HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-03-21, Page 8LEADING,JEWELERY; STORE ;AVE 1r ',S The nem instruments for eye. examination"make a perfect 'ding- �,# nosis possilbe—eome here by all -mean; for a FI)EE examination to INED make sure of your eyesight. Don't neglect .your eyes -'no instrument r is more delicate or precious than the human eye, • Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry • Next Hovey's Drug Store Fine Jewellery and Repairs ONE PRICE ANY CLOTH ANY STYLE . . TOP-NOTCH TAILORED -TO -MEASURE CLOTHES REPRESENT THE BEST VALUE IN WOOLLENS, FAULTLESSUk TAILORED ,.-AND 'IN PERFECT STYLE. - Your Choice of the finest imported' plain or fancy Worsteds, Blue. .Botany Serges or Durable Tweed— they are all here at the one price of .$27.00: • . As to Service: Yoru order is shipped from TOP NOTCH TAIL- ORS within one week from the day it is received without sacrifice of quality tailoring. The Special 1 ese ntative of TOP-NOTCH OTGH TAILORS vilI be at our Store MONDAY; MARCH 25th : YOU CAN LEAVE -,YOUR ORDER,, NOW FOlZ'FUTURE DELIVERY; Plumsteel. gyrus. Every Garment Custom -Tailored Its time to think of Spring House Cleaning And a good place to get the new goods : to replace the old 3s , Right Here. We have the iip-to-date furniture'that will suit you We Would especially draw your attention to our fine large stock of Beds, Springs and Mattresses. So enjoy the comfort you Should have. When putting away your furs end winter goods the sure and safe place for them is a eedar chest. No moths will bother them there. Our floor covering department will be more elaborate than ever with a large stock of Congoleum Find Oil Cloth, by the yard. Linoleum, Congoleum and Carpet Rugs in all sizes with a splen- - did assortment of smaller. mats. Brighten up with the latest colors hi Paints Lacquers, tYtilacs, Varnishes of high quality. Try our special tin of,Utilac any color, 25e with a, good brush thrown in. Watch for special offer. We are ready for the Maple Syrup season, with a large stock of sap buckets and spouts, 8 qt. tin pails at 25c each. All kinds of Mops, Floor and Wall Brushes, and all snakes of. Wax arid Polishes. A Real Bargain, one Johnson's Electric Polisher, ask for dem- onstration. For a real wail finish use Moresco. Clintonardware and Furniture 'Co FUNERAL DIRECTOR: . MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORES WITH A STO0JK Furniture Phone: 109 Hardware 196 1. Once In About ers THE CLINTON-NEWS: RECORD , Eater Sunday .comes in March., This is one oi' the years, and Easter is March 31st.' To remind you of ,your require- ments in Greeting Cards for the sea- son,, is the purpose of this advertise-' )went. There is e touch' of dignity and the exceptional tat Christmas you ,may regularly: look :for 'a card)';. in wishing "Happy Easter",on a suit- able card. It's a good way to scatter sunshine and is becoming more and mare "the thing to do". They keep alive old friendships and 'express.the sentiment .you wish; -how nicely they carry your thoughts and fit the oe- cahion with just a few well eheien meaningful words, "they are'perhaps the.niost beautiful cards of the year With their designs of spring flowers and sentiments denotng, the season. :It is. a season of joy and -brings vis- ions of brighter., and better days. The winter has.' gene, or is dying, . and we welcome the new-born Spring. 'Tis - fitting• therefore that the gladness of. the season should find its expression in —. K oodwill,to: Mien. Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best The Chance of a Lifetime To stock up on highest quality shirts, ties, underwear, socks and accessories— . Fascinating colors and patterns for Easter• Newest styles--• Our -usual modest prices— ., ,y , •t`s7y �' '. And a tremendous variety of 4 Z strikin .. 4. •pie ;, g merchandise from which to choose! Come in today. DAVIS • E ,MA Albert Street _ Clinton, Ontario "THE VOGUE MILLINERY" We are now ready with hats that perfectly express the joy- ous mood of Spring in every shade, for the colorful role to be played in spohkswelar and afternoon !rats. We snake it to your advan- tage to shop early. The Vogue 1101 pl'Cli Ullllmli"'f 5'I squeal! ..111111I A !bliss R. V. Irwin was in Toronto ov- er the week -end. Mrs. J. Steepe of London is spend- ing a few days intown. ,Mrs. Purvis of Parry Sound is vis- iting' her sister, Mrs. D. J. Atkin- son. Miss Logan of Varna spent the eek-endPickard. as the guest of Mrs. W. •w Misses Eleanolr and Jean Plumsteel were up from London for the week -end. Miss Clara Steepe was the guest of Miss Mullough of Goderich over the week -end. Miss Larene Langford of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bert, Langford. Miss Beth Cartwright of Listowel 'spent the week -end and Monday at her hchne in, town. Miss Wilhelteino ..Trewartha spent. the week -end' as the guest of Miss S. Acheson of Holinespille. Mrs. A. D. Beaton and Mr. Holmes Beaton returned 'yesterday from Toronto, where they spent the win- ter. Mrs, A. Lucas and Mrs. S. Taylor and little Miss Margaret ,Taylor are spending a few days in Brantford this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A. Welsh and little daughter, Lenore, are visit- ing with relatives in Toronto and Hamilton thisi week, Mrs. Disney and daughter, Miss Meda, of Kitchener, spent the •week -end as the guests of the for- nier's sister, Mks. Smeltzer. Mrs. J. A. Ford:has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Proeunier of Dorchester during the past week. Mr, Ford went down for the week- end. Rev, C. 3. Itlololehouse of Exeter, ivho was here on Monday for the. funeral of the late Mrs. Whitting- ham, was the guest while in town of Mr. and Mrs, N. W. Trewartha. Mrs. A. Cook of Mount, Forest who came to attend the funeral of the late "Mrs. A. ;Whittingham, was a guest at the:home of her cousin, Reeve N: W.' Trewartha, while in town. 1Ni. Robt. ivr>4Cp;o1 of Saskatoob, - Sask., has bean visiting his sister, Mise S. J MCdi.eo1 of Albert street. It is`twenty-ftri years since Mr. McCool visited . the • old home Dom munity. Miss Esther Lyon d Londesboro, Mrs, Woods tii'f near Saskatoon and'. her daughter, hirs.. R. B. Lawrence of Windsor, ,visited' with Mrs. J. G. Miedd and; Mrs, W. Stanley of town one day; last week. Mrs. Clara Rumbal. returned on Friday from Cleveland, Ohio,. whereshe had been called a fort- night .earlier' on aceclunt of the illness of her ` sister, Mrs. ' Cornell, who passed away on March lith: Mrs. Spooner of the west, who had also been called to her sister's bed- side, accompanied Mrs. Runeball hone,. Mr. J B. Whittingham arrived yes- terday from ;the west and joined his wife, who has been staying' with her mother, Mfrs: -Argent, Mr. Whittingham has leased his farm in the west and' intends residing in Ontario for a time, his wife's 'health not being of the best. He' is a Westerner;, having Spent all his life out there; but it is hoped he wiIl.. find, the; east congenial and, hospitable, .0 L 1. • N T O -N ' S THURSDAY, MARCH ,22, 1923 NER.. GROCER' Pas _ arr FRIDAY' BURFORD PEAS RAGA roc SATURDAY DEL MONTE RED. SALMON 32c (Regular 45c) MONDAY SHAKER SALT' EACH 10e o e a Sav Ton 11 ney Even After Additional Ten Cents is added to your order, for Delivery, you• will be farther ahead. Compare our weekly Price List. A11 other lines Reduced Accordingly For one week -March 22nd to. 30th Inclusive) Cocoanut, per lb ' 21c • Shelled Walnuts, per 1b. . 