HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-07-04, Page 5• .'...After••;.eiX,Yin6i4,,,•-",::.„,.,.,• deth Ku tzrned to London • dull ..P.Ititity*xls. t'.0"K howov 1'he ?eek end frent.:". of •1a1'es • -4n. • .Aiti6,16 The14,7477seen r.: •:.1•..t••-te".be• • !1; 9 bOA1C , • •, sehool •• r.g7k••:the ' 12 it Matte. ..:economy• itis ee•r &ono - ' • • - Canadians"• conic]. vrell : afford, •••t o. a ,bit wfore of 'DoraiMon.'Day H • • -;"tlinn. they do. Some town put on eebtibn • eit:"'-wheret iio is iilickwed.le. 0.40s no netieek-heing' • ::taken:•.'-In'',ClintoVfor iXistance, • ' Vonclay",,flags fleW• from' pie".public • it tias.014:,thetrOdd pri= Irate'dtretifite. *Iiih'shoWed 'h. bit of •• : • •;,•,•, • -• • The� fashioned an vrhtch. • • • was e'real:'-day'.orregt and-worshi • may •toolerither dull to Sone • d ern people who- seem to be so on- • stitti*Vtlitiflirt1SY 7in Speeding .over the '-rohnii; somewhere for . . nOoparticialarpurpose, is the normal, eznce Bnt it causect.fevv•er:brolt ert,families, cut "off • fewer yoUng, lives, filled :fewer' hospitals and • graVeyards, thanthe present method • sending.,.. the day. ••••' ". „Brubefield • The..paved .InghwAy at Brucefield kiS.21()W. open foo-otraffie east and 'west, ., :but still. el5sed north and 'south. Mr. -and MTS. Ben; 'Kaiser of -De- : troit *felted at the -home of the let - t .tetsoliareitts, Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe, last :Siinday. .1VEss- Annie Mustard , of London -"is.spending her holidays at the home of her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. " Mustard. . Nts.`fvfaCartney of Clinton visited • friends in Brueefield last week, Miss Audrey Murdock had the mis- fortune to fall out of a swing and • break her ankle at jowett's Grove on Dominion Day. Thesympathy of her many friends is extended to her. Last Sunday evening the services in the 'United church was withdrawn on • account of Rev. Mr. McDonald's fare- well 'in, Egniondville`and also the op- -, ening of the new WesleyWillis church in Clinton. , The Marion Oliver Mission Circle held .its regular June' meeting at the home of. Miss Dorothy Broadfoot, the president, on Thurgclay evening. The meeting took the forin of a birthday partiSc. Kathleen Elliott .read. the Devotional Leaflet and Viola Wheeler had the chapter, from the study book, "Black Tree.- . stme," which was very interesting After the meeting games and con- tests were enjoyed. At the close of the evening lunch was served by 'the hostess. Twenty-four girls were present. . Miss Laura Swiin, of Toronto ,was •, week -end guest at her home here, -Miss Ireno Snider • has returned. 'to London after spending the holi- day at her hone. • Miss Mary Stewart left- Monday- '• evening for Toronto, where 'she 'in- tends taking a sunnner course • in - music. Miss Ellen Scott is spending a few days in London, Mr. and Mrs. G. Manson and son, of Dundas, were week -end guests - with friends here. Quite •a number from here attend- . ed opening anniversary services in Clinton Wesley -Willis Church on Sunday. Mr. and efts. 1. Addison and attended ,,the graduation of Nurse " Gladys Addison of Orillia. Messrs, Stan Reid and C. Mason, • of Wingharn, were week -end guests at the home of M. C. Reid, Mr. and 1VIrs. Lorne Pepper have • returned to Niagara after spending the week -end here. Mir. and Mrs.' 2, B. Aikenheacl, of • London, called 'on friends here on Sunday. 