HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-05-02, Page 3P1 .XY BRIDE , .Z�i-J`VES
Lr ittl sparks, and bonfires
Caused by careless, hands,°,
Make oar giant terests
Devastated lands,,
We don't see wkly owners of trucks
stick to solid rubber times anyway',
when alt' is so much cheaper.
A- mule can't kick when he -is pull-
ullingand he can't pull when: he is kick-
ing and neithercan you,`•
Little Edgar didn't "realize till tie
'got home and unwrapped;his purchase
that his mother had. bought him a two=
pants, suit.
"Look, ' mama, tooth' he cried, "That
man threw in a spare.."
"So you are, Mr. Blank's becretarY?"
"No, his private eeeretary,"
"What's the differecice?"
"A ,private secretary knows more
'and tells less:,
"Hello, Roy. Y, hear you have
addition in your family,"
"Yes; two."
"Oh, twins, eh?"
"No, a baby . boy and my wife's
"OIs, -yes," added the new bride, "1
want some pepper." • '
'!Brach or red?" asked ttie grocer,
"Red," deoided the. new bride.
"Blasts wouldn't liarmonrae with my
blue tablecloth."
The height of curiosity would see n
to have been reached by the man who
wants to hear what a slow-motion talk-
ing picture would be.Iike.
The katydid a tune doth play,
With melody precarious,
And values a hind leg, they say,
More than a stradivarius,
Proxy Bride Arrives
Zeegar t eenik,`.Dutch-Canadian farmer of Huttonviite, near Brampton,
Ontario, and his proxy bride, formerly Miss Boz of Holland. Bride and groom
met while .thb' 'latter was attending agricultural college in Holland, and be-
fore sailing for Canada Miss lloz went through a form of proxy marriage.
Photograph shows the bride and groom reunited at the Canadian National
Railways station, Montreal, where I?r. Deenik was waiting for his future
wife. The couple Ieft Montreal for Huttouville, where they were to be
married on arrival.
New Alphabet hi
Turkey Confusing
Adoption of Latin Characters
Causes Worry to Natives
Naznes of Many Well -Known
Cities Are Altered
, Cougar." enlo.-As a result of Tur-
key's adoption of the Latin alphabet,
the ability of the average Turk has
fallen to a rating somewhere in the
neighborhood of minus -zero on the
hildren Cry
basis of grade school classifications.
When the Government ordered all
shop and office signs to be changed to
new Latin 'letters the official spelling
dictionary had not been issued. The
only principle on—Which the people
eotild go upon was phonetics, and the
result ,was that many signs bear Turk-
urkish versions of English words, writ -
tett in ways that wontbring tears to'
the eyes of the last also -an in a spell-
ing bee.
Phonetic Spelling.
Oyer the door of a physician will ap-
pear a sign bearing the word "Dok
dove," or "Dogtot." Apartment was
spelled variously "Apartamani" or
"Apartman," while club appeared as
"Kultipu" or "Giubu.
All, however, soon will be changed.
The official dictionary has been. is-
sued, :and Government officers are
marching through all the streets in
towns throughout the nation tearing
down misspelled signi and instruct-
ing owners in the celled spelling.
Meanwhile, the langu:.ge commis-
sioners fried the spelling of the names
of the 64 provinces of the republic.
The chief changes are that Stam-
boul, the Turkish name for Constan-
tinople, must .:be written Istambul;
Angora becomes Ankara; Brusa be-
comes Burso; Trebizond turns into
Trabzon; Attalla Into Alitalia; and
Smyrna into Izmir.
Foreign names will be left In their
foreign spelling except when they con-
tain letters not in the new Turkish
-Baby has little upsets at tines. All
your care cannot prevent them, But
you can be prepared. Then you can
do what any experienced nurse would
do—what most physicians would' tell
you to do -give a few drops of plain
Castoria. No sooner done than Baby
is soothed; relief is just a matter of
moments. . Yet you have eased your
child without use . of a single doubt-
ful drug;'Castoria is vegetable: So
it's safe to use. as often as an infant
has any little paid you 'cannot' pat
away. And it's always ready.for the
Crueler pangs of Colic, or constipation,
er diarrhea; effective, too, for older
:children. 2'w.ettty-five anilliotb,:Lottles
toole bought last gear.
Tramps. lookiag at your door every
day and begging a • bite to eat is a
sure sign that the country itas '.gain
returned to its normal state of ab -
normalcy. ,
One of the greatest puzzles to the
careful parent is to know just what
medicine to give the little ones.
