HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-07-04, Page 4COOPER'S STORE NEWS Picnic Su ' *l* acs Paper Plates, Paper Gaps, Peper Cloths Drinking ,Cu P S s P, Also Plain arid loicyDih s, Maya BeHad From Es. Sweaters and Bathing Suits We handle'- the celebrated "MONARCH" lines of Sweaters and'Bathing Suits. The styles and Prices are right;, ummer r Dresses :With -New Fittings and New; ,Stock our ready-to-wear de- partment is inereasing; in pop- ularity. We shall 'lie glad to haveyou look through. 1 Summer Hats The latest Hats for Children, t z n, Misses and Ladies. ALL AT POPULAR PRICES, A. T. COOPER "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" CLINTON Sherlock -Manning Pianos . . How About Treating a g Xour:- self to a PIANO? J. MeNEIL Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113•or Phone 273, Clinton • ar 'Equitable Life - Waterloo The. 'Ontario EY ...ryryit� .ALL PLANS OF LIFE PROTECTION 'EDUCATION POLICIES MORTGAGE PROTECTION ENDOWMENT ANNUITIES RETIREMENT ANNUITIES Beneficiary Indemnity Protecting the insured to the amount of the fate valueof the policy should the Beneficiary (Wife) die aa the result • of an accident,. Double Indemnity and Triple Indemnity—Protection in the event of death from accidental causes. ° All the above privileges we will be,pleased to make clear in or- der that you may, better determine your needed protection and ar- range for YOU an income in the event of beco)ning totally'disabld, NL ; ., Corless DISTRICT AGENCY INSPECTOR - — CLIN7.'ON PRONE 193 04-tf. Promotion Examination Results In Clinton Public Schools 'Promoted' From Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th. Honours. on Year's Work: Gene Andrews! Marion West D- •othy Cornish, 1farion Hudson, George Elliott.. Honours: Jack Perdue, Peter. eantelon, • Passed: Tom Turner, Frank Heard, May, Verner, Jack. Cree, Sue Steep; Helen Runnball, Franced Fitzsim- mons, Mary7vis Gordon enner, r Margaret Tasker;: Recommended: 'toss Fitzsinnmons, •George Lawrason, Cecil Holmes. Perfect attendance for year: Cecil Holmes. —M. E, Arnistreng,• Teacher ;Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4tla (Names in order' of 'Merit•) )honours for year: Nora Freenlinl`, Gertrude Reid; Jean Neilahs5•, Mur- ray Draper, Mary Turner's, Elwin .Neilans*t George fGampbell, Gladys Radford*, Fred Hovey, Rena Hovey, Dorothy Steep*, Sadie Elliott*, Grace Levis, Bruce Bartliff, Nora Liner - more. ''Perfect attendance, Pass: Harold Johnston,,. George Lavis, Jim -Elliott ' Mary Cooper*, Alice Taylor, • Rex Hovey, Vic, Do- herty, Kenneth Dougan, Jack Niekle, 'Beatrice Brown, Norman Fitzsim- mons*, Virginia Harris, Lucy War - Ten, Reggie Smith, Beecher Streets, -Kenneth Jones, Jessie Tideswell. Jr. 3rd, to Sr. 3rd Passed on year's work: Violet 'Frenilin, Norma Cook, Billie West, Ellen Charlesworth; Benson Sutter, Agnes Agnew,, Bob" Biggart, Agnes 'Cameron. - Honours: Ruth Andrews, Harold 'Seeley, Kenneth Reid,'' Bob' Dandier, ,Agnes Doherty, Willard Aiken. Pass: Ethel Cooke, John Cuning- 'hanme, Jack .letellveen; Gordon Hearn,' Chester Neilans, Cora Streets, Grace :Pinch, Evelyn Heard. Recommended: Nora Tideswell, -IDs. A. Fremlin, teacher. 'Sr., 2nd to ,Ir.