HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-07-11, Page 3APPETITE POOR?
yERI-UAPS by dieting or
other means, you have 'r
been treating thesymptoms,
rather than the cause. Loss
of appetite, heartburn,; sour,
stomach, are symptoms that
the blood is. ,iinpure. This
explains the successful use of
Dr. Williams'. -PinkPills in
,all such' cases. Here is a
typical example: ---
"I began to feel easily
tired," writes Miss Margaret'
White, o£ Parry Sound, and
when I sat down ,to a meal 1
felt i, did not want to eat. A
doctor told. me I was anaemic
but Y made little progress
with his medicine. When I
started taking Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills I soon noticed that
myroving,-appetite P
that the headaches campus
frequently and that I was not
so easily 'tired: Now my
weight bas increased,' my
cheeks are rosy and every
ache and pain has ':van-
.Start today- to improve
yi ur appaitc..IBuy Dr. Wit-
lianis' Pink Pills from your
druggist's or by mail,. post
gold, at 50 conts,a box from
The Dr.' Williams Medicine
Co., `Brockville, Ontario.
Send for free book °What'
to Bat and How to Eat".
Travels Garden'Notes
Into North
tithing 'Pernik:1 I
Many a flower'border presents an
Fllll Dignity of Co'tlrt Proceed- unsightly: appearance, ltrben they.
,ire Will 1.0110w Crime should he at their best.- Many et,-
Perpetgdti➢rS'. in Far'the taller },rowing; planta- fail to one
tide or the other' presenting a tangled
Northern .Place appearance, This might all bo avoid-
by staking the. plants. The stale
il��U DER AVENGED ing should be done no as to make the
Edmonton.—For what is -practically 'Plants look as' natural as Possible;
tho'firet time in the history of'Canada, Thin stakes, stained or painted greeny'
the law of Britain' 15 to be'-earried are the best toete and perhaps the
almost into the Arctic CLI•ele!• A jir best tyinb'materiat is raffia, a very
(tiodal party, consisting of 5udye, prose, tough, •soft fibre' usually procurable at,
outing :attorney and counsel for the Seed stereo. In a now 'bullstin on',
defence will leave Edmonton to travel
for "a mouth .into Nortlhoif wilds with
,9lilavilc as their final destination,
There. they, will try two Esltjinos
for the most serious of 'all' crines,
The trip Will be made by rail, steam-
-or and automobile and the court room;
will be the strangest Canadian justice
has: ever known, for, lablcing propel
buildings at distant, Aklavik, court
will be held in the cabin of the steam-
er "Northern Distributor'," where
natives,'almost .aboriginal,.
will sit as a 'jury in the case of two
of their own race.
-Gowned lawyers will argue before a
similarly -garbed dispenser of justice
and all the formal ,dignity of Cana-
dian jurisprudence wil Ibe rigorously
Judge • Lucien Dubuc, stipendiary
magistrate of the North-West Terri-
tones "whose post. gives him the pow-
ers of a judge of the Supreme Court
will jlreside at the hearing,.
The co P
°peel for the rosecution will.
be Clare 'Darling, while the interests
of the defendants will be :looked after
by Joe. Clarke.
If the two accused are .found guilty:
and sentence of death' is passed, the
date of execution will be set suffici
entry fel: aheadto'permit of communis
cation ,with Ottawa if any ground
should be found for a petition of sen-
tence or an appeal, from the 'Verdict
for the Eskimos will have, the same
Opportunity ac orded to any in 'Can-
ada of an absolutely fair trial:
One of the prisoners to face' the bar
of justice le one, Oltchina,. who, In the,
ley ,fastnesses of Bathurst Inlet in
1928 is alleged. to have Milled Oksusk,
another .native,' by shooting him
through the head as be entered his
PER 005,
1101.35EHOLO NRt'58
IN 54 coliNTnias".
lte.b:trequs Perenniala, numbered 113,
of the Department of Agriculture at
Ottaw. ` Misr Isabella Preston the.
author suggest using for a clump of
fall asters and sis ilar plants, three.
or four fairly strong canes,. such as
bamboo, which . should be pressed
firmly - into the ground at even Bs
tances:around".the clump and then
tie rlailia or twine on the 'canes so as
to make a ring around the plants.
