The Clinton News Record, 1929-05-30, Page 3Alaskan.
Will Be Ding ip
UniVersiti of Pennsylvania
Museum Organizing Ex- j
pedition to Point
Philadelphia.—Further light upon
the early history and culture of the
Eskimos is sought by the University
of Pennsylvania Museum, which has
arranged to eaeavate some unusual
mounds of Eskimos origin at Point
Barrow, .Alaska, at the northernmost
tip of the North American mainland,
awarding to an announcement by
'museum authorities here.
WerIt on the excavations will be
started as scon,aa weather cenditiWls
permit, probably in June, and will be
carried em by Eskimos under the di,
section of Alfred 11. Hopson, an
Alaskan_;who has been selectedfor
the work,
According to r. J. Alden Mason,
curator of the American .section of
the museum, the drat group of mounds
to•'be excavated Was found in 1918
when W. B. Van Vella," a research
worker in anthropology, 'discovered -
mounds that contained structures le-
sembling houses,some being 18. by
45 feet, built of driftwood with ceil-
ings Of logs. •
A thick covering of sod has been
placed over the roofs anl the walls
and the skylights, which had been
cut into each roof, liad been covered
with seal or walrus slkihhs, Skelton re-
mains of manypersons were• found,
with some ea -which were found imple-
ments and possessions of . daily life,
including wooden drinking cups, ba-.
leen vesselcontaining small pieces
of seal flipper and blubber and three -
pronged fish spears.
Late last year, much of the ma-
terial that
a-terialthat had been brought here was
transferred from the Museum to the
Wistar Institute of Anatomy at the
university and examined by Dr. Ales
Hrdlicica of the National Museum at
"Further examination by archaeol-
ogists from the museum;" Dr. Mason
said, "also revealed the objects to be
typical of -a phase of ancient Eskimo
culture scientifically called the 'Thule
culture,' which had been very /well
studied in the central Arctic regions,
but not so well in Alaska.
"Following these revelations, which
form most important contributions to.
Arctic archaeology, Dr. Hrdlicka
made inquiries which disclosed that
there 'remain a number of similar
mounds near Point Barrow, but that
the Eskimos, inspired by the knowl-
edge that white men had become in-
terested in the mounds, had begun to
When yollr
Children C
Castoria is a comfort When -Baby Is.
Ifretful, No sooner taken than the
Iittle one is at ease. If restless, a
•few drops soon bring contentment.
No harm done, for Castings ia`a baby
remedy, meant for babies, Perfectly
safe to giro the youngest infant; you
have the doctors' word for that! It Is
'a vegetable product and you could use
it every day. But it's in an emerg-
ency that Castoria means most. Some
night when. constipation must be re-
lieved—or 'colic pains—or other suffer.
Ings. Never be without it; ,.some
mothers keep an extra bottle, un-
opened, to make sure there will 'al -
`ways beeCastoria in the house, It is
teffective for older children, too; read
'the book that comes with it.
Don't suffer under this liandieap
any longer.:; Successiul•0upilo
everywhere roeomme id'our
n Write
of c stile k
CS (
for free gdvice and 7ttcrature.
excavate them and were removing
their contents for salt as curios,
"With the cooperation of Dr. lIrdh
dc]ia, the University ;Museum then
made among enieltto 'to excavate
mound which aro still undisturbed
and to bring the finds to the museum
where they will be available for fur-
ther studs,.
"The United' States 'Coast Guard
Service and the Bureau of "Educa-
tion, both of which have vessels avail-
able in Alaskan waters, have agreed
to help the museum transport
The Scottish Invasion
C. E. Lawrence, In John O'London'a
Weekly: Not only do they (the Soots)
bring with them .,the accent of their
fatlleis, the congenital thriftiness' of
their;metllers, the legendary and do-
mestic atniosphere of their lhdf'id vol-
ley or • hillside, but also they' bear
seutbwards a version of history which
in a very brief while we are ready to
ai;eept as sufficient. By merely talk-
ing of: it tbey have ho impressed us
with the consciousness that Bannock-
annockburn was the only, real battle fought
between the English and the Scottish,
that we are unable to mentton Fled -
den, which shows them to belindeed a
most victorious people. Anyhow, with-
out learning much of it In, the schools,
we English 'know far more of Robert
Bruce, William Wallace, Bonnie Dun-
dee, Montrose, Glencoe, psora Mac-
donald and Jelly Geddes' stool. than
the Welsh in their most ."Look -you"
hours have told of Llewellyn, or even,
the garrulous Irish have said about
Brian Bola.