39c.F ' Seeded :Raisins; 3 pkgs. tt .... . ................. . .... 31c Infant Delight Soap,.4 pkgs . 23e Knox Gelatine, pkg. ........... , , .. .. 23e Quaker ,(China) 'Oats, 'pkg. 38e Icing. 'Sugar, 2 lbs. 19c Corn Starch, 2 pkgs: ' .... .. , 19e Tomatoes, 6 tins 75c, Peas, 6 tins 5 ,590 - B'roken' Sodas, 3 lbs. ' 25e ' F Head Lettuce, tin 15c New Carrots, 2 bunches �. Black Tea, good valve 70c P. & G. Soap, 7 for •' 25c 590 23c Pk. Post Toasties, 2 pkgs. Sugar Cusp ... ... , 25c Heinz Soup, ]arg'e size 2 for 29c Campbell's Soup, 2 for 29e Corn Brooms, each 30t - Loos,: Macaro,ni, 2' lbs.21c "10 lbs; Granulated Sugar 59c 2 lbs. large Prunes .. 21c S, lc16e 5oda lb. pail tableBiscuitspsyrug.p 29e Salada Tea, per lb. 69c Red Rose -Tea, per lb. ) ..... 69e Kraft Cheese, db. 35c Special New Kraft Cheese, per pkg20- Legions, per -dozen . Oranges, by the basket 29c 490 FRIGIDAIRE COUNTE Back Bacon, Ib. 28c rq Liver, per lb. Loin Roist, Ib. 29c i. Spare Ribs,. per lb. Cooked Hams, per lb. 550 2'". Tenderloin, per lb. Prime Ham, per lb. ..... .... .... „ 20e �§ 20 1b. pair Lard, (Dumarks) 15e 20c 60e 83 00 Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. GOODS DEL' VERED lOc Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 pair. Phone r 48 Cash and Service • WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS ing a party of, tourists on a trip through the British Isles and the countries of the continent of Europe the coming sununer. Hehas sent literature to some of his old 'friends hereabouts. No doubt many of his old friends would ask no better than to go on a tour led by M,r. McCormick Miss Wilhebnine Trewartha of Clinton spent the.week-end-with Miss Acheson. The members of the W.M.S. of the HolmesviIIe United church . are very busy looking up ancient history con- nected with the society, as they cele- brate soon the fortieth anniversary of the organization.- • Brucefleld Mrs, 3,. Addison returned home last week after spending a week with her brothers and sisters in Philadel- phia and a visit in Orillia. - She was accompanied from Orillia by her daughter, Nurse Gladys, who rec- ently underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis in Orillia Hospital. The many friends of Mrs. (Die) David McIntosh will regret to hear that she is quite i11 and under the care of a doctor and nurse. Mr. Harvey Dalyrimiple's many friends will be glad to hear that he is improving after his, operation in Clinton hospital, and expects to be home soon. The regular meeting of the Y.P.S. was held iii the basement of the Uni- ter church on -Monday evening, March 18th. Mr; Jesse Freeman pre- sided. The meeting was opened by a few moments of silent prayer, and during the .opening- exercises ':Miss Dorothy Broadfoot and Mr. Jesse Freeman offered sentence prayers, The business period was conducted by ' Miss Janet Aikenhead. Mr. Jesse Freeucan and Alex. Addison gave a. impart of the training school at Strat- ford. The meeting was closed byre- peating the Mizpah Benediction. Auburn' Miss Miary Salkeld and Miss A. Andrews of 'Goderich spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs; O. E. Erratt.' 