Tile, stakes should never come a. high
as the flowers except when needed to,
prevent the bloom breaking.
The Yield or Raspberries
As much as 300 'bushels to the acre
of raspberries have ,been harvebted.
at the Experimental Varna at Ottawa;
In a planting of the Herbert variety
irr a row. ninety feet inlength a rate
of 205 bushels. per acre was taken in
each of, two years. Fronytwo short-
er rows the three year average was
229 bushels to the acre. The red
Brighton variety ,yielded ' over 175
bushels. The 'heaviest yield filar-
vested'in Ottawa was at ;the rate of,
319 bushels and 256 pounds, estimat-
ing• the crop,' at 32 pounds to the
bushel. This was for the Herbert
variety' in a 'row 36 feet long. The
methods by which these ;yields were
obtained are "fully told in 11 neT bul-
letin 'numbered' 114 of the Depart-
ment of -Agriculture at Ottawa -en-
titled "The :Raspberry and Its Culti
nation do Canada". Mr, 3f. B, .Davis
of the Horticultural Division of the
Experimental Farms the author names
as among the best yielding varieties
Viking, Latham, Newman, and Her-
Handling; the Raspberry drop
The killing .is alleged to . have fol-
lowed on the heels of, continued ill.
treats:Ant by Omsk of, his wife, Av-
acoma, who, after enduring Many
{.blows and much i11 -temper at the
hands of her husband, told her
#rouble& to one, Nellikok, a friend.
Nellikok, it is alleged, lheld a grudge
against the husband; tried' to kill him
and wilo made himself unpopular in
the tribe by his bullying and cruel
Nellikok and Avaconna sought coun-
sel of 006 ]7hakilak, a man of much
influence in the tribe' and the ,three
deckled that Oksnelt mast die.
Okebiria was`sougbt out and the
storY told to bins
'Ile, too, decided that Ottsualt must
be got rid of and agreed to do the job., place diem carefully as they are
He went to Qltsuslt's igloo to await gathered in the .boxeb. As soon after
picking tie' Possible it is recommended
to get the fruit into a cool place and
ship at once. Raspberries ship bet-
ter in Pint' boxers, than in full quarts.
The less weight in the. small box en-
ema better carriage of the fruit.—
Issued by the Director of Publicity,
Dom, Dept, of Agriculture, Ottawa.
Tax Levie.,by Weeds on Agri-
culture of Province Mount-
ing 'Yearly
The weed menace in Ontario has
markedly increased during the past
NW years It is not an exaggeration
to sayithat in certain parts of tbe'pro-
vince'certainweeks like the Perennial
Sow 'Thistle are driving men off their
farms..,' The tak levied by weeds on
the agriculture of the province has
been mounting Yearly. One of the
thief reasons why the weed menace
has increased with each succeeding
years is the undeniable fact that in.
the past vast quantities of weeds
have been allowed to ripen seeds on
roadsides ,in school -yards, on waste
and:vacant lands, along our lanes and
headlalids and in -our fence corners
and odd spots here and there on the
Charles II: Luke, of the ' exec° :. ye
staff of the Trade anti;Engineeling
Supplement of the Lopdon Times, 'is
spending three ::months in Canada
studying the ''power' situation and
question of undeveloped and new
areas in this country..;Photogillph
was taken at the -Bolt Springs Hotel
recently where lir. Luke has' been
staying Prior to interviewing prem;
lets of the provinces and federal and -
provincial government officials. -He
will also address Boards of Trade
in many Canadian cities.
The raspberry: crop of Canada 1s
tone of great importance. The yield
of this fruit, according to an 'official
statement, is about two and a quar-
termillion quarts This quantity,
however, does not include tile crops
on city lots and back yards that do
not figure in commercial production.
