HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-04-04, Page 1r,x
�f11. 2508 - 51181 Year
NTARAO, TY ULS 9AY,' .;AP s• 111,4 4, 'fl921
114 on rs
�d tl t
FOR 75e AND $1.50
TheSmartost Shop lll Town
Naturally you turn
to ':us when its a
q n of
We announce this
week the arrival of a
number of strictly new
Coats, Dresses and En-
sembles, which we will
be delighted to show you.
See them while the Stock
is most complete.
Suit and
Suit and
Pick! Pick!
Take a Pick While the Picking
There's' no time of the Spring seasonwhenthe picking from our
Suits, Trousers, Overcoats, Raincoats, Furnishing and Hats will be
better than the present time. .
Everything is fairly blooming with the Spirit df Spring and the
picking's so good just,gltowi
Men's Suits and Extra Trousers in grey tweeds, good wearing
material, Lf well lined and well tailored; just the suit for motoring.
Special at , .. .. :$$18,00
Men's Suits in Pavey Worsteds in blue, Brown, Tan and Grey
real snappy styles for the smart dresser.
Young Men's Suits with extra trousers, in a variety of patterns,
cut in the latest styles.'
y� ial at _ 15.00$16.50
See $ fi $5.00
,Square Deal for Every Man
33arley,_ 706.
Oats, 50e.to`52c,
Buckwheat, '77e..to 80e.
Butter, 38c to 40e.
Ego, 37c to 38c,
Live Hogs,$11,50.
Council met on Monday evening, all
members being ;present Mayor.Cohnbe
in the chair.
Several items of business came up
but the most interesting . was the
striking of the rate for 1929 at 50
mills. The several estimates are in-
cluded in this report of the ,meeting.
Cleric Macpherson declared the
Stevenson -Harris bylaw ,endorsed -by
the ratepayers and it was given see
and and third reading and passed.
R. Tasker. applied for a cigarette
license, which on motion of Council-
lors Thompson and Elliott, was grant-
ed, Councillors Cooper and Livermore
voting nay. Reeve Prewartha did not
vote, explaining that if the applicant
was opening a pool room in `defiance
of the wishes of the council and the
citizens he was polt in favor of grant-
ing any concessions.
A comanunication was read• from
M•r Groves A. W. G oyes asking that some-
thing be done to stop cars from turn-
ing in front of Itis store, as they in-
terfered with his business. Coun-
cillors Paisley and Thovnpson -moved
that this, beleft with the street com-
mittee to. evolve ,some plan to abate
the annoyance •
A representative of the Dominion
,4toad Machine -Co., Goderich, was pres-
=ent and addressed the council regard-
ing a road. grader, On motion of
Reeve Trewartha e Tr. ha and Councillor Pais-
Iey this was left to the street com-
mittee to look into, •
Mr, D. Elliott addressed the coun-
cil on the matter of drain trouble,
said to be caused by a new drain from
the creamery. This was referred to
the town engineer.
A. couple of bylaws were amended,
one to introduce the word pool into
a billiard bylaw passed 4n 1923, an-
other to give the fire truck right of
way on the streets in case of fire.
Chairman Cooper of the street com-
mittee reported the drag having been
put on several of the streets and re-
commended that the front streets be
cleaned up before show day. •
Chariman .Holrnes recommended the
acceptance of the resignation of the
fire chief -and that the fire company
be asked to name the chief they want-
ed, the mayor to call a special meet-
ing to make the appointment.
Following is the financial report
for March:
Street Account
Paysheet $104.45
Dom. Road Match. Co., broolni 50.00
Freight . .50
Electric Light Account
P. U. Com., st. light for Mar, 157.81
Property Account
P. U. Com„ lighting hall " 11.97
J. B. Mustard, coal st. scales 2.00
P. U. Co., rent of rest room 45.00
D. E. Closet Account
A. Fulford, salary for March 65.00
Cemetery Account
C. IT. Cooke, salary for Mar. 50.00
Paysheet . ' 1.00
Salaries Account
L. Stong, salary for March
L, Stong, collecting war tax.
E. Grealis, salary for March
Stationary Account
Municipal Wiorld, col. roll
.Grants Account
i t
P. U. Com., light, Water and
X -Ray, Hospital
Insurance Account
North Western Nat, prem.
town hall ,
Gore Insurance Co., prem.