''When the child falls ill with griping
pains; is seized with cold or fever,
refuses food or vomits what lie has
taken, when he cries a great deal and
cannot get the sleep so necessary to
the growing child, the parent is in a
quaudry. What it to'be'done on such
occasions? As often as not there ie
not a suitable medicine in the house.
The puzzle is what to give him' to set
hint right quickly.
It is to meet such emergencies that
Baby's Own Tablets were designed.
These pleasant little Tablets quickly
reduce fever, break up colds, relieve
constipation and indigestion and allay
teething pains. They euiet-the nerves
and promote restful health -restoring
sleep. They are guarauteed absolitte-
ly harmless and safe for even the
youngest and mast delicate baby.
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Wiiltams
Medicine co., Brockville, Ont.
Anyway, the I'm Alone tried to be.
—New York Evening Post.,
Use Minard's Liniment for the Flu,
The hard part of conquering the air
is to make•It stay licked.—Publishers
Syndicate (Chicago),
Itis n'tpossibletobu1M
stetter lawn mowrir
,than SPii urate
Smartt: Mowers have
provedtiteir superiority
wlterevergrass is town
•Ea*, iviminf.laeom'
cutting andassolaklr
hilt voua esnOWAtte h1AN
For I oidllee
due to Aoid,
What most people tall indigestion
Ts: usually excess acid in the stomach.
The food has soured. The instant -
remedy is au alkali which neutralizes
acids,' But don't use crude helps. Use
what your doctor would advise.
-The best help Is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesla. For the 50 .years since 110
foveation it has remained standard
with physielane You will find nothing
rte 00 quick in its effect, so harmless,
og Poisoners
911-IE'nerves are fed by
:l the blood. Poor blood'
means starved.. nerve tis-
sue, insotnnia, irritability
and depression.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
will enrich your blood
stream and rebuild your
over-worked nerves. Miss
Jobephine M. Martin, of
Kitchener, Ontario, testi
Pies, to this :
9 suffered from a nervous
breakdown," "she writes. "I
had terrible sick headaches,
dizziness; felt very weak and
could not sleep; had no appe-
tite. 'I felt always as if some-
thing terrible were going to
happen. ,- After taking other
treatment without success, on
my sister's advice, I. tried Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills,and jnow'
all these symptoms are gone,'
and I' am strong and happy
Buy Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills now at your druggist's
or any dealer iq medicine or
by mad, SO cents, postpaid,
from the Dr. Williams Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ontario
PER 00%
iilun e,7.
IlitiM I/L!4
The finest tea you can buy -Red Rose Oirange Pelto m
INIade from juicy, favor filled leaves---4hree, days itx
bud. Every package' guaranteed, as
who for .many 'years•has been pilot -
'Mg -vessels
ilot-•Mg'vessels et -the B.C. CoastSteam-
011ieservice,' in and around the west
coast, has 'been tltansferred to .captain
of the Princess Norah, newest 'ship
Australian Devel®prnent
London Financial News; The au-
nual value of the output of,Australian
factories amounts to about 2400,000.-
3400,000.000. But, though certain idealists aim
at the clouds of making Australia en-
tirely self-contained, the majority of
thn people realize that the great un-
developed rural and mineral resources
ore a menace to Australia's territorial
integrity. And, however keen some
people m'ty be to develop their sec-
ondary inlastries (out of a sense of
national pride of good economy),
agricultural and pastoral expansion
must 'remain their primary consider-
ation, until the Commonwealth has a
population sufficiently large to ensure
her strategic safety.
The British Preference
Calgary Herald (Ind. Cons.): The
U.F.A. party in the Commons in a sub-
emendment to the budget advocated
still further reduction in the duty on
goods imported from Great Britain.
?Olio sentiment in the Dominion is
largely behind this policy. ° The ,pies
eat lop-side6l character of Canada's
foreign trade demands that Immedi-
ate steps be taken to produce a re-
medy. The Dominion ie buying
goods front the United States to a
value of more than $800,000,000 a
year, but selling only one-third that
'amount In return. Great Britain is
Canada's best customer. It would
seem 10 be good business to buy more
from the nation which buys so hear,
ily from this country,
Minard's Liniment for Grippe and Flu.
People who say 11lr. Coolidge has
returned to private life never lived iu
a double house.—Los Angeles Times.