In a new bulletin on the raspberry,
numbered 114 of the' Department et
Agriculture at Ottawa, Mr. 110. B.
Davis, the author, places the acreage
at abbut 2,500 .and a yield of 1,520
quarts to the acre. - In treating the
anblect of harvesting in this bulletin
it is room/aoudad to nick the fruit
before it is dead ripe. The majority
of the red varieties, he states,'inay
be gathered when they aro just turn-
ing red, as they are then still quite
firm and able to stand a reasonable
amount of handling. Pickers are.acl-
monished to avoid holding too many
berries in the hand at one but to
Leaving Too Much to
Toronto Telegram (Ind Cons.)
very situation which a ,, t 1 . ('-)123
Hon, limiest Lapointe, in an opts-
mistic statement regarding Canada's
Suture trade relations with the United
ptates; said; "The people of the United
States wvi11 'ftill need our products.
God and nature have so ordained. and
no one ntay long fight against God
and nature." Providence has done
much for the I{ing Government.: But
,there is a limit. And when the Icing
,Government decides to leave the trade
restrictions put on Canadian trade by
the United States tariff builders in
looks like
the hand of the Diet ito0
s y,
too :much faith and too little works,
It is well for even the King Govern-
ment to remember that Heaven helps
_those who help themselves.
An eleotion campaigp, is 11'combina-
tion of hand -shaking and Ieg-pulling!
Nothing makes a mother more
grateful than a benefit conferred Mi -
on her child. Mothers everywhere
who have used Baby's. Own Tablets
for their children speak in enthusias-
tic terms of them. For inat nee, Mrs•
Zepherin Lavoie, 'Throe;Itivers, Que.,
writes: --"Baby's, Own Tablets are a
wonderful medicin, for 'little. ones.
They never fail to regulate the
baby's stsmach and bowels and -make
him plump and we11. I always' keep
a box of the Tablets in the house and
would advise all mothers to do like-
wise." Most of the ordinary ailments
of childhood arise in the stomach
and bowels, and man be quickly 'banish-
ed by Baby's. Own Tablets. These
Tablets relieve constipation and in-
digestion, break up colds and simple
fevers, expel worms, allay teething
Pains .and promote heatthfnl sleep.
They are guaranteed to be free from
injurious tinge and are safe even for
the youngest and most delicate child.
The., Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25c a box from
The Dr. William's -Medteine Co.,
Brockville, Ont: .
Rivetless Steel
Building Finished
Said to Re, First Use of Gas
Welding. on Strticttire
of Large Size j
moose .1l5,—Erection of: a large
steel -building put together without a
single )Ivot, has just been completed
here. •
permanent business. Credit arranged to
The ..structure, in which ga.4 weld-. suitable narties, ' Write stating ago, to 3.
hag entirely replaced. riveting„'. was R' Watktris Company, Dear 1, I amilton,
saidby building experts tofore-
shadow ,the time when large cities
will be free from the riveter's racket
and modern skyscraper construction
will go on comparatii'ely without
Clas8 fled Adver't'isenrtent '
.L5 Hocks 15e,' Brown $,o5flt0rna :stn11
Anconal lir, White Leghorns 10e, as-
e,rted chicks pe. 17xpress paid on 210 or
over; free catalogue. A. 13, Switzer;
Granton, Ontario. 1
Msnr Watt TEJS...
15L 150 Quality Products In rural sec-
tions or Ontarlo.. World'siargest factory
to cousumer organisation All -year-round'
proposition. Chance to build up lasting
The following aro the number of
Seeds` produced by Single plants of
average size In one season: p Canada
Thistle, 3,500; Curled or Yellow Dock,
17,000; -Cominosi Ragweed,5;0001
Chicory, 3,000;' Perennial Sow histle,
2,000; Wild Lettuce, 8,000; Stinkweed,
20,000... Every weed' that is allowed
to nature .produces at least, 1,000
seeds and most of them ripen several
thousand seeds.. In the pastfweeds
by the millions have been allowed to
mature in this ,province and scatter,
their billions of s aod s. far - an
Is. it any wonder that the weed
menace Ihas increased in Ontario?