Town hall ,
• Incidental Account
Bell Telephone Co., rent :
Market Scales ..$11,90
Hall -Rent 66.00
Dog Tax 78.00 155.90
Sale of lots 10.00
Care its perp...., 45.00
Wiorlc .._ , .. ,28.50 83.50
E. Grealis, stock scales . 12.75
" 11444
Estimates for Public School, 1929
Teachers'' Salaries . $8675.00
Caretaker's Salary - 475.00
Seo: Trews.- Salary 80.00
Water, light ,etc. j.....:` 110.00
-Fuel .. . ... 600.00
Repairs and Supplies-, 600.00
insurance . 100,00'
School Fair and Incidentals ': 210.00
Less Provincial and County'
grants, estimated . .',. 72350.00
v' 78500.00
Clinton Collegiate Institute
grant . 1800.00
County grant , ,.,.,...,,'10900.00
Town .grant . '8200.00'
Deficit Dr. ...... . , . $120.00
Teachers'.. ....... 14500.00.:
Others ................ 1000.00
Fuel, light 1500.00
Repairs,'; 100,00
Printing . and. Stationery . 130.00
Equipment . , . 500.00
Examinations , ... , 400.00
Sundris..•.256. 0
Sinking .. 2400.00
Estimates, 1929
Special Rates, Interest
Waterworks Debentures .. $3902.50
Me, and Mrs, John Hall entertain-
ed a number of youngspeople'at a
dance in the Knitting Company Club
rooms on Friday : evening in, honour
of their daughter, :Miss Margaret 0,
Hall, A 'very pleasant evening was
spent in gains, 'dancing, .etc. 'Mes-
srs. W. and F. _ Mutch and, Ur, Ran-
son, violinists, and Mrs. W". Perdue at
the piano furnished the music for
•uw Anse.
The Women's Institute :met last,
,Thursday afternoon . with 'the presi
dent, Mrs. 0. L. Paisley, occupying the
their. Thirty three ladies were pres-
ent, "A paper: entitled, "Cultivation
of Flowers,'; was given by Mrs. 0, V. I
Cooke, ; which was very •interesting'
and instructive. Master Billy Draper
favoured the meeting with an in-
strumental. The National Anthem
brought-theprogram r ram to a close after
which. a social half-hour was spent.
The home of the Rev. A. A. Hohnes
Rattenbury street, on Saturday,
March 30th, at eleven o'clock, was the
'scone of a' quietbut pretty event
when Miss Dorothy, second daughter
of Ma and Mrs. Robert Baird,Blyth,
was unitedinmar' ` t N r. James
t Hage o I a
Cruickshank, youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Cruickshank, Winghan.
The bride, "who was unattended,
loloked dainty, gowned in a Paris blue
chiffdn taffeta dress, With,uneven
hemline,: and carried a boquet of,
sweetheart roses and fern. Her coat
-was Paris blue chiffon velvet, with
shawl collar of white, swansdown,
Blue kid pomps, blue .hat, purse and
hoes completed1eted her costume: 'Her
go-.ing -away costume was Frenh beig
tailored coat with hat and shoes in
contrasting colours. •
After the cerentotny the young cou-
ple left on the noon train for a few
northern paints.
Mr. Edward Carter brought into
The News -Record office the other day
a goose egg, which some friend had
given him as an Easter offering,
which weighed 1114 ounces and meas-
ured '9x131/.1 inches. It was a large
egg and ought to have made a man-
sized meal for even a hungry man on
Easter morning.
R. II. Johnson, who makes a
bit of a hobby of chicken -raising re-
ports that a pullet of his, of the Jer-
sey Black Giant breed, hatched last
May, laid the other day no egg 'Which.
measured 6'h x9 inches.
Anc!ther hen egg was brought in
to this office, by a man who does not
wish his naive mentioned, which
measured 6r/1x7,4, not a bad size,
either. And, in view of the fact that
the last-mentioned egg was presented
to the editor, as a contribution to
Eastertide feasting, we are inclined
to award to it the prize. The others
looked all right, but the proof of the
pudding is not in looking at it, as all
will agree. This last was a great egg.
