HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-05-23, Page 5i'TTC7RSDAY, MAY 38, 1920 61 THE CLINTON-NEWS ,RECORD finterest to Yo and; Me 'o aay is Empire Day :and is being sO observed m the schools ''R`o neS ow is Tietonia Day, a better known to all Old-timers as 'Vim 24th" !Member When we always,', went fiele, in' on the 24th, rain or striae? Sunday, June 1Qth, is spoken: ekes the day which will be 'set Tor general thanksgiving ' for the »ea- ;toration to health. of King George 'Would not June End bo a fitting day the 3rd being the King's birthday;, •:!4 German" zeppelin landed on 11reneh soil the, other •dayand the oxeye 'wds given. hospitality ,and enough gasoline to take them -home. ,Not so long ago that the Every best such a crew ' would have expected •would be' to be made prisoner`s . of • Premier Baldwin, stated in a Cam- paign speech the other day that his government 'had been so busy doing, useful things that many 'unobservant 'people seemed to think they had been 'Asleep, He wanted to know wheth i et• they wanted a'working'governnient . or a talking one. It seems_to be a "weakness of human nature, to con- -elude that the »ieople who are mak' Wing the ni st noise are accomplishing 'the most. The horrible occurrence in a Cleve- land Hospital last week ought to "serve as a warning that many of the 'things which we in this 20th century. ' use and handle), 'often carelessly and thoughtlessly, carry within them potential death. The great forces ..which man has harnessed and uses for his own service, unless"carefully 'handled, at any time may get out of -.hand, in which case man . is- helpless 'before them. Hensall Mr: and Mrs. Merner, and Mr. and "Mrs. G. Brock are being visited by "relatives from Texas. William Hilderbrandt, one of the early residents of the village has -sold his dwelling on South Richmond ' street to George R. Hess, jeweler. John E. McDonald left here on "Tuesday to spend a short time with 'relatives in Exeter. Percy Gram of Lansing, Mich,, ac- eompanied by his wife, silent the -weekend here with his parents, Mr. •xtnd Mrs. George H. Grant, Ma, Drysdale is further irnprov- "•ing the appearance of his -fine • dwelling on tho corners of Ring and Albert streets by the erection of 'front and rear verandah. Quite a number of the menibers of Hensel' Lodge, No. 223, Independ- - ent Order of Odd Fellows, motored to Brucefield on Sunday evening last to unite with the members f Bruce - field lodge in their annual divine ser- vice. At the close of the service the ' brethrenn marched back to their lodge room where interesting add- resses were given by local and visit 'ung brethren. FIFTY-FIFTY (Amherst Netvs) "The pedestrian is to blame for half the accidents, says the Presi- dent of a motor ' comphiny, And horse-drawn vehicles we suppose, nine responsible, for the other half. County News WINGIIAltf: It will be interesting 'for the people of Winghant and vicin- ity to learn that the Canadian Chaut- auquas, Limited, will give a week's programme in Wing'luun, the dates being July '26, 27, 29, 30, 31, BRUSSELS: Rev, F. L. Lewin 'olosee his pastorate of St, John's ' Church on. Sunday next, Both -Men ville and the United church withdraiv their evening service, to attend the `last service of Rev. Mr. Lewin, The -tlepartingRector has been very pop- ular With 'both eongregations during his pastorate here,—Brussels Post, SEAFORTI:I: The semi-monthly -banquet of the Seaforth Lions Club was 'held 'in the Commercial Hotel' on Monday evening. Lion G. D. Fer- guson presider. Dr, lrraser, District -Health Officer, o'f Guelph, who wee the Chief speaker, gave a very fine address on '"Ptililic I3ealth," Mem- bers of the local Board of, Health were present. Fred Willis contrib- 'ited a vocal solo whidh was well re- teeiven. •piggery of •W +C, Leparl The •oitgin- ol the fire is;t,inknown, n`It started 1n the loft *here there was O•rnO..onSifiet able kFlnount ^of straw, and it. 