1*. and Mrs. A. Aikenhead, of " London, were week -end guests with i" -friends. Coderich Township Miss Alice Corey of LolidIsu spent 'Sunday and Monday at the hone of her parents, 1Vf.r and 1VIrS.4.1. Corey. Mrs. Margaret Stirling, e, former - resident of the 5th concession of ,Gor- erich township, her son, W. J. Stir- " ling, M -s. Stirling and family,. of • ' Gairdiner, North Dalcota, motored ov- er and are, visiting relatives in the township. Report a S. S. No. 8: , jr. 4th—Robert Stirling, Borden Sr. 3rd—Ilarry Lowden Harold ." Johnston, Lillian Picot. Jr. '3rd—Thelma. , 2nd—Jean ;Johnston, Thelma John- ' -.sten, Gladys Clark: ' • 'Se. 1st—Sylvia, Loieden. ' ,Se Pr.—.Grant jean Bell, Helen Bell. •. —Ruth E. Evans, teacher. •Mr.'. and Mrs. Erie Jono of Tor- - 84to visited -1)11e' latter's sister,. Mrs. R, S. Sloan over the holiday. ,Mro, Jas. R, Stirling had the ns iortu 'e to lose trir.:> good cattle so kled..,te, be from eqting nitrate of I OVIiss and her friend 14as Edna Brush of Windsor is via?, Ai* the fornier's iirents, 1VAC xtrid ••.Ian,.,S .3 "W coit*agitiii.;•.- • •. O• WA - o a a NO: Goderjci sisfd he part,'1".4/N: POer,.• 'AZeDOngall-, ter few Mr. Erland Betties: of was -"Yistting . his parents, . and1Vb.s. 'Waster 'Mac loanof 'Walton spent 'week's aeittion.at,' jas. many 'friends of mies, John 'Harrison of Porter's Biliwiul be; ear - • to' .hear that she is in very.pcior 'health „ ,• Miss,"Rena Elliott' of Clinton spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Elliott. ,• Mr. and Mrs. R. J. ,Cantelon and Mr. Thee. Ramsey eif Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. W. Culver of Fridian- appps visited friends over the holi- day. • Miss Grace Stirling of Toronto vis- ited her„ parents, Mr, and Mrs/Jas. R. Stirling over the week -end. Om Monday morning,' there Jiap- pened an accident in front of Mr.' W. Churchill's which TY1,41it'have proved dis'aitrous. A! car driven by a friend. of Mr. Murdock, Clinton, upon strik- ing the new gravel, suddenly swerved and turned directly around, turning upside down in the ditch. Mr. and Mrs. 1Vturdock, Sr., who were in the car suffered from minor bruises and glass cuts. Others, who were in the car, -su,ffered si,milar injury. 'VIT. and Mrs. A. T. Middleton and son of Lucap, also 1VIr. 0. R. Fer- guson of London visited at the peren- tal home over the holiday. Mrs. W. Henderson ,and babe of Cepper Cliff, Oa, are visiting the lady's parents,„1VIr. and Iris's. 12. Sny., der. 1VIr. Henderson intends motor- ing down for his fancily at a. later date. Rev. S. E, and Mrs. McKegney and family of London spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. a 3. Thompson, en route to Southampton where they will spend their,..Aummer vacation. , Mr. jack James of Walkerton was a holiday guest of Mr. J. R. Thump - SOD. Varna A most interesting and pleasing event took place in the city hall, Stratford, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, when a class of -fourteen nurses graduated from the General hospital, among whoin was Miss Rena Johnston, Varna, The hall was suit- ably decorated and was crowdes to its fullest capacity, while on the. plat - 2 dnt were arrayed in- white uniforms the graduates, each holding a 'beau- tiful bouquet of roses and behind them the speakers and others. A. splendid program was!: prepared consisting of addresses, solos, pres- entation of diplomas and other spec- ial medals and gifts. A striking fea- ture was four little tots presenting the graduates With most..handsome bouquets and baskets of flowers. G. G. McPherson administered the Flor- ence Nightingale oath. The chair- man of the occasion Was D. M. Wright a member of the hospital board. The speakers were: F. W. Hays, M.P., of St. Marys; Dr. Murray, president of the medical staff of the hosintal; 'Dr. Monteith ii4 Sir Alfred Marine of Newfoundland, also 1V1r. McPherson chairman of board of directorsupon whose spacious and decorated lawn the