HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-04-04, Page 6CLINTOl5 1v&1W3
portpp` o
ste r'' ami Mons',
a e E� �n�a at>n
of District •
ort'ef S. S. No, 4, Tuolcersniith:
a`g'aiet Fear.' ; ,
C, 4th= -Leslie -Pepper, 'Rdna
On*, 'RMelboiurne Bud1, •Wa1Ler Pep -
"4tl1—Wilma; Rawcliter, Frank
Gars, Marion Matheson, 'Beatrice
Sn l '`T wothy, Walters:
Sr. 3rd—Bert '!Gairebb, Alden
i3r.lelt4; Har'old',Pcpper'i
asst Ifritilleen Falcon':, Wanda
ReweEffe, Norman Pepper ,.
Sr. 2nd:—`Ol'ifford Pepp: r, Glen
Laylbri, Eldon O'Brien'.
Jr. 2nd—Beatrice Walters,, Mar-
garet CrioI&
1st—Erma Garrett, Irene Gar-
ret, 3larry Crich.
Peons whose names are .foll'viwed
by stn asterisk were absent from one
.or snare test examinations since Jan-
nntry.=C. I. Collins, teacher.
Report of S. S. No. 10, Hullett:
7uaaior 4th :Donald Sprung, Col.--
on. Jahnstoin
• Sr, 3rd—Dorothy 'Vodden.
Jr, 3rd --Leonard• Yunatiblutt, Char-
lie Maohali,
Sr., 29anley "ungblutt.
Jr, 2nd'•Ruth Vodden, . Betht Gov
ler,' Pe u 1 Johnston, Eleanor Sprung,
equal; ,Florence Yungblutt, ;: Eddie
Jr list-- ,hoda Gdviee, Joe flun-
Pr, ---,melt sprung,.
No. on call, 15, average attendance;
14.5.—E. Arnett, teacher•.
Easter 'Examinations or S. 'S ;No
4,Ehillett, names appear in order of
Sr. 4bh—E. Fairservice, 72.9. M.
Stewart, 63.9; P. Medd, 61.5; I2. Cart-
Wright, 59; V. Riley l 44.1...
Jr. 4th—L, Stewart, 66.4,
Si 3rd—L. Fairserviee,
Jr. 3--E. Leitch: 67.9; K. Hessel
wood, 59.8; G. Hoggart, 51.5; 'Bobby
Riley, 51; Beatrice'Riley, 34.2.
Second—B. ,Caer, 70; T. Law -
No: one Royal Master
ilea thousand will ever
gacture. Not one in
ee thousand will
i<tow est under two ..
• years of service.
The Royal Master was built without regard
for cost, It is the finest tire that can be built.
Its massive tread is double thick, cured by a
new slow process. Its carcass is made with
extra plies of web fabric. Side-walls are
guarded against scuffing.
The Royal Master is- made oversize. - Or
rather, the t•ighl size for real tire economy.
If you want tires that will last as long as
you keep your car, then buy Royal 'Masters.
On sale at every
J. M. Elliott
"That's what I'd been paying big prices;
for in the past . . 'big car perfor-
mance. Now I can save several hua-
dred dollars . . without sacrificing
any of the pleasures and advantages of
big car• ownership.
"It''s a real Big Six. 'Big car size .
roomy and luxurious. `'Big car comfort
'and' driving, ease.. Big ear power and
speed.' Flashing pick-up few big cars ,
can touch. Big ear braking system.
Everything based on big "six ;require
merits . . except the price ! : And
thui s so low, that only General'Motors
could do it,;' `
'. F•ao.n-ata
UCrt" OF (0l3' NO RA
,j or'4*S' - OF ANADA ' '1141,•114*.
r ie•mia9.Inoggart
"First -,--0.. Medd; A. .
ey> 63;
.Primer—E. Riley; •
Number on coil ,18 percentage at
tendance, 17.7,—E. Gillnnson, teacher.•
Rept t: of ,S:• S. No, 11, ;; Goderich
M' Jr. 4bli --'Total, •409, • pads, 240-
Florence Sanith, 329; Ray Perdue,
Sr. 3rtl Total, 400; pass;' 240—
Lloyd Baticin; 361; Jack' South, 311; •
Jr 3rd -Total,. 400; pass, 240
Faye. Lindsay, 380; John ' Lindsay;;
318; Margaret Farquhar, 240 ,
• 2nd—Total, 350; pass, 210-11/lad.
?line Tyndall, 267; ORA: Pickett, 259;
Eddy Deeves,"255; Walter Smith, 219;
Primer—Lorne layndall.- E. • J.
-Dalrysnple, teacher. „ •
on ii
tlidifferent-eiomi lavas n
ad naS
day. beauteul,•Cantata "Danks
ness and Dawn" Was presented•by the
choir in the Nortllside •United Church, .