M'acadain Road Debentures
Elec. Light and Hydro Deb.
Public School Deb,
Hospital Debentures
Collegiate Institute Deb. ,
Special Rates Sinking Fund
Waterworks Debentures .. 1711.47
M:acadan Road .Debentures 521.02
Elec. tight and hydro deb. 1305.66
Public School Deb: 710.63
Hospital Deb. 416.45
Collegiate Instit, Deb. 1583.39
Loc. Iniprelve. Deb., No. 158 • 33.09
Loc. Improvo.,-Dab., No,,160
, (coupon) 7.13.
Loc. Improve. Deb. No. 161
(coupon) . 2.93
Loc. Improve. Deb,, No. 162
(Coupon) . 21,06
Cdncrete Pave. Deb. No, 1 587.31
Public School ... , • 8500.00
Collegiate Institute 8200.00
Public Library .. , . , 900.00
County Rates . . 4600.00
Streets 1500.00
Salaries : . '• 2600.00
Electric light, street light, 1900.00
Property . 1205.00
Cemetery 1500.00
Charity.. .:. 50.00
Fire, and Water . „ 759.00
Hydrant Rental . ... 2462.40
Insurance .. 250.00
Printing . 300.00.
Postage and Stationery ': 100,00.
Park,,.. 100,00
Beard of Health . 175.00
Interest , 45000
Election . • 37.00
Tax Refunds 25,00
Grants ....•....,.....,., 1100.00
Licenses, 7300.00._
Property (Rents, Weigh scale fees,
etc.), 780.0, 00.
Cemetery, (Sale of lots and wPrk.
and interest on investments)" 7950.00.
Statute Labor and Dog tax -$225.00.
Magistrates Fines 7100.00,
Public Utilities Coin., interest and
Sinking Fund on Hydro Debentures,
Public Utilities Com., Revenue from,
Waterworks, being in. full of interest,
and Sinking Fund _ on Debentures
Clinton Hospital Association, inter-
est and Sinking Fund on Debentures
County of Huron, County's 'share
of interest and Sinking Fund on Col-
legiate Institute Debentures $2400.00.
50 mills on the dollar on $831000,
Total of $56198.58,.
A ,recent issue of the Alberta. Odd -
fellow contained 'a, picture of Mrs. 0.
S.' Martin,' of: Ilardisty, : Alta., the
recently` elected president, of the ,Al-
berta Rebekah Assembly.' Mrs.:Mar-
tin was formerly IVI'iss . Charlotte
Barge, ;.better known to her friends
here as "Shallie." • She will be re-
membered by many in : Clinton and
vicinity: •
The "trustees' of Wesley -Willis
church, have purchased front 1VIh•s.
Manley the property ,between EI-
liott's garage And the. church. The
house will be removed front the lot
and the extra space will give a better
frontage to the chereh property. The
extra height of the rebuilt church'
seemed to overshadow its ground and
the addition of this lot will add great-
ly to the appearance of the property.
Itpis expected the 'churchop-
e etc will be o
ened in May.
A special meeting of the L.O.B.A.
will be held on Tuesday evening,
•April 9th.
A meeting cif the Clinton Bowling
Club will be held" in the council cham-
ber en Monday evening next at eight
o'clock. -
The Home and School- Clubis plan-
ning on another collection of papers,
magazines, rags, rubbers, etc., in a
few weeks.' •. -
Mr.,,end Mrs. A Lucas have rec'eiv-
ed' 'word that their son, who was in
jutted in an achident recently, is inr-
'proving satisfactorily at hie"home ttt.
Mr..Weldon Hovey, who underwent
a very critie.l *operation the local.
liospitel on Tuesday, is progressing
favorably, his many friends will be
glad- ,to know.
Graduation exercises for the Clin-
ton Public Hospital will be held in
the Presbyterian church on Tuesday
evening next, April 9th, at eight
o'clock. The public is cordially in-
The monthly meeting of the Centre
Huron Ministerial Association will be
held next Monday morning at 10:30
at the home of Rev. C. E. D'ougan.
4 paper will lie read by Rev. R. Grac-
St. Pauls 'Church
Services will be held m,ortiing and
evening and the Sunday school at the
usual hours.