- 3rd, Nanies in Orders of Merit. ,Honours for -year: Fred Axon,, Madelon 1Viurch, Ross Finch, Royce, F Ernest Idlittell, Sydney Law- -seta-Tont aw`son-Torn Cook; . Kenneth Iran. , Honors, `. on Examinations:, Ruth 'Laois, Cathleen Cuninghame. Vass: Muriel Perdue, Edna Pick- ,ett, Charles Mutch, Nelson Lovett, Jean Cameron, Florrio Evans, Billie Leppington, Palma Thinking, " Doris Niekie, Myrtle Bezzo, Winnie War- ren, Ellen Fremlin Margaret Heard, Norris Fitzsimmons, Agnes .lohnson, Reggie Cudmore, Recommended: Louie Hoy. Perfect attendance for the year: Madelon Murch,' Sydney Lawson, Ruth Levis, Norris Fitzsimmons. Vera. B. Pepper, Teacher. D" iV .6th t to Div. 5th ' Honour a far the year:• Erma Hale, Loretta Schwanz,' Lillian Elliott, p- lan McGill, Alvin Corless, Ivan Tur- ner, Gertrude aIolnies; Jack West, Jessie :Campbell, Pass: Greta.; Taylor, Helen Levis, Stella Brown, Bob Draper. Jr'.' Class:— Honours on exams: Elizabeth Doan, Audrey Jones, Joyce Douglas,. Bessie Smith. se , Pass: -Doris Taylor, Sonny Harris, Claire Paxman,Orval Lobb, Helen .Kennedy, Stinson ll cllveen, Billie Finch, Edwin Cooper. ' --H, Courtiee, teacher, Division 7th to Division'0tir Honors for the year: Kenneth Cooke, Pearl Elliott, Marjorie': Steep, Arthur Aiken, Valena Elliott, Elwin Thinking, Diek .Fremlin, Fred. Hell- yar, Jack Hawking, Norma Andrews, Pearl Tideswell; Helen Gandier. Honors on examinations: Malcolm Smith, Margaret McEwen, Clayton Cooper,Marie P1ufi`isteel, Olive Finch, Roy Leppingtoa, Katharine Turner, Jack Butler, Mary RozelI. Pass: -Everett Lobb; Gladys Link, Dorothy Macdonald,- Delores Brown, Tom O'Connel, ` Dick Dixon, June Rozell;ed'rancis Evans, -Pearl Lovett, Alvin C' coke, Dave Johnston, Jean McCallmmn. - -IVI, Wiitse, teacher. Peiimary: Honours: Florence Aiken, '''Bobbie . Campbell, Bobbie Cook, ' Maxine Miller. )Gordon Lep- pington; Billie Cook, Mary, Cameron, Billie Powell, ' Lily Poulter, John Levis, Honours: Roy Pickett, Billie Bez-, ze, Jack; Shanahan, ,George Seh'u*anz, Reggie Jenkins, "Maurice Maguire, David Kennedy, Gerald Shanahan, Sara Carter, To Sr. -Primer: Honours: Billie Counter, Allen Snaith, Tommy' Correll, Raymond Finch, ''Honours: ' Gordon I-Iertnan, Helori Heimnan, Iona Lenpiegt of ' Lorna Pluinsteel, Audrey Butler; THE ,CLIN'TON N1EWS earomantamalsoranameamemenammerameee RECOItn TIIURSD.AY, JULY 4,.1029. , 8aufield Dr, C. W. Brown ot•Cliaton, Iowa, Mrs D, S. Cleft', 1Vlissee Cora and Evelyn Cluff and Mrs. 0, J. McBride, u£ Toronto are aecupyine Mrs. M. Ross'' cottage,` Sunt -R -Inti, Mrs, A. Chivers and -bale-and Mr. A. Elliott and three -children' of m sor erethe guests- tile is of the Far - g mcr's aunt, Miss Martha-Rathwell, Mr. and Mrs. Stanton df Bad Are - Mich., motored to the village on Fri- -dey` last and._took their cousins, Mfr,. A."1VIeGrogor, Mr. IL McGregor and "Miss Maude McGregor, on a ;motor trip to Bad Axe. They, returned home on Monday after a most enjoyable trip both ways. ' Mits. Mac. Boas end Mrs, Frank zd P Henry and Warr,. Henry of White - el -lurch and Ales. Alf. Sutherland and two daughters of "Hanuota,: Man., were visitors one,�day last week with Mr.'' and Mrs. W. J. Poster. - Mr. and Mrs. Knox and the Misses Caine of Toronto were the guests of Mr, andMrs, Jas.' Sturgeon over the v✓eok-end. 'Mr. and ' Mrs. -J. L. Dixon and daughter, Carrie, of Galt are spend- ing a couple of weeks with their daughter, Min. T H,' Paull; at the ,Rectory. Mr, and ID's. L. B. Smith and Mas- ter - Glen of London 'and `Mr. and Mrs. H. K. King and Meter Harold At- wood of Sarnia spent` the' week -end with their- parents;' ` Mr., and :Mrs.. Chas.. Parker. ' Miss 'Nina Heard of Clinton - is home for the: Iong vacation.. '. Miss Jean M: Woods of Galt' ar- rived home on Monday; for the sum- mer vacation. l'dr. G. NI;„ Hamilton, teller in the local -Bank of Corxuneree, spent the' week -end and holiday in'Brusselo..