The Clinton News Record, 1929-04-18, Page 7eLlINTO1S1EWSRECOED dotsrstu Dievvs b-cit4a4-1 in the Cemetery, Rev. • M. MeIllroy, of the Presbyterian church conducting the services. Be- idMi' es MHudsou, • the are. two other daughters,. lqrs. Patterson and Mrs.Emmons, of Calgary', and •two sons, Garnet and Allen, of London r EA,F011111: Th13 Ladies •Aid .Society of First Presbyterian church entertained the choir and Sonday ;day from the home of -his Baugh school teachers at a sumptuous ban - Colin lindson Hensalr with quet on•Friday eifening in the hap. ENSALLNews was received ye of the death- •'Calgary last ursday Nvluiam. Webber, long a ident of this district, at .the age 84 years. 1*. Webber sold 'his m last fall and went to Calgary te and the ',winter with his daughters ire: The remains 'Were .sent to 1, the .funeral taking place on Wed - The tables were beautifully decorated with yellew ;jonquils, • the •color scheme being white and ,Kr een Short after • dinner 'speeches were made by the pastor, Rev, Irving 8. Keine, the Sunday school., superin tendent, J. G. Mullen; the choir leader, M. Ilr,Rennie; Miss MeLean; teacher of the primary class; Vhs. W. &dent; president of the Ladies' Aid; Mrs. Keine, Miss Edith Mc- Kay, president of •the choir, end others. • 5y115. $ • ' • • SIRTONIO .PILUCle CILASS$ e....** s.„ eiV • Now • • • a full lioe of Whippet Commercial Oars and Willys•Xnight Trucks $8ng$in !aifi 17. 45tra taxes MUC The longer, larger bodies of the new Whippets, thelow lines, distinctive colors, higher radia- tors and hoods, heavier one-piece full - crown fenders, are bringing to Four and light Six buyers an en- tirely new conception of bow beautifit an SUPERB BEAUTY rger Bodies FIGEJPCTOL The greatest driving con- venience since the self. starter. A single button in the centre of the steer - big wheel controls all functions of starting the motor, operating the lights and sounding the horn, inexpensive car can be. Roomier interiors, broader seats, , longer front and rear springs, snub - hers and oversize balloon tires bring youthericlingcomfortolcostliercars. MechanicaRy too,thinew"Whippets . are far advanced—faster, livelier, more powerful than ever. They are the lowest -priced cars to offer such important features as the new "Finger -Tip Control"; silent tinting chain and fall fore. feed lubrication. .s., They carry on Whip- pet's unsurpassed rep- utation for operating economy and mini- mum service costs. Be sure to see the new Whippets at your first opportunity WHIPPET FOUR COACH $725, Coupe $725, Coupe (with rumble seat) $765, Sedan $810, Roadster $660, Roadster (with rumble seat) $700, Touring $595. WHIPPET SDC COACH $930, Coupe (with rumble seat) $970, Sedan $995,Touring $795,DeAuxe Sport Roadster $1150. AU Prices F.O.B. FacthrY• Toronto, Taxes Extra. BERT LANGFORD, CLINTON 10 E/o'-rE D -ir 0 Q 1(-7 A.,, 1-,I "1""ler° \ w A Column Prepared Especially for Wor!len Bat Not Forbidden to Men Little denghter, doing dishes, while they have cared for the needs •Think of water— • . It is sd gleaming white, so green, Child, remember it has seen Meadows, and has run between Ferns and roots of trees; R has ministered to these. Sing, dear, at your work. Be proud!' • The- old dishpan .holds a ,eload, Holds a snowbanR from , a mountain. Turn a f.atiCet, You've a fountain! • ' You have rivers, yen have oceans Come to serve your Whims; your not- ions And Your fingers', dear, are fishes— See them dart among the dishes. There' are flowers in the suds— in deciding' to subsidize a doctor for Forget-md-nots, crabapple huds. 1Tobermory, Dr. Eva R. Fisher hav- ing gone up to that "narrow neck of land" laet week to commence prac- tise. This is but one of the many' useful; patriotic and nation -building efforts of the Women's Institute.. The people up a4 Tobermory have never had a doctor, ihe field not 'being of a such promising nature•as, to invite the services of a medical man. But, with the promise of some outside assistance, a medical woman has been induced to try it. We shall watch the result with. interest. Dr. Fisher has been looking after the Toronto practise of another woman doctor for some little time so has had some practical experience. ••••• REBEKAH