The Women's Auxiliary will meet
next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
in the Parish hall.
• Presbyterian Church
The Minister's sermon subject on
Sunday morning will be: "Emptied
From Vessel to Vessel." Evening ser-
mon subject: :"Grace in CrystaIs."
Sabbath.school and week night ser-
vices as usual.
Baptist Church
Service at seven o'clock Sunday ev-
ening. Rev. NIr. Gracie will preach.
His sermon subject will be: "What
God Saw."
Sunday school and week night ser-
vices as usual.
Wesley -Willis United Church
Next Sunday serniolns, Morning:
"Our Standard of Life -Self or
Christ" Evening: "The Lord's Esti-
mate of Values."
The W.M.S. Easter Thankoffering
meeting will be held at the home of
Mies. A. Seeley, High street, on
Thursday evening, April llth, at
eight o'clock. Miss McGowan of
Blyth will give a talk on her visit to
the Holy Land and there will be
special music. The women of the
congregation are invited,
The Girl's Club will meet on Mon-
day evening at .the home o'f Miss
Florence Cuitinghaine. •
The W. A. will meet at the home of
M1 -s. S. J: Andrewe, Queen street, on
Wednesday afternoon, April 10th, at
three o'clock, .
Ontario Street United Church
Fellowship service at ten o'clack
Sunday morning. The minister's
morning theme will be: "Divine Dy-
namite." Evening: "I am the Light
of the World." '
The .Easter services of last Sunday
were exceptionally fine. Large .crowds
were present. The church was beau-
tifully decorated with flowersand the
music was very inspiring. M'lss Mar-
ion Gibbito assisted the choir at the
morning servic'•'b. •
The speeial offfering, taken on
Sunday for the Welsh Miners' Relief
Fund, including the Sunday school and
choir offerings, was 752.00.
The Ladies' Aid will meet in the
church lecture room an Wednesday
afternoon,,April 10th, at 2.45.
Ms, and. Mrs, Gormley Thompson
of Toronto motored here to spend the
holiday with their respective parents,
1lilrs, I3', Fresnlnt of . Clinton is vis-
iting' her parents here,' Mi. and Mrs:
J. Ferguson.
Miss Dorothy Mutch of Clinton vis-
ited relatives here',over the -week -end.
Muss Dorothy Anderson has return=
toto • spending' ed her m., lto o after pend ng the
winter in Goderich.
NIr. and Mrs. Bert Mills and daugh-
ter of Goderich spent Easter Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Peep&e Yea ic,movti
Mks: Gordon Cunieghalno •spent the
week -end with friends in Toronto.
Mr. Ehler Paisley of the University
of Toronto wee hoe for Easter... .,m ;
Mrs. J. -Livermore s ent the weee-end.
at the bonne of her son in Aylmer,
mass "Bsthec Trewartlia of Toronto:.
eame hohne.for the Easter vacation
Ur. -'Jack Gibbings of London was
home over the week -end, •
M'x. Jetta. Mann of Parento was a*
visitor in town for Easter.'
Miss". M. Judd is visiting her :sister,
Mes. Shaw of St.-Catherines..
Miss Edith Ilunt-wes up from Toron-
to -for Easter.
Dr. Grum spent Easter with, his
daughter in Toronto.
Miss Mary ' • Jenkins of Woodlands
Farni, Huron road, spent the week-
end with her sister at Guelph.
Miss Susie Powell spent Easter Sur
day at -the home of her cousin, Mr'.
John Menzies, East . Wawanosh.
Miss Mattie Blacker of Toronto came
up to spend Easter; wtih her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs., E. Blacker.
Messrs. Harry and Billy Watkins of
Chatham and •Miss Mary Watkins.
of London were home for -Easter..
Mr. W. Grant of the Toronto Public
schools, staff is spending the va-
cation time at his her -he in town.
Mr.and Mrs. L. E. Weir and
of Dunnville motored up Friday to
spend the Eastertide with friends,
NIr. Chaff. Cuninghame of Grand Rap-
ids, Mich., is visiting at the borne•
•-of :has brothel, M . J Cilningharee.
slliss•lluth Bill of :London, spent. the,
Easter - weeleeend .et: her. home .n'
Mr.o Jack Scrap n "e Toronto hes been
J S uo,-# a � e
visiting his parents, lljr. and Mrs.