- Mi,, W. G. Rae. 'who; has been prim- iepal of the public school here' since Christ -rims left -last Week for.. his home in Wroxeter. The "School ;board has engaged Mr. Orville . Kalbfleish of Mildmay: who •has been teaching_ near Kitchener, to fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Rae's resignation. ' The following is the Bayfield pub- lic School. report for June: Sr. 4th, Louise McLeea, Dean. Castle, Emma Sturgeon.--: Jr., 4th, C'ai iiin Johns; Fred: '-Sturgeon, Keith'Gemeinliard, Maud Parker, Brown Lindsay, John. Lindsay. Sr.%3rd, Tom' .Castle, •James Sturgeon. Hugh' McLeod, Louis Wild, Richard' Weston, .Doris Featherston, Jean. Dunn, Clara Parker, Charles. Parker. Jr. 3rd„ Evelyn Gemeinhard, Vera Wild; Mae _Murray, Charlie, Brandon, Kenneth Castle, Harry' Brandon. las 2nd, Irene Leitch, Bob McLeod,' Albert Osmond, Stuart Sturgeon, Pearl Lindsay, Wm."OS- mend. Pt, 1, Kenneth Brandon, Wil- liam Westlake, Eugene ,Castle, Jr. Primary, Lorna Westaike; ,June Bran- don, Dari Osmond, Nora Parkero, ,lack Murray, ,Betty' Brandon, Elsie 'McLeod, John McLeod. ' ' Per. and Mrs.' R. M. Gale and da}`hter, Gladys, spent Monday at the old homostead, Ahna (now owned ed by their son, John) where their' seven children and their husbands end wives and fifteen grandchildren egathered fora family reunion. Amongst those ,who are occupying cottages • in Jowett's Greve `are: R' r. acid Mrs. Carter and daughter, Eva. cf. Clinton; Dr. and les. Flock of Windsor; Mr. and -Mrs. F. Trebell and family of Stratford; Dr. and Mrs. Shields and -family, of Kitchener; Mt'. and Mrs. W. P. Clement and• thumb - tor, Betty, and Peggy Adaina of Kit .rhener; Dr. and Mrs. Livingston and family of Waterloo; Dt. and Mrs. Ev- ans and family ,of Windsor. Mr. and -Mrs. McLean of Windsor are occupying Mr. W. Bong's cottage. Mr. and Mics. Allen Pye and_two children of Windsor are gpendipg their vacation with Mss. Pye's pu- nts 111r.�and 'Mrs, C. Widcombe. -. Mr' . and Mrs. E. IL York of Toron- to spent the week=end and holiday with the- latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Baker. Mrs. York re- mained with -her parents for this week. Miss Ethel. Fowlie is visiting her brother in London. ' Mr. J. Worsell left on Saturday to i it relatives in odeiich. vs t es G Misses Muriel and Deris Catford. Marry Drever, Evelyn Marson and Abna McKay were.the guests of the ,ratter's parents• over the week -end. °Me. and..Mrs. Giltitrt Knight, Charles Gemeinhard; and Miss E. Dupuis of: Toronto were the guests of • 1e. and Il 's, F. Gemeinharcl over the week -end., ilii. -and Mrs. A, Furter . of North Bay arrived on Monday evening to visit the latter's, parents, Mr. • and Mrs. W. J. Stinson. ' Mis Elva Dewar of Toronto arri' ed oh Saturday and Mr. David Dewat, Jr., of Chalk River on }VTonday to spend the vacation -with their par- ehts. . Mr. and l Trs. Percy Weston' of Kitchener were the guests of the for- mer's' parents over the week -end. Rev. and Ms F. G. Rickard of Waterford, were the guests of Miss Elizabeth Cameron over the week- end. ' Rev; and Mrs, Charles. Mustard and family of Toronto are :camping with his 'brother, Mr. T. Mustard, Mr, and Mrs,' W: iz: Shannon Tor- onto and Mrs.: L. Hiles' and little. son of London returned to their homes 0 onday after having spent some me • in their cottage in Lakeside ark, l acid' Mr Ciininghtime of Clinton are erecting, cottages on tine lalceshore south .of the village. Mz and' Mrs -I-1, McLaren and two daughters :of Port Elgin Tient wears -end with Miss''; .1, 'Sterling. Miss- Ida "Rea of Detroit is visi rg' her sister and brother. er. .. let's: t ti A. MI Elliott: of of onto arriv- ed eed last Week to spend the vactitien with her aunt, Mrs.. J, Fraser, •Mrs. Praser's many friends will :ba glad tea health,r that , she le .improving in ;Hea Bar..Geo. M. Elliottand bride, nee Miss L. a1. • Beacom of .London, re- . turned on: Friday .evening atter a short honeymoon. The community - extends congratulations and bids -the bride •welcome to our midst.. Miss Ruth Elliott of Varna assisted, Mrs. Reid in the store during Mr, G. M. Elliott's absence; last' week,, 11Tr. and ,Mrs, W. 3. Ker of Walker- ton and Mr. • T. `Mallett and Miss Gladys Davison of London spent the. week -end with the litter's mother, Mrs John r`leavison. Mr•, and Mrs. Tyrell of . Toronto are staying'. with Mr. add Mrs. Talbat. M MacDonald Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. L,'Mara and fam- ily of London are .occupying John Pearson's cottage for the month of July.. „.Mrs. G. , W. King ,and daughter, Betty, and- Men. Haiclel.rreturned to their homes in Detroit after having spent q Couple of Leeks .at their cot-' toga, Iris. W. A. Jenkins and family and Mrs. McMahon and family of London are occupying lar. G., W. King's cot - Mr. and ^Mrs. Mosel. and daughter ,Kitchener ' are occupying one of the Box cottages. r 1VIr,' and. Mrs.- Clarence Parke. of Zurich were the guests: of the lattet's anew e:i:be Misses Parke, on -Sunday, • Guests. registered at She Ritz Ire- Penn, who for months Iran been in• the °service enjoyed tel during the past week were: Mrs- defaitigablo in malting preparations"' 1t1i' Dan Crawford i,s ortrn p g Jess-D.Messlex, llamrlton, Ohio; Mr. ler this .event in the Church History. new car. and Mrs. Allen Klien and Dortha,, I Every; detail was planned ( ; p a ed .before i The W. L_will meet in the tom Evansion, Ill.; Mr, and Mrs. A. Cun- Inghamn, Port Stanley; ;Mr. and Mips. Hudson and Jackie, Mr, 'and' Mrs 1. . Uthcrin � < tiz YI•�•i i r.. rd MtsWhalen S r L. 000 daughter, r g itci -Stratford; ; MIr. and n lr s. L. 4T. Radcliffe, n and Trs. Craig,. Toronto; Mr. B, C. Smith, W, A. Lis - hand and the Rector 'is very much rnunity hall, July ;lith. Program: pleased with the support and en- Baby Clinic, one or two nurses are thueiasm which he received from: the expectedto' re resent. Roll call P } p par ishotiers, It was unique in the funny sayings of eliildr'en; Songs and history f t o he church in that it was "Music by the children, also by Manes the 'first anniversary which has ever Thelma Scott and hath Lyon :, and been observed. anz instrumental by ltIiss _� lura Cal:•- as- ter, C: E. 'Smith,. L. J. Woods,Strat-"The Durnin-Elliott o re -union, held ter. Hostesses will be:, Mre. Geo-: ;ford] Mr. Harry Hartlieb, W. S. Glad- at, Bayfield, was attended byabout . � , u Maori, 1VCrs. D. Cartery Mrs. Prttnlc "well; fi'endon; 1Vorman' E. Hanson. 