The Clinton News Record, 1929-05-23, Page 2Clinton 'News -Reco 'd CN`INTQN. ONTanip e arms of leubscriptlon••-••92,00 Per y In advance. td Canadian eddreer. $2,6 tee ththe U.S, or other, -fere 'CoHs. No papor,diecontUu urunMeiuu all arreara are paid taillessr the option of the :publishe date to ,which every subscrtptic ' paid is denoted or label.: Advertising:',Kaes•-Transtent ad "tieing, I2c per count tine Or fir' insertion, ee for each 81(119011, Insertion. Heading counte', 2 1111 Seiali•advertieements, net to exee yet •uch, steel. as "'granted, "fees Strayed,' etc„ inserted once 36e. each subsequent ineertton `. �Adverusements"sent an Without etructions :'as'to 'the 'number ,of' sections wanted will run until ord ed out and Will be,cbarged acme guy. Ratee for display advertiel Made known cm application. Communications intended tor>pub. Haitian, must, to a gu.:rantoe of good feint, lie` accompanied by the name oP the wrlfere ear eel ed sal; The Bie ver: 9t neat 08. ed t! fdr 6e. tn. er- ROMEO ' Stones Gather NQ rd - ng , MOSS Quebec itiveueiltent (Cons.): If any of olirPrpneh.O nadia'n brothers are thinking at the ' present time of going to Seeketheir•:teving in the U'nt- ted States; we would like to:give them a evord of counsel: this, le no 'time to ;emigrate, not only becaus..e toe. many of our Compatriots in New Eng4 land ere ;Mitering' Froin hardslt/A' anti lack of Work, but also' because the Proviuce'of Quebee 'eau ,omit on -.a couthittal''Improvement in oouditions, which are already satisfactory. There ,are four times as much happiness and pint fortune waiting 'for our Peoples who • go on cultivating• their lands with perseverance as there would be for those who -are going to embark elsewhere on the adventure of 'Using' happy, ' Use Minard's for the rub down. • Children and the Movies Le Monde Ouvrier (ince): 'The law prohibiting _children under sixteen to attend the movies, whether they are. accompanied or not, is a ridieulous. law, as It is bro1 eu'thoueands of times every day in the year, for want of being able to apply it, Flow are you going to expeet a ticket -seller at the. door of a pieture=house, es'jieclally when • there ie a crowd', to notice whether. a' young: girl is ; under sixteen or Pot? 'If -he' atops'her•i!e holds ui1 'the entrafee • of others and • hurts Itis try t% r ', v en e . ouor ,,tea ®:�' . •star � , .- Oyler r PKoE BLEND • G 4.E'resi fro twig g:a'tratans, : r1.• 12.'Hall, 14T. R. CLALete, - "Proprietor, eeleditoi'. • t, _, a&TAGG T -BAKER A genereaBanking.•Business transact- ed. Notes Discounted, Drafts [served. Interest Allowed en Deposits, Bale Notes Purchased, 11. T. • RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer. F.lnaucial,' Heal- ?state and .Pere in- surance Agent, Reprosonting14 Piro Insurance. Companten, DivtsiQQorrii�Spurt Office Clinton. • W. i3Ry.i DONE Barrister,' Solicitor, Notary Public, ata, Office: GLOAN• BLOCK . CLINTON OR. C. GANDIE'R Office thilrre: -I 3o to ado p.m., 6.39 to 5 0U 10m:, Suadays;.12,30'to*li30'p m tether Metre ey appointment only. Ofirss and Residence -- 'Victoria SL DR. FRED G. THOMPSGN Office and Residence: Ontario Street Clinton, Ont, Otte .door west of Angllean Chervil, Phone 17g Eyes examined and gtassea fitted DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence; Huron Street Clinton, Ont. Phone 39 eForuterey occupied its the tate Dr.' t1, W. Tenten200', Eyev examined and glasses fitted DR. 1.1. A. MCINTYRE DENY18 r' Oftioo hours: 9 to 12 A.111, and 1 to 6 P.M., except Tuesdaye -and Wednes• days. Otlles over Canadian National Bspreset, Clinton, Ont. Phone 21. 14, DR. F.. A. AXON DENTieT Clinton, Ont.. Graduate. of C.O.D.S.. Chicago, and 1t,C.D,s„ Toronto. Crown and Plate Work a Specialty D. H. McINNES Chiropr.ictcr-Eie:trical Treatment.. 