RANGE PEKOE ;Is extra, gond
London Times 'Trade Supplement:'
It is very satisfactory to learn that
th'e :League of Empire Housewives, is
making good headway, .TIfe cham-
bers of -commerce are quite .rightly
—taking ,the movement seriously, and
aro promising support for the objects
ofthe league, and erotical assistance
when required. Among the ;chambers
that have recently decided to co-oper-
ate with the League on the lines laid
down by . the Aesoeiation are such:
prominent -bodies as Glasgow, Hud-
dersfield ,ad Wolverhampton. Gen-
oral agreement with the principle of
+voluntary preference for British goods
in that particular service He tint is almost universal, but its practical
tools the bridge of the Norah last San- application caunot"be assured'witltout
day evening when theVice-regal party
were guestsof the Canadian Pacific
Railway on a four-day cruise up, the
west coast of \Tanconver•Tsland,
Migration to Australia
Kenneth T. Henderson• in the Lon-
don Contemporary .Review: . A pow -
'anon of'six millions cannot "digest"
migrants by the hundred 'thousand,
especially migrants with little -or no
capital, and therefore with littleor
no power for waiting 'opportunities 'Or'
opening up'independent,fields of sell -
sufficient activity for themselves. A
new and undeveloped country requires
a certain power, of H,1 ,,.tive - in its
The Meanest Kind of'fluman
Crawling on the Earth
To -day
That the work of the dog -poisoners
does not always stop with the dog
has been proved by a recent case in
Toronto, where a young girt was made
seriously 111 by drinking water from a
pall from which a poieoued dog had
drunk. The dog, a valuable Purebred,,
had picked up -the poison outdoors,
probably some that had been plated
purposely. Then he went home, and,
becoming ill, drank from the water
pall in the kitchen. He was found
dead iu tine house. The children came
home, and one bhild took a drink from
the ball and.became very. ill.
Dog -poisoners usually belong to the
class of people mentioned tm the old
"1, want to' kill and kill and kill to
make the world more roomy;
I hate to see 'a happy child, it makes
Die feel so gloomy."
ii?ganization, and since the housewife
controls the domestic buying it is
clearly necessary to look to her to
insist that -retailers stock Empire
goods. Through the chambers sbe
will also be able 'to draw the atten-
tion of Empire producers to any fall -
tire to supply goods in the most con-
venient and saleable form.
Minard's Liniment for Coughs, Colds.
migrants—a power resident both. id
the character and skill of the iucllvi-�
dual and in the capital owned by him
or Ient him by the Government. That
Australia will one day support from
PIE to ten times her present popula-
tion is estimated by economists. but
her rate of absorbing newcomers can
only increase more or less in pro-
portion to the increase of ,her wealth
and population. Meanwhile, Austra-
lia's population is increasing by about
2 per cent. annually -faster than that
of any Country in the world except
New Zealand.
The dogheters it te; t0 gee'a-hdppy
dog,, it Makes then think of strychnlO,
bI-chloride of Mercury, etc, Whatever
their. -opinion may be, , they should
Wei) it from taking' form is action,
for poison often reaches much farther
than intended. Like, evil thoughts, It
parries far afteid, and does not, stop
at the boundaries laid ;down: for it
A bit of poisoned meat , Might tie
'picked up ;by a small hungry child,, la
which case . it would*hard, With the
poisoner if discovered,. Even a dog-
poisoner would hesitate 'to Murder.a
child—although We • 'should,. Bate tp.
trust him too far=and,to dad that .his
destructive deed had gope beyond its
mark, and brought grief to•a house
hold, far beyond the loss of.'a dog,:
would be something to be cement
bored, even if be .were never `found
out., -Humane Pleader.
Lips that touch liquor have - to be
diplomatic. -Dallas News.
-One tasteless spoonful in water lieu•
tralizes many times its volume in acid.:
The ;results are immediate, with' no
bad after effects. Once you learn,this
fact, you Will never deal with excess ,
acid iu the crude ways. Go.' learn
now—why this method is supreme. I,
Be sure to get the genuine I'hiltlps'
Mills of Magnesia prescribed by'physi-
clone for 50 years in correcting' excess
acids. Each bottle contains full dtrecl
tions—any drugstore,
.or e z
The Linmient that Relieves Alt
ISSUE No. 16—'29
List of "Wanted Inventions"
' and Furl--intortnaUen Sent'Pree
on Request.