Are. we gciiig to tolerate thiee state
of affairs any Ionter in -Ontario? - No.
The farmers of the :province Have
raised thets' -voices• in protest. An
Act has 'been passed by the Legisla-
ture to enable them to Meet the situa-
tion. United 'action is what is re -
mitred now. Every municipality,
every fainter, 'every lapid owner in
town or country mast unite in the
war against weeds and see that they
are cut early and Often enough to
prevent them from seeding. Wheh
Um weed inspectors send out notice
that It is time to cut weeds let•mo
one lag behind or neglect hia duty.
Promptness is necessary to prevent
all weeds from sending. Many weeds,
if cut after they have passed -full
bloom, will mature 'their seeds, In ,
order, therefore, to secure the greatest
results from the time and labor' ex-
pended, everyone concerned should
see that weeds are cat -just as soon as
possible after the inspector gives
notice.. - '•-
United action is required so that
no weeds be,left uncut on roadsides,
vacant" lands, railway tracks, school -
yards Or waste places. )''very patch
of weeds that is left uncut 7s a menace
to the farms anti gardens In the neigh-
borhood, an eyesore and a costly
monument of neglect, signifying that
mime one has failed to do his ditty to
his municipality and to this neighbors.
Community pride and regard for
the rights of others should serve as
incentives to prompt and united, ac -
doll on the part of all concerned.
When such is secured the weed men-
ace will be much decreased, our farms
will' be cleaner and more profitable
and our highwaysand byways will be-
COnle attractive beauty spots, indicat-
ing individual and municipal , pride
and prosperity.
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
The Toronto Hospital for Incurables,
in affiliation with beilevue and Allied
Hospitals,Now Yorlc Oity, offers a"
three years' Course of Training to
educa ion and' desirous the becoming
nurses. This Hospital has adopted the
eight-hour system. Theupils reeeive
uniforms of the Sehconl, a nlohthly
allowance and traveling expenses to
and from. New York. Pot lfurthe
information writethe Su erifendent
his' home-eoming. -
In the early auttunn twilight, prel-
ude to the long ArcUe nigiit,,Oksusk
was heard appr0a0hiug, crawling on
tie hands and knees through the leaf
nellilte entrance• -to the igloo: As he
emerged and started- to rise to his feet
a rifle spoke and a heavy bullet en-
tered his skull above the left eye, tore
through his vitals and emerged at the
lower part of the trunk. He fell cdetd
and the body was concealed under
heavy Moos. ' Avaconna was a widow
and the killing was not spoken of In
the councils of the tribe,
Months later, a mounted police of-
• n ilia his costo "y
to i
, g
the tribe, Board of the tragedy. The
body was recovered and Oltchina
placed hinder arfeSt.
The circumstances of the ease were
reported to Mounted Police Head-
quarters and the alleged slayer was
taken to Herschel Island under guard
and there imprisoned _to await his
trial. In order to meet the court ,at
Aklavlk he is probably even now be-
ing escorted to the delta: of the Me-
lienzie River,
The other prisoner is' a young girl,
Lily Sairnyalt, aged fifteen, who, in her
Lagoon, home of -Clarenceg , demarca-
tion point, Yukon Territory, learned
that she was to become a mother: To
her untutored mind the obvious thing
to do was to dispose of her baby
whicih It is alleged she did bytstrangl-
iug 5005 after its birth. A Re* hours
after the tragedy a seazh party or-
ganized by the' 5nen of her .village
found the body of the' infant and
ba)ried it. This,crime, too, was event-
ti'a11y reported to The Mounted Police
and the girl's arrest. followed.