Those taking the r solo :parts were:
Iases � Laae andRut
Path, T
hon -
eon,:; go:I.014 1Vfrs. l3eehley; Dr_: Iiur-
ro ws and . •Scottan 'the he quaibett
parts by -rs. Close,
IVfr. Close and Mr, Savauge•
sEAro <.
x. Starner s•4'rucifix-
ion'+ was °'effegtively rendered' in the:
',b te
:fres Y rran church. on' Sunday <Yyen-
' ing by the choir led by the orgaidst'
C. Howey; the prin'erpal parts being
taken by Misses J, Stewart, D.:Ir'.
.111 .. Re •e •s
,., 1? Rr arna , 141:r s F. Beattie, .
a e male a do b
.._Wrightand u
cele +s:. M
Ma . R ;'
q conipresided
.R e.
at the ho a. '
e r i
Easter examinations at Varna
Sr. 4th—Pass ® 420—David Hodge,
477; Alvin Elliott, 459.
Jr. 4th—Pass, 420-1Vl;nriel Elliott,
450; Vera Steep, 371; Dloris diluter,
352; Lloyd Johnston, 351; Elliott
diluter, 311; Gertrude ` McLinchey,,
304; Elmore Stephenson; 299,
Sr. 3rd—Pass, 390-ITonours,. 487—
Lillian .Elliott, 494; Hazel flunking.,
494; Ida Chuter, 478; Bill Austin, 354,
Walter Johnston, 253.
2nd class—Pass, 330; honours, 412
_Willie McAsh, 422; Harvey Chuter,
378; Ebner Johnston, 353; Jack Mc-
Linchey, 188. '
1st class—Pass, 250—Charlie Hun -
Mug, 256.
pr. -Pass, 330, honours, 412
Sean Reid, 475; Bessie Chuter, 465;
Bernice Stepp, 406; Gordon Horner,
599; Ford Johnston, 355; Jennie IIun-
king 326.
° Perfect spelling—David Hodge,
Jack M,cLinchey, ''Willie McAsh, El-
iner. Johnston..
P'erfect attendance: Alvin,. David,
Elliott, Doris, Lloyd, Muriel, Vera,
Elmore. Ida. Lillian, Harvey, Willie,
Jack. Charlie, Bessie, Gordon, Jennie,
Attendance, 25, average attendance,
24.36.-R. I. Taylor, teacher.
Report of S. S. No. 5, Hullett:
Sr. 4th—Marian Snbll, 314; Isabell
Nott,, 234; Hazel Hoggart; 292; Fred
Morrell, 283; Lloyd Adams, 279; Roy
Vodden, 242, Alvin Vodden, 219; Earl
Snell, 200; Roy Appleby, 142.
Sr. 3rd—Alina Carter, 818; Gordon
Radford, 283; Clifford Adams, 281;
Ethel Hoggart, 277; Glenn Fairser-
vice, 189*.
Sr, 2nd—Elva Snell, 242; Lloyd
Carter, 242; Isabell Morrell, 143-;
Nelson Radford, 107.
Ist—Alma Hoggart, Main•een Lov-
ett; Bill Radford, Leonard Vodden.
Pr.—Barbara Snell, Leonard Rad-
ford; Jean Farquhar.
Those marked "" missed one ex-
Number on roll, 25, average atten-
dance, 24.42.—M, L. Parrott, teacher.
Report of S. S. No. 1, Stanley:
Sr. 4th—Total, 700—Norma Ship-
ley, 538, (hon.); Flossie Stelek, 504;
Karl Stanbury, 492; Dorothy Stelek,
481; ''Nora. Stewart, 476.
Jr. 4th—Total, 700—Stuart 11TcEw-
en, 468; Too Corey, 440; "'Art ur
Rozell, 301.
Jr. 3rd—Total, 600—Clarence Ro-
zell, 410; Ruth Rozell, 330; Jack Hen-
derson, •299.
Jr, 2nd—Total, 300-9Bobby Glen,
179; Clifford Henderson, 106. -
Sr. lst-Total, 200—Elton Rozell,`
170 (Hon.); George Macdonald, 167,
(hon.); Helen Rozell, 150, (hon.)
Primary — Frederick Anderson;
Raymond Cantelon.
Number on roll, 18; average atten-
dance, 16.
Perfect attendance --Norma Ship-
ley, Karl Stanbury, Jeo Corey, Stuart
McEwen; Clarence LeBeau, Ruth Ro-
zell, Clifford Henderson, George Mac-
-donald, -,Helen Rozell.—M. A. Pent-
land, teacher.
Cotntj News
•GODERICH—A baseball meeting
was held here -with a very goo<l at-
tendande. To the surprise of those
present it was learned that the God-
erich-hall club waspano more. How-
ever, a new •cegai iaation has been
formed and will be Known for 1929
its the "BIaek Sox," The following
officers were elected: Honorary pres-
ident; Mayor H. J. A. McEwen; pres-
ident. . Robert Turner; vice president,
F. .Wood, secretary, F. Hibbert;
treasurer, Itla`. M'ebonald; executive
committee, .W. Barlow, J. Lauder, 12.
