HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-06-20, Page 3Eighteen "Count 'UM",. in One Famiby
to give
the outstanding choice
of those who demand the
greatest safety for high
speeds, rugged <endur-
ance and utmost econ-
omy. Gum -Dipping, the
extra Firestone process,
eoynbined with tho Fire-
stone Safety Thread,
makes these tires the
toughest, longest -wear-
ing tires on earth.
Made in Hamilton, Comes,by
Firestone Tire, 84 Rubber ,
Co. of Canada) ,Limited
r Sale
A Real Bargain. Terms to
Suit Purchaser
Wilson Publishing Cot,..td.,
73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto
"Talkie" The 'Talkie Revolution
London Daily 'NEWS and Westmin•
stet,: The triumph' of an 'English film
actor, Mr. Ronald Colman; teems to
be the first result of the aueees& of
the "talkies," and others will clearly
follow. If the "talkies" eventually
displace their silent .rivals in the
popular favor—and it would 'seem al-
most certain that they mutt -the Eng-
lish;speaking (as. distinct from the
American-spealting) performer will
come into bis own in this Country with
a vengeance, further, it would seem
that in each country the Change trust
operate as a, powerful measure et
"Protection." for the native industry.
The sort ot audience which flecks to
the average English cinema is not go-
ing to "listen" to French and Ger-
man and Swedish films, unless the ac-
tors talk "plain English," and french
and German and Spanish; audiences
will presumably also, insist on under-
standing what die "talkies" are say-
Mlnard's Liniment foe sick animals.
It it were not for bur rather dfsali-
pointing experience with the war to
end war, we should come out for leg-
Islatton to end legislation.—•"Ohio
State Journal,"
Preserve your skint li0ne
and temper b5 ming am
The former is a unique prepare.
Ron widolt applied to either
ladies' or gents' hose prevents ie.
seat bites of all hinds. thereby
eliminating much disoomaturo
and rune in hose. Does nob affect
color or fabric.
The latter (Skeati-Sicare) may
bo aspsndd to the face arms arid.
hands./Or any part of the boar,
without injury to the akin, Yt cities
not possess the unpleasant Odor of
prepat•ations formerly used, quid
Positively cannot initire fhb skin.
Stores and Doalers Please 'Write.
Tho Clan :MacLeod arrived:In- Canada recentlyby the Canadian Pacific
liner "Metagama"—at'least II it wasn't the whole elan, it seemed like a large
proportion. Donald, his brother Kenneth and his son Allan wore leaders of
the family groaps under Donald's command. :Including granclehildron the
party, which is bound ori bloc for Centreville, Ont., numbered twenty-four
rs,uging in ago from forty-five years to, six- months, They had twenty-one
pieces of baggage weighing 3;000 pounds,
Owl Laffs
Rardware'Dealer (to ap dicant)'i
am inclined'; to give ,you the position
if you understanddouble-entry keep-
Applicant: "I 'do, indeed; At my
last place I lead to do 'r triple -double
entry—a set for the active -.partner,
showing the real profits, ' a set 'for
the sleeping partner, showing: email
profits and a 'set for the Income .Tax
officials, Showing no profits.'
• In the memory contest at Apple
Grove School yesterday,.it'wes'fu"1most
dark before little Lizzie Lark, who
won the'prize, got through namin' den-
tal creams.-Abe'Martin,
'Possibly one reason wiry the girls
smoke cigarettes Is so that the boy
who reaches for a. cigarette can get a
sweet along with it. `
There was once a woman . named
Who rover would play bridge for
tit to pay for a prize sine would
always chip in,
And also the prize she would frequ-
ently win. me
Now tell me the difference, (Ym not
very wise)
Between taking money and what
money -buys.
With a woman the difference be-
tween plumpness and fatness is mitr-
riage and about 'ten years,
Sweet Young Thing—"Have a
Elderly Lady—"What! Smoke a
cigarette? Why Yd rather kiss the
first man that came along)."
Sweet Young Thing—"So 'would 7.
But have a cigarette While •yeu're
Getting hot under the collar may
over -heat and bake year Adam's ap-
You don't have to make a better
mouse -trap nog. dust neglect to pay
your installments- on time and see
-that path get worn, to,your door.