Disarmament on. Land and Sea
Saturday Review .-(London): There
can be no common denominator of
power on Ialrti and sea, and the prob-
lems of disarmament on one element
and ,the other are entirely sepaut£e.
France and her European Allies have
thought it necessary to ]Seep up the
system of conscription which we and
'America have discarded, and the
European military system cannot be'
brought into any sort of relationship
between ours or America's. The views
of France must inevitably govern the
land armaments of the Continent and
we can offer her no sort of induce-
ment to ebange these, But at sea our
interests coincide with those of Amer-
ica, and (subject' to reserves on sub-
marines) do not conflict with those •ot
France. Obviously, therefore, on naval
armaments we need 'rotworry about
making aur formula acceptable to
European conditions any ,more than
France worries about making her mili-
tary strength commensurate with
ours or America's. The supreme ob-
ject of our naval policy is to reach an
agreement with America. That se.
cured, France will not enter into com-
petition; without that we shall inevi-
tably drift into ruinous naval, eompe-
tion with America and possibly into a
quarrel, in naval policy we are not a
European Power but a World Power.
The West Indian Market
Saint John livening Times—Globe
(Ind.): Those who insisted that there
was no trade in the West Indies worth
going after must revise their opinions.
Indeed they appear to have if -one so,
although occasionally one reads such
remarks as that there are larger mar-
kets nearer' home. It so happens,
however, that we have a surplus for
export and the West Indies tdrnislh
a promising field.
For sunburn, apply Mlnard's Liniment
To be told_ at the front that we
were fighting to make safe
for democracy was to be driven to the
dumb verge of insanity. Herbert
If you, cafnot r urge him
turn to Eagle Brand, the
leading infant food since
Iflsy'Cp�++� 'ole Welfare'—yyuu�iMTko,
FREE i t`, �i j2 umitrd,Masha�
Excess aeid' le the common eolith
'o$ indigestion. 1t results in pain and
sourness about two hours after eating,
The quick corrective is an alkali
ayhich neutralizes acid. .'he -best cor-
rective le Phillips' Milk of lyIagnesia,
has re?;4fained standard w th physi-
ans in the 90 years since its•inven•
t Qn9. l 1 eouful of ahii iaat� �f
Magnesia; n'fu 'ra1laes l'nb bnti r many
To Sleep
What kindlier 'friend i .
d n all the world
Escort ,for man between the clay
and day?
Curtained by night, anesthetized; by
thee, ,
We are restored; and sent upon our
A boon thou art that never cart be
Nor may proud Wealth thy use
Thou Tallest like down upon oiiif
children's cot,
And knowest the place where 'tired.
Labour ;lies.'
If arrows of the (lay should wound
115 sore,
Or Guilt or Failure .track us to our
den, ,
Thy balm heals; the humiliating score
Thou wipest clean away;. and
sometimes when o
Death from our circle a love one may
We get him bank from thee , .., until
we wake,
---Iralifax, Rev, A. L. l+'raser, D.D.
The Grain. Congestion
Toronto Telegram .(Ind. Cats.):
Tho ,d'r'op in wheat market has con-
gested the elevators at Montreal and
Port Colborne. A hundred vessels are
lying by with nowhere to
Hints, are read'of a possible ,reduc-
ed purchasing power in the West, and
that a Couple of thousand men may be
thrown out of work But it is an ill
Wind that blows no one any good. Le
Soleil, of Quebec, sees in the situation.
evidence of the necessity'ef giving
that port the iauportance that is its
due by increasing its harbour facili-
ties. It points, too, to the inadequacy
of the aeconimmodation provided at
itfontreanj.. Elsewhere the present con-
ditions are used as an argument for
the prompt development of oiiP'canal
system. Congestanajs not expected in
the elevators at the head of the lakes
for a eouple of weeps. Then is will
no doubt be discovered that the situa-
tion is, due to the inadequacy of hay -
ay -hour' facilities at Vancouver. and Vic-
The child in the home is a never -
failing source of joy, but, at the same
time a nevenfailing responsibility to
the fond mother. It not infrequent=
1y happens that minor ailments of the
child distress and puzzle her. Site
does not know just what to do, yet
feels them not serious enough to war-
rant calling in the doctor. At just
such tinges as these it is found that
Baby's Own Tablets are the mothers
greatest help and friend.
alostchildhood ailments arise in the'
digestive tract—the bowels become
clogged and the stomach sour. Baby's
Own Tablets are a never -failing relief
for this condition. They are a mild
but thorough laxative and tbrough
their action on the stomach and bowels
they banish constipation and indigos•
tion; break up colds and simple fever:
allay the pain accompanying the cut.