exercises would have taken place only for the rain. The speakers of the afternoon paid high tribute .to the nobility' of the nursing profession which is perhaps the noblest calling for a woman with her many excellent qualifications. We heartily congratulate Miss Johnston on her splendid achievement and also upon her attractive appearance and healthful physique after., three years of arduous labour, at those long and^ tedi-cnis tasks, which require the utmost patience and fortitude. really know. ' • . Miss Johnston was the recipient of many beautiful. bouquets and hand - sone gifts of various kinds which showed the high esteem and lave eherished by. her friends. Among the invited guests who attended the grad - nation' were: 1VIrs. -Eleanor Clarice, Mr. -John Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston and family; Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Clarke and sons. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harnwell, Mr. and Mrs. Pace* Johnston, 'Miss Mabel MeClin- chey, and Mr. Melvin 'Webster of Varna; Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Johnston, Clinton; Mrs. Emily Evan's, Sea - forth; Mr, and 1VErs, Melvin .Clark, Winthrop and Mr. C. H. Reid, Mime - field. • lioiniesville • Mr. II'. B. Gundry, 1VI.A., of Toronte will preach in -the Holinesville Uni- ted church on Sunday, alai at Eben- ezer and 'Sharon.: There was no service in the Unit- ed church. Sunday morning, on ac- count of te reopehing of Wesley. Willis 'United Church, Clinton. A number front bore attended the open- ing and dedication eervices. The Holmesville Cooperative Cheese and Butter Co. is doing a 'flourisMng;business this year. The output of cheese, beirig almost twice that of last year. , Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ward, of Elmira, Spent the week -end - at - the home of Mr. and, Mrs, John FOrif hi eturnec 'home , . „after spending Aome menthe -an the Border Cities, TIES OLINTON-,N07$ RECORD' Asspesats WEES611R5SisIT, IVI°n1141" dellV61:Y. S 11°P phone' "° Qd a11'near as Your s, Sent Anyw ere, Chas.v CooKe, wo P1.7es-‘66w altd66j Marriages onicEt-66tTLIS—At' the 'old' Wea • „ley parsonage, Clinton, on June 26th, .by the Rev. A. A. Holmes, Vera, daughter o± Mi. and MrS. Harry 'Wt. Gould, to Ernest Crich son of Iva. and 111.4:s. Gifford Crich, of • PROCTOR-r:WISE-7.A the home of the hide's parents, Clinton, on june 29th, by the Rev. A. A. mes, Viola, only daughter of Mr. and li/fxs. J. It, Wise; to Joseph Clif- ton Proctor, ecin of 1VIr. and Lewis Proctor of II,olmesYille. TiLLIOTT-13,,EACOM—,on. June -26th, at St. Georgies Anglican Church, London, by Ven. Archdeacon Sage, I Lulu Mary Beacom to George Wea- ley Elliott. • VODDEN—FERRIS—At Motherwell, _On 'June 29th, by the Rev. Neil Leckie, Irene 'Ferris, daughter,, of Mr. and 1Virs. Robert, Ferris, to Albert wt. Vodden, son of Mr. and al/firs. Zahn Vodden, / all of Hullett , 11"REETWAN—CANTELON --- At the home of the brilles parents, TO1'011- to, on June 29th, by the .Rev, R. • H. Toye, Kathleen Beatrice, only • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. -F. Cantelon, to Russell' Hector Free- man, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Freeman,, all of Torbnto. 