'TEE E,ASTSAY 0o., Dept. rt.'
273 Bank St., .Ottawa, Ont.
OW 'you pull ... yy�lgf
how void' grit your
teethe and lean on that
1 rope! , Winning: the tug
of vvar, is suddenly of
,paramount importance
Its the spirit; of the ship
plenty offun and hos
•pitalit,r hen' you travel
Anchor -Donaldson.
Sail Anchor-Dona(dsom!!
Wouldn't it have been great had we
but known in time that alt . that. was
needed to win—the World War 'vas
the right brand of cigarettes?—Marlon
The "I'm Alone"
Halifax Herald (Cons.):. The simple
truth, of course, Is that this is a
British affair; that despite all the
vocalizing of the' "extreme autono-
mists," it would be monstrous to sug-
gest anything else. The ''extreme
autonomists" may "play at counsel-
lors and kings" in the press, on the
hustings and on the floors of Parlia-
ment, but when a ship of British regiti-
try (for Canada is British) is sunk
by shell -fire, it becomes' the business
of Briti'stt statesmanship attd British
Queen Mary, recently went shopping
in a 10 -cent store. Must be trying to
establish herclaim to the throne of
Scotland.—Los Angeles Times.
Minard's Liniment prevents Flu.
The New York Times makes this
head -line contribution to mixed me-
taphors: Traffic Lights To IIoney-
comb New York. This, we presume,
will make drivers beehive themselves.
—Mobile Register.
Classified Advertisements .;
ELIGREED fine daCIHINCHI alt 116 RAS, $
to $6. Breeding stock reglsterl�d, BuCC'
Orpt'ngton hitching eggs, 16, 61. P. Jag'
Gardner, Pr,ceville, Ont,
i- Lour varieties% price 90 Up.
Write for free catalogue. A. L3. Switzer,
Granton, Ontario.
OLS, uniform return toad prices.
All goods insured. We move you when,.
Sn•pr,nelpul cities of eastern States and..
Canada. S111 The Mover; Ilam'ILten-and.
IlPr BR�E�16Alitt
• Vrt brecalcro arc I,est for IAA ,a
• L1
0N1,0, wbb', crown. :
it, I. 0,1 A00U.1r./:
nurto„mst ,wbb.111,r U
1.0111.11.1., .",IIF$ ciucLc noes'.
scNwFr,OM LUrii+lta
211 Northampton
Buffalo. N.Y.
E73. a$IDGEBURO, "ONT., CAll.
IT'S folly to suffer long from neu-
ritis, neuralgia, or headaches
when relief is swift and sure,
thanks to Aspirin. Folz 23 years the
medical profession has recom-'
mended' it. It does not affect the
heart. Take it for colds, rheuma-
tism, sciatica, lumbago. Gargle it
for a sore throat or tonsilitis.
Proven directions for its many uses,
in every package, Every drug store
today has genuine Aspirntwhich is
readily identified bythe name on
the box and the Bayer cross on
every tablet.
Boole through The Robert Reform
Co., Limited, Cor. Bay and
Wellingtons Sts., Toronto ' (Tel. •
Elgin. 3471), or any .steamship'
Weekly -callings from
be r1ladue-
)tolren, Scot-
and 'England
,in conjunctl'on with
Cunard, commencing
May 3rd,-,
'sr4n BROW
Catin, TocrlstThird Cabin aid Third 01111,assisssisssimr.cmarismair Asset
Aspirin 11 a Trademark Registered In daaada
riles, Coaster Brakes.
Wheels, Inner Tubes, Lamps,
Bens, Cyclometers, Saddles,
Equipment and parts of 131,
cycles, You canbuy your sup-
plies from us at wholesale
• prices. Catalogue free.
316Not 9D fl eSt.te.
T, !AI, 00Y0 LI SOIL MOM�ral:OI.
Care for !roar Elands
ity- Dotty .Jac or. '
Caaticiarrat Soap
Heal Bashes and Irritations
with Cnticssra Ointment
After Taking Lydia E.,
Pinkham's Vegetable
Penwicic, Ont.—"Y am taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
during the Change
of Life for nervous
feelings, loss of ap-
petite and to gant
strength. It is a
great tonic and It
have taken a dozen
bottles of it. 11 was
recommended to
me by a friend and
now I recommend'
it to all women for 1
such troubles aai
come at this tine. S
-Mus. W, V. RusasH., R. R. No. Si
Fenwick, Ontario.