01 Winghani, wilt be at the Rotten' bury. I•Iouse,. Clinton, on Monday, Wed. needay and Friday forenoons of each „week. Diseases of all !:Inds successfully !satiated. GEORGE ELLIOTT Uccnscd Auetioneoe for the County of Berme• Correspondence promptly- answered. lydtnedlate aeraugemea„g Can bo made for Sales bate at The News -Record, Clinton, -or by .calling Phone 203. Chargee. Moderate and Sethi:action 'Guaranteed, B. R. 11IGGINS Clinton, Ont, emend Vire and Life Insuianee Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Steele, `Automobile and • Sieknesg-and Accident Insurance. Huron ani nrie and: Cana- da Trust Bonds. A9)otntments mads to meet parties at I3'rueogeld, Varna and Baydold,. 'Phone 67. ' tNAD1Ai TIONAI' AILW N�EF� d�' TIME TABLE ains will ,trrlve at and depart from Clinton` as follows: e... Buffalo and Goderjch Div. Going Gast, depart . 6,44 a,m. cc ' at it • 2,50 Going West,p.m. ' ar. 11,50 a.m. , g r' ar. 6.08. - dp. 6.43 1 " atp.m. 10.04 p.m. Lorelei), Huron 8t Bruce Div,. Going South, ter, 7.40 dp. 7.40 a,m. n « rt 4.08 Going North, depart 6.42 p.m, e (i AV. 11.40 dp. 11.533 a.m,', irliE McKii1.LOP PilUT(JAL Fire IneuiAnce Company i. 0. -ed Offloa, Beaforth, Ont. DIRECTORY: President. James Elutes, Beechwood; ,pleb J es .Connolly Cloderiob; See.. mmr utiffe D g'.:• McGregor, - Seatgrtb. trlltl ib $ Geo1or�ge,`.q^M+cCartney. Soatorth; o!! tllll a Meal, t9tit�,tl Array cm. tis. ss'' iidfitot14.,,, Jo `fi 309107 e Rs0 17dis . Conofiy„ odericb, iII Ag$n 1 tettt L. Uttett,' .Clinton; J, we f eo D•�tereerihe 'IaqQgtitiatRttd o o r, Berynorth; anus llurrastp Ss. Jar. AII o40Y , e i dtn: rigY e pale o ieh Clothing tate Clinton,or ntCalvin Utte armory, goderLoh.Fssatirize tneuraheohr nieet bu0ess Will be proMptlyntteeded Id bn almffeatton to 'ani" et the above a post officers Lome, in/spectaddreesefeeto e% by�the Ulrector who Beat *eeriest tel, era.•-. t :No jumpy feeling. NOW,when I drive through traffic Nothing relievestension so effectively as Wrigley's. The act of chewing, as motorists have discov• eyed, has a gentle soothing. effect. The healthful cleansing action of Wrigley's refreshes the mouth. attd Brandies the nerves. after, every meal' 7.16 Splitting Headache Minerd's will drive it away. Bathe the forehead. Also Inhale, r eniptoyer:s .business and - evee .then will- the young lady have her birth certificate in her pocks(? • What is he• to do?'..Let her in or stop' het? What- ever he ,does, his livelihood-gener ally a veer -poor 'pee at that -wile be,I at'stake.'• What would:yoe do?: BABY'S S T 1':, p► LETS WIN-' T PRAI "lWany Mothers Always Keep •Them in the iRottse. Thousands of mothers "state that they know of no• other giedteine for little ones to equal Baby's -Own Tab- lets -that they' always keep the Tabe lets- in. the home as a .preventive of childhoodailments,: or. '11, sickness does suddenly grip their little ones they •feet 'sate' with such a- remedy at band. Concerning the use of the Tablets Mra: Banot Ploudre, Tingtvick, Que.,' writes: -"I have : nothing but. praise for Baby's. Owot Tablets. They ;are the only, mediehie' I have ever' given my two little ones;'aud"I am .glad to' state that the Tabletshave always kept them in perfect health. I feel so safe with the Talllets that I al-; ways keep a box en, the Ileums," 'Baby's Onus Tablets aro a 55114 but thorough laxative. They regq- late. .the bowels, sweeten -"the 'atom= aelt and thus banish.