200, of this 'clan. After the usual Little, M •s r 4 L t , z ,, Fred Sholrbroos, .Ir s. 11 . Chicago, l, ,Me. and Nlrs. M. A. meetings and greetings dinner 'was' Lizzie Mains Miss Austin and Mrs, Schroder, Junior and Millicent served followed by - sports of all Rob Wells. Schroder, London; Ide, and Mrs. Win kends: After' supper a' business meet- We are sorry to report that Mrs. R. Murray Ma. and Mrs. Ginsberg ing• was held wiled it was decided to Geo. McCall. is quite ill at present. and son, Mrs. A,. Murray and Billie: had thepicnic- at B ield l ayf again Murray, Detroit; Mr, C. Norton, next year and the following officers Stratford 'de. and Mrs. E. Maynard, were appointed: President, Robert Woodstock; . Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Durnin, Ashfield; secretary-treasur- Roome, London; 1lir, and Mrs. Hayes er, Mrs, Sarin Durnin; St. Helens; and babe, Bare. L. Lloyd and Bobbie, ground committee, Robert Dural Mrs. C. Sehellenberger. and family, • Wlinghasn;. Robert Durnin, Goderich, New Hamburg; Miss Mabel Neville, Tom .ITackwell, Walton; Tom Web - Julia McKenna, Justin McKenna, Bill star; Dungannon; Earl Durnin, St. Mayo, Robert. T. Ballard,'Jre, London; Helens.. Sports committee, 'James Mr. and Mrs. T. Stevens,. Misess C. Durnin, St. Helens.; Charles Durnin, and S. Clarke, Thedford; Net. Cornell, St. Helens, Mrs. Joseph Moore, Mit- Port Stanley; Mit- Ma. and Mrs. W. Bois chell;''Mrs, William: Elliott, Mitchell. Smith, Miss,Ermine Smith, Mrs. D. Relatives and friends -were present Men. acDona d and , 'Brough II J, McAuley, Blaine and Donald Me- from : Detroit, Tillsonburg, Morriston, MacDonald of Sarnia were the guests,. Aule Tcranto M y, , r. "E, J. filoney, Fergus, New 'hamburg, '"Mitchell, Walton, • Goderich, Ripley, Wjinghain, St. ,Helens, Dungannon and 'Luclamev. Elullett Tovv rash p Miss Gillikinson of 'Wingham has n' been engaged to teach in U,S,S, No, 2, 'Hullett,.the coming school terns. Miss Estella Marquis, who has been the teacher for the past year or so, 'resigned and ,intends entering the Clinton Public Hospital to; take' a nursing course. Mrs. Towndrow and small sone, Ernie and Leslie, and Miss Isabel 0. hall of Taranto are spending;a cou- ple of weeks' holidays at the home of Mr. Humphrey and Miss ' Charity Snell. Mr. Chas, Stewart and Mr. Edwin Cartwright attended the Orange and True Blue rally and service in Bet ra o u g ve n S nday reef, Mr. Randall Roy -and his mother - Ms. Roy of Toronto spent the week- end with Mr, W. V. Roy, Mss Edna Gilkinson has resigned her position as `teacher in No. 4 and goes up to No., 8,'Colberne township: Monday, July let was the date of a very happy reunion, when Mr. and W. D. Conmi li were host and hostess at the first family -reunion. . Winbers separated many years but gathered in ' one body again means something. ' From Owen Sound, the old home, where W. D, Connell was born, from Toronto, Stratford, Walk- ereon, Clinton, Seaforth, Constance, Blyth, Varna, numbering seventy- five, assenibled at Maitland Dale, a mile north of Rolmesville, at W. D, Connell'a neve "pienie ground, or tourist camping ` place. This was really the opening day, though the grounds the not Yet completed; Some indulged in boat riding on the trout. i pond, bet no fishing was allowed, al- though 3000 were put in recently, but Mr. Connell does not want them rued- ' died with yet , a while. Pitching horseshoes made a good game with the men, while the young men ' enjoyed softball on the high grounds and children and adults ran in every kind of race that could be thought of, prizes being given, while seine sat in the shade and viewed the sports. Later a few nice little waltzes on the fifteen foot dining floor were'nt out of place. It was interesting to see the host swing off in his favorite