'May Wino' anght:front:the chilclrgr iilay- rl1g•'ii'1} snatches The firemen Were at work ut a very i ew,."nt rnitoa, pgttt< mg it e'er Ori the flames; which ve;+e then heaping from the ;sides "and tile, clad 9f the bnilding. Tho rogf yetis of corrugated iron which .'helped consid- erably to keep the fire in eheelc:;None 'of the hogs were lost, as they were toured •out of the burning portion and tine lire. was. kept from spfeaciing: Marriages PENFOUND-WRIGIIT--At Ontar- io street United' church parsonage, Clinton, on 'Way 15th, by the "Rev, A. E. Doan, Olive Jane, ,eldest daughter, of Mr. and Mee;, ;David Wiragh.t,'the Base line, to Wilfred Penfound, son of - Mrs. Adam Scott of,Clihton and the late Thom- - as Fenfound of Stanley township. MITCKELL — TAYLOR — At the horse of the bride's' parents,, Mr. and -intro. T. Taylor, Blyth, on May 11th, by-tbe Rev. Dr. Barnby, El- sie May Taylor . to I9erip.eth E. Mitchell of Detroit. „. Births ROWLA.ND--In Seaforth Hospital - on Tuesday, May 14th, 1929, to Mr. ,and Mrs. ' Edward Roland, Wal- ton, a son. 1V1;eCLY11lONT :In Stanley Town- ship, on May 2nd, to Mr. and -Mrs. Fred McClymont, ' a soil (Ivan James.) Deaths STANLEY—In Clinton, on May 21st, Emma Garrett, •widow of William Stanley: TAYLOR -Robert Taylor, East Wan- wanosh, on May 16, aged 55, HE WANTED TO KNOW (Agnes 11xaePhail, M.1'., in Flesherton Advance) /• Father Boland, who presided on the second night, told us a good Irish joke. An Irishman one day stopped the father on the street: `I know, father, what Shrove Tuesday is, and I know what Ash Wednesday is, but tell me what is this Nut Sundae (Suh- day) I hear so much about?" For Sale 2 small tables, easy chair, 3 par- lor chairs, 6 dining chairs, pair of down pillows, Apply to Mrs. Wan. Graham, at residence of Wilfred see ley, Huron street.,, Why Be Troubled? Wiry be troubled with your stom- ach? Dr. McLeod's stomachic 4s guaranteed or money back. Holmes Drug store, Clinton. 15-4. Potatoes For Sale Seed potatoes for sale, Spencer. variety, Apply to Albert Neil, R. R. No, 1, Clinton, or phone 638r22, Clinton' central. 15-1. For Salo A barn, -30 by 50. Apply to John D. Woods, Louisa street, Hayfield,' For Sale A quantity of choice seed potatoes. Apply to John D. Woods, Louisa St., Bayfield, Calves For Sale I expect to have tt number of young calves for sale about May 25th, also a sots due at once,'' Call Phone 5-78, Hensal lcentral, and tell me what you want, Harold Penhale, Bayfield. ,` ,t 15-1. Cottage For Sale Small cottage and good garden, Mill street; Clinton, for sale. Apply on premises to Mrs. Annie Parker. •• 15-1. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council: of the Corporation of. the County of Enrron will meet in the Council Chambeii, Goderich, at ' 2', o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 4th day of June 1929. All ac- counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meetitfg of Council, .. Geo. W. Holman, County. Clerk Goderich, lVnay 20, 1929. 15-2. • Pigs For Sale 2 -brood sows, also young pigs. WINGIIAM': On 'Monday evening, Apply ,to J. Leslie Cox, phone 603 Tire didconsiderable damage to the r2, Clinton central. ` 14-tf. 11.' Traiisport FOR GOOD SERVICE'. ALL LOADS HEAVILY" INSURED 3.,OCAL AND LONG DISTANCE WE .:MOVE FURNITURE DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE, 611 WHEN .You WANT GOOD SERVICE AND EXPERIENCED TRUCKERS CALL 21-610 or. 16-610 ,OPERAT.ED BY M'ULHOLLAND AND JER^V`IS CLINTON CENTRAL 15-1-p, Member d' Florist Telegraph delivery Association 'CUT FLOWERS, FLORALDESIGNS INS'. For A11 'Occasions •", Senth . Anyw et e.; Greenhouse -is as neat 'its your"phoee., Chas. " V. Cooke .Two Phones -e -66w and CARD OF THANKS'' Miss' Susie Powell •wishes to ex press her thanks for the.kindness shown Iter during her, residence in the'; hospital, for flowers sent and a11 other kindnesses sliowtt, ,. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and, Mrs. Stirling. Dempsey wish to- thank all the kind neighbors and; friends ` of Clinton and the sur- rounding community: for all the flor- al tributes and for ail kindnesses shown their mother through her ill= 'NOTICE FOR TENDERS !Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the erection of a new school house -in School Section No. 1, -Hullett, on lot 6, con. 2, up to 7 o'clock p.n., Saturday, June lst. The Iowest or any tender not necessarily. accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen at the home of the sec- retary, Contractors will be required to give a marked cheque for five per cent. of the contract price. Signed J. L. Bell, Secretary, Lot 3, Con. 2, Mullett. R. R. No. 2, Spafooth , (! 15-2-p. ' Property For Sale Comprising 3 acres on land (more or less) with good comfortable frame house, garage, stable' and hen house all in' good state of repair. For par- ticulars apply to Thos. M. Johnston Phcjne-23 on 619, Clinton central. 13-3-p. "Niagara" Super -Soluble Land Lime, also, high grade fertilizers always in stock. Prompt delivery service when required. 11. It. Baer, Phone Carlow, 2821, R. R. No, 5, Goderich, Ont.. 154f. For Sale Horse rising 5 years, weighing between 1600 and 1700 lbs, Apply to Geo. Farquhar, Gravel Road, 2 miles north of Clinton. 12-tf. Domestic Help Wanted Good, reliable girl to help around the house. Duties uot heavy, liberal wages. Inquire at The News -Record office. '12-4. Private Sale Of Carpenter's Tools, consisting - of iron and wooden planes, spirit level, squares; a number of hand saws; circular saw; cross -cut saw; chisels and a number of other art- -Mies too numerous to mention. Tool bench with vice attached. Tool box and tool cupboard. Six 20 -gallon cans in good condition; about 40 bee boxes; bee frames; wax nielter; 2 capping boxes and 2 bee veils; also a couch; bed roost suite; 2 iron kettles and a good glass cupboard and a stepladder. Apply to Mrs, Is- aac Hood. 14-tf. ROUTE OF VOLTAIRE Monday, May 20th, will leave Har- vey Jenkins', one i._nile west of Clin- ton and go through Clinton, then south along the London Road to Fred Notts' for noon, then west 1 1-4 miles, then south 3 3-4 miles, then east to Walker House, Brumfield, for the night. Tuesday West to Robert Web- ster's for noon,'tfien by way of "Var- na, then south along Parr line to George Coleman's, Hillsgreen, fon; the night. Wednesday—East through Kipper to Jackson Bros., for noon, then west to Seaforth road, then north to John Nicholson's for the night. Thursday—West and north to Fred Cook's for noon then west and north to Huron road then east along the -highway to Herbert Fowler's' for the night," Friday—To John 11fcIlroy's for boon, then north and west to Oliver Anderson's for night. Saturday—South to Fowler's school, then west to Doric Dale's for noon, then west to Harvey Jenkins', 1 mile west of Clinton.. JOHN SPEIRS, Caretaker, ROUTE OF MELVILLE RISER Monday, May 20th—Wj1I leave his own stable, one mile west of Clinton and go along sixteenth to Summer - hilt north along Base. line to Nor- man Ball's for noon, then 'east and north to Londesboro Hotel for night, Tuesday—Will go 11-4 miles then west along the lath concession of Hullett to Harvey Ilunlcing's• for noon then north to bounciry, then east to John 'Collinson's, 1 mile south of Blyth for night. - Wednesday—South to. 13th conces- sion of Hullett, then east to Norman Shepard's for noon, then oast to, Wal- ton road for M ht. . Thursday ---South to Winthrop, -west 11-4 .miles- north,' -11-4 miles, west to John McClure's for noon, `then west to Charles Sundercocic's for night.' Friday—West,, through 