Ed. •Seruton..:
Coll '•ate taff 'is
•iVIiss Hobbs of the i s
spending the holidays at her hone
at Thorndale.
Miss Norma Bentley of Landon spent
Easter with her sister, Mrs.. Mor-
gan Agnew.
Misses A. Taylor and Minnie Temple
of Toronto spent the week -end with
the farmer's mother, 1VIrs. E. Tay-
Miss Elizabeth Ford of the Oshawa
Public school staff spent Easter
week with her aunt, Mrs. S. Law-
1Vliss hazel Harris and Mr. Chas.
Hacris of Toronto are spending
the vacation period at their home
in town. •
Mr. R. 3. Fisher came up from Strat-
ford for the week -end and proved
his fancily downethe beginning of
the week.
Mrs. C. I3, 'Bartliff and Miss A. Bart-
liff returned home for Easter, Mrs.
Bartliff leaving spent' the 'winter
in Toronto.
Miss Emma Lavis is visiting her sis-
ters, Mrs. Percy Town and Mrs:
Mrs: Allen Sylvester of Toronto,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston and
• family of St. Catharines have
been visiting the lady's mother,
Mrs. Lovett,
Mr. Duncan Cartwright of The News -
Record staff, and his sister, Miss
Ruth, spent the Easter week -end
with Stratford friends.
Mrs. Spooner, who has been spending
a few weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Clara Rumball, leaves for her home
at Virden, Mtn., today.
Misses Linrie Nediger and Marjorie
McMath of the Burwash school
staff are holidaying" at their res-
pective homes In town.
Mrs. J. Torrance and Miss Maude
Torrance, who have been in Tor-
onto for several months, returned
• last week to their keine in town.
Mr, and Ma's. Norman Kennedy visit-
ed over the holiday in Toronto with
Mr. E. Byatt and with their sons,
Messrs. Jim and Clyde Kennedy.
Miss Norma Treleaven, who is a stud-
ent at the Toronto Conservatory of
Music, is an Easter visitor at the
home of her uncle, Mx. B. J. Gib-
Mrs. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn Hall
left Friday for Toronto and are
spending the week there as the
guests of the foriner's son, Mr: E.
E. Hall, and Ml's. Hall.
Mrs. W. H. Helryar and Master Fred.
left Thursday for Toronto, where
they spent a few days before going
'on to Massey to visit the lady's
daughter, Mrs. W. Bright.
Ma". and Mrs. Phoenix and family of
Hamilton were Easter guests at the
honto of the lady's mother,. Mrs. It
J. Cluff. Mrs. Phoenix and her
younger scan are remaining for a'
Mrs. J. Soibthcotnbe; who hair been
spending a few months with her
sister and brother, Miss: E. A. and
Mr. E. Washington of town, left
Thursday for Toronto and Port
Miss Ardell Tennant of London •was.
the guest ;of Miss Eileen, Atkinson
over 'the Raster: week -end, 'Miss
Atkinson 'returned with ' her on
'Tuesday to resume her studies at
the University of London,
Mss. J. T. Clark, and her son, MT. A.
1I. Clark, motored from Toronto on
Saturday mid spent the week -end
with the'former's sister, 'Mrs, T
Jackson, They were accompanied'
by Misses' Jean and Many Chidley
and Me. Tom Jackson, who spent
.Easter with their • mother, Mrs.
Mrs. % J. Paisley, who spent the
winter with ° her som in Toronto,
returned on Saturday, Mr. S. W.
Paisley motored his mother up.
from Torcluto, returning Monday.
They were accompanied by 'Mrs,.
Paisley's 'sister and her husband,
Mr. and Mrs, 'Junor of Hamilton.
STEflN. „1: I
Miss Marry Jei is n of `Tororitt
spent Easter at her home, here.
Mr, John Fingland left Monday for.
Torontra, where he is attending the •
educational convention,
Miss B"ae1. Freeman of Clinton ;vis
ted , oven' the -week-ond . with 'Miss
13essie 'Crawford.'