If you want„something done call on
a man who Is "jisst too busy” and do
"That young fellow upetaire must be
tremendously popular, postman, you
always haVe mail for him." .,--
,-"Yes, I bad an argument with him
once, and ever since he sends•liimself
a post -card every day, so I have to
climb four nights of stair's to deliver
TheCause of the Great War
"The war when it came was a war
for the liberty'Of ' peoples, eat on ac
count of the violation of ' iielginm,
which was a Strategic blunder. on the
part, of the German.-0overnment, and
no more, but .because the, peoples •of•
South:Eastern Europe . vad been 'fight-
ing tor their freedom' from its'begin-
'ring," 'said Professor Elie Halevy, . of,
Paris University, In his Rhodes Mem
oriel „lecture on "The World Crisis,
:1914-1919: 'An Interpretation."
"What was responsible fox' the.- war
was; the 'political , rottenness of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire, the 'fact
that the 'principle ;of nationality, re-
newed and rejuvenated, in Asia, was
now at, work ;, in Austria-Hungary,
which was about to:eplit into a num-
ber of independent nationalities.
Could such an important event have
happened without'some kind of von-
vulsion? I do not'think it could have
happened without a Miracle' a some
sort. European diplomacy could not
work that miracle, and so We 'had the
' Gallimore Salos Mirvieo, 1
445 Y{ing •St, Wy Toronto.
y I am enclosing 75o for .Anti -Mos.
I` dr 500 for Skeet). Skare—$125 YoY b -0th
o .•.••....... •.,.•. ...
It address
Of course the woman pays. If she
didn't the installment map would pull
the stuff.
The bgppy mother Is the ere whose
baby is well—it is the laughing,
gurgling baby who always brings Joy
to the home. When baby le i11 every-
one in the hone suffers—not only
through 'worry over the little one but
through loss of sleep -no one can find
rest with. a sick baby in the hone.
Thousands of mothers are happy
mothers because, they have 'found the
way to keep their little ones well-
or if sickness does come on,suddenly,
as it•usuallY does with little •one%
they hale found the way to speedily
bring the baby beck to health again,
Mrs. George.Iieeb, Lindberg, Alta., is
one' ot these mothers and she writes'
as follows:-J'I am :the happy mother
of a seventeen -month-old baby girl.
Baby is healthy and strong and sleeps
well at night. I give her no other
medicine but Baby's Own Tablets and
she Just loves them. I am never
without the Tablets in the house."
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowels; sweeten the stomach. and thus
drive out constipation and indigestion
and make the cutting of teeth easy.
They are sold by medicine 'dealers or
'by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Di-. William's Medidine Co., Brockville,
Anantique is something that rich
people buy and poor people throw
She tripaled along with fairy feet,
A. vision that my heart beguiled.
Bewitching, fragile, rougish, sweet,
And as she came site smiled.
We met- ..'Alas, tl a usual ftyY1
O'ertoolt my pride, the dull and
Her' smile was not for me at all,
But some one elitebbhindi
"Failure is always preceded by Con-
fusion. Success is always marked,
by Orderliness. Uncertainty is' the
Bost expensive and most unnecessary
thing in business.'
Chicago claims she will .have 5,=
000,000 people by 1935 1f she can keep
them alive.
wk.., 641 eacelik
INeIGe5T10N :?e
OAS ti6.d EA
aH rt. See, . d4
What most poopIs call indigestion
, t Scally excess aid in 1.t. -,e 'stomach
I e looci las bi1ureg }Tits iustapt
'remedy is ai1 9I]calf %ION noufi•alize0
' acids. But don't; use, 'crude helps.,
Das what yoltp 'doctor 'Would advise
The best help is Phiilrli ? fVifllt bf
Magnesia. Por the 50 yoctr4 eine its
Invention it has remain ed standard
. with PhYsiciatts, .You w'fl rind nothing
elect so quick in its off,
so eifloient. dot, So harmless,
HAT dons `rafter
hit ry°' mean to yore?
Are you, Iess c -Oble dui
ors -use �t<i be I+Ieaiuous2 t
il tired? Rita dtiw
Ess y to d
Try the effect of two or '
three boxes of, `Dr
lianas' Putic Ptile, t to torr •
that has matte tranche .
of m ill $ ;ted wgliten,
feel ten yiea^ tts yo aigetsj.