1 s, Chas. Oke of Goderieh return-` ed home on'Tuesday lest atter spend- ing a week at the home of Mr. Geo. Feagan., - Mr. F. Hilbbert spoilt Sunday with relatives in the village. - Mz. 3. Taylor has purchased, the late 'Miss S. -Pierces' house :'and 'in- tends moving it to anther location: • Miss Annie McLeod of Toronto is ill with flu at. her Kohne on Base line Mr, J. J. Washington ;lost part of theroof of a straw shed in the recent high wind ` storm. Mr.' Russel °Good ishired at 'Mr. Frank Raithby's for the ,summer. Several around hero have tapped their trees. Mr. and Mrs'. II, Mogridge motored to Toronto :oe. Tuesday to visit thei_ -daughter, MrS, Gormley .Thompson. Mr. T. E. &fanning of London made a flying visit to Auburn on Monday. AND WOMEN THE MANUEL?, 140d1111e3V1Il'k? Dr.- 'Durant sees the day when ;Rev. R. J MkCorintele,, a former min .0=ill Drily do, morwo very popular. pastor of the Holmes- moans we 'are,boitnd total !raverk. a lotThat of vine church, now of I2amilton; is tak- unemployment.—Indianapolis Star. Public' School Concert IN THE TOWN HALL on Thu. & Fri. Mar., 21-22 A MUSICAL COMEDY "FINGERS" "The Festival of the Month" and- Eskimo nd-Eskimo Scene., Choruses and Dances Admission: 35e d All Seats Reserved Plan at Fair's 05-2. COAL Hard and Soft Coal and Coke in Stock. Carload of Alberta Coal to arrive this week. Get Our Prices. W. J. MILLER, & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. • PHONES; 46w and 46j EASTER SPECIALS HOT CROSS BUNS FOR THE WEEK -END ASTER EGGS ALL SIZES AND DECORATED Wendorf's Bakery ORDER WHOLE WHEAT BREAD WHEN YOU NEED A PLUMBER MOST -You need him in a great hurry. Phone 244 and we will bo at your door 'almost at, onee. Equipped to., do any job, small or large, efficiently and quickly at reasonable price. L. HARDWARE andPLUMBING �:.. Phone 244 "BLUE AND WIIITE GROCERY" Cash acid Service Price List MARCII 21st TO MARCH 27th Special Black Tea 59c Special Black Tea 69e 10 lb. Granulated Sugar59c Canned Peas, 6 tins . , . , 70c 'Canned Corn, 6 tins ..,, 75c - Icing Sugar, 2 !b. 190_ Corn Starch, 2 pkgs. ..., 19c Cern Flakes, 3 pkgs. ..., 29e Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. .. , . 25c Baking Powder, per tin 19e Syrup, 10 lb. pail 63c Cocoa, 1r4 lb. pkg. 25e Sh. Walnuts, 'per lb. ..,45c Matches, 3 boxes 27c Oranges, per doz. 19c Break. Bacon, piece, lb..; 30c Tomato Soup, 3 for 29e Shaker Salt, 2 pkgs. ,, . 190 MeLaren's Jelly Pow. 4 for 25c Magic Baking Powder,lb.. 34c Quaker Oats, China . . 38c Quaker Oats, plain ..... 32e Canned Pineapple, 2 tins 29c Pork & Beans, 2 tins .,,. 25c ,P. & G. Soap, 10 bars ... 41e . Classic Cleaner, 4 tins ... 25e Toilet Paper, 7 for 25c 6 pkgs. jelly ponvder - 43e (Cup 'and Saucer) Potatoes, per pkg. 25e Starch, 3 lbs, 25e 20 lb. pail Lard $3.20 Cr. of Wheat, 4 lb. 25e CELERY, TOMATOES. LETTUCE. NEW CABBAGE FRUITS AND CURED MEATS L. LAWSON • PHONE 111 FREE -DELIVERY "WHERE QUALITY MEETS PRICE" Poultry Rafts y s We have taken the Agency for the ROYAL BROODERS Formerly sold by Mr. E. Mittel! and have a complete line . of Brooders and Supplies, and the Prices are Right Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE Phone 147w PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING SEE OUIt SPECIALS roa '11IlTE` WEEKtEND ' CELERY, LEAF LETTUCE, iIEAD LETTUCE, TOMATOES, NEW CARROTS, NEW CABBAGE WHERE QUALITY IS';AS,REPRESENTED THE .C, & S GROCERS Branch 125) Win in:&25 '.