Dean, J. Croft, H: Elliott, C. Shepard,
C. Allison, J. Mutch, Rev, MicDernuid,
'B. Sanderson, G. T. Parsons, W. T.
Buchanan. •
SEAFORTFI: Appropriate Easter
services were held in the churches of
Puts An End To
Bunion Pains.
No Need to Suffer Another Day
There is one simple yetinexpen-
sive way to reduce inflammation of
swollen toe joints and help get than
'down to normal and that is to apply
Moon's Emerald Oil 'night and;
.Ask any fir:st.ciass druggist .far an
original twd-ounce bottle of 1Vlioorre's
Emerald. Oil (full strength) and re-
fuse to accept anything lir its place'.
It is such a highly concentrated pre-
ptrai;ibn';that 'two ,ounces lasts, a long
tache and fintiiernioree-if one bottle of
Emerald Oil does not,give you com-
plete satisf actien you can have your
'money, refunded,
Special note: People• who/Want to
reduce, s}ti;Polle8 or 1., • Varicose'; veins
should got' a bottle of ‘.Moone's Em-
erald Oil ",cit onge. Applied night and
mo> ring asdrreeted'they Will quickly
ndtico ani;. crap: oveiiient`" wltieh ,will
continue ritil :the veiusan21'bunches
are 'reduced to'nornuil:
BLACK cloud hangs overhead.
Great blobs strike and splash on
your roof. In a moment comes the
torrent—bonnie= if your roof is tight
and secure.
Sven dight summer rains have a
way of finding the smallest crack or
chink in the roof of your home -=+
crumbling your piaster, spoiling your
'interior, decorations, and drenching
.your rugs. low essential; then, that
you own a roof which is immune to.
ordinary roofing ailments-aroof the
aun cannot warp—the wind cannot '
looter — the driving snow and sleet
cannot harm.
;Brantford Asphalt Slates give your
aD 00
,home the highest degree of weather
and: fire protection. For Brantford
Asphalt Slates neither swell' or shrink,
split or chip, curl, or bulge, rust or
decay. Yet they cost no more,
You can entrust the safeguarding
of your family and furnishings with -
,,perfect confidence to these handsome
shingles. For summer and town homes
—for schools, churches, and • public
buildings they are equally desirable—
not only for their security but for their
exceptional beauty and economy.
Write for copy of booklet "Beauty
With Fire Protection"—an authorita-
tive treatise on the proper type, de-
sign, finish and colour for your roof.
a�'ODga4°g f Qv �'�o
- •� '''
Breathed Roofms Co., Limiled, Head Oboe rod Factory, Brantford, Ova.
itaarh vita
ad Wand,,° at Toronto, Windsor, Wiaa pcF Hawk, Halifax and saint Job., N.5.
MassaIR -- ,
car that doesn't say
9HE Chrysler- built Plymouth
is a full-size car—roomy and
comfortable—freed from all of
the traditional limitations ofdimin-
utive cars so ordinarily associated
with a low price.
Plymouth has easy -
riding lengthiness and
appealing symmetry—the
dynamic grace and charm
so characteristic of all
Chrysler designing.
PRODUCT of Chrysler en-
gineering and craftsmanship,
the Plymouth has been so
named because its endurance
and strength, ruggedness and
freedom from limitations so
accurately typify that bind of
British people who brarni the
Atlantic three hundred years
I ago b, pursuirefnewhighideals.
•i • °%.
every time you see it!
Plymouth also has the smooth
power and supple quickness so
typical °fall Chrysler performance.
The exclusive Chrysler Silver -
Dome high -compression engine,
cushioned on rubber mountings
—with aluminum alloy
pistons, special manifold
and silcrome steel exhaust
valves—gives 'FlyinoaMh
utmost vigor, flexibility
ani responsiveness.
And Y.T
F. 0. B.
9 74
Everything about Plymouth is
full-size and dependable. To-
gether with a sturdy chassis, and
rugged axles, Plymouth has the
safe, sure, easy control of Chrysler
full-size weatherproof internal -ex-
panding4-wheel hydraulic brakes.
Yet, with all its bigness and
power, Plymouth can rti.atch
economy with any car.—not only
in gas, oil and tire mileage, but
also in upkeep and long life.
No Longer does a small price
limit anybody to owning a small
car. Plymouth full -:size, Plymouth
power, Plymouth beauty and
Plymouth economy, make
Plymouth todaythe foremost in-
vestment in the field of lowest -
priced motor cars.
* * *
Coupe, ,$820; Roadster with rumble seat),
$850; 2 -Door Sedan, $86o; Douring,$87o;
De Luxe Cottee (with rumble seat), $8y'o,
4- Door Sedan, $890. All prices f. o, d.
einc(sor, Ontario, including standard far -
tory -equipment (freight and taxes extra),
Canaan(° r Lowest -.Priced
Full -Size Car
,.,,.,.,. ,.•«-Wan'-w-i.w w,...�......,�...,-.,,ea....