1VIEAD—COOK—In' Windsor, at the ---,,home of the bride's' parents, on June 24th, by the Rev. R. R. Mc- Kay, Vera M., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Cook, to W. C. Mead, son, of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mead, Blenheim. i - Births COOPER—In Clinfor- Publie Hoeni- tat, ,on June 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper, a daughter, London Road • The London Road Community Club and friends held a very successful pic- nic at Bayfield on Saturday. The la -dies' club and their fainiliee of Tuckers:I-nth also picniced with them. The day was ideal and a large crowd was present to enjoy, a day by the lake. A good program of sports' 2 or both young and •old and very appe- tising meals helped to make the pic- nic a real success.' Needless te say everyone enjoyed it. 1V1's. and Mrs. Geo. Layton returned last week from their wedding trip and paid a short visit to friends in this vicinity. Miss Marjorie DICEwing, visited at Mrs. Lebeau's for a few days last weel,' Mrs. 13yram Roweliffe and Miss Wanda attended a clinic in Stratford en Friday last. Mr. and las. Frank Lano visited at the latter's Immo in Clifford ever the week -end, Mr. ,and lVirs. Joe Becker, Detroit, called on friends en' Sunday last. Mrs. T. Lindsay returned from Sombra on Saturday last, accompan- ied by her daughter' and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rathburn. Mr, and Mrs. Rathburn returned to their home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Johnston atten- ded the nurses graduation exercises iu Stratford on Wednesday of last week, Their neice, Miss Rena John- ston of Varna, being in a ciao of 14 nurses that graduated from Stratford general hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Nelans and Miss II- een and Masters Joseph 'and Herbert and Mr. Joseph Rheinhart, Kitchen- er, visited at the home of Mrs. Nele, atm' sister, M. and 'Wm John ()Mg - ley, 031 Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Woods, Mlitchell, and Mr. and 1VIrs. Douglas, Millbrook, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson on Sunday last. • Stanleg Township Mrs. Henderson, who has spent several weeks at the home of her son, M. George Henderson, returned to her -home at Paris on Sunday. Mr. and 'Wm. Harold Innis, and of Toronto, spent the week, end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John 1VIdss EcIna.Alexantler of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks holidays at the hoine of Mrs. John Innis, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell spent the week -end- with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwiird GIen and - left Monday f dr Toronto. Misses Aim and Billie Stewart of Windsor were home 'for Dominion Day. ' Mr. Harvey 'Stewart of Kitchener was home for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Legg of Lyons, and Mrs,47. Butchart, spent the week- end visiting friends of 2nd-, and 3rd concession. " Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron of Stratford are visiting at the hone of ivcr. Neil McGregor this week. lifr. James Bryant of London spent a feet days at the home of elr, John McCoiran, - • • M-rs. Newell of FoanillAke, Sask., who was visiting ,her mother, Mrs. Robinson 'ilear Kinpen called to„see Mrs. Geo. Baird. Sr., the beginning4W, • Mr and Mrs. LorneJ2. Peper if Niagara :Falls sent' the, .holidaY vie- iting friends here. ' ' •B1s�LiRf Parliuiled Hams 48c ' ^ Dry' Fresh Pic Ilams. 20c ShOrt: Shank, 7C Siiitiked•C"4t.1611S 10c Cott, AOlis 2$c Lard in built lb' 17c 3 lb :pail Lard: 5 lb Pail Lard' 80c _ Lamb, Veal, Real and Pork always ° on band Try us for best variety of cooked • meats CONNELL & TYNDALL Clinton's Leading Meat kartwt 'esbought abaodiiig to ;Doinht- g 4 '';;tCalf°-111' noire, f'r :our .04 ed chick's betAt9ryy9iln,alwaya ':76aticpit:edegtpy,n,:e, wanted- ciqc4;11,0d. ,, arthit Phone—Offlee 2143 gesl..tience, 214 Car Owners and others El yen a personaAuto „ViT0'eS3; ''t 1 mobile Accident Policy: of Fifteen Hundred Dollars and weekly indent, pity of Twenty-five dollars, covering for any automobile accident For the small sum of five