:lug of teeth and promote health -giv-
ing sleep. Concerning them Mrs. W.
joining, Maoltay, Ont., writes:—"1
have used Baby's Own Tablets and
think so •highly of them that I would
not be wlilhout them. • Please send
me your little booklet on the eare of
Baby's Own Tabletsare sold by
medicine dealers Pr by mall at '25
cents a box from the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Breckvllle, Ont.
Bow Bells Silent
times its volume fn acid. >t le•Harm-
less anti tasteless and its ietiob is
quick. 'You will never rely On -crude,
methods, never dontinue to suffer,
when you learn how quietly) how
pleasantly this premier 'net oil acts.
Please let it show you -now,,
Be, sure to get the genuine' lige'
milk et ' Magnesia' prescribed by piiysi-
ohms for 50 years in correcting einie55 tion but Britain knows this°
Fide. path bottle coutaing full _ hec-
iious—any drugstor4-. Minard's t 'fitment for sick animals,.
For Three Years
No Money AVailalile •to Re-
pair OId Oak Frames
London.. --Bove Belie are net ringing.
They have not, indeed, been ringing
for three ,rears:
They aro out 152 older acid money
for; their. repair' is not available, Mr.
Deputy Ellis told- the City -Corporation
at a recent meeting.
' The. matter arose when the town
clerk reported' this .receipt of the tic -
counts of the City ?aroohfal'Popn'da-
tion. '
Tae nafd'that 88 yearp ago the 'money
of the city churches was impounded
Mad dealt slime left 'fof' the upkeep
and •repairibf the churches were noW
altogether insufficient:
Ile halted that the matter should go
to, committee for inquiry and report.
Tho Court accepted the motion for
In the sombre aisle or the Church
of St, Mary -le -Bow, the verger (hook
his head 'sadly as he .told a press rep-
8esentative of the fate which' had be-
fallen Bow .Bells. -
"Busy Londoners pans by tri thou-
sands every hour. Yet bow many real -
that the most 'beautiful bells in
all -the city have not chimed for three
years?" he said.
"Six of the twelve.have king in the
tower since just after the Great Fire;,
the others 'were 'hung many years ago
"They • ,pealed forth" regularly until
1'929, ivhen,tlle old oak frames -became
unsafe." . .
Angio -Saxon 'America
William McAlpine in the Nation and
Athenaeum (London): (Prom a lette)..
to the editor). The zmerican does
not hate "England." He ne"41 ^:tt'
wo has distrusted her politicians, even
i t ho fails to trust his own. We may
ztdt agree with Some of your "states-
i6en'' 40 to naval limitation, freedom
o4 tho.seast eto, but, from a very wide
acquaintance among Middle West
,Americans, feel that I am'eafe in
saying that if ever a time Dame that
the land of Shakespeare and `Milton
was facing doth at the hands of any
power or eotnbination .of power§ "the
guns would go off of themselves." The
United States would not 'tolerate' the
extinction .of a single one .of ire An-
glo-Saxon -sisters. Every other na-
r'® gain thirty pounds
.L int three tnontlts, and
win lyac(c fheatth and
strength was the happy
experience of Mrs. Mat-.
garet B8ethOnr of Corn-
wall, Ont:, who gives all
the credit for it to Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
"After the birth of my
baby,1 was in the hospital
foumonths," she wrote,
"and -carie home weighing
only aixty.five pounds. 'I
began taking Dr,-Williarna'
Pink Pills and it wasn't long
u*ttil-I weighed ninety five
Found general
wer Sith wro1en sofmc tehetheft 1:
take the pillsgas a. tome, and
wouldn't he without them, ne
matter what they cost; I
strongly kecommend them to
alt mothers." -
Buy Dr: Williams' Pink
-Pills raw at your dtutgist's
rir any.dealr in medicine or
j,y Mail, 551 cents, postpaid,;
from The Dr: Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville,
IN 54 connive=
An Irishman's Venice
'She Pride of the West sbe was, the
Jewel of the East. onstantinople' was
her courtyard. Greeee'Egypt, Abys-
sinia, Bulgaria and Muscovy; her ten-
ure ere fields, . Sailors? You'd think
those fellows had invented the,sea,
And as for riches and treasuresoh!