of their , households. They have planned the plots of books, thought out reforms, planned many things which have been for the benefit of themselves and others. Indeed, , it is nauth more profitable to occupy the mind thinking of something beau- tiful, exalted and' exalting than to poison it with thoughts of .one.'S bard lot in having to do 'these shiuile and apparently- unimportant tasks. What- ever we. do we -should not allow our- selves to become drudges in our 'Work. • - — The Ii'etlered Women's Institute of Ontario have taken a forward step What more could a maiden ask Of a task? , Little daughter, doing dishes, • Think of water. --Ethel Romig Fuller, in Poetry. So much of the housekeeper's time is spent in doing the ordinary tasks, preparing vegetables, washing dish- es; tidying up, that they need to keep the mind occupied with other things, else there is the danger that they will become, not houselseeping-homemak- ers, but drudges. One should not al- low oneself to become- a domestic drudge. "But, with a family to work for and a holm to keep how am I to help it?" a busy mother, asks. Oh, it isn't so " hard. So many of these tasks are so simple they 'do not occupy the brain, they only occupy the hands and when you become used to them you can per- form them mechanically, with very little thought, so that the mind may be busied, while the hands perform these necessary but monotinous tasks,' with other and more interesting thoughts. One can think over the lat- est book one has read, ean plan „changes and alternations in one's wardrobe, in the house or its fur- nishings; plan a holiday; go over one's correspondence and plan what to write certain friends about, ete. It is the woman whose work demands mental attention all the time who has no leisure, not the one whose hands can perform mach of her work without calling upon the use of her brain. Some women will tell you' that you cannot attend to your home and fam- ily and let your mind go wool-gather- ing at the same, time. But women have done some Wonderful thinking TOOK SODA 20 YEARS FOR GAS—STOPS NOW "For 20 years I took soda for.indi- gestion and stomach gas. One bottle of Adlerika brought me complete relief."—John B. Hardy. Adlerike relieves gas and sour stomach at once. Acting nn BOTH upper and lower bowel, it removes old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Let Adlerika give your stomach and . bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel! Overcomes constipation W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist. • • Mara "er, DE LUXE SEDAN THE DURAN T, A : ' • Establishes New Standard • Among Fours lea Seal Continental Motor Piendix Four.IVheel Brakes Morse Si1et Timiu Chain Pull Force Feed Letb'kation Passenger Cars Fours and Sixes from $675 to $2695 Lernirle, 91t. ".1eistsieted Fartory Equipment " 2'axes Extra ¶7 }E new Durant Forty opens the door to immensely greater satisfaction than has previously been available in the four- . cylinder field. You cannot fully realize the "true worth of the thoughtfully ;improved Durant models . . . (either hi the four or six -Cylinder series). . until you sit in their comfortable seats and then test them in motion. . . at any speed you like! Detailed description of all Durant models will be mailed to you ma request . . . or better still • . is obtainable tiearhyT...at yOtir local Durant dealers'. MALTal( • s)unAlwrr MOTORS ol CANADA 1.11111TRD TORONTO - C.ANAlisk 10.130bit irnucxs IN IA TON• TO CAPACITIES ' joissusitassausm.suatansouressm=tur Anninnistoso;pecintionesienissisi V11A.Lane Clititt)iii 9 $ '111URSD4*1'; APRIL IS, 1.929. ,11••••••••11...( and Mr. Wm. SallowS. Mrs. C. C. Brown spent last week Ivith arid Mrs. Vere Ouninghain. Mr.' 