-.conetipatiou and .indigestion; •break np colds ase' simple fever and make. the -cutting -of teeth painless. The' Tablets - are absolutely - Bap, 'being :guaranteed free trout all Injurious drugs. They are sola by all, medicine dealers or qty mall at 26s' n' box teem. The. Dr. Williams' 1VIedtotae Co., Brookville, Ont. • Leaven A noted geologist is quoted as say ing that had a Mau been living dar- ing the changes that-prcducod 1110 coal tie would not have suspected their progress," so glow was the mighty process. Neither do we sus- pect the progress . of many a social Movement 1 . the world about us which in the centuries 10 come will bo seen to have been 01 the Utmost importance. The leaven ot the king- dom works s1oe$ly and silently, but it Vortca. The soul is died the color of Its leisure thoughts. -Dean Inge, Minerd's Liniment relieves pain. Is yo111x.;daughter, enggoyi>lr life? T in 'ue •yin he "teen: 9- •:R age"; that a girl ahbiakl.' be'ett g ing the Wiese fun.. • out of life I -Yet eo often: it Happens:. that girls of sixteen , twenty • ` have, outgrowto n -.their 'strength,,. --ore qulcfcly tired, pale, • netvous,..generaily run- down and unhappy I These , are. sure 'signs • of anew:de a' 'condition Wit,. 'results treat thig,'.worn-out,. undernourished blood.. De. Williams' Pink P10, have corrected :this its thousands• of girls, Here is the hotted. o erlence of Mrs; Ben Nicholas of Brlean, Ont. "My daughter was in a run -detest estate.' - She was easily tired and did pot wish to associate with othero As 4 was utuiatural, I began giving . her Dr. Witnatss' Pink PIM; and' they noon made a strong healthy girl of her. Now ohs is as [sappy a gel es one would wish .to Start your .daughter on this proven treatment now by buying Dr: Williams' Pink Phis at yourdeuggist's or any dealer in medicine . or by mate, •30..cents, postpaid, from '. The ' Dr. .Williams : Illedicine ' Ca, •Brockville,: Oat s.as': MINUSW io "A HOd50HOSO NAMd 1N oa commas", Hands Under the still, sequestering flume The itngerroots begin to grow, And .in the darkuete there is mirth. Theywill be reaching, soon, Those green hands out of earth. .And we who seen( so fixed and deep,. As though no change had now begun, Shall we not 'reach with qutokened hands . To claint our yetio"w share ot sun? o YOU STAMMER Dont Buller under thio handtato any longer, 00508erui peeps everywhere recommend our methods of treatment. Write for free advice and literature. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE K!TC1iENER, ONT.. CANADA eOYJeI illMOilC•Silipi4 • La Patrle •(Cone.): (Sir Henry Thoroton, •.being'• asked 'what would happen' dl thee'Cauadfan Government Merchant Marine belonged. to• a pri: eate'company, said, "It would fnunedi- 'hely• be put.into • l[quidation. ") Ron: H. le Stevens 'fl. xs made` the •eiigges:: Golf that some .of the C. G. M. lvi, (31111)8 should be allotted the ;task of ctryng out the navigation, cenditions of Mud,' eon Streit. ,Il they succeed ht bring- ing. out some cargoes front .Churctiili', it will encourage other ships to go on this eresu?nably dangerous route;. it they ,perish, the destruction of ,the cargo will bo a iott, but that cif the ship will in reality be a gain. How- ever,, Mr. Mauling has no desire' for such an experiment. Ile wants tosgive the Hudson Bay route, a real. chance of proving its ,'utility. He is evene11- tertaining the notion ot Laviug spe'cie,i Ships built for the route, -whle's melees tie quell at'We prospect et, 01111 .,more unprdgtabie:' espeuditur'e, in •'keeping. with this whole- enterprise of elle. Tiud- 500 !30y route. .,•, Minard'e Lint ant for'.cuts and.brulsee Waiter Nevelt was senteneed,to'life ixnpn'isohlnent' i'eeentljr for stealing $2, haw enforc trent. !n -Chieago;is that etriet you can't get away with any thing except murder. -Chicago Tri.