dollars per annum. Protect your income by carrying an accident and sickness policy, • H. E. RORKE P, 0, Box, 147, Phone, 283w ' , Garden Party and Coucert Sun Life Agency. • Grace Unite 4 Church will hold their annual Garden Pary-and ' cert „,- A," 1 July l7th on the Church Lawn PORTER'S HILL Suppef Served from 6 to 8 pail. MENU: Cold Meat, Salad, Pickles' • Jellies, Pie, Cake, Tea and Coffee. This will be followed by a concert by the Lakeside Entertainers of Bay- field. • 'SOFTBALL GAME,. AT 7 P.M. Admission, 50e and 25e, 21-1. Do Not Miss I'll Explain Everything a three -act comedy, to be presented by the Dramatic Club of Trinity Church, Galt, under the dir- ection of Miss Jean M. Woods) on the evening of Wednesday, July- 10 • at 8:15 IN TOWN HALL, BAYFIELD - - under auspices "of the Junior Guild of Trinity Church, Bayfield This play is "Screamingly funny and excellently acted, and is well worth seeing. Admission, Adulte, .35c, under 12 years, 20c. ChilcIren 20-1, Wanted A. general housemaid for summer cottage, 13ayfield, to commence work July 15, apply Mrs. Fred Trebel', cottage No. 12, Jowett's Grove, Bay- field, Ont, _.21-2. For,Salo A nice oak sideoard for sale. See H. W. Charlesworth. ' 21-1. SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT AND BAND TATOO Remember the softball tournament and Band Tattoo at Blyth on Wednes- day afternoori and evening, July 10th, Clinton, Winghain, Auburn, BelgraVe and Blyth Softball teams will com- pete, beginning at one o'clock, pan. Liberal prizes for winners. Listowel, Lueknow, 'Wingham, Clinton and Blyth Bands will take part in the tattoo at 8 pan. and this will be followed by a dance on the grounds. Do not fail to attend. Ad - ,mission, Adults 25c, Children, 15e, —Advt. MORRIS TOWNSHIP COUPLE 'CELEBRATE' CRYSTAL • • WEDDING The home of Mr. and IVIrs. Leslie Beavers, Morris township, was a happy one on Wednesday evening, June 26th, it being the fifteenth an- niversnry of their wedding. About two hundred invited guests were pre. sent front Waterloo, Wingliam, Exe- ter, Blyth, Brussels •and bninediate neighborhood. B, W. F. Beavers, Exeter, act- ed as -chairman for the program. At the strains of the wedding -march Mr. Lewis Aldworth escorted his daugh- ter, Mrs. Beavers, to the platform, followed by Mr. Beavers. The chair- man congratulated the couple on this their fifteenth wedding anniversary 'to which IVA.. Bearnes made a suitable reply. The friends then gave them a 'shower of rice, as ,a reminder of their wedding day, and continued good wishes. The following artists assisted with the program: • Mr., and Miss Wild - gong and Mir. ,Geddes, Exeter, with musical nuMbers; Kis. Scott and Mrs. Clarence I-Ian:ger each, gave a pleasing reading; Messrs. Brown, Fear, Kelly and Healey sang a quar- tette; two little girl e gave a .etep dance, and the Blyth string orchestra consisting of Miss Shortreed, Mr. and WattAnd KW. Kirkby, gave sev. oral musical selections. An outdoor platform had been erected on the lawn, where the company enjoyed thentserves dancing to the fine music furnished by;„ the Blyth string or- chestra. A. dainty lunch wag, served by nits.. peaverpr -iosisted seVeraf lady ftiends. The beautiful And ,usetul gifts Presented to BT,Tf and -Mrs. - Beavers were splendid. evidence ofthe esteem hi' width. this young equine s held by their host of friends. Car Insurance Life Insurance Fire Insurance - - Investmextts. Clothes cleaned, pressed and t3., Also Real Estate and Sate Service . paired., Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms aver Heard's B. rber shop. Dividends paid Monthly, 1 pet -cent per mohth, by Long Distance Short Distance W. 3. Jago. 228343 STANDARD