'Sununerhill to Herbert' Oke's'for noon, then along Maitland Concession through Holmes- villo to Fred Pickard's for night. Saturday— East to Robot Col - 1 017 noon, then east to Hai, vey Jenkins', one mile west of Clin- ton, for. -,night, Terms of Voltaire and Melville Riser To" ensure a foal $15.00, payable February lst, 1929. Mares not re- turned d , e regularly g y to the. horse will be charged ed fol 1, 1 insurance c e Whether in foal or .not All accidents and es- capes ,at scapes'uat the risk of 'the owners of mares. Care will be taken to avoid accidents. THOMAS MCA T H A L Sr. Prop. • Br.' Bacon piece ; 27c • Pea meal Rolls 2$c Smoked ok d Cofifia aOc m 3, � oked Short Shank Picnic ap c Hates • 25c Smoked Hams 32c 'Parboiled b. _ . ted . Boneless 50c Hams by piece T Lard in bulk ' 17c 3 `lb pail 50c 5lbp.ail $0 Boneless Corn Beaf c 22c Home-made' Sans. 24c. Head -cheese, Cooked Corn Beaf, Mac and Cheese Loaf, Variety Loaf, Bologna, Summer Sausage, Weiners and Liver Sausage, Beaf, Pork, Veal and: Lamb always on hand. CONNELL & TYNDALL Clinton's Leading Meat Market YORKSHIRE Brood Sows FOR SALE R. W. Gibbings Phone 617r15. Clinton, R, R. 4. 13-3. Slabs For Sale Orders lef}1 at my residence will receive prompt attention, ._ E.. Ward Iluron St., Clinton Phone 116 15-tf. RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-29. NOTICE Baby chicks lower in price. Bar- red Rocks, 15c each. S. C. W. Leg- horns 14c each. After June 12th all chicks 2c lower. E. J. Trewartha, Holmesvilie, phone 611-22, Clinton central. 14-. BABY CHICKS We can supply you with S. C. White Leghorn chicks for delivery in June at $10 per 100. Our Leghorns are the famous Barron strain, big hens, heavy layers of large eggs, We guarantee 100 per cent safe de- livery. THE WALTER ROSE POULTRY FARM Brussels, Ont, 14-4, Trucking Service Trucking of all kinds done at moderate charges. Harold Connell, Varna. Phone 12 on 96, Hensall cen- tral. 14-4-p. Bull For Sale Thor'oug'hbred Durham bull, 11 months old, roan .in color. Apply to Joseph L. Foster, R. R. No, 2, Bay- field, Ont. 14-6-1r, COURT OF REVISION Township of Stanley Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision wilt be held in the town hall, Varna, on Monday, May 27th, 1929, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of hearing and determining complaints against the Assessment Roll of the said_ Township for tke year 1929. Persons baying business with the said Court' will please attend at the said time and place •without further notice. J, E. Harnwell, Township Clerk. Dated • at. 'Varna this -13th day of May, 1929'. 14-2. COURT OF REVISION Township of Hullett Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held in the Township, Flank, Londesboro, on Thursday, May 30th, 1929, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, to hear and determine complaints .against the Assessment Roll of the said Township for" the year 1929. Persons having business withthis Court will please attend at the said time and place without further not- ice. John Vineland, Township Clerk, Dated at Londesboro this 13th day. of May, 1929. 14-2. COURT OF 'REVISION 'Township of Goderich A Court of Revision for the Town- ship of Goderich will be held in Inlet-. lroband's Hail, Halmesville, on 1Vllon- day, May 27th, at 10;00 ann., for the purpose of hearing Any appeals or complaints of the 4sscsstnent Roll of the said Township and for the oonfirmi n o z g f the said Assessment " Roll., All persons assessed fon clogs whie since have s tree Ino en destroyed must return the tag, with the necessary information, by this date or the usual tax will be oliarged. ' R. ' G. Thomp- son, township clerk, 14-2, Ct n,ton's New i id,Egg. Aid Poultry House Eggs bought according to "Dgnin ion Government Ugg Re'gulatio'ns,' Inquire for ",'our. prices :of eggs, You +will