• bune, ' We should be careful of the books We read as of -the eoinpaay we keep, The dead very often Itave.more•power than the living,-- Dr.. Tryon•Edwards, BOSS WANTS Old .Canadian, books, documents, etc, Highest prices offered. Advise what you have: 16 Z. SUTHERLAND 839 DUPONT ST., TORONTO, ONT. • The 'Red Rost:: Tea -guarantee means what it says, !E Lot sataihhed return the ulyused'part in, tlie;package aid' the*toner will'relund'your money. QED R. SE 0AINGE PEKOE is extra _:o,rd The.' human brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the minute we get up in the morning and deer not stop until t q aro get to the office." tVUflbrd's Liniment -good for tired feet RONTO EATAN AND SEA EP T' . SC>�1OLES MOTEL tee . Lunch or Supper a SPeclaity IfQNGE ,8T:, • Opposite' Eaton's " Hotel Rates; 31 Per Day and -Up r. FARM n10S` OC A i�i' tF$�Ary�a� aThie val����uablebovle was cows= ptted"to-advertlee CARHAIVPT OVERALLS -the best farmer's overalls in the world, One farmer wrote that he would - net take 'ten dollars for his book. Writs for yours today. Pamsllton Carhartt Cotton Mite Ltd.t'roreeto .. over 2'wanty Thouaaral elgenowe MASSA tii1ClCv11•014ACf{pb9014 .1 Liver disorders quickly relieved by "Hexopben. Cnpsulta" anal all aymptoms bnntohed such es bowel trouble, pains aneidoorback, iadiration, , jaundice, dyspepsia, hcertbutn. Palsy �to Adak roller. Sgendto•dey for free booklet and enAdakasy teatimontsis of this reliable remedy. Bokse3 ANDERSON "St O. ooce`urio Classified Adve'tisertaeuts $ABY .4t8xozs .�:JINGLE COMB WHITE LGGFIORN'. A"9.,Baby.•Chtcis :bred for high ' ay 140, lion.for 20 'years. 'Prices for Hay .1.40, Jeno I2c, .J`uly and 'August 100, Delft,., mere; Poultry Farm, : Stratford,' Ontario.. Bstab.1803. BAJ.1:Y 01150 8. Wil HATCH for four varloties,. prlca: ao up. - - r to, .fr to catalogue, '- H. Switzer. A St Ggniiton„ gntnrlo, /y Ii A T:I S -,(LITTLE IPause I). T(p - 4Jr=:either. sex) mailed In plain duvet - hoe,.' Paris Specialty Co,„; Caster 2423, , Montreal, . Cue. ADIOS- WANTED TO DO .PLAIN and light sowing ot,ltome, whole or. Snare Liens. Good pay, Worksent any distance, eltarges paid.Send stamp for eartlouiers.. Natioeet Slanulacturitfg Co.,..Montreat. - ANADIAN !NAGAZIwj TIHMUIRES kJ local agents who are ambitioua, Genetous conttnission, , . Lists auppt(ed. 24T, Adelaide St. Went, Toronto,., • The new public hangntar. at Buda- pest,.Hungary, wears a silk stat, a frock coat,: end spats in performance of his duty. He is drest to Lill. ��at3t $v. PgSrarhef JriC 4MS OVR ea:sen are 1.1 0r 1,0l. uese,,o,Jo,l Mar.!and 0,anrr, 0 QO ^., Ancona, 0trNaval N al m aro 1v00e %mutate. 1.5.1005, are dean,, aauaa U'00 toJ.rr 111150(1(015 v SCltvlgfl"att S _y}1i IJ12I 226..N.,rthalnethn - (terrain, N V. Fo. R?a BTLID(200181.0, OUT, CAN. Pas'; -00 icuSQX510 13EAUCO JUNCTIOM,Q14•• h r+�r Ram upwanle•ol 225 •weekly Browing. '^ btushroopwdotu,, to or other waste -L y, y• kAket DeUver to -our nearest op .branch. Light pleasant work for 11(,er sac, Ittustrered t ooktet 0" ,, sent auywb,OJ (0, 6(005 �DPM.i • Iof71M8$14 R40M 55 54; q00 tt- The Mewee -that guaranteed I ltematerialslminwhiclt SmarMMoivcrsarema 1e , ihewaytheyaremade tuaranleedltrable and Satisfactory 9er5118,, lliskernest euiirryvoour moneyninbuy, wohfor a,Sio2rtS Nowerbynateo. AivikaSNi-Al T PI.AHi'. .ehorwalt 08. 001100uoi, "a'N 'Htlor •.la •nun1105NV11 • '5V0060 a6 •(1ai'Oa h1V4 0.30107 sallorns 1.,7tOjsMos •841Saasan3 at$S9t d.Gflmps.pedins DOCTORS quite approve, the quick comfort of Aspirin. icor these perfectly harmless tablets wilt ease an achitig head without penalty. Their iner°easing use year after year is proof that they do help and can't harm, Take them for any ache; to avoid the pain peculiar to women; many have found them marvelous at such tittles. (The proven directions found aur every package of Aspirin tell how tet treat colds, sore throat, neuralgia, Neuritis, etc, All druggists. Aspirin la a danark Registered 1. Canada ter tiPPIM Women are saying: ' Pinkluun's Compound keeps me fit to do my work." 1'I was nervous and all run down. Now I eat better and sleep better-". "It helped my thirteen year old daughter." --"I took it be- fore and after my baby was born." -"I ant gaining every da," )STANDARD OF QUALITY:FOR HOW BABY SPECIALISTS TREAT CONSTIPATION Constipation 10 babies and children Is the Cause o2'' colic, bloating, skin disorders, etc. It tt'eelcena them, 'net no •11 does grown folks; snakes them cross, feverish and fretful. 