1Vl iss J, Fingland of Detroit °and
Mr. Ross, Barker of Toronto -spent the
Eastertide at the hclme of Mr, John,
Mrs•. Geo, McCall returned Tuesday ;
after visiting her sister, Mrs. Root,
Moffat of Teeswater,
Mrs. A. Barns and son of Toronto
and Mrs. and Miss Taylor of Geier
lila called on Mrs. E. Bell apd Mrs.
Allen last week. •
Miss .iVlaimie Hall of Hanover is
visiting at her home here. ;
Mw. and Mrs.' W. Tamblyri and
family and Miss Cdnnie Alexander
of Toronto spent Easter at the for-
mer's home here. -
Cr. Cecil Griffiths went to Oshawa
Tuesday, to bring home a new ear.
Miss Bernice Eramerton is spend-
ing her Easter vacation at her home
in Ripley.
Mr. W. V. Roy spent the week -end
in Toronto. •
Miss Mary Melon of Grand Bend
and Olive Moon of Stratford Normal
school are holidaying at their hone
Miss Laura Snell is holidaying at
thobonte of Mr. and Mas. Wan. Snell.,
1VIrs. H. Sprung and Jack returned
-Monday, after visiting friends in Bel- '
grave and Wlhitechurch.
NIr, Edmond Cranford has gone td
Niagara Falls' for a month's visit
with his daughter,'Mrs. A. Kunkle.
• Mr. Harold Snell of Toronto is
spe in the Easter vacation at the
nd >:
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Humphrey Snell.
Mr. Arthur Lyon of Toronto is at
honto for a week's holidays.
Mrs. Rebt. Youngblutt is at Goder-
ich this week waiting on her sister,
N]rs. J. Pipe, who has been very ill
but we are glad to report that site
is some better.
Mr. and Mrs. IL Lyon spent Easter
Sunday and Monday as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs, Wi11 Govier of Mullett.
Miss Olive Lyon off Wingharn vis-
ited her parents over the week -end
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tamblyn and
family of Toronto aro spending the
Easter week with Mrs. J. Tamblyn
in the village.
Mr. Jack Armstrong, our genial
storekeeper, has a broad smile these
days -It's a girl,
London Road
onto, visited at the hone of the for-
iner's aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plumy
steel, for the week -end.
Miss Jean Falconer, Paris, spent
the week -end at the haute of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Falconer.
Miss Tess O'Brien and Mr. Lou
House, Toronto, visited with Mr•. and
Mrs. W. Swinbank and other friends
during the past week. •
Mr. Chas. Manning had a very
successful sale of farm iMplenents,
etc., on Monday last, despite the in••
clement weather,
Mr. Bernard Tighe and Miss Eileen
of Hullett visited with Mr. and Mrs,
John Quigley on Sunday last.
Mr. Arthur 1 hittinghain has sold
his property td Mr. Wm. Crittenden,
of Mullett. We welcome Mr. Critten-
den and his family td this neighbor-
Mr. Walter Layton bas moved onto
the farm 'he recently purchased from
his brother, Mr. Geo. Layton, and Mr.
Geo, Falconer is busy, moving • his
stock and household effects to the
farm he has taken over from iter.
Chas. Manning.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy.Plurnsteel are
preparing to more to, Clinton to take
charge of Mr. Perry. Plumsteel's
children, whd were recently bereft of
their mother.
O 00000000000000 ,
O , O
O 0
O 0
o � a
O Much interest is being tak- 0
O en in The News -Record's 0 _
O Quilt Contest. We have re- 0
O ceived several entries since 0
O our last issue. 0
O We are offering three priz- 0
O es, 73, 72 and 71 for the three 0
O .patchwork quilts having the 0
O largest number of pieces, the 0
O contest. being ripen to anyone 0
O in Huron county and to any 0
O reader' ,of". -The News -Record 0
0 anywhere„ The, only stipula- 0
0, tion is that the guilt must be 0
O the property of 'some 'neither 0
O of the fancily of the,compet-" 0
O itor. 0
O Count the pieces carefully, 0
O set them down on paper, pre- 0
O ferably in ink,,, sign the name 0
O ani address every carefully, 0
O and leave or send to this of- 0
O fi0e. 0
O The contest remains open.
O until the end 'of April and 0
0 . vnmediately afterward the .0 .
O prizes will be awarded. .0 •
O - 0
O 000.00000000,000