the wonder of; the world she was! Tri-,
bate she '114 flim everywhere; the
four groat horses of Saint Fla)* hes
came front Constantinople, The lip
grea marble columns !'acing the Pia-
zetta, sure, they came from Acre..',
The processions "et the tratiespe, plo'
'sn like a king's, acf roue, and they
marching' in state on the election of a
doge. Each in then: separate order
they'd come, the master smiths first,
as is right, with everyone garlanded
like' a conqueror, with their banner
and their buglers; f the -,cloth-of
gold weavers, with golden crowns set
with pearls; the shoeemaIcers in fine
silk, whilethe silk -workers were in
fustian; the cheese dealers and pork
butchers in 'scarlet and purple,•, the
fishmongers and.poixfieters, armed like
men-of-war; • the glass-makers,' 'with
elegant specimens of 'their art; the
comb -makers, with little birds in
cages; t
g , hebar bar=surgeons on horse-
back, very dignified, very learned, and
with' that you'd_ think,there'd be an
end of them, but east your eye back
on that procession and you'd find
guilds as fax as your sight would
Let you be going down the markets, ,
and what would you see for sale?
Boots, clothes, bread? No, they were
out of sight;, but scattered ' on the
booths, the like of farls of bread
on a fair -day, you'd find cloves and,
nutmegs, mace and ebony from Moluc-
cas, that had come by way of Alex-
andria and the Syrian ports; sandal-
wood frons Timor, in Asia; camphor
from Borneo. Sumatra and Java sent
benzoin to her markets. docbin-China
sent bitter aloes wood. From China
and Japan and from Siam carne gum,
spices, silks, chessmen, and curiosities
for the parlor. Rubies from Peru, fine
cloths from Coromandel; and finer still
from Bengal. They got spikenard
frons Nepaul and Bhutan. You'd
see pearls and sapphires, topaz and
cinnamon from Ceylon; lac and
agates, brocades and coral from Cam-
bay; hammered vessels and inlaid
weapons and embroidered shawls from
Cashmere. As for spices, never would
your nostrils meet such an odor;
bdellium from Seinde, musk from Ti-
bet, galbanum from Khorasan; from
Afghanistan, asafetida; from Persia,
sagapenum; ambergris and civet from
Zanzibar, and from Zanzibar came
ivory, too. And frons Zeila, Berbera,
and Shehri came balsam and frank-
And that was Venice„ and Marco
Polo, a young man. And now it's only
a town like any other town but for
its churches and canals. - From
"Messer Marco Polo," by Donn Byrne,
Trade With Britain
Toronto Globe Lib,): Under the
Present circumstances Canada is pur-
chasing front the United States hund-
reds of millions of dollars' .worth of
goods in excess of total Canadian
sales to the Republic. At the same
time the exact reverse is true in the
case of trade with the Mlotherland:
We sell to Britain far more than we
buy from her. "Buy from those who
buy from your' is a good slogan at any
time. It will seem even more applic-
able and urgent in the present case
if the United States reduces to any
appreciable extent her purchases
from this Dominion.
Dobbin Prefers Water
+I�ei1 Rase Teo, Moines ilheat t6 us froixi ¢1a finest tea;
gardens, then straight to your grocer brinrfail
flavor and fresllTaess::Every package guaranteed.70
s exfya. gad
Betty was doing :her home -lessons
when Jimmy poked his head round the
door; "What always comes in pairs?"
"Gloves?" queried Betty. "No; pear
seeds," replied Jinlmy , as he made a
hurried exit,
Rocky Mountains national park
with headquarters at' Banff, Alberta,
is the oldest and second largest of our
national parks. It has - an area of
3;884 square miles and contains some
of the finest recreational and scenic
regions hi. the world.
Unoiled, Motorists Told
Washington—Retrain from dipping
oily pails into "Dobbin's" watering
trough when filling your automobile
radiator, is the plea the Washington
Humane Society is making to motor-
ists: •
This practice, it points gout, con.'
taminates the water and makes it un-
fit ler drinking by horses, which the
automobile has already relegated to
the background In the transportation
world. The society also calls atten-
tion to the traffic regulation which
prohibits parking in front of drink-
ing troughs,
The Ry, as a gercarrier,' is cap-
able of doing more harm tban a mad
Burned From The Sun?
Minard's will bring soothing
relief. Apply Minard's too for
any skin irritation.'
vi tools Lydia E. Pinkhefn's
Vegetable Compound for mis
erable and tired feelings and
it gave Ise strength to do my.
work: My nerves are better and
I feel well and strong and have
a good appetite: I sleep well
and am in pretty good spirits
and able to work every day
now: 1 recommend the Ve0e-
table Compound and you
may use this letter as a testi-
monia1s t -Miss Delvena a
lace„t'Ynion Street, North Devon,
New Brunswick.