alivays find our prices par-' allel with the city ntailiets, Fat. hens and wele-finished chid elWays waisted --Prices geed, Alwgys•Theno out office for prices before:"marketing produce, ' N. W. Trevvartha Phones= -Office, 214j Residence, 214w Car. Owners and others We can write you a personal Auto- mobile ' Accident Policy of Fifteen Hundred Dollars and weekly indeln,• nity of Twenty-five dollars, eovering for any automobile accident. Forthe small sum of five dollars per annum,• Protect your incomo by carrying at accident and sickness policy. H. E. RORKE P. 0: Box, 147, Phone, 253w Sun Life Agency. ' Car Insurance • Life Insurance Fire, Insurance ;Also Real Estate and gale'''. Investments. Dividends paid Monthly, 1 percent per month, by STANDARD ROYALTIES LTD P. J. G. CHOWEN CLINTON. O. 'Box, 155 Phone, 52 04-tf. NOTICE The .Brucefield Chopping Mill will run on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- urdays only after May 15th until further notice. ' Cornish and Dalrymple Proprietors. 13-2. BABY CHICKS Supreme quality chicks from Es- sex Hatchery. Hatched from. the best pure bred stock obtainable, Matched and especially culled for heavy egg production. Order from H. CIIARLESWORTH FOR SALE London Sprayinotor 3 -horse pow- er engine, 200 gal, tank, used 2 years. Reason for selling, not large enough for present owner. R. S. SMYTH - Box 344, Clinton, Ont. 07-11. ' DANCE TO, The Blue Water Boys Every Thurs. Evening IN WINOKAM .ARENA TITNEI I'ANCING' 15-3. Burgess Studio, Clinton Owing to being short of help I can only have, my' Clinton Photo Studio openthe second: and last Tuesdays in each month.. Next visits will be Tuesday, May 28th and June lith. 14-2t Te- Rent A modern dwelling of eight rooms,, also garage on Gibbings St., Clinton. Immdiete, possession. Apply to A. J. McMurray, box 193, Marriston, Ont. 0741: Expert Photo Finishing Developing 5c a roll. Printing 3c 11 piece. Any size, post paid'• Jack- son Studio, Seaforth, Ontario, 11-6-p. p Eggs For Hatching Eggs from S8lvernecged'- Dorlcings. 50e per -setting of 15. Apply to. George Mann. Phone 636r14, Clin- ton central. 10-41. Roomsto Rent • Unfur+iished "rooms, suitable for light housekeeping.. •Apply to . Mrs. David Tiplady, Williant street, Clin- ton. 10-2-p-tf. For .Side Plymouth Barred Rocks' chicks. and S. C. White Leghorns, From, good inning strains. Also cestom hatching. Roy Tyndall, R. R, No. 3, Clinton or phone 607r3. 16-41. Cottage For Sale 6tens it t t with f• r t- r 4s p aof cement eerier, good summer kitchen, eleetrio lights, soft water cistern, 'good gar- den with fruit, etc., two lots on Rattonbury street, west, Mrs, Thos. White, Clinton. 00-tf., Giant White Sngar Bee Giant.Yellow Intermediateian el Canadian i Turnips d an G�e�n TurnY .s Holts 'Westbuory p Turnips, Golden Bantam Corn D anve rs Yellow w Onions Globe: ' Lawn Grass Seed a Climax Cl�lnax Bug. Kill er, Naptha pth Gas, Benzine ecfi. Milier TELEPHONE 63 CLINTON C. H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures; Bulbs, irons, Fans and other-" Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7 Wallpaper Season Is Hort Clothes cleaned, pressed " .6+, aS7Yaash *ouch t 6 Edi eleal ed, Clothes' Cleaned and Prossegi Sunworthy Wallpapers solcl ai�Li 1I dif s aver v r' neard's B_rber shop. hung by Evered L. Jahnston, Phone j 2283-tp. No.. 640r14, Clinton central. 400 1 samp es to choose ,from. Papers range from 5e td $L25 per roll. Price for hanging, 16e; lap 1Sc; wire edge, 20c 16r butting and paste' supplied. 05-tf. For Sale On Victoria street a 10troomed frame house in perfect condition, pantry, washroom, bath, new Mc - Clary furnace, cellar under whole of house, large 'garden, garage, in beautiful location. Apply to Mrs. A. S. Inkley, Clinton. 07-2-p-tf. -Fare For Sale 118 acres, lot 84 and part 85, the Huron road, (paved highway) ni mile west of Ilolmesville, school, church and railway station. 8 -room house, barn 50x55 £t., driving shed, hen house and pig pen all in good repair. About 30 acres of this faxen, with the buildings, that lying north of the railway, will be sold separately if desired, balance good pasture land. Apply to Miss EIizabeth Ford or to F. 0, Ford, Box 363, Clinton. Phone 39, • 0241. For Salo White brick house on Princess St., east, with eight rooms. Town and soft water, electxie lights, one-half acre of land with barn, large and small, fruit. Possession at once. Apply to Mr. Levi Stong, Clinton, Ont., or Mrs. James Steep, 8 Elm- wood Avenue, London, Ontario. 07-11. Potatoes For Sale Quantity of No. 1 Late Potatoes. Free from disease. Also few bags, of early Cobblers. Weston Bros.,Bay- field, Ont, 0641. House For Sale A comfortable seven room, cottage with town water and electric lights, acre of land with small fruit and good stable with chicken house. Ap- ply to Atex. SIoinan, Fulton street, Clinton. 064f. Clinton's trertAtt "roe MUCH.OVEralERO EXPENSE ee .L it4 THE HEAT "FOLKS FPC' EN ey E X PgRTS To HELP YOU CUT rr DOWN Some 'people Who .Ara very wise in other things, Think that coal is just—coal. That all furnaces are alike. That all /tenting equipment may be supplied with the same • kincl of coat These people are probably losing money every winter. If you know any people like that --- Send then' in to see 11B. We cart, furnish' them with,,, 'the might kind of coal Inc: every purpose. Call the for good, clean coal" B0. Muslani COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON We Want Your Milk and Cream We are manufacturers of both cheese and butter. We want your Milk or cream. We pay highest mar, ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone your order for finest cheese or pasturised butter in prints or sol. ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R, R. No. 8, Phone No. 605r32. ; THE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPERA. TIVE CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY. LIMITED • BABY CHICKS English Barron S. C. W. Leghorns Barred Plymouth Rocks Hatches Every Week ...nn Custom Hatching ELMSLEA CHICK FARM -1 E. L. MITTELL Proprietor, Clinton Phone, 213 New Coal Dealer I wish to announce to the house- holders of Clinton and vicinity that 1 am going into the coal business. It is my intention to keep on hand a supply of Lehigh Valley coal, coke, etc., and I rescectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Leave orders -for spring delivery. Also have a quantity of dry slabs. A. D. McCartney Clinton, Phone, 256 Cockshutt Agency Wishing Repairs or Parts for Coekshutt or Frost and 'Woods Ma- chines of any kind should call at my Residence, 1 also handle Coekshutt Creani ' Separators. JOHN V. DIEHL, Quocn Street, Clinton. 81-t1, SEEDS Complete stock Clovers. and Grass Seeds on hand. March Prices al- ways best prices, Our Alfalfa is Peel County Seed No, 1 Government standard . This typo of seed is practically impossible to buy this year, Have only a small stock. Good value while it lasts. - J. A. FORD '& SON Phone 123 FIour, Feed and Seed McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag- eneys forthis district 1 will keep on hand a full stock of repairs and parts of all McCormick -Deering machined and will appreciate a, share of the patronage of the farmers surounding Clinton. Carl at my shop, next door to Jones' blacksmith shop, Ring street,_ W. J. STEWAHT Clinton, Ont., Phone 281.w • 044f Eggs and Poultry Home on Tuesday and Friday fore• noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence every, day --graded by an experienced grad,' er,'IncWhich we pay the highest mar ket price. Cream purchased for Stillman' s . A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St., Clinton Phone 23f