'Birt don't use grown folks' medicine with tlient, baby specialists advise, Ninety Per cent; ot them reeontntend pat tine 'iir0Paratiou for constipation, colds and outer ills of babies and children, They say - Fletcher's Cast*ria: Alillions of mothers have' proved "its merit during thirty years'ol tis,, Castoria le pure - IT -vegetable, harmless and pleasant - tasting. 'Genuine : Castoria a'iwaye bears the Fletcher signature. -Avoid. imitations. Those Languid Lyes They quickly reflect your health and.' physicat Condition -restless eyes indi8ate the temperament of the stomach. " , Wattle the eyes . . .tee that the whites are clear with a healthy bluish tinge, The minute a yel- low ttuge.pppsars it betrays con-- etipatoOri, s ugglsh •liver ee bil- iouseebs, yet} need a laxative. Bring back your I Vigour, Vitas, Vitality Beotham'a -PiUr=the- ante way to • rooted. joyooe, bounding health. 'Tey a tea -clef ddtty course for a short 'Ye ¢table paned. Yourcye,rvll( t`.+° F' telt tiro 01015. • Product Read about Charwl,r from Me Lyes,-it1. haws Becalm* Acvertisontects.. Satan ,fgantx Retold" 1', Ritchie l; Limited Toronto Pt ISSUE :No. 21t-'29 - Tune in "Telt Yoke of Flestonc" every Monday "Night 8'04n. Vestals Time NBC Network OUGENESS-durability-long-mileage-safety l That; is what you want in tiies. And you, find theme all in Fire - stones. The best non-skid tread ever put OH a tire grips the slippery .roads you travel at this season, Firestone tires give the greatest mileage, tihe greatest safety at the Lowest cost Jse1 mitre. See the Firestone- Dealer today. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED H-1AMiLTON - 'ONTAlitO • 9 When crude oil in so 1p]ontifatlly available hero HU Dr4tlt Asnorile ,' why does Imperial Oil Limited go . 4001) miles to Perm for the crude front which l Xnrrelube ise, male? It is because Permian crude has luhricatmon,yaroperties which: make it particularly desirable as a baso fora superior.,maotor oil. That is why bllarirelube is: giving niroraft operators longer ,periods betirOeu engine overhauls ; and is greater anargin of safety. 16f'torvciubo meets the 5►oeds°of the modern high-speed motor, in the `. air or on , the road, because its 1 • carbon -free and heat -•resisting su- looriodties are created by Nature herself. Let hforvelutto gire you rile booefita of hotter l sbricnt'sera, There is a grade of iti[nrrolube refuted to meet exactly the specifications of your ear, truck or tractor. Seo the Afar., rehab° Mart sot 1nsperhd Oil deal oast and service stations; Just a tasteless dose oe Phillips' Milk • of ,Iylagneela lu' water. That is au alkali, effective, yet harmless. It has been' the, . i standard d antaci dfor6 0 ' ` years' am onS'�•physiei4ltis, overywllere. One',apeonful will naturalize at once! litanytimos`its volume hs acid. Itis the right way, the gtlick,' pleasant and , efficient way to kill the excess 'arid. Tho stomach here./400 sweet, the pain departs You are ltapily.agalu"lu tivo` !Mantes ,• • • Dont ,depozid on crude atetbgde. Em io 'tl b '. et volved' to to beet wa , e p Y e yy all the year's; .'bf • soarehing, That is Phillips' ilk ' Of 43 Ise{A. .13e sure to get the .genaine Pt 1ilips' Milk of Magtuesia'preserrbed-by pltys!' clans for 60 years its correcting exows pelese 1aclt ,bottle eontaius fall dire'b- titn8-'any drl°tgstore, Fracas farftno better trade to make,a better $141414011. / • sz '$J' se, vb.°61P tit• • ;(ark ...- .,- ... � _ (