It w niers l Slid i `.:
orate the blood, ;Alyea'
thaivaed and'devitaalitcd
Icy sit vanciiP years; aorta
It up to better service,
make you feel strgrig.-
agaiii, eager for life !
Buy Dr,, Williams' Pink
Pills now at your drug-
gist's or any deafer in
medicine, or by mail, 50
cents, postpaid, from The
Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Have No Time
for Such
I had a friend, a spirit biythe and gaY•
I thought I know her, but Mit yeeter-
We met a flog. 1 etioked his friendly
And she went on,then turned and
"You love- those horrid creatures far
too much,
'I have -no time for such."
Since then „my heart grows ` cooler
toward that friend,
Sn fact I drink our, friendship had an
The day she scorned his fond caress,
•I feel quite sorry( but I trust confess;
We seemed. to lose our kindred touch:
—"I have no time for such."
No machine can; take the place of
the horse, always, even in these trays.
Almost the whole cityhas been stirred'
over the splendid faithfulness and
etrength ofdraft horses, now being
to open txp a street adjoining one
' of the main thoroughfares of Grand
Rapids, Mich, So impressive is the
horse sense, sagacity,. obedience, eau-
tiousness, adaptability and good na-
ture of these great beasts that they
were given honorable mention in the
daily papers. .
The special work 09. these animals
in this particular caro is to' pull a
great wagon skeleton across: the axles
of which ie a steel girder Weighing
tons. Slowly the trusty creatures roll
their' burden up the 'slippery hill.
Folks'pause to thrill at the strength
But the driver gives all his attention
to the task in hand. Be .feels that on
'him depends the safety- of 'the load,
His team knows his signals on the
reins, and his voice quietly encourag-
ing. • They dig in their spiked shoes
and pull. Vapor streams from their
nostrils. With ears , cheerfully for-
wa4'd, they toss their magnificent
heads up and down, as if saying "yes"
to their ]rind owner and driver.
The wheels creak on the ice .but
never stop their rolling. The horses
never falter. The driver knows they
must not dr. the task is a task failed.
Not tightly' but firmly the driver holds
the reins. He talks to the team low -
spoken words, hardly heard by those
upon the sidewalk, who watch the
struggle. Some say it can't be done.
Others. say it can and cheer and.en-
courage both the ,driver and the
horses. Great muscles lex and relax,
hoofs chip iron' spikes into the ice,
inch by inch the team gains victory.
The beam weighs more than seven
tons. The driver couldn't move it
alone. One horse would tryin vain.
Hut the team and driver have the
strength to do the task and do it—
to them it is just "day labor,"—}In-
mane Pleader.
115 74 COUNTn1Ee••
in administering the Pension&' Act
in England the Ministry of Health of-
ficials have had to deal with many
curious and offen amusing apPlica-
tione. A woman applicant, finding
that she was not entitled to a widow's
pension, claimed an orphans Pension
in the alternative on the ground that
she had been tin orphan for 45 years.
A male applicant who was asked to
produce a certificate of baptism to es-
tablish his age replied that he had
never been baptised, but was Prepared
to submit to this right at once if it
would help him to secure a pension.
Another applicant, asked in the ap•
plica ton form to state his sex, replied
that Iie was a Congregationalist. A
woman, whose place in • an orchestra
had•been taken by a man, stated that
site had lost her employment through
"change of sex." In another case,
an applicant 'declared that be hid
been "decapitated" for a number of
years, obviously meaning that he had
been incapacitated.
Reparations and Debts
London Dally Mall (Ind; Ceras.): Up
to date we have paid the 'United States
for war debts p240,000,000, and receiv-
ed from the Allies £33,700,000, and
from Germannyy, for reparations, a sum
which certainly does not exceed p75,-
000,000. At no time for the next half-
-century can we expect to receive any-
thing like as much .as we are being
required to pay the Unite() States.
But this is not all. Our means of
payment depends neeesearily on our
trade, and if our trade is handicapped
by excessive taxation .at home or
hostile tariffs abroad ;the capacity to
find these eIiormous sums must be af-
fected. Almost simultaneously with
the conclusion of the agreements with
the inited States regarding our debt
to them the Pordney tariff was put
into force, imposing much heavier
ditties on British goods. This is
now to be followed by a new and still
severer tariff, apparently designed to
Penalize yet further British trade with
the 'Milted States. By what equity
is Germany, whioli forced on and lost
the war,.allowed and encouraged to
shift its burden of debt on the shoul•
iters of Great Britain, whose only,
crime was winning the war?