ROYALTIES, LTD. „inciaeioillessannnuarinnionsinienenn sure ' The perfect BUSTING POWDER ---Quick acthig and posiive 'Easy to use, OryFluffy, Light, Oderless. No spayer necessary. No water to carry., Noinixing: All ready for use. Isla perfect. treatment' to kill insects that feed upon the, leaf. For potatibea,, Currant and Gooseberry buslfes Rose bushes Annuals and. Plre, ennials, and the vegetable 'garden, Quoted on Lawns doatxoy4 Ants. Put up in a convenient she,ker 'package for rdon us,e also in 20 lb and 50 lb bags. • Miller Hardware Co. DISTRIBUTORS FOR HURON, PERTH AND eAr-lY P0'0. TELEPHONE 63 CLINTON mosiamaamaseimma C. H. VENNER, Electrician, • Electric RangeS, Ftir@s, Bulbs) Iron, FaRi on4 etl_wr Appliances Wiriag and Repairs. Phone I Transportaton' eibtkes Mailed and Pressed -4.'" • J. G. CHOWEN CLINTON. P. 0. Box, 155 Phone, 62 044f. . - CLIMAX BUG KILLER For Sale By W.-CITARLESWORTH • 21-1. For Sale An electric Hoover late' model va- cuum sweeper in good conclitien. Ap- ply to Mrs, MacMurchie, King street, Clinton, 21-3. Teacher Wanted Experienced teacher for S. S. No. 5, Goderich township. Apply to John A, Cox, secretary, . . No. 2, Bayfield. 21-2-p. For Salo A four-wheel trailer, also a Dur- ham cow. Apply to E. W. Morrison, Phone 6171:13, Clintocentral. 20-2-p. - Someone, Somewhere Wants ,yeur Photograph and the Burgess Studio, Clinton,- wants to make that Photograph. Studio open seam(' and last Tuesday of each month. Next days open Tuesday, Ally 9th and Tuesday, July apth. If yon cannot wait for those days „come to my ,,,Mitchell Studio. Burgess Studios, Mitchell and Clinton. 20-2. Sow and Pigs For Sale - Good Yorkshire sow with litter of ten pigs, 4 weeks old. Apply to James Stirling, 6th concession Gode- rich township, -R. R. No. 2, Bayfield. -Phone, 600r12. 204f -1-p. For Sale A number of gooh cherry seats, from St, John' S Church, Holmesville. May be- seen. at Holmesville Cheese and Patter factory. Apply to E. T. Trewartha, Secretary II. C. & B. Co., R. R. No. 3, Clinton. 20-2. - NOTICE, TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given to all per- sons -having claims against the estate of IVIargaret Campbell, late of the Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, who died on or about theist day of May A.D. 1929, to forward their claims in writing accompanied by a Statutory Declaration verifying same,to the undersigned on or before the 15th• day of July A.D. 1929, On and after that -'date the Executors of the said estate will proceed to make distribution Of the assets of the said estate, having regard only to such claims as they shall then have ha& notice. • Dated at Goderich this 21st day of June A.D., 1929. Hays and Hays, Hamilton street, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 20-3. ,For Sale ' • An Oliver Bean and Corn Cultiva- tor in good- condition. „Frank Tyn- dall- , 20-2. RUPTURE SPECIALIST Repture, Varicocele, Varicose Vehis Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free, Gall or write, S. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. Slabs For Sale Orders left at niy residence will receive prompt attention. E Ward, Iluron street; -Clietoif.-Phone 155. - - 1542. , • Cottage Far Sale - 6 teems: -with frost -proof "cement cellar, good summer kiteheni electric lights, soft water -cistern, geed garL den *ith fttifl, ete,,, to lots on' Rattenbury...steee0,Weit. Mra. Thos. Goods in Transportation Insured We Want Your Milk and Cream ' Furniture Carefully Handled Efficient Operator. Charges Reason- able. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. R. 1WeMath, 601r34, Oliver Pocock, Operator, 610r42, Frame barn,1°73rS0xa510e, mowing ma- 1 chineo light wagon, horsy rake and buggy, also a quantity of choice seed Ptietoei, Apply to John D. Woods, Louise greet, PayfieLd. 