W555 D00Tnexun
Weed Cop Itt11s the roots
also. Wee(' Cop is a
non-poisonous chemical
which can be sprayed on
the weeds. Give your
crops a chrome. White.
today for full informa-
tion to: Ontario Dtatri-
revalues it Poede, Lia,itel
as o Dan A as rest,
Toronto 9, Oat
Earl 11,
Ask Ser 500005 n fail reheat
St et We
Grose, President
fertilizers.. • -
The building is saill to be the first
large 'structure in whicl!',gas welding
'has been used entirely. It is 75 feet
wide, 200 feet' long and 42 , feet, 5
inches high and'required 297, tons of
structural 'steel. Welders without
previous experience ,in structural.
welding were employed and qualified
for work in 'accordance' with tests
recommended - by the American
Welding Society.
Mrriard's. Liniment for Neuralgia,
There is a story` of a man whom
others called 11000 and who had just
enough fortuneto support hiniselt an
going about the country in the simp-
lest.; way and enjoying the life :and
beauty of it.. He was once in the
company of a:great millionaire, who
:was engaged in business, working at
it daily and getting riches every year,
the poor. man said to the. 1
aires!' "I am a richer man, than you
are." "How, do you' make that cut?"
said the millionaire. Why," he re-
plied, "I have got as much money as
I want and you have not."
Mays-"I'm so glad you like it. Moth-
er says chicken salad and strawberry
tarts are the only things I make cor-
rectly." Dolly—"Which is this, darl-
Love vas the motive force—levo of
the soil,
Love of the ensign, love of human-
Urged on
ith amt
hope, a,
with nd-
Our lfeastshteorlsl, yielding to an instinct
They could not anolyzenor could with-
Weak, weary, oftimes Sainting, never
7111 they the spirit's Peak of Pisgah
scaled -
And viewed exultantly their promised
A million lakes they visioned as their
Mountains upthrusting to the heavenly
Long rampert rivers, limitless in
Forests that march abreast frihm
coast to coast.
They saw great plains with fruits of
earth in store.
They sensedthe diggying hintsof
fabled min08,
Of wealth in fisheries and furs, the
They heard the cities' manufacturing
• roar. _ - -
Stiired by the utter prodigality
Of God's free gift, by its sheer love-
Constrained to serve and worship
They brought their offering to the
Lord to bless.
Who may that great,achievemcnt truly
A -body fitly framed, in every part,
Effectually working, mind and heart.
Write we their names in flee on his-
tory's gage.
oci 1tY
r Supper a lap a 0c Lunch o nl
YONGE ST,, Opposite Eaton's
Hotel Rates: $1 Per Day and Up
"How is your son this morning, Mrs.
Bianca?” :asked a neighbor. "0h," re-
plied Mrs: Bland, "he's just about as
usual; there ain't no improvement
one way or the other,"
Cub and , ;rns
• Minard's: soothes;inflammation,
removes all poison and Beals
Thee. ane � r :ftp r�
You Must Do Your Bit
(in the war against _tate ily, cattier
of genes and breeder of disease,
11 is provcnthat 05110X05 iu one
'of the most convenient and most
efficient means of com1aeng this
fly evil. .Itis convenient, Twosome
of the push -pm. It is hygienics
�flies never get away when ones
caught. Each spiral gives three
�w,eekd perfect service.
Oarsia'OF IMITAT10Na
Se1d ut drug, grocery and; ed.:aresrv,cs >U
',6a Cie C. 0. Genet & 211*, Lieitee
SOIL scrrcrs,
• 5 Allo'
He; You say you're happy because
you aro engaged to the man 'you
wanted? '
Sher No. To the man my rival want-
Minard's Liniment for Earache.
e ade
1Vdas u x
We dance with proud anti ensiling lips,
With frank, appealing eyes, with
shy hands clinging,
We sing, and few. will question If
there slips, .
A sob into our singing.
Each has 1t certain step to learn;
Our,,prisoned feet move staidly in
set places,
And to and fro we pass, since life is
Patiently wlth masked faces.