waltz, "Swing Me in the Moonlight," This was an ideal spot, to spend an afternoon and the gathering enjoyed themselves to the full. - �r of Dr, ane Mks, Newton -Brady over , Stratford; Messrs, Winter and St. the week -and., John, Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Geddes and family of The Young People or. the Gangrene Seaforth spent the week -end with the tional Church of Stratford had dinner latter's "sister, M&s, Jas. Ferguson. on the lawn of the Ritz Hotel on Mr. and Mrs. Reba Heard and son, .Dominion Day after which they, spent Stanley, and Mr. and i s. Galbraiththe afternoon in,games and sports. " and children of Hamilton spent the Mr. :and Mrs, Corbett and family; week -end at their cottage.at the ,are 'occupying Mir•. IJ ,Stinson's cot - Point,. :.toga... Dr. and Mrs.. S. More and family. of London and Mr. G. Aust and son, The fourth service in the celebra- Bonar, and MIiSs,Aust of London are tions from June 23rd to June.30th, occupying two••of Robt. Beard's cot- inclusive, was held in 'Trinity- church tages at thePoint..• on Wednesday evening' when Rev. R. Mr. and Mrs: E, Vigars and. chit- S Tones of "Gerrie Rural Dean of dren. and Mr. and les. Walley of. St: .Thomas: were the'. guests of -Mr. and Mfrs. A. 'J Carver on Monday. Mr. and les -Ralph D. Pearson and family and H. H.' Truitt df Royal Oak, Mich., are occupying one of Mss. Partridge's- cottages for a fortnight,. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. E. Wright,. Miss Dorothy and Rfaster Ted Wright, Misses Drew and M.r, 'Blackburn of Galt. epent Monday with Rev. and 1VIrs r.F- Hi Paull, Mrs. C. Edwards of Toronto and Mi Mayo' of• London: are guests at Mies Norali ,Ferguson's, Her'guests over the week -end were: Mrs. Mayo, Miss Carman and.leeter Billy Mayo and Miss McKenna and Mr. McKenna of London. Mr. John M. Wickham of Detroit is a guest of Mr. and Mks. Wightmate Blieeand Mrs. 'Easton returned to Detroit the end of the month after having spent a couple of weeks in Sun -R -Inn. The piny, "I'II Explain Every- thing," is being presented i11 the Town Hall on Wednesday, July '10th by the Dradettie CIub of Trinity Church, Galt, under the auspices of the Junior Guild of Trinity Church, Bayfield. nig play was very well received in Galt and other places where it has been pres""anted. • l4rs. Agnes Cuixie returned home on Saturday after having visited her daughter in'Windsor, Mrs, McBride, Who with her family aecompanieed her mother eo the village and will visit with her. Mrs. liforleY Fart and two Chil- dren, Charlie anti Helen are visiting her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, King. Mr. hart spent the week -end with ahem, returning to Toronto on Mon- day. Miss .Mina Proctor of Toronto is spending her vacation with her aynt, Mrs. Geo. Ring. ,. IVTe, and Mrs. A. Ford King .and little son, Douglas returned. td Toron- to on Tuesday after having spent the holiday with theformer's. parents, Bar.: and Mrs. G. 'King. Amongst those who are occupying their cottages are: Dr. and Ms. Till- man and family, Me.' and Mrs. Dick- son -Glass and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Robinson and: family, M. and Mrs. C. R. Will, , Agnes and Bob Will;. Mn, and Mrs E. a . D. M mtess Dr. and Mrs. N. R. Alexander, London; Mr. and Mrs. Peters and family, Miss Rankin, Mr,': and Mrs. S. R. McCon key and Margaret and Joe McLennan of Stratford, ' Dr, and Mas, E. P. Lewis of Toron- to were the guests of Dr. and Mrs, N. W; Woods over the week -end and Dominion Day. Mr. and'Mhs. J. Ilamilton, and daughter, 1V'Ivs. Tanner and little Jos ephine.0f London are occupying their cottage. Mrs, Warner and Mrs. Gladman of Toronto arel occupying a cottage in Jowcd;t's Grove, Mr. and Mas. J. G. Stanbury and. family of Exeter are occupying their cottage in the village. Amongst those hi Deer Lodge Park are: "Mr. and Mrs. 3. Fitzgerald, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Hastings, and fent- ily, Galt; ' Mrs. Griffith and family, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr and family of Stratford were at their cottage ov- er the Week -end. - Mr. and Mks. Somerville and fain- iiy of Waterloo and ,Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Baulch of London are occupying Mr. L: W. Burch's cottages in Jew ett's Grove.'': Mi. L. Burch has purchased the ia'keshore south of the gully -from Mee D, C. Galbraith and intends erecting a number of; cottages in the:near fu- 1 Mrs. J. 1Vloltiillan returned to. Lon- don on Friday after" having spent a few days in the village while opening her cottage.' Mr.*s. W.' 1♦: Bdehan and daughter, Mfrs, N. W. Woods; left on Wednes- day for Saskatoon, Sask., to visit her•. son there and other"relatives iii the West, , The marriage took place at St. George's Church, ,Louden, on Wednes- day of last week of G. W. Elliott of Bayfield to -'Lulu May Beacom ' of London, formerly ' of Goderich town- ship: The ceremony was 'performed by. Ven. Archdeecon Sage. •.AUbu>rn Mss. Wm. Fer:gusgn of Detroit is visiting relatives here. Mrs. 'Alfred Rollinson, who leas been visiting in Detroit, accompanied her ,home.. Mr. and 1Vli'rs, Gordon Taylor' motor- eed to Detroit and•othere places ov- er the week -end, Ofi Tlmrsday night last week a streak of lightning struck a tree on Huron, was present and addressed the farm of`Mr. Gordon Young, on the-tcongregation from ,the text, St, Tth concession of Colborneaura ay - John 10,10„ "I am, came, that , they killed twenty-two head ,of cattle tie nei'ght have life and have it more ab- ing underneath the tree. The cattle undantly,'' the theme of his discourse, were in 'pasturing and were owned being "Life." by D. Lockhart and Robert Medd, Mr. and Mrs. J,. J. 'Washington and On Thursday a£teoiioon a Parish family attended"tire -opening services reception in honor of this Miniver- of Wesley=Wiliis church, Clinton, an sary` was held at the Rectory Rev. Sunday last. - ' and_-llrh•s. Pewit' receiving the guests - It was planned' to have it on the lawn but owing to the inclemency of. the Loud GSl]®C191 weather the arrangements had to be • changed and buffet refreshments. '* nd Mrs., R. Williamson and were served in the dining -room. .Mrs. Mrs. lied Gowland and little Shir- Wur. Scotchmer and: ltDrs., W. J- E1- ley of Brampton spent the week -end licit, Bayfiel'd;- Mrs. Fred Mjddieton at the home 08 their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. - John !Italie, and Mrs. H. Henry Adants. Diehl and Mrs, Wilmer Reid, Varna, Flower *Sunday was observed by poured the coffee while Mrs, Geo. the Sunday School of the United King, Mrs. F. Baker Mss F A Ed church on Sunday last: Members of the Sunday ,school marched into the church carrying flowers and occupied the centre -of -the auditorium,' Tile church was beautifully decorated with maple leaves, ferns and flowers, and singing birds added to the attrac- tiveness. The choir was composed of the junior girls and boys of the Sunday .school. A splendid sermon, suitable for the occasion, vas preach- ed by the pastor. Rev, 3, W. John - Son. The church was well filled and wards assisted by kisses Ploy Ed- wards, Eleanor and Irene Scotehrner served the many guests. .The rooms were tastefully decorated with pink and,,white peonies and 'syainga. The Lakeside Entertainers rendered .sev— eral splendid orchestral numbers dur- ing the afternoon. Clock golf was played on the lawn and horse-shoe in the paddock, and altogether•it was a most enjoyable -affair. On -Friday ' evening. the Venerable Archdeacon Jones -Bateman of Gode- rich teas the special preach and delivered' an inspiring sermon from the text St. Luke 19, 41., "And when he was come near, he beheldthe city, and wept over it." Tlie' theme of his . address was "Peace," not only in the nation but in the country, community and home. "The peace of God which passeth all understanding. 0 Sunday, June 30th witneseed two largo congregations in Trinity church, At 11 a.m. with the Rector, there were .present in the Sanctuary, His Gracer. Archbishop Williams and the Rev. : F. G. Rickard of Waterford The Archbishop dedicated many gifts which were presented. These were, a Credence Table, in memory of the late Mr. and Mi s. John Henry Heard, given by their sons, a Silver Box to contain' the bread for Com- munion, given by Mr. - Albert Town- shend in memory of his wife, Hannah Emily Scotchmer,••a Brims -Alms Ba - Kin, the gift of les. John Turner and Miss Susie Westlake, two Prayer Books prs anted by Miss R. Snewe den, a silver Paten given by Rev.. and Mrs, F: IJ. Paull, a hymn Board, the gift of Mrs. N. W. 'Wioods, white hangings for -the Altar, Pulpit and Prayer desk- and white book markers given by the Ladies Guild and oth-. ars. Archbishop Williams preached an eloquent 'and" forceful sermon from the text "Lord I have loved the, liab- itatien .of thy house and the place where thy honour 'dwelleth," Psahn 2G, 8,, in which he pointed out the pre-eminence., 'which • the House of God occupied' in the lives of (God's chosen people and why it still oc- cupies that place ' in the lives of Christian peoples to -day. The an them, "0 How Lovely," was splen- didi,i Tendered by the choir, aug- mented by members of the Varna Choir, In the evening at 7:8t, the rector was assisted by the ldev. F. G. 'Rick- ard who preached from the text, "We have seen his star in the east and are come to worship," St. 'Matthew ,2, 2. The, theme of this address, most ap- propriately was "Worship," which subject was most ably dealt with by the preacher. It was a fitting con- clusion to the celebration and the series of -services. r ' The choir sang, "Saviour Breathe an Evening Bles- sing," by lessing,":-by, Conde, ;the 'duet' and solo parts being taken , by Mrs. N. W. Woods and'Miss Lucy Woods. - A crowded church welcomed the Archbishop at. St. James' 'Church, Middleton, at 3 p.m., when the Holy and Apostolic • Rite of Confnmatidn• was administered ` to twelve candid= ates, who; were drawn from the three congregations of the Parish. Coe- firmation hymns and anthem were ably rendered by the, Cholas.' This Anniversary' bas been splen- didly received and supported by the whole Parish and';, many others, and has been an occasion which 'will be' remembered long' and gratefully by everyone in the congregation, The credit of this splendid success, is (- largely due to the Rector, Rev. 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