American Debutantes
London Sunday Bxpresti (Ind.):
Many Americans come to our courts,
and it is 'a good thing not only for
them but for us, We benefit- Finan-
cialiy, aril they In turn like the page-
antry and also the certain stamp
which a presentation at Court Invol-
ves. That is only human ' nature.
There is nothing new in this. Ever
Mince the days when Atlantic trans -
Port became at all possible Americans
have always liked Courts. In the
times of Louis 'Napoleon they flocked
to the Tuileries; now they have to be
content with restaurants, which are a
comparatively poor setting .for Itne
feathers. Every American girl who
Is presented at Buckingham Palace is
a valuable asset, for she invariably be-
cemes an English propagandist.
:very{ package' of Red Ros0 Tea xs lreparM,M witrf
rthe same care --as if our replttatioti wore; to aihnnd of
''fa11 upon that single package
Q eery® o Goldfish
Tickle Swans' F yet?
Wheaton College Refers Prob-
lem to Biological Experts
Norton, Mass,—The aiew pond
opened this sPrng on the eampue of
Wheaton' has brought with it zoologi-
cal complications.
Two groups of students intereeted
In -this new -pond desire to make pres-
entations to it. One group hopes to
present goldfish,' the other, swans. So_
the diffleult question airses; Do gold-
fieh and swans get on , together 'in
the, same pond? 'Vie crux of the dif-
ficulty 'lies, college authorities' avow,
in.the question as to whether the gold-
fish would tic le the swan's feet.
The whole' ,matter has been re-
ferred by the, ;biology department of
the ` college to the Smithsonian Insti-
tution, Washington, and an early solu-
tion.is expected.
,S?ne tmsteless spoohfn} vvyyi't r neu i
talleea many times its oliilie'ln ,t9,''
The results aro imlet date, witTi uo 1
bad after effects bnco you learn
fids fact, ';on Will never' deal with).
oxc.q rid in 1110 crude ways. CO
{ learn—neW,—wbY this • method is
rail Be sure to get the genuine Phillips';
Milk of Magnesia proscribed by physi-
clans for ii0 years in correethtg excess
acids, iiacli bottle Contains full (troe-
tions—any drugstore.
The 'Looting of England
London Evening News (incl, Cons.)
(A recent rumor declares that, the vil-
lage of Biibury, in the Cotswold 111116,
brie been bought by an American ,and
will. bit transported in its entirely to
the United States.) Such things may.
yet ]happen. It would require So
short and ,simple a law to forbid the i
removal from this country of these,'
ancient and beautiful architoctural
landmarks that one Would expect to
xM•t &dell of the three political •partied
rushing for'wa t `null ti ,1rgbie° a01 -t•11 it returns to power it yiil1 mfll;e'
pelt b law without delay. if £hey
do not do so is ).teeauee t l , lttblic iH
u latbetio. The remedy In this 40e
rs 3n t ie eiti2Q11H ) ak.
a)eied%w of pbbDbrty mus o o
er(teu$ be outtailecilite eurt1ilmOit
;uet as necesear`yr ht this interests tit
Angio -American friendship ,as • ee the
English people who niust stand by an4_
see their architectural birthright sold
for it aloes, et dollars.
Nobody exposes the modern girl
quite so much as the modern girl.
For sunburn, applyMinard's Liniment
Use Minard's for the rub down.
Among' the appropriate gifts for
Young men graduates are overalls.
' Baby's tiny system rebels' against
ca'stor•oil and strong purgatives; but
here's a medicine that lust suit him.
And it does, the work quickly and' so
gently that Baby doesn't feel it.
Fletcher's Castoria is soothing cross,
fretful babies and children to sleep
and making the feverish, constipated,
upset ones well and happy, in millions
of homes to -day. Castoria is ptirely-
vegetable, harmless and endorsed. by
the medical -profession. Avoid imi-
tations. The Chas. H. Pletcher
signature marks genuine Castoria.