Distributor for Ontario
5e Front St. 8„ - - TorOntt
Duanped Fruit
Hamilton Spectator (Intl. Cons.):
There is no objection to United
fruit and vegetables coming into
Uefoiro our own p
Ga a
makes its appearance. Neither clo
Canada's producers object to fait
competition. Bat it is held to be an
injustice to permit American futile
and vegetables, harvested by cheap
Mexican and negro labour in Califor-
nia and, the Southern States, to be
dumped into the Dominion when the
first Canadian crops are ready for the.
market. The Canadian growers are
not unreasonable in their demand that
they be protected form this kind of
The Sunday Joint
Calgary Albertan (Intl.) : There 18.
no reason why "Canadian beef should.
not be as choice as British beef. We
have the stock, we have the fodder
and we have the men, All that seems
necessary is to apply more care and
thoroughness to the "finishing" of the
cattle for the table. If we do not, 11 is
hopeless to expect Britishers to buy
Canadian beef, in the quantities which
our cattlemen would like to supply.
For there is nothing that the Britisher
insists upon more emnphaticallythan,a
tasty -Sunday "joint of beef."
'Politics makes strange cell mates
Ray Foetuses.
By Mildred Low.
Invite 'Tena to Ottawa
Vancouver Sun (Lib.): Premier
Ramsay MacDonald hat decided . to
eonferlpersonally with president Herb-
ert Hoover of the United States: It
is reported that Premier Mackenzie
Ring of Canada is also to -be invited.
Naval disarmament is obtensibly the
main question to Jae. discussed......
Canada's interest is vital In such a'
confer es The Washington meet -
1184, probably be 11t'elllnmagy
to formal `session to be held later', per-,
dose of Phillips' departs You cite 0ap0Y again in Ave limns next year. •Otta'tve would'be the
t t tl S `
e o 0
ago s
Jus a ,
n •epee.
t: cofe
s - logicala
mi Sute .
at 1
' in vat
oi' eh s'
'milk al bIagnesra h Don't depend on crNde meihocls: i Calrada' r tercets a?,e two-sided; she
rmless. ,It vet in i An••
ha t evolved ( interpreter n
eefive bt e v h rate
efP t a lite the u Y est w Y ea 1
a the U Y 1s ,bee11 p
1 0 lr
Ctrl 1
That a
a s . Eeen s
• 50� inrelations. ,
for rehtee is
se ge _ 'ted Sta
antacidars of� Urn
ndando a -a
�, 7ias been th8 eta.all they„
leap iimong physieIalis"evei'Yvrbere, ?hillips' milk of Magnesia. ` 1 gestiu•e, Premier Ring's invitation
. sure to et the genuine. P indexed to the c
1neutralists•at once ,, Be g
many times 1 'crony 000r50 Years in correcting excess et•ry the.Emnimon's policy..: 1
t he r g way, thenick, pleasant and I
efficient way to kill the excess acid. aids. Dash_ Phillips' chief executives of the
55511 spoonful Will
, Magnesia jireseriUed:by p111si' '^;o nations tivonlf'be a valuable guide
t' es its volume in acid.. It is itlilk et M g
1 i •ht q bottle contains full dives
ThereI dregstore. linard's Liniment for.aching joints.
The stomach becomee sweet,; the gam trans --any drt os
Ask Your Barber—Me finows.
d Wiciht0,
.A -tiled and trusty
friend for 0years.
"Ilitn 400 vt449ad alnl
' ForCvooctormetalieta"SLMON
trod S
Che spec/011Y
, falces and bolds a ryontlerfutc
rlsbyorn /Wirral -write
a r 7
3/rGJ De. LTnI. `
vas JOHN. N,e, S.
nearest brasier.. f',{^.
a i
w,tYl:: ,ori
en your
-' a .µ�� Cry
Castol'la is a comfort when Baby is
fretful, No sooner taken than the
little one i5 at ease. It restless, a
fesv .drops soon bring contentment.
No berm done, for-Castorla is a baby
remedy, meant for babies. Perfect-
ly safe to give the youngest infant;
You have the doctors' word for that!
It is it vegetably product and you
could use it every day. But, it's ht an
emergency that Castoria means most.
Some night when constipation must
be relieved—or 00lio,pains—or other
Suffering, Never be without it; some
mothers keep an extra bottle, Un-
opened, to matte sure there will al-
ways be Castoria in the House. It is
effectve for. older. children, too; read
Use book that comes with it.