,Lydia .E1 Pnkiiai's
,af!`,Yetaale C[114 10[111{1
t r ,Nham Mee. Cu;, Lynn. M.' U. S A.
rTdl y.,
'$�C46o ul k: f!aidlin Cmada
•Use Minard's for the rub down.
It saves a lot of trouble if instead
of having to earn money and save it,
you can just go and borrow it --Win-
stun Churchill.
Exceptional Opportunity for Retired
or Active Man of Standing
'We have a very attrac-
tive and profitable open-
ittg.a0r a -reputable man
111 your district, all or
Part time, to represent
,dor co-operate locally
an established Invest-
ment Security 'louse
4'lth headquarters in To-
ronto, in the sato of a
high class industrial
Stock issue of merit.
For full particulars write Room 1610
'Sterling Tower. Toronto
Keep Minard's in the Medicine chest.
Today it is customary to see historic
heroes reclueeh by biographers to
their own level. — William Lyon
3srtss rcfnuZI 00,42.. ta-.®.amu
Est. Transportation Paid.
1003 : • + Write for Illustrated
147cycles and Acoessor-
f � 1pi't ft ,. CATALOIIUIO
PesrlG50 Eicycle
151-3.5 Dundas
St. W., Toronto.
Earn upwards of 525 weekly growing
Mushrooms for us, In cellar or other waste
space, Deliver 10 our nearest
branch. Light pleasant work for
either sex. Illustrated booklet
cent anywhere, tor stamp.
:Classified Advertiseanerl ts'
EA•EY Patna%
1'7 Baby Chicks, bred for high' produc-
tion for 26 years, Prices for may idc,
June 120, July and August 100, De1a0
mere Poultry
Parra, 'Stratford. Ontario:
”' . four varieties, Pi'lce. 50 UP!.
wri Le for free catalogue, A, .1.9 Switzer]
Granton. Ontarte,.
AMO DIAN MAGAZINIO l7, local agents who are ambitioutl
Gkj enerous commmmbission, ' Lists supplie
347, Adelaide St. West, Toronto:
�. 5
horse 515, 8 horse 940,. All size
Write LeffcElaeetnic Cot London, .dealing
It. isn`t pessibletoblind
abetter lawn mower
than. Sma ut
Smtart'3 Mowers have
proved Their superiority
Nilterever$rass fit Brown
Easy i uanin0,iteba-
00tim0 anealhsoltttett
°5 ottomans our.
Qun,w ed l0%t4, for
, TINELcrfimm,, Rama,eawldw0xw,
7. 11,4 4,,0,, auk tdklmar,
Rue Orpinrwm,wL4ewrcnamm. 135
e,d op, 100500e &Way monlacoL
1Vcac ,r .e for yltEE CHICK' 000)1
scip6E0I,0'5 ildIetuaav
225 Nort hang Pion
Ramiro. N.
IREST( NE Gum-Dippedr'l.'axes staled
thephoeksa thebump, the cplii"f t`ailtbleed
of til? fastest motor cM' 9 OA race oracle -s
iVOVClr mon litaita orn1 (lagan'• -0n smg•oib
gave -encs— 1.,re one Gipmu 'lipped'Xii'e,S
ave sho-w7:4 themsebee fhe ti�o`ughest
scion est most Xitg ed ustIl gafee,$ � r
Datta gan put ou your car. See your nedr4
est tone Dealer.
I shovrO - O, 1T IiR O.
In the slty, and on
.the infg wait s4
ranspole a -
on moves at o
it aster tempo.'
The speed records
of yesterday a r e
commonplace to-
' flay.
Greater epee(' is
outdo possible by,
better and faster
motors Which call
for a flew inaaargi ni
of }lubricati;ng'
safet$'. Oils that.
were "od
years ago won't do''
today: M a r v e .
rube, as .pure—
r 11) 013..4 r e
ure'` f
i�-.hodiea as'i;'
cede, Sika the"
xe ereuce of.
Aki! da
iipaaatln 8r7m1 d i
operatorsia8 it.
motorists. ,1
-• Over half af" mil-
lion motorists ht
Canada have
proved Marvel®
ube's superio
qualities. 90 out
of every 100 miles
flown by aircraft
in Canada arc tra—
velled with
Imperial Pro -1
There is a grade
of Marvelubc re-
fined to meet ex-
actly the specifi-y
cations of(
your car, truck or
tractor. Consult"
Chart. at Impar
f 1Latfi '
dealers.. oasis
A. 3 UMl5 itantor.
St V5'L%mIE 1F5.O1ei 'PERUVIAN 815-Ii®E •
* 1 IG .. 4 ' j is R. ElL �.