'Harold Squires is at present employed with 1ft• Warner Walter. Owing to heavy rains the road from the 8th concession to the 9th concession is ininaseable for a space, A II,orticultural Society was form- ed on 'Wednesday of last week with qUite a number present. The Bentniller Young People stag- ed their play, "The Road to the City," at Union church on Friday evening. They were requested to put it on again at Port Albert on Tuesday evening of this week. Colborne Township A number have signed up to have Hydro installed in their homes when it is strung through this section Of Colborne. , There passed away at Goderich hospital on Wednesday of last week Mr. Charles McHardy who had been removed front the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Melvin Tyndall on Tuesday morning. Mr. MbIlardy had an attack of blood poisoning from scratches of rusty wire on Tuesday of the week previous to his death. The old gentleman was in his eighty- seventh year and ,was one of the older settlers of this township and one of the early members of Smith's Hill Church, was a man of high char- acter and a respected citizen. About eighteen years ago he and Mrs. Mc - Hardy and daughter, Jennie, now 11/frs. Melvin Tyndall, moved to God- erich and lived on. Elgin Avenue till last Autumn, since which he had liv- ed with his daughter. His Wife, for- merly Miss Buchanan, predeceased him three years ago. The funeral took place from Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall's residence on Sat- urday at 2 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Clarice, pastor of North Street United church, Goderich, where Mr.. Mellardy atten- ded in later years, took the service, assisted by the Rev. R. B. Cumming of Bemniller and, Smith's Hill ep- pointinents. Interment was made in Goderich eeinetery. The pallbearers were: Mr. Fraser and Mr. Win. Rob- ertson of Goderich, Mr. Tait Clark, IVIr. Alex. Young, M. Gordon Young WAI/PON: Prior to leaving for her new home in Seaforth 1VIrs. R. Ni. Ferguson wasPresented With a Bible and an address from the Women's MliseienerY Society of Duff's United church, Walton. . Iler daughter, Mies Annie Ferguson, who had efficient- ly' filled the position of 'organist and choir leader, was also 'made the recipient of an address and parting gift frolo the congregation of Duff'S United church and Miss Maud Fer- guson was also presented with a box of handkerchiefs from the Sun- day schotd. class. ATURALLY, people ex- iN pea more of a BIG Six. They expect stamina and de- pendability, as well as beauty and performance. Men who give a car hard usage are being impressed by the de- - pendability of Pontiac Big Six. And the longer they drive it the deeper grows their respect. They lo9k for Big Six dependa- bility—and they get it . . plus the smoothness, the power and the rich riding comfort that. only General Motors and Fisher Body builders could provide at Pontiac price. P -20.4-29C READ THESE REASONS Bigger Bodies by Fisher. Rich plush upholsterimi Ternstedt Stments, Big Sia high -compression engine—accurately balanced. Fuel piling. New type carburetor. Internal expanding, dirt -proof. Iour-vbeel brakes, Foot controlled, tilt -ray headlights. Lovejoy Shock Absothers. Spring ewers. J. l. HOWARD CLINTON, ONTARIO • 'RODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED .111121•010011.11MIMM. •••••••••••=1•01111.0101•211ffeseammisirliMmela „.4 `111' 1--0461 TN Spring, Summer, Pall and Winter \ 1, the elements) swoop down upon A yoUrbante—destroying your property Mut your comfort. A defective roof that becomes a menace which puts the Walls, ceilings and interior decorations of your entire house in jeopardy. rifib/uarovard ar00su ainws4t thisdiannggiee:ef.bReo-rreitoof iittitots./ate — with Brantford Asphalt Re -roofing with these beautiful e, slates NOW will save you endless trots 6 and expense in months .to 0 c o F\ t) ijLL1\ come. Your home will be secure frond Weather's most devastating assaults. And you will have a roof that is fire - safe, colourfully picturesque and un - heedful of repairs for a long period of years. Brantford Asphalt Mates can be obtained in many pleasing colours or combination of olours. Ask the Brant- ford Roofing dealer to inspect your roof and submit estimates of cost. Also write for free booklet "Beauty. With Fire Protection” -'-a comprehensive treatise on the proper type, finish, de- sign and colour for yourrod. Pc . , iletartell 120,054 Co.,Ijoaiteci, Heatifor,oluI Factory, Bratefordi Ont. , Otta0IIRIcet and arsistr.w Tomato, Whrihor. yrautirti, Monts, MOM wd SABA lolisr, N.D. cLINTON1IARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO:. ;...• - ,...• '55 • • • • • .• • • Ir. ,••: " " ,