were glad to see ;him. Mrs, A. J. Grigg, who has been vis- iting her son in Montreal, has joined- her husband in Toronto, where they will make their home. Mrs. Hugh B. Grigg and her daugh- ter,'Miss Mae Lorraine, of Mon- treal, and Mrs. 'Elliott Ross Bell of Detroit,'have •been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grigg in Toronto. STANLEY Miss Dorothy Inns was a visitor last week with Toeonto relatives. Miss Ann Stewart of 'Windsor. is home for a coupel 'ef weeks' holidays. Mr.' and .Ml's Walters, Miss Wal- ters, Mr. and M'r's. Hazelton and Jack of London were visitors; Last Sahurday at the home of Mr. Alex liicEwen. Miss Pat. McFarlane left Monday for Toornto. , Mrs, Fred Wallis •of New York is home for a few weeks' vacation. 74r, and Ml's. Leslie J. Wessman of Toronto are spending their vacation at the home of h r. and Mrs: John Innis. Mr. Lorne Eedy of the St. Mary'sThigh pcnai l�°�ces Journal -Argus and Mr. gh. Savage of the Cowichan Leader. Duncan, 'B.C., and newly -elected president of the Canadian Weekly Newspanerm•en's Associati on:5, cal- led on The News -Record Saturday. Mr. Eedy was taking Mr. Savage. who .had come east to be present at the annual convention' of. the C.W. U] P.A., held in London, last week, on a- • ur • trip as far as Goderieh to show Or'de him some of the beauty spots of the district. ON COAL AND COKE FOR SPRIWCG DELIVERY Got " our Prices. J. ivtILLER & SON s taken at residence, Ontario St, PHONES: 46w and 46j LET US BAKE YOUR • Wedding `fake We'll have it ready in time—and it will be the most delicious you ever tasted. Large or small, simple, or elabor- ate, we are ready to make an ex- ceptional cake'of the best and purest ingredients for your wedding—or :any otherbig event=at modest ocst.- , Wendorf's Bakery • MAKERS OF SNOWFLAKE BREAD Handy Garden Tools AT CONVENIENT PRICES The best the market affords at big savings. Our tools will help you make your garden a sucecss, ,RAKES, SPADES, HOES. SHEARS 'LAWN MOWERS Other 'tools at proportionately low prices, Hammers, pliers, monkey wfenehes, all the odds and ends you need around the house. lltwkius. to '' HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Furnishing the Love Nest For the Bride This is the store for Newlyweds planning a home. Here they can selectjust the proper furnishings for the "love nest" at big savings in price. The wide assortment of suites and individual piec- es ' permits of choice suiting your individual requirements. Woods need are of the very best grades, And every, piece' of furniture lives up to a high standard of attractiveness and durability. We are prepared to give our expert advice on furnishing one room or many. We have assortments of very useful wedding gifts that are sure to please. Don't fail to take advantage of your verandah. We have a great assortment of Chairs and Rockers, Sun Stop Shades, Verandah Mats and Cushions at Prices that will surprise you. • Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co FUNERAL DIRECTOR' MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORES WITH A STOCK Ferniture Phone: 104 Hardware 191 ti BLUE AND WHITE STORE PHONE 111 - This list of fine specials will be helpful in mak- ing ,up your sunnier menus. Visit our store where you will find a great variety of finer quality. sum; mer foodstuffs at low prices. • WEEK -END SPECIALS, JULY 11,12,13 Good -Red Salmon tall tin . 34c Kelloggs ;Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. 19c Puffed Wheat per pkg. ' 14c, Libby Mustard per jar 14c Old Dutch Cleanser 2 pkgs. for 22c Oranges 3'dozen for 53c Lux Toilet Soap 3 cakes . 19e Matches 3 boxes 24c Shaker Salt per pkg. - 9c: Puffed Rice per pkg. 17c Chipso, Large per pkg. 23c. Good Black Tea per lb. 59c �• LAWSCO. Use your phone WHERE QUALITYrlliEETS PRICE Free Delivery GODERICH TOWNSHIP Misses Muriel Stirling and Edna Brush left Saturday „n a holiday trip to the West. They went by boat from Port McNichol. Dies. Angus Cole is a guest this week at the hone of Mr. and . Mrs. Robert Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Pearson • - and daughters, Miss Margaret 'and' Verginia, returned on Friday last to their home in Wayne, :&Rich., after a vacation spent at the 'home. of thee.. former's parents, •Mr. and Mrs, Re-• bert Pearson: