The Clinton News Record, 1929-06-20, Page 6TRE
Huron County Council
Holds June Meeting
Visit County Home iii 'a
Body One Afternoon
The June session of the 'County
Council'.of Huron; opened an Tuesday
June 4th, with 'all the nierribers•in at-.
tendance, ,. Wlarden ,Inglis ' addressed.
the 'council on thework of the meets'
ing, referring .to matters pertaining.
to county finances, the stateof the'.
roads, the damage; done ,. by ,recent.
Heads, :the speeding • eviland the dam
age done by heavy "truck traffic.palti-,
cularly(early in the seeing. lie said..
that satisfactory arrangements had
been made regarding the payment of
the expenditure on Provincial' High-
ways in ttel county, for which the
county is responsible for the 'payment
of 20 per cent. The grain damage
'done by the floods was to the Wrox-
eter bridge. The Warden said some-
thing should'bo dono,to "curb unneces'-
eery • speeding,' which- not only dam-
aged the !Toads but Was a great source
of danger to life and property, a very
large percentage of which was due to
'this. cause. Great damage also was
.!lone "to'`the roads by too heavy. and'
too early"traffic in the spring and he
thought some action should be taken
tto Cheek both of these practices.
lThe following correspondence was
+.dealt with:
A copy of a resolution of the Town
ship oi:.Hay asking the council' to pass
a bylaw, pursuant to s.s. 1 of section
196, chapter 238,. R. S..0. 1927, giv-
ing power to townships to collect a1.
r fears of taxes and to perform all the
•acts empowered by the statute .on
townships to sell lands, etc.—Sent t6
Legislation coenimttee.
,reference'. to the work of that insti-
tution and expressing appreciation of
the manner. in•;which 't -heir r•cpresen
tatives hadbeen received .by the
From Mr, Brydone, barrister, Clin-
ton, notifying the county of the }e -
quest of the late Mr. John Hoare and
enclosing a cheque for $200 in pay-
ment of same.—Filed.
Several letters acknowledging ,re-.
ceipt of resolution passed by the
county as to requested legislation
were filed.
A report from Magistrate Reid
showingthe number of cases doming
before him the past year and the des-
poral of the same.—Filed.
From the Department of Education,
'Toronto, giving notice of the• ratifica-
tion of the appointment of Mr Elmer
•Ciuff Beacom, Inspector of Public
Schools in W'Wst Huron, as made by
the county council in June,, 1928.—
A letter from Mir. G. R. Paterson,
former agricultural, representative,
now at Brampton, Peel Co., saying
he would be present at the June
meeting to •speak about a motor trip
proposed at a former meeting. Fil-
From the Education Department
giving notice of the grants to the
•schools of Huron, to which an equiv-
•aient must be given by the county,
as follows: Public schools, $2029.-
'76; Separate schools, $91.17; total,
12120.93. Filed,
A statement from the highways
Department as to 'the Government
grant to the county on the expendi-
tures made in 1928, was as follows:
Total.. amount of statement, '$19,-
18 ,646.94; total amount of grant, $91,-
001.47; amount disallowed, $962.99,
being for motor cycle officer's wages,
Road Commission expenses to confer-
ence and travelling expenses.
A. communication as to the appoint-
ment of a local board in connection
with the Old Age Pension bill was
laid on the table.
The auditors' report wassent to
the finance committee.
• ,A. communication from the town-
ship of Gader ich asked for an" ac-
counting of the gravel taken for the
use ofthe county from a to*unship
gravel pit was, sent: to the !Good
Roadsl Commission. ' •'
Circular from the Ontario Depart-
ment of Agriculture re weed ocntrol.
From John A. Wilkinson regarding
the returning .of two more Ontario
Hospital inmates at London to the
' Mouse of Refuge at Clinton. Filed.
From the county of Peterborough.
'regarding better control of motor
traffic during the spring months and
'asking the co-operation. Sent to
Legislation comaaittee.
• From Percy A. McBride as to the
.employment of motor cycles for the
'protection of roads from overloading
of trucks, etc., in the spring months.
Sent to Good Roads Commission.
From the General Accident Assur-
ance Co. reporting the boilers at poth
11*. D. C. Dorrence, Clinton ap-
plied for the position of a member of
the Pension Board Committee.
A return showing• the amount paid
by each insurance company
loss ,sustained by recent fire at the
House of Refuge was filed. The to-
tal was 9112. -
The jailer's report was, filed. `
Mss. R. M. Graham, inspector for
the Mothers' Allowance, was present
,and addressed the council.
High Constable Gundry reported
that he had collected $215 in fines un-
der the
n -der -the Liquor Control Act since Feb.
Moved -by Messrs. Beattie and Hill
that the county council visit the
county home Wednesday afternoon,
the council to adjourn at 3:30.—Car-
The House of Refuge committee
was appointed a transportation com-
of county council tours, mentioning
tours that had been taken by other
counties end cost. He suggested
a onodaytrip to Guelph,model;fernr
or a two-day trip to Guelph, through
Brampton and points east to Toron-
to, visiting' many stock breeders and
model farmers, returning by way of.
Hamilton. Mr. Paterson spoke very.
highly of his, successor, Mr, McCague
who takes up his work here 'and be-
spoke for him the,, hearty co-opera-
tion which he himself had received.
Mi,,McCague then :addresesd the
,council and spoke of the benefit he
expected to receive from the advis-
ory committee.
dvisory'committee.' He also spoke of the,
importance of spraying orchards.
Huron, he said, has the largest num-
ber 'of fruit -bearing` trees of any
county in''the Province. Weed con-
trol has -.been .organized under the,
Weed Control Aet, and the represen-
tative said, the importance could not
be.stressed too highly.' Mr. M'eCague
said he had been called an to perform
several post-mortems on sheep and
hogs, and found that in the majority
of cases death was due to internal
parasites. 1V1,r. McCague ,also spoke
of ` the importance of the improve-
ment of stock. Huron's , prize-win-
ning candidate at Guelph this year
also stood second in the Province of
Ontario -
Mr. Wright, as chairman of the
advisory committee,. urged all 'farm-
ers to take up in. earnest the treat-
ment of hogs and sheep for internal
parasites. '
Mr. Trewartha,' a member of the
advisory •,conunittee, spoke of the
great benefit to the county council of
these discussions. Ile also -spoke in
appreciation of . Mr. Paterson's' work.
Nested by Messrs. McKibben and
Dr. Milne, that the amount .of fines
for traffic violation on county roads,
within a town or village be refunded
by the county to the said town or vil-
lage when the information is laid by
a constable or officer of the said mun-
icipality.—Referred to Legislation
Messrs. W. S. McGhie of the Globe
Indemnity Co., and Mr. F. W. Flex -
ton, of the Plaxton-Hueston. Co., ad-
dressed the council on'the subject of
accident insurance. -
Moved by gervarge, Hill and Ballan-
tyne, that, w ereas' the Provincial
and County Road Systems are being
extended from time to time farther
into the more remote sections of the
county, . affording better road condi-
tions, which are an inducement for
the more extensive use of autos and
trucks in the gatiheringof farm pro-
sinceof commodities
duce and the delivery ,
and as the majority of township roads
are not suitable for heavy truck traf-
fic, and as the owners of these mach-
ines are required to pay 85 cents a
gallon tax on gas and are demanding
better • road oendition's, and whereas
the gas tax is collected by the Gov-
ernment, be it resolved that this
county.council petition the Govern-
ment to increase the grant on town-
ship roads to 50 /per cent.—Sent to
Legislation committee.
Mr. G. R. Paterson the former
agricultural representative, was
present and addressed the council,
speaking of the splendid work that
will no doubt result from the appoint-
ment of the advisory connnittee. In
Peel 'Comity, where Mr. Paterson
now resides, they have had an advis-
ory committee for the past ten years
the Court House and House of Re- and this committee had initiated
fuse in good conditikin. • much of the beneficial legislation car -
From the Western University with ried out. Mr. Paterson also spoke
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the county for `1929: be the same as
for 1928. Mfr. Wright entered a pro-
test against the equalization o£ Turn -
berry, which he claimed was top high
but no action were taken :arid Mr,•
Ballantyne's motion was adopted.
At the Wednesday afternoon ses-;
Men some discussion took place as to
the increase in the cost of administra
tion of justice in the county, in which;
Messrs. Trewartha, ' Dr. IViilne, Beat-
tie and others took part.
Moved by Messrs. Wright and Col-
lins that a committee he appointed
to confer with the county solicitor re
criminal justice accounts.—Carired.
Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Swit-
zer that W. B. -Oliver be .appointed
constable' at Grand Bend for a period
the county roads, and a motion by
Messrs. Hubbard and H A: Koy9;
that the-oounty take out liability in-
surance was carried -on a vote of 21.
to 8.
A motion by •Messrs. Hubbard and
Keys was to insure with the !Globe
Indemnity Co. rip to •:$10,000 for one
Messrs. hill and Henderson moved
in arnendnient'to place the insurance
with the Canadian General Insurance
Co.,. the premium being 9648 for
$10,000' liability in any one accident.
The amendment carried by a vote of.
21 to 7.
Mn mhos. Orr, secretary of the
Stratford Rotary Club, and Mr.
of two months beginning July lst Mountain, president of the Club, ad-
next at his previous salary.—Car- dressed the council as to a crippled
Moved by Messrs. Hill and McKee-.
zee that the C. N. R. be requested to
place the sidewalk -on the overhead
bridge on the Saltford hill on the out-
side of the structure, as its being on
the inside: makes the bridge too nar-
row for safety for present day traf-
Moved by Messrs. Turner and Mc-
'Kibbon that the clerk get into corn-
tnunication with one or ncore firms of
chartered accountants as to the cost.
of an annual, semi-annual and, quar-
terly audit, so that when this or some
future' council is appointing auditors,
they will have this, information.-
e, Moved by Messrs. Henderson and
Stalker that the Good Roads. Commis-
sion be instructed to .provide some
remedy for the danger to school chil-
dren crossing the narrew bridge
north of Belgrave.—.Sent to Good
Roads Commission.
Moved by,Messrs. Beekef and Tree
wartha that the county council as a
whole take a one -day trip to Guelph
June 18th, under the direction of
our county agricultural- representa-
tion, he to make all arrangements.—
Carried. ?This was afterwards drop-
ped. .
Moved by Me
ssrs. Higgins and, Ad-
ams that the old -age pension commis-
be composed of members of this
county council as follows: Messrs.
N. W. Trewartha, Neeb, Kennedy,.
Henderson and Ingles.—Laid on the
Wednesday afternoon an adjourn-
ment was made to allow the members
to visit the Huron County Home.
At the Thursday morning session
an application for a position on the
Old Age Pension Committee was read
from Mr. -Peter F. Doig, of Howick,
Laid on the table.,
A letter from Mr.:L A. Humphries,
'acting deputy far the Attorney Gen-
eral of Ontario, regarding High coun-
ty constable matters, was filed.
Mr. Edwards, inspector of the
Children's Aid Society, was present
and spoke of the matters relating to
his office, dwelling particularly with
children under the Unmarried Par-
entss Act. Several difficult cases
were cited and the co-operation of
the council was asked in dealing with
many cases of hardship corning up
all the time in the different munici-
palities regarding incorrigibles. lVl'i.
Edwards also spoke of the necessity
of making a survey of the county as
to crippled children, the same to be
sent to the Crippled Ohildren's Asso-
ciation at Toronto to deal with. The
various reeves were asked to report
any cases. • Dr. Mlilne suggested
that the Medical Association of the
county might render advice.
Moved by Messrs. Hubbard and H.
A. Keys that the county take out lia-
bility insurance to protect the county
against all accidents that may happen
on the county roads.—Sent to Good
Roads Comrcnisison.
Moved by Messrs. Rader and Bae-
lantyne that the annual picnic be
held at Bayfield this year, and that
the Warden, the clerk and Councillors
Turner, Hill and Middleton be a com-
mittee to arrange for the same.—
MVtloved by Messrs. Rader and Bac-
ker that more restriction be urged
by the county council in regard to
weeds along county road-sides.—
Sent to Good Roads Commission.
11/Boved by Messrs. Beattie and,.As-
ams that, as the Good Ronde Com-
mission at the end of the year are
thoroughly conversant with the re-
quirements of the road, they bring in
a report at the December meeting
and a budget of the work they think
should be carried out the following
year. Sent to finance committee.
Moved by Messrs. Beattie and
Wright; that the county form an in-
surance fund and place in the fund
each year the amount of money they
would have to pay for liability insur-
ance and' in that way" carry its own
insurance.—Sent to Good Roads
Moved by Messrs. Dodds and Ad-
ams that the boundary line between
the townships of Hallett and McKil-
lop and the township of Morris be
put on the Good Roads system, con-
necting the road east of Walton with
''the road west of Blyth.—Sent to
Good Reads Commission.
Moved by Messrs. McKibben and
Henderson that this council consider
the question of date and number of
meetings of the council, as a great
many counties have found it neces-
sary to make a change to meet exist-
ing conditions.—Laid on the table.
Moved by Messrs. Adams and
Stalker that 2,000 feet of snow fence
be purchased to be placed where
needed on the county road from 'Clin-
ton to Blyth' and 1,000 feet on the
county road from Auburn to. Blyth.—
Sent to Good Roads Commission.
The county treasurer, Ma Young,
then gave an account of the financial
standing of the county. The state•.
meat_ was referred to the finance
The council then went -into commit-
tee of the whole to consider the equa-
In committee it was moved by Mr -
Ballantyne, seconded by Mr. Kennedy;
that the equalization • of the assess-
ments of the several municipalities in.
child •clinic the. Club is financing to be.
held in Stratford hospital. June 28th
at 9"sem. The club had $5,000, to
spend for crippled children and was
extending. its beneficence to include
Huron County and any crippled chil-
dren in Huron would be looked after
if notice were sent to Dr. David
Smith, of Stratford. Treatment would
be in the Sick Children's hospital.
Moved by Messrs. Keyes and Hill
that the Old Age Pension Board of
1929 be Messrs Henderson," Craigie,
Kennedy, Hubbard• and Higgins. Car-
ried, Messrs. Trewartha, Neeb and
the Warden having with drawn their.
names from the previous :nomination.
Moved by Messrs. Henderson and
Stalker that,awing to the dangerous
condition of the Prairie Road south
of Wingham which was badly dam-
aged during recent floods, we feel
that it is in real danger of being
damaged, and would recommend that
the balance of the road be stoned at
the west side to protect it. Sent to
the Good Roads Commission,
Isiioved b r 'Messrs. Middleton and.
Rader that Goderich township be
given: a reasonable amount per yard
for gravel taken from gravel hill on
Benmiller road. Sent to Good Roads
Commission. pp
" sion. In support of the mo-
tion Mr. Middleton produced the
original deed in 1866 showing the
purchase of this hillby the township
as a gravel supply, also the resolu-
tions of the council leading up toythe
purchase. , s
Moved by Messrs, Trewartha and
Stalker that a bylaw be prepared;
limiting the gross load to be carried
over the steel bridge of the county
to 10 tons. Carried.
At the Friday morning session the
clerk` laid on the table the various
High School levies, both for the
county schools and schools in adjoin-
ing counties. These were referred to
the education committee.
The clerk made explanations as to
the 014 Age Pension Board. The
Attorney General's Department will
furnish the clerk with all blank
forms, etc., and all information as to
procedure, and until these are re -
(Continued on page 7)
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Special note: People who want to
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Prof. Kingston of the Western
University was present and addressed
the council, on the invitation of the
Warden, giving a full account of the
work of the University, -its financial
needs, and he appeaeld to the county
to pay the cost or part of the cost of
the Huron students.
D. Milne expressed the view that
the fees charged students (particular-
ly arts students) should be raised to
make up the deficiency instead of ap-
pealing to the 'county.
Moved by Messrs. - Wright and
Hubbard, that, owing to Wroxeter
being no longer incorporated and the
property of the village reverting to
the townships of Howick and Turn-
bury, and an adjustment being neces-
sary, Messrs. McKibben, Trewartha
and Henderson be appointed a com-
mittee to make the adjustment for
equalization purposes. Carried.
Moved by Messrs. Wright and
Adams that $50 be granted for a
scholarship at the Ontario Agricul-
tural .'College.—Car'r'ied.
Moved by Messrs. Turner and
Craigie that if any surplus remains
of the amountof expenditures to
which the Town of Goderich is entit-
led this year after the requirements
of the county road in the Town of
Goderich are met, it be expended on
Cambria Road. Sent to the Good
Roads Commission.
Moved by Messrs. M'eKibben and
Trewartha thatthe matter of a pant
to the Wlestern, University be refer-
red to the Education :Committee to
report.—Carried. ,
At the Thursday afternoon session
Me, Haase, district engineer of the
High -dray department was present
and !addressed the council.
A vote` of appreciation was moved
by •Mk. Henderson and seconded by
Mr. McKibben, and adopted as to Mr.
Hill being,asked to address the On-
tario Good Roads Association and of
his delivering his address in Toronto.
Various committee .'reports were
taken up and adopted and the follow -
Mg motion Was added as a rider to
the Good Roads Commission's report:
Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Higgins
that the Good Roads Commission be
hereby instructed to so regulate th'e
expenditures on the county system
that the Good Roads levy do not exs
teed a 2 -mill rate.
Ex -county Treasurer' Lane was
present during the greater part of
the afternoonand was asked by the
Warden to speak to the council. Mr.
Lane spoke of the changes that had
taken place in the personnel of the
council and the number of councillors
'now as compared with the year 1891
when he was first appointed clerk.
At that datethe nun'ber of council-
lore- was 51. Five years later the
timber was changed to 16 and now
stood at 20.
The matter of insurance against
liability foe damages for accidents on
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The Clint