13-4. For Sala *""!" On Victoria street a 101-notblied frame house in perfect conditiotl, pantry, wilehroom, bath, new Me - Clary furnace, cellar under whole of house, large garden, 'garage, in beautiful location. Apply th Mrs. A. S. Inkley. Clinton. 07-2-p4f. For Salo White brick house on Princess St., east, with eight rooms. Town and soft water, electric lights, one-half acre of land with barn, large and small fruit. Possession at once. Apply to Mr. Levi Stong, Clinton, Ont., or Mrs, James Steep, 8 Elm- wood Avenue, London, Ontario. - 074f. House For Sale A comfortable seven room cottage with town water and electric lights, 1,4 acre of land with small fruit and good stable with chicken house. Ap- ply to Alex. Siemer'," Fulton street, Clinton. 0542. "Niagara" Super -Soluble Land Lime, also, high grade fertilizers always in stock. Prompt delivery service when required. H. R. Baer, Phone Carlow, 2821, R. R. No, 5, Ooderich, Ont. 15-42. Clinton's AMERICAN tilSTORY TORy Dae Dectslve_sat,_ thew -or tor twee, NOW -Winter it") Remember that hotly contested bat- tle in the war against the combined forcee of winter, ---fought and won by ..am Heat Folks? History, as usual, repeats This ariny of frost and sleet and snow will hurl- itself against your household this winter. Better engage the Heat Folks, who have never lost one of there battleS, to win this one for you. If you believe in preparednessilet us fortify your. house today. Call the twifeeft • for good, clean coal COAL COMPANY Nv.i,it,e, ou,ton. , 09-tf. l'HONE 74 CLINTON We are manufacturers of both cheese and butter. We want your milk or creani. We pay highest mar, ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar. anteed Phone YBili 5s1dr for finest elle* or pasturised butter in prints or sol. ids to W. 0. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R, R, No, 3, Phone No. 60502, THE RoLmtaviLtt e0-OPEfiki TIVE CHEESE AND I3UTTER COMPANY. LIMITED BABY CHICKS English Barron S. C. 'W. Leghorn/I Barred Plymouth Rocke Hatches Every Week Custom Hatching 4'•1 ELIVISLEA CHICK FARM E. L. MITTELL Proprietor, Clinton Phone, 213 . , . . SPECIAL CASH PRICES ON LEHIGH VALLEY COAL in all sizes One Of The Best Qualities Coke Supply kept in Sheds at Residence A. D. McCartney Queen Street A few dry slabs for Sale Telephone 256 Cockshutt Agency Wishing Repairs or Parts for Cockshutt or Frost and Woods Ma- chines of any kind should call at my Residence, I also handle Cockshutt Cream Separators. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton. 81-tf, SEEDS Complete stock Clovers and Grass Seeds on hand. March Prices al- ways best Prices - Our Alfalfa is Peel County Seed No.,1 Government standard . This type of seed is practically impossible •to buy this year. Haire only a small stock. Good value while it lasts. J. A. FOR.D 8' SON Phone 123 Flour, Feed and Seed McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag- ency for this district I will keep on hand a full stock of repairs'and parts of all McCormick -Deering machines and will appreeiate a share of the patronage of the farmers surounding Clinton. Gall at my shop, next' door to Joneeblacksmith shop, King street. W. J. STIEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04-tf. Eggs and Poultry Home on - Tuesday and Friday fore- noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at •residence every! day—graded-by an' experienced grade ere,tfopit•iiveehfcla,we pay the. highest Marl k Cream purehE.toOil for ' A E Pinch Viking Cream Separator Agent, Victoria St Clniton Phone 23f • • • • ' , • a ,, , „