{- —
Boarding -;-louse Keeper: "I didn't
e atchtn'ch.
put anything in the plate
Boarder: "Forge or habit, I stint
II1~N a cold or exposure
brings aches and pains that
penetrate to yotir very bones, there
is always quick relief iiAspirin.
It wit) make. slor't Work of that
headache or any little pain, Just
as effective in the more serious
suffering from 'neuralgia, neuritis,
nlhelnllatisni on ;itl)nllago No ache
blti'rtlft ns ever ilio deet=seated for
'Aspirin tablets to relieve, and they
don't' affect the heal t. All druggists,
with proven directions for various
uses which many people have found
invaluable in the relief of pains and
aches o
many 1
f y kindkinds,-\_
D.oplrlu iy a 1'iaL�clllflr}' lieglsicr9d iu eaeaas
ISSUE No, 28—'29
Those Languid Eyes
They 'quickly reflect your health
and physical condition—restless
eyes indicate rho temperament pf
the stomach.
Watch the eyes a , e 'see that
the whites are dear with a healthy
bluish tinge. Tho minute a yel.
low tinge appears it betrays con-
stipation, sluggish liver or bil-
iousness, you need a laxative.
Bring back your
I Vigour, Vim, Vitality
%nidi Beechmna Pills--tOe auto way `to
constant. joyous, bounding '
S caS luny" Couldn't
Work. Gains 21. lbs,
and New Strength
Miss Donie 13risou writes, "Before
I tools I00nized 'Yeast I was so 'skinny”
I could not do my clay's work. But
now I can wont bard all day and rest
good all night.
About 8 months agomy weight
was 126 pounds. Ironized feast gave'
me .147' pounds of good flesh. You
would think I was another woman, I'
feel and look so snob. bettor."
Stop n helpg sloppy"' and always
tired. Thousands bave gained 5 to
15 pounds in 3 weeks with Irohized
Yeast. 'Sora5Pny . bones change to
graceful curves. Blotclsed skin be-
comes clear and fresh. "Lazy" feel-
ing vanishes.
Only when Yeast is lroeized is it
o wonderfully effective -for Iron is
needed to bring out the weight -build-
ing and strengthening values of Ysa5t.:
Pleasant' tablets In a handy bottle,
safe for everybody. Never cane gas
or bloating.
Go toany druggist to -day and got a
full size treatment of hronlzed Feast.
If after this generous trial you are
not delighted, get' 7010' money bat
from 'druggist or manufacturer. 7f
inconvenient to bay from druggist,
sent 81,25 to, Canattan,Ironized Yeast
Co., Ltd., Fort Erle, Ont. Desk 425.DS
Try a regular daily
a sh
enres fa, 'Ve `a7abte
oar ed. 'storycyeswis,
,� g
cell dm sloes. a Prodac0
Road about Character from tla•J;yes fir,
future Beecham Advertisements.
Safes Agents:Harold P. Ititehio 00 Co.,
Limited Toronto 82a
`I think Lydia E. Pinkhatn's
Vegetable Compound is wonderful,
1 have had six children of which for
st'e living and my youngest is a bon-
nie baby boy now eight months old
who -weighs 23 pounds. I have taken
your medicitro before each of them
was born find have certainly re,
ccived great benefit from it..I urge
4my friends to take it as I am sure
they will receive the same belp 1 did.
—Mrs. Milton 1vfcMullen, Vanessa,
. T E
Carefully o i]
ed to t 11'onete proper grewth, hall and Suring, iovcry
e v round
rrot 1 T less aear
haver shou
hexa etnr
prices, Write
Now, Agents¢pts
Warrtad. lFlilliuuni er10 tans. No laar>utaopmplain of high trees f
you bay from uv.Wrlie today.
B;1onos29Co.3lun„ad Fit, west, uvr5n:a-e, can
Cur mate: Qlshiay—Kern^n .,..C..ecion.