Keep Minard'e- in the Medicine chest.
A happy marriage i� in which
the husband makes an allowance for
the wife and the wife makes allow-
ances f0r the husband. --"Virginian
The Toronto,Iiospital for Incurables.
IOos15italgionNew Cork Gity,a offs sioa
three years' course of Training to
young women, having the required
education and desirous ofbecoming
nurses. This Hospital has adopted the
eight-hour system. The pupils reooive
uniforms of the Scheel, a monthly
allowance and orortrdrm NwYok. n'fuher
information the Superintendent..
The fi' ower °'
thafi 611 ra'Tdeed
Ii�sThyn3�±t1teoempalhlpcbPy-er,otoii, 9wbsefiroroaenm,rImreyGwiny6b
,on0yity. Algre.dale al
f. ,• '
Nature Notes
Bovine: "That new Yarm hand is ter -
table dumb."
Equine: "Bow's that?"
Bovine: "He found a• lot of condens-
ednrilk cane in the grass and Insisted
he had found a cow's nost"—Scream
Ask Your Barber—lie Knows
ThelloneyllyCat er
t a 'iwo tar- terve
You Must Do Your Bit
0(11 e war against the fly, carrier
of germs and breeder of disease.
It Is proven that AEROXON Is one
of the mon convenient and meet
officiont mean, of combating this
lty evil lI li mevanien! hccauie '
el the push pin. It ip hygienia,
(ilea none got awn when 0110
cage4t. E ph spiral gree UntieLvSech aN peitelat wrvica r
'Sold at 6.8. ,oenya rdware stores
La Cie C. 0. Genesi at Fits, Limitdc
nitH,:aoire0Ki, Qua.)'-----
Vt. 1,l\ AGENT a,
Classified Advertisements
- . BABY onzai :6-
yy four varieties, prlee:. 90 up.
Writ for free catalogue. A. H. Switzer,
Granton, Ontario.
Write ForOur1a a at
on snorting foods, zoning Tomato,
Camra trannu0e. •The-figgeet aria
.Finest rawer footled in Camara. TORONTO., RADIO CO.
241 ' OSTGE aTeuelex,,
hi The Locker Room
Minard's is the standby of
those who taire care not to,
suffer from stiffness and ash -
Ing muscles.
•m -
"I think Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is wonderful!
I have had six children of which four
are living and my youngest is a bon-
nie baby boy now eight months oltl
who weighs 23 pounds. I have taken
your medicine before each of thein
was born and have Certainly re.
ceived great benefit from it I urge
,my friends to take it as I• am sure
they wit reeeive the same help 1 did."
—Mrs. Millon McMullen, Vanessa,
Distributor for Ontario
Se Front St. E., - ` - Toronto
-ISSUE No, 25— '29, ,f}
Your modest 'high-
speed motor ltuxns the
tune of faster transpor'
tiiiion. In speed,
poivor and flexibility,
tine raptors et the blah -
Way reflect the Aniini-
ence of the motets of
the shy.
Tho oil that was "good
co ouna,,� h" for the motor
eat 1S is not deo&
enorighn for the Rueter
et npa. &).liber spectre;
I"aldiior tihmiaeentanres,
h i g rat er amxuproasioiri,
kite oroatecl nnore 611Tn-
caalt !sibsdOpting prroli-
lealasa and demand better
Because a`e'itarvolube
mar&e list b teunXrol-
a an cd ,.' / u -s -e ort a-
wt. "tiro ideal ).rubra,
esh fear tho modem
51 „ 3+Aob, le engine
adl gicating 1 sten-
ee aro frilherfted
fs,i±m Sts base-ll'oruviali
On the highways as in
the skyways, Marreinho
0dot a es ,smoother. per-
ftox.aannec, 0s(:aenerl. ole-
preciation .a in el se o a 1
opoantixng economy.
There is m grade ori Max
velkibesrefinod.to natter
;NI A l,,y,}} +yiyii�i.o stsseifae•r�
tae, ®t3'a•air a , triter
otr d„ira. tar x cap, tid 51',,
it 14ts1 -A "...(..0 a rplo�I
;diad horvlee' ;lotions,. .
A Better Motor 011
Made from Peruvian crud
- LIMITE1I